Chervonny meaning of the word in ancient Rus'. Chervonnoe. Card terminology and jargon of the 19th century. Dictionary



1. Red, scarlet.


CHERVONNY 2, red, red. adj. To hearts, belonging to the suit of hearts. Jack of Hearts. “Oh, mamma, you are more of a queen of hearts.” Gogol .

❖ Jack of Hearts (colloquial obsolete) - trans. a young man from the bourgeois-noble circle, leading an idle life. “The Jack of Hearts... a creature languishing under the burden of idleness and drunken melancholy, living from day to day, devoid of any stability to fight life and not recognizing any life tasks other than the satisfaction of the moment.” Saltykov-Shchedrin .

Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what “CHERVONNY” is in other dictionaries:

    1. CHERVONNY1, chervonnaya, chervonnoe (obsolete, region). 1. Red, scarlet. 2. adj., by meaning associated with pure gold, which has a reddish tint. Red gold. 2. CHERVONNY2, red, red. adj. to hearts, belonging to the suit of hearts.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Garnet, ruby, crimson, bloody, red, scarlet, crimson, ruby, red, scarlet, red, red, scarlet, scarlet, red, red, cinnabar, heart, chervonets Dictionary of Russian synonyms. red see red Dictionary... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    red- Jack of Hearts (colloquial obsolete) trans. a young man from the bourgeois noble circle, leading an idle life. Jack of Hearts... a creature languishing under the burden of idleness and drunken melancholy, living from day to day, deprived of any... ... Phrasebook Russian language

    CHERVONNY, oh, oh (outdated and high). Red, scarlet. Red gold is high-grade gold with a reddish tint. II. Chervonets see Chervonets. III. WORMS See worms. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    CHERVONNY 1, aya, oh (outdated and high). Red, scarlet. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See chervonets. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    See worms. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. RED, oh, oh. 1. Outdated and trad. poet. Red, scarlet. Ch. color. H. sunset. Tea tape. Oh blood. 2. Relating to money made of gold. This is the currency. Ch. stock. What gold (high quality alloy of gold and copper,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    red- oh, oh. . Scarlet, red. And soon will I see the mentiks of red coins Hello shine... // Lermontov. Tambov Treasurer //; Two beautiful maidservants in red monists quickly ran out... // Gogol. Taras Bulba // 2.… … Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

    red- RED, oh, oh. Heart suit. ◘ Seven of hearts, eight, nine came out together, and to them an ace of hearts. M.P. Pogodin. Adele, 1832. ◘ Terrible noise behind the cards // Yesterday the count had: // Baron killed the ace of hearts // Killed with a nine; //… … 19th century card terminology and jargon


  • Jack of Hearts, Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna. Marina Tsvetaeva - great poet XX century. Her work is the confession of a woman with a difficult fate, for whom poetry and life were inseparable and required everyday courage. Time…
ulliana_art in Chervonets (etymology)

Etymology of the word Chervonets from the number of the letter Worm, its signs: .

WORM is the most expensive letter,.. was...: the numerical value is 1000 in both the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet, but after one of the alphabet reforms - the exclusion of the sign Ҁ Koppa, received the numerical value of the latter - 90 (nine HUNDRED).

There are 10 rubles in a chervonets, 100 kopecks in a ruble - 1000 kopecks in a chervonets (coincides with the ancient numerical value of the letter). A few examples of the shape of the letter H (Cerv, Cierv):

H with a crescent (sickle) at the top: Tsherv, Tzerf, Cerf, one of the designs as Zherv (Zh):

Zherv, qvadruplex, alphabet in se Z & X.
Zherv. Hinc fiunt compositi, ex Monadicis denarijs, & cent enarijs - from one, the earthworm who manages money is the womb of the Chrv ( V in the Old and Church Slavonic alphabet it is called “worm” (Old-Sl.) or “worm” (C-Sol.), let's exclude the vowels - womb - womb of the earth).

P.s.: This post, postponed for a while, appeared as a result of the search for the source of the Bident (Khazar tamga on Slavic coins / pieces of silver / - complete nonsense). The name Chervonnaya Rus is most likely associated with the chervonets.
Glagolitic heart, by the way, with a curl at the bottom.

There is another interesting letter - Gerv (“derv”): The outline of the Cyrillic letter ћ was at first symmetrical (in the form of a cross or a vertical line above a U-shaped or Λ-shaped pedestal), later it came close to the outline of the yat (Ѣ, ѣ), differing from it only in the open base.<…>What the name “herv” means is not known for certain: versions interpreting this word as a derivative of “mane” are not convincing enough, so it is usually considered simply a modification of the name “worm” of the letter Ch. Herve is an inverted H; herv -> mane -> hryvnia.

The secant Chrv-sickle is like a crescent of the Koppa sign; for more information about the numerical meaning of the sign of accumulation, see

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. CHERVONNY1, chervonnaya, chervonnoe (obsolete, region). 1. Red, scarlet. 2. adj., by meaning associated with pure gold, which has a reddish tint. Red gold. 2. CHERVONNY2, red, red. adj. to hearts, belonging to the suit of hearts.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Garnet, ruby, crimson, bloody, red, scarlet, crimson, ruby, red, scarlet, red, red, scarlet, scarlet, red, red, cinnabar, heart, chervonets Dictionary of Russian synonyms. red see red Dictionary... ... Dictionary of synonyms

red- Jack of Hearts (colloquial obsolete) trans. a young man from the bourgeois noble circle, leading an idle life. Jack of Hearts... a creature languishing under the burden of idleness and drunken melancholy, living from day to day, deprived of any... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

CHERVONNY 1, aya, oh (outdated and high). Red, scarlet. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See chervonets. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See worms. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. RED, oh, oh. 1. Outdated and trad. poet. Red, scarlet. Ch. color. H. sunset. Tea tape. Oh blood. 2. Relating to money made of gold. This is the currency. Ch. stock. What gold (high quality alloy of gold and copper,... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

red- oh, oh. . Scarlet, red. And soon will I see the mentiks of red coins Hello shine... // Lermontov. Tambov Treasurer //; Two beautiful maidservants in red monists quickly ran out... // Gogol. Taras Bulba // 2.… … Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

red- RED, oh, oh. Heart suit. ◘ Seven of hearts, eight, nine came out together, and to them an ace of hearts. M.P. Pogodin. Adele, 1832. ◘ Terrible noise behind the cards // Yesterday the count had: // Baron killed the ace of hearts // Killed with a nine; //… … 19th century card terminology and jargon


  • Jack of Hearts, Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna. Marina Tsvetaeva is a great poet of the 20th century. Her work is the confession of a woman with a difficult fate, for whom poetry and life were inseparable and required everyday courage. Time…
  • Jack of Hearts, K. M. Stanyukovich. Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich (1843-1903) entered literature as the author of works dedicated to the Russian fleet. Much less known are his “non-marine” stories and stories in which he...

Encyclopedia of fashion and clothing


outdated name of red color; scarlet.

(Terminological dictionary of clothing. Orlenko L.V., 1996)

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


Jack of Hearts (decomposition outdated) - trans. a young man from the bourgeois-noble circle, leading an idle life.

Jack of Hearts... a creature exhausted under the burden of idleness and drunken melancholy, living from day to day, deprived of any stability to fight life and not recognizing any life tasks other than the satisfaction of the moment. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m. outdated Same as: chervonets (1).
  2. adj.
    1. Red, scarlet.
    2. Having the color of red gold; golden with a reddish tint.
  3. adj. Correlative in meaning with noun: hearts associated with it.
  4. adj. outdated
    1. Correlative in meaning with noun: chervonets (2) associated with it.
    2. Expressed in chervonets (2).

Ozhegov's Dictionary

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries


oh , oh .

Scarlet, red.

* And soon will I see the mentiks of red gold, a welcoming shine?... // Lermontov. Tambov Treasurer //; Two beautiful maidservants in red monasteries quickly ran out... // Gogol. Taras Bulba // *

2. CHERVONNYY, Wow, m., V meaning noun

oh, what a chervonets.

* If you don’t give me a hundred ducats, I’ll scream now!// Gogol. Taras Bulba // *

Card terminology and jargon of the 19th century. Dictionary



Aya, oh. Heart suit.

Chervonnaya seven, eight, nine came out together, and to them red ace. M.P. Pogodin. Adele, 1832.

◘ Terrible noise behind the cards // Yesterday the Count had: // Baron of the Ace red// Killed with nine; // All the trump cards were in their hands, // And the count was holding the lady... // “You played like Mazepa!” // He told the Baron. I.P. Myatlev. Commerce, 1844.

◘ It seemed to him that the uniform he was wearing was not dark green, but made of some kind of white material with blue specks, and that instead of buttons he had all red ones aces. A. Goal Preference, or Pictures of Home Life., 1847.

◘ Not this, this is how they play fools, play their trump cards, and on holidays with guests in Boston, or play grand solitaire, tell fortunes red the king and the queen of clubs, predicting margin. I.A. Goncharov. Oblomov, 1859.

Ushakov's Dictionary



red 1, red, red ( outdated, region).

1. Red, scarlet.

2. adj., By meaning associated with pure gold, which has a reddish tint. Red gold.


red 2, red, red. adj. k, belonging to the suit of hearts. Jack of Hearts. “Oh, mamma, you are more of a queen of hearts.” Gogol.

Jack of Hearts ( decomposition outdated) - trans. a young man from the bourgeois-noble circle, leading an idle life. “The Jack of Hearts... A creature languishing under the burden of idleness and drunken melancholy, living from day to day, deprived of any stability to fight life and not recognizing any life tasks other than the satisfaction of the moment.” Saltykov-Shchedrin.


Oh, oh, outdated.

1) high. Red, scarlet.

The domes of red will shine, the sleepless bells will roar, and the Virgin Mary will drop her cover from the crimson clouds on you, and you will rise, filled with wondrous powers... - You will not repent that you loved me (Tsvetaeva).


gaff, granny, bloody, red, crimson, purple, ruby, scarlet

2) in the meaning of noun. Same as chervonets.

Peter went out on tiptoe and poured a handful of red coins into the widow’s convulsive palms (A.N. Tolstoy).

Related words:

worm" noun, worm" end, worm" outdated. , chervleny outdated.


Borrowed from Polish language. Polish czerwony ‘red’, ‘golden’ - a derivative of the Common Slavic * cьrviti ‘paint red’.

Red Rus' is the historical name of Galicia in written monuments of the 16th-19th centuries.

Red gold is a high-grade alloy of gold and copper, having a reddish tint, used for making chervonets and other coins (red gold corresponds to hallmarks from 916 to 986; the term “red gold” has lost its technical meaning and is preserved only in everyday life).

Popular explanatory and encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CHERVONNY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CHERVONNY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    1, -th, oe (outdated and high). Red, scarlet. * Red gold is high-grade gold with a reddish tint. 2 cm...
  • CHERVONNY in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, …
  • CHERVONNY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    scarlet, garnet, crimson, cinnabar, red, bloody, kumache, kumach, kumach, crimson, red, red, ruby, ruby, scarlet, heart, chervonets, ...
  • CHERVONNY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. obsolete Same as: chervonets (1). 2. adj. 1) Red, scarlet. 2) Having the color of red gold; golden with...
  • CHERVONNY in Full spelling dictionary Russian language.
  • CHERVONNY in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • CHERVONNY in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    2 <= червонец червонный 3 <= черви червонный 1 красный, …
    red, red. Adj. to hearts, belonging to the suit of hearts. Jack of Hearts. Oh, mamma, you are more of a queen of hearts. Gogol. Jack of Hearts...
  • CHERVONNY in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Chervonnaya, Chervonnoe (obsolete, region). 1. Red, scarlet. 2. Adj., by value. associated with pure gold, which has a reddish tint. Chervonnoe…
  • CHERVONNY in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    jack - see hearts. Jack of Diamonds - see...
  • CHERVONNY in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    red 1. m. obsolete Same as: chervonets (1). 2. adj. 1) Red, scarlet. 2) Having the color of red gold; golden...
  • CHERVONNY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I m outdated the same as chervonets 1. II adj. 1. Red, scarlet. 2. Having the color of red gold; golden with...
  • CHERVONNY in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I m outdated A gold coin worth three rubles (in colloquial use - also five and ten rubles...
  • JACK OF CHURTS in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • DMITRIEVA VALENTINA IOVOVNA in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Dmitrieva, Valentina Iovovna - famous writer. Born in 1859 into a peasant family; studied at medical courses in St. Petersburg, received...
    governor Kherson province, on the right. bank of the river Dnieper and its confluence. Koshevoy, near the confluence of the Dnieper into the Dnieper estuary. IN …
  • LOMAZHI PROVINCE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I one of the 10 that were part of the former Kingdom of Poland, occupies the southern part of the vast lowland stretching between pp. Oder and...
  • LOMZHA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    lips city ​​on the left bank of the river Nareva, in the 145th century. from the city of Warsaw, along the old postal route coming from Warsaw...
  • WORMS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -ey, -yam and WORTS, worm, worms. In playing cards: the name of the red suit with the image of hearts. King of Hearts, 11 adj. ...
  • CHERVONETS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -ntsa, m. 1. Gold coin (in denomination at different times of 3.5 or 10 rubles) (obsolete). 2. Since 1922...
    ? provincial town of the Kherson province, on the right bank of the Dnieper and its tributary Koshevoy, near the confluence of the Dnieper into the Dnieper estuary. IN …
  • LOMAZHI PROVINCE in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? one of 10 included in the former Kingdom of Poland, occupies the southern part of a vast lowland stretching between pp. Oder and...

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