Morphology. Questions “Check yourself. A. I. Shtun. Latin for Physicians: Lecture Notes

Latin language for physicians: lecture notes by A. I. Shtun

4. Nominative plural (Nominativus pluralis) of nouns I, II, III, IV, V declensions and adjectives

1. Any case endings, including their endings. n. pl. hours, always attached to the base.

2. For the formation of word forms. n. pl. h. different declensions must adhere to the following provisions.

If the noun refers to cf. r., then it declines in accordance with the rule cf. r., which reads: all words cf. R. (both nouns and adjectives of all degrees of comparison), regardless of which declension they belong to, end in it. n. pl. hours on -a. This applies only to the words cf. p., for example: ligamenta lata - wide ligaments, crura ossea - bone legs, ossa temporalia - temporal bones, cornua majora - large horns.

Word endings in m. and well. R. in them. n. pl. hours are easier to remember, taking into account each individual declension. In this case, it is necessary to remember the following correspondences: nouns I, II, IV declensions have in them. n. pl. h. exactly the same ending as in the genus. n. pl. h. The same correspondence is observed for adjectives of the 1st group, because they are declined like nouns of I and II declensions, for example:

Nouns of the III and V declensions, as well as adjectives of the III declension and adjectives in comparative degree(they are also inclined according to the III declension) have in them. n. pl. h. the same ending -es.

Generalization of data on the endings of nouns and adjectives in them. n. pl. h.

From the book Latin for Physicians author A. I. Shtun

9. Cases and types of declensions The inflection of nouns according to cases and numbers is called declension. Cases There are 6 cases in Latin. Nominativus (Nom.) - nominative (who, what?). (Dat.) - dative (to whom, why?). Accusativus (Acc.) - accusative (whom,

From the book Latin for Physicians: Lecture Notes author A. I. Shtun

11. Definition of the gender of nouns In Latin, as in Russian, nouns belong to three genders: masculine (masculinum - m), feminine (femininum - f) and neuter (neutrum - n). The grammatical gender of Latin nouns cannot be determined from the gender of equivalent by value

From the author's book

12. III declension of nouns Nouns of the III declension were extremely rare, for example: os, corpus, caput, foramen, dens. This methodological approach was absolutely justified. III declension is the most difficult to master and has a number of features that distinguish it from the rest

From the author's book

14. Two groups of adjectives Depending on the type of declension, according to which adjectives are inclined, they are divided into 2 groups. Belonging to a group is recognized by standard dictionary forms. The 1st group includes adjectives that are declined according to the I and II declension. They

From the author's book

16. Nominative plural 1. Any case endings, including endings with them. n. pl. hours, always attached to the base.2. For the formation of word forms. n. pl. h. different declensions, the following provisions must be adhered to. If the noun refers to

From the author's book

17. Genitive plural plural, it is necessary to note the genitive plural. To learn how to quickly and accurately form terms in the form of gender. P.

From the author's book

27. Suffixes of adjectives I. Adjectives with a general derivational meaning "characterized or rich in a feature indicated by the generating stem." II. Adjectives with the general derivational meaning "belonging to or relating to what is named

From the author's book

32. Conjunctiva. Accusative case Examples of conjugation of verbs in the conjunctive of the active and passive voices. Accusative case For the correct writing of prescriptions, it is necessary to learn the endings of two cases - the accusative and the so-called ablative - in five

From the author's book

Lecture No. 3. Grammar: Noun; declension system, dictionary form, gender. Management as a species subordination Morphology is a section of grammar that studies the patterns of existence, formation (structure) and understanding of the forms of words (word forms) of various

From the author's book

1. Types of declensions In Latin, there are 5 types of declensions, each of which has its own paradigm (a set of word forms). A practical means of distinguishing declension (defining the type of declension) in Latin is the genitive case of the singular. Genus forms. P.

From the author's book

4. Definition of the gender of nouns In Latin, as in Russian, nouns belong to three genders: masculine (masculinum - m), feminine (femininum - f) and neuter (neutrum - n). The grammatical gender of Latin nouns cannot be determined from the gender of equivalent by value

From the author's book

5. Determining the gender of nouns ending in the nominative singular in -a, -um, -on, -en, -i, -us characteristic features the gender of Latin nouns can be found in a number of lessons on the III declension. In this paragraph we will talk only about

From the author's book

6. III declension of nouns. Grammatical features of the masculine gender and the nature of the stems Nouns of the III declension were extremely rare, for example: os, corpus, caput, foramen, dens. This methodological approach was absolutely justified. III declension is the most difficult to master and has

From the author's book

1. Declension of adjectives. Dictionary form Adjectives, unlike nouns, are declined only according to the I, II or III declension.

From the author's book

Lecture No. 5. Genitive plural (Genetivus pluralis) of nouns I, II, III, IV, V declensions and adjectives

From the author's book

2. Accusative case For the correct writing of prescriptions, it is necessary to learn the endings of two cases - the accusative and the so-called ablative - in five declensions of nouns and adjectives of I, II and III declensions. Accusativus (vin. p.) is the case of the direct object; As in

Nouns denote objects and phenomena.


Every noun in Latin belongs to one of three genders:

  • Male (genus masculinum)
  • Female (genus femininum)
  • Medium (genus neutrum)

Animated nouns are classified by gender according to their biological sex.


TO masculine include the names of months, mountains, winds, large rivers, peoples, professions.

TO feminine names of countries, cities, islands, precious stones, trees.

TO neuter traditionally include the names of metals, elements, fruits, as well as indeclinable words.

The gender of a noun is indicated in the dictionary, it is indicated by one of three letters: " m "(male)," f "(female)," n " (average).

Number (numerus)

In Latin, nouns can be used in the singular or plural.

Singular number (numerus singularis) - to designate one object,

Plural (numerus pluralis) - to refer to many objects.

In dictionary and reference entries, the number of a noun is indicated by two letters: Sg (singular) or pl (plural).

Case (casus)

A noun can be in one of six cases:

Nominative case (casus nominativus) - answers the questions: "Who?" “What?”, in the sentence in the nominative case is the subject or the nominal part of the predicate. Denoted by the letter " N " or combination " Nom ".

Genitive case (casus genetivus) - answers the questions: “Whom?” “What?”, in a sentence in the genitive case, there is an inconsistent definition for another noun. Identified by the letter " G " or " Gen ".

Dative case (casus dativus) - answers the questions: “To whom?” "What?", in the sentence in the dative case is indirect addition accompanying the action. Designated with a capital letter " D " or combination " Dat ".

Accusative case (casus accusativus) - answers the questions: "Whom?" “What?”, in the sentence in the accusative case there is a direct object to which the action is directed. Denoted " AC " or " acc ".

Separative or deferred case (casus ablativus) - answers the questions: "By whom?" “What?”, in the sentence in the deferred case there is a circumstance. Indicated by the letters " Ab " or " Abl ".

The vocative case (casus vocativus) is an appeal to a person or object, which is not a member of the sentence. Denoted by the letter " V " or combination " Voc ".


Every noun in Latin belongs to one of the 5 declensions. The declension is determined by the end of the genitive singular.

  • I declension -ae
  • II declension -i
  • III declension -is
  • IV declension -us
  • V declension -ei

There are also disparate words "vesper" (II or III), "domus" (II or IV).

Often they talk about types of declension and equate them to 5 declensions. Strictly speaking, this is not true. There are much more types of declension in Latin than there are declensions. It should be noted that in Latin, knowledge about the belonging of a noun to a particular declension gives only an approximate idea of ​​the end of a word in a particular case. It is the types of declension that give an accurate idea of ​​​​the endings. The declension type system in Latin is more branched than the declension system, because it takes into account the variability within 5 declensions, and therefore it is easier to use it to solve a practical problem - the declension of words.

Many textbooks have a very strange attitude towards the types of declension. common system declension types do not exist and different sources can contain different versions, but, as already mentioned, it is customary to talk about 5 declensions or 5 types of declension, and then make a reservation that there is, for example, declension IIIa, which is somewhat different from declension IIIb.

Here we will not indicate the specific names of the types, since different authors call them differently, but we will try to describe the most detailed classification. So:

IN I declension 2 types of nouns:

  1. male
  2. feminine

(declension paradigm is the same).

In II declension- 6 types:

  1. ending in -us (in N.Sg.) masculine and feminine,
  2. ending in -ius (in N.Sg.) masculine,
  3. ending in -ir (in N.Sg.) masculine,
  4. ending in -er (in N.Sg.) masculine,
  5. ending in -um (in N.Sg.) neuter,
  6. ending in -ius (in N.Sg.) neuter.

The declension of all types is different.

A special type of declension is formed by the noun "deus" - god.

In the III declension- 6 types:

  • 2 consonants:
    1. masculine and feminine,
    2. neuter.
  • 2 vowels:
    1. ending in -e, -al, -ar of the neuter gender (equisyllabic and equally syllabic);
    2. are equally syllable ending in -is feminine.
  • 2 mixed:
    1. equally syllable ending in -es, -is (masculine and feminine);
    2. unequal with different endings (masculine and feminine).

Almost all types are in small things, but they differ.

Separate types of declension form the words "vis" - strength, "bos" - bull, Iuppiter - Jupiter.

IN IV declination- 2 types:

  1. ending in -us masculine and feminine,
  2. ending in neuter -u.

IN 5th declension types are not distinguished.

It is somewhat more difficult to determine whether a word belongs to one or another type of declension than to determine the declension itself. To determine the type of declension, a slightly more subtle analysis of the word is needed, but over time this becomes a very useful habit.

A separate article will be devoted to the types of declension, which is now (unfortunately) under development.

Dictionary form of a noun

In the dictionary (with the exception of educational dictionaries, they are generally a separate topic) the noun is in the nominative singular. Immediately after, through a comma, the ending of the genitive case of the singular is indicated (the same one by which the declension of the noun is determined), but if the stem of the nominative and genitive cases differ, then the whole word can be indicated in second place. After a space (usually in italics), the noun belongs to one of the 3 genders (m, f or n).

For example:

ramus, i m branch
Nominative - ramus,
Genitive - rami(II declension),
Genus - m- male.

lanx, lancis f cup
Nominative - lanx,
Genitive - lancis(hence III declension)
Genus - f- female.

Noun endings in declension

male genderneuter genderin agreementon i
N-a-us, -er, -ir-um-e, -al, -ar -us, -u-es
V= N-e= N= N= N= N= N
V= N= N= N= N= N= N= N

1. What do the terms morphology and morphonology mean and what is their origin?

Morphology - 1) a system of grammatical categories, grammatical meanings and grammatical forms language, which together form the grammatical structure of the language; 2) a section of linguistics that studies the grammatical structure of a language. Morphonology is a branch of linguistics that studies the variation of phonemes in the morphemes of a language.
Both words are composed of Greek roots: morphology - morphe "form" and logos "word, doctrine"; morphonology - morphe "form", phone "sound" and logos "word, doctrine".

1) The category of animateness / inanimateness is semantic, since the division of nouns is based on their semantics: whether they denote living beings or objects inanimate nature. However, it is impossible to completely identify the concept of animation / inanimateness and the concept of living and inanimate in nature (cf .: oak, birch - science considers them to be living organisms; dead, dead - grammar considers them to be animated).
2) This category is grammatical and is expressed morphologically - by the form of the accusative plural for nouns of all genders: for animate nouns, the accusative form coincides with the form of the genitive (birds, people, heroes), for inanimate nouns - with the form of the nominative case (I saw trees, tables). In the singular form, the category of animateness/inanimateness appears only in masculine nouns of the 2nd declension (I stop a motorcycle, a policeman).
Note. Animated are mostly masculine and feminine nouns and some neuter nouns (child, animal, monster).
Some nouns experience fluctuations in the form of the accusative case, being used either as animate or inanimate: a bacterium, a virus, a larva. The norm is the use of such words as inanimate (to kill bacilli and bacteria); deviations from the norm can be observed in professional speech.
The fluctuation in the use of the category of animation also occurs in the names of toys, mechanisms depicting a person (doll, matryoshka, snowman); most often these words act as animated (there are no aibolites, dunno).
The words holder, pusher, seeker, digger, collector, fighter, carrier, etc. in the meaning of a person will be animated, in the meaning of inanimate mechanisms (devices, Vehicle, objects) - inanimate.
Animated nouns are characterized by derivational pairs: teacher - teacher, Muscovite - Muscovite, grandson - granddaughter, lion - lioness, cat - cat, etc.
In the Old Russian language, the category of animation / inanimateness did not exist.

3. It is generally accepted that in the Russian language all nouns have a constant morphological sign of gender. What are the features of the words spouse and spouse, hall and hall, student and student, coffee, bully, associated with their gender? Can these features serve as proof of the ability of some nouns to change by gender?

None of the words given in the task can serve as proof of the ability of some Russian nouns to change by gender, however, all of them, with the exception of the word bully, have certain characteristics of a non-permanent gender attribute, and the words hall and hall are closest to the inconsistency. permanent genus: they have only one sign of the permanent genus.
It is obvious that the words spouse and spouse, student puchaya differ from each other in endings. As for the differences between the stems of the words in these pairs, there are different opinions on this matter: some linguists believe that these words have the same stems, others believe that the stems of the nouns spouse and student have a zero suffix with the meaning "female", absent in spouse and student. If we consider that the stems of these words coincide, then it can be argued that gender differences are expressed only by endings, as is the case with a non-permanent gender attribute. However, the words in these pairs do not have other signs of non-permanent gender, since they have different lexical meanings, the choice of the right word is determined by the need to express one or another meaning, and there is also no neuter form *student. Therefore, these nouns are traditionally considered different words, and not forms of different genders of the same word.
The nouns hall and hall, according to dictionaries, differ from each other in the degree of modernity (hall is an obsolete word), but not in lexical meaning, and both are considered in the same dictionary entry. The dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov gives the following two meanings for these words: “1. A room for the public, public meetings, for doing something, for placing exhibits (in a museum). 2. Front room for receiving guests. In view of the identity of the lexical meaning, none of these words can be based on a zero suffix; thus, the formal differences between them are expressed only with the help of endings. Thus, the words hall and hall have the following features of an inconstant gender: they do not differ from each other in their lexical meaning, and their formal differences are expressed by endings, the choice of one of these words is not due to the need to express one or another meaning, but stylistic reasons, for example, the desire to stylize the text "antique". And only the absence of the word of the middle gender *zalo is a feature characteristic of the permanent gender. It is the words in such pairs that are closest to words with a non-permanent gender sign, although they are traditionally considered different words, and not forms of the same word.
The noun bully, as already mentioned, belongs to the general gender, that is, it has generic characteristics of masculine and feminine genders. It is impossible to guess in which of these two genders it is used from its own endings, it is necessary to pay attention to the endings of the agreed word. There are lexical differences between a masculine bully and a female bully: in the masculine gender, this word is applicable only to males (you can only say He is such a bully!, But not * She is such a bully!), And in the female gender - to both male and female persons (you can say He is such a bully!, And She is such a bully!). The choice of the gender of this word, therefore, is associated with the need to express one or another meaning. The form of the middle gender * such a bully is absent. It turns out that this word has no signs of a non-permanent gender; meanwhile, as is known, only one bully word is presented in dictionaries and grammars, which has two genders, in other words, a non-permanent gender attribute is implicitly assigned to it.
The word coffee in modern Russian can be used as a masculine (instant coffee) and neuter (instant coffee) noun6. There are no semantic differences between the two types of use of this word, in other words, the lexical meaning does not change when the generic characteristic changes, as a result of which the choice of one or another generic characteristic is not motivated by meaning. These properties are characteristic of a non-permanent trait of the genus. However, the word coffee has no other signs of an inconstant gender: it lacks the ability to be used in the feminine gender (impossibly soluble coffee) and generic differences are not expressed by the endings of this word itself.

4. Give examples of the transition of common nouns to proper nouns and vice versa. Which of these processes is more regular?

Proper names are often formed from common nouns. Names of people: Faith, Hope, Love, Rose, Lily; nicknames of animals: Ball, Dawn; titles settlements: Winter, Gorki; printed publications: "Pravda", "Pioneer"; works of art: "Chameleon", "Heroes", etc.
Much less regularly, proper names can turn into common nouns: ampere, boycott, boston, browning, volt, riding breeches, hertz, diesel, pendant, mac, marten, mauser, revolver, ohm, x-ray, silhouette, hooligan, che-viot and others

5. What endings are common to all nouns, regardless of declension?

Common to all nouns are the endings of dates, creation. and suggestion. pad. pl. hours: -am (-yam), -ami (-yami), -ah (-yah). Exceptions: children, door, daughter, horse, people in creative. pad. pl. hours have the form: children, doors, daughters (and daughters), horses, people, in stable combinations: lie down with bones, beat with whips.

6. In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the lexical meaning of the words boots, shoes and felt boots is described in the dictionary entries BOOTS, SHOES, VALENKI, where the plural form is given as the initial one. How can this choice of initial form be explained? Give examples of other nouns whose plural has similar meaning features.

For most Russian nouns that have the form of two numbers, the singular form denotes one object, and the plural form denotes several objects, each of which exists on its own, without any specific relationship with other objects of the same type, for example: sparrow-bay and sparrows, house and houses, cloud and clouds, beauty and beauties, etc. However, there are also objects that are designed to function not one by one, but in a set with others of the same kind; such objects include boots, shoes and felt boots.
The plural form of nouns naming such objects usually denotes a complete set, a set of such objects, or several sets, although it can simply name a set of disparate objects. For example, boots are usually two boots of the same model and size, left and right (cf .: I went to work in new winter boots) or several pairs of boots (Boots of workers dried by the battery), less often - several disparate boots (From -for the stove we got five boots, but for some reason they all ended up on the left foot).
Thus, the choice of the plural form as the initial for the words boots, shoes and boots is explained by the peculiarities of the objects denoted by these words, their purpose for joint functioning as part of a set, a set, and a set of boots, shoes and boots consists of two items. Other examples of such nouns are mittens, stockings, socks, gloves and other names of paired items of clothing and footwear, as well as designations of paired parts of the body and paired parts of clothing: arms, legs, wings, nostrils, ears, eyes; sleeves, trousers, armholes.
However, sets can also consist of more objects; words naming such sets include, for example, teeth, ribs, keys, buttons, slices (orange).

7. Why does the word need an initial form? What properties should one of the forms of the word that claims to be the initial one have? Why, for example, is the form Im. case units numbers?

The word is one of the basic units of the language, studied by various linguistic disciplines. Each of them considers it from its own point of view. For example, lexicology is interested in the lexical meaning of a word, which is expressed in its basis and is inherent in all its forms. Permanent morphological features are the same in all forms of the word. In these and similar cases, it is required to speak of the "word in general" in abstraction from all its inconstant morphological features.
Meanwhile, the majority of the words of the Russian language - namely, the changeable words - do not have forms that would be free from non-permanent features. And it is precisely in relation to modified words that it makes sense to talk about the initial form: after all, the initial form is one of several that a word has.
The initial form of a word is such a form that acts as an equivalent of a “word in general”, that is, one that, by naming which, we mean only constant signs given word and digress from the fickle. It is the initial form that we use when we need to talk about "the word in general." For example, the statement Elephant is a noun is true regardless of the form in which the word elephant is in a particular sentence; in this statement, I used the form Im. case units numbers. Thus, the initial form is needed, strictly speaking, not for the word itself, but for linguists who study it.
In principle, any form of a particular word can be assigned to the role of the initial form, however, as we know, the initial form of a noun is considered to be Im. case units numbers (if the word changes by numbers), the adjective has the form Im. case units masculine numbers, the verb has an infinitive form.
The choice of just such forms as initial ones was made a long time ago and came into modern descriptions from ancient (Latin and Greek) grammars; thus, it is a tribute to the linguistic tradition. However, for the modern Russian language (as well as for many others), the choice of these forms is convenient and in most cases motivated by the structure of the language itself.
As the initial form, one is chosen that can be used in the sentence in the most independent position, that is, in the position of the subject; they have this ability. noun case and verb infinitive. This is a syntactic property of the initial form.
From the point of view of morphology, it is convenient to consider the initial form to be the form by which it is possible to predict all or largest number other forms of the word; in other words, this is the form that provides information about the type of declension or conjugation. For nouns, this form is Im. fall unit numbers. It is easy to see that according to the forms of pl. number and indirect cases units. numbers and other forms of the noun are usually not predictable; so, for example, the ending -ami in TV. case pl. numbers can have the word house, and the word book, and the word armchair, which have different systems of endings.
Thus, the choice of the form Im. case for the role of the initial form of a noun is explained by both syntactic and morphological considerations, and the choice of units. numbers - only morphological considerations.
The fact that in adjectives the masculine form is considered the initial form, apparently, cannot be explained by any proper linguistic considerations, and such a choice is only the result of following tradition.

8. In the sentences, Vasya is rich, and Petya is poor (1) and Vasya is richer than Petya, and Petya is poorer than Vasya (2), there are forms of adjectives-antonyms rich and poor. What is the difference between the short form and the comparative form of adjectives in terms of their compatibility with other words in the sentence? Why does the second part of sentence (2) seem informatively redundant?

The short form of the adjective is necessarily combined in a sentence with a word denoting the carrier of the attribute (it is the subject). The form of the comparative degree also requires the presence of a word - designating the carrier of the attribute, but in addition - the presence of words indicating the object (person) with which the comparison is made (Vasya is richer than Petya), or the same object or person at another point in time (Vasya is richer than last year).
In the sentence, Vasya is rich, and Petya is poor, two of its parts tell us about different, at the same time opposed situations: Vasya is involved in the first, Petya is in the second. In sentence (2), each of the parts denotes a situation in which Vasya and Petya are both participants. In part, Vasya is richer than Petya we are talking about Vasya (the word Vasya is a subject), which is compared with Petya (Flying is an addition). In the part Petya is poorer than Vasya, the same participants are mentioned, but already Petya is compared with Vasya. The positions of the subject and the object are occupied by the same words, which “swapped places”: now Petya is the subject, and Vasya is the object.
The predicates in both parts are forms of qualitative adjectives-antonyms. Qualitative adjectives denote a feature that can be represented to varying degrees (which determines their degrees of comparison). Adjectives-antonyms have a great generality of meaning, in fact, they do not denote different features, but (in a positive degree of comparison) extreme manifestations of the same feature, which can be represented as “two poles” of an imaginary scale. In the form of a comparative degree, each of the antonym adjectives shows the ratio of two compared objects according to this feature (mutual location on one and the same
the same imaginary scale). Since both parts of the second sentence refer to the same participants, then on the "indicative scale" their mutual arrangement is the same, from which side (from which "pole") you look.
So, the second part of the sentence under consideration (Petya is poorer than Vasi) from a different point of view denotes the same state of affairs with the same participants as the first. Due to this, it is informatively redundant.

9. An outstanding philologist of the XX century V. Vinogradov in the work “Russian language.
The grammatical doctrine of the word ”(1947) called the pronoun a special part of speech in modern Russian. Why, in your opinion, did Vinogradov characterize the pronoun in this way?

A pronoun is a word that refers to a person, object or feature, but does not name them.
Over the course of its long history, pronouns have undergone significant changes. At present, in modern Russian, the pronoun as a part of speech consists of subject-personal pronominal words: I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they, yourself, who (no one, someone, someone, who -something, someone, someone), that (nothing, something, etc.), as well as everything, then, this is in an objective sense. These words are close to nouns, they indicate objectivity. In a sentence, they are usually subject or object.
Subject-personal pronouns differ from nouns in a system of morphological categories and features of its manifestation: they have a non-inflective category of a person (I - we); the category of animation also extends when referring to inanimate objects with the word forms of his, her, and them (V. p. = R. p.). Gender, as a rule, is expressed in combination with other words: I came - masculine, I came - feminine, what happened - neuter. When declining, developed suppletivism and a special unproductive system of endings are noted.
Other pronominal words approaching adjectives: mine, yours, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs, yours, this, that, such, such, such, such, this, this, which, whose, which, what, which, itself, the most, all, every, different, other, some, some, some, some, etc. - have a categorical meaning of an attribute of an object, answer the question which one?, change by gender, number, most of them also in cases, have the category of animate / inanimate, agree with nouns; in the sentence, all of the listed pronouns are the definition or nominal part of the compound predicate.
Pronouns-numerals: how much, how much, several, how much - indicate the number and make up the lexical and grammatical category of numerals; pronouns where, where, here, there constitute a special lexical and grammatical category of adverbs.

10. To what pronouns and when is n added?

It is added in oblique cases to the personal pronoun of the 3rd person after prepositions, for example: knew him, but came to him, was with him, was with her, with them, etc. It is curious that after prepositions towards, thanks, contrary to n does not appear (cf. towards him, her). This is due to the fact that these words began to be used as prepositions relatively recently.

11. Why are the pronouns what and such are not declined?

Pronouns what and such, as and short adjectives and participles are used as a predicate and, in agreement with the subject, are always in the nominative case.

12. The group of interrogative pronouns and the group of relative pronouns include the same words, which allows us to talk about one category - interrogative-relative pronouns. Are there interrogative-relative pronouns whose morphological properties and / or syntactic "behavior" in these two functions are not the same? If yes, please describe the differences and provide examples.

The morphological and syntactic properties of most interrogative-relative pronouns are the same in both functions they perform. However, there are exceptions.
An interrogative-relative pronoun that has the morphological features of an adjective (it changes by gender, number and case). However, the syntactic functions of this word depend on whether it acts as an interrogative or as a relative.
As an interrogative word that is used quite rarely, mainly in the standard phrase What time is it ?, and also as part of an elective (excretory) construction, for example, Which of the two options do you choose?, Which one is my classmate ?, and in the last construction more often the word which is used, not which. In such constructions, a word that behaves like an ordinal number, forming together with the noun a single member of the sentence; cf. What time is it now? and Now is the second hour (which is also the second part of the subject), Which of the two options do you choose? and I choose the first of the (offered) options. (Which is also the first part of the complement.) Considering that ordinal numbers, in turn, are similar in syntactic properties to adjectives, it can be argued that the interrogative which is not only morphologically, but also syntactically similar to adjectives.
In the role of a relative pronoun, a word that, on the contrary, approaches nouns and can act in any syntactic function characteristic of this part of speech: I thanked the person who helped me a lot (subject); I don't know what time it is (subject part); Here is the watch that my grandfather gave me (addition); He looked at the clock, the hands of which had just stopped at twelve (definition); It was the only house in the village that did not have a garden near it (a circumstance).
It is easy to see that the convergence of the relative which with nouns occurs in definitive clauses. On the contrary, in the relative clauses, the relative which does not differ in its syntactic functions from the interrogative; cf. You don't know what time it is?; You need to decide which of the two options you choose; I can't figure out which one is my classmate.
Similar features are found in the word what: in the interrogative function and in the subordinate explanatory, it both morphologically and syntactically behaves like an adjective, and in the relative attributive which, how and which, it has the syntactical properties of nouns; cf. Which tie goes best with this shirt?; Say which tie goes best with this shirt (which is the agreed definition in the interrogative function and in the function allied word in the subordinate explanatory; this syntactic role is characteristic of the adjective) and I reread all the books that I could find, rummaging through the closet (which are the addition in the attributive clause; this role is characteristic of nouns). However, the pronoun what is used as an allied word in relative clauses is relatively rare.
In contrast to which, the interrogative what and the relative what in the vast majority of contexts do not differ syntactically from each other. Differences are found only when using what in one of the types of subordinate clauses, and they fully follow from the morphological features of such a what.
In the interrogative function, the pronoun that has a full set of case forms: What is going on?; What should be feared?; What should be prepared for? Etc. Relative that can be used in three types of subordinate clauses: in subordinate explanatory, adjunctive and attributive clauses. In the first two types of clauses, it, like the interrogative, has a complete set of forms; cf. the explanatory clause He knew what was happening (what to be afraid of; what to prepare for) and the subordinate clause Forecasters promise a hurricane, which happens infrequently in our area (what to fear; what to prepare for).
On the contrary, in the relative clauses that has only the form of the nominative and accusative cases, and the accusative form cannot be used with prepositions: Go to the store around the corner; Try on the slippers I bought; cf. also the use of this pronoun in the sentence, Where is this girl that I am in love ?, where the word that should have been a preposition (as in the sentence Where is this girl that I am in love with?), However, this is impossible because for features of compatibility that is defining. Due to the limited set of forms, what in attributive clauses can only be subject or direct object.

13. It is known that the numerals two, three, four and both, standing in the forms of the nominative and accusative cases, govern the form of the genitive case of the singular of the dependent noun: two (three, four, both) cakes, but not two (three, four, both ) cakes. However, this is not always true. Okay, you should say two cakes, but not two cakes. What property of the word cake makes only the construction with the plural form correct? Give examples of words that do not differ from the word cake.

A feature of the word cake that distinguishes it from the word cake is the type of declension, that is, the set of endings used when modifying this word. If the word cake refers to the second declension of those three that are usually distinguished from nouns in school tradition and which are called substantive in science (that is, declensions characteristic of nouns, from the Latin substantivum - a noun), then the word cake does not apply to any of these declensions: it has the same set of endings as the neuter adjective (the declension of adjectives themselves, as well as nouns that have endings similar to adjectives, is called adjective, from Latin adjectivum - adjective name) . As part of quantitative combinations, nouns of the adjectival declension behave in exactly the same way as adjectives: cf. both district policemen and both district policemen; three tablespoons and three tablespoons, three tablespoons and three tablespoons; two second courses and two second courses (the ordinal number second is declined in the same way as an adjective). Examples include any nouns that decline in
adjective declension and having singular forms, cf. the words already cited above are policeman, district policeman, two-hryvnia, canteen, second, aspic, as well as military, student, student, bakery, snack bar, roast, deductible, amphibian, etc.

The word summer in ancient times meant "year". This is quite natural, given that the most active time of the year for the Slavs, as farmers and cattle breeders, was summer, which accounted for the most important work that ensured material well-being for the whole year (cf. the proverb: Summer day year feeds). In the modern language, traces of such word usage have been preserved in compound words chronicle, i.e., a record of events by years, and chronology. In the old sense, the word summer is currently used only in gender. pad. pl. hours in combination with numerals starting from five (five, six, one hundred ... years), as well as in some stable combinations: a person of advanced years, in his declining years, how many years, etc.
The numerals two, three, four in modern Russian are combined with the noun year in the genus. pad. units h. The word year has many historically cognate words, the meaning of which not only in Russian, but also in other Slavic languages ​​​​is very diverse (cf. fit, fit, please, benefit, weather, obsolete year, etc.).

15. What declension numbers have only two endings?

The numerals forty are forty, one hundred are one hundred and ninety are ninety.

16. How can one explain that the numerals fifty, six-ten, seventy, eighty in the modern language end in hard [t], despite the fact that in the word ten - [t] is soft?

As you know, numerals from five are combined with nouns in gender. pad. pl. hours (cf. five tables, six calves, etc.). In ancient times, the numeral ten was inclined according to a special type of stems to a consonant, in this case - to -yat-, and to the genus. pad. pl. hours had the form of ten; hence: five + ten = fifty.

17. What type of signs do the verbs marry, go out, execute, injure, bring in, influence, be? Is it possible to divide these words into groups in terms of specific characteristics? If possible, then on what basis?

All these verbs have features of both perfect and imperfect form (in the same forms and meanings or in different ones). With this in mind, according to the species characteristics, they can be divided into groups as follows.
1. The verbs to marry, to execute, to injure, to influence are two-part.
They can answer both the question “what to do?” and the question “what to do?”. The reporter took a picture of how (what is he doing?) the film actor's wife. He got married yesterday (what did he do?). In the Middle Ages, often (what did they do?) They executed people suspected of witchcraft. Emelyan Pugachev (what did they do?) was executed in 1775 in Moscow on Bolotnaya Square. Your words (what are they doing?) will hurt me to the very heart. Your words have offended and hurt me (what have they done?). The compass needle (what does it do?) Is affected by the Earth's magnetic field. After unsuccessful persuasion, they took away the scissors from the child, that is (what did they do?) They acted on him by force.
The forms of two-spectrum verbs simultaneously have the features of both types, but in some contexts (for example, in the examples above) they appear in one of the aspect usages - they answer only one of two possible aspect questions. However, there are ambiguous contexts in which both questions can be posed to two-species verbs. These contexts do not allow us to determine the specific aspectual use of the verb. Today he (what is he doing? what will he do?) is getting married. Onlookers saw how (what did they do? what did they do?) Pugachev was executed. Your words (what did you do? what did you do?) then wounded me in the very heart. The child (what did they do? what did they do?) was influenced by persuasion.
2. The verb to be in different forms is characterized by different aspectual features. Some of its forms answer the question of the imperfect form (She (what did she do?) Was at home), others - to the question of the perfect form (He (what will he do?) Will be there Tomorrow). This verb cannot be considered two-species, since there is not a single form of it that would answer both questions at the same time.
3. The word bring in with the meaning "bring somewhere" has signs of an imperfect form (the piano should (what should be done?) be brought into the room very carefully). Homonymous word bring in "contaminate, wear out with a long toe" - a perfect look (He (what did he do?) He brought his shirt to the holes). So, in this case we are talking about incomplete lexical homonyms that differ in specific characteristics.
4. The verb to go out, "leave the limits of something, leave", refers to the imperfect form (I (what do I do?) leave the house). The verb to go out "with worries, care to return to a healthy state" - to perfect (He was seriously ill, but his mother (what did she do?) came out). These words are homographs. They are spelled the same, but pronounced differently, and also have different specific characteristics.

18. It is known that words different parts speeches can have coinciding forms, for example: oven (noun) and oven (verb), three (numeral) and three (verb). Which of the following words can continue this series of examples? Give contexts that make it possible to distinguish between homonymous forms, and indicate for each of them a partial characteristic. What parts of speech are the remaining word forms? Which of them have a sign of comparative degree and is it permanent or non-permanent? In general, deeper, louder, earlier, healthier, more willing, later, earlier, thicker, earlier, northwest, more talented.

1. The syllable is long if it contains a diphthong: peritona "eum - peritoneum, perona" eus - peroneal (nerve), dia "eta - diet.
2. The syllable is long if the vowel comes before two or more consonants, and also before the double consonants x and z. This longitude is called longitude by position. For example: colu "mna - column, pillar, exte" rnus - external, labyri "nthus - labyrinth, medu" lla - brain, medulla, maxi "lla - upper jaw, metaca" rpus - metacarpus, circumfle "xus - envelope.
If the vowel of the penultimate syllable comes before the combination b, c, d, g, p, t with the letters l, r, then such a syllable remains short: ve "rtebra - vertebra, pa" lpebra - eyelid, tri "quetrus - trihedral. Combinations ch , ph, rh, th are considered one sound and do not create the length of the penultimate syllable: chole "dochus - bile.

8. Rule of brevity

A vowel before a vowel or h is always short. For example: tro "chlea - block, pa" ries - wall, o "sseus - bone, acro" mion - acromion (shoulder process), xiphoi "deus - xiphoid, peritendi" neum - peritendinium, pericho "ndrium - perichondrium.
There are words to which the rules of longitude and brevity of a syllable cannot be applied. This happens when only one consonant follows the vowel of the penultimate syllable. In some words, the penultimate syllable is short, in others it is long. In such cases, it is necessary to refer to the dictionary, where the length of the penultimate syllable is conventionally indicated superscript(-), and brevity - sign (``).
In addition, it should be remembered that the adjective suffixes -al-, -ar-, -at-, -in-, -os are always long and, therefore, stressed. For example: orbita "lis - orbital, articula" ris - articular, hama "tus - hooked, pelvi" nus - pelvic, spino "sus - spinous. The suffix -ic - in adjectives is short and unstressed: ga" stricus - gastric, thora " cicus - chest.

Lecture No. 3. Grammar: Noun; declension system, dictionary form, gender. Management as a type of subordination

Morphology- This is a section of grammar that studies the patterns of existence, formation (structure) and understanding of word forms (word forms) of various parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb, etc.).
The word has lexical and grammatical meanings. The lexical meaning is the content of the word, generalizing in our minds the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, property, process (rib, ontogenesis, straight line, serous, bending, etc.).
The grammatical meaning is determined both by the categorical belonging of a given word to the corresponding part of speech (for example, the meaning of objectivity in a noun, the meaning of a sign in an adjective), and the particular meaning due to a change in the forms of this word (rib, ribs; direct, direct, direct, etc. .).
The word exists as a system of forms. The system of changing the forms of words is called inflection.
The grammatical categories according to which the noun forms change in Latin, as in Russian, are cases and numbers (vertebra - vertebra, corpus vertebrae - vertebral body; foramen - hole, foramina - holes; os - bone, ossa - bones, sternum - sternum, manubrium sterni - handle of the sternum).

The inflection of nouns according to cases and numbers is called declension.
There are 6 cases in Latin.
Nominativus (Nom.) - nominative (who, what?).
Genetivus (Gen.) - genitive (of whom, what?).
Dativus (Dat.) - dative (to whom, what?).
Accusativus (Acc.) - accusative (whom, what?).
Ablativus (Abl.) - ablative, creative (by whom, with what?).
Vocativus (Voc.) - vocative.
For nomination, i.e. for naming (naming) objects, phenomena, and the like in medical terminology, only two cases are used - nominative (n. p.) and genitive (gen. p.).
The nominative case is called the direct case, which means the absence of relations between words. The meaning of this case is the actual naming. The genitive case has a characterizing meaning.

1. Types of declensions

There are 5 types of declensions in Latin, each of which has its own paradigm (a set of word forms).
A practical means of distinguishing declension (determining the type of declension) in Latin is the genitive case of the singular. Genus forms. p. units hours in all declensions are different.
A sign of the type of declension of a noun is the ending gender. p. units h., therefore, in dictionaries, the form genus. p. units h. is indicated along with the form of them. p. units hours and they must be memorized only together.

The distribution of nouns by declension types depending on the gender ending. p. units h.
Genitive endings of all declensions

2. The concept of the dictionary form of a noun

Nouns are listed in the dictionary and learned in dictionary form, which contains three components:
1) the form of the word in them. p. units hours;
2) the end of the genus. p. units hours;
3) gender designation - male, female or neuter (abbreviated as one letter: m, f, n).
For example: lamina, ae (f), sutura, ae (f), sulcus, i (m); ligamentum, i(n); pars, is(f), margo, is(m); os, is(n); articulatio, is (f), canalis, is (m); ductus, us(m); arcus, us (m), cornu, us, (n); facies, ei (f).

3. Determining the practical basis

Some nouns have the III declension before the ending genus. p. units h. -is is also attributed to the final part of the stem. This is necessary if the stem of the word is in gender. p. units h. does not coincide with the basis of them. p. units hours:

The full form of the genus. p. units hours for such nouns are found as follows: corpus, =oris (=corpor - is); foramen, -inis (= foramin - is).
For such nouns, the practical basis is determined only from the form of the word to the gender. p. units hours by discarding its ending. If the basics in them. p. units hours and in the genus. p. units h. coincide, then only the ending genus is indicated in the dictionary form. etc., and the practical basis in such cases can be determined from them. p. units hours without ending.
Consider examples.

The practical basis is the basis, to which, during inflection (declension), the endings of oblique cases are added; it may not coincide with the so-called historical basis.
For monosyllabic nouns with a changing stem, the entire word form genus is indicated in the dictionary form. n., for example pars, partis; crus, cruris; os, oris; cor, cordis.

4. Definition of the gender of nouns

In Latin, as in Russian, nouns belong to three genders: masculine (masculinum - m), feminine (femininum - f) and neuter (neutrum - n).
The grammatical gender of Latin nouns cannot be determined from the gender of Russian words equivalent in meaning, since often the gender of nouns with the same meaning in Russian and Latin does not coincide.

It is possible to determine the belonging of a Latin noun to a particular gender only by the endings characteristic of this gender in it. p. units h. For example, words in -a are feminine (costa, vertebra, lamina, incisura, etc.), words in -um are neuter (ligamentum, manubrium, sternum, etc.).
A sign of the declension of a noun is the ending of the gender. p. units hours; a sign of the genus is a characteristic ending in it. p. units h.

5. Determining the gender of nouns ending in the nominative singular in -a, -um, -on, -en, -i, -us

You can get acquainted with all the characteristic features of the gender of Latin nouns in a number of lessons on the III declension. In this section, we will only discuss the features gender some groups of words that have in them. p. units h. characteristic endings: -a, -um, -on, -en, -u, -us.

There can be no doubt that nouns in -a are feminine, and nouns in -um, -on, -en, -u are neuter.
As for nouns ending in -us, the answer cannot be unambiguous without involving additional data and, above all, information about the declension of the word.
All nouns in -us, if they belong to the II or IV declension, are necessarily masculine, for example:
lobus, i; nodus, i; sulcus, i;
ductus, us; arcus, us; meatus, us, m - masculine.
If a noun with -us belongs to the III declension, then its belonging to a certain gender should be specified with the help of such an additional indicator as the final consonant of the stem in gender. P.; if the final consonant of the stem is -r, then the noun is neuter, and if the final consonant is different (-t or -d), then it is feminine.
For example:
tempus, or-is; crus, crur-is;
corpus, or-is - neuter, juventus, ut-is - feminine.

6. III declension of nouns. Grammatical signs of the masculine gender and the nature of the stems

Third declension nouns were extremely rare, for example: os, corpus, caput, foramen, dens. This methodological approach was absolutely justified. III declension is the most difficult to master and has a number of features that distinguish it from other declensions.
1. The third declension includes nouns of all three genders ending in gender. p. units h on -is (a sign of the III declension).
2. In them. p. units h. words not only of different genders, but even of the same gender have different endings characteristic of a particular gender; for example, in the masculine gender -os, -or, -o, -eg, -ex, -es.
3. For most nouns, the third declension stems in them. n. and in the genus. items do not match.

With such nouns, the practical basis is not determined by them. n., but by genus. n. by dropping the ending -is.
1. If in the dictionary form of any noun before the ending genus. p. units h. -is the end of the stem is attributed, which means that the stem of such a word is determined by the genus. P.:

Basis cortic-.
2. If in the dictionary form before the end of the genus. p. units h. -is has no postscript, which means that such a word can also have a basis determined by them. p. units h., discarding the ending to them. P.:

pubes, is
The basis of pub-.
3. Nouns III declension depending on the coincidence or mismatch of the number of syllables in them. n. and genus. p. units hours are equally complex and non-equisyllabic, which is important for the exact definition of the genus in a number of cases.
Nom. pubes canalis rete
Gen. pubis canalis retis.
Nom. pes paries pars
Gen. pedis parietis parti.s
4. For monosyllabic nouns in the dictionary form in gender. n. the word is written in full:

7. General requirements for the definition of grammatical gender in the III declension

The genus is determined by the endings of them. p. units h., characteristic of a certain genus within a given declension. Therefore, in order to determine the gender of any noun of the III declension, three points must be taken into account:
1) to know that the given word refers specifically to the III declension, and not to any other;
2) know what endings are in them. p. units hours are characteristic of one or another kind of III declension;
3) in some cases, also take into account the nature of the stem of the given word.
1) nouns ending in -a are feminine;
2) nouns ending in -urn, -en, -on, -u are neuter;
3) most nouns in -us, if they belong to the II or IV declension, are masculine;
4) words in -us ending in gender. n. on -r-is, - neuter.
Knowing that a noun belongs to a certain gender, you can correctly agree with it (in gender!) An adjective or form a word form for them. n. pl. h.
In most cases, the belonging of a word to one or another declension cannot serve as an indicator of gender, since in the same declension there are nouns of two genders (II and IV declension) or three genders (III declension). Nevertheless, it is useful to remember the following relation between the gender of a noun and its declension:
1) in I and V declensions - only feminine;
2) in II and IV declensions - masculine and neuter;
3) in the III declension - all three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter.
Of the words in -us, most belong to the II declension, only a few - to the IV.
It is important to remember that in dictionary form, some of the most frequent nouns are in the IV declension: processus, us (m) - process; arcus, us (m) - arc; sinus, us (m) - sinus, sinus; meatus, us (m) - passage, move; plexus, us (m) - plexus; recessus, us (m) - depression, pocket.

Lecture number 4. The name is an adjective. Grammar categories

The categorical (generalized) meaning of an adjective as a part of speech is the meaning of an attribute of an object (quality, property, belonging, etc.).
1. Adjectives in Latin, as in Russian, are divided into qualitative and relative. Qualitative adjectives denote a sign of an object directly, i.e., without relation to other objects: true rib - costa vera, long bone - os longum, yellow ligament - ligamentum flavum, transverse process - processus transversus, large hole - foramen magnum, trapezoid bone - os trapezoideum, sphenoid bone - os sphenoidale, etc.
Relative adjectives indicate the sign of an object not directly, but through relation to another object: the spinal column (column of the vertebrae) - columna vertebralis, the frontal bone - os frontale, the sphenoid sinus (the cavity in the body of the sphenoid bone) - sinus sphenoidalis, the sphenoid crest (area anterior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone) - crista sphenoidalis.
The predominant mass of adjectives in the anatomical nomenclature are relative adjectives, indicating that a given anatomical formation belongs to a whole organ or to another anatomical formation, such as the frontal process (extending from the zygomatic bone upwards, where it connects to the zygomatic process of the frontal bone) - processus frontalis.
2. The categorical meaning of the adjective is expressed in the categories of gender, number and case. The gender category is an inflectional category. As in Russian, adjectives change by gender: they can be in the form of masculine, feminine or neuter. The gender of an adjective depends on the gender of the noun with which it agrees. For example, the Latin adjective meaning "yellow" (-th, -th) has three gender forms - flavus (m. p.), flava (f. p.), flavum (cf. p.).
3. Inflection of adjectives also occurs according to cases and numbers, i.e. adjectives, like nouns, decline.

1. Declension of adjectives. dictionary form

Adjectives, unlike nouns, are declined only in I, II or III declension.
The specific type of declension, according to which this or that adjective changes, is determined by the standard dictionary form in which it is recorded in the dictionary and in which it should be remembered.
In the dictionary form of the overwhelming majority of adjectives, the endings characteristic of one kind or another in them are indicated. p. units h.
At the same time, some adjectives have endings in them. n. for each genus are completely different, for example: rectus, recta, rectum - straight, straight, straight; other adjectives for masculine and feminine have one common ending, and for the neuter gender - another, for example: brevis - short and short, breve - short.
Adjectives are given differently in the dictionary form. For example: rectus, -a, -um; brevis, -e.
Ending -us m. is replaced in R. to -a (recta), and cf. R. - on -um (rectum).

Two groups of adjectives
Depending on the type of declension according to which adjectives are inclined, they are divided into 2 groups. Membership in a group is recognized by standard dictionary forms.
The 1st group includes adjectives that are declined according to the I and II declension. They are easily recognized by their endings. n. -us (or -er), -a, -um in dictionary form.
The 2nd group includes all adjectives that have a different dictionary form. Their inflection occurs according to the III declension.
Memorizing the dictionary form is necessary in order to correctly determine the type of declension and use the appropriate endings in oblique cases.
Adjectives of the 1st group
In the presence of a dictionary form with endings in them. p. units h. -us, -a, -um or -er, -a, -um adjectives in the form of g. R. inclined according to the I declension, in the form of m. and cf. R. - according to the II declension.
For example: longus, -a, -um - long; liber, -era, -erum - free. In the genus n. they have, respectively, endings:

Some adjectives that have in m. ending -er, the letter "e" drops out in m. p., starting with the genus. p. units h., and in R. and on Wed. R. - in all cases without exception. This is not the case for other adjectives. For example, dictionary forms ruber, -bra, -brum, liber, -era, -erum.

Adjectives of the 2nd group
Adjectives of the 2nd group are declined according to the III declension. Their dictionary form differs from the adjectives of the 1st group.
According to the number of generic endings in the dictionary form, adjectives of the 2nd group are divided into:
1) adjectives of two endings;
2) adjectives of one ending;
3) adjectives of three endings.
1. Adjectives of two endings in anatomical and histological and in general in medical terminology are most common. They have in them. p., unit only two generic endings - -is, -e; -is - common for m. and well. r., e - only for cf. R. For example: brevis - short, short; breve - short.
Examples of adjectives with two endings in dictionary form:
brevis, e - short, -th, -th;
frontalis, e - frontal, -th, -th.
The prevailing number of adjectives with two endings found in the nomenclature is characterized by the following word-formation model.

For example: stem-al-is, e - sternal, cost-al-is e - costal, clavicul-ar-is - clavicular, dors-al-is - dorsal, dorsal.
All adjectives formed in such a suffixal way acquired the general meaning “related to what is called the basis” (to the sternum, to the rib, to the collarbone, to the back, rear).
2. Adjectives of the same ending have one common ending in them for all genders. p. units h. Such an ending can be, in particular, -х, or -s, etc. For example: simplex - simple, -th, -th; teres - round, -th, -th; biceps - two-headed, -th, -th.
Unlike all other types of adjectives, they have the following feature: the stem is in gender. n. and them. p. - different. This is reflected in the dictionary form. For example:
simplex, icis-teres, etis-biceps, ipitis;
base: simplic– – teret– – bicipit-.
3. Adjectives of three endings have endings: m. - -er, f. p. – -is, cf. R. - e. For example: celer, -eris, -ere - fast, -th, -th; celeber, -bris, -bre - healing, -th, -th.
All adjectives of the 2nd group, regardless of the dictionary form, are declined according to the 3rd declension and have a single stem in oblique cases.
For example:

2. Coordination. Adjective - agreed definition

Another type of subordinating relationship, when the function of definition in a nominal phrase is performed by a non-noun in gender. n., and the adjective is called agreement, and the definition is agreed.
When agreed, a grammatically dependent definition is likened to gender, number and case with the main word. As the grammatical forms of the main word change, the forms of the dependent word also change. In other words, as in Russian, adjectives agree with the noun in gender, number, and case.
For example, when agreeing adjectives transversus, -a, -um and vertebralis, -e with nouns processus, -us (m); linea, -ae (f); ligamentum, -i (n); canalls, -is (m); incisura, -ae, (f); foramen, -inis (n) results in the following phrases:

3. Comparative degree (Gradus comparativus); education and declination

As in Russian, Latin qualitative adjectives have three degrees of comparison: positive (gradus positivus), comparative (gradus comparativus) and excellent (gradus superlativus).
The comparative degree is formed from the basis of a positive degree by adding the suffix -ior to it for m. and well. r., suffix -ius - for cf. R. For example:

1. The main grammatical feature of adjectives in a comparative degree are: for m. and well. R. - suffix -ior, for cf. R. – suffix -ius.
For example: brevior, -ius; latior, -ius.
2. For all adjectives, in a comparative degree, the stem coincides with the form of m. and well. R. in them. p. units hours:

3. Adjectives are declined in a comparative degree according to the III declension. Genus form. p. units hours for all three genera is the same: it is formed by adding the ending -is to the stem.

4. Adjectives are relatively consistent with nouns in gender, number and case, i.e. they are consistent definitions: sutura latior; sulcus latior; foramen latius.

4. Nominative plural (Nominativus pluralis) of nouns I, II, III, IV, V declensions and adjectives

1. Any case endings, including their endings. n. pl. hours, always attached to the base.
2. For the formation of word forms. n. pl. h. different declensions must adhere to the following provisions.
If the noun refers to cf. r., then it declines in accordance with the rule cf. r., which reads: all words cf. R. (both nouns and adjectives of all degrees of comparison), regardless of which declension they belong to, end in it. n. pl. hours on -a. This applies only to the words cf. p., for example: ligamenta lata - wide ligaments, crura ossea - bone legs, ossa temporalia - temporal bones, cornua majora - large horns.
Word endings in m. and well. R. in them. n. pl. hours are easier to remember, taking into account each individual declension. In this case, it is necessary to remember the following correspondences: nouns I, II, IV declensions have in them. n. pl. h. exactly the same ending as in the genus. n. pl. h. The same correspondence is observed for adjectives of the 1st group, because they are declined like nouns of I and II declensions, for example:

Nouns of the III and V declensions, as well as adjectives of the III declension and adjectives in the comparative degree (they also decline according to the III declension) have in them. n. pl. h. the same ending -es.

Generalization of data on the endings of nouns and adjectives in them. n. pl. h.

Lecture No. 5. Genitive plural (Genetivus pluralis) of nouns I, II, III, IV, V declensions and adjectives

Continuing the study of the inflection of nouns and adjectives in the plural, it is necessary to note the genitive case of the plural.
To learn how to quickly and accurately form terms in the form of gender. n. pl. h., you need to be able to:
1) determine by the dictionary form of a noun its belonging to a certain declension;
2) highlight the basis;
3) find out the gender by the characteristic endings of them. p. units hours;
4) establish in the dictionary form, an adjective belongs to the 1st or 2nd group;
5) determine which of the three declensions (I-II or III) the given adjective is inclined to agree with the noun in gender, number and case.

Genitive plural endings (Genetivus pluralis)

Ending -um have:
1) unequal nouns of all three genders, the stem of which ends in one consonant: tendinum (m), regionum (f), foraminum (n);
2) adjectives in a comparative degree of all three genders (they also have a basis for one consonant): majorum (m, f, n).
The ending -ium has:
1) all other nouns with a stem of more than one consonant; equivalent in -es, -is; nouns cf. R. in -e, -ai, -ar: dentium (m), partium (f), ossium (n), animalium, avium, retium;
2) adjectives of the 2nd group of all three genders: brevium (m, f, n).
1. Noun vas, vasis (n) – vessel in units. h. declines according to the III declension, and in many others. hours - according to II; Gen. pl. vasorum.
2. In the term os ilium (ilium), the form genus is used. n. pl. h from the noun ile, -is (n) ( Bottom part abdomen); them. n. pl. hours - ilia (iliac region). Therefore, it is wrong to change the form of ilium to ilii (ossis ilii).
3. Noun fauces, -ium - pharynx is used only in plural. h.
4. Nouns of Greek origin larynx, pharynx, meninx, phalanx end in im. pl. hours on -um.

Lecture number 6. The composition of the word. Types of morphemes. Morpheme analysis

In a linear sequence, the word contains minimal parts that are indivisible neither in form nor in meaning: prefix (prefix), root, suffix and ending (inflection). All these minimal meaningful parts of a word are called morphemes (Greek morphe - form). The core of the meaning is enclosed in the root, for example: sweat-ovy, sweat-ny, sweat-nitsa, you-pot, etc. The prefix and suffix, distinguished by their position to the root, are called together derivational affixes(lat. affixus - "attached").
By attaching them to the root, they form derivatives- new words. The ending - an affix with a grammatical meaning does not serve for word formation, but for inflection (by cases, numbers, genders). The division of a word into morphemes is called analysis by composition, or morphemic analysis.
The entire unchanging part of the word preceding the ending, which carries the main lexical meaning, is called the basis of the word. In the words vertebr-a, vertebral-is, intervertebral-is, the stems are, respectively, vertebr-, vertebral-, intervertebral-.
The stem can in some cases be represented only by the root, in some others - by the root and word-building affixes, that is, the root, suffix and prefix.

1. The topic of the lesson is “Noun. Grammar categories.

2.Form of work:

3. The list of questions for self-preparation on the topic of the practical lesson:

A) Declension occurs by changing names for ... and ...

b) What are the components of the dictionary form?

C) How to determine the declension of nouns?

D) How many noun declensions are there in Latin?

E) What are the signs of declension of nouns.

4. List of practical skills on the topic under study:

Determination of signs of five declensions;

List of topics of reports and abstracts (UIRS) offered by the department:

ancient mythology

ancient history

Winged Latin expressions

6.Basic concepts and provisions of the topic.

Self-control on test tasks and situational tasks of this topic.

There is not a single medical term that does not include a noun, either as a separate word (tincture), or as phrases: a noun with other nouns (valerian tincture) or a noun with an adjective (bitter tincture).

In my own way grammatical structure Latin belongs to the languages ​​of the synthetic (inflectional) type. This means that, unlike languages ​​with an analytical structure, grammatical relations are expressed in it mainly by changing the form of the word - adding suffixes and inflections (endings) to the stem.

The noun (nomen substantivum) in Latin has much in common with the noun in German and especially in Russian (less so in English and French). This commonality is explained by their origin from the Indo-European language.

1. In Latin, two numbers are distinguished - the only thing(numerus singularis) and plural(numerus pluralis), the meaning of which generally coincides with the meaning of the corresponding numbers in Russian. The meaning of a word in the plural sometimes differs from its meaning in the singular: copia (sing.) - abundance, stock, copiae (plur.) - army. Wed similar phenomena in new languages: Russian. hour and hours. A small group consists of words that are used only in the plural: in farm. terminology - species, erum - medicinal collection (in Russian spices).

Nouns in Latin differ (but do not change!) also in grammatical genders; they can be masculine (genus masculinum), feminine (genus feminimum) and neuter (genus neutrum). The belonging of names to one or another grammatical gender is determined either by their meaning or by a formal feature (inflections, suffixes).

In terms of meaning, masculine nouns, in addition to male persons and animals, also include the names of winds, months, and usually rivers. Female names, in addition to the names of female persons and animals, often include the names of cities, countries, islands and trees. You should not transfer the gender category from your native language to any other (herba = grass, but costa - rib).

declination change of names by numbers and cases is called. There are six cases in classical Latin:

Casus nominativus (nominative) - the case of the subject and the nominal part of the compound predicate.

Casus genetivus (genitive) - most often a case of an inconsistent definition (an infusion of valerian root).

Casus dativus (dative) - case of indirect object; indicates the person to whom the action is addressed (give to the patient).

Casus accusativus (accusative) - case of direct object (dissolve the pill)

Casus ablativus - ablative (delayed, or separative, case). In the Latin ablative, the functions of these cases that once existed independently have merged:

a. locativus "where?" - prepositional

a. instrumenti "by whom? by what?" - instrumental case

a. separationis "from where?" = gender case

Casus vocativus (vocative) - a case in which the name of a person or object is put when addressing. This case does not exist in modern Russian. Borrowings from the Old Slavonic language: God, father (in Ukrainian: son, Galya). The vocative form in Latin almost always coincides with the nominative form.

2. dictionary form Latin noun, i.e. the form of its entry in the dictionary includes three components:

singular nominative form;

the ending of the genitive case of the singular (and the final part of the stem, if the stems of the nominative and genitive cases do not coincide);

genus designation (abbreviated as one letter: m, f, n).

N.B! end table.

muscle (i, m)

corpus (oris, n)

arcus (us, m) - using dictionary form and table

case endings determine the type of declension

A sign of declension is the ending of the genitive case of the singular (Gen. sing.):

3. Determining the stem of a noun

Changing names by cases and numbers consists, as a rule, in attaching the corresponding case endings to the stem of the word. The distribution of names according to five declensions goes back to the difference in the final sounds of the Indo-European stems.

(-a, -o, - i, -u, -e) Sometimes, as a result of phonetic laws, the stem of a word underwent some modifications in case forms, so that it is not always possible to determine whether a word belongs to a certain type of declension by the form of the nominative singular. Therefore, a practical sign for identifying the declension is the form of the genitive case of the singular.

In Russian, also, not all nouns can be determined by the basis of nominative case. So, for example, the words "daughter", "mother", "day" will have a different basis for the nominative and oblique cases (daughter - daughters). From the dictionary form of a Latin noun, one can always find out whether its practical basis coincides with the basis of the nominative case. For example: caput, itis n; region, onis f. In monosyllabic nouns, the basis of them. and cosv. cases, as a rule, do not match. In the dictionary form of such words, it is customary to write the gender form in full. case.

4. General rules for determining kind noun.

A sign of the grammatical gender of Latin nouns is the ending Nom. sing. So, for example, all nouns that have in Nom. sing. ending -er, - masculine (cancer, vomer); -u - neuter.

The grammatical gender of Latin nouns cannot be determined on the basis of the gender of Russian nouns corresponding to them in meaning.

Declension is not a factor that determines the gender of a noun.

Nouns ending in Nom. sing. –us is predominantly masculine. But: corpus, genus are neuter. In addition, Pinus, Crataegus, Quercus and other names of trees are feminine, since the ancients believed that a dryad nymph lives in each tree - the patroness of the tree.

Nouns ending in -a are feminine. But: collega, poeta, nauta, agricola are masculine. In addition, there are a number of nouns in -ma: systema, trauma, which are neuter.

Nouns with endings in Nom. sing. –um, -on are necessarily neuter.

Test tasks on the topic.

2. fossa, ae f 5. facies, ei f

B) indicate the ending Genetivus Singularis of the following nouns:

6. cerebrum,…2 9. incisura,…1

7. canalis,…3 10. res,…5

13. vertebra, ae…

16. nasal septum

17. tubercle of the upper jaw

    tuberis maxilla

  1. maxilla tuberis

18. shoulder bone

  1. scapula spinae

19. head of humerus

20. knee artery

7. Situational tasks on the topic.

Guess the meaning of Latin words without the help of a dictionary. Write down the catches you know in Russian, formed from these Latin words.

Caput, itis n; urbs, urbis f; natura, ae f; sol, solism; lingua, ae f; astrum I n;

flos, floris m; mens, mentis f; radix, radicis f; manus, us m; terra,ae f; potential, ae f; punctum,I n; miles, it is m; homo, inis m; rex, Regis m.

Lesson number 4.

    The topic of the lesson is “Inconsistent definition. The structure of the term.

    Work form:

Preparation for practical exercises.

Preparation of materials for UIRS.

    The list of questions for self-preparation on the topic of the practical lesson:

What are the components of a dictionary form?

How to determine the declension of nouns?

What are the features of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th declensions of nouns.

How to determine the gender of nouns?

    The list of practical skills on the topic under study:

Determination of signs of five declensions;

Ability to compose a dictionary form; determine the declension, basis.

Ability to form anatomical terms

5. List of topics of reports and abstracts (UIRS), proposed by the department:

History of the development of the Latin language.

Winged Latin expressions

The role of the Latin language in the development of medical terminology

The humanitarian significance of the Latin language

Latin around us.

Latin borrowings.

6.Basic concepts and arrangements of the topic

Self-control on test tasks.

Much more often than single-word Latin names, the nomenclature uses terms-phrases, two-word and multi-word.

A phrase is a syntactic structure formed by the combination of two or more significant words that are related in meaning and grammatically. In a phrase, the first stem word is always a noun in the nominative case, denoting the subject itself; other words serve as definitions for it. Definitions are explanatory members of a phrase, qualifying words denoting some sign, property of the subject of designation. Syntactically, the words in the phrase are unequal. One of them - the first noun, acts grammatically as a dominant word, the other - as a grammatically dependent, subordinate one.

Depending on the method of subordination, there are two types of subordination: control and coordination. If the dependent word is a noun, then it is put in the genitive case. This type of subordination is called control. Definitions-nouns are called inconsistent. The second type of subordination, when the function of definition is performed by an adjective, is called agreement, and the definition is agreed.

An algorithm for constructing anatomical terms with a given value

    Determine the core (main) word of the term - a noun in the nominative case.

    All other words in the term are definitions. If the definition is expressed by a noun in the genitive case, it is called inconsistent. An inconsistent definition cannot change the case.

    If the definition is expressed by an adjective, it is called agreed, because. an adjective always takes the number, gender, and case of the noun on which it is grammatically dependent.

    In second place, regardless of the Russian translation, there should be an inconsistent definition in the pharmaceutical term. In anatomical definition term, relating not to one word, but to the entire phrase as a whole, most often denote a size or shape and come last.

    In the absence of adjectives, the word order will be the same as in the Russian term.

A) determine the declension of the noun according to the dictionary form

1. ductus, us m 4. articulation, onis f

2. fossa, ae f 5. facies, ei f

B). indicate the ending Genetivus Singularis of the following nouns:

6. cerebrum,…2 9. incisura,…1

7. canalis,…3 10. res,…5

C) determine the gender of nouns 1,2,3,4, and 5 declensions according to the forms Nominativus Singularis and Genetives Singularis:

11. skeleton, i… 14. processus, us…

12. nasus, i… 15. ligamentum, i…

13. vertebra, ae…

D) select correct translation term:

16. nasal septum

17. tubercle of the upper jaw

    tuberis maxilla

  1. maxilla tuberis

18. shoulder bone

  1. scapula spinae

19. head of humerus

20. knee artery

7. Situational tasks on the topic

1. An anatomical term consists of a defined name ... and a definition or definitions related to it. 2 Definitions are consistent and ... 3. An agreed definition is most often expressed by a name ... and agrees with the noun being defined in ..., ... and ....4. In Russian, the agreed definition is translated ... definition. 5. An inconsistent definition is expressed only by the name ... in ... case. 6. The main, pivotal noun and definitions agreed with it are in im.p., all other words are in ... case.

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