Yuri Stavitsky: “Military engineers have no conventions.” Day of the Engineering Troops Stavitsky Yuri Mikhailovich Chief of the Engineering Troops biography

I. KOROTCHENKO: Good afternoon! I am glad to welcome everyone who is now listening to the “General Staff” program on the Russian News Service, in the Igor Korotchenko studio. I introduce our guest - next to me is the head of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky. Yuri Mikhailovich, good afternoon.


I. KOROTCHENKO: Of course, the first question, tell us what the engineering troops are today, what stage they are at, and the general characteristics of the troops?

Y. STAVITSKY: Engineering troops are a special branch of the military, which is a type of combat support. And today we are very mature - we are already more than 300 years old, next year we will celebrate the 315th anniversary of the birth of the engineering troops by Peter I. Today, the engineering troops are a technologically advanced, knowledge-intensive branch of the military. We carry out various types of tasks such as constructing barriers, demining areas, equipping crossings, equipping roads, their maintenance, fortification equipment, field water supply, electricity supply... and many other general engineering tasks.

If we talk about the current state of the engineering troops, then, probably, the new birth of our troops began in full two years ago. We can say with confidence that a whole line of new engineering equipment has been created, which in terms of quality and technical indicators is in no way inferior to foreign analogues, and some even surpass them. A serious breakthrough topic is water barriers, crossings, ensuring crossings, and today we have come up with completely new models of our new pontoon parks, we are seriously working on engineering ammunition. And, of course, one of the main factors is the means of protection and search for explosive objects. We recently held an international conference and seriously attracted interest in these very issues.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Structurally and organizationally, what do the engineering troops look like?

Y. STAVITSKY: This is the department of the chief of engineering troops, we focus on the chief of the General Staff. In a military district, this is a department with the corresponding composition of troops - these are engineering brigades, in the army - engineering regiments, in the tactical level - company battalions. The engineering troops are represented in all types and branches of the military, including the strategic missile forces, the navy - today we have two engineering regiments in the Black and Baltic seas, the air defense forces and the space forces.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What tasks regarding the development of military infrastructure and other issues did you solve on the territory of Crimea?

Y. STAVITSKY: Today we are still solving these problems.

I. KOROTCHENKO: That’s what I’m talking about, of course.

Y. STAVITSKY: Our most important task is to clear the area for the construction of the new Kerch Bridge. The International Mine Action Center is involved there.


Y. STAVITSKY: Cleaning explosive objects.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Work on the bottom comes first?

Y. STAVITSKY: Both on the bottom and on land. We have 18 kilometers of land on one side and the other, this section is more than 600 meters wide, and the entire underwater part. This is a serious topic for us, especially since the detachment of the International Mine Action Center, which was created literally last year by decision of the Minister of Defense, is involved in it, and this is the first test for them.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned new models of engineering equipment - can you be more specific about what they are in each segment?

Y. STAVITSKY: We are seriously dealing with the issue of ensuring crossings, with all topics related to the engineering troops, we understand that we are ahead in the means of forcing water barriers and overcoming them. We are working seriously on technology for the fortification of positions, troop areas, on the protection of sappers and search means, we have made breakthroughs in robotics over the past two years - from a standing position we have now taken a leading position in the Armed Forces, and on many other models that are quite seriously solving our tasks. Electrical equipment, means of extraction and water purification, where we also believe that we are involved in a serious area, we know that European countries are even interested in our technology. According to other indicators today, our designers and our factories have probably carried out a revolution in the last two years.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Who are your industrial counterparties? Uralvagonzavod, perhaps?

Y. STAVITSKY: Uralvagonzavod, Okskaya Shipyard.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Does Oka Shipyard make pontoon-ferrying facilities?

Y. STAVITSKY: Yes. Kursk "Electroagregat", Krasnodar "Polymerfilter". We have a wide network and a wide range of products.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Here the question of import substitution immediately arises.

Y. STAVITSKY: We have solved it completely.

I. KOROTCHENKO: There is no dependence on foreign components and suppliers?

Y. STAVITSKY: No. We initially took this position, even before everything happened. We tried to minimize this issue, and if we had something left somewhere, today it is being worked on and replaced completely. We had moments when the engine on the excavator unit was German - today we are changing it to another engine, which is in no way inferior in its characteristics. We have already solved this problem in robots, and we are already starting to conduct state tests entirely on our robots, on all our equipment.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned the International Mine Action Center - do you expect to participate in international projects?

Y. STAVITSKY: Definitely, we created it for this purpose. And we want to delay the training of sappers for other states, and today many are expressing interest: this is Venezuela, and Cuba, and Iran, and Egypt. Our list is already growing. I think next year will be quite busy for us.

I. KOROTCHENKO: The engineering troops will be 315 years old, a decent period, but this shows that the troops were in demand in the wars of previous generations, centuries, and how could you characterize the role of the engineering troops in modern warfare, what tasks remain to be solved?

Y. STAVITSKY: First of all, these are the tasks of protecting troops, this is counter-mobility of troops and their mobility. That is, if we decipher, protect - this means bury, bury, counter-mobility - this does not allow the enemy to break through in some directions by installing explosive and non-explosive barriers, and mobility - ensuring the movement of one’s troops: paths, roads, crossings. These are the three pillars on which the engineering troops stand; in general, they have solved such problems at all times.

I. KOROTCHENKO: At the Army-2015 forum, prefabricated structures were demonstrated, easily erected from cubes, with the weight of an armored structure, which can be manually assembled into protected positions - is this also innovation?

Y. STAVITSKY: Industry offers us this. Our industry sometimes has a too easy approach, since just putting together a cardboard box is already a structure. Of course, we are looking, it is interesting, we are testing it for the possibility of protection against weapons of mass destruction and resistance to explosions.

I. KOROTCHENKO: With the arrival of Sergei Shoigu as Minister of Defense, competition has been actively involved in almost all branches and branches of the Armed Forces. In which International Army Games competitions will engineering units be involved as participants and as support units?

Y. STAVITSKY: The Engineering Troops are represented in two competitions - “Open Water” and “Safe Route”. The system of competition in the engineering troops has existed for quite a long time. “Open Water” appeared when we took the example of a group of Soviet troops in Germany as a basis; a large number of pontoon units were concentrated there and pontoon competitions were regularly held. We have expanded this format somewhat, brought it to a dynamic state, and attracted more equipment and personnel. In addition, we have been holding competitions for more than 10 years among the CIS countries with the participation of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia; Ukraine used to participate, but now, unfortunately, it does not participate. At the beginning of July, we held competitions on the territory of Belarus, our team was represented by the 187th training center, we have been taking first place for several years. We came up with the idea of ​​conducting another “Safe Route”. There is another competition - “Engineering Formula”, but we have entered two competitions for international games: “Open Water” and “Safe Route”.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What kind of weapons engineering equipment will be involved in these competitions?

Y. STAVITSKY: In “Open Water” all the floating equipment is presented, what we have in the states and consists of supplying troops - these are pontoon parks, floating conveyors, ferry bridge vehicles, and everything that is included in the set of these samples. On the “Safe Route”, engineering barriers will be used - these are heavy mechanized bridges, something that moves on land, plus sappers with reconnaissance and search equipment.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are there any fundamental differences in the design and operation of Russian engineering equipment and similar equipment of the People's Liberation Army of China?

Y. STAVITSKY: According to some indicators. Let's say they have their own chassis, we have ours. And the bridge or pontoon is ours. I have already said that in terms of pontoon-ferrying facilities we are quite far ahead in the world, and the world has copied everything from us. And today we see that the People’s Republic of China has our own domestic pontoon park, essentially with some modifications. The samples are practically ours in essence, or similar to ours. But how they work, what technical characteristics they have - competitions will show.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Which foreign countries will be exhibiting?

Y. STAVITSKY: The People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus are participating in the Open Water. And on the “Safe Route” Egypt is added to these countries.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Egypt for the first time?

Y. STAVITSKY: For the first time. Before this, we were in Egypt, the head of the main engineering department invited us there to see how the engineering troops were developing, and we invited them to participate in this competition. We were hoping they would field pontoons because they have them. A large number of countries cannot participate in Open Water because there are no rivers, everyone has tankers, and, unfortunately, not everyone has pontoon boats. Armenia cannot participate because there are no such units. The Egyptians are now performing on the “Safe Route”, watching on the “Open Water”.

I. KOROTCHENKO: How serious were the preparations for the engineering competitions within the framework of the International Army Games, what forces and means were involved, what infrastructure facilities were reconstructed or built anew?

Y. STAVITSKY: Due to the fact that we began to prepare for international games, we prepared our training grounds. I would like to thank the Minister of Defense for making such a decision; we have improved our training ground: these include observation towers, stands, and all the areas where you can watch. And while holding all-army competitions, we saw quite a lot of interest from the population of the city of Murom, and created normal, comfortable conditions so that they could watch.

We prepared for Open Water seriously, step by step. First, competitions were held in armies and districts, and the best teams were entered into all-army competitions. Six teams participated: these are district engineering brigades, naval regiments, army regiments, a tactical unit and a pontoon company. This is the second year we have held this competition. Judging by last year, the figures this year have increased many times, the divisions are operating so harmoniously. If we take the final part, we have a difference between the units - it’s not a tank with a tank, it’s hundreds of people on the water. Imagine, the difference between one unit and another was 15 seconds.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is this the construction of floating bridges?

Y. STAVITSKY: Not only guidance, this is the equipment of ferries of various carrying capacity, loading equipment, crossing it to the other side, floating conveyors, loading vehicles onto them with mortar crews - this is not so simple.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Specify the dates and dates of the event so that listeners who want can go and watch?

Y. STAVITSKY: We are pleased to invite everyone to watch these competitions. “Open Water” will be held on August 8 in the city of Murom, Vladimir region, literally a little over 300 kilometers from Moscow. And “Safe Route” in the city of Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region on August 12. We are glad to see everyone.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Foreign teams that arrive on the territory of our country will be here for quite a significant time, what will you do with foreign guests in your free time from competitions?

Y. STAVITSKY: They no longer want to watch anything, they just want to prepare.

I. KOROTCHENKO: The cultural program has been reduced to a minimum.

Y. STAVITSKY: They want it that way. Of course, we have something to show: the city of Murom, the city of Kstova are quite old cities, Kstova is younger, but Nizhny Novgorod is an old city, there is something to see there. Our cultural and leisure program is quite rich; our musical groups, city and regional, have been prepared and are ready to perform for the arriving military personnel. Of course, the most important thing for them is the preparation of equipment and materiel, because quite a large number of different vehicles are involved, so it’s not two or three tanks, it’s dozens of vehicles.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What combat training events, perhaps operational events, exercises, will you participate in in 2015?

Y. STAVITSKY: The most important exam for us is the strategic exercises in September, plus our special exercises before the data are special exercises of the central military engineering troops of the Central Military District, where the engineering brigades of the Central District and the first engineer brigade will participate my subordination will act in those directions that will be designated for them.

I. KOROTCHENKO: As I understand it, “Safe Route” will become the hallmark of the presentation of the international mine action center?

Y. STAVITSKY: I wouldn’t say specifically the mine action center, but we will show some competitive elements there for overcoming a mined area. But still, you can’t say that, because this is a kind of movement support detachment. The goal of the “Safe Route” is that the engineering and sapper unit must safely bring the equipment that is behind them, that is, a tank and an armored personnel carrier. Such a mini-detachment of traffic support.

I. KOROTCHENKO: I see. How is the mood among the troops?

Y. STAVITSKY: Everything is on such a high rise, the spirit is such that it’s even difficult to say and describe - you have to see it!

I. KOROTCHENKO: The guest of the first part of the Gehenstab program was the Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky. Thank you!

Y. STAVITSKY: Thank you.

Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky / Photo: M.72.ru

The experience of combat use of engineering units is constantly analyzed and summarized.

January 21 is Engineering Troops Day.On the eve of the professional holiday, the head of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Yuri Stavitsky, answered the questions of “Red Star”.

– Yuri Mikhailovich, tell us about the specifics of the execution of combat missions in Syria by engineering troops, including specialists from the International Mine Action Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

– The peculiarities of mine clearance carried out in Syria in combat conditions, and even in difficult climatic conditions that are unusual for us, are the high density of mining, the presence of many improvised explosive devices of various modifications and power from 3 to 120 kilograms, controlled by radio and wires , as well as in a significant number of devices set to non-removable, and surprise mines.

In 2017, detachments of the International Mine Action Center of the Russian Armed Forces cleared mines in the cities of Aleppo, Palmyra and Deir ez-Zor in Syria. During these humanitarian operations, over 6.5 thousand hectares of territory, 1.5 thousand kilometers of roads and more than 17 thousand buildings were demined, over 100 thousand explosive objects were neutralized and destroyed. The work was both hard and dangerous.

– Is the experience gained there valuable? Lessons learned for tomorrow?

– We can confidently talk about increasing the level of training of both Russian and foreign sappers at the International Mine Action Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. That this is based, on the one hand, on the famous school of Russian military engineering science. On the other hand, there is experience that has grown, including in Syria. Our sappers had to deal with a wide variety of mines and explosive objects. There is still a lot to be analyzed, generalized, and brought to the attention of specialists.

In 2017, extensive work was carried out to make changes to officer training programs taking into account the Syrian experience. We will continue this work in 2018.

One of the main tasks performed by the engineering troops in Syria, I emphasize, was demining the area and objects. During it, the multifunctional robotic demining complex "Uran-6", the controlled inspection robotic complex "Scarab" and the controlled inspection robotic complex "Sphere" were tested. Their acceptance for supply is scheduled for 2018. Reliable technology.
Based on the results of the implementation of special tasks by the engineering troops in Syria, the development of promising engineering weapons was organized: a multifunctional robotic complex for clearing anti-tank mines (MRTK-RT), a capacitor explosive device (TPVK-43), an induction mine detector (IMP-3), individual and group sources of electricity and other means that increase our capabilities and expand our arsenal.

“But only a small part of our engineering troops took the exam in Syria...

“The rest studied at home, at their home training grounds. Without engineering support, not a single major exercise on the ground is conceivable. And at the joint strategic exercise “Zapad-2017” we had an abundance of diverse tasks. And everyone required knowledge, special training of personnel, the use of engineering equipment, engineering ammunition and engineering equipment. Not without pride I will say: the engineering troops of the Western Military District and the Northern Fleet, the engineer-sapper and pontoon-bridge brigades of central subordination showed themselves worthy at the Zapad-2017 exercise.

Firstly, they are responsible for the simultaneous installation of five bridge crossings on various rivers, including those more than 500 meters wide.

Secondly, the construction of engineering barriers to cover troop positions, including anti-landing barriers, consisting of mine-explosive barriers at sea and on the shore, and non-explosive barriers. These are fences, hollows, hedgehogs.
Thirdly, making passages by explosive means in the mine-explosive barriers of a mock enemy by the forces of barrage groups, including the use of engineering assault units. In addition, the task of making passages in anti-landing barriers on the Baltic Sea coast was successfully completed. There, the mine clearance charges were launched from floating conveyors on the water.

And finally, we have fortification equipment for defensive lines, troop positions, as well as outpost equipment using bulk-type gabions - mesh structures filled with soil. We also solved problems of engineering reconnaissance, ensuring the movement of troops, extraction and purification of water, and power supply in the field.

– How do you assess the results of the participation of Russian engineering specialists achieved at the International Army Games 2017? Will the competition program for representatives of the engineering troops change at Army Games 2018?

– At the International Army Games, the engineering troops hold three competitions among pontoon-ferrying and engineering units.

In 2017, all-army competitions of pontoon-ferry units “Open Water”, all-army and international competitions of engineering units “Safe Route” and crews of engineering vehicles “Engineering Formula” were held.

960 military personnel took part in the Open Water competition, held in the Vladimir region near the ancient Russian city of Mur. This competition is the largest among all others held in the Armed Forces in terms of composition and technical means used.

The “Engineering Formula” and “Safe Route” competitions were held at the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School.

In 2018, as part of the International Army Games, we plan to hold three competitions: pontoon-ferry units “Open Water” near Murom (Vladimir region); engineering units “Safe Route” in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region; crews of engineering vehicles "Engineering Formula" in Nikolo-Uryupino, Moscow region.

The provisions for holding these competitions, taking into account the new requirements, have, of course, changed somewhat.
Thus, at the “Open Water” competition, pontooners will have to replace a link on one of the transport ferries, and floating transporters will need to return to their original area after completing the task.

The “Safe Route” competition has undergone changes in the composition of the teams. Instead of two heavy mechanized bridges, a full set of four vehicles will be used. Accordingly, the length of the equipped bridge crossing will be 40 meters. The obstacles installed on mission routes will also change. Overcoming them will be more difficult.

The “Engineering Formula” competition will be held at an increased distance, the route will be more than 3 km.
Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite everyone to attend these competitions. There will be something to see there. Including the most modern and promising engineering weapons.

“The level of training of foreign and Russian sappers at the International Mine Action Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is increasing”

– Tell us about the construction of engineering troops. Are new parts and connections being formed?

– During the period from 2012 to 2017, we carried out 35 organizational measures, including the formation of 19 formations, units and organizations, the reassignment of four military units to the chief of engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the creation of two federal budgetary institutions, etc.

The Office of the Chief of Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with other interested military control bodies and the command of military districts, is constantly working to optimize the composition and structure of troops in military districts and associations of branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

We are developing uniform approaches and requirements for district and army troop levels based on practical checks of the combat readiness of troops in military districts, operational training activities, and the participation of troops in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

In 2017, an engineering camouflage regiment of central subordination was formed. Two months after formation, he was already performing tasks during special exercises of the engineering troops, and subsequently at the Zapad-2017 exercise, and was highly praised for his actions.

We continue the formation of army engineer regiments, which began in 2013, which we will complete by 2021. Thus, this year the 2nd Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District included a newly formed engineer-sapper regiment.

– What types of new weapons and military equipment entered the engineering troops in the past year?

– In total, in 2017, 18 modern engineering weapons were accepted into service and supply by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation through the engineering troops.

Here are the main ones. These are diving equipment sets SVI and SLVI15, military vehicle cranes KS-45719-3M and KS-65713-5M,

Power plants 2IK30B and ED-30AI, military mobile sawmill complex VMLK-1, KPO-M3 cassette with POM-3 anti-personnel mines, PBU-100 drilling rig, TMM-3M2 heavy mechanized bridge, NT BMK tug-motor boat simulator, construction of an observation post brigade command post, a set of means for equipping a checkpoint, a camouflage kit MMK-2, a set of KSP support posts, a kit for an INP engineering observation post.

– What main combat training events will military engineers participate in in 2018?

– The main ones will be the Vostok-2018 maneuvers, one of the special exercises of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and some others.

– What is the current system for training future officers for the engineering troops, as well as junior specialists in engineering units?

– Two military educational institutions and four training centers train engineering specialists.

We train officers with the highest operational-tactical training - I will call it officially - at the Military Institute (Engineer Troops) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." Specialists with full military-special training - at the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School.

We train junior specialists of the engineering troops at the 187th and 210th interservice regional training centers.
To train specialists in the field of mine clearance for the Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, the 66th interdepartmental methodological training center is functioning, which is entrusted with the tasks of training and retraining specialists in clearing areas from explosive objects and mine detection service.

The International Mine Action Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation trains foreign specialists in searching, neutralizing and destroying improvised explosive devices, demining areas and objects during peacekeeping and humanitarian operations.

When training troops, we introduce new forms and methods of conducting classes, all the most progressive, interesting and productive. We are reviving competition with regular competitions. We are doing everything to have one strike unit in brigades and regiments by the end of the year.

Interviewed by Viktor Khudoleev

MOSCOW, newspaper "Red Star"

A. Ermolin- Good afternoon to everyone who is listening to us, the next episode of the “Military Council” program is on air, hosted by Anatoly Ermolin in the studio. Our guest today is Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky, Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General. Yuri Mikhailovich, hello.

Yu. Stavitsky- Hello.

A. Ermolin- Well, today we have an interesting occasion, and an interesting and correct topic, “Engineering Troops Day,” so please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday.

Yu. Stavitsky- Thank you.

A. Ermolin- Well, I think our listeners will be able to hear about what engineering troops are in general. Now, if possible, let’s start our conversation with the history of the engineering troops. This is where you are from, let's go?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, we left a long time ago, tomorrow we turn 317 years old.

A. Ermolin- Wow!

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, that’s why we are one of the oldest branches of the armed forces, a branch of the military. The engineering corps is a special branch of the military that, in general, performs specific tasks that are unique to the engineering corps, and we are present in all branches and branches of the armed forces. Either it is by formations, military units, subunits. Well, our history began with the decree of Peter I, when we were separated from the artillery. We basically grew up with joint artillery, when the first engineering school was founded in St. Petersburg. If you know that the famous castle, Mikhailovsky Castle...

A. Ermolin- Yes, yes, yes.

Yu. Stavitsky- It is also called the engineering castle, this is exactly the location of our engineering school.

A. Ermolin- (Inaudible) Pavlova is there, in my opinion, if I’m not mistaken.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, in 1701, on January 21, we were born, as they say, as an independent branch of the military.

A. Ermolin- What were the stages? Well, over all these more than 300 years, how can you determine qualitative growth?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, in general, historically, I have to say this frankly, and many people know about this, a lot of us (inaudible). Just as we came from artillery, so we came from signalmen, motorists, air defense searchlight units, aviation...

A. Ermolin- They were getting dirty little by little, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, (inaudible) railway troops, and so on. At one time, when Peter created our branch of the military, he took this so seriously, and even spoke about those who do not know (inaudible) that they cannot be a great commander, a great military official. Therefore, we can rightfully consider that we are the legislator of many other genera.

A. Ermolin- I have your pennant somewhere, I would say such a daring pennant. Because the paratroopers have a well-known slogan that no one but us, right? And it seems to me that you formulated your slogan in such a very interesting way that without us there is no one. In this regard, please tell us about the purpose and composition of the engineering troops. So what are you doing now?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, I already said that our branch of the military is specific. Like many other special troops, we are declared special troops. The tasks that we perform are only specific to the engineering troops, in essence. We have quite a lot of tasks. These are 10 engineering tasks that we perform to support combat operations. We are a combat support force, but so far today not a single tank, and not a single infantryman will pass until a sapper passes in front of him. Therefore, we have...

A. Ermolin- Therefore, without you, no one.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, we are talking about the fact that no one can live without us. Our tasks are the most global - this includes fortification equipment, this is mine clearance, this is the equipment of routes and crossings. We extract water and supply this water in purified form, suitable for drinking. We also do lighting, we also do camouflage. That is, a fairly large volume of tasks, such that, of course, it is very important for us. And in general for the armed forces, that’s why we say, no one without us.

A. Ermolin- How are you organized organizationally? After all, you provide for others, what does that mean? This means that you are seconded, there are (inaudible) units. How does this work in practice in real life?

Yu. Stavitsky- The structure of the engineering troops is quite clearly built here. If there is an engineering brigade in a military district, in each army there is an engineering regiment, then below are engineer battalions, companies that, in essence, are capable of providing... If an engineer battalion is a motorized rifle brigade, it can provide, or divisions, to fully carry out all tasks , those that stand. That is, these 10 tasks are assigned, all 10 corresponding units are in this battalion. And if something doesn’t work out and there is not enough strength, there are parts of central subordination for this. This sapper brigade is quite powerful, and pontoon-bridge. Well, plus there’s also a camouflage regiment.

A. Ermolin- Well, the battalion has an engineering platoon, right? At least, or a company?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, we only have a sapper battalion in the brigade, that’s all.

A. Ermolin- That is, and then by divisions...

Yu. Stavitsky- If necessary, he strengthens it somewhere... Well, that is, he does it (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- This is kind of internal outsourcing, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, yes, yes.

A. Ermolin- By the way, at one time I was struck by Viktor Nekrasov’s book “In the Trenches of Stalingrad.” There is just the main character, he is just a military engineer. And what struck me was that, well, there is fire contact with the enemy, there are 90 meters from the fascist trenches to our trenches, right? And here is the main character of the book, he... Well, then when you read, that’s really... Well, on the one hand, this is a work of fiction, on the other hand, it is based entirely on documentary events. And that he’s a captain several times a day... Here he is, being at such a distance from the enemy’s trenches, right? He sent diagrams and firing maps there with a whistle, that is, it’s amazing how punctually he followed the combat regulations. That is, this... Sometimes it seems that, well, in general, being in combat areas, somehow... Sometimes it seems that officers can forget a little what is written in the regulations. So you insist that the system was just as tough as Nekrasov writes about?

Yu. Stavitsky- I think it’s not just us, probably we all have it, as they say, in our blood. There is a charter, we must live according to the charter correctly, so it seems to me that it’s normal for us to have documents, there is an internal charter that we live by today, and there is a combat charter, according to which we fight, in general. Some additions are always made, if any. Taking into account time, (inaudible) as they say, it flows, some new events appear, there are some... The situation is changing in some ways, changes are being made, so everything is correct here, we must live according to the rules.

A. Ermolin- Tell me, what educational institutions train specialists for the engineering troops?

Yu. Stavitsky- We have a combined arms academy with full military training, that is, academic. This is our military institute of engineering troops, as part of the combined arms academy. This means the Tyumen Military Engineering Command School, where they train cadets with the first military rank of lieutenant. And training centers. Today, we have 4 of them. These are two training centers for training junior specialists in the city (inaudible). One interspecific training center is for the training of our officers, retraining, retraining, including in the mine-hunting service, and training of counselors (inaudible) of the service. And the international mine action center, which trains foreign specialists. There was a period, well, literally 7 years ago, when all higher military educational institutions stopped enrolling applicants, and...

A. Ermolin- Yes, and actually this is how you survived it? That is, here...

Yu. Stavitsky- We’ve already survived, let’s count it. Because this year we are conducting a full-fledged graduation, already for officers. We are seriously waiting for them, with the hope that they will join our ranks. Well, of course they will replenish it, no questions asked. Well, there was such a problem, well, we’ve already survived it.

A. Ermolin- Well, how did your universities deal with this? Haven't they actually lost their teaching staff there?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, we didn’t lose it. In principle, we took a normal break, just like us and others... Well, everyone understands.

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, there was some kind of reserve from the reserve?

Yu. Stavitsky- Certainly. Now we... Well, we trained specialists for other branches of the military. In particular, our engineering troops... There is a demand for the National Guard, our National Guard, and there is a demand in other law enforcement agencies for our specialists. Therefore, in essence, there was an order from them, basically, this time. The second is the training of foreign specialists. Today, more than 30 countries study at our school. It's not big... You won't even believe it. The school is in Siberia, Tyumen, and it’s very interesting to see Africans there, especially in winter.

A. Ermolin- In uniform.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, but we have such a rule, we have 500 Siberian kilometers. During the winter, each cadet must run 500 kilometers on skis. Including foreigners.

A. Ermolin- Oh, only on skis, right?

Yu. Stavitsky-Only on skis. No, not (inaudible) there is cross-country, well, winter and winter.

A. Ermolin- Well, yes.

Yu. Stavitsky- This is 500 Siberian kilometers they must run. That's it, Africans run the same way, the poor don't know how to use these skis, and they run.

A. Ermolin- How was your recruitment this year? In general, is the profession of a military engineer in demand among applicants? Is there a competition?

Yu. Stavitsky- Therefore, we had a boom, frankly speaking. We had more than 4 people per place, for ourselves we think that this is, in principle, normal, even good.

A. Ermolin- Well, this is after the elimination, right? After professional selection. That is, this is not at the very beginning, right? There are 4 people per seat, and then there is the Credentials Committee.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, when already mandated. Therefore, we believe that this company has been a success for us. Well, both the school management and the cadets themselves are doing serious work. When they go on vacation, they communicate in their schools, call, invite.

A. Ermolin- Do you see the applicants yourself? Well, actually as the chief of engineering troops. You communicate directly, can you imagine what kind of, let’s say, social-psychological portrait this is? That is, what kind of people are they from the point of view of motivation, what kind of people are they from the point of view of general culture, right? In terms of social status, who are your applicants?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, well, of course, I don’t manage to communicate so much with applicants, simply because there is no such opportunity. But nevertheless, we have this department working without fail, a group of officers who, in general, are watching. And I’ll tell you that the motivation of today’s youth is quite high, it’s just pleasing. The approach is quite serious, and there are guys who apply for the second or third time. Well, I mean I didn’t get in, they’re coming again. That is, he is already so charged to become an officer.

A. Ermolin- Aimed at 500 Siberian kilometers.

Yu. Stavitsky- No, well, when they arrive, they don’t know about it yet. No, I’ll tell you that we can really be proud of our youth today. This is especially evident when performing those tasks that are assigned to the engineering troops. We have troops, they are constantly working.

A. Ermolin- Well, we’ll definitely talk about this later, but for now I want to talk more, so let’s actually stop at the preparation. And what faculties are there, that’s who you train...

Yu. Stavitsky- We prepare for all types and branches of the military. We are training for the Airborne Forces, a platoon of Airborne Forces, that is, sappers. We also have sappers as part of the Airborne Forces. We prepare for sailors, we prepare for aviation, for the ground component, for other law enforcement agencies, as I already said. We have a specialization and military construction; by the way, there is good demand. We have an electrical engineering specialization, which is also quite a science-intensive specialization. Well, the rest is the combat use of units and units of engineering troops in the relevant branches and branches of the armed forces.

A. Ermolin- Well, you graduate engineers, if we’re talking about the civilian profession, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, depending on the specialization, or it is a civil engineer. PGS, right? There is an increased level of civil engineering, a civilian specialty. Either this is an electrical engineering specialization, and the rest are, as they say, officers, combat (inaudible), mechanics, and engineering vehicles. Well, essentially wheeled and tracked vehicles. This is a civilian specialty, in general, for the bulk of military educational institutions.

A. Ermolin- It was relevant 10 years ago, right? If you leave the army, yes, then the question was, where will you find yourself in civilian life? Now…

Yu. Stavitsky- They don’t seem to be leaving the troops very much.

A. Ermolin- There aren’t many people leaving the troops today, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Now in recent years I don’t remember a case where someone wrote a report, I ask you to fire me.

A. Ermolin- At your own request.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, I’ll tell you frankly, if...

A. Ermolin- But how can I explain, this is what has changed so radically...

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, probably stability, first of all. Because today our state leadership really pays serious attention to the armed forces of the state. This is real help, because this is a serious government order for the purchase of equipment and delivery. This is the re-equipment of troops, it just happens not in small steps, but in big steps. Therefore, there is probably some kind of monetary component, this is an opportunity to get housing. That is, people felt confident. So I’ll just tell you that I was, say, 10 years ago, maybe even a little more, well, I’ll probably even take 10 years. The outflow of officers was very serious. It’s just that the school graduates, as if it was working idle, half of it already... I served for 2 months, already with reports, that’s all. Fire, fire, fire. Today they are already asking from there (inaudible) to return to the armed forces.

A. Ermolin- Do you take it?

Yu. Stavitsky- Not everyone.

A. Ermolin- Not everyone?

Yu. Stavitsky- Why? They say he betrayed you once, he will betray you a second time.

A. Ermolin- Well, there are all kinds of life circumstances.

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, we are considering, of course. If these were some organizational measures for downsizing, then that’s a different question.

A. Ermolin- (Inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, but if you left voluntarily, then why? It seems to me that it’s not so sweet in civilian life, apparently, that you wanted to join the army. And now the school will graduate fully, we already have enough lieutenants to provide for the armed forces.

A. Ermolin- Where do you retrain officers?

Yu. Stavitsky- Here at the combined arms academy.

A. Ermolin- At the academy, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes. We had our own academy, the oldest academy, unfortunately it was cut down in 2006. Well, they left us with a military institute, as part of a combined arms academy.

A. Ermolin- And if we talk about specialists, well, not officers, right? We are often in this studio...

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, these are military departments, apparently.

A. Ermolin- Yes, yes, yes. We often talk about... Well, we talked earlier about the fact that special attention is paid to creating a sergeant corps. That’s how relevant this is for you, and in principle they wanted to somehow transfer to us altogether, abandoning the warrant officers. Now, as far as I understand, we still have both sergeants and warrant officers. Is there some kind of thing now... Does this make any sense? What is the difference between a contract sergeant and a contract soldier of the same warrant officer?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, first of all, job responsibilities.

A. Ermolin- Job responsibilities, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Certainly. An ensign, he has a corresponding range of responsibilities, a sergeant...

A. Ermolin- And it’s wider, right? That is, in any case, this is a higher status (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- (Inaudible). By the way... I didn’t say, we also train warrant officers at the Tyumen School. They... Today we study for 2.9... 2.10 months, 2 years 10 months.

A. Ermolin- Well, practically... A year is not enough (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, (inaudible). If you remember, we used to have a three-year school.

A. Ermolin- Yes, secondary special.

Yu. Stavitsky- By the way, today the ensign prepares in almost the same way.

A. Ermolin- It’s not a shame for the guys that they study almost the same amount, right? But at the same time they get, as it were, (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- No, there is a fairly large competition from the same people who apply. He understands, perhaps, that he doesn’t qualify for college there, but he wants to serve. That’s why it’s so meaningful for him to become a warrant officer. We give him the opportunity, even if he has studied there for a certain time, to enroll in college. This is how he serves and receives his rank.

A. Ermolin- And he’s not going to. But this is right, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- This is very good.

A. Ermolin- That is, not everyone needs to strive.

Yu. Stavitsky- Certainly.

A. Ermolin- And warrant officers, are they mostly specialists?

Yu. Stavitsky- These are specialists.

A. Ermolin- Specialists, right? But with the personnel, right there in the barracks, these are sergeants, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- And ensigns too.

A. Ermolin- And ensigns too, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- The same foremen, or they are platoon commanders who have official rank, there are warrant officers. There are such platoons. And the sergeants, he has his own functional responsibilities, which he... The sergeants and I work quite seriously in the engineering troops, we have been holding a meeting of sergeants for 2 years in a row. Every year, now for the second time in November, we held a meeting of sergeants, where we gather sergeants. We conduct classes with them for three days, then we hold a round table under my leadership, we communicate with them, talk, discuss all the problems that arise.

A. Ermolin- You find time for sergeants, right? Closer attention (inaudible), well, that's normal.

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, this is a really serious category, without which we probably won’t be able to get anywhere today. And we give them the opportunity for independence such that he... It was not the platoon commander who controlled some kind of organism, but the sergeant. And if he does, an officer will replace him there, then why this sergeant? That’s why this rally (inaudible), we have created a council of sergeants in each unit. We have elected a chief sergeant of the engineering troops, there are in the engineering troops. And they bear fruit...

A. Ermolin- This is some kind of analogue of an officers’ meeting, right? Here (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, (inaudible) Sergeant.

A. Ermolin- In general, to what extent do such social forms take root... Well, in such a tough military organism, actually, how (inaudible)?

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, they take root normally. As it should probably be, in my understanding. I don’t know, I’m talking to the guys, we held the first rally in such a narrow circle among units of central subordination, and this year we have already gathered district units, including those who came from regiments, from district and army brigades. That is, it was such a big gathering. The congress can be called differently, and you look at them, their eyes are burning, it’s normal. That is, people... They are so interested in this, they are pleased with it, firstly, they understand and have realized that they are necessary. This is probably the most important thing.

A. Ermolin- Do they have any rights, what powers do they have, like some such institution, within a rigid hierarchical system?

Yu. Stavitsky- Of course they have rights, they do... The headquarters determines what the squad commander, the platoon commander there, the foreman there, and so on, are responsible for. He has clearly defined rules, his rights, and disciplinary sanctions are imposed, there (inaudible), and so on. Therefore, they clearly understand what they can do, and what applies to them as well. Therefore, this is what’s good about the army, everything is clearly divided and placed on shelves.

A. Ermolin- No, I just remember my time, officer meetings. Many leaders were so afraid, because the same ensign would stand there... Well, we didn’t have separate meetings there for... Like you, right? For sergeants, for warrant officers, for officers, right? There was an officers' meeting there, and many did not like to come. Because they could do this... Some warrant officer, returning from a hot spot, would get up and ask the general such a question, right? Which his subordinate would never ask him there in another situation.

Yu. Stavitsky- Well…

A. Ermolin- There are such acute situations when...

Yu. Stavitsky- No, well, that’s why we gather, to ask such questions.

A. Ermolin- Well, for this, this is...

Yu. Stavitsky- Why be afraid, why be afraid? This is normal.

A. Ermolin- But... Well, there’s quite a bit of time left before the break. Tell me, is such a specialization as mine clearance a universal competence for everyone, or is it still some kind of special part, maybe some elite in the engineering troops who deals with this. But I asked a question, and let’s hear the answer after a short information break.

A. Ermolin- We continue the meeting of the “Military Council”, hosted by Anatoly Ermolin in the studio, today we are talking about the Day of the Engineering Troops, our guest is Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky, Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General. Yuri Mikhailovich, we stopped at what doesn’t seem like a very interesting topic, right? Let's talk about mine clearance specialists. Well, actually, people who have dealt with explosive devices at least once in their lives understand that even when you install them yourself, it’s very scary, right? And you have to work with explosive devices, which are sometimes installed there and cannot be removed. Please tell me, what kind of people are these? Is this some kind of special caste in the engineering troops?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, this is not a special caste, we have our service, it requires that the officer be trained in all areas. Regardless, today he (inaudible), and tomorrow he may be the commander of a mine clearance platoon there, and so on. Therefore, we do not share this direction here. Well, it is clear that there is a unit that is already specifically dealing with this issue, and there is more serious training there. Today, on the initiative of the Minister of Defense, we have formed an international mine action center for the armed forces, which, in addition to training specialists and foreign specialists in mine clearance issues, also includes a mine clearance squad. And here we work with him quite seriously, and he performs exactly those tasks in hot spots. Well, besides this, we have sappers in each unit, who, in general, unfortunately, work constantly today. In any region, in any area, from the Far East to the West, and our borders.

A. Ermolin- This is what, this is an echo of war?

Yu. Stavitsky- This is a relic of the war. Unfortunately, yes, they are making themselves known, and some other local conflicts that we have had. You know, this is in the Chechen Republic, in the Republic of Ingushetia, today a fairly large amount of work is being carried out there, we have already completed this year, last year. And this year we are starting complete mine clearance again. We have been working there for 5 years already, cleaning up this area. And we have done quite a large amount, today they are calmly sowing there and building facilities in the area that we cleared.

A. Ermolin- That is, on the territory (inaudible) practically... Well, there are still some areas left, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- (Inaudible) yes, yes, also (inaudible). Unfortunately, there is a mountainous area there, it still requires work, quite a large amount. Well, from time to time some kind of need arises there, but essentially, we have all cleared out the flat part.

A. Ermolin- Do you have some methods, I don’t know... Some special psychological approaches in order to, well, identify the people best suited to perform such urgent tasks, say, mine clearance. Well, this is a special type of person, I don’t even remember what this movie was called. It's from Soviet life, when they tried to unravel the secret of the naval bomb, right? There are several teams of sappers there...

Yu. Stavitsky- Step by step.

A. Ermolin- Yes, it’s like they were just being blown up while sitting on this bomb, right? Until we figured out the secret.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, unfortunately, it involves such actions if...

A. Ermolin- This is how to find people, even from normal officers, who are motivated, both strictly speaking and professionally. After all, here are completely different competencies, sitting here... Not knowing how cutting this wire will end.

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, it’s probably most likely the commander’s ability to determine whether he is able or not. Well, in addition to this, of course, during the execution of tasks, psychologists and the guys work there. Well, probably the main thing is motivation, personal motivation (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- And natural selection, probably, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes.

A. Ermolin- (Inaudible) you see.

Yu. Stavitsky- And then, already in the course of completing the task, it is already determined whether he is capable or not. Whether you need it or not, here...

A. Ermolin- And in which regions, on the territory of the Russian Federation. Is mine clearance work continuing now?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, if you remember, we once had a fairly large volume of ammunition disposal.

A. Ermolin- Well, yes, by the way...

Yu. Stavitsky- This is all, today, unfortunately, this is what requires demining. Because these are fragments, these are not some small ammunition that exploded, this is one part of our work. The second part, as we have already said. Remnants of war, western part. Let me tell you, in the Far East, things have been popping up from time to time since the Civil War. But basically, of course, this is the western part, the western territory, where the war took place. Here I don’t know, we will probably have to work for a long time. Well, gradually, somewhere according to requests. This does not mean that this is complete demining, of course not. This is according to requests, somewhere in the garden a shell came out, there was something else there. Here, well, here is the largest volume, this is ours, this is the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Ingushetia.

A. Ermolin- By the way, listeners tell us that the film is called “(Inaudible) with fire.”

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes. There is also symphonic music (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- Well, you raised such a very painful topic. I studied it as a journalist, these are our ammunition storage depots. Actually, not everyone knows that weapons are even stored there, sometimes including shells from tsarist times, right? And in fact, just picking him up and carrying him out is already a threat to life. These are the measures that are being taken to somehow do this... But sometimes it seems to me that they don’t even need to be touched at all. That something modern needs to be built very close by, but this is simply fenced off. Bury it, (inaudible) do it there, and preserve it.

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, in (inaudible) every large arsenal we have laboratories that deal with the issues of recycling old ammunition in various ways, and there are quite a lot of them. (Inaudible) is quite safe, so what can we say here that this is such a terrible thing? No. This is a natural process of selection, or conservation of ammunition, and their destruction of those that are no longer subject to further storage. Therefore, everything is fine here.

A. Ermolin- I’m watching now... Well, we’re all watching the news from Syria. Tell me, what are the specifics of the work there? As I understand it, everyone we see in Syria engaged in mine clearance is either your graduates, or... If they are currently in other branches and branches of the military, or they are directly your subordinates.

Yu. Stavitsky- No, these are directly our subordinates. We have already finished this work, the president thanked us, we have already taken off from there, we have already flown away. Already in (inaudible), they have already had their holidays, the guys are in place, now we are having big awards now for the work, for the work that they did, now they are back (inaudible). In general, we carried out 4 large, large mine clearance operations. This is the famous Palmyra, as you know, we performed the task there twice. This is Aleppo, and here is our last one (inaudible). In addition, today we have formed in Syria, and now there is a branch of our international mine action center in the city (inaudible), on the territory of the Syrian Army Engineering College. We train specialists for the engineering troops, for the Syrian army. We don’t just prepare them, we also equip them right away. That is, they are released, receive protective equipment, and receive our search equipment. We are through the most modern, the best. And now we have already trained more than 1000 people.

A. Ermolin- What is the level of their professional training, what is their (inaudible) motivation?

Yu. Stavitsky- There is just a screening process going on, if they... Well, in general, I must say that they take this seriously, and send guys who are really motivated to complete this task. Literally back in 15-16, the strength of the engineering troops of the Syrian army was just over 30%. That is, just no one went there, they were afraid. And in the year 17... Or rather, in the year 16, our Minister of Defense decided to form a center there, we formed it, first we started preparing in Aleppo, then we moved to (inaudible). And at first they were so scared, as they say, so according to the rolling out, there were 50 people there, 30 people came to study, they weeded out a fairly large number of those who were not ready, and then it went on and on. Now we have up to 100 people every episode, up to 100 people. We became interested, and I think that we have sufficiently staffed the engineering troops. In addition to the army, we also train for other law enforcement agencies in series. That and (inaudible) means the police, so...

A. Ermolin- You mentioned three large mine clearance companies...

Yu. Stavitsky- Four.

A. Ermolin- Four, right? But Aleppo, Palmyra...

Yu. Stavitsky- Palmyra, Aleppo and (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- Where is the most difficult place to work? Well, it seems to me that it’s a little hard in Palmyra. Because if in some other situation you can use overhead charges there... That is, do not be afraid of non-removability there. But in Palmyra you definitely can’t work like that.

Yu. Stavitsky- It is forbidden.

A. Ermolin- Of course, I almost answered (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, yes. Of course, the most difficult thing was in Palmyra. This is so as not to disturb this historical part.

A. Ermolin- Large (inaudible) visually when you look, is it applied to a monument of cultural history?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, I haven’t been there before, of course. Big, yes. There, such serious monuments were destroyed by them, of course. The museum, where such artifacts were kept, such... It was completely destroyed. In the museum itself, we cleared the ammunition that was lying in the basement. What they call (inaudible) bandits. There the leadership headquarters was theirs, and there was a large landmine there, we had to clear it.

A. Ermolin- What is new now in the tactics of the terrorists there, the rebels, from the point of view of mining? Well, I know more about the Afghan experience, right? What is there more of now (inaudible)?

Yu. Stavitsky- Consider that everything came here from there (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- Well, is there some kind of modernization going on?

Yu. Stavitsky- Certainly.

A. Ermolin― (Inaudible) standard guns, and weapons appear?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, on the contrary, not enough.

A. Ermolin- That is, basically...

Yu. Stavitsky- There is practically no industrial production, very little. Everything is homemade. Such production has been established, (inaudible) serious. With such quality that...

A. Ermolin- That is, handicraft production can no longer be distinguished from ordinary production.

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, it’s handicraft, there’s something like that... All this is so superimposed on the production of this business. This suggests that there are good designers there. And the most important thing is that they make such details that, in general, are essentially scary to do. The same fuses, the same (inaudible), and so on. Where, gram by gram, there is a high-power explosive (inaudible), if you did something wrong, you exploded.

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, the production lines know that they have some serious (inaudible) problems.

Yu. Stavitsky- Certainly.

A. Ermolin- Even if they are (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- We found them in Aleppo, we found them. In Aleppo, dozens of them were found almost every day. Either laboratories or a production plant. Or there’s a workshop, I think it’s called there... And right away, there’s a warehouse, finished products.

A. Ermolin- Well, the same drones that they are talking about now, are they more air defense, or are you also involved in such types of handicrafts there (inaudible)?

Yu. Stavitsky- No, of course there is more air defense, but what they use, what they hit with, is of course, certainly interesting to us. What do they have there, what kind of explosive, and what is there.

A. Ermolin- But from the point of view of finding, there are just charges there, homemade mines, landmines there, and so on. How do the dogs show themselves?

Yu. Stavitsky- Fabulous.

A. Ermolin- In general, they haven’t come up with anything better than dogs yet, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Everything complements each other.

A. Ermolin- All each other...

Yu. Stavitsky“The mine detector complements the dog, so we just gave up a little on other breeds... So we looked, now, in particular in Syria, it’s still hot, let’s say we can’t stand the Labrador, it’s a little hard for him.

A. Ermolin- And the shepherd?

Yu. Stavitsky- And the shepherd works well.

A. Ermolin- That is, all-weather, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, it works very well. (Inaudible) helped us seriously and saved the lives of the guys. Therefore, our counselors are like a dog that has grown together, they gave away the last water, as they say. Well, water... True, we didn’t have any problems with water, of course, with food in general, well, the dogs weren’t in poverty.

A. Ermolin- Well, by the way, there are monuments to many dogs.

Yu. Stavitsky- We have them too.

A. Ermolin- You have them too, but where?

Yu. Stavitsky- In Nakhabino, in the (inaudible) center. We have now erected a monument to the sapper, and there is a dog there with him.

A. Ermolin- Please tell me, taking into account the fact that the tasks are changing now, and in fact more and more new techniques are being used by the same terrorists, what new weapons or mine clearance equipment do you have?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, Syria just became a good school for us. And as for training specialists, we also test all our instruments and engineering weapons. We ran everything in there. We've tried everything we can. I will say that today we have made such serious progress in issues, especially search tools, and most importantly, we have made very serious progress in the means of protecting the sapper. We, if in the first Palmyra we carried out the task in one suit, then later we modified this suit, today we also have means that make it possible to work there calmly in the heat, that is, there are special coolers, a suit cooler. Well, at least the sapper can work normally for an hour and a half, in any heat.

A. Ermolin- Well, that’s still not a guarantee, right? Even a mine clearance suit. Remember (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Guarantee.

A. Ermolin- Well, our FSB sapper died at one time on Tverskaya, right? That is, he is in a suit (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, it depends on what kind of landmine there is, and so on. Of course, of course, you can’t hide from everything.

A. Ermolin- Well, that's exactly what I mean.

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, at least our suit saved more than one life.

A. Ermolin- And the technology (inaudible), robots are the same... Is it fashionable to replace (inaudible) with robots?

Yu. Stavitsky- This is the second part, and we are moving towards this today. We tested the Uran-6 robot for the first time. Quite decently, he completed a fairly large volume for us. And especially those minefields, we didn’t send soldiers there, we had a robot working there, cleaning everything up normally. Then only the sappers will come through and check if there is some kind of pass somewhere there.

A. Ermolin- How does he move, what is it?

Yu. Stavitsky- Crawler.

A. Ermolin- Caterpillar?

Yu. Stavitsky- It’s normal, it moves on caterpillars, it has three types of mine trawl. This is an ice skating rink...

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, this is a trawl.

Yu. Stavitsky- Grind the earth, grinds in front of you. It either destroys the ammunition or detonates it. Well, everything's fine. So we used two robots in each of our operations, they helped us a lot.

A. Ermolin- Yuri Mikhailovich, I’m just a little bit, now I’ll abruptly change the topic, right? There is very little time left. So that the listeners there don’t think that we are reading some random SMS messages, we got such a harsh SMS, where everything you say about housing, about salaries is so questioned. “This is the kind of housing, the mortgage costs pennies, they don’t give housing, young officers don’t earn anything, there’s no official housing, they don’t give compensation for rent…” Well, then there are some evaluative things that I am not going to quote. I’ll say on my own behalf that 9 years ago, when the program began, the feed was only in these messages, right? Here is a listener who, by the way, did not subscribe, I can answer on my own behalf that there have been no such messages at all for 5 years. What do you say?

Yu. Stavitsky- I don’t know who writes what there. This means that compensation for housing today is so decent that our officers do not want to receive official housing. Because 100% of the accommodation is paid for if you rent some kind of housing for yourself. The issue of office housing is now being seriously addressed. I think that in Moscow in particular this has changed a lot. Of course, I am not directly involved in housing, this is not my function. But I will say, the department that is responsible for this, without trial, they are seizing those apartments that were once occupied by someone there, and so on.

A. Ermolin- How much does a lieutenant earn now?

Yu. Stavitsky- Well, he gets from 30 to 40 thousand. It depends on the position held. Now, if our contract sergeant receives about 30 thousand, then it is clear that there is much more there. If he just graduated, and is still a lieutenant... Well, now, of course, they don’t give rations, they may be compensated for with other things, so...

A. Ermolin- Well, in the regions, I flew from Transbaikalia yesterday, this is a lot of money. I mean, it's just (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- Yes, yes. Depending on your region of residence. Of course, for Moscow it’s probably not money, that’s understandable.

A. Ermolin- Well, I wouldn’t say 40 thousand is not money for Moscow. That is, of course you want it... You always want more, but I know young specialists in Moscow, they work there for over 25, and this is absolutely normal for (inaudible).

Yu. Stavitsky- I already said it, and I repeat it again. I don’t remember... Well, I don’t... I don’t remember for a long time, and I haven’t seen the dismissal report. So, it’s probably still okay?

A. Ermolin- Well, yes.

Yu. Stavitsky- And who says there is something missing there? Well, maybe there is always something missing, I would like more, well, who said... And we talk, and the minister knows about it, and the president knows about it. The country probably needs to live so richly.

A. Ermolin- Well, we talked about everyday life, and about the conditions, about the combat conditions of service. But how do you feel about such games, sports forms, and methods of work? Here are the army international games. You think that this is a working innovation that just happened, right? Well, in addition to the traditional exercises, to the traditional classes there, within the framework of combat training plans, training there. So why, in principle, do you need some additional games or competitions?

Yu. Stavitsky- This is a very cool thing, these games. Here we are holding three competitions in the engineering troops. This is open water, where (inaudible), this is a safe route, these are sappers and engineering specialists, and engineering uniforms, where mechanics and drivers perform their task. And here we have up to 1,000 military personnel involved in just one open water event, up to 1,000 who participate, specific participants. We have a team of 109 people. 108-109 people.

A. Ermolin- One team?

Yu. Stavitsky- One team. Can you imagine the volume? And plus, there is so much technology. It is such a sight, so magnificent. On the water, I... You just have to see it, not tell it, not describe it. This is a water fight (inaudible) of the people... We have this very spectacular competition, and one year we had about 30 thousand spectators there at this competition. The entire shore was filled with people.

A. Ermolin- Well, and additional motivation, right?

Yu. Stavitsky- Of course, of course, certainly. Firstly, we immediately train specialists, and the same is true for other relevant competitions, this is the training of simply great specialists here.

A. Ermolin- Yuri Mikhailovich, I’m afraid that we’ll start talking now, right? We have very little time left, and we have a famous event tomorrow, so I want to give you the floor so that you have time...

Yu. Stavitsky- Thank you.

A. Ermolin- Colleagues were congratulated.

Yu. Stavitsky- Thank you for this opportunity. I would like to congratulate all those who served and who are serving today on Engineering Troops Day. I would like to congratulate and thank our industry, which today is seriously engaged in providing the engineering troops with new equipment. For the work they do. Our military personnel for their patience, the opportunity raises our troops, glorifies them. Our veterans who constantly work with us, shoulder to shoulder. Well, to all those who are somehow involved in the engineering troops, happy our professional holiday. Of course, I wish them health and all the best. Thank you that you exist, that today the engineering troops exist, work, carry out tasks, thank you.

A. Ermolin― Yuri Mikhailovich, from the Echo of Moscow team, we join in your congratulations, congratulating you on tomorrow’s holiday. Let me remind you that our guest and our expert today is Yuri Stavitsky, Chief of the Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General. Happy holiday to you, come to us even without festive occasions.

Yu. Stavitsky- Thank you.

Branch of the military Rank

lieutenant general

Commanded Battles/wars Awards and prizes
Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky on Wikimedia Commons

Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky(born January 21, 1961, Murmansk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian military commander, chief of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces), lieutenant general.


Married, has three sons.


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An excerpt characterizing Stavitsky, Yuri Mikhailovich

“I know that she loves... will love you,” Princess Marya corrected herself.
Before she had time to say these words, Pierre jumped up and, with a frightened face, grabbed Princess Marya by the hand.
- Why do you think so? Do you think I can hope? You think?!
“Yes, I think so,” said Princess Marya, smiling. - Write to your parents. And instruct me. I'll tell her when it's possible. I wish this. And my heart feels that this will happen.
- No, this cannot be! How happy I am! But this cannot be... How happy I am! No, it can't be! - Pierre said, kissing the hands of Princess Marya.
– You go to St. Petersburg; this is better. “And I’ll write to you,” she said.
- To St. Petersburg? Drive? Okay, yes, let's go. But can I come to you tomorrow?
The next day Pierre came to say goodbye. Natasha was less animated than in previous days; but on this day, sometimes looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was disappearing, that neither he nor she was any more, but there was only a feeling of happiness. “Really? No, it can’t be,” he said to himself with every look, gesture, and word that filled his soul with joy.
When, saying goodbye to her, he took her thin, thin hand, he involuntarily held it in his a little longer.
“Is this hand, this face, these eyes, all this alien treasure of feminine charm, will it all be forever mine, familiar, the same as I am for myself? No, it’s impossible!..”
“Goodbye, Count,” she said to him loudly. “I’ll be waiting for you,” she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the look and facial expression that accompanied them, for two months formed the subject of Pierre’s inexhaustible memories, explanations and happy dreams. “I will be waiting for you very much... Yes, yes, as she said? Yes, I will be waiting for you very much. Oh, how happy I am! What is this, how happy I am!” - Pierre said to himself.

Nothing now happened in Pierre's soul similar to what happened in it in similar circumstances during his matchmaking with Helen.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame the words he had spoken, he did not say to himself: “Oh, why didn’t I say this, and why, why did I say “je vous aime” then?” [I love you] Now, on the contrary, he repeated every word of hers, his own, in his imagination with all the details of her face, smile, and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat. There was no longer even a shadow of doubt about whether what he had undertaken was good or bad. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Isn't this all in a dream? Was Princess Marya mistaken? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was probably mistaken. Doesn’t he know that he is a man, just a man, and I?.. I am completely different, higher.”
Only this doubt often occurred to Pierre. He also didn’t make any plans now. The impending happiness seemed so incredible to him that as soon as it happened, nothing could happen. It was all over.
A joyful, unexpected madness, of which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to lie only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all the people seemed to him to be occupied with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they were all as happy as he was, and were only trying to hide this joy, pretending to be busy with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, happy looks and smiles that expressed secret agreement. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles, not worth attention.
When he was offered to serve or when they discussed some general, state affairs and war, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on this or that outcome of such and such an event, he listened with a meek, sympathetic smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But both those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, and those unfortunate ones who obviously did not understand this - all people during this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling shining in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.
Looking at the affairs and papers of his late wife, he did not feel any feeling for her memory, except pity that she did not know the happiness that he knew now. Prince Vasily, now especially proud of receiving a new place and star, seemed to him a touching, kind and pitiful old man.
Pierre often later recalled this time of happy madness. All the judgments that he made about people and circumstances during this period of time remained true for him forever. He not only did not subsequently renounce these views on people and things, but, on the contrary, in internal doubts and contradictions he resorted to the view that he had at this time of madness, and this view always turned out to be correct.
“Perhaps,” he thought, “I seemed strange and funny then; but I was not as mad then as it seemed. On the contrary, I was then smarter and more insightful than ever, and I understood everything that is worth understanding in life, because ... I was happy.”
Pierre's madness consisted in the fact that he did not wait, as before, for personal reasons, which he called the merits of people, in order to love them, but love filled his heart, and he, loving people for no reason, found undoubted reasons for which it was worth loving their.

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