State University of Infrastructure and Technology (GUIT). Nikolaev Faculty of Marine and River Transport of the Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after. Hetman P. Konashevich-Sagaidachny, Nfmrt kgavt im. Konashevich-Sagaidachny Kiev

Postgraduate studies
Head of the postgraduate department of KSAVT, Doctor of Philosophy,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sklyarenko Inna Yurievna

Conditions for admission to entrance exams
The decision on admission to the entrance exams to graduate school is made exclusively by the academy’s admissions committee based on the results of the applicant’s interview with the prospective supervisor, review of the abstract and submitted scientific works taking into account the written opinion of the proposed supervisor, of which the applicant to graduate school is informed within a week.
In the absence of a complete list of documents or in submitting them after the end of the established period, the applicant is not allowed to participate in the examination. entrance exams to graduate school.
Persons who, by decision of the admissions committee, are allowed to take entrance exams for graduate school either on-the-job or on-the-job, are given additional paid leave from work once a year to prepare for and pass the entrance exams at the rate of 10 days for each exam.

Organization and conduct of entrance exams
Those entering graduate school at the Academy take entrance exams in the specialty (in the scope of the curriculum for a specialist or master, which corresponds to the scientific specialty they have chosen), philosophy and in a foreign language (English) in the scope of valid curricula for higher educational institutions of IV level of accreditation, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. youth and sports of Ukraine. The examination in another language is determined by the decision of the academic council of the higher educational institution, scientific institution in cases where knowledge of this language is necessary to work on a dissertation.
Applicants who, at the time of admission to graduate school, passed all or several candidate exams, are exempt from the relevant postgraduate entrance examinations. Admissions Committee candidate exam scores are taken into account.
Applicants who, without good reason, did not appear for the entrance exams at the scheduled time, as well as those whose knowledge was rated as “unsatisfactory,” are not allowed to participate in the next entrance exams.
Repeated entrance exams are not allowed. The results of the postgraduate entrance examinations are valid for a calendar year.
Admission to postgraduate studies is carried out by subject commissions of 3-5 people, which are appointed by the rector and include doctors and candidates of science, and the subject commission on a foreign language may also include associate professors and highly qualified teachers who do not have scientific degree and academic title.


Given University of Ukraine has the following material and technical base: 3 buildings, over 50 educational laboratories, a retraining and advanced training center with the most modern information and training equipment, a network of computer classes, the Internet, a library, a gym, etc.

Kyiv State Academy water transport(KGAVT) was created by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1970 dated December 14, 1998, as a new higher educational institution III and IV levels of accreditation. This completes the long and painstaking process of creating an independent modern educational institution for training specialists with higher education for the maritime and river transport industry.

The process of creating KDAVT made it possible to organically combine the best traditions in the field of training of water specialists, which were laid down by the old high school. For many years, the educational institution absorbed methodological, material, technical and scientific achievements such glorious predecessors as the Leningrad Institute of Water Transport (LIVT), founded in 1930, led in Kyiv educational activities from 1962 to 1992 (Kyiv correspondence faculty of LIVT; Odessa State maritime academy(OGMA), founded in 1944 in Kyiv, carried out educational activities from 1992 to 1998 (Kiev branch of OGMA), since 1997 Kyiv Institute water transport (KIVT OGMA) Kiev River School (KRU), founded in 1912, joined the KF OGMA in 1996; Kiev Shipbuilding College (KSB), founded in 1940, joined KDAVT in 1998.

Today, the Academy trains bachelors, specialists and masters in 6 and junior specialists in 4 specialties. There is a center at the Academy pre-university training for admission to full-time and part-time forms of study, recruitment of students to graduate school is carried out, it is possible to get a second higher education. The Academy has contacts with foreign higher education institutions of a similar profile. Graduates have the opportunity to receive postgraduate education abroad.

Among the training specialties are the traditionally basic ones for the fleet: "Navigation" and "Operation of ships" power plants". Students of these particular specialties in the future, having acquired practical experience, become captains and chief engineers of ships. The Academy enrolls third-year students who have an associate's degree in the relevant profile.

Practical training at the Academy for all specialties without exception plays a very important role. Among the types of such training, swimming practice ranks first, because the concept of training at the Academy is based on the postulate - there cannot be a full-fledged water specialist who does not imagine all the features of the everyday work of the ship’s crew. So, every year, cadets and students of the Academy travel by rivers and seas, gaining knowledge and experience, as well as having the opportunity to acquire the profession of a sailor, mechanic, helmsman, flight attendant, personal computer operator and some others, to obtain a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma.

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