The simplest geometric figures: point, straight line, segment, ray, broken line. Ray: starting point, designation of rays There is a beginning but no end

1. Complementarity, which I began to tell you about, is very important property The Whole, including Its periphery, for from it It controls the Balance of forces that govern Eternity.

2. I told you about neutrality, about the need to achieve neutrality, because neutrality, or, in a sense, balance or Harmony of forces is the achievement by the System of a state of balance, without which it is impossible evolutionary development Eternity.

3. Explaining to you the Canon of Unity and the struggle of opposites, I said that in Eternity, consisting of energies of different signs and different energy densities, processes of interpenetration of energy flows, centripetal and at the same time centrifugal direction, are constantly taking place.

4. These flows create a great movement of energy redistribution, which ensures, on the one hand, the improvement of a diverse Whole, but, on the other hand, this is the basis of the evolutionary SPIRAL of Eternity, constantly striving to expand ITS boundaries!

5. In this regard, as I told you, the vector of human function is directed towards the vector of the reversal of the Logos of the Earth, which allows humanity, as part of the Ocean of Mind, to go through the entire evolutionary cycle and participate in the expansion of the energy Space of Eternity.

6. Do not be confused by My Words about the intricacies of energy redistribution, about the achievement at each stage of the evolutionary path (at the moment of ensuring the neutrality of the Whole) of a powerful impulse (release) of energy, for a person at his micro level completely repeats the path of the Whole, because he is created in the likeness of the Whole !

7. You are on the periphery of the Whole, but the principles of fractal similarity confirm that a person, as a part of the Whole, albeit peripheral, completely repeats the evolutionary path of the Whole and not only generates or releases psychic energy into the Cosmos, but also receives energy flows from It!

8. In this energy exchange, the role of humanity is to repeat the path of improving the Whole in these counter flows of energy and go through the full cycle of the evolution of Co-Knowledge, approaching the Whole at each stage of evolution!

9. I encrypted all the main Canons of Eternity, which a person should focus on, in the New Prayer, giving you the opportunity to feel the path of the evolutionary elevation of the Spirit, or the Subtle fields of man, through observance, and most importantly, understanding of the Canons of Eternity!

10. Therefore, when I tell you about the fractal similarity of the periphery and the Whole, I confirm our similarity with you, for you were created to expand the boundaries of the Mind in the vastness of the constantly developing Eternity.

11. This must be understood and Believed in this Truth, because it contains FREEDOM of choice, and this is Creativity, but we must remember that each Creation, or the result of Creativity, bears a measure of responsibility, since failure to comply with the Canons of Eternity can lead to the most tragic results.

12. Compliance with the Canons of Eternity is the main requirement for all levels of the Whole, of course, including man, for it explains the direction of development (improvement) of Eternity and the purpose of the creation of Eternity itself!

13. Eternity! Think about the meaning of this word, for Eternity is the infinity of perfection and the infinity of the boundaries of creativity based on the stages of constant evolution!

14. Perfection, in turn, is the highest form of Harmony of order, accompanied powerful impulse energy of Creation at the moment when the System reaches equilibrium or balance of forces!

15. Everything in this World is in constant movement, and instant stops are moments of redistribution and relaxation of the energy of different signs!

16. For a person as an energetic Essence, repeating the full evolutionary process of the Whole, but located in the World of dense energy or, as I said, in the World of feelings and emotions, the manifestation of the Canons of Eternity is a reaction to Space in the form of human feelings and emotions.

17. I told you that everything around you is energy! Including your feelings to the World around you, including Planet Earth, to the World of energy of different plans (signs) and different energy densities (vibration frequencies)!

18. Your emotions are your reaction to this seething World, in which you now find yourself the most active participants, comprehending, in the course of your evolutionary ascension, the science of the Great Whole!

19. This is the most difficult exam, but this is your test on Planet Earth, for the difficulty of comprehending the Canons of Eternity lies precisely in the fact that, while evolving, improving your inner “I”, you also understand the “RULES OF THE GAME”, laid down at the basis of the great evolution of Space.

20. You have to not only comprehend the Whole, the Canons of Eternity and use Them in order to successfully complete the accelerated “course” of transition from the periphery to the Whole!

21. Humanity, as a part of the Whole, simply must be similar to the Whole, and there is no other way to the Whole, and now it is passing a difficult exam of self-improvement, sometimes not realizing the inevitability and complexity of the path of improvement “from scratch”!

22. What you have to go through goes beyond your ideas about Eternity, and first of all because the scale of the evolutionary change of the Whole (I repeat: the Whole), including humanity, will be very significant.

23. Your ideas about yourself, about your similarity to the Whole and about your role in Eternity no longer correspond to future changes in Space.

24. I ask you to understand that you are similar to the Whole (Me) and are created for independent evolution from the periphery to the Whole, for at the next stage of evolution you will become the Whole!

25. But the Whole, as I told you, is a multi-level energy Space, and, having become the Whole, humanity will not stop its evolutionary improvement, FOR THERE IS A BEGINNING, BUT THERE IS NO END OF EVOLUTION!

26. On the path of improvement, both the Whole and you (as part of the Whole) go through all stages of evolution, and a sign of reaching evolutionary peaks (stages) is the release or release of energy into the Cosmos!

27. The release of energy occurs only at the moment of achieving neutrality of the energy field, for this is the pinnacle of creativity, when CREATION, or the result of creativity, is Harmony, is Love, which means reaching the pinnacle (stage) of evolution!

28. Fractal similarity, neutrality (in your opinion - WISDOM), constant increase in vibration frequency (transition from the Dense plane to Subtle fields), universality and integrity - these are just part of the main characteristics of the Whole that you need to understand and accept in your development, or improvement, because all these characteristics are fully relevant to you.

29. Do not be alarmed by this terminology, for, leading you to Quantum transition, I want to see in you not naive contemplators, but active participants in Creativity, for what awaits you and Me, the Logos of the Planet, is the CREATION OF A NEW WORLD - a multi-level World of high vibration frequencies, and our CO-CREATIVITY is the key to the perfection of Space (Eternity)!! !

1. Complementarity, which I began to tell you about, is a very important property of the Whole, including Its periphery, for from it It controls the Balance of forces that govern Eternity.

2. I told you about neutrality, about the need to achieve neutrality, because neutrality, or in a sense the balance or Harmony of forces, is the achievement by the System of a state of balance, without which the evolutionary development of Eternity is impossible.

3. Explaining to you the Canon of Unity and the struggle of opposites, I said that in Eternity, consisting of energies of different signs and different energy densities, processes of interpenetration of energy flows, centripetal and at the same time centrifugal direction, are constantly taking place.

4. These flows create a great movement of energy redistribution, which ensures, on the one hand, the improvement of a diverse Whole, but on the other hand, this is the basis of the evolutionary SPIRAL of Eternity, constantly striving to expand ITS boundaries!

5. In this regard, as I told you, the vector of human function is directed towards the vector of the reversal of the Logos of the Earth, which allows humanity, as part of the Ocean of Mind, to go through the entire evolutionary cycle and participate in the expansion of the energy Space of Eternity.

6. Do not be confused by My words about the intricacies of energy redistribution, about the achievement at each stage of the evolutionary path (at the moment of ensuring the neutrality of the Whole) of a powerful impulse (release) of energy, for a person at his micro level completely repeats the path of the Whole, because he is created in the likeness of the Whole !

7. You are on the periphery of the Whole, but the principles of fractal similarity confirm that a person, as a part of the Whole, albeit peripheral, completely repeats the evolutionary path of the Whole and not only generates or releases psychic energy into the Cosmos, but also receives energy flows from It!

8. In this energy exchange, the role of humanity is to repeat the path of improving the Whole in these counter flows of energy and go through the full cycle of the evolution of Co-Knowledge, approaching the Whole at each stage of evolution!

9. I encrypted all the main Canons of Eternity, which a person should focus on, in the New Prayer, giving you the opportunity to feel the path of the evolutionary elevation of the Spirit, or the Subtle fields of man, through observance, and most importantly, understanding of the Canons of Eternity!

10. Therefore, when I tell you about the fractal similarity of the periphery and the Whole, I confirm our similarity with you, for you were created to expand the boundaries of the Mind in the vastness of the constantly developing Eternity.

11. This must be understood and Believed in this Truth, because it contains FREEDOM of choice, and this is Creativity, but we must remember that each Creation, or the result of Creativity, bears a measure of responsibility, since failure to comply with the Canons of Eternity can lead to the most tragic results.

12. Compliance with the Canons of Eternity is the main requirement for all levels of the Whole, of course, including man, for it explains the direction of development (improvement) of Eternity and the purpose of the creation of Eternity itself!

13. Eternity! Think about the meaning of this word, for Eternity is the infinity of perfection and the infinity of the boundaries of creativity based on the stages of constant evolution!

14. Perfection, in turn, is the highest form of Harmony of order, accompanied by a powerful impulse of the energy of Creation at the moment when the System reaches equilibrium or balance of forces!

15. Everything in this World is in constant motion, and instant stops are moments of redistribution and relaxation of the energy of different signs!

16. For a person as an energetic Essence, repeating the full evolutionary process of the Whole, but located in the World of dense energy or, as I said, in the World of feelings and emotions, the manifestation of the Canons of Eternity is a reaction to Space in the form of human feelings and emotions.

17. I told you that everything around you is energy! Including your feelings to the World around you, including Planet Earth, to the World of energy of different plans (signs) and different energy densities (vibration frequencies)!

18. Your emotions are your reaction to this seething World, in which you now find yourself the most active participants, comprehending, in the course of your evolutionary ascension, the science of the Great Whole!

19. This is the most difficult exam, but this is your test on Planet Earth, for the difficulty of comprehending the Canons of Eternity lies precisely in the fact that, while evolving, improving your inner “I”, you also understand the “RULES OF THE GAME”, laid down at the basis of the great evolution of Space.

20. You have to not only comprehend the Whole, the Canons of Eternity and use Them in order to successfully complete the accelerated “course” of transition from the periphery to the Whole!

21. Humanity, as a part of the Whole, simply must be similar to the Whole, and there is no other way to the Whole, and now it is passing a difficult exam of self-improvement, sometimes not realizing the inevitability and complexity of the path of improvement “from scratch”!

22. What you have to go through goes beyond your ideas about Eternity, and first of all because the scale of the evolutionary change of the Whole (I repeat: the Whole), including humanity, will be very significant.

23. Your ideas about yourself, about your similarity to the Whole and about your role in Eternity no longer correspond to future changes in Space.

24. I ask you to understand that you are similar to the Whole (Me) and are created for independent evolution from the periphery to the Whole, for on next stage evolution You you will become whole!

25. But the Whole, as I told you, is a multi-level energy Space, and, having become the Whole, humanity will not stop its evolutionary improvement, FOR THERE IS A BEGINNING, BUT THERE IS NO END OF EVOLUTION!

26. On the path of improvement, both the Whole and you (as part of the Whole) go through all stages of evolution, and a sign of reaching evolutionary peaks (stages) is the release or release of energy into the Cosmos!

27. The release of energy occurs only at the moment of achieving neutrality of the energy field, for this is the pinnacle of creativity, when CREATION, or the result of creativity, is Harmony, is Love, which means reaching the pinnacle (stage) of evolution!

28. Fractal similarity, neutrality (in your opinion - WISDOM), constant increase in vibration frequency (transition from the Dense plane to Subtle fields), universality and integrity - these are just part of the main characteristics of the Whole that you need to understand and accept in your development, or improvement, because all these characteristics are fully relevant to you.

29. Do not be afraid of this terminology, for, leading you to the Quantum Transition, I want to see in you not naive contemplatives, but active participants in Creativity, for what awaits you and Me, the Logos of the Planet, is the CREATION OF A NEW WORLD - a multi-level World of high frequencies vibrations, and our CO-CREATIVITY is the key to the perfection of Space (Eternity)!!!

The universe has a beginning, but no end. Limitlessness.
Stars also have a beginning, but they die because of their own power.
Limitation. Fools are wiser than anyone in the world. History has proven this to us.
And may this warning from God be the last for those who still resist.

The plan is the same in Africa.

Theories are nothing more than words.

You are like a girl who is waiting for a letter from her lover.

Quarrels are so sad.

There are two types of lies. A lie that hurts a person and a lie for the sake of happiness.

One more word and I’ll knock your brains out and shove them in a flower pot!

Don't forget. No matter what world line you are on, you are not alone. I'm with you.

It's not a crime to be nice.

The one who rules time rules the whole world.

Those who were considered fools turn out to be great sages - there are many examples of this.

Daru is like the Universe - constantly expanding.

Time is fast or slow, depending on perception. The theory of relativity is so romantic. And so sad.

You see the same world, the same future as me. This world with its uncertain future.

If you are once asked: “Why are you helping a complete stranger?” Answer: “Everyone needs help at some point. So you have to help someone someday.”

The answers lie in the things we consider natural. Who expected that if you combine a telephone and a microwave, you will get a time machine?

I remember, but vaguely. How desperately you tried to save Mayuri. How you walked forward and suffered alone. You failed to return to the old world, but you continued to fight, call Mayuri and cry. You tried to save Mayuri. Every time I see your face, I understand that Mayuri is irreplaceable for you. And how much one person can value another. That's why I decided to join forces with you. Oka save her Mayuri.

How many times have we quarreled in these 20 days? We said mean things to each other. They consulted with each other. She helped me when I was pinned against the wall. She believed and listened without interrupting. An eighteen-year-old genius whose article was published in scientific journal. Always calm and decisive. Proud and arrogant. But also kind and honest. Her theories never ceased to amaze me. And her words were imprinted in my memory. I always looked at her.. She is not just my friend. Kurisu for me...

-How much do you love drinking Mister Popper, Okarin?
-After all, this intellectual drink is only for the elite.


-Try saying "Your banana is soft."
-This...your banana is soft.
-Don't make her say that, you pervert!

From this we can conclude that, based on string theory, it is impossible to travel in time. Do you want to argue, Mr. Chimer? If you want me to see, well then point us to some interesting facts, Mr. Chimer? Still, I wanted to say, if there are any objections, I’m listening, Mr. Chimer!
-You think too much about yourself, you unfinished genius!

Ryuka Urushibara. She is the spitting image of a girl both in appearance and behavior. I would say that he will be more feminine than other girls, but he is a guy. Mayuri is taller and so slender, but he is a guy. Looks great in ritual attire, but he's a guy.

Here's a zombie! If you're hungry, say so. I'll give you a banana
-No need. And who would eat a banana from such a pervert?
-A pervert?!
-For no apparent reason he poked me, tried to grope me.
-Makishi-shi, Makishi-shi?
-Could you say again, “Who would eat a banana from such a pervert?"One more time? Only with an offended expression.
-Where does this blush come from? Did something come to mind? Come on, tell us, brilliant girl. Let's find out what kind of thoughts appeared in her brilliant head!
-Yes, you are both perverts, as I see it.
-Come on.
-This is not a compliment!
-It seems to me that this perverted imagination is a sign of a pervert. Isn't that right, you perverted genius girl?!

Perverts look at each other, fight!
-Shut up, pervert.

A point is an abstract object that has no measuring characteristics: no height, no length, no radius. Within the scope of the task, only its location is important

The point is indicated by a number or a capital (capital) Latin letter. Several dots - different numbers or in different letters so that they can be distinguished

point A, point B, point C


point 1, point 2, point 3

1 2 3

You can draw three dots “A” on a piece of paper and invite the child to draw a line through the two dots “A”. But how to understand through which ones? A A A

A line is a set of points. Only the length is measured. It has no width or thickness

Indicated by lowercase (small) in Latin letters

line a, line b, line c

a b c

The line may be

  1. closed if its beginning and end are at the same point,
  2. open if its beginning and end are not connected

closed lines

open lines

You left the apartment, bought bread at the store and returned back to the apartment. What line did you get? That's right, closed. You are back to your starting point. You left the apartment, bought bread at the store, went into the entrance and started talking with your neighbor. What line did you get? Open. You haven't returned to your starting point. You left the apartment and bought bread at the store. What line did you get? Open. You haven't returned to your starting point.
  1. self-intersecting
  2. without self-intersections

self-intersecting lines

lines without self-intersections

  1. direct
  2. broken
  3. crooked

straight lines

broken lines

curved lines

A straight line is a line that is not curved, has neither beginning nor end, it can be continued endlessly in both directions

Even when a small section of a straight line is visible, it is assumed that it continues indefinitely in both directions

Indicated by a lowercase (small) Latin letter. Or two capital (capital) Latin letters - points lying on a straight line

straight line a


straight line AB


Direct may be

  1. intersecting if they have common point. Two lines can intersect only at one point.
    • perpendicular if they intersect at right angles (90°).
  2. Parallel, if they do not intersect, do not have a common point.

parallel lines

intersecting lines

perpendicular lines

A ray is a part of a straight line that has a beginning but no end; it can be continued indefinitely in only one direction

The ray of light in the picture has its starting point as the sun.


A point divides a straight line into two parts - two rays A A

The beam is designated by a lowercase (small) Latin letter. Or two capital (capital) Latin letters, where the first is the point from which the ray begins, and the second is the point lying on the ray

ray a


beam AB


The rays coincide if

  1. located on the same line,
  2. start at one point
  3. directed in one direction

rays AB and AC coincide

rays CB and CA coincide


A segment is a part of a line that is limited by two points, that is, it has both a beginning and an end, which means its length can be measured. The length of a segment is the distance between its starting and ending points

Through one point you can draw any number of lines, including straight lines

Through two points - an unlimited number of curves, but only one straight line

curved lines passing through two points


straight line AB


A piece was “cut off” from the straight line and a segment remained. From the example above you can see that its length is the shortest distance between two points. ✂ B A ✂

A segment is denoted by two capital (capital) Latin letters, where the first is the point at which the segment begins, and the second is the point at which the segment ends

segment AB


Problem: where is the line, ray, segment, curve?

A broken line is a line consisting of consecutively connected segments not at an angle of 180°

A long segment was “broken” into several short ones

The links of a broken line (similar to the links of a chain) are the segments that make up the broken line. Adjacent links are links in which the end of one link is the beginning of another. Adjacent links should not lie on the same straight line.

The vertices of a broken line (similar to the tops of mountains) are the point from which the broken line begins, the points at which the segments that form the broken line are connected, and the point at which the broken line ends.

A broken line is designated by listing all its vertices.

broken line ABCDE

vertex of polyline A, vertex of polyline B, vertex of polyline C, vertex of polyline D, vertex of polyline E

broken link AB, broken link BC, broken link CD, broken link DE

link AB and link BC are adjacent

link BC and link CD are adjacent

link CD and link DE are adjacent

A B C D E 64 62 127 52

The length of a broken line is the sum of the lengths of its links: ABCDE = AB + BC + CD + DE = 64 + 62 + 127 + 52 = 305

Task: which broken line is longer, A which has more vertices? The first line has all the links same length, namely 13 cm. The second line has all links of the same length, namely 49 cm. The third line has all the links of the same length, namely 41 cm.

A polygon is a closed polyline

The sides of the polygon (the expressions will help you remember: “go in all four directions”, “run towards the house”, “which side of the table will you sit on?”) are the links of a broken line. Adjacent sides of a polygon are adjacent links of a broken line.

The vertices of a polygon are the vertices of a broken line. Adjacent vertices are the endpoints of one side of the polygon.

A polygon is denoted by listing all its vertices.

closed polyline without self-intersection, ABCDEF

polygon ABCDEF

polygon vertex A, polygon vertex B, polygon vertex C, polygon vertex D, polygon vertex E, polygon vertex F

vertex A and vertex B are adjacent

vertex B and vertex C are adjacent

vertex C and vertex D are adjacent

vertex D and vertex E are adjacent

vertex E and vertex F are adjacent

vertex F and vertex A are adjacent

polygon side AB, polygon side BC, polygon side CD, polygon side DE, polygon side EF

side AB and side BC are adjacent

side BC and side CD are adjacent

CD side and DE side are adjacent

side DE and side EF are adjacent

side EF and side FA are adjacent

A B C D E F 120 60 58 122 98 141

The perimeter of a polygon is the length of the broken line: P = AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FA = 120 + 60 + 58 + 122 + 98 + 141 = 599

A polygon with three vertices is called a triangle, with four - a quadrilateral, with five - a pentagon, etc.

A point and a straight line are the basic geometric figures on a plane.

The ancient Greek scientist Euclid said: “a point” is something that has no parts.” The word "point" translated from Latin language means the result of an instant touch, a prick. A point is the basis for constructing any geometric figure.

A straight line or simply a straight line is a line along which the distance between two points is the shortest. A straight line is infinite, and it is impossible to depict the entire straight line and measure it.

Points are denoted by capital Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, etc., and straight lines by the same letters, but lowercase a, b, c, d, e, etc. A straight line can also be denoted by two letters corresponding to points lying on her. For example, straight line a can be designated AB.

We can say that points AB lie on line a or belong to line a. And we can say that straight line a passes through points A and B.

Protozoa geometric shapes on a plane it is a segment, a ray, a broken line.

A segment is a part of a line that consists of all points of this line, limited by two selected points. These points are the ends of the segment. A segment is indicated by indicating its ends.

A ray or half-line is a part of a line that consists of all points of this line lying on one side of a given point. This point is called the starting point of the half-line or the beginning of the ray. The beam has a starting point, but no end.

Half-lines or rays are designated by two lowercase Latin letters: the initial and any other letter corresponding to a point belonging to the half-line. At the same time starting point is put in first place.

It turns out that the straight line is infinite: it has neither beginning nor end; a ray has only a beginning, but no end, but a segment has a beginning and an end. Therefore, we can only measure a segment.

Several segments that are sequentially connected to each other so that the segments (neighboring) that have one common point are not located on the same straight line represent a broken line.

A broken line can be closed or open. If the end of the last segment coincides with the beginning of the first, we have a closed broken line; if not, it is an open line.

website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

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