Interesting stories from the Playboy mansion: Jack Nicholson's secret passage, a party with Donald Trump and more. Playboy Magazine: Founder. Biography of Hugh Hefner, interesting facts After leaving Hefner, Madison took part in “Dancing with the Stars”, with

1926, Chicago, USA) is an American publisher, founder and chief editor of Playboy magazine, and founder of Playboy Enterprises. Nickname - Hef.


Mother - Grace Caroline Swanson, father - Glenn Lucius Hefner. He graduated from high school in Chicago, after which he joined the army in 1944 and fought in the last months of World War II.

After the army, Hugh Hefner graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Ideas for Playboy magazine appeared during his student years, he became interested in publishing. Worked as a magazine editor "Shaft", drew cartoons for magazines.

Hugh Hefner raised the prestige of his brainchild to such a height that John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut and Tom Clancy agreed to publish their works in it, among the interviewees were Dennis Rodman, Tommy Hilfiger, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta and Bill Gates, and they were easily allowed to be photographed for the magazine agreement

Hugh Hefner is the founder of Playboy, the world's first erotic magazine. Because of this, he is called the godfather of world erotica. Having founded and headed this legendary magazine, he, one might say, made a real revolution in the world of gloss. And today the great Hefner is rightfully considered a legend in his genre. He has many imitators, but no one is able to achieve such mastery. What helped him reach such heights in his difficult task? Let's find out the details of his life.

Biography: childhood, family

Hugh Hefner, the future founder of Playboy magazine, whose photo is presented in the article, was born in April 1926 in Chicago. From early childhood, his parents, Grace Caroline Swanson and Glenn Lucius Hefner, raised him strictly. He was not allowed to go to any entertainment establishments, not even to the cinema.

At school, he was not the best student and often received criticism both for his behavior and for not doing his homework diligently. In high school, he enjoyed writing articles for the school newspaper, and he also enjoyed drawing cartoons. In a word, the young man was creatively gifted, and this was recognized by all the teachers who believed that he was destined for a career as a journalist.


The legendary founder of Playboy magazine in his youth, like most American boys, was fond of sports, beautiful cars and sexy girls. He had a beautiful, fit figure, pleasant appearance, and thanks to this he was always the center of women's attention. However, he was not a true womanizer in his youth.

After graduation high school Hugh was drafted into the army. It was 1944, there were still about 2 years until the end of World War II, and now his unit was sent to Europe. Thus, he had the opportunity to take part in hostilities in France and Germany. He returned to the States only after the end of the war, that is, in 1946.

The beginning of a journalistic career

In the same 1946, Hugh moved to the small town of Urban-Champaign in Illinois and entered the main state university to study psychology. In parallel with his studies, he begins to work part-time at Shaft magazine as an editor. At the same time, Hugh draws cartoons for other magazines. During his student years, he was a fan of wild parties, and it was during this period that he conceived the idea of ​​​​creating an erotic magazine for bachelors. Hefner had a good understanding of the publishing business. However, before creating his magazine, he still managed to work in one of the authoritative glossy publications for men called Esquire.

Here he gained invaluable experience, as well as confidence that he could create his own magazine - Playboy. The founder initially wanted to call his brainchild Stag Party (“Bachelor Party”), but abandoned this idea because Stag Magazine already existed on the market. And then the name Playboy popped into his mind. He liked it for its brevity and beautiful sound.

Playboy: founder releases first edition

After the name of the magazine was invented, Hugh began to look for funds to realize his dream. He found several investors who were interested in his idea, and his mother borrowed $1,000. So, by the time the Playboy magazine was created, the founder had 9,000 conventional units in his assets. This was enough for him to publish the first issue. At the very end of 1953, the erotic Playboy magazine appeared in all US print kiosks, on the cover of which there was a photograph of a naked Marilyn Monroe, the sex symbol of America.

Three quarters of the circulation were sold in the first week. Even the founder of Playboy did not expect such stunning success. Photos of him began to appear every now and then in gossip columns. After this, Hef accumulated the necessary amount for the periodic publication of the magazine, and all the men of America were eagerly awaiting the release of the new issue of Playboy.

Sex revolution

In the mid-50s, Playboy became one of the best-selling magazines in all of America. He made a real sexual revolution in the country. Many were interested: who is the founder of Playboy? This became known when a TV show appeared on television - the Playboy’s Penthouse show. By the 80s, the magazine had risen to the level that it began publishing photographs of such famous models as Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Sharon Stone and others.

From then on, the woman who appeared on the cover of Playboy magazine, whose founder himself made a careful selection, became the country's sex symbol. Over time, the publication changed its concept, and now it was not just an erotic magazine, but a symbol of a rich and beautiful life.

Magazine popularity

Every year the publication acquired new readers and became popular for several generations of men. Hef himself played to strengthen his image, creating an aura of success around himself, as well as a great connoisseur and connoisseur of women. To men, he seemed endowed with special sexual power, and even the darling of fate, because all these beautiful girls passed through his “hands.” In a television show, he demonstrated how sex parties were held in his luxurious mansion. Everyone talked about his high-profile novels and hobbies. Many wealthy men dreamed in their hearts of being in his place and spontaneously imitated him. Gradually, versions of the magazine on different languages began to be published in almost all countries of the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, photographs of Russian and Ukrainian beauties began to appear on the cover, as well as on the inside pages of Playboy. And after the magazine began publishing articles by such famous journalists as Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Clancy, John Updike, such celebrities as Tom Hilfiger, D. Rodman, K. Spacey, Bill Gates, John Travolta began to agree to interviews and others.

Creation of a corporation

How did the founder of Playboy magazine become famous? How many years has he worked to create a positive image? In fact, this printed publication was initially positioned only as an erotic magazine with candid photographs of beautiful, but unknown women - owners of seductive forms. However, after a while they became exclusively stars.

In 1971, Hef decided to expand the boundaries of his activities and created the Playboy Enterprises corporation. This included chains of hotels, casinos, and clubs, which were located in the most prestigious resorts and entertainment centers. The corporation also included a modeling agency, a television company, a limousine rental service and a recording studio. Of course, the main income came from gambling establishments. However, by the end of the 70s, Hugh's empire suffered a number of losses, some of the establishments had to be closed, and then he decided to transfer management of the corporation to his daughter Christie. Perhaps Hefner realized that he was not as successful in managing it as in publishing. Thus, by 1998, profits from the sale of Playboy magazine amounted to $320 million.

The Playboy founder and his wives

Throughout his long life (and Hugh Hefner is already 90 years old), he was officially married twice. Even before the formation of the legendary magazine, he married Mildred Williams, with whom they lived for about ten years. The marriage produced Christie and David Paul. Hugh divorced Mildred in 1959. After that, for 30 years he did not formally marry any of his model cohabitants, of whom he had a countless number. It was during this period that he organized sex parties that were famous throughout the country.

There is information that for some time Hugh, like a Muslim sultan, kept a harem of 7 model concubines. He married for the second time in 1989, and his wife was Kimberly Conrad, a model with a magnificent figure. This marriage also lasted about 10 years. In 2010, he announced his engagement to another Playboy model, Crystal Harris. The wedding day had already been announced, but suddenly Hefner told the press that there would be no celebration because Crystal had changed her mind about marrying him. But in 2012 they still got married.

  • Hugh Hefner has extraordinary intellectual abilities. His IQ is 158 points.
  • After divorcing his second wife, Hef decided to sell his 1929 mansion. It was bought by Greek billionaire Daren Metropoulos for $18 million.
  • In 1963, Hef was arrested and sent to prison for unauthorized publication of nude photographs of Jayne Mansfield.
  • There is a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Playboy founder Hugh Hefner.

The Los Angeles estate of Hugh Hefner, founder of famous magazine for men. The mansion belongs to the owner of Playboy Enterprises, reports businessinsider.

The estate is located in the Holmby Hills area, between Beverly Hills and Westwood. Its area is about 25,000 square meters. On the territory there is a tennis court, a basketball court, several swimming pools, as well as a small zoo and a bird yard. The estate also has a gym and a wine cellar. In addition to the main house, there is a guest house with four bedrooms, writes Zagranitsa.

“Any American man, no doubt, fantasized about what was happening in Hugh Hefner’s estate - a harem full of blond beauties,” writes one of the Playboy models, Holly Madison, in her memoirs. The book "Down the Rabbit Hole: Amazing Adventures and cautionary tales from a former Playboy Bunny” hit US store shelves in 2015 and became an bestseller.

About discipline

“When you live in the Playboy Mansion, you have to get home every day no later than nine o'clock in the evening. You can’t invite anyone over,” explained Carla Howe in an interview with The Daily Mirror.

“We weren’t allowed to bring boys into the house. That was rule number one: no boys allowed. If a girl did something wrong, she received a letter of reprimand. email. Even the use of social networks was subject to strict restrictions: posts about life in the mansion should only be joyful,” Melissa Howe said in an interview with The Daily Mirror.

Mansion and atmosphere

“Many people think that massive metal gates at the entrance are needed to protect against uninvited guests. But when I lived at the Playboy Mansion, it felt like there were locks holding us back,” Holly Madison recalls in Down the Rabbit Hole. The girl spent seven years in Hefner’s kingdom, during which she was his “number one friend.”

“Although we tried to make the rooms comfortable, nothing could be done about the mattresses on the beds: they were disgusting, old and stained. The bed linen also knew better times", Isabella St. James testifies in her memoir, Tales of the Bunny: Behind the Closed Doors of the Playboy Mansion."

“Hef always had dirty carpets. The one in his bedroom hasn't been changed in years. The situation got even worse when Holly Madison moved into Hugh's room with her two dogs: they did their business right on the carpet. Every Friday we all went up to Hugh's bedroom to collect our paychecks. At first, he always spent a long time collecting dog piles from the floor, then scolded us for not getting along well with each other, and only then proceeded to distribute fees,” states Isabella St. James in her memoirs.

“Maybe it was the weed or the alcohol, but one day I was lying in the bathtub and thinking that drowning would be the best way out of the life I lead here,” writes Holly Madison. The girl moved into the mansion after meeting Hugh at one of the Hollywood parties. Then she was completely broke and was about to be left without a roof over her head, since she had nothing to pay for the rent of the apartment.

About Hefner

“It's like living with your grandfather. There is now a carer living in the house because he recently fell in the grotto,” says Carla Howe.

“It was work. Nobody liked sex with him,” says Kendra Wilkinson in her autobiography, Sliding Into Home.

“He loved that all these girls were fighting for him. In words, he scolded us for quarreling, but in reality he himself played us off with the help of various intrigues. I think he’s a very insecure person,” said Carla Howe in an interview with The Daily Mirror.

“Girls came and went, I can’t even tell you how many there were,” says Jill-Anne Spalding in her book Upstairs, writes Lenta.

The Playboy Mansion is expected to fetch at least $200 million. According to the terms of the deal, the buyer must ensure that the founding father of the erotic magazine lives in the villa until his death.

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The main playboy of the world is gone! The iconic American publisher who founded the legendary tabloid Playboy, the inimitable Hugh Hefner, died in the United States at the age of 92. This was written on Twitter on the official page of the magazine.

Death Information

“American icon and Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner, passed away today. He was 91 years old."

Hefner surrounded by Playboy models

Details of his death and funeral date will be announced later. In 2012, for $75,000, Hugh purchased a place in the Westwood Memorial Park cemetery next to the crypt where Marilyn Monroe's ashes rest.

In the meantime, in a press statement from the Playboy Enterprise, it is said that he died of completely natural causes on September 27 at the Playboy Mansion, located in Los Angeles, surrounded by loved ones.

Hefner's son, Cooper Hefner, who is also the chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, told People magazine:

“My father lived an extraordinary and influential life as a media and cultural pioneer, a leading voice in some of the most important social and cultural movements of our time, promoting freedom of speech, civil rights, and sexual freedom. He defined the style and image that underpin the Playboy brand, one of the most recognizable and iconic in history."

Legendary man

Having worked as a war correspondent during World War II and for Esquire, Hefner, born in 1926, used his own funds to publish a pilot issue of Playboy in 1953, which featured Marilyn Monroe on the cover. An innovative approach to creating a new magazine for men, which contained not only erotic pictures, but also articles about sports, politics, fashion, and hobbies, made the gloss extremely popular, bringing its founder millions.

IN recent years Throughout his life, Hugh had back problems and moved with the help of a walker, rarely appearing in public, not wanting people to see him as old and frail.

The only photo of Hefner in 2017

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