Institute of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics. Latest reviews for mouth mirea

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after. V.A. Kotelnikova provides training for specialists in the field of radio electronics. The main task of the IRE is to train personnel capable of solving actual problems modern radio electronics in a wide range of tasks. Teachers, researchers and graduate students of IRE actively conduct both fundamental and applied Scientific research.

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after. V.A. Kotelnikov was formed in 2002. It included the Radio Engineering Faculty (RTF) and the Electronic Engineering Faculty (ETF). In 1938, the specialty of Radio Engineering was separated into an independent faculty, first called the Special Faculty, and in 1940 renamed Radio Engineering. In 1958, the Faculty of Electronic Engineering was formed at MPEI by dividing the Faculty of Vacuum Instruments (EVDP) into ETF and the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering (AVTF).

At the undergraduate stage, the radio engineering faculty of the IRE conducts training in the direction of “Radio engineering” (code 11.03.01) for the profiles “Radio engineering, means of transmitting, receiving and processing signals”; “Household radio-electronic equipment”; “ Radioelectronic systems”; “Radiophysics”. In the direction of “Biotechnical systems and technologies” (code 12.03.04) at the Faculty of Radio Engineering, training is conducted in the profile “Biomedical medical devices and systems”. The Faculty of Electronic Engineering trains specialists in the field of “Electronics and Nanoelectronics” (code 11.03.04) according to the following profiles: “Industrial Electronics”; “Microelectronics and solid-state electronics”; “Lighting engineering and light sources”; “Quantum Electronics”. RTF and ETF provide master's programs in the areas of "Radio Engineering" and "Electronics and Nanoelectronics". The Faculty of Radio Engineering also trains specialists in the direction of “Radio-electronic systems and complexes” (code 11.05.01) for the specialization “Antenna systems and devices”; “Radar systems and complexes”; “Radio navigation systems and complexes” and “Radio-electronic information transmission systems.” IN different years Prominent scientists worked at the IRE: academicians of the USSR V. A. Kotelnikov, Yu. B. Kobzarev, A. F. Bogomolov, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. I. Siforov, professors G. V. Braude, E. N. Vasiliev, S. I. Evtyanov, I. L. Kaganov, A.N. Kazantsev, I.V. Lebedev, V.V. Meshkov, G. T. Markov, G. M. Utkin, V.A. Fabrikant, K.V. Shalimova and many others. Our graduates now occupy positions of directors, chief engineers and chief designers of leading research institutes, industrial enterprises and commercial structures in the field of radio electronics in Russia and abroad. Among our graduates there are many famous people who have realized themselves as highly qualified specialists in related and even completely non-core areas: in politics, public administration and business: G. Boos, S. Generalov, N. Gonchar, V. Matyukhin, E. Pamfilova, cosmonaut N. N. Rukavishnikov and many, many others.

Our young specialists are actively attracted to leading Russian enterprises of the concerns of Roscosmos, the Ministry of Communications, Rosatom, the Ministry of Energy and others. Our graduates work in the largest international radio-electronic companies: Intel, Microsoft, Samsung, Siemens, Motorola and many others. Foreign connections are facilitated by the opportunity for students to receive parallel additional education at universities in Germany, Finland, etc.

IRE teachers and researchers take an active part in targeted programs of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and other interested departments. Students are involved in scientific research in the most interesting areas of radio engineering, working at departments or at the Special Design Bureau of MPEI, including at the Center for Long-Range Radio Engineering near Moscow. space communications. It was at this Center, with the participation of MPEI students (now faculty professors), that the first space television broadcast by Yu.A. Gagarin from space, photographed back side The Moon, radar photographs of the surface of Venus were obtained. IN last years RTF students take prizes at olympiads and conferences, and in 2011, a RTF MPEI student was the only Russian student to receive an American grant from the American Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers.

IRE scientists take part in a number of international projects. Partners are representatives of Japan, France, USA, Greece, Montenegro, etc.

One of the key universities in Europe that trains highly qualified specialists in the field of technology is MIREA University. Reviews from students and graduates show that the old name does not want to give way to the new one: since 2014 it has been the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI). Apparently, for this reason, the abbreviation that belonged to the predecessors was retained. This university joined the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (Top Industrial Managers for Europe).


This wonderful university was founded in 1947 and was not the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, but the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute - VZEI - until 1967, after which it was renamed, and students began to study not only part-time, but also full-time. VZEI had powerful branches in Kyiv, Leningrad, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and Tashkent, where they also trained engineers highly qualified and improved their knowledge by retraining.

In the image and likeness of VZEI, other technical universities of the USSR were formed: its educational and consulting departments and branches often became the basis for the creation of new polytechnic institutes in Kemerovo, Omsk, Kirov and some other cities. That is, VZEI was considered the leading institute in the entire system of training in radio engineering and energy, where there was a real source of personnel for many new industries National economy, including for the defense industry.

VZEI until 1963

MIREA, reviews of which are so favorable, began long before its birth. VZEI gradually changed in line with the needs of the development of science and technology. At the very beginning of the sixties, specialists in electronic engineering and radio electronics were already trained here. Even then, the institute began to reform and move away from clean energy to high-tech technologies. Therefore, some faculties went to MPEI (Moscow Energy Institute): hydropower, thermal power, electric power and electromechanical.

Next to the radio engineering faculty, VZEI opens the faculties of automation, computer technology, measuring equipment and telemechanics, design and production of radio electronics equipment. At the same time, the evening radio engineering faculty opened. Since 1964, the institute has come close to training engineers for the defense industry in cybernetics, electronics, and computer technology.

MIREA (1967)

After the transformation of VZEI into MIREA, reviews of the institute began to note the training of extremely valuable engineering personnel for the radio and electronics industry, for the knowledge-intensive branches of mechanical engineering and instrument making, for control systems and automation equipment. At first, MIREA did not have its own space at all, since it was based on the territory of MPEI, in one of its buildings. Gradually, the institute received and expanded its own premises to six buildings: on Preobrazhenka and on Vernadsky Avenue. The MIREA educational and scientific complex, reviews of which are also positive, is located on Borovskoye Highway. The complex houses an information and computing center building and a scientific and technical library.

During the existence of MIREA, student reviews have not changed their tone: it is interesting to study there, the university cooperates with fifty enterprises from the field of high-tech production, which are the basis for the work of the departments. Educational programs are certified according to international standards, newest scientific laboratories and student design bureaus were created at MIREA. Student reviews cannot be negative about a university that has academies from such iconic manufacturers as Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others.

Military department

MIREA has basic departments at leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, therefore one of educational units is MIREA. Reviews of specialties very often mention this with gratitude.

Personnel are forged here for both law enforcement agencies and the reserves of the RF Armed Forces. This civilian university, But military department preserved, and reserve officers leave from here. Here, students are taught one day a week from the fourth to the eighth semester, classes last six hours, after which students are given two hours for self-study.


One of the first questions when entering MIREA is the dormitory. There are also plenty of reviews about it, but, unlike reviews about teaching and the quality of university training in general, opinions vary. First of all, because there is simply not enough of it: with a huge number of students, the number of places in the hostel is simply incomparable - there are only 297 of them. There is always competition for a place to live. Naturally, certain categories of students are excluded from the competition: orphans, low-income people, disabled people and others.

Nevertheless, students speak well of the hostel itself: they have created good conditions for relaxation, study, and sports. There is a library, Internet access in computer class, dining room, gym, medical isolation ward and storage room. Security is provided by access control and 24-hour video surveillance. All entrances have fire and alarm buttons, installed


MIREA includes ten institutes that implement higher education programs: master's, specialist's and bachelor's degrees. The Institute of High Technologies, as a structural unit of MIREA, trains bachelors, masters, specialists and graduate students. There is a long range of directions and specialties. Also here, engineering and technical and management employees improve their skills and undergo retraining. A lot of research work is being carried out. More than 75 percent of the institute's teaching staff have academic degrees and titles.

The university receives the most numerous responses MIREA Faculty cybernetics. Reviews indicate that its graduates are in great demand. (To be precise, it is not a faculty, but an institute of cybernetics.) It is a department in which there is Training Division, sixteen departments, educational and scientific centers and laboratories. Of all the areas and specializations of MIREA, software engineering is of particular interest to applicants. Reviews from masters who have received such an education indicate that this specialization is worth spending another two years after a bachelor’s degree for the pleasure of doing science.

Other institutes:


In the structure of MIREA there are three more institutes of a special warehouse in addition to the ten mentioned above. This international institute computer science with training programs for foreigners, an institute of pre-university training with programs for college and school students, as well as an institute of additional education.

And a number of non-specialized faculties exist within MIREA. This is a faculty of general training (physics, chemistry, higher mathematics and much more), an evening faculty with the same programs higher education, Faculty of Distance and correspondence education and College of Instrumentation and Information Technology.

MIREA also has twelve branches, and the most favorable information about them is also there. Most of them are located near Moscow: in Sergiev Posad, Fryazino, Serpukhov and other cities.

Who writes reviews?

More than seven thousand students, both Russian and foreign, can write reviews at MSTU MIREA. Surely not everything was written, but it is simply impossible to read in full what students and graduates think or remember about MIREA. Because there are a lot, a lot of reviews. Both graduate students and doctoral students showed up there, of whom there are significantly more than two hundred and fifty at the university.

Future applicants who are passing also write pre-university training, and there are also many of them - more than a thousand. And there are especially many reviews from those receiving additional education, but this is understandable: far more than ten thousand people study at MIREA (MGUPI). There are also reviews about the training of Doctors of Science and Candidates of Science, who are trained and defended in twenty specialties. MIREA constantly operates six dissertation councils, where dissertations are defended and academic degrees are sought.


At MIREA, more than two thousand teachers and professors give their experience and knowledge to the younger generation. From this seemingly huge number one can single out well over 1000 candidates of sciences and associate professors, plus about 3600 professors and doctors of sciences, 5 corresponding members and full members RAS and about 100 members from other academies. There are also about 50 laureates of the State Prize and Government Prize in MIREA.

That's why there are such reviews about MIREA. Moscow, or rather its applicants, with all the abundance of options for obtaining higher education, very often chooses this particular university. There are many advantages and almost no disadvantages, judging by the reviews. There is a developed educational base and excellent technical facilities. Students undergo practical training in design bureaus. For example, in the Scientific and Technical Center "Electronics", the technology park, and the international laboratory LEMAC. The higher mathematics department of the Faculty of Cybernetics is highly praised: both because they teach very well and treat students with tireless attention.

International activity

Cooperation in science and education with foreign universities- the most important component of the strategic line of development of the university, therefore ties with them are very close: joint research projects, practical seminars and conferences are carried out, teaching and student mobility is developed in the form of the exchange of leading teaching staff.

Now MIREA is in close contact with institutions in France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, China, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Korea and many others. MIREA is also a member of many international associations and associations.

academic mobility

Scientific cooperation with foreign countries involves joint scientific research, for which special joint units have been created. The key area of ​​such work is supporting academic mobility, that is, implementation with preliminary development educational programs, training and internship of students abroad, obtaining two diplomas - MIREA and a partner university, exchange of leading teachers and professors for lecturing and conducting scientific research.

Russian University of Technology is one of the leaders in the field of training highly qualified specialists for rapidly developing knowledge-intensive branches of science and technology: telecommunications, information and computer technology, automation, cybernetics, radio engineering and electronics, chemistry and biotechnology.

The Russian Technological University was created as a result of the merger of leading technical universities And scientific institutes, primarily MIREA, MGUPI and MITHT im. M.V. Lomonosov. Today this is a fundamentally new, largest cluster of educational and research centers in Russia, combining in its work classical university traditions and modern tendencies in education.

Since its establishment, the university has always kept up with the times and has constantly expanded the range of educational programs in accordance with the country's needs for engineering personnel, while simultaneously improving the quality of training of specialists and achieving recognition both in Russia and abroad.

The university is a member of the association of technical universities in Europe T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers for Europe).

The educational programs of RTU MIREA are certified not only according to Russian, but also according to international standards. The university cooperates with more than 50 enterprises in the field of high-tech industries, on the basis of which the university departments operate.

Modern scientific laboratories and educational centers, student design bureaus, as well as academies of the world's leading manufacturers (Cisco, Microsoft, EMC, VMware, Huawei, etc.) have been created at RTU MIREA.

The university closely interacts with enterprises of the military-industrial complex and has basic departments at many of them.

Well-known scientific schools and world-recognized achievements of RTU MIREA scientists are the basis of strong partnerships with universities, scientific centers, manufacturing corporations from Germany, France, South Korea, Singapore, Finland, China, Japan and other countries.

At University international education More than 500 universities are training foreign students from 30 countries. Exchanges of teaching and scientific personnel with universities European countries and mutual internships. Student academic exchange programs, including double degree programs, are actively developing.

RTU MIREA is rightfully proud of its strong teaching staff, modern technical and material base, active scientific activities and broad international connections.

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Moscow Technological University- higher educational institution in Moscow.

VZEI was the leading institute in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties, preparing engineers for the defense industry and many new energy sectors. Its branches and educational and consulting centers became the basis of technical universities that were later created in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and a number of other cities.

Continuing traditions Russian education,VZEI changes according to the needs of science and technology. New directions were formed educational process, the structure changed and the personnel of the modern technical university. Thus, in the early 60s, due to the need to expand the training of specialists in radio electronics and electronic technology, the reform of VZEI unfolded - a transition from the predominantly energy direction of the university to high-tech technologies.

In preparation for transformation into an educational institution of a new type, a contingent of students from the thermal power, hydropower, electric power and electromechanical faculties is transferred to.

Along with the preservation of the radio engineering faculty that existed since the beginning of the VZEI, the following faculties began to function:

Automation, telemechanics and measuring equipment;

computer technology; design and production of radio-electronic equipment. In addition to

Large-scale modernization of VZEI began to be carried out after on December 19, 1964, a major organizer of higher education and science, N. N. Evtikhiev, a future academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of six orders of the USSR and Russia, was appointed rector of the institute.

In subsequent years, VZEI was transformed into a higher educational institution for training engineering personnel for defense industry enterprises in Moscow in the areas that began to rapidly develop in those years: radio engineering, electronics, cybernetics, computer technology.

Thus, in the process of VZEI’s activities, the modern profile of the university began to be determined, a structure began to take shape, Teaching Staff, traditions of training highly qualified specialists for the development of new technologies in radio engineering, electronics and computer technology. Over the 20 years of its existence, the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute trained 7 thousand engineers.

Transformation of VZEI into MIREA (1967)

By Government Decree of June 30, 1967, the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute (VZEI) was transformed into the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) in order to train highly qualified engineering personnel for the knowledge-intensive branches of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making, automation equipment and control systems.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Evtikhiev was appointed Rector of MIREA.

At the same time, construction of a modern educational and scientific complex is underway with total area 100,000 sq. m. in the South-West of Moscow, on Borovskoye Highway near the village of Nikulino. The construction was carried out by the SU-210 Spetsstroy.

Merger of RosNII ITiAP and VNIITE (2013)

History of MGUPI before joining MIREA

  • From August 29 to September 27 - Moscow Correspondence Institute of Metalworking Industry (MZIMP)
  • From September 27 to April 21 - All-Union Correspondence Engineering Institute (VZMI)
  • From April 21 to January 7 - Moscow Institute of Instrument Engineering
  • From January 7 to December 29 - Moscow State Academy Instrumentation and Computer Science (MGAPI)
  • From December 29 to June 9 - Moscow State University instrument engineering and computer science (MGUPI)
  • By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 9, the process of unification with MIREA began.

History of MITHT before joining MIREA

  • From 1900 to 1918 - Moscow Higher Women's Courses (MVZhK)
  • From 1918 to 1930 - 2nd Moscow State University
  • From 1930 to 1940 - Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT)
  • Since 1940 - the Institute was named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • In 1992 - the Institute received the status of an academy
  • In 2011 - by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation MITHT received university status.
  • In 2015 - MITHT im. M.V. Lomonosov became part of the Moscow Technological University.


Campus on Vernadsky Avenue, 78

The main campus of the university is located at prosp. Vernadskogo, 78. (metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya).

Campus on Stromynka Street

Campus on Sokolinaya Gora street

Campus on Prospekt Mira

Campus on Usacheva Street

Teaching Staff

The teaching staff of the university consists of

  • Associate Professors and Candidates of Sciences
  • professors and doctors of science
  • full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • members of other academies
  • laureates of the State Prize and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation

University structure

Educational and scientific structural divisions

  • Institute of Information Technologies
  • Institute of Cybernetics
  • Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems
  • Institute of Innovative Technologies and Public Administration
  • Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Institute of Further Education
  • Institute of Pre-University Training
  • Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies
  • Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation
  • Institute of Management and Strategic Development of Organizations
  • Faculty of General Training
  • Institute of Evening, Correspondence and Distance Education
  • College of Instrumentation and Information Technology
  • Institute of International Education
  • Military department
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Postgraduate studies
  • Institute youth policy and international relations
  • Distance Learning Center
  • Training and technical center


  • Branch in Sergiev Posad
  • Branch in Serpukhov
  • Branch in Stavropol
  • Branch in Fryazino

Scientific structural divisions

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An excerpt characterizing Moscow Technological University

One of the doctors, in a bloody apron and with bloody small hands, in one of which he held a cigar between his little finger and thumb (so as not to stain it), came out of the tent. This doctor raised his head and began to look around, but above the wounded. He obviously wanted to rest a little. After moving his head to the right and left for a while, he sighed and lowered his eyes.
“Well, now,” he said in response to the words of the paramedic, who pointed him to Prince Andrei, and ordered him to be carried into the tent.
There was a murmur from the crowd of waiting wounded.
“Apparently, the gentlemen will live alone in the next world,” said one.
Prince Andrei was carried in and laid on a newly cleaned table, from which the paramedic was rinsing something. Prince Andrei could not make out exactly what was in the tent. Piteous moans from different sides, excruciating pain in the thigh, stomach and back entertained him. Everything he saw around him merged for him into one general impression of a naked, bloody human body, which seemed to fill the entire low tent, just as a few weeks ago on this hot August day the same body filled the dirty pond along the Smolensk road. Yes, it was that same body, that same chair a canon [fodder for cannons], the sight of which even then, as if predicting what would happen now, aroused horror in him.
There were three tables in the tent. Two were occupied, and Prince Andrei was placed on the third. He was left alone for some time, and he involuntarily saw what was happening on the other two tables. On the nearby table sat a Tatar, probably a Cossack, judging by his uniform thrown nearby. Four soldiers held him. The bespectacled doctor was cutting something into his brown, muscular back.
“Uh, uh, uh!..” it was as if the Tatar was grunting, and suddenly, raising his high-cheekboned, black, snub-nosed face, baring his white teeth, he began to tear, twitch and squeal with a piercing, ringing, drawn-out squeal. On another table, around which a lot of people were crowding, a large, plump man with his head thrown back lay on his back (the curly hair, its color and the shape of the head seemed strangely familiar to Prince Andrei). Several paramedics leaned on this man's chest and held him. The large, white, plump leg twitched quickly and frequently, without ceasing, with feverish tremors. This man was sobbing convulsively and choking. Two doctors silently - one was pale and trembling - were doing something on the other, red leg of this man. Having dealt with the Tatar, on whom an overcoat had been thrown, the doctor in glasses, wiping his hands, approached Prince Andrei. He looked into the face of Prince Andrei and hastily turned away.
- Undress! What are you standing for? – he shouted angrily at the paramedics.
Prince Andrei remembered his very first distant childhood, when the paramedic, with his hasty, rolled-up hands, unbuttoned his buttons and took off his dress. The doctor bent low over the wound, felt it and sighed heavily. Then he made a sign to someone. And the excruciating pain inside the abdomen made Prince Andrei lose consciousness. When he woke up, the broken thigh bones had been removed, chunks of flesh had been cut off, and the wound had been bandaged. They threw water in his face. As soon as Prince Andrei opened his eyes, the doctor bent over him, silently kissed him on the lips and hurriedly walked away.
After suffering, Prince Andrei felt a bliss that he had not experienced for a long time. All the best, happiest moments in his life, especially his earliest childhood, when they undressed him and put him in his crib, when the nanny sang over him, lulling him to sleep, when, burying his head in the pillows, he felt happy with the sheer consciousness of life - he imagined to the imagination not even as the past, but as reality.
Doctors were fussing around the wounded man, the outline of whose head seemed familiar to Prince Andrei; they lifted him up and calmed him down.
– Show me... Ooooh! O! oooooh! – one could hear his groan, interrupted by sobs, frightened and resigned to suffering. Listening to these moans, Prince Andrei wanted to cry. Was it because he was dying without glory, was it because he was sorry to part with his life, was it because of these irretrievable childhood memories, was it because he suffered, that others suffered, and this man moaned so pitifully in front of him, but he wanted to cry childish, kind, almost joyful tears.
The wounded man was shown a severed leg in a boot with dried blood.
- ABOUT! Ooooh! - he sobbed like a woman. The doctor, standing in front of the wounded man, blocking his face, moved away.
- My God! What is this? Why is he here? - Prince Andrei said to himself.
In the unfortunate, sobbing, exhausted man, whose leg had just been taken away, he recognized Anatoly Kuragin. They held Anatole in their arms and offered him water in a glass, the edge of which he could not catch with his trembling, swollen lips. Anatole was sobbing heavily. “Yes, it’s him; “Yes, this man is somehow closely and deeply connected with me,” thought Prince Andrei, not yet clearly understanding what was in front of him. – What is this person’s connection with my childhood, with my life? - he asked himself, not finding an answer. And suddenly a new, unexpected memory from the world of childhood, pure and loving, presented itself to Prince Andrei. He remembered Natasha as he had seen her for the first time at the ball in 1810, with a thin neck and thin arms, with a frightened, happy face ready for delight, and love and tenderness for her, even more vivid and stronger than ever, awoke in his soul. He now remembered the connection that existed between him and this man, who, through the tears that filled his swollen eyes, looked dully at him. Prince Andrei remembered everything, and enthusiastic pity and love for this man filled his happy heart.
Prince Andrei could no longer hold on and began to cry tender, loving tears over people, over himself and over them and his delusions.
“Compassion, love for brothers, for those who love, love for those who hate us, love for enemies - yes, that love that God preached on earth, which Princess Marya taught me and which I did not understand; That’s why I felt sorry for life, that’s what was still left for me if I were alive. But now it's too late. I know it!"

The terrible sight of the battlefield, covered with corpses and wounded, combined with the heaviness of the head and with the news of the killed and wounded twenty familiar generals and with the awareness of the powerlessness of his previously strong hand, made an unexpected impression on Napoleon, who usually loved to look at the dead and wounded, thereby testing his spiritual strength (as he thought). On this day, the terrible sight of the battlefield defeated the spiritual strength in which he believed his merit and greatness. He hastily left the battlefield and returned to the Shevardinsky mound. Yellow, swollen, heavy, with dull eyes, a red nose and a hoarse voice, he sat on a folding chair, involuntarily listening to the sounds of gunfire and not raising his eyes. With painful melancholy he awaited the end of that matter, which he considered himself to be the cause of, but which he could not stop. Personal human feeling for a short moment took precedence over that artificial ghost of life that he had served for so long. He endured the suffering and death that he saw on the battlefield. The heaviness of his head and chest reminded him of the possibility of suffering and death for himself. At that moment he did not want Moscow, victory, or glory for himself. (What more glory did he need?) The only thing he wanted now was rest, peace and freedom. But when he was at Semenovskaya Heights, the chief of artillery suggested that he place several batteries at these heights in order to intensify the fire on the Russian troops crowded in front of Knyazkov. Napoleon agreed and ordered news to be brought to him about what effect these batteries would produce.
The adjutant came to say that, by order of the emperor, two hundred guns were aimed at the Russians, but that the Russians were still standing there.
“Our fire takes them out in rows, but they stand,” said the adjutant.
“Ils en veulent encore!.. [They still want it!..],” Napoleon said in a hoarse voice.
- Sire? [Sovereign?] - repeated the adjutant who did not listen.
“Ils en veulent encore,” Napoleon croaked, frowning, in a hoarse voice, “donnez leur en.” [You still want to, so ask them.]
And without his order, what he wanted was done, and he gave orders only because he thought that orders were expected from him. And he was again transported to his former artificial world of ghosts of some kind of greatness, and again (like that horse walking on a sloping drive wheel imagines that it is doing something for itself) he obediently began to perform that cruel, sad and difficult, inhuman the role that was intended for him.
And it was not just for this hour and day that the mind and conscience of this man, who bore the brunt of what was happening more heavily than all the other participants in this matter, were darkened; but never, until the end of his life, could he understand either goodness, beauty, truth, or the meaning of his actions, which were too opposite to goodness and truth, too far from everything human for him to understand their meaning. He could not renounce his actions, praised by half the world, and therefore had to renounce truth and goodness and everything human.
Not only on this day, driving around the battlefield, laid out with dead and mutilated people (as he thought, by his will), he, looking at these people, counted how many Russians there were for one Frenchman, and, deceiving himself, found reasons to rejoice that for every Frenchman there were five Russians. Not only on this day did he write in a letter to Paris that le champ de bataille a ete superbe [the battlefield was magnificent] because there were fifty thousand corpses on it; but also on the island of St. Helena, in the quiet of solitude, where he said that he intended to devote his leisure time to the exposition of the great deeds that he had done, he wrote:
"La guerre de Russie eut du etre la plus populaire des temps modernes: c"etait celle du bon sens et des vrais interets, celle du repos et de la securite de tous; elle etait purement pacifique et conservatrice.
C "etait pour la grande cause, la fin des hasards elle commencement de la securite. Un nouvel horizon, de nouveaux travaux allaient se derouler, tout plein du bien etre et de la prosperite de tous. Le systeme europeen se trouvait fonde; il n "etait plus question que de l"organiser.
Satisfait sur ces grands points et tranquille partout, j "aurais eu aussi mon congress et ma sainte alliance. Ce sont des idees qu"on m"a volees. Dans cette reunion de grands souverains, nous eussions traits de nos interets en famille et compte de clerc a maitre avec les peuples.
L"Europe n"eut bientot fait de la sorte veritablement qu"un meme peuple, et chacun, en voyageant partout, se fut trouve toujours dans la patrie commune. Il eut demande toutes les rivieres navigables pour tous, la communaute des mers, et que les grandes armees permanentes fussent reduites desormais a la seule garde des souverains.
De retour en France, au sein de la patrie, grande, forte, magnifique, tranquille, glorieuse, j"eusse proclame ses limites immuables; toute guerre future, purement defensive; tout agrandissement nouveau antinational. J"eusse associe mon fils a l"Empire ; ma dictature eut fini, et son regne constitutionnel eut commence…
Paris eut ete la capitale du monde, et les Francais l"envie des nations!..
Mes loisirs ensuite et mes vieux jours eussent ete consacres, en compagnie de l"imperatrice et durant l"apprentissage royal de mon fils, a visiter lentement et en vrai couple campagnard, avec nos propres chevaux, tous les recoins de l"Empire, recevant les plaintes, redressant les torts, semant de toutes parts et partout les monuments et les bienfaits.
The Russian war should have been the most popular in modern times: it was a war of common sense and real benefits, a war of peace and security for everyone; she was purely peace-loving and conservative.
It was for a great purpose, for the end of chance and the beginning of peace. New horizon, new works would open, full of welfare and prosperity for all. The European system would have been founded, the only question would be its establishment.
Satisfied in these great questions and calm everywhere, I too would have my congress and my sacred union. These are the thoughts that were stolen from me. In this meeting of great sovereigns, we would discuss our interests as a family and would take into account the peoples, like a scribe with an owner.
Europe would indeed soon constitute one and the same people, and everyone, traveling anywhere, would always be in a common homeland.
I would say that all rivers should be navigable for everyone, that the sea should be common, that large armies were reduced solely to the guards of the sovereigns, etc.
Returning to France, to my homeland, great, strong, magnificent, calm, glorious, I would proclaim its borders unchanged; any future defensive war; any new spread is anti-national; I would add my son to the government of the empire; my dictatorship would end and his constitutional rule would begin...
Paris would be the capital of the world and the French would be the envy of all nations!..
Then my leisure time and last days would be dedicated, with the help of the Empress and during the royal education of my son, to little by little, like a real village couple, on their own horses, visiting all corners of the state, receiving complaints, eliminating injustices, scattering buildings in all directions and everywhere good deeds.]
He, destined by Providence for the sad, unfree role of the executioner of nations, assured himself that the purpose of his actions was the good of the peoples and that he could guide the destinies of millions and do good deeds through power!
“Des 400,000 hommes qui passerent la Vistule,” he wrote further about the Russian war, “la moitie etait Autrichiens, Prussiens, Saxons, Polonais, Bavarois, Wurtembergeois, Mecklembourgeois, Espagnols, Italiens, Napolitains. L "armee imperiale, proprement dite, etait pour un tiers composee de Hollandais, Belges, habitants des bords du Rhin, Piemontais, Suisses, Genevois, Toscans, Romains, habitants de la 32 e division militaire, Breme, Hambourg, etc.; elle comptait a peine 140000 hommes parlant francais. L "expedition do Russie couta moins de 50000 hommes a la France actuelle; l "armee russe dans la retraite de Wilna a Moscou, dans les differentes batailles, a perdu quatre fois plus que l"armee francaise; l"incendie de Moscou a coute la vie a 100000 Russes, morts de froid et de misere dans les bois; enfin dans sa marche de Moscou a l"Oder, l"armee russe fut aussi atteinte par, l"intemperie de la saison; “elle ne comptait a son arrivee a Wilna que 50,000 hommes, et a Kalisch moins de 18,000.”
[Of the 400,000 people who crossed the Vistula, half were Austrians, Prussians, Saxons, Poles, Bavarians, Wirtembergers, Mecklenburgers, Spaniards, Italians and Neapolitans. Imperial Army, in fact, was one third made up of Dutch, Belgians, residents of the banks of the Rhine, Piedmontese, Swiss, Genevans, Tuscans, Romans, residents of the 32nd military division, Bremen, Hamburg, etc.; there were hardly 140,000 French speakers. The Russian expedition cost France proper less than 50,000 men; the Russian army in retreat from Vilna to Moscow in various battles lost four times more than french army; the fire of Moscow cost the lives of 100,000 Russians who died of cold and poverty in the forests; finally, during its march from Moscow to the Oder, the Russian army also suffered from the severity of the season; upon arrival in Vilna it consisted of only 50,000 people, and in Kalisz less than 18,000.]
He imagined that by his will there was a war with Russia, and the horror of what had happened did not strike his soul. He boldly accepted the full responsibility of the event, and his darkened mind saw justification in the fact that among the hundreds of thousands of people who died there were fewer French than Hessians and Bavarians.

Several tens of thousands of people lay dead in different positions and uniforms in the fields and meadows that belonged to the Davydovs and state-owned peasants, in those fields and meadows in which for hundreds of years the peasants of the villages of Borodin, Gorki, Shevardin and Semyonovsky had simultaneously harvested crops and grazed livestock. At the dressing stations, about a tithe of space, the grass and soil were soaked in blood. Crowds of wounded and unwounded different teams of people, with frightened faces, on the one hand wandered back to Mozhaisk, on the other hand, back to Valuev. Other crowds, exhausted and hungry, led by their leaders, moved forward. Still others stood still and continued to shoot.
Over the entire field, previously so cheerfully beautiful, with its sparkles of bayonets and smoke in the morning sun, there now stood a haze of dampness and smoke and smelled of the strange acidity of saltpeter and blood. Clouds gathered and rain began to fall on the dead, on the wounded, on the frightened, and on the exhausted, and on the doubting people. It was as if he was saying: “Enough, enough, people. Stop it... Come to your senses. What are you doing?"
Exhausted, without food and without rest, the people of both sides began to equally doubt whether they should still exterminate each other, and hesitation was noticeable on all faces, and in every soul the question arose equally: “Why, for whom should I kill and be killed? Kill whoever you want, do whatever you want, but I don’t want any more!” By evening this thought had equally matured in everyone’s soul. At any moment all these people could be horrified by what they were doing, drop everything and run anywhere.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Wed., Fri. from 15:00 to 19:00

Latest reviews from RTU MIREA

Anonymous review 18:21 10/01/2018

The work of the various departments is simply terrible. It's about specifically about the graduate studies department on the MIREA campus. The employees of this department always say “come on such and such a day for documents,” and as a result, upon arrival on the appointed day, they postpone it to another, and this can happen several times in a row. But the most annoying thing is that you ask for time off from work, drive from the other end of Moscow to make it during their “busy” hours, and when you arrive, it turns out that there is a piece of paper hanging on their door with the text that in connection with the... .

Ivan Gorelov 01:53 02/16/2017

For me personally, MIREA is a place where you can get a higher diploma without really straining yourself. This educational institution allows you to do anything: work, self-study, leisure... (IT) - Institute of Information Technology, specialty Information Systems and technology. There are a lot of groups, if everyone comes to lectures at once you will sit on the floor, seriously. The building is large inside, it looks nice, but if you look closely, everything is cracking, or even cracking at the seams. In the lecture halls there are good old benches...


general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education "MIREA - Russian Technological University"

Branches of RTU MIREA


No. 02750 valid indefinitely from 06/08/2018


No. 02878 is valid from 07/20/2018 to 03/17/2023

Previous names of RTU MIREA

  • Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics
  • Moscow state institute radio engineering, electronics and automation

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RTU MIREA

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 6 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study66.42 63.45 63.88 65.00 67.54
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget77.22 71.97 69.97 71.54 72.77
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis61.08 55.09 56.05 55.51 60.97
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students38.7 39.07 40.53 42.19 51.16
Number of students24515 20596 16221 5610 5088
Full-time department18744 15811 11216 4653 3986
Part-time department1034 1499 1557 614 776
Extramural4737 3286 3448 343 326
All data Report Report Report Report Report


MIREA - RussianThe technological university was created as a result of the merger of leading technical universities and scientific institutes, primarily MIREA, MGUPI and MITHT. M.V. Lomonosov. Today it is a fundamentally new, largest cluster of educational and research centers in Russia, combining in its work classical university traditions and modern trends in education.

The university annually allocates more than4000 budget places , non-resident students are provided with a dormitory total number more than 3500 places.RTUMIREA is one of 15 Moscow universities,where the military department was preserved, students full-time training is granted a deferment from the army.Among the university teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, professors and doctors of science. To give some lectures and training courses Leading foreign scientists and teachers are invited.

URTU MIREAbOher50 partner companies, bThanks to the unique continuing education program “College → University → Basic Department → Basic Enterprise,” students are guaranteed employment.In 2017RTU MIREAbecame the only university that was awarded the UNESCO medal “For contribution to the development ofnanoscienceAndnanotechnology", including for teaching students in this area.Teachers of the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov were awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2017.The university implements joint programs with the largest companies in the IT industry (Cisco, Microsoft, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix,Samsungetc.) and VGTRK (TV Academy), MBA, courses foreign languages, training in drivingO-Andmotorcycle school.

Students annually participate in double degree and exchange programs. Among the partners are leading educational establishments more than 30 countries where you can study for free.

Study takes place in7 campuses that are located near metro stations. All of them are equipped with modern equipment,multiserviceinfrastructure and high-speedWiFi.

The university has 3 modern sports complexes, where numerous sports sections operate. The complexes have indoor tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and evenclimbing wall. The university has a Student Union, there are free classes in theater, vocal and dance studios, and a guitar school. KVN and the festival "OpenAir", "School of survival". Workingphoto cluband a mountaineering club, pedagogical, rescue, search and archaeological teams.

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