The leadership of the USPU and its rector commented on the situation with the sports complex. “This is just a way to hide the problem”: the Institute of Physical Education was closed at USPU with a scandal. Who covers Medinsky? Such as Alevtina Simonova, rector of USPU

As an correspondent reports, a meeting was held the day before for employees and the head of the Institute physical culture USPU, which was attended by a number of interested employees and students of the university, but the rector was outraged that the results of the meeting could become known to the public, and demanded that everyone whom she considered “outsiders” leave. The audio recording is at the disposal of our editors. In the evening of that day, in the group “Overheard at USPU,” a vote was opened for the new rector of the Pedagogical University under the title “While the leadership of the university is pressing us, we are holding early elections.” About five hundred students have already registered for the impromptu expression of will. The leader is Alexey Terentyev, director of the Institute of Physical Culture of the USPU, the last place in the voting is taken by the current rector Alevtina Simonova.

Let us recall that the cause of the conflict between Terentyev and IFC students on the one hand and Simonova on the other was the inability to conduct physical education classes. One of the USPU students, a second-year student at the Institute of Physical Education, contacted the media and said that for two months now, due to the fault of the university management, future coaches have not been able to attend physical education classes.

“On the basis of the university we have a sports complex where practical exercises in physical education and sports. Already from the beginning of this academic year Classes in this complex are prohibited, since it is in disrepair and it is unsafe to practice in it. The rector of the university, Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova, initially entered into lease agreements for practical classes, in particular, they took place at the Uralmash arena (6 Bakinskikh Komissarov St., Yekaterinburg). But subsequently she refused to renew the lease, and since then, for at least two months, students have not had practical classes in physical education and sports,” said the student.

He added that the administration educational institution tried to solve the problem by organizing “pairs” for physical education in the halls of the hostels. But this practice had to be stopped, since the premises are not intended for full-fledged lessons in the subject. It turns out that due to the rector’s fault, students “skip” their majors, the student concludes. Teachers do not have the right to give credits, “athletes” who receive scholarships, and “beneficiaries” whose payments depend on academic performance may be left without money.

Alevtina Simonova’s meeting with university students is scheduled for today at 2:00 p.m.

© 2016, RIA “New Day”

In Yekaterinburg, students of a pedagogical university ask Mutko to intervene in a dispute with the rector

Students of the Institute of Physical Culture of the Ural State pedagogical university sent a complaint to Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko against the rector of the university Alevtina Simonov and the vice-rector for educational work Svetlana Minyurova.. “For several months now we have not been able to study normally. The university management does not pay for the rent of sports facilities and does not repair our educational and sports building.

Their detailed complaint reveals the essence of the problem. Thus, from November 2016, physical education classes were stopped for all university students due to the emergency condition of the educational and sports building. This complex on Cosmonauts Avenue was closed in June of this year.

“At the beginning of the school year, sports grounds were rented for physical education classes. But the rector of the university refused to pay the rent, so classes are not held. Because of this decision, students of the Institute of Physical Education suffer the most,” the letter says.

As students note, the vice-rector issued an order to postpone training sessions for the next semester, but this did not suit them. At the same time, the complaint addressed to Mutko indicates that the director of the IFC tried to solve the problem and even found sports grounds, but the rector of the USPU is now trying to bring the head of the institute to disciplinary liability.

“It’s not clear why we pay money if we are not taught how to curriculum in full, and who will return this money to us? It is also unclear where the budget money allocated for free training students,” the students conclude the letter.

the site contacted the university for comment, where they said that back in the spring of this year it became clear that the academic and sports building was in disrepair. “The relevant organization carried out an examination, which recognized that there is some potential danger and that, most likely, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation. The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun to eliminate the shortcomings. The complex is planned to be put into operation by the end of March. The USC premises were opened in 2006, it is not old. The problem is different. It turned out that there was water in the basement for a long time due to a burst pipe, and Terentyev (director of the IFC - editor's note), who was the director of the IFC for many years, did not take any measures to pump out the water. This hot summer, the basement dried out, after which, apparently, the foundation gave way,” the university noted.

USPU Rector Alevtina Simonova explained that the university management has taken measures to transfer practical classes to other sites. “A schedule was drawn up, space was rented, the payment for which for September amounted to about 350 thousand rubles for two halls, and we could conclude an agreement without announcing a competition from a single supplier. This was the Uralmash arena and the second hall called “Going to the Sun”. At the end of September, we received an expert opinion, and it became clear that we needed to strengthen the foundation of the building. Terentyev was asked to prepare contracts and consider the options that are possible for us, always taking into account the financial capabilities of the university.

However, he presented the contracts only at the end of October, and for a large amount - 610,500 rubles. for two premises in one month. If for the period from September 5 to October 10 we paid 309,000 rubles, then in October Terentyev showed “independence” and submitted documents for October after the fact. From a legal point of view, he had no right to admit students to those halls that were not legally rented. But, having committed legal violations, Terentyev brought USPU to fines for violations contract system, and this is all university-wide money, including students’ money,” concluded the rector.

Dear students! IN lately there are a lot of rumors and speculation about the situation with USC. The official response from the USPU administration has been published today!
Please read and do not believe the speculation!

IN last days, starting from Friday, November 25, the leadership of the USPU and its rector were subjected to a real information attack. Information about the non-functioning educational and sports complex and the alleged failure to conduct physical education classes was published on several information portals. Of course, all statements are anonymous and allegedly written on behalf of students. Perhaps the question just arises: where do students get the numbers and dates of orders and instructions that regulate the relationship between the university management and the management of the Institute of Physical Culture? I think there is no need to explain to adults, however, we asked the rector of the USPU, Alevtina Simonov, to comment.

– Alevtina Aleksandrovna, you are accused of violating the rights of students

It's not fair. Our university is created for students. None of the university management has any intention of violating their rights in any way. The interests of students are primary for us. But, unfortunately, our IFC students showed complete absence patriotism towards the university. They didn’t come with questions either to me, or to the students’ trade union committee, or to the council public organizations. And we started right away by going to the funds mass media, to some peripheral portals where distorted information was posted. For example, the portal "Interesting Yekaterinburg" posted a photograph of some barn, but not the hall of our USC, we were not lazy and found on the Internet that this was a photograph of the hall of one of the schools in Pripyat. Why manipulate the facts like that? If you want to know the truth, then you must wage an honest fight for this truth.

- Let's go back to the history of the issue with USK

In this situation, I was counting on a higher level of qualifications for the IFC director. There were and are opportunities for a decent way out of the situation, but A.E. Terentyev, instead of resolving issues, decided to incite students to riot.

This spring A.E. Terentyev informed me that a crash could be heard in the USC and stated that the building was in disrepair. An examination was carried out by the relevant organization, which recognized that there was some potential danger, and that, most likely, it was necessary to strengthen the foundation.

The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun to eliminate the shortcomings. The complex is planned to be put into operation by the end of March. Maybe it will work out faster, it depends on many components, including the competitive situation. If small funds are needed, this is one procedure; if large funds are needed, an auction must be announced.

The USC premises were opened in 2006, it is not old. The problem is different. It turned out that there was water in the basement for a long time due to a burst pipe, and Terentyev, who was the director of the USC for many years, did not take any measures to pump out the water. This summer the pipe was replaced, the basement dried out, after which, apparently, the foundation was damaged.

The management of USPU and IFC took measures to transfer practical classes to other sites. A schedule was drawn up, space was rented, the payment for which for September amounted to about 350 thousand rubles for two halls, and we could conclude an agreement without announcing a competition with a single supplier. This was the Uralmash arena and the second hall called “Going to the Sun”.

At the end of September, we received an expert opinion, and it became clear that we needed to strengthen the foundation of the building. Terentyev was asked to prepare contracts and consider the options that are possible for us, always taking into account the financial capabilities of the university.

However, he submitted the contracts only at the end of October, and for a large amount - 610,500 rubles. for two premises in one month. If for the period from September 5 to October 10 we paid 309,000 rubles, then in October Terentyev showed “independence” and submitted documents for October after the fact. From a legal point of view, he had no right to admit students to those halls that were not legally rented. But by resorting to legal violations, Terentyev brought USPU to fines for violations of the contract system, and this is all money for the entire university, including students.

In addition, the director of the IFC refused to draw up a schedule and organize classes in the areas available at the USPU. Organization educational process, according to the Charter of the USPU, this is entirely the task of the head of the unit, which Alexey Evgenievich Terentyev failed to cope with. The educational and methodological department under the leadership of Elena Petrovna Antipova made a schedule, we tried to rearrange syllabus. Now you can strengthen theoretical classes, use small gyms at the university - dormitories and other buildings. They are workers, classes have always been and are held there (see top photo). Previously, we even had conflicts between the IFC and student clubs, since they laid claim to the same areas. In November, some of the laboratory classes were carried out in these areas, the rest were postponed to the second half of the year.

In their letters, anonymous students express concern that they may lose their scholarships due to a lack of credit in physical education.

This is out of the question. We have a very good system of social protection for students, a serious trade union organization that guards the interests of students, and student government bodies.

We also contacted the head of the department for comment. legal support Svetlana Kardashina.

– Providing contracts to the university rector after the fact is a legal violation. The decision of the IFC director raises the most questions in connection with the difference in prices for the same premises, which are completely unjustified. The point is this: if Terentyev had contacted us in advance, we would have held a competition procedure, and it is not a fact that these two enterprises, which offered us halls at such a high price, would have won. We could have lowered prices, and we would have had a real possibility of renting, but for some reason, he himself chose these buildings and presented everyone with a fait accompli. According to the law, we cannot pay for services after the fact, because this is a violation of the law, and we state university. And now, on Terentyev’s initiative, we are forced to resolve the issue of payment with these organizations through the courts. Judicial procedure is a necessary measure, however, it prevents the situation with fines. Now we are working through the claims procedure in order to pay this money in the future based on a court decision. It won't work any other way. For us, this is an unpleasant situation, dictated, again, by the unprofessional actions of director A.E. Terentyeva.

At the end of the publication I would like to add. Lately, people have begun to use words more freely. Secondary media outlets take anonymous statements in order to create a scandal and attract the attention of the audience. It’s not fashionable to check facts: what if they don’t turn out to be true? It's fashionable to lie. And the worst thing is that it becomes moral to lie. I feel sorry for the students who have become hostages of an immoral situation. But I really want to believe that this can serve as a lesson for them. For the future...

You must be responsible for your words. And don't hide behind anonymity.

If these amounts are much higher than those that the university can pay without a tender, then we will hold a tender and look for the company that can offer us the price that we can pay. In any case, the decision that USK is being repaired and that ways to restore it are being sought exists today. We very much hope that this situation will be resolved by the end of March. But after the session, when students leave in February, they will study in rented sports facilities. The lease will be carried out by tender, that is, in accordance with all legislation, in the legal field, as it should be, without violating the law on education and all other articles of the Criminal Code. S.E.: What should students do before the exam, take tests, someone might lose their scholarship? N.P.: All tests have been postponed to the next half of the year.

Open letters to V.V. Zhirinovsky

Such a petition was not submitted for discussion by the Academic Council. There is a complete decision of the meeting of the Academic Council of the USPU, which is posted on the website of the USPU. That is, A. A. Simonova most likely included deliberately false information in the extract of the decision of the Academic Council, which the Department civil service and personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation were not checked.

As a result, order No. 12-07-3/55 of March 23, 2016 was issued to extend Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova’s tenure as rector of USPU until April 25, 2017. A. A. Simonova did not apply to the Academic Council of the USPU due to the ambiguous attitude of many university employees towards her. What was the reason for issuing false documents? The outrage became some showdowns at the university.

Many dissatisfied people were simply morally eliminated and fired. And some simply “went into the shadows”, afraid of losing their jobs.

Who covers Medina? such as Alevtina Simonova, rector of USPU

According to this document, changes have been made to the Collective Agreement, namely its paragraph No. 8, providing for changes in the procedure for remuneration of University employees and teachers by the employer in agreement with the trade union organization. Appendix No. 7 ends with paragraph 4 with a wording that is completely vague in its content. We quote: “If agreement is not reached, the disagreements that arise are documented in a protocol, after which the employer adopts a local regulatory act on the terms that were agreed upon, or continues consultations.”

Simply put, it dictates its terms to employees. But there's one here important point, which the very fact of the appearance of amendments to the collective agreement can be considered illegitimate.

Rector and administration

In particular, Ivan, a social activist from the city of Yekaterinburg, is in touch with us; he himself asked not to use his real name in order to protect himself. Ivan, hello! Ivan: Hello. S.E.: Tell us the situation, how it all started, how did it happen that students of the Institute of Physical Culture of the USPU can be left without scholarships and even without diplomas? I.: It started in June. In June, the educational sports complex at the State Pedagogical University was closed for repairs and reconstruction.

It was recognized as an emergency, and at the moment it is under renovation with no explanation as to how long this will take. After which, the students of the Institute of Physical Education, with whom we were able to communicate, said that their superiors from the institute told them that they might be left without scholarships because they would not have enough hours in this semester, which is now ending.

Simonova rector reviews

S.E.: So they will simply be missing some tests, and will they take them next semester? N.P.: Yes. You see, there are curriculums. And if a lesson is not taught due to the administration not creating conditions, then this discipline is not taken into account for the test. It’s another matter if conditions are created, but students themselves don’t go.

This is also obvious. Taking advantage of this situation, they say: “We don’t want it here, we want it there.” S.E.: It turns out that the students themselves in this case are perhaps to blame for being left without scholarships? N.P.: We don’t want to say that students are guilty, but we want to say that there are adults who are responsible for organizing the educational process. According to the university charter, the organization of the educational process is the prerogative and responsibility of the head of the department.


S.E.: While this situation is only, in fact, just emerging, it is still far from over. We will monitor developments. Ivan, thank you for taking the time to tell us about this situation. Ivan was in touch with us, his name was changed at the request of the speaker himself, he is a social activist from the city of Yekaterinburg, close to the situation, who is aware of the situation in the USPU.


Well, students at the Institute of Physical Education say that they may be left without scholarships and even without diplomas due to the difficult situation with sports facilities. The university says that all conditions have been created for them, but the students themselves sabotage the educational process. We heard the opinions of both sides, and the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

It was the “Zoom” program, Sergei Egorov was at the microphone.
And the training of teachers for schools who can competently and effectively teach the basics of life safety, especially in our time of man-made disasters, and high level crime, considers it a matter of paramount importance. And in these conditions, it is believed that the preparation of students admitted on a budgetary basis is more qualitative, since they are more responsible in the educational process, and accordingly, they receive more quality education, which subsequently affects the preparation of schoolchildren. Simply put, it is now impossible to enter the Faculty of Life Safety and Ecology in the budget department.
Although, according to Yuri Repin, there is a demand for such education. It is worth noting that the cost of training paid branches at the university is 95 - 97 thousand per year per daytime education, and 45 thousand in absentia.

Simonova rector reviews

Moreover, if a certain amount exceeds the barrier when we enter into a contract directly, then a tender is held, again this is all provided for by law. But Mr. Terentyev resolved all the issues himself, and if in October he brought such an agreement that the rector could pay, the amount was still acceptable, then in November he, again, showing every initiative himself, brought agreements for amounts many times higher than the previous one payment and requiring a mandatory tender. All this was explained to him by both the legal department and the rector himself.
But he took such a position that he only needed money and only needed these sports facilities, and that he would not work with others. The situation is not good. It is resolved administratively, in the legal field.
I.: Regarding these upcoming elections, it seems to me that in the university there are, in addition to Alevtina Aleksandrovna, in addition to Alexey Evgenievich, worthy candidates to occupy the post of rector of the university and support the policy of the university, because regarding the development and some political battles within the university, Alevtina Aleksandrovna made a lot for this university, developed it, the guys received grants, support, subsidies. Alevtina Alexandrovna’s contribution is very large. It seems to me that she has contenders to replace her besides Alexei Evgenievich. Alexey Evgenievich is not such an odious figure in this political struggle. Such a petition was not submitted for discussion by the Academic Council. There is a complete decision of the meeting of the Academic Council of the USPU, which is posted on the website of the USPU. That is, Simonova A.A.
The instruction was “not to take any drastic measures in connection with the elections.” American writer, poet Charles Bukowski (1920-1994) said: “The problem with this world is that educated people are full of doubts, and idiots are full of confidence.” Dean of the Faculty of Life Safety of the Ural State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Education vocational education RF, academician MANEBYU, retired colonel Yuri Viktorovich Repin Attached documents: Appeal from Vasilyeva O. Yu.; response from MI-NOBRNAUKA OF RUSSIA dated 09.12.2016 No. 12-PG-MON-49363; Results of the meeting of the Academic Council of USPU on January 28, 2016; orders of the Ministry of Education and Science on extending the term of office of the rector. Sent to email info@idpr. Ru 22.02.2017
The chaos continues to this day. Realizing that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation does not check the submitted documents and, hoping for their “kindness”, A. A. Simonova did not find it enough to extend her tenure as rector of the USPU until April 25, 2017 and, feeling great unlimited power over people, She again took the same forged petition from the Academic Council of the USPU, previously submitted in 2016, to Moscow. Exactly the same actions in the Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, only with different signatures, led to the issuance of a new order No. 12-07-03/09 of January 31, 2017 on the extension of Simonova A.
A. The term of office of the rector of USPU is until April 25, 2018. Taking advantage of her official position and the opportunity to present obviously forged documents, Simonova A.A.

Today the situation is such that the money that Terentyev demands from the rector and from the university, which is also student money, will probably be paid to these two organizations in court. But we cannot do otherwise, because this would impose fines on the university. As for students, there can be no talk of any non-payment of scholarships.

The rector stated this categorically, directly and openly at a meeting that took place with students, where she answered all their questions, which, in fact, satisfied them. And simultaneously with this whole process, preparations are underway for the renovation of the sports complex based on the results of the examination. Again, this is a lot of money. And where to get them is still a question. If they are renovation work, correlated with those amounts when it is possible not to conclude a tender, which means that the university will find these funds.

"Help! Students may be left without physical education credits and scholarships, and therefore without a livelihood, which will have a particularly acute impact on orphan students - this is how the collective letter from the pedagogical university, which the editors of UR received, begins.

As follows from the letter, the university has a gym in which physical education should take place, but since the beginning of the academic year, classes in it have been prohibited because it is in disrepair. At one time, students studied in the halls of the dormitory, but the rector forbade physical education there.

The director of the Institute of Physical Culture, Aleksey Terentyev, warned the rector Alevtina Simonova at the end of the last academic year that the educational sports complex was in disrepair, but the rector refused to allocate money for its reconstruction. Due to the fact that at the moment physical education classes are not held at most institutes and faculties of the university, students did not work out all the hours they were supposed to.

“UR” turned to lawyers to understand whether the university management really violates the rights of students.

— The competence of the university in accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” includes material and technical support educational activities, equipment of premises, creation of conditions for physical education and sports, explains lawyer Yana Pryalya.

Thus, the university is obliged to ensure the full implementation of educational programs.

But the leadership of the pedagogical university violated the law - students were not provided with a place for physical education, and the curriculum was not followed. I am sure that there are a considerable number of guys who are only happy about this coincidence of circumstances - not everyone likes to go to physical education. But the point is that students of the Institute of Physical Culture are engaged in specialized “exercises,” so relaxing on the couch is not the best option for them.

Violation of the law on education is punishable by an administrative fine of 10 to 30 thousand rubles for officials, and for legal entities - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Despite this, the rector is confident that the “denunciations” against her are pure slander.

“This is unfair, our university was created for students,” says Alevtina Simonova, “and none of the university management has any intentions of violating their rights.” The interests of students are primary for us. But, unfortunately, our IFC students showed a complete lack of patriotism towards the university. They did not come with questions either to me, or to their trade union committee, or to the council of public organizations. And they started right away by going to the media, to some peripheral portals.

Moreover, the rector believes that it was the director of the Institute of Physical Culture, Alexey Terentyev, who was inciting students to “riots.” The students, in their defense, say that they saw no point in going to the rector, since she made it clear to Terentyev: there is no money (but you hold on). But the rector also found an excuse for this.

“In the spring of this year, Terentyev informed me that a crash could be heard in the gym, and stated that the building was in disrepair,” continues the rector. — An examination was carried out, as a result of which it was written that there is some potential danger and that it is necessary to strengthen the foundation. The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun.

According to the rector, the temporary lease stopped because Terentyev prepared the contracts late, and students could not be allowed into illegally rented buildings.

“In addition, the director of the IFC refused to draw up a schedule and organize classes in the areas available at the pedagogical university. Organizing the educational process, according to the USPU Charter, is entirely the task of the head of the unit, which Alexey Terentyev failed to cope with,” concluded Alevtina Aleksandrovna.

Perhaps it is all due to a struggle for power, the incompetence of the director of the institute, or the oversight of the rector, and not irresponsibility. The students don't care. The main thing for them is to pass tests on time in one of the specialized subjects and receive honestly earned scholarships.

“After all this fuss, the rector urgently held a meeting for us,” says one of the students. “She said that 2.5 million rubles have been allocated for the renovation of the complex, which will begin in March. In the meantime, we will start training in rented halls in February. She assured that the scholarship would be paid to everyone on time, despite the fact that we will take the tests in the next semester. She promised that the schedule makers would try to distribute the load so that we would not collapse from fatigue.

“The educational and methodological department prepared a schedule, we tried to rebuild the curriculum,” says the rector. - Now we can strengthen theoretical classes, use small gyms at the university - in dormitories. They are workers, classes have always been and are held there. Scholarships will be paid. We have a very good system of social protection for students, a serious trade union organization that guards the interests of students, and student government bodies.

“The fact that classes will be restored does not cancel the violation that has already been committed, for which, if all formalities are observed, liability can be imposed,” explains the lawyer.

It looks like the scandal has been hushed up for now. Students will expect changes. If the situation repeats itself, most likely the prosecutor’s office will decide which of the university officials will be punished.

When we spoke with the university press service, they did not hide the fact that they consider students’ contact with the media immoral, since everything can be resolved “without washing dirty linen in public.” What do you think, UR readers? Leave your comments on the newspaper’s website or on our social media pages, and we will publish them.

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