Conditional 1 examples. Conditionals in English: types of conditional sentences. Using UNLESS and other words replacing IF

Conditional clauses are used to say that an action will only be performed if a certain condition is met. For example:

If it rains, I'll take an umbrella.

If you finish the quarter without C grades, I will buy you a new computer.

I'll come early if I have time to do all the work.

How are conditional sentences constructed? It is easy to remember that a conditional sentence in English consists of two parts - the condition and the result. The condition always begins with the word if (if). And the result describes what will happen if the condition is met.

There are three types of conditional sentences in English. Each type of conditional sentence has its own word order. It is the condition, or rather the probability of the condition being met, that determines what type the sentence will be. The condition could be:

  • feasible (1 type of conditional sentences)
  • unlikely (type 2)
  • impossible (type 3)

Sometimes there is also a zero type of conditional sentences. The null type clause contains a condition that is always satisfied. Let's take a closer look at how each of these types of conditional sentences is constructed and when it is used.

CONDITIONAL sentences of type 1. Real condition.

Type 1 conditionals in English are used to say of a prediction, prognosis, intention or warning. That is, in cases where there is a condition that will be met with a high probability and there is an action that will occur after this condition is met.

The scheme for constructing conditional sentences of type 1 is quite simple - the condition is described in the present tense Present Simple, and the result is described in the future tense Future Simple.

Let me remind you that an affirmative sentence in the Future Simple tense is constructed according to the following scheme:




everything else

If you feel the need to brush up on your knowledge of English tenses, you can read more about Present Simple, Future Simple and word order in an English sentence.

Now let's move on to examples of conditional sentences of the first type:

I will have a good job if I study well.
I will find a good job if I study well.

If the weather is good, we will go for a walk in the park.
If the weather is good, we will go for a walk in the park.

If you don"t sleep, you"ll be able to work good.
If you don't sleep, you won't be able to work well.

Please note that in an English conditional sentence, the condition can appear either before or after the result, and a comma is placed between the condition and the result only in cases where the condition comes first.

CONDITIONAL sentences of type 2. An unlikely condition.

Conditional sentences of type 2 in English speak about unlikely or almost impossible event. Use a Type 2 conditional if you do not believe the event specified will happen.

In order to construct a grammatically correct English conditional sentence of type 2, you need to do the following:

  1. Put the first part of the sentence (condition) in the past tense Past Simple.
  2. In the second part of the sentence (result), add the verb would before the subject. The particle to is not placed after would.

For example, we have two simple sentences:

I live in New York.
I live in New York.

I go out every night.
I go for a walk every evening.

Let's make a conditional sentence of the second type from them. We put the first sentence in the Past Simple.

I lived in New York.
I lived in New York.

To the second sentence we add the verb would.

I would go out every night.

Now we combine them, add the union If and get a conditional sentence:

If I lived in New York, I would go out every night.
If I lived in New York, I would go for a walk every evening.

“If I lived in New York” is an unlikely event, so it is absolutely correct to use a conditional sentence of the second type here.

Here are a few more examples, the study of which will help deepen your knowledge:

If I were you, I would dress the warm jacket.
If I were you, I would wear a warm jacket.

If I were mayor, I would make the life in my city better.
If I were mayor, I would make life in my city better.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.

3rd type of conditional sentences. Impossible condition.

Probably every person at least once in his life wanted to change something in his past. But alas, no one can turn back time. Conditional sentences of the third type allow us to say what would have happened if we could change the past. Use type 3 conditional sentences in English to criticize a mistake you made or regret a missed opportunity.

Such sentences are formed in a rather complex way:

  1. We put the first part of the sentence (condition) in the Past Perfect. Now there is no need to find out what the Past Perfect is and in what situations it is used. It is enough to know the formula by which it is formed. Roughly speaking, to get the Past Perfect Active you need to put the verb had before the predicate, and add the ending -ed to the predicate itself (for regular verbs). If an irregular verb is used as a predicate, then it is necessary to use its 3rd form, which must be taken from the dictionary.
  2. In the second part of the sentence (result), we add would have before the subject, and put the subject itself in the 3rd form.

The same thing in diagram form:

You can describe it in more detail. If regular verbs are used as subjects, then the following pattern will appear:

For irregular verbs instead of ending -ed We take the third form of the verb from the dictionary.

If I had studied harder, I would have had a better job.
If I studied better, I would have a better job.

If you had read the manual carefully, you wouldn’t have made these mistakes.
If you had read the instructions carefully, you would not have made these mistakes.

If You had closed a window, I wouldn’t have been ill.
If you had closed the window, I wouldn't get sick.

Conditional sentences type 0.

There are conditional sentences in which the condition is always satisfied. Why are they needed? For example, you can say in the form of a conditional sentence about a law of nature, a scientific fact, or a statement that is obvious to everyone:

Ice melts if the temperature is above zero.
Ice melts if the temperature is above zero.

Conditional sentences in which the condition is satisfied 100% of the time are called zero type conditional sentences. Conditional sentences of type 0 in English are formed according to a very simple scheme:

Both in the condition and as a result, the simplest of English tenses is used - the present present simple. This scheme is very similar to the structure of the corresponding conditional sentence in Russian. Therefore, conditional sentences of the zero type usually do not cause difficulties and in many grammar textbooks this type of sentence is not mentioned at all.

If a person eats a lot, he becomes fat.
If a person eats a lot, he becomes fat.

If you want to have good pay, you must have to work efficiently.
If you want to get a good salary, you must work efficiently.

Exercises to reinforce the topic

To consolidate your knowledge in practice, complete several tasks in which you need to choose the appropriate answer. After choosing the option you want, test yourself by clicking the "Show answer" button. If any of the English words in these sentences are not familiar to you, double-click on it to see the translation.

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Conditional sentences (Conditionals) are sentences with a conjunction if(If). Such sentences are used very often both in Russian and in English. For example:

If the weather is good, we will go to the beach.

If you studied, you would pass the exam.

These are conditional sentences, which in English are constructed according to certain patterns depending on the type of condition. Let's look at the structure of any conditional sentence in English.

A conditional sentence consists of two parts (that is, two simple clauses that together form one complex sentence).

One of the parts is subordinate clause with the conjunction if (if), containing the condition (If the weather is good...); the other part is main offer, which contains the result (we'll go to the beach).

In English, unlike Russian, there are several types of conditional sentences:

  • Zero Conditional(conditional sentences of zero type);
  • First Conditional(Conditional sentences of the first type);
  • Second Conditional(Conditional sentences of the second type);
  • Third Conditional(Conditional sentences of the third type).

The Zero Conditional. Conditional sentences of type zero

They are used when we talk about events and phenomena that are always true and real. As a rule, we are talking about scientific facts, laws of nature, or actions we are accustomed to. If or when the condition is met, the action will occur with a 100% probability.

If + Present Simple, … Present Simple.

If you mix hydrogen and oxygen, you get water. / You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.

If you combine hydrogen and oxygen, you get water.

If she goes to Moscow, she visits her sister. / She visits her sister if she goes to Moscow.

If she goes to Moscow, then she visits her sister.

In this case, we know for sure that if the condition is met, the action will certainly occur. If we combine hydrogen and oxygen, we get water. If she goes to Moscow, she will definitely visit her sister. In such sentences the conjunction if (if) easily replaced by when (when), while the meaning of the sentence remains the same:

When she goes to Moscow, she visits her sister. — When she goes to Moscow, she visits her sister.

Structure of conditional sentences of type zero

Conditional sentences of type zero have the following structure: in both parts of the sentence (present simple tense) is most often used. Modal verbs can also be used, for example, or.

If she goes shopping, she buys very expensive clothes. — If she goes shopping, she buys very expensive clothes. (she always does this)
If I can't fall asleep, I read. — If I can’t sleep, I read. (I always do this)

The First Conditional. Type I conditional sentences

Used to express situations that may happen in the future with a very high probability. It is realistic and quite possible that the condition will be met.

If + Present Simple, … Future Simple.

If the weather is fine, we will go to the beach. / We will go to the beach if the weather is fine.

If the weather is good, we will go to the beach. / We'll go to the beach if the weather is good.

Such offers are also called real future (real future), since the probability that the condition will be met is very high. The speaker is, say, 90 percent sure that the weather will be good and they will go to the beach. But there is also a possibility (albeit small, but still there) that the weather will turn bad, and then they will not go to the beach.

Structure of conditional sentences type I

Remember that conditional sentences of type I have the following structure: in a conditional sentence with a conjunction if (if) is used (present simple tense), in the main result clause - (future simple tense). Please also note that both parts of such sentences are translated into Russian in the future tense.

She will stay in Moscow if she gets a job. — She will stay in Moscow if she gets a job.
If you buy some apples, I will make an apple pie. — If you buy apples, I will make apple pie.
If I have enough money, I will buy a new dress. — If I have enough money, I will buy a new dress.
If he comes,I will be
If he doesn't come, she will be upset. “If he doesn’t come, she’ll be upset.”

Note that the main clause may contain a question:

Will we take a taxi if it rains? — Will we take a taxi if it rains?

Most often used in the main clause Future Simple(future simple tense), but modal verbs can also be used can, should, might, structure be going to. Or the main clause can be imperative.

If it doesn't rain this afternoon, we can play tennis — If it doesn't rain this afternoon, we can play tennis.
If it rains,we should stay home. — If it rains, we should stay at home.
If it rains,I might decide to stay home. — If it rains, I might decide to stay at home.
If it rains,we are going to stay home. — If it rains, we will stay at home.
Ask him to come if he calls.- Ask him to come if he calls.

The Second Conditional. Conditional sentences type II

Type II conditional sentences refer to the present or future tense. Used to express situations that are very likely not to happen in the future. It is practically unrealistic that the condition will be met (this condition may have nothing to do with reality at all, for example, when we dream of something completely impossible).

If + Past Simple, … would + verb.

If I had enough money, I would buy a car. / I would buy a car if I had enough money.

If I had enough money, I would buy a car.

If I were you, I would accept his invitation. / I would accept his invitation if I were you.

If I were you, I would accept his invitation.

Such proposals are called unreal future (unreal future), since the probability that the condition will be met is extremely low. The speaker knows that he does not have money to buy a car, and most likely he will not have it in the near future, so he does not have the opportunity to buy a car, but he has the desire. But a small probability still remains. What if he receives an inheritance or wins the lottery, and then his wish will come true.

Conditional sentences of type II are also used in situations when we are talking about something that is impossible in principle: If I were you, I would accept his invitation. (If I were you, I would accept his invitation.). But I am not you, and there is no way I can become you, so the condition cannot be fulfilled. Sentences like these are often used to give advice by expressing your opinion. Or you can just dream, knowing that this is not meant to be.

Structure of conditional sentences type II

Conditional sentences of type II have the following structure: in the condition sentence (past simple tense) is used, and in the main result sentence - would + verb in initial form. Both parts are translated into Russian using the particle “by”.

If I had enough apples, I would bake an apple pie. — If I had enough apples, I would bake an apple pie.
We would come to your party if we had time. — We would come to your party if we had time.
She would call him if she had his number. “She would have called him if she had his number.”
If you studied,you would pass the exam. - If you had studied, you would have passed the exam.
What would you say if he asked are you out on a date? -What would you say if he asked you out on a date?

Pay attention to the following feature, which is associated with the use of the verb to be in conditional sentences of type II. The conditional clause usually uses the plural form were with all the faces (If I were you, If he were, If she were, If it were), since in this case we are talking about the subjunctive mood (the condition contradicts reality and cannot be met). Sometimes in such sentences you can find the use was, but this is typical for colloquial speech. From a grammatical point of view, you need were.

If I were you, I would study more. - If I were you, I would study more.
If I were Rich, I would travel all over the world. - If I were rich, I would travel all over the world.
If he were president, he would reduce taxes. - If he were president, he would cut taxes.

The main result clause can use more than just would, but also other modal verbs in the past tense could, might, should:

If you studied,you could pass the exam. - If you studied, you could pass the exam.

The Third Conditional. Conditional sentences type III

Type III conditional sentences are in the past tense. Used to describe situations that would or would not have happened in the past under certain conditions. In this case, we are talking about the past, so we know for sure that the condition was not met.

If + Past Perfect, … would + have + III form of the verb.

If I had studied, I would have passed the exam. / I would have passed the exam if I had studied.

If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.

If I had invited him, he would have come. / He would have come if I had invited him.

If I had invited him, he would have come.

Such proposals are called unreal past (unreal past), since we are talking about the past and we know that the condition was definitely not met. The exam had already taken place, and I didn’t pass it because I didn’t study. Or two days ago he didn’t come to dinner because I didn’t invite him. And now I regret it, because he would definitely have come if he had received my invitation. But the condition was not met, so the action did not occur. All that remains is to regret or, perhaps, rejoice about what happened (most often, of course, regret), but nothing can be changed.

Structure of conditional sentences type III

Conditional sentences of type III are constructed as follows: in the condition sentence (past perfect tense) is used, in the main result sentence - would + have + Past Participle(past participle, that is, III form of the verb). Please note that instead of would modal verbs can also be used could or might.

If he hadn't been busy, they would have gone for a walk together. — If he weren’t busy, they would go for a walk together.
We wouldn't have missed the plane if we had taken a taxi. — We wouldn’t have missed the plane if we had taken a taxi.
If the weather had been hot, we could have gone to the beach. — If the weather was hot, we could go to the beach.
If I had woken up earlier, I might have had time to finish my work. — If I had woken up earlier, perhaps I would have had time to finish my work.

Note again that Type III conditionals are a kind of “missed opportunity.” We are talking about what could have been, would have been, but did not happen because the condition was not met. In this way we often express our regret about certain events.

Please note (this rule applies to conditional sentences of all types) that a sentence can begin with any part, the meaning does not change. If a sentence begins with an if-condition, then a comma is placed before the main clause:

If he comes,I will be glad. - If he comes, I will be glad.

If the main clause comes first, and then only the condition, then a comma is not placed between them:

I will be glad if he comes. - I will be glad if he comes.

There are several types of conditional sentences in English. In different educational materials, the number of these types can vary from three to five. We distinguish four such types. In this topic we will look at two types of conditional sentences.

Conditional sentences in English, as in Russian, are complex-subordinate sentences. But, based on the translation into Russian, English conditional sentences differ from Russian ones.

Any conditional sentence consists of two parts - conditional and main. The conditional part, as in Russian, is usually expressed using the adverb If/if.

The first type of conditional sentences is called real, because fulfilling the conditions in these proposals is entirely feasible.

Despite the Russian translation, the conditional part of the sentence is expressed only using the Present tense (usually Present Simple). And in the main part the future tense is used.

If you finish your homework, we shall go to the cinema.

In the Russian translation, both parts of the sentence will be in the future tense.

If you finish your homework, we will go to the cinema.

Besides if, words and phrases such as: when, as soon as(as soon as) before, until.

When she reads the letter, she will become nervous.
As soon as you are ready, I"ll drive you home.

The conjunction is also used in conditional sentences unless(unless / unless) which can be replaced by if + not(negation). After the union unless the predicate verb is put in the affirmative form, since the conjunction unless already contains negation.

She will forget about it unless we remind her.
She will forget about it unless we remind her.
She will forget about it if we don't remind her.

A subordinate clause that usually begins with the word if, can appear either at the beginning of a conditional sentence (before the main clause) or at the end. If it comes at the beginning, then a comma is placed after it. If it comes at the end, then a comma is not placed before it.

If you leave now, you"ll catch the train.
You"ll catch the train if you leave now.


    In the conditional part, in addition to the Present Simple, the following present tenses can be used: Present Continuous and Present Perfect.

    If you are looking for troubles, you"ll them.

    When you have finished the letter, I"ll post it.
    When you finish the letter, I will send it.

    The main part can use the design be going to(see the corresponding lesson), which also indicates an action in the future; but most often the Future Simple is used.

    If I win in the lottery, I am going to buy a new car.

Negative and interrogative forms

The conditional part of a sentence can have a negative form according to the grammatical tense in which it is found.

If we don"t/can"t find the money, we shall call the police.

The main part of a conditional sentence can also have a negation.

When he returns home, I won't talk to him anymore.

When a conditional sentence is a question, then only the main part of the sentence has the form of a question, while the conditional part can have either a declarative or an interrogative form.

Will you believe me, will you still feed me when I am sixty-four? (The Beatles)

Will she forgive him, if he doesn't take his words back?

What will happen to us if we are loose?

Answers to questions

Since questions are asked to the main part of the sentence, the answers are formed in relation to the main part.

Will you go to the picnic next weekend if you have a chance? - Yes, I will / No, I won't.

What will she do, if she misses the train? - She will take a bus.

First Conditional Sentences are the simplest type of conditional sentences in the English language. Such a sentence is also called a “real” conditional - it shows an action that will happen in the future if the condition is met.


If your daughter studies are hard, she will pass the exam. – If your daughter studies hard, she will pass the exam (successfully).

How is First Conditional formed?

First Conditional is used when we talk about our plans for the present or near future and the implementation of these plans is realistic.

When constructing conditional sentences in Russian, we put both parts of it in the future tense. In English after if(conditional part) we use Present Simple(present tense), and in the second part of the sentence (result) - will + infinitive verb.

If + Present Simple --------- will + verb

If I have time, I will watch TV. – If I have time, I will watch TV.

Parts of a sentence can be interchanged, for example:
I will watch TV, If I have time.

When constructing a conditional sentence of the first type, except for the conjunction if (if) we can use:

  • as soon as– as soon as
  • before– up to
  • until- up to a certain point
  • when- When

After these words, Present Simple is always used, and in the second part of the sentence will + infinitive is placed:

I will call you as soon as I get home.
I will finish my work before you come.
I will learn English until I"m completely fluent.
I will tell Bob when I see him.

Practical exercises to reinforce the material

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (put the verb in brackets in the correct tense).

  1. If Peter (do) lots of exercise he"ll be fit and healthy.
  2. Please call me if you (need) any help.
  3. Cathy will be able to go on holiday if she (save) enough money.
  4. Unless it (rain) we"ll go for a walk.
  5. If you (work) hard you may be promoted.
  6. me a call if you have time tomorrow?
  7. If you don"t do your homework I (not/let) you match TV.
  8. Mary won't go to Australia unless I (pay) for her tickets.
  9. If he (arrive) on time we"ll have dinner before we go out.

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First Conditional Theme

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

  1. If Peter does lots of exercise he"ll be fit and healthy.
  2. Please call me if you will need any help.
  3. Cathy will be able to go on holiday if she saves enough money.
  4. Unless it rains we"ll go for a walk.
  5. If you work hard you may be promoted.
  6. Will you give me a call if you have time tomorrow?
  7. If you don"t do your homework I won"t let you match TV.
  8. Mary won't go to Australia unless I pay for her tickets.
  9. If he arrives on time we"ll have dinner before we go out.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. A: I"d like a cup of coffee.
    B: Well, if you (hold) the baby for five minutes, I (make) it for you.
  2. A: I must go to the bank.
    B: If you (leave) now, you (get)there before it closes.
  3. A: I can't do everything myself.
    B: Well, if you (wash) the dishes, I (cook) the meal.
  4. A: Are you going on holiday this year?
    B: Yes, I (go) to Spain for two weeks, if I (have) some time off work.
  5. A: I want to cook something special tonight.
    B: Great, if I (finish) work early, I (give) you a hand.
  6. A: Could I have a chocolate biscuit, please?
    B: Yes, if you (look) in a cupboard, you (find) some cakes as well.

In order to understand the essence of a conditional sentence, or rather subordinate clause conditions, let's look at a few examples:

If you win a big money prize or find some treasure, you need to pay tax to the state.

If you win a big cash prize or find treasure, you need to pay tax to the state.

I have lost my wallet. It may be somewhere in your house.

OK. I’ll phone you if I find it.

- I've lost my wallet. Perhaps he is somewhere in your house.

- Fine. I'll call you if I find him.

It's raining. If I had an umbrella, I wouldn’t be so wet now.

It's raining. If I had an umbrella, I wouldn't be so wet now.

I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I had known, I would have gone to visit you.

I didn't know you were in the hospital. If I had known, I would have come to see you.

If I had gone to the party last night, I would be sleepy and tired now.

If I had gone to the party last night, I would be sleepy and tired right now.

Conditional Sentence

As can be seen from the examples above, a conditional sentence is a subordinate clause that expresses the condition under which the action of the main sentence occurs or would occur. Such a subordinate clause answers the question ‘under what conditions?’ - “under what conditions?”

Separate with commas subordinate clauses in Russian and English have significant differences. For conditional subordinate clauses, these differences are manifested in the fact that a comma is separated, mainly the subordinate clause, which is in preposition, that is, standing before the main one. Whereas the conditional sentence after the main sentence is not separated by commas.

Subordinate clauses of conditions are introduced most often using a conjunction if - “if”. Subordinate clauses with the following conjunctions are less common in the table:


if (not), except that; not yet

I am not going to communicate with her any more unless she apologizes for her behavior.

I'm not going to talk to her anymore unless she apologizes for her behavior.

providing (that)

provided that

We will organize this journey providing that we get enough money.

We will organize this trip provided we receive enough money.

provided (that)

provided that

This company will sponsor your event provided that you provide good advertisement for it and its goods.

This company will sponsor your event provided that you provide good publicity for her and her products.

supposing (that)

suppose that; If

Supposing you have enough time to get ready for such a travel , you surely won't get enough money for it.

Even if you assume that you will have enough time to prepare for such a trip, you probably will not have enough money for this.


once; once; If

Once you have decided to take part in this competition, you should try to win.

Since you have decided to take part in this competition, you must try to win.

in case

in case

In case you pass this examination brilliantly , you don't have to pass any other tests.

If you do well in this exam, you will not have to take any other tests.

on condition that

provided that

I will help you on condition that you help me in your turn.

I will help you on the condition that you help me in turn.

All subordinate clauses in English differ in one important grammatical feature - in them no verb usedwill and its past form would, even if there is an action that will be performed in the future. At the same time, the future tense can be used in the main sentence, which will be discussed in more detail below. However, we should not forget that the conjunction if is used not only in the meaning of “if”, but also in the meaning of “whether” and does not introduce conditional sentences. With the conjunction if meaning “whether” the verb will, as well as its form would, are used. Let's compare:

In English, there are several types of conditional sentences depending on the time and reality of the condition described in them.

Zero Conditionals / Conditional sentences of zero type

Such conditional sentences are not often used in speech, since they denote certain well-known truths that are repeated from time to time and do not relate to any specific moment in time or individual incident in life. Such sentences denote a real condition. In the subordinate clause of the condition, in this case it is only permissible to use different tenses of the Present group, while in the main predicate the predicate is used either in or in the imperative mood Imperative :

Present Simple in subordinate clauseproposal andPrese

Ifyou buy something online you have more chances to save your money.

If you buy something online, you have a better chance of saving money.

PresentContinuous in subordinate clauseproposal andImperative in the main clause

Try not to speak if you are chewing. It can be hazardous.

Try not to talk if you are chewing. It may be dangerous.

Present Perfect in subordinate clauseproposal andPresent Simple in the main clause

You shouldn’t take another task unless you have done the previous one.

You should not take on another task until you have completed the previous one.

Zero Conditionals are used in cases where the sentence talks about:

generally known truths

If you leave meat or fish in a warm place, it will go bad.

If you leave meat or fish in a warm place, they will spoil.

scientific facts

If temperature falls under 0º Celsius water turns into ice.

If the temperature drops below 0º Celsius, the water turns into ice.


Press this button if you want to turn the printer on.

Click this button if you want to turn on the printer.

obvious consequences of a certain action

If you drive a car without a driving license you will certainly get problems with the police.

If you drive a car without a driver's license, you will definitely have problems with the police.

habitual (routine) actions

My granny puts on her glasses if she wants to read or to knit.

A distinctive feature of conditional sentences of the zero type is the ability to replace the conjunction if with when (“when”):

First Conditionals / Conditional sentences of the first type

One of the most common types of conditionals are First Conditionals. They are characterized by the presence real condition (real possibility), covering a specific situation in the future or present.

If I have time,I will go to the cinema with you.

If I have time, I will go to the cinema with you.

Ann will pass this exam if she gets ready for it.

Anne will pass this exam if she studies for it.

The formation of conditional sentences of the first type is characterized by the use of Future Simple (will + Infinitive) or Imperative in the main clause and Present Simple in the subordinate clause:

Second Conditionals / Conditional sentences of the second type

Along with conditional sentences of the first type, Second Conditionals occupy a leading position in popularity in speech. Such sentences mean unreal possibility

Which would make a certain situation possible in the present or future:

If we didn't work, we wouldn't have any money.

If we didn't work, we wouldn't have money.

I wouldn't mind living in England if the weather were better.

I wouldn't mind living in England if the weather was better.

In this kind of unrealistic sentences finds its application conditional moodConditional Mood- a verb form formed by adding to the auxiliary verb would (or should, but in the context of this topic it is not of particular interest to us) an indefinite form of the verb (the Infinitive) without the particle to or similar to the tense forms of the Past group. Conditional Mood partly corresponds to the Russian subjunctive mood. It shows the attitude of the author of the statement to a particular action, reflecting his personal perception. The verb form in this case shows the action not as real, but rather as expected, desirable or possible. The conditional mood finds its application in both simple and complex sentences, but its main area of ​​application is subordinate clauses of condition:

Taking a closer look at the examples presented above, it is easy to notice that after the third person singular subject, were is used (for example, were possible). No, this is not a mistake, but a distinctive feature of the conditional mood - the use of were is acceptable for all persons. If you use was rather than were in such a sentence, this will also not be a mistake, but were is more common in unreal sentences.

Let's return to conditional sentences of the second type. To form them in the main sentence, the predicate is put in the form would + Infinitive Simple(a simple infinitive is the original form of the verb), and in the main sentence the predicate is in a form similar to . Both forms, as we have already seen above, correspond to the conditional mood.

We would need a car if we lived in the country.

We would need a car if we lived in a rural area.

If you didn't live so far away, we would visit you more often.

If you didn't live so far away, we would visit you more often.

It should be noted that would often used in the abbreviated form - ‘d, For example:

A striking manifestation of conditional sentences of the second type are sentences of character If I were you... - “If I were you, I would...”(literally: “If I were you...”), where were is also used instead of was:

If I were you, I wouldn't buy these shoes.

If I were you, I wouldn't buy these shoes.

I wouldn't wait if I were you.

I wouldn't wait if I were you.

If I were your boyfriend, I wouldn't let you go.

If I were your boyfriend, I wouldn't let you leave.

Third Conditionals / Conditional sentences of the third type

This type of conditional clause serves to express unrealistic condition related to events in the past.

If I had been tired at the party, I would have gone home earlier.

If I was tired at a party, I would go home earlier.

He wouldn't have walked into the tree if he had been looking where he was going.

He wouldn't have crashed into the tree if he had been watching where he was going.

Since we are talking about actions that happened, or rather, did not happen in the past, the use of perfect forms becomes natural. At the same time, the subordinate clause uses the form (less often), while the main clause uses would + Infinitive Perfect (less often Infinitive Perfect Continuous). For those who are not familiar with the topic in English, let us explain that Infinitive Perfect = have + V 3 (a semantic verb in the third form), and Infinitive Perfect Continuous = have been + Ving (a semantic verb with the ending -ing).

Mixed Conditionals / Mixed type of conditional sentences

Sometimes a sentence combines a condition associated with an action from the past (Third Conditional) in a subordinate clause and its probable consequences for the present or future (Second Conditional) - in this case they speak of a mixed type of conditional sentence, also called the fourth:

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