Hero of the USSR Yuri Babansky biography. Our heroes. Vasily Babansky cold beam

Babansky Yuri Vasilievich - Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant general, commander of the 2nd border outpost "Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya" of the 57th Iman Ussuri Order of the Red Banner of Labor border detachment named after V. R. Menzhinsky of the Pacific Border District, junior sergeant. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Badge of Honor, and medals.

Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky was born on December 20, 1948 in the village of Krasny Yar, Kemerovo region. In 1967 he was called up for military service in the Border Troops. Served on the Soviet-Chinese border in the Pacific Border District. The commander of the 2nd border outpost of the Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya 57th Iman Ussuri Order of the Red Banner of Labor border detachment, junior sergeant Yuri Vasilievich Babansky, showed heroism and courage during the border conflict of March 2–15, 1969. Then the border guards of the detachment, for the first time in the history of the border troops after June 22, 1941, took part in battle with units of the regular army of the neighboring state. Throughout the entire battle, Junior Sergeant Babansky skillfully led his subordinates, shot accurately, and provided assistance to the wounded. When the enemy was driven out of Soviet territory, Babansky went on reconnaissance missions to the island more than 10 times. Yuri Babansky with a search group found the executed group of I.I. Strelnikov and, at gunpoint from the enemy, organized their evacuation.

This is how Yuri Vasilievich Babansky himself recalls these events: “When on the morning of March 2, the border guards and watchmen on the towers saw that on Damansky (one of the uninhabited islands on the Ussuri River - edit.) about twenty Chinese military personnel were walking, they did not see anything out of the ordinary in this. The outpost was alerted. We set off in two cars and an armored personnel carrier to expel the provocateurs. The car in which my group was traveling - 12 people - fell behind the rest. When we reached the bank of the Ussuri River, the outpost commander, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Strelnikov, had already led the border guards across the ice to Damansky. I decided with my group to go around the island to the left in order to enter the flank of the intruders. The Chinese began to leave the island. It was seen how Strelnikov and a small group caught up with them on the channel along which the border passed. The senior lieutenant took out a notebook in which the necessary phrases in Chinese in such cases were written in Russian letters, and protested. Suddenly a shot rang out from the Chinese shore. This was a prearranged signal: the provocateurs with whom the outpost commander spoke raised their machine guns and shot Strelnikov and everyone who was with him point-blank. Immediately after this, shooting began on the island. The fact is that the lieutenant left a cover group there. As it turned out, the night before, about three hundred Chinese soldiers secretly made their way onto the island and, disguised, set up an ambush. Now they opened fire on the covering group and killed it.

They did not notice my group right away - the thick bushes that covered Damansky interfered with their view. Of the surviving border guards, I, a junior sergeant, turned out to be the senior in rank, so I took command. We have never used weapons before. In this case, they were forced to open fire. A fight ensued. It was to our advantage that the island was covered with hummocks and sedges. This made it difficult for the enemy to shoot accurately. Firing, crawling through the snow from hummock to hummock, we changed positions. At the same time, they fired at us not only from the ambush on the island, but also from the Chinese coast.

<…>This happened on March 15th. They opened intense fire from guns and mortars. The shelling continued for about forty minutes, and then the enemy launched an attack in large forces. At this time there were about thirty of us on the island. They were sent reinforcements. The battle took place with varying degrees of success - sometimes we pushed back the enemy, sometimes he pushed us back. To help the border guards, who were attacked by about five hundred Chinese infantry, three Soviet tanks went on the offensive. This group was commanded by Colonel Democrat Leonov. Unfortunately, the enemy managed to knock out Leonov’s tank. When the colonel got out, he died from a sniper’s bullet. Two hours later, the border guards ran out of ammunition, so they had to retreat from the island. Due to the significant numerical superiority of the Chinese, the leadership decided to use the then secret Grad multiple rocket launchers. After two salvos, the enemy asked for peace through the loudspeakers. This ended the conflict."

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1969, junior sergeant Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (Gold Star medal No. 10717).

After completing his military service, Yuri Vasilyevich remained in the Border Troops. After completing the officer courses, the young officer Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky was appointed deputy head of the border outpost on the Barents Sea. After serving in the Arctic, Yuri Vasilyevich and his family returned to Moscow.

In 1977, Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin. More than once Yuri Vasilyevich appeared at parades as a standard bearer, carrying the Academy’s order-bearing banner across Red Square. His name was heard throughout the square, accompanied by applause from Muscovites and guests of the capital. Since 1995, Lieutenant General Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky has been in reserve. Lives in the Hero City of Moscow, is engaged in public activities, including in the Heroes Club, and was elected as a member of its Board. Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region (1999). Kemerovo secondary school No. 60 is named after Yu. V. Babansky.

The interregional public organization “Club of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region” is one of the co-founders of the All-Russian patriotic cultural expedition “Traditions of the Spirit”.

(01/07/1927, village of Pervomaiskoye, Rostov region, - 08/09/1987, Moscow), teacher, full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1974), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor (1974). After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Rostov Pedagogical Institute (1949), he taught courses in pedagogy and methods of teaching physics there (vice-rector in 1958-1969). In 1975-1977 Rector of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of Pedagogical Disciplines at the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Since 1976, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy, since 1979, Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. He developed a theory of optimization of learning as a scientifically based choice and implementation of a learning option, which was considered from the point of view of the success of solving problems and the development, education and upbringing of students. He considered it possible to use this theory to solve pedagogical problems of a tactical and strategic nature. He interpreted the methodological basis for the application of optimization as one of the aspects of the general theory of the scientific organization of pedagogical work. He proposed a system of specific recommendations for the selection of effective forms and methods for preventing academic failure and repetition, based on a comprehensive study of the causes of schoolchildren’s failures. Under his editorship, textbooks for pedagogical institutes “Pedagogy” were published (1983; 1984, together with G. Neuner).

Lit.: Chobotar A. Isn’t it time to re-read Babansky? // Public education. - 1991. - No. 2.

Source: Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: in 2 volumes. / ch. ed. V.V. Davydov. - M.: “Big Russian Encyclopedia”, T. 1, 1993, p. 67.

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Babansky, Yu. K. Selected pedagogical works / [comp. M. Yu. Babansky; auto entry Art. G. N. Filonov, G. A. Pobedonostsev, A. M. Moiseev; auto comment A. M. Moiseev] ; Academician ped. Sciences of the USSR. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 558, p. : table, 1 l. portrait - (Proceedings of full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR).

Born in the village of Krasnaya in December 1948. After school, he graduated from a vocational school with a degree in chemical equipment repair and worked in production. He was drafted into the border troops. He graduated from the Moscow Border School as an external student, then from the Military-Political Academy. Lenin and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region. Recipient of public awards - the orders "Pride of Russia" and "Valor of Kuzbass". Lieutenant General of the FSB of Russia. In 1995 he was transferred to the reserve. Lives in Moscow. Heads the public organization "Union of Heroes". He is the chairman of the all-Russian organizing committee for the Argun Outpost campaign. In 1969, he served as commander of the Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya border outpost of the Ussuri Order of the Red Banner of Labor border detachment of the Pacific Border District with the rank of junior sergeant. During the border conflict on March 2-15, 1969, he showed heroism and courage, skillfully led his subordinates, shot accurately, and provided assistance to the wounded. When the enemy was driven out of Soviet territory, Babansky went on reconnaissance missions to the island more than 10 times. Together with the search group, I.I. found the executed group. Strelnikov and, at gunpoint from the enemy, organized their evacuation. On the night of March 15-16, I discovered the body of the heroically deceased head of the border detachment D.V. Leonov and carried him off the island. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 21, 1969, Babansky Yu.V. awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Golden Star medal. This high title was awarded to only 5 participants in those events (4 border guards and 1 motorized rifleman), of whom three were posthumous.


When Yuri Babansky’s group arrived at the southern tip of the island, more than a dozen Chinese and Strelnikov with a group of soldiers were visible through the bushes on the ice. They were about 30-40 meters from the commander when they heard a sharp guttural scream and pistol shots. Immediately, strong, indiscriminate shooting from machine guns and machine guns began. Almost point-blank, gangster-style, the Chinese shot both groups. Hearing the shooting, Babansky’s group lay down. Babansky himself, with two border guards, crawled to the hillock that separated them from the shore. A terrible picture appeared before their eyes: the Chinese brutally dealt with the Soviet border guards and finished off our wounded. - Fire! - Babansky commanded and fired a targeted burst at the bandits. This Chinese group was destroyed. We've run out of ammunition. Babansky gave the command to retreat to the main group. Thus, a nineteen-year-old guy from Kemerovo, junior sergeant Yuri Babansky, found himself in a situation where he had to make decisions for the deceased head of the outpost, and in combat conditions. As a soldier, he did his best. He led the surviving handful of 10 border guards and organized a worthy rebuff to the enemy. The Chinese quickly discovered this group and opened fire on it from the shore and the right flank of the battalion. Yu. Babansky's group managed to repel several attacks. Disguising themselves and maneuvering, they skillfully fought an unequal battle and held out until the 1st border outpost approached. Having used up the ammunition, lost several people killed, and taking advantage of the short lull, Babansky began to withdraw the group from the island. Fight on o. Damansky on March 2 was of the most brutal nature. The confrontation lasted more than two hours. For each of our border guards there were on average 15 to 20 Chinese soldiers and almost one gun or mortar. Approximately the same ratio in losses, only in inverse proportion. Military clashes with the Chinese on the island. Damansky continued on March 15. In that battle, 21 border guards, 7 motorized riflemen were killed, and 42 border guards were injured. During the summer of 1969, border guards had to open fire on Chinese provocateurs more than 300 times. In total, during the March events on Damansky, 49 border guards of the Ussuri (Imansky) and Kamen-Rybolovsky border detachments and 9 soldiers of the 135th Motorized Rifle Division of the 45th Army Corps laid down their lives. Many border guards, soldiers, sergeants and officers of the Far Eastern Military District, border residents were awarded various orders and medals. Damansky Island is a tiny piece of land. But then the whole world learned about it, because two great powers, torn by political and ideological contradictions, collided there in an armed battle. Our entire people learned about it, because the feat accomplished here by a simple Soviet soldier stepped into immortality.


http://www.damanski-zhenbao.ru/ history of border conflicts

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    Yuri Vasilyevich Babansky Date of birth December 20, 1948 (1948 12 20) (64 years old) Place of birth, Krasny Yar village, Kemerovo region, RSFSR, USSR Affiliation ... Wikipedia

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Born in the village of Krasnaya in December 1948. After school, he graduated from a vocational school with a degree in chemical equipment repair and worked in production. Since 1967 - in the border troops in compulsory and long-term service. He graduated from the Moscow Border School as an external student, then from the Military-Political Academy. Lenin and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. From 1970 to 1991 - in political work in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR. In 1991 he took the oath of Ukraine and until 1995 - deputy chairman of the State Committee for the Protection of the State Border - commander of the border troops of Ukraine. Lieutenant General (1993).

In 1990-1994 - People's Deputy of Ukraine, was a member of the deputy group “For Social Justice”.

After retiring, he returned to Russia and became involved in social activities. Heads the public organization "Union of Heroes". He is the chairman of the all-Russian organizing committee for the Argun Outpost event. Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region.


In 1969, he served as commander of the Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya border outpost of the Ussuri Order of the Red Banner of Labor border detachment of the Pacific Border District with the rank of junior sergeant. During the border conflict on March 2-15, 1969, he showed heroism and courage, skillfully led his subordinates, shot accurately, and provided assistance to the wounded.

When the enemy was driven out of Soviet territory, Babansky went on reconnaissance missions to the island more than 10 times. Together with the search group, he found the executed group of I. I. Strelnikov and, at gunpoint from the enemy’s machine guns and machine guns, organized their evacuation. On the night of March 15-16, he discovered the body of the heroically deceased head of the border detachment D.V. Leonov and carried him off the island.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1969, Yu. V. Babansky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Gold Star medal. This high title was awarded to only 5 participants in those events (4 border guards and 1 motorized rifleman), of whom three were posthumous.

Yuri Vasilievich Babansky(born December 20, 1948, the village of Krasny Yar, Kemerovo region) - Soviet soldier, Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the border conflict between the USSR and the People's Republic of China on Damansky Island, retired lieutenant general of the border troops of Ukraine.


Born in the village of Krasny Yar in December 1948. After school, he graduated from a vocational school with a degree in chemical equipment repair and worked in production. Since 1967 - in the border troops in compulsory and long-term service. He graduated from the Moscow Border School as an external student, then from the Military-Political Academy. Lenin and the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. From 1970 to 1991 - in political work in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR. In 1991 he took the oath of Ukraine and until 1995 - deputy chairman of the State Committee for the Protection of the State Border - commander of the border troops of Ukraine. Lieutenant General (1993).

In 1990-1994 - People's Deputy of Ukraine, was a member of the deputy group “For Social Justice”.

After retiring, he returned to Russia and became involved in social activities. Heads the public organization "Union of Heroes". He is the chairman of the all-Russian organizing committee for the Argun Outpost event.

Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region (1999).

On January 19, 2009, by decision of the administration of the city of Kemerovo, the name of Yu. V. Babansky was assigned to the municipal educational institution “Secondary School No. 60”.


In 1969, he served as commander of the Nizhne-Mikhailovskaya border outpost of the Ussuri Order of the Red Banner of Labor border detachment of the Pacific Border District with the rank of junior sergeant. During the border conflict on the island, Damansky showed heroism and courage, skillfully led his subordinates, shot accurately, and provided assistance to the wounded.

When the enemy was driven out of Soviet territory, Babansky went on reconnaissance missions to the island more than 10 times. Together with the search group, he found the executed group of I. I. Strelnikov and, at gunpoint from the enemy’s machine guns and machine guns, organized their evacuation. On the night of March 15-16, he discovered the body of the heroically deceased head of the border detachment D.V. Leonov and carried him off the island.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1969, Yu. V. Babansky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and awarded the Gold Star medal. This high title was awarded to only 5 participants in those events (4 border guards and 1 motorized rifleman), of whom three were posthumous.

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