Denise Lynn past life experiences. How to learn about your own mistakes and correct them. Somatic problems and bitter memories

Denise Lynn is called " best keeper secrets of America." Over the past three and a half years, she has traveled to the farthest corners of the world. Denise's spiritual journey began as a teenager, when she was near death, wounded by an unknown terrorist.

Denise Lynn's discoveries on the "other side" and subsequent amazing recovery led her to eventually become an internationally respected healer, author, and teacher.

As a world-renowned expert in Feng Shui and space cleansing, Denise Lynn brought the information and wisdom into her teachings, which she collected from indigenous cultures around the planet - the Aborigines of Australia, the Zulu of Africa, the Maori of New Zealand (where she was given the title of "priest "), as well as among native American ancestors.

Denise has conducted workshops in 20 countries and is the author of 15 books, including the best-selling books Sacred Place and Soul Training, as well as the recently published personal memoir If I Can Forget, So Can You! Denise Lynn's books have been translated into 26 languages, and she has been a guest of honor on the Discovery, BBC, NBC and CBC channels. Denise Lynn is the founder International Institute soul training.

Denise has a daughter named Meadow, she is 28 years old and is studying French at Southern California College.

Books (6)

Reader comments

Rina/ 05/22/2019 I would like to express my gratitude to your site! For providing and the opportunity to download books. You may want to take a closer look at some to decide what to buy. Good luck in your activities!
The author Denise Lynn was recommended to me, I will definitely read her books.

Tatiana/ 11/21/2018 The book “Sacred Space. Happiness and Energy of your Home” opened up new frontiers for me in understanding what surrounds me. A lot has become clear and understandable. It turns out that even the number of the house in which I live has changed me for the better. You should not just read the book, but immediately follow the recommendations and improve the health of the space in your home. Then life will become happier and more joyful. Believe me, I was convinced of this myself!

Julia/ 11/17/2018 Thank you! Books are very valuable to me!

Lyudmila Chigrik/ 11/12/2013 Her very powerful piece is “Feng Shui and the energy of your home”, and also “Feng Shui for the soul”

St./ 01/14/2013 The point of Lynn’s books is to not only read them, but to use them. FOR THOSE who do not understand her book, it is better not to use the exercises.

St./ 01/14/2013 I would like to see Lynn’s books on the site - in particular “Training the Soul”, as well as “If I Could Forget, So Can You!”

WITH/ 01/14/2013 thank you for your book “Past Lives, Present Dreams”
The technique described in this book changed my life - before I was exhausted by life, but after the first session I began to think positively and look at the world differently, at my situation in general. I am very grateful to YOU ​​for this book.
The book is written in kind language.
Every person at a certain stage needs knowledge to develop, and people surprisingly come across books that help them find a way out of the situation (I’m talking about good books now).

El/ 06/23/2011 Very bright and strong feelings from the author. The heart opens...

Karabas/ 02/12/2009 Amazing book. The author gives a technique on how to work with your past incarnations using visualization techniques. He writes well about children's dreams as reminders of past lives.

Ave/ 03/18/2008 I read and reviewed the book “Past Lives, Present Dreams” - I can say with confidence that with the help of simple recommendations from this book you will be able to remember the main events of your past life (as I remembered, although I can’t check it yet :)) - but only if you intuitively understand how to remember this past life. But in reality it is very simple. And yet, I prefer the book “Memories of Past Lives” (the practice of remembering them) by the author Richard Webster.
Good luck:)

Love/ 01/11/2007 Lillian liked that better

Karma from past lives can be scary if you don’t know exactly what impact it has on your life today. Karma is not a sentence.

It is more like a reference book in which you can find answers to why situations and relationships develop one way or another.

In the article you will learn:

  • what's happened karmic code,
  • What are the benefits of remembering past lives?
  • and what are the important lessons need to be learned to live happily and not step on the same “rake”.

Sandra Ann Taylor

When she first began seeing snippets of her clients' past incarnations during sessions, she didn't immediately understand what was happening.

“Frames” from the client’s childhood and past life could spontaneously flash before her. After many years of practice, she can see the key point in the visitor’s past life, which is the reason for the trouble in the current one.

Sandra Ann Taylor's experience helps clients get to the root of the life's difficulties that brought them to therapy.

During her work, the psychologist understood a lot about karma, its patterns and characteristics.

Karmic code of life

Each of us has our own unique karmic code, accumulated over previous incarnations: It includes emotions and experiences that our soul once experienced.

Most of this energy information code does not affect us negative influence, on the contrary, it helps life path as lived experience and previously acquired wisdom.

Our karmic code, like spiritual DNA, contains information about who are we, what we went through, how we perceived the events that happened to us in many previous lives.

The immortal consciousness of the soul of each of us preserves all the things thanks to which we are us.

Everyone's karmic code includes:

  • Hidden memories of past events.
  • Emotional reactions and experiences of events: joy, delight, rejection and fear.
  • Important conclusions made under the influence of strong emotions. They usually concern the dignity, importance of a person, his power and the power of others in his opinion.
  • Diseases,
  • Readiness for lessons in wisdom and personal development and connection with and expression of one's own spiritual truth.

What is karma

Difficult or unpleasant situations for us may be karmic, accumulated in past incarnations, but we should not perceive them as punishment.

Karma - part of our own soul's design, often together with other souls with whom we decide to go through this or that lesson of wisdom in incarnation.

Karma is NOT:

  1. Paying for the mistakes of the past. Not all adversities in our lives are consequences of the “sins” of other incarnations. Some challenges may also be given to overcome in order to develop new abilities or learn new skills in the future.
  2. Predetermined, predetermined fate. The soul actually plans most lessons before incarnation, but not the “technical” details and details of life.
  3. Step by step instructions. It is not at all necessary to go through the same path as in past lives, experiencing everything that affected us in past incarnations - we can always choose a new, better life.

Karma is:

  1. Understanding, returning and exchanging energy structures. She needs some lessons of the soul for expansion, evolution, gaining new experience - they do not extend from previous incarnations.
  2. Changeable, flexible, fickle. It can change as a person's consciousness changes.
  3. Related to specific problems. After solving them and learning the necessary lessons of wisdom, the karma associated with them is “removed” and dissipates as unnecessary - both in the current incarnation and in future ones.

How does karma from past lives affect the present?

There are certain factors that almost certainly lead to difficulties and problems in the current and possibly future incarnations.

1. Strong emotional charge and intensity

The stronger the emotional charge any experience contains, the more likely it is that it will influence all subsequent lives (until it is realized and removed).

This is true for both positive and negative experiences, because a strong emotional imprint encoded in the memory of the soul and through the subconscious determines our actions.

For example, if in a previous life you were betrayed by your husband, the subconscious conclusion drawn from that incarnation: men cannot be trusted.

This conclusion of the past will affect the course of the present life.

It is this intense perception of an event from a past incarnation that can become an obstacle to a romantic relationship, even if you passionately strive for it consciously.

In such a case, it is important to get rid of the emotional energy of strong experiences and re-evaluate the conclusions once made.

2. Somatic problems and bitter memories

Often the source of chronic pain, illness or physical damage in the current life is physical injuries from previous incarnations that shocked us and were not fully accepted.

Injuries received in the distant past through violent means may remind themselves, requiring surgical intervention in the same area of ​​the body.

Sandra Ann Taylor recounts the experience of a visitor to her seminar:

“A woman was recently operated on for breast cancer, and later she learned that it was in this place that she was hit with a sword in one of her previous incarnations. It turned out that in both cases it was due to a lack of self-love.”

This factor is also illustrated by another story of a patient who, during a storm in a past life, severely injured his leg and was forced to give up his career as a ship captain.

Then a large beam fell from the mast, from a great height, and flattened it bottom part legs, ankle and foot.

A similar incident overtook him in this life - he had to quit his job as a pilot after the pain in the same leg intensified so much that he was unable to perform his duties.

This man felt unhappy in both cases because he loved traveling very much.

To get rid of pain and “negative” karma, he found new interests in life, new self-determination and freedom, and realized that even living a different life than the one he was so used to, he could feel happy.

3. Premature, unexpected or violent death

When a person dies unexpectedly and at a young age, and his soul did not plan for this, it often wants to return as quickly as possible and complete everything planned - complete your homework, encoded in her deepest spiritual intentions.

Sandra Ann Telor suggests that many people born between 1946 and 1964 were returned souls and soul groups whose human lives were ended suddenly and violently during World War II.

Two main tasks of karma

Karma in our life performs two main tasks:

1.Allows you to feel and understand the energies of past lives, which we could misinterpret and “preserve” in the karmic code of the soul;

2.Helps you learn important lessons, from which we were unable to extract “pearls of wisdom” in previous incarnations.

Usually such lessons are very important - for the evolution of the soul and for the spread of love throughout the Universe.

These two tasks of karma are inextricably linked with each other.

Thanks to them, we sooner or later learn that the karmic lessons we have learned contribute to the return of our energy and parts of the soul.

However, if in a previous incarnation you were a killer, this does not mean that now you must be killed in order to free yourself from “canned” karma.

You need to learn to value, respect and honor the lives of others. This will change your consciousness and release encoded energy, as well as will raise your vibration and harmonizes them.

If you do not learn this lesson, perhaps someone close to you will be killed so that you can truly appreciate the value of human life.

This will be compensation for the energy that can open your eyes. From a human point of view, such experiences may seem excessive, but for the soul it is not so dramatic.

Priorities of the soul

Sometimes human life can be difficult and sometimes simply unbearable. But the soul looks at things more broadly and sees earthly life differently than a person.

The soul is like an actor who knows that he will play a role in a film.

The actor knows that when filming ends, he will play a new role, and the suffering of his character is only an illusion.

The actor also believes that it is very difficult and emotional role- a great opportunity to improve your skills, delve deeper into yourself and rise to the heights that need to be discovered in order to play a role.

For a soul, 80-90 years of earthly life is quite a bit, but even a temporary and short-lived role on the scale of eternal existence is very important for evolution.

Illness or poverty is no more serious grief for the Eternal Self than for the actor playing the corresponding role.

The soul views human adversity as important and valuable opportunities to work on its evolution, self-improvement, gaining wisdom, self-discipline, self-expression, spreading love, service and compassion.

How does the soul evaluate the events of human life?

She knows that there will be both good and bad, but she also sees the scale of the plan.

A person may not have clear ideas about his higher plan; he can perceive only ego, attachments and cravings.

But if you look at life from the point of view of the soul, everything changes. Every event contains a lesson, a deeper meaning, and the real meaning is not the event itself, but what it teaches.

Our soul knows that it is not what happens to us, but how we deal with it.

The priorities of the soul are an important pointer, following which you can fill your life with harmony, acceptance, gratitude and love.

This is what is important for the soul:

  • solving the question of how to bring light into darkness and love into adversity;
  • opening the heart to the inner Divine Consciousness.

Following these soul priorities will open a new path and change your destiny.

What to do to avoid stepping on the same “rake”?

#Step 1:

In traumatic and difficult situations stop and look at what lesson you are going through, what the soul can learn from it and how it can do differently.

Take the role of an observer; this will help you not to get involved and look at the situation from the position of your soul.

#Step 2:

Do good deeds that will attract positivity into your life and help soften possible consequences karma of past incarnations.

#Step 3:

Thank you! After all, gratitude is one of the most powerful means of transforming a situation and the ability to change it.

When you thank everyone and everything that happens to you and around you, it helps to live in acceptance and attract favorable events into your life.

Remember, karma can be changed. And you change it every day. Your thoughts, feelings, actions.

If you look back at your life, it will resemble a fascinating mosaic, although not always understandable. But if you add fragments from past incarnations to it, a lot will become clearer.

Over time, it is even possible to see a panoramic picture of who we were, who we should be, and what we should accomplish in this time.

Beauty, purpose and fortitude play main role in this exciting scenario, and all the pieces of the mystical and eternal mosaic of life fall into place,

Denise Lynn

Past life experience. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them

Dedicated to my husband David and my daughter Madow as they journey through time and space together

Past Lives, Present Miracles

Publication on English: 2008, Hay House Inc., USA

“Tune in to Hay House at:”

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters, 2014


The time has come!

Miracles can happen in your life simply and without much difficulty. You just need to remember who you are - this process helps remove the barriers that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in the distant past, so to free yourself from them, it is very useful to travel back in time. However, most of us are so conditioned by limited beliefs about who we really are that making this journey becomes almost impossible. This book will teach you how to do it.

If you truly want to discover who you are and are ready for miracles in life, Past Life Experiences will reveal secret paths that will help you free yourself from inner chaos to truly discover why you are here. Using this knowledge, you will learn to express your deepest dreams. The time has come! You wouldn't be holding this book in your hands if you weren't ready to start the journey.

Why now?

It's an amazing time to be alive. In fact, there has never been a more effective time to move beyond your personal limitations and begin moving along the karmic path towards your maximum potential. Right now, after billions of years of evolutionary turns, you really have the opportunity to go through the full cycle of the soul program. As our planet enters a new millennium and a new vibration, you will finally be able to resolve old problems from past lives...and as a result, life will be filled with miracles!

My teacher Dansing Feather of Taos Pueblo in New Mexico planted the seeds of this book many years ago. He was simple and modest, but carried great wisdom. Although he and I were representatives of different clans, this calm old man helped me connect more deeply with my Cherokee ancestors. He shared with me prophecies for our time and spoke about the importance of liberation from the shadows of the past.

I remember one warm summer evening that I spent with him. Wearing a faded T-shirt and badly worn jeans, he sat cross-legged on the grass of a sun-scorched plateau. A soft breeze rustled the dry leaves and scattered them around us. I diligently listened to the voice of my teacher. It seemed that his skin was glowing, reflecting the crimson sunset. Despite the fact that deep wrinkles furrowed his face, and his once blue-black hair was diluted with gray, during the conversation he showed a lively, childish humility. Sometimes he interrupted his speech and looked into the distance. His eyes, covered with the veil of time, seemed to peer into his inner world. After a moment he continued talking again.

A new cycle begins

Dansing Feather informed me that the Earth is at the end of a long cycle - a time of completion and rebirth - and many changes in the order of life await us. He said that revival will be a difficult process for many people because they are lost, that is, they have lost touch with their roots and do not know who they are. They are not able to find themselves in all parts of nature without exception. My good teacher said that human beings are inseparable from the mountains, the endless sky, the meadows and the seas... we are part of everything: big and small. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about this.

Dedicated to my husband David and my daughter Madow as they journey through time and space together

Past Lives, Present Miracles

Publication in English: 2008, Hay House Inc., USA

“Tune in to Hay House at:”

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters, 2014


The time has come!

Miracles can happen in your life simply and without much difficulty. You just need to remember who you are - this process helps remove the barriers that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in the distant past, so to free yourself from them, it is very useful to travel back in time. However, most of us are so conditioned by limited beliefs about who we really are that making this journey becomes almost impossible. This book will teach you how to do it.

If you truly want to discover who you are and are ready for miracles in life, Past Life Experiences will reveal secret paths that will help you free yourself from inner chaos to truly discover why you are here. Using this knowledge, you will learn to express your deepest dreams. The time has come! You wouldn't be holding this book in your hands if you weren't ready to start the journey.

Why now?

It's an amazing time to be alive. In fact, there has never been a more effective time to move beyond your personal limitations and begin moving along the karmic path towards your maximum potential. Right now, after billions of years of evolutionary turns, you really have the opportunity to go through the full cycle of the soul program. As our planet enters a new millennium and a new vibration, you will finally be able to resolve old problems from past lives...and as a result, life will be filled with miracles!

My teacher Dansing Feather of Taos Pueblo in New Mexico planted the seeds of this book many years ago. He was simple and modest, but carried great wisdom. Although he and I came from different backgrounds, this quiet old man helped me connect more deeply with my Cherokee ancestors. He shared with me prophecies for our time and spoke about the importance of liberation from the shadows of the past.

I remember one warm summer evening that I spent with him. Wearing a faded T-shirt and badly worn jeans, he sat cross-legged on the grass of a sun-scorched plateau. A soft breeze rustled the dry leaves and scattered them around us. I diligently listened to the voice of my teacher. It seemed that his skin was glowing, reflecting the crimson sunset. Despite the fact that deep wrinkles furrowed his face, and his once blue-black hair was diluted with gray, during the conversation he showed a lively, childish humility. Sometimes he interrupted his speech and looked into the distance. His eyes, covered with the veil of time, seemed to peer into his inner world. After a moment he continued talking again.

A new cycle begins

Dansing Feather informed me that the Earth is at the end of a long cycle - a time of completion and rebirth - and many changes in the order of life await us. He said that revival will be a difficult process for many people because they are lost, that is, they have lost touch with their roots and do not know who they are. They are not able to find themselves in all parts of nature without exception. My good teacher said that human beings are inseparable from the mountains, the endless sky, the meadows and the seas... we are part of everything: big and small. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about this.

He spoke about the significance of dreams and how our nightly journeys are the entrance to inner worlds. Over time, they will become a source of inspiration and healing and will play an increasingly important role in our collective evolution. He also explained that it is necessary to get rid of traces of past pain, suffering and resentment, as they keep us from fully perceiving the beauty of the world around us. We must learn to listen to the wisdom within us and to the spiritual founders and guides around us. To remember who we really are, we must aim high.

My teacher spoke with excitement about the great potential we had to unlock in the future. Although he did not speak specifically about past lives, he discussed the need for internal and external cleansing and healing of old wounds.

Years after Dance Feather's death, I understood the wisdom of his words. Our planet is indeed changing rapidly - just as he predicted. There are huge changes in technology and natural resources that influence the way we interact with each other and with environment. Society for the most part has forgotten that everything on the planet is interconnected, classifying us all as part of the world of the living in in the narrow sense this word, forgetting about the spiritual side of every being. We have forgotten that our world is full of the sounds of life and vibrates with the energy of the Spirit.

Global cleansing

The Universe's response to planetary imbalance is similar to the body's response to trauma. When we suffer from bodily injury, the body responds by sending healing energy to the painful area.

We are not aware of the countless biochemical processes that occur in the immune system. One way or another, when we are injured, the body automatically reacts - this is a natural process.

The human body is a microcosm in the Universe. In other words, our planet can be compared to a cell in the body of the living world. Right now the planet is damaged and we are all affected by it. The Universe sends healing energy to us, just as the human immune system activates when it detects damage.

Global cleansing is similar to cleaning a pond of standing water. The top six inches of water may appear clear, but beyond that it is filled with sediment and various vegetation. When there is an unexpected influx of fresh, clean water from springs gushing at the bottom, all the foul-smelling water rises to the top. The short-term effects seem chaotic, as the body of water appears worse - it is cloudy and polluted with rotting particles. However, the purification process is very important for the health of the reservoir, the water in which soon becomes crystal clear and tasty. Our planet today is like a pool of stagnant water: the new rising currents are like refreshing springs, causing circulation, as they give rise to amazing cleansing and healing.

Personal cleansing and renewal

With exciting, difficult, but interesting times ahead, we have unprecedented potential for liberation from the heavy burden that everyone carries throughout their lives into old age. The destruction of old structures and hierarchies at the cosmic level means that ancient prohibitions and obstacles have come to the surface. The planet is filled with new energies, and people are witnessing the resurrection of problems of the past, which is expressed in feelings of disorientation and anxiety. Many are dealing with—and re-dealing with—their grief, fear, and anger about situations that were previously bottled up or denied.

Repressed pain and suffering in this life, as well as in past lives, is now coming to light as many people try to overcome barriers to their wholeness. All of our pain caused by disconnection from the Soul, accumulated within us over countless lifetimes - and existing within us as repressed memories - is crying out for release. Never before in the history of the planet have we had such an opportunity as now to truly free ourselves from the limitations of the past.

Denise Lynn

Past life experience. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them

Dedicated to my husband David and my daughter Madow as they journey through time and space together

Past Lives, Present Miracles

Publication in English: 2008, Hay House Inc., USA

“Tune in to Hay House at:”

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters, 2014


The time has come!

Miracles can happen in your life simply and without much difficulty. You just need to remember who you are - this process helps remove the barriers that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in the distant past, so to free yourself from them, it is very useful to travel back in time. However, most of us are so conditioned by limited beliefs about who we really are that making this journey becomes almost impossible. This book will teach you how to do it.

If you truly want to discover who you are and are ready for miracles in life, Past Life Experiences will reveal secret paths that will help you free yourself from inner chaos to truly discover why you are here. Using this knowledge, you will learn to express your deepest dreams. The time has come! You wouldn't be holding this book in your hands if you weren't ready to start the journey.

Why now?

It's an amazing time to be alive. In fact, there has never been a more effective time to move beyond your personal limitations and begin moving along the karmic path towards your maximum potential. Right now, after billions of years of evolutionary turns, you really have the opportunity to go through the full cycle of the soul program. As our planet enters a new millennium and a new vibration, you will finally be able to resolve old problems from past lives...and as a result, life will be filled with miracles!

My teacher Dansing Feather of Taos Pueblo in New Mexico planted the seeds of this book many years ago. He was simple and modest, but carried great wisdom. Although he and I came from different backgrounds, this quiet old man helped me connect more deeply with my Cherokee ancestors. He shared with me prophecies for our time and spoke about the importance of liberation from the shadows of the past.

I remember one warm summer evening that I spent with him. Wearing a faded T-shirt and badly worn jeans, he sat cross-legged on the grass of a sun-scorched plateau. A soft breeze rustled the dry leaves and scattered them around us. I diligently listened to the voice of my teacher. It seemed that his skin was glowing, reflecting the crimson sunset. Despite the fact that deep wrinkles furrowed his face, and his once blue-black hair was diluted with gray, during the conversation he showed a lively, childish humility. Sometimes he interrupted his speech and looked into the distance. His eyes, covered with the veil of time, seemed to peer into his inner world. After a moment he continued talking again.

A new cycle begins

Dansing Feather informed me that the Earth is at the end of a long cycle - a time of completion and rebirth - and many changes in the order of life await us. He said that revival will be a difficult process for many people because they are lost, that is, they have lost touch with their roots and do not know who they are. They are not able to find themselves in all parts of nature without exception. My good teacher said that human beings are inseparable from the mountains, the endless sky, the meadows and the seas... we are part of everything: big and small. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about this.

He spoke about the significance of dreams and how our nightly journeys are the entrance to inner worlds. Over time, they will become a source of inspiration and healing and will play an increasingly important role in our collective evolution. He also explained that it is necessary to get rid of traces of past pain, suffering and resentment, as they keep us from fully perceiving the beauty of the world around us. We must learn to listen to the wisdom within us and to the spiritual founders and guides around us. To remember who we really are, we must aim high.

My teacher spoke with excitement about the great potential we had to unlock in the future. Although he did not speak specifically about past lives, he discussed the need for internal and external cleansing and healing of old wounds.

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