Morphological analysis of auxiliary parts of speech. VIII. Functional parts of speech Preposition Plan of morphological analysis. Declinable independent parts of speech

I. Part of speech; meaning (formulates subordinating relationships between words in a phrase); category by education (non-derivative or derivative, if derivative - then adverbial, or denominative, or verbal); category by structure (simple, complex, composite); category by meaning (spatial, temporal, objective, target, causal, comparison, instrument of action, mode of action, definitive, concessive).

II.Morphological characteristics:

1. An unchangeable word.

III. Syntactic function.

Due to By decision of the Bureau, weekends are cancelled.

Due to(decision) - I. preposition, formalizes subordinating relationships between words in the phrase “cancelled in connection with the decision”); denominate derivative; composite; causal.

II.1. An unchangeable word.

Union Plan for morphological analysis

I. Part of speech; meaning (forms the connection between individual words within a simple sentence, between parts of a complex sentence, between separate sentences); category according to syntactic function (coordinating or subordinating); rank by value ( coordinating: connective, dividing, adversative, gradational, connecting, explanatory; subordinate: temporary, comparative, target, concessional, conditions, explanatory, causal, consequences); category by structure (simple/composite; derivative/non-derivative; single/repeating/double).

II.Morphological characteristics:

1. An unchangeable word.

III. Syntactic function.

Sample morphological analysis

Instead of study, you are doing nonsense.

Instead of - I. conjunction, forms the connection between the main and subordinate parts in a complex sentence; subordinate; temporary; compound; derivative; single.

II.1. An unchangeable word.

III.Not a member of the proposal.

Particle Morphological analysis plan

I. Part of speech; meaning (gives a word or statement additional semantic, emotionally expressive, modal shades; participates in form formation); rank by value ( semantic: indicative, defining-clarifying, excretory-restrictive, intensifying, indefinite; emotionally expressive; modal: affirmative, negative, interrogative, comparative; formative); category by education (non-derivative or derivative).

II.Morphological characteristics:

1. An unchangeable word.

III. Syntactic function.

Sample morphological analysis

Though don't tell me nasty things, please!

Although - I. particle, gives the statement an additional semantic connotation; semantic excretory-restrictive; derivative.

II.1. An unchangeable word.

III.Not a member of the proposal.

Appendix 2

Questions for the intermediate certification (exam) in morphology

    Morphology as a branch of linguistics. The word as an object of study in vocabulary and morphology. The concept of grammatical meaning in comparison with lexical meaning.

    Grammatical form and grammatical means.

    Ways of expressing grammatical meanings in Russian. Grammatical category. Grammatical paradigm.

    Modern teaching about parts of speech in Russian linguistics.

    Principles of identifying parts of speech in the Russian language. The doctrine of parts of speech L.V. Shcherby.

    Classification of parts of speech V.V. Vinogradova.

    Oppositions in the part-speech system. Modern trends in the distribution of words by parts of speech in the Russian language. A noun as a part of speech (general characteristic). Substantivization and its grammatical manifestations.

    Lexical and grammatical categories of nouns (proper and common nouns, concrete subject and collective, concrete material and singular, abstract). Category of animate/inanimate. Inconsistency between the grammatical and semantic content of this category. Nouns outside the animate/inanimate category. Cases of fluctuation within this category. Category of gender of nouns (general characteristics). Semantic and formal gender. Gender of words like professor and ignoramus.

    Morphological characteristics of the genus.

    Language means

    gender expressions. Current state).

    Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives. Morphological, semantic and word-formation features of qualitative adjectives.

    Characteristics of relative and possessive adjectives. Transition of adjectives from one category to another. Adjectives in full and short form, their meaning, morphological features and syntactic functions, stylistic use. Degrees of comparison of adjectives (synthetic and analytical forms). Stylistic features of use. Types of adjective declension. Transition of adjectives to other parts of speech.

    Adverb as a part of speech (meaning, morphological and syntactic features). Semantic categories of adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adverbs.

    Category of state (semantics, morphological features, syntactic function). Volume of a part of speech (L.V. Shcherba, V.V. Vinogradov). Common and different with adverbs and adjectives. Classifications of words of the state category by meaning and formation. Pronoun as a special semantic class of words.

    Basic functions of pronouns.

    Pronominalization. Classes of pronouns (semantic and grammatical features). Stylistic use of pronouns.

    Numeral: semantics, grammar, structure. Features of the declension of numerals of different ranks. Type of connection between numerals and nouns.

    Modern tendencies

    in the use of numerals (according to V.N. Shaposhnikov).

    Verb. The question of the volume and boundaries of the verbal lexeme. Conjugated and inconjugated forms of the verb. Class and type of verb conjugation.

    Participle as a special verb form. Grammatical categories of the verb and adjective of the participle. Participle categories.

    Formation of participles.

    The participle as a special verb form. Grammatical categories of gerunds. Formation and use of participles.

    The system of function words in the article by L.V. Shcherba “On parts of speech in the Russian language.” Function words and independent parts of speech.

    Modal words and particles. Discharges.


    Composition and functions.

General trends in the development of the grammatical system of the Russian language (literature required for the answer: V. Shaposhnikov. Russian speech of the 1990s. M., 1998. - P. 63-90; Russian language of the end of the twentieth century. - M., 2000. - Chapter VI and VIII).

Language game in the field of morphology (prepare an answer based on the book: Sannikov V.Z. Russian language in the mirror of the language game. - M., 2002. - Chapter 3 “Morphology”. – P. 61-93).

Appendix 3

Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

Analysis plan
I. Part of speech. General grammatical meaning.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

Non-constant signs: a) case, b) number.

Sample parsing

The quiet Don flows quietly." Oral analysis: Don is a noun, denotes an object, answers the question what?

Initial form

Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech
-Don; proper, inanimate; masculine; 2nd cl. used in the form of a noun singular (has no plural) in the sentence serves as the subject.
Adjective II. Morphological characteristics: 1. Initial form (
Nominative case
singular). 2. Constant signs: a) qualitative, relative or possessive. Variable signs: 1) for qualitative ones: a) degree of comparison, b) brief or
full form

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

; 2) for all adjectives: a) case, b) number, c) gender (in singular).

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Kolya painted bread, which was collected in large 3 stacks.
Oral analysis
Big is an adjective. Firstly, it denotes the attribute of an object: (what?) bread. Initial shape: large. Secondly, it has constant

morphological characteristics

Kolya painted bread, which was collected in large 3 stacks.
: quality. Non-permanent signs: complete, vin.p., plural.
Written analysis:
I. (What?) bread. N.f. - big.

II. Post.p.: quality; non-continuous p.: full, v.p., plural

Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

III. The breads are (what kind?) large.
I. Part of speech. General meaning.
II. Morphological characteristics:
Non-constant features: case, number (if any), gender (if any).
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

The school site covers ten 3 hectares.

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Ten is a numeral.
Firstly, it denotes quantity: hectares (how many?) ten. The initial form is ten.
Secondly, it has constant morphological characteristics: simple, quantitative, denotes an integer. Inconstant features: used in the accusative case.
Thirdly, in the sentence it is part of the addition: it occupies (what?) ten hectares.

Written analysis

Ten is the number.
I. Hectares (how many?) ten. N. f. - ten.
II. Post.p: simple, quantitative, integer. Non-post.p: in wine. pad.
III. It occupies (what?) ten hectares.


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

III. The breads are (what kind?) large.
1. Initial form.
2. Constant signs: rank by value; face (for personal).
Non-permanent signs: death; gender (if any); number (if any).
III. Syntactic function.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

My 3 optimism was born from studying science, and I 3 would like to instill it in everyone 3 ... (D. Mendeleev)

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

My is a pronoun.
Firstly, it points to a sign: optimism is (whose?) mine. The initial form is mine.
Secondly, it has a constant morphological feature: possessive; inconstant signs: stands in the nominative case, singular, masculine.
Thirdly, the sentence is a definition.

Me is a pronoun.
Firstly, it points to the subject: it would be desirable (to whom?) for me. The initial form is me.
Secondly, it has a constant morphological feature - personal; inconsistent: used in the dative case, singular.

Each has a pronoun.
Firstly, it indicates the subject: to instill (to whom?) everyone. The initial form is everyone.
Secondly, it has a constant morphological feature: it is definitive; inconstant signs: stands in the dative case, singular, masculine.
Thirdly, the sentence is an object.

Written analysis

My (optimism) is places.
1. (Whose?) mine. N. f. - my.
2. Post.: possessive. Unposted: in i. p., units h., m.r.
3. Optimism (whose?) is mine.

There's room for me.
1. (To whom?) to me. N. f. - I.
2. Post: personal. Non-constant: in d.p., units. h.
3. It would be desirable (to whom?) for me.

There's a place for everyone.
1. (Which?) everyone. N. f. - every.
2. Post.: definitive. Non-constant: in d.p., units. h., m.r.
3. Instill (to whom?) everyone.


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

III. The breads are (what kind?) large.
Adjective indefinite form).
2. Permanent characteristics: appearance; repayment; transitivity/intransitivity; conjugation.
Variable signs: inclination; time (if any); face (if any); number; gender (if any).
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

The future belongs to 3 people of honest work (M. Gorky).

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Belongs - verb.
Firstly, it denotes an action: (what does it do?) belongs. The initial form is to belong.
Secondly, it has constant features: imperfective form, intransitive, II conjugation. Used in indicative mood, in the singular, in the present tense, in the 3rd person - these are inconsistent signs.
Thirdly, the sentence is a predicate.

Written analysis

Belongs - verb.
I. (What does it do?) belongs. N. f. - belong.
II. Post.p.: nesov. type, non-trans., II reference. Non-post.p.: in will express. incl., in units h., in 3rd l.
III. The future (what does?) belongs.


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

III. The breads are (what kind?) large.
1. An unchangeable word.
2. Degree of comparison (if any).
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

The wind was gusty 3.

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Impetuously - adverb.
Firstly, it denotes a sign of action: it blew (how?) impulsively.
Secondly, it is an unchangeable word.
Thirdly, in a sentence it is a circumstance of the manner of action.

Written analysis

Impetuously - adverb;
I. Blowed (how?) impulsively.
II. Unism.
III. (How?) impulsively.

Morphological analysis of special verb forms


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

1. Initial form (nominative singular masculine).
2. Constant signs: voice (active or passive), reflexivity, tense, aspect.
3. Variable signs: complete or short form, case (if any), number, gender (if any).
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

The first room was covered with 3 logs of old newspapers (K. Simonov).

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Wallpapered (room) is a participle.
Firstly, it denotes the attribute of an object by action (a room that has been papered), derived from the verb paste over. The initial form is pasted over.
Secondly, it has constant signs: passive, past tense, perfective. This agrees with the word room and used in a short form, in the singular, in the feminine gender - these are inconstant signs.
Thirdly, in a sentence it is a nominal part of a compound predicate.

Written analysis

Pasted over - participle.
I. The room (what kind?) is papered - participle, special form of the verb to paste over.
II. N.f. - pasted over. Post.p: suffer., past. vr., owls V. Non-post.p: in multiples. f., units h., w. R.
III. The room (what?) is papered.


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

I. Part of speech (special form of the verb). General meaning.
1. Initial form (infinitive form of the verb).
2. View.
3. Immutability.
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

I looked at his face intently for several minutes, trying to notice at least a slight trace of repentance (M. Lermontov).

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Trying - gerund.
Firstly, it denotes an additional action (looked and tried to notice). The initial form is to try.
Secondly, it has the following morphological characteristics: imperfect species, immutability.
Thirdly, in the sentence there is a circumstance of purpose: he looked (for what purpose?) trying to notice repentance.

Written analysis

I. (Doing what?) trying - gerund.
II. N. f. - try. Post.p: nesov. c., unchangeable
III. I looked (for what purpose?) trying to notice remorse.

Morphological analysis of auxiliary parts of speech


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

III. The breads are (what kind?) large.
II. Morphological character: immutability.
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

Anxious jackdaws darted across the sky.

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Po is a preposition.
Firstly, it serves to connect the main word rushed about with dependent noun sky in the dative case.
Secondly, it has a morphological feature - an unchangeable word.
Thirdly, it is not a member of the proposals.

Written analysis

Po is a preposition.
I. Tossed |around| sky (d.p.).
II. Morph.p.: unchangeable


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

I. Part of speech.
Constants: coordinating or subordinating; simple or compound; unchangeable word.
III. Syntactic function.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

I heard about the blizzards there and knew that entire carts were carried away by them (A. Pushkin).

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

And - union.
Firstly, it connects homogeneous predicates I heard And knew.
Secondly, it has morphological characteristics: coordinating, simple, unchangeable word.
Thirdly, it is not a member of the proposal.

Written analysis

And - union.
I. ═══ and ═══ .
II. Morph. p.: op., simple., unchangeable.
III. Not a member of the proposal.


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

III. The breads are (what kind?) large.
1) rank;
2) an unchangeable word.
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.

And here I would just take 3 to the left (I. Krylov).

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Would be a particle, since:
firstly, it participates in the formation of the conditional mood;
secondly, it is formative, it is an unchangeable word;
thirdly, it is not a member of the sentence.

Written analysis

Would be a particle.
I. Forms conditions. incl.
II. Morph.p.: shape, unchangeable.
III. Not a member of the proposal.


Morphological analysis of independent parts of speech

I. Part of speech.
1) type by education;
2) meaning;
3) an unchangeable word.
III. Syntactic role.

2. Constant features: a) proper or common noun, b) animate or inanimate, c) gender, d) declension.
Hey 3, good people, which of you is at home?

III. Syntactic role in a sentence.

Hey is an interjection, because,
firstly, it expresses motivation,
secondly, it is a non-derivative and unchangeable word,
thirdly, in a sentence it is not a member of the sentence.

Written analysis

I. Hey - interjection.
II. Morph.p.: unpronounced, expresses motivation, unchangeable.
III. Not a member of the proposal.



1. Russian language: Textbook. for 7th grade general education institutions / M. T. Baranov, L. T. Grigoryan, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya and others - 20th ed. - M.: Education, 1999. - 191 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-09-008918-3.

Analysis of the preposition: value

2. morph.character: simple or compound, produced or non-produced.

Analysis of the union:

1.h.r. general meaning

2. morph.characteristics: a).rich or subordinate. B) simple or compound

Particle parsing:

1. b.r. general meaning

2. rank.

32. The meaning, place and main issues of studying syntax at school. Methodology for studying phrases and simple phrases and simple sentence. Parsing

Synth analysis of a simple sentence. According to Ladizhenskaya:

1.type of sentence According to the purpose of the statement.

2. Is the preposition exclamatory?

3. grammatical basis


5.chl sentences

6.minor members offers

7. one-part sentence

8. appeals.

Syntax – highest level language. Completes the study of all language sections, forms an idea of ​​the language system, the level of their relationships, and the formation of language skills.

Linguistic and communicative competencies are improved.

*Based on the assimilation of syntactic concepts, enrich the syntactic structure of speech

*Expand and systematize linguistic knowledge

*form speech skills

* introduce schoolchildren to synthetic units, their relationships, etc. form an idea of ​​the structure of the Republic of Latvia

* improve speech based on mastering synthetic connections

* develop the ability to use synthetic units in speech in accordance with the communicative situation

* enrich grammatical structure, teaching the use of syntactic synonyms

* form the basis for the development of punctuation skills

Basic concepts.

Syntactic units: phrase.

The phrase is used in a sentence as a “building material”, inside the sentence. But inside it is important.

The connections between words are clearly visible. In a sentence, a phrase helps to learn grammatical rules. The phrase can be a name.

Collocations are studied in 5th grade, and then in 8th grade. In most cases, only subordinating ones (SUP). Children find the main word and ask a question about this word. In the 8th grade, material is added about nominal, verbal, adverbial SS. Some SS - in comparison with the grammatical norm (due to what?). Common phrases.


Simple (two-part/one-part, full/incomplete, distributed/non-distributed, complicated/uncomplicated)

Complex (SSP, SPP, BSP)

Offers with different types of communication.

Complex syntactic whole or superphrasal unity.

An independent statement, a fragment of a whole text.

Methods of conveying someone else's speech: direct, indirect speech, quotes, dialogue

Intonation, utterance, predicativeness

The characteristics of P are studied by intonation and the purpose of the statement.

SS, general characteristics simple sentence, main and minor members of P, syntactic parsing scheme. Characteristics of intonation.


connection between intonation and punctuation marks

ways of transmitting someone else's speech

cases of complications of simple P

Ways of expressing subject and predicate

introductory structures

Grades 8-9 – main course

in-depth study phrases

types of simple P with complicated variants

ways of transmitting someone else's speech

everything is complex P, with different types of communication

Referring to the text. The theory of actual division of sentences. 2 communication methods – serial and parallel. Paragraph.

* build the SS correctly

* find SS in P

* use SS in speech - synonyms

* observe speech norms when constructing SS

* produce syntactic parsing

* recognize simple and complex P

* use different types P when constructing text

* parse P (synth parse)

* follow the norms of RY when constructing P

* consume different types synth constructions in accordance with the communicative situation

* ability to find means of synthetic expression

* justify the choice of punctuation marks based on syntactic knowledge

* establish methods and means of communication P in the text.

Syntactic parsing is a complete grammatical description of a syntactic unit:


*simple sentence

*complex sentence

33.studying complex sentences and constructions with foreign speech at school. Types of syntax exercises.

Scientific system concepts is built on the principle from the general to the particular: the basic units of syntax, their categorical features (inherent in a given unit in any of its varieties) are determined, then various types and types of these units are determined, depending on how one or another categorical feature is specified. The modern school course on syntax is basically built on the same principle, and in this regard, the methodology of syntax in last years took a definite step forward.

The syntax methodology has developed the following particular methodological principles:

Intonation (comparison of structure and intonation);

Morphological-syntactic (comparison of a sentence member and a part of speech).

When organizing educational process in each specific case, it is necessary to think through the relationship between the principles of all levels in the lesson: the principle of the school as a whole, didactic and special principles (general methodological and specific methodological). In all cases, one must keep in mind the choice of principles that to the greatest extent will ensure better assimilation of knowledge and formation of skills.

Having in mind the system of syntax exercises, Usually three groups are distinguished: “a) exercises to recognize a given syntactic phenomenon among others; b) exercises that activate the ability to analyze the syntactic features of these constructions and their components...; c) exercises... related to speech development”2. This classification is based on essentially two characteristics: on the one hand, correlation with different tasks studying syntax at school, on the other hand, the level of students’ assimilation of the material being studied. There is a relationship between the indicated bases of classification: comprehension of linguistic material, the ability to analyze and explain it is an important prerequisite for the purposeful development of speech, just as the application of knowledge about language in the process of speech practice makes this knowledge deeper, stronger, and more flexible.

34. methodology for teaching punctuation. Types of punctuation exercises. Punctogram. Punctuation analysis.

The main goal of teaching punctuation at school is to teach students to apply those rules of punctuation, which in their everyday life are the basis of Russian punctuation. These are clear, permanent rules that do not allow exceptions. They take into account both the semantic side and the structural and grammatical side. These rules are provided by the program, and deviations from them are an error. – Mastering these rules creates a good basis for the implementation of these goals - to develop in-depth and versatile punctuation for students to master, as a means of helping to convey in writing assessments of thoughts and feelings that are conveyed intonationally in spoken speech, or obviously arise from the communication situation. This is a special category of rules.

The content of punctuation includes punctuation concepts and skills. Punctuation concepts: - punctuation mark (a special graphic sign that serves to highlight a semantic segment of speech), - punctuational semantic segment (a semantic segment of speech that requires a punctuation mark), - punctuation rule (this is an instruction that lists the conditions for choosing a place for the required sign ).

A punctuation error is the use of a necessary punctuation mark, or the use of it where it is not needed.

Work on punctuation errors consists of the same links as when studying spelling rule. Working on mistakes is an important stage in the development of punctuation skills. It consists of special work to prevent punctuation errors, the teacher recording punctuation errors, taking into account misspelled words when preparing a lesson, working on errors, working on errors in the lesson.

Exercises that provide greater independence and activity in the mental and speech activity of students when teaching punctuation can be very diverse. Let's look at some of them.

Analytical exercises

Punctuation analysis. The most important type of exercise when teaching punctuation is punctuation analysis, that is, an explanation of the punctuation marks already placed in the texts of the exercises.

Letter from memory. Individual texts, rich in punctuation marks for a whole range of rules, are memorized after a detailed punctuation analysis, and then (a few days later) written down from memory. To prevent cheating, it is good to invite students sitting next to you to write down different texts.

Punctuation analysis - design by Babaytseva.

Finding boundaries

Justification of the structure

Application of the rule


The meaning, place and tasks of work on the development of oral and writing V school course RL as a basis for the formation of communicative competence of students. The most important principles, main directions and types of this work.

Communicative competencies are monitored in Russian language and literature lessons. A special approach to the development of coherent oral and written speech is that one cannot “develop speech in general,” but should focus in each class on certain types of oral and written speech. It is believed that for effective speech development, it is necessary:

know: 1. the concept of text and its structure; 2. the concept of style, types of styles and their features; 3. ways and means of connecting sentences in the text; 4. definition of a paragraph and knowledge of its functions; 5. the concept of stylistic coloring of a word and its text-forming function; 6. definition of dialogue and monologue; 7. methods of transmitting someone else's speech; 8. definition of straight line and indirect speech; 9. structural features of a business narrative.

be able to: 1. possess productive skills of various types of oral and written speech; 2. read texts as a student of reading, master individual

techniques of introductory reading; highlight in text keywords; pose questions to the text; draw up a text plan; compose an oral detailed answer and retell the text; make a message on linguistic topic; write a summary of a scientific educational text;; write a narrative essay on a linguistic topic; answer textbook questions; to have a dialog; master the etiquette language; describe speech situation based on text, drawing; determine your communication successes (failures); form explicitly (aloud), implicitly (silently) communicative intention; navigate the communication situation, taking into account the addressee; analyze, evaluate; justify your answer; create your own texts; edit text; retell the text; oral artistic speech; determine the artistic style of speech; distinguish between broad and narrow topics; read texts by studying reading; complete tasks for free dictations and presentations; write an annotation and review; find and eliminate repetitions - shortcomings; use features of parts of speech and syntactic constructions in writing.

The main objectives of the formation of communicative competence are: formation functional literacy students, the formation of productive skills and abilities in various types oral and written speech, the formation of “general linguistic competence” in students, which is necessary for the successful mastery of other subjects

The ways to realize the communicative competence of students are that the forms, methods and techniques of work are aimed at ensuring that the content educational material was a source for independently searching for a solution to the problem. Research approach to topics literary works helps to consider the life of a literary hero as educational study. And a discussion based on the results of essays provides an opportunity to express your point of view, listen to others, and argue.

Scientists believe that at the age of 10-11, a child’s interest in the world around him peaks. And if the child’s interest is not satisfied, it will fade away. Traditional reading conferences also help maintain this interest, where students introduce their classmates to the most interesting books they have read, reviews of which are recorded in readers' diaries. In rhetoric lessons, students really like role-playing games, where they learn the culture of communication.

The formation of communicative competence presupposes a procedural-effective approach, since the effectiveness of work can only be judged by the result. Any result involves evaluation.

Morphological analysis

Appendix 3

1. Noun, denotes an object

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form (I.p, units)

B) Constant signs:

Own, popular,

Inanimate, inanimate,



C) Variable signs:



3. Syntactic role

Initial form

1.Adj, denotes an attribute of an object

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form (I.p, unit, m.r.)

B) Constant signs:

Discharge (qualitative, relative, possessive)

C) Variable signs:

Full, short form (only for qualities)

Degree of comparison (positive, comparable, superior) (only for quality)

Genus (units),


Case (in full form).

3. Syntactic role

II. Post.p.: quality; non-continuous p.: full, v.p., plural

1.Number, indicates the number of objects or their order when counting

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form (I.p)

B) Constant signs:

Quantitative, order.

Discharge (for quantitative): collective, fractional, denoting an integer

C) Variable signs:

Genus (if any),

Number (if any),


3. Syntactic role


1. Place, indicates an object, sign or quantity without naming it

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form (I.p, units)

B) Constant signs:

Discharge (personal, return, possess, relate, question, indefinite, deny, indicate, determinative)

C) Variable signs:

Genus (if any),

Number (if any),


3. Syntactic role


1.Verb, denotes the action of an object

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form (infinitive)

B) Constant signs:

Perfect, perfect. view

Refundable, non-refundable

Transitional, non-perekh


C) Variable signs:

Mood (indicator, conditional, imperative)

Time (in written form),


Face (if any),

Genus (if any)

3. Syntactic role


1.Prich, denotes the attribute of an object by action

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form (I.p, unit, m.r, full form)

B) Constant signs:

Indeed, they suffer.

Sov., Nesov. view

Present, past tense

Refundable, non-refundable

C) Variable signs:

Full, short form,



Case (for complete verses).

3. Syntactic role: definition - full form, predicate - short.


1.Deepr, denotes an additional action with the main action expressed by a predicate verb

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form: ---

B) Constant signs:

Perfect, imperfect look

C) Variable signs:

Doesn't change

3. Syntactic role (adverbial circumstance)


1.Nar, denotes a sign of an object, action, other sign

2.Morphological characteristics:

A) initial form: ---

B) Constant signs:

substantive, definitive,

Rank by meaning: mode of action, measure and degree, place, time, purpose, reason

C) Variable signs:

Doesn't change

3. Syntactic role

1.Cat. state, an independent part of speech, denotes the state of nature, person or environment

2.Morphological characteristics:

The state of nature, man, environment,

Unchangeable part of speech

3. Syntactic role (predicate in a one-component impersonal offer)


1. The union, the auxiliary part of speech, serves to connect homogeneous members of the sentence. or simple sentences. as part of a complex

2.Morphological characteristics:

Simple, compound,

Coordinating (connect, oppose, divide) or subordinating (temporal, target, causal, conditional, concessive, comparative, investigative, explanatory)

Doesn't change.


1. Frequent, service. part of speech, serves to form the form of a word or to give additional semantic shades

2.Morphic characteristics:

formative (forms forms of conditional or imperative mood of verbs, forms of comparative or superlative degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs),

semantic (intensifying, questioning, exclaiming, pointing out, highlighting-limiting, denying, expressing doubt, mitigating demand)

Doesn't change.


1. The preposition, the auxiliary part of speech, serves to connect words in a sentence. and word combination.

2.Morphological characteristics:

Composition: simple, compound,

By origin: derived, non-derivative,

Doesn't change.

*For the independent parts of speech: the word for morphological analysis is written out together with the main one, the question is asked from the main to the dependent.

** For service parts of speech: the entire sentence is written out

Morphological analysis of the preposition

  1. Part of speech. General meaning.
  2. Morphological characteristics:
    1. simple or compound;
    2. derivative or non-derivative.

Morphological analysis of the union

  1. Part of speech. General meaning.
  2. Morphological characteristics:
    1. coordinating or subordinating;
    2. simple or compound.

Morphological analysis of a particle

  1. Part of speech. General meaning.
  2. Discharge.

Parsing a simple sentence

  1. Common or not common?
  2. The main members of the proposal.
  3. Secondary members of the sentence (if any).
  4. Homogeneous members of the sentence (if any).
  5. Appeal (if any).

Parsing a complex sentence

  1. Type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement.
  2. Is the sentence exclamatory?
  3. Grammatical basis (grammatical basics).
  4. Simple sentences as part of a complex one, their bases.
  5. Are the parts of a complex sentence connected with or without conjunctions?

Punctuation analysis of a sentence

  1. Sentence completion marks.
  2. Dividing marks in a sentence.
  3. Emphasis marks in a sentence.

Names of punctuation rules studied in grade V

  1. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences.
  2. Comma at homogeneous members offers.
  3. Punctuation marks when addressing.
  4. A comma between parts of a complex sentence.
  5. Punctuation marks to highlight direct speech.

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