What if I wrote Mayakov’s analysis? Analysis of the poem “Listen!” Mayakovsky. Structural analysis of the poem

The topic of this article is an analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" The year the work we are interested in was written is 1914.

An attentive reader in verses dating back to the period in which the poem was created will hear not only disdainful, mocking, familiar intonations. He will understand, upon closer inspection, that behind the external bravado lies a lonely and vulnerable soul. Vladimir Mayakovsky was separated from other poets, as well as from the measured, habitual flow of life, by human decency, which helped him navigate the important problems of the time, as well as by the inner conviction that his moral ideals were correct. Such isolation gave rise to a spiritual protest in him against the environment of ordinary people, in which there was no place for high ideals.

In this article we will analyze Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" You will find out what the author wanted to say with this work, what its features are and the means of expression used in it. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" Let's start with the title - a word repeated, in addition to the title, two more times - at the beginning and at the end of the work.

"Listen!" - cry of the soul

This verse is a cry from the soul of Vladimir Vladimirovich. It begins with an appeal to people: “Listen!” Each of us often interrupts speech with such an exclamation in the hope of being understood and heard. The lyrical hero does not just pronounce this word. He “exhales” it, trying desperately to draw attention to the problem of people living on earth that worries him. This is the poet’s complaint not about “indifferent nature,” but about human indifference. Mayakovsky seems to be arguing with an imaginary opponent, a down-to-earth and narrow-minded person, a tradesman, a layman, convincing him that one should not put up with grief, loneliness, and indifference.

Controversy with the reader

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" shows that the whole structure of speech is exactly what it should be when there is a polemic, a discussion, when the interlocutors do not understand you, and you are feverishly looking for arguments, arguments and hoping that they will still understand. To do this, you just need to explain it properly, find the most accurate and important expressions. And the lyrical hero finds them. The intensity of emotions and passions that he experiences becomes so strong that they cannot be expressed otherwise than with the capacious polysemantic word “Yes?!”, which is addressed to someone who will support and understand. It contains care, concern, hope, and empathy. If the lyrical hero had no hope of understanding at all, he would not have exhorted and convinced so much...

Last stanza

In the poem, the last stanza begins with the same word as the first (“Listen!”). However, in it the author’s thought develops completely differently - more life-affirming, optimistic. The last sentence is interrogative in form, but it is, in essence, affirmative. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" makes it clear that this is a rhetorical question that does not require an answer.

Rhyme, rhythm and meter

Mayakovsky, arranging his poems in a “ladder”, ensured that every word in the work is weighty and significant. Vladimir Vladimirovich’s rhyme is unusual, it seems to be “internal”. This is not an obvious, not obvious alternation of syllables - blank verse.

And how expressive the rhythm is! Rhythm in Mayakovsky's poetry is one of the most important means of expression. It is born first, and then an image, an idea, a thought arises. Some believe that this poet's poems should be shouted. He has works “for squares”. However, intimate, confidential intonations predominate in his early work. At the same time, one feels that the poet only wants to appear confident, daring, and formidable. But he's not really like that. On the contrary, Mayakovsky is restless and lonely, his soul longs for understanding, love, and friendship. There are no neologisms in this poem, so familiar to the style of this poet. His monologue is tense, excited.

The poet, of course, was well aware of the traditional sizes. For example, he introduces amphibrachium organically. We continue to analyze Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" The same verse size (three syllables) is also present in the work “In the Blizzards of Midday Dust.”

Poetic devices in the work

The poetic techniques used in the work are very expressive. Naturally, fantasy is combined (for example, “breaking into God”) with the author’s observations of the internal state of his lyrical hero. Not only the dynamics of events, but also their emotional intensity is conveyed by a number of verbs: “asks,” “bursts in,” “swears,” “cries.” All these words are very expressive, there is not a single neutral one. The very semantics of such action verbs speaks of the extreme aggravation of feelings characteristic of the lyrical hero.

As the analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “Listen!” confirms, hyperbole in its second part is in the foreground. The lyrical hero easily and freely explains himself with the entire universe, with the universe. He easily “bursts” into God.


The main intonation is not accusatory, angry, but confidential, confessional, uncertain and timid. We can say that often the voices of the author and the lyrical hero completely merge, they cannot be separated. The expressed thoughts and feelings that burst out undoubtedly worry the poet himself. It’s easy to detect alarming notes in them (“he walks anxiously”), confusion.

Detail in the system of means of expression

In the poet's system of expressive means, detail is of great importance. There is only one characteristic of God - this is a “wiry hand”. This epithet is so emotional, alive, sensual, visible that you seem to see the hand, feel the blood pulsating in its veins. “Hand” (an image familiar to Christian consciousness) is absolutely naturally, organically replaced by simply “hand”. In an unusual antithesis, important things are opposed. The poet talks about the Universe, about the stars, about the sky. Stars are “spits” for one person, while for another person they are “pearls.”

Expanded metaphor

In the work, the lyrical hero is precisely the one for whom life is unthinkable without the starry sky. He suffers from misunderstanding, loneliness, rushes about, but does not resign himself. So great is his despair that he simply cannot bear “this starless torment.” The poem is an extended metaphor containing a huge allegorical meaning. We also need, in addition to our daily bread, a dream, a life goal, beauty, spirituality.

Questions that concern the poet

The poet is concerned with philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about good and evil, death and immortality, love and hatred. But in the “star” theme, the mysticism characteristic of the symbolists is alien to him. However, in flights of fantasy, Mayakovsky is in no way inferior to the mystical poets who freely build a bridge to the boundless sky from the firmament of the earth. Analysis of the poem "Listen!" Mayakovsky, briefly presented in this article, proves that his work is no worse than the creations of the Symbolists. Of course, such freedom of thought is the result of an era in which it seemed that everything was under the control of man. Years will pass, Russian cataclysms will turn into normal life, and Vladimir Vladimirovich will no longer be considered only a political poet who gave his lyre to the revolution.

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" According to the plan, schoolchildren are asked to continue today. Now there is no doubt that Vladimir Vladimirovich is one of the greatest and most original poets in Russian literature.

The work of many poets and writers of the early twentieth century is conventionally divided into pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary periods. It just so happened in their creative life that the era that came after the October Revolution required new themes, new rhythms and new ideas. Among those who believed in the idea of ​​a revolutionary reorganization of society was Vladimir Mayakovsky, so many readers know him primarily as the author of “Poems about the Soviet Passport” and the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”.

However, there were also lyrical works in his work, for example the poem “Lilichka!” , “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” or the poem “Cloud in Pants”. Before the revolution, Mayakovsky was one of the founders and active participants in the modernist movement of futurism. Representatives of this movement called themselves “Budetlyans” - people who will be. In their manifesto "A Slap in the Face of Public Taste" they called for "throwing Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy from the steamship of Modernity." After all, the new reality required new forms of expressiveness in expressing new meanings, in fact, a new language.

This ultimately led to the creation of a different versification systems– tonic, that is, based on stress. Tonic verse becomes accentuated, because the innovators found the “poetic meter of the living spoken word” closer. Modern poetry had to “break out of the prison of the book” and resound in the square, it had to shock, like the futurists themselves. Mayakovsky's early poems "Could You?" , “Here!” , "To you!" already in the title they contained a challenge to the society with which the lyrical hero found himself in conflict - the society of ordinary people, devoid of a high idea, uselessly smoking the sky.

But among the early poems of the young Mayakovsky there is one in which there is no challenge or denunciation. “Listen!”- no longer a challenge, but rather a request, even a plea. In this work, the analysis of which will be discussed, one can feel the “butterfly of a poet’s heart,” vulnerable and searching. The poem "Listen!" - this is not a pretentious appeal to the crowd, not a shocking appeal, but a request to people to stop for a moment and look at the starry sky. Of course, a phrase from this poem “After all, if the stars light up, it means someone needs it?” known to a wide range of readers, it is often parodied. But this rhetorical question makes you think about the meaning of life.

The star has always been a guiding star, it served as a beacon in the endless sea. For the poet, this image becomes a symbol: the star is the goal, that lofty idea to which you need to go throughout your life. Aimless existence turns life into "starless flour".

Traditionally lyrical hero in poetry it is personified using the first person pronoun – “I”, as if merging with the author himself. Mayakovsky calls his hero an indefinite pronoun "someone". Perhaps the poet does not even hope that there are still people who wanted the stars to light up, so that they would exist. At the same time, however, one can feel the hero’s hidden polemic with that very crowd of indifferent ordinary people for whom the stars are only "spit", because for him these are pearls.

Lyrical plot allows you to see a fantastic picture: a hero "rushes to God" and, afraid that I was late, “cries, kisses his sinewy hand”, asks for a star and swears that he cannot live without it. An amazing detail immediately catches your eye - "wiry hand" God. Perhaps it was important for the poet to emphasize the closeness of even the highest powers to people, because the workers - the proletariat - had sinewy hands. Or maybe this epithet, according to the author’s intention, should indicate that God also works by the sweat of his brow for our good. In any case, this detail is unusual and unique and, like many devices in Vladimir Vladimirovich’s poems, creates a bright, memorable image that distinguishes Mayakovsky’s style and remains in the memory for a long time.

Having received a star and having determined a goal for himself, the hero seems to calm down and “walks calmly on the outside”, but now he finds a like-minded person, yet "someone" who has more "not scary" V "blizzard of midday dust". This leaves hope that the cry of the hero's soul - “Listen!”- will not be a voice crying in the wilderness.

Ring composition The poem is determined by the repetition of the already asked question about who needs to light the stars. Only now does it contain an exclamation point and a word expressing obligation:

So this is necessary,
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!

Therefore, the last lines of the poem sound, in the words of Vladimir Mayakovsky’s contemporary Marina Tsvetaeva, as “a demand for faith and a request for love.”
One may not love Mayakovsky’s work, but it is impossible not to recognize his skill, his innovation, the universal scale of his feelings.

  • “Lilichka!”, analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem

The topic of this article is an analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" The year the work we are interested in was written is 1914.

An attentive reader in verses dating back to the period in which the poem was created will hear not only disdainful, mocking, familiar intonations. He will understand, upon closer inspection, that behind the external bravado lies a lonely and vulnerable soul. Vladimir Mayakovsky was separated from other poets, as well as from the measured, habitual flow of life, by human decency, which helped him navigate the important problems of the time, as well as by the inner conviction that his moral ideals were correct. Such isolation gave rise to a spiritual protest in him against the environment of ordinary people, in which there was no place for high ideals.

In this article we will analyze Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" You will find out what the author wanted to say with this work, what its features are and the means of expression used in it. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" Let's start with the title - a word repeated, in addition to the title, two more times - at the beginning and at the end of the work.

"Listen!" - cry of the soul

This verse is a cry from the soul of Vladimir Vladimirovich. It begins with an appeal to people: “Listen!” Each of us often interrupts speech with such an exclamation in the hope of being understood and heard. The lyrical hero does not just pronounce this word. He “exhales” it, trying desperately to draw attention to the problem of people living on earth that worries him. This is the poet’s complaint not about “indifferent nature,” but about human indifference. Mayakovsky seems to be arguing with an imaginary opponent, a down-to-earth and narrow-minded person, a tradesman, a layman, convincing him that one should not put up with grief, loneliness, and indifference.

Controversy with the reader

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" shows that the whole structure of speech is exactly what it should be when there is a polemic, a discussion, when the interlocutors do not understand you, and you are feverishly looking for arguments, arguments and hoping that they will still understand. To do this, you just need to explain it properly, find the most accurate and important expressions. And the lyrical hero finds them. The intensity of emotions and passions that he experiences becomes so strong that they cannot be expressed otherwise than with the capacious polysemantic word “Yes?!”, which is addressed to someone who will support and understand. It contains care, concern, hope, and empathy. If the lyrical hero had no hope of understanding at all, he would not have exhorted and convinced so much...

Last stanza

In the poem, the last stanza begins with the same word as the first (“Listen!”). However, in it the author’s thought develops completely differently - more life-affirming, optimistic. The last sentence is interrogative in form, but it is, in essence, affirmative. Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" makes it clear that this is a rhetorical question that does not require an answer.

Rhyme, rhythm and meter

Mayakovsky, arranging his poems in a “ladder”, ensured that every word in the work is weighty and significant. Vladimir Vladimirovich’s rhyme is unusual, it seems to be “internal”. This is not an obvious, not obvious alternation of syllables - blank verse.

And how expressive the rhythm is! Rhythm in Mayakovsky's poetry is one of the most important means of expression. It is born first, and then an image, an idea, a thought arises. Some believe that this poet's poems should be shouted. He has works “for squares”. However, intimate, confidential intonations predominate in his early work. At the same time, one feels that the poet only wants to appear confident, daring, and formidable. But he's not really like that. On the contrary, Mayakovsky is restless and lonely, his soul longs for understanding, love, and friendship. There are no neologisms in this poem, so familiar to the style of this poet. His monologue is tense, excited.

The poet, of course, was well aware of the traditional sizes. For example, he introduces amphibrachium organically. We continue to analyze Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" The same verse size (three syllables) is also present in the work “In the Blizzards of Midday Dust.”

Poetic devices in the work

The poetic techniques used in the work are very expressive. Naturally, fantasy is combined (for example, “breaking into God”) with the author’s observations of the internal state of his lyrical hero. Not only the dynamics of events, but also their emotional intensity is conveyed by a number of verbs: “asks,” “bursts in,” “swears,” “cries.” All these words are very expressive, there is not a single neutral one. The very semantics of such action verbs speaks of the extreme aggravation of feelings characteristic of the lyrical hero.

As the analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “Listen!” confirms, hyperbole in its second part is in the foreground. The lyrical hero easily and freely explains himself with the entire universe, with the universe. He easily “bursts” into God.


The main intonation is not accusatory, angry, but confidential, confessional, uncertain and timid. We can say that often the voices of the author and the lyrical hero completely merge, they cannot be separated. The expressed thoughts and feelings that burst out undoubtedly worry the poet himself. It’s easy to detect alarming notes in them (“he walks anxiously”), confusion.

Detail in the system of means of expression

In the poet's system of expressive means, detail is of great importance. There is only one characteristic of God - this is a “wiry hand”. This epithet is so emotional, alive, sensual, visible that you seem to see the hand, feel the blood pulsating in its veins. “Hand” (an image familiar to Christian consciousness) is absolutely naturally, organically replaced by simply “hand”. In an unusual antithesis, important things are opposed. The poet talks about the Universe, about the stars, about the sky. Stars are “spits” for one person, while for another person they are “pearls.”

Expanded metaphor

In the work, the lyrical hero is precisely the one for whom life is unthinkable without the starry sky. He suffers from misunderstanding, loneliness, rushes about, but does not resign himself. So great is his despair that he simply cannot bear “this starless torment.” The poem is an extended metaphor containing a huge allegorical meaning. We also need, in addition to our daily bread, a dream, a life goal, beauty, spirituality.

Questions that concern the poet

The poet is concerned with philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about good and evil, death and immortality, love and hatred. But in the “star” theme, the mysticism characteristic of the symbolists is alien to him. However, in flights of fantasy, Mayakovsky is in no way inferior to the mystical poets who freely build a bridge to the boundless sky from the firmament of the earth. Analysis of the poem "Listen!" Mayakovsky, briefly presented in this article, proves that his work is no worse than the creations of the Symbolists. Of course, such freedom of thought is the result of an era in which it seemed that everything was under the control of man. Years will pass, Russian cataclysms will turn into normal life, and Vladimir Vladimirovich will no longer be considered only a political poet who gave his lyre to the revolution.

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" According to the plan, schoolchildren are asked to continue today. Now there is no doubt that Vladimir Vladimirovich is one of the greatest and most original poets in Russian literature.

After all, if the stars light up -
So, does anyone want them to exist?
So, someone calls these spittoons

a pearl?
And, straining
in blizzards of midday dust,
rushes to God
I'm afraid I'm late
kisses his sinewy hand,
asks -
there must be a star! —
swears -
will not endure this starless torment!
And after
walks around anxiously,
but calm on the outside.
Says to someone:
“Isn’t it okay for you now?
Aren't you scared?
After all, if the stars
light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?
This means it is necessary
so that every evening
over the roofs
Did at least one star light up?!

Analysis of the poem “Listen!” Mayakovsky

Mayakovsky is one of the most original Russian poets. His work evoked a lot of critical and the same number of positive reviews. The important thing is that it did not leave anyone indifferent. His poems always had a strong social orientation. They are distinguished by a deep personal interest in the topic raised. The poem "Listen!" was written at the beginning of 1914. It represents an appeal from a sensitive poet to an indifferent society, an attempt to bring it out of hibernation.

By 1914, Russia was in a deep crisis. The poverty of the majority of the population, hunger, and the growing revolutionary sentiments increasingly split the country. One could feel the approach of a terrible world massacre - the First World War. The upper strata of society, hiding behind beautiful phrases, literally lived their last day, spending their time in revelry and holidays. An atmosphere of doom and disbelief reigned.

Mayakovsky was known for his crude works that did not fit into accepted standards. But behind the straightforwardness hid a sensitive creative soul, acutely reacting to injustice and human indifference. In the poem “Listen!” without preamble or reservation, he addresses people in order to draw their attention to the perfection of the universe. The main symbol of the work is the stars, which do not depend on human passions. A person should stop and look carefully at the night sky. The stars have the power to destroy anger and hatred. If they still exist, then all is not lost, “does that mean someone needs it?” The appearance of new stars for Mayakovsky is the result of someone’s passionate desire. “If the stars light up,” then people are still able to come to their senses and stop wars and violence.

The verse is written in the characteristic manner of Mayakovsky - “ladder”. The rhyme is imprecise, confusing, turning into blank verse. The work has a very strong emotional overtones. To do this, the author uses repeated exclamations and rhetorical questions. The contrasting comparison of stars with “spitters” and at the same time with “pearls” is very expressive. Mayakovsky's challenge is the approach of God, who has a “wiry hand,” to the earthly world. God fulfills people’s passionate desires for new stars to appear in the sky, giving a sense of stability and correct world order.

The poem "Listen!" fully reflects the features of Mayakovsky’s early work, his protest against the existing social order.

Lesson - literature workshop in 11th grade

Topic: “Analysis of V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Listen!”

Lesson type: A lesson in learning new material, initially consolidating knowledge and developing skills.

Lesson format: traditional lesson

Lesson objectives:

Educational – training in working with text; introduction to the world of V. Mayakovsky’s lyrics, through his work to comprehend the personality of the poet;

Developmental – developing in students the skills of competent and fluent literary speech, the ability to highlight the main thing, analyze, and draw conclusions based on already known material;

Educational – instilling a love for literature and the poetic word, the formation of knowledge and skills that ensure independent development of artistic values.

Technologies: - informational;


Pedagogical cooperation;


Methods - creative reading;

training: - search;

Analysis and synthesis.

Write on the board:

Mayakovsky is a very talented person, with extreme ease, bordering... on sensitivity. A. Lunacharsky.

Mayakovsky is “a man without convictions. This is the singer of violence. The main motive of his poetry is revenge, the cult of cruelty. And he himself is a man with a hardened soul.” Yu. Karabchevsky

Equipment for the lesson:

The lesson is held in a computer class, slides of photographs of V. Mayakovsky, his family, friends, the texts of his poems, a recording of the reading of poems by the author himself and famous artists are displayed on the screen.


“I am a poet. That’s what makes it interesting.”

V.V. Mayakovsky

  1. Teacher's opening speech. Slide 1.

It is impossible to imagine the 20th century without Mayakovsky. Mayakovsky “colored” an entire era; he was the most famous and talented futurist poet (if it weren’t for Mayakovsky, futurism would not have received such fame). Several generations of Soviet readers were familiar with Mayakovsky primarily as the author of Soviet slogans and posters, “Poems about the Soviet Passport,” poems about Lenin, etc.

In the 30s, J.V. Stalin called Mayakovsky the best and most talented Soviet poet. And the subsequent forcible introduction of Mayakovsky into the consciousness of Soviet people turned him into an official figure. B. Pasternak wrote that “Mayakovsky began to be forcibly introduced, like potatoes under Catherine,” and “this was his second death.” But Mayakovsky does not fit into the definition that Stalin gave him, and as a poet Mayakovsky was much more complex and interesting than many imagined.

The creativity and personality of V. Mayakovsky have always been the subject of heated debate. A lot has been written about Mayakovsky. Opinions about him vary widely. (Reading the note on the board). And Mayakovsky will say about himself: “I am a poet. That’s what makes it interesting.” And today we will look at him through the prism of his poems. And we will present Mayakovsky through his lyrical self.

2. Slide 2. Listening to the poem “Listen!”

3. Explanation of new material.Analysis of V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Listen!” Slide 3.

1. Teacher: When was this poem created??

Students: Poem "Listen!" written in 1914.

Teacher: Let's try to imagine the historical situation during the creation of the poem. Russia 1914. The worst is yet to come: the First World War, the revolution, and the arrival of the Bolsheviks... Young Mayakovsky, captivated by futurism and poetry, looking hopefully to the future, is trying to understand what is the meaning of life? It was a time when the country was actively developing, and its inhabitants believed in their strength and in the future. The development of industry, urbanization, and the gradual change from old to new also influenced people’s consciousness. This optimistic mood is felt in the poem. In the poems of this period, the attentive reader will see not only familiar, mocking, disdainful intonations, but also, upon closer inspection, will understand that behind the external bravado there is a vulnerable, lonely soul. The integrity of the poet’s character, human decency, which helped to navigate the main problems of the time, and the inner conviction in the correctness of his moral ideals separated V.M. from other poets, from the usual flow of life. This isolation gave rise to a spiritual protest against the philistine environment, where there were no high spiritual ideals. But he dreamed about them. This is not a complaint about “indifferent nature,” this is a complaint about human indifference. The poet seems to be arguing with an imaginary opponent, a narrow-minded and down-to-earth person, a layman, a tradesman, convincing him that one cannot put up with indifference, loneliness, and grief.

2.Teacher: What is the meaning of the name? How many times is the word “Listen!” repeated?

Students: The poem begins with a request addressed to people: “Listen!” With such an exclamation, each of us very often interrupts his speech, hoping to be heard and understood.
The lyrical hero of the poem not only pronounces, but “exhales” this word, desperately trying to draw the attention of people living on Earth to the problem that worries him. Some people think that the poems of V.M. you have to scream, tearing your vocal cords. He has poems for "squares". But in the early poems the intonations of trust and intimacy predominate. One feels that the poet only wants to seem formidable, daring, and self-confident. But in reality he is not like that. On the contrary, M. is lonely and restless, and his soul longs for friendship, love, and understanding. The poem "Listen!" - the cry of the poet’s soul.
3.Teacher: What is the main intonation of the poem?

Students: The intonation of the poem is not angry, accusatory, but confessional, confidential, timid and uncertain. The whole structure of speech in the poem “Listen!” exactly the kind that happens when there is a heated discussion, polemic, when you are not understood, and you are feverishly looking for arguments, convincing arguments and hoping: they will understand, they will understand. You just need to explain it properly, find the most important and precise expressions. And the lyrical hero finds them.
The intensity of passions and emotions experienced by our hero becomes so strong that they cannot be expressed otherwise except with this ambiguous, capacious word - “Yes?!”, addressed to someone who will understand and support. It contains concern, care, empathy, and hope.....
If the lyrical hero had no hope of understanding at all, he would not have convinced, would not have exhorted, would not have worried... The last stanza of the poem begins in the same way as the first, with the same word. But the author’s thought in it develops in a completely different way, more optimistic, life-affirming compared to how it is expressed in the first stanza. The last sentence is interrogative. But, in essence, it is affirmative. After all, this is a rhetorical question, no answer is required.

We can say that the voices of the author and his hero often merge completely and it is impossible to separate them. The expressed thoughts and the splashed out, bursting out feelings of the hero undoubtedly excite the poet himself. It is easy to detect notes of anxiety (“walking anxiously”) and confusion in them.

4.Teacher: What is the composition of the poem? How many parts can be distinguished in a poem?

Students: Compositionally, the poem consists of three parts, different in form, rhythm, and emotional impact. In the first part, the poet addresses the readers, identifies the problem: “So, does anyone need this?” From the first line one can feel the presence of higher powers that “light up” the stars. Mayakovsky raises the problem of God, predestination, because “pearls” do not appear on their own over the roofs of houses, but by the will of someone who is higher than all people.
The second part shows an emotional picture of how the lyrical hero “rushes into God” and asks him in despair:

So that there must be a star! -

Swears -

Can't bear this starless torment!

Having received a “star” from God, that is, a dream, the hero finds peace and tranquility. He is no longer afraid of anything, and his life is no longer empty and meaningless. This part is a kind of prayer addressed to God. Moreover, God here is not a spiritualized supreme essence, but a very real person with sinewy hands and, as it seemed to me, kind eyes. However, this is where the description of God ends; we learn nothing more about him. Just one detail that Mayakovsky singled out - hands - and how much they can tell! God is always ready to give a saving helping hand, you just need to really want it.

The third part of the poem sounds like a conclusion, like a statement, despite two question marks, to which an exclamation mark is added, which was not there at the beginning of the work. The lyrical hero, who has found his star, no longer asks, but states:

This means it is necessary

So that every evening

Over the rooftops

Did at least one star light up?!

5.Teacher: Describe the lyrical hero of the poem.How do you see the lyrical hero of the work?

Students: The lyrical hero of the poem “Listen!” and there is that “someone” for whom life on Earth is unthinkable without the starry sky. He rushes about, suffers from loneliness and misunderstanding, but does not resign himself to it. His despair is so great that he simply cannot bear “this starless torment.” In the poem, three “acting” persons can be distinguished: the lyrical hero, God and “someone”. These “someones” are people, all of humanity, to whom the poet is addressing. Everyone has a different attitude towards “stars”: for some they are “spits”, for others they are “pearls”, but there is no doubt that their light is necessary.
The lyrical hero of the poem not only pronounces, but, I would say, “exhales” this word, desperately trying to draw the attention of people living on Earth to the problem that worries him. This is not a complaint about “indifferent nature,” this is a complaint about human indifference. The poet seems to be arguing with an imaginary opponent, a narrow-minded and down-to-earth person, a layman, a tradesman, convincing him that one cannot put up with indifference, loneliness, and grief. After all, people are born for happiness.

6.Teacher: Look at what the lyrical hero does to see God.

Students: Lyrical heropoems "Listen!" and there is that “someone” for whom life on Earth is unthinkable without the starry sky. He rushes about, suffers from loneliness and misunderstanding, but does not resign himself to it.

And, straining

In the blizzards of midday dust,

Rushing to God

Afraid he's late


The despair is so great that he simply cannot bear “this starless torment.”

7.Teacher: Why does God have a sinewy hand and why is nothing visible other than this detail?

Disciples: The face is not visible, because God cannot be seen by a mere mortal. A sinewy hand is the hand of a worker. The Lord created everything in 6 days.V.M. is of great importance in the system of visual and expressive means. has detail. The portrait description of God consists of only one single detail - he has a “wiry hand.” The epithet “veiny” is so alive, emotional, visible, sensual that you seem to see this hand, feel the pulsating blood in its veins.

8. Teacher: What are the linguistic features of the work?

Students: Every word in the poem is expressive, emotional, expressive. All the pictures described literally appear before our eyes: a “visit” to God, stars in the sky, roofs of houses... The poem seems to be spiritualized, it is airy and sincere, close to the reader. Perhaps due to the fact that Mayakovsky does not use any pronouns other than “someone,” you seem to feel like you are in the place of the lyrical hero, you feel the wind of “midday dust,” tears in your eyes and inner anxiety. The poem is very rhythmic, which is characteristic of Mayakovsky. A play on words, a transition from one to another, accents achieved through the use of punctuation marks - all this creates a unique emotional mood, an internal tear.The entire structure of speech in the poem “Listen!” exactly the kind that happens when there is a heated discussion, polemic, when you are not understood, and you are feverishly looking for arguments, convincing arguments and hoping: they will understand, they will understand. You just need to explain it properly, find the most important and precise expressions. And the lyrical hero finds them.

9. Teacher: What features of Mayakovsky’s rhyme can be seen in this poem?

Students: By arranging the poems in a “ladder” pattern, he ensured that every word became meaningful and weighty. Rhyme V.M. - extraordinary, it is, as it were, “internal”, the alternation of syllables is not obvious, not obvious - it is blank verse. And how expressive is the rhythm of his poems! It seems to me that rhythm in Mayakovsky’s poetry is the most important thing; first it is born, and then a thought, an idea, an image. And the use of his famous ladder helps the reader to correctly place all the accents that seem most important to the poet. And then... Further, it seems to me, in a very unusual antithesis, in words of antonyms (they are antonyms only in V.M., in our familiar, commonly used vocabulary they are far from antonyms) very important things are contrasted. We are talking about the sky, about the stars, about the Universe. But for one, stars are “spittle,” and for another, they are “pearls.”

10.Teacher: What visual and expressive means can be identified in this work?

Students: The first two sentences are interrogative, then the third is interrogative and exclamatory at the same time. The intensity of passions and emotions experienced by our hero is so strong that they cannot be expressed otherwise except with this ambiguous, capacious word - “Yes?!”, addressed to someone who will understand and support. It contains concern, and care, and empathy, and participation, and love... I’m not alone, someone else thinks the same way as me, feels the same way, is rooting for this world, the sky, the Universe with all my soul, with everything heart. If the lyrical hero had no hope of understanding at all, he would not convince, would not exhort, would not worry. The last stanza of the poem (there are three in total) begins in the same way as the first, with the same word. But the author’s thought in it develops in a completely different way, more optimistic, life-affirming compared to how it is expressed in the first stanza. The last sentence is interrogative. But, in essence, it is affirmative. After all, this is a rhetorical question, no answer is required.

Gradation - a series of verbs: “bursts”, “cries”, “asks”, “swears”

Epithet - sinewy hand

Antithesis. It seems to me that in a very unusual antithesis, in antonymous words (they are antonyms only in V.M., in our usual, commonly used vocabulary they are far from antonyms) very important things are contrasted. We are talking about the sky, about the stars, about the Universe. But for one, stars are “spit”, and for another, “pearls”.

Anaphora - repetition of the word “means” Rhetorical question

The final stage of the lesson


What is the meaning of life for each of us? Why, why did we come into this world? People from ancient times to the present day have been trying to find answers to such philosophical questions. They are complex in that they cannot be answered unambiguously; you cannot tell a person: do this, and this is the meaning of your life. Everyone chooses their own path, their goal and their dreams.
Mayakovsky's poem "Listen!" dedicated precisely to the topic of the meaning of human life. But the poet does not talk about what we need to dream about and what to strive for, but about the fact that each of us should have a dream for which it is worth living. Mayakovsky calls this goal, the meaning of life, faith in the future a “star”, lit by “someone” and needed by “someone”.
“Listen!” - a unique appeal to people, but not loud and pathetic, as is usually the case with Mayakovsky. This is a request to stop for a moment, rise briefly above the world of “midday dust” and look at the sky, at the stars, think about how our every step on earth is justified and who came up with all this.
The main idea of ​​the poem is that a star should light up in every person's life. Without an idea, without a goal, it is impossible to exist in this world; “starless torment” begins, when everything you do is meaningless and empty. It is not enough for a person to simply live. Greeting every morning with a smile, moving towards something bigger and better, giving love and joy to others - this is a life marked by the “stars”. Mayakovsky in his lyrical creation reveals himself as a person with a sincere soul, with a kind heart, who wants everyone to sooner or later find a place in life. In my opinion, this is the greatest of lyricists, and the poem “Listen!” is a true masterpiece of Russian and world poetry.
Much has been written by many people about the search for the meaning of life and the fact that it is impossible to live without a goal. But only Mayakovsky talks about this in simple, accessible words. He compared the dream to the stars - similar metaphors had been used before him. But only Vladimir Vladimirovich managed to do it in such a way that you immediately want to raise your eyes upward, to find that star that shines exclusively for you.
Mayakovsky’s “pearl” was the idea of ​​a new society, a new person, a future in which everyone will find their own happiness. And, I believe that the poet followed his star all his life so that decades later his poems remain unique masterpieces of world poetry.
Mayakovsky's lyrics raised deep moral problems, in which good and evil, beautiful and ugly, earthly and sublime, momentary and eternal are mixed. He managed to leave his gift of a poet to people, and spent his life, in the words of R. Yakobson, “to make the poetry he created a treasure of the people.”

Lesson summary


Task 1.

Write a syncwine about Mayakovsky.

Topic noun

Adjective, adjective – to a given noun

Verb, verb, verb - to a given noun

Four word phrase

One final word (sentence) defining the emotional attitude to everything said

Task 2. Answer the questions. The answer must be given in the form of a word or combination of words.

B1 Indicate the name of the avant-garde movement in poetry of the early twentieth century, one of the leaders of which was V.V. Mayakovsky and whose principles were partly reflected in the poem “Listen!”

B2 Name the type of composition characterized by a final return to the original thought or image (see the twice repeated appeal of the lyrical hero in the above poem).

B3 What is the name of the type of trope, a means of artistic expression based on the transfer of the properties of one object or phenomenon to another (“in blizzards of midday dust”)?

B4 Indicate the term that denotes the repetition of a word or group of words at the beginning of adjacent lines (“ Means – does anyone need this? / Means – this is necessary...").

B5 The poem ends with a question addressed to man and humanity. What is the name of a type of question that does not require an answer and is often a hidden statement?

Give a coherent answer to the question in 5–10 sentences.

C1 How do you understand the main idea of ​​the poem “Listen!”?

C2 What feelings are filled with the poet’s lyrical confession and what gives it special expressiveness?

C3 In which works of Russian classics do the heroes reflect on the connection between man and the universe and in what ways are these works consonant with the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “Listen!”

The song “Listen!” performed by E. Kamburova. Slide 5

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