Download the demo version of Geography OGE. Demonstration versions of the OGE in geography. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

OGE 2016. Geography. Typical exam options: 10 options. Ed. Ambartsumova E.M.

M.: 2016. - 128 p.

Series “OGE. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the main state exam. The collection contains:
10 typical exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM OGE in geography 2016;
instructions for completing the examination work;
answers to all tasks;
evaluation criteria.

Completing the tasks of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in grade 9 in the form of the OGE, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam. Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of student learning results educational programs basic general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

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The proposed manual contains 10 standard exam options, corresponding demo version main state exam for the basic school course (OGE) in geography in 2016.
The manual contains answers to the tasks of all options, and also provides a map individual achievements student, which can be used to track the dynamics of performance in completing tasks of standard exam options. For tasks that require a detailed answer, the elements of the correct answer are presented and evaluation criteria are given.
Deciding large number options, the student gets the opportunity to independently prepare for the exam. Completing assignments not only allows him to get an idea of ​​what geographical knowledge is tested in the exam, but also forms and consolidates all the necessary practical skills.
Teachers will find the book useful for organizing classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam, as well as for monitoring knowledge in geography lessons. It is recommended to use it as a guide when planning the study of a particular material, when determining the types of activities of the teacher and students aimed at achieving the required level of mastery of geographical knowledge and skills.

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2020 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2018 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2017 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2016 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2015 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2014 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2013 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in demo versions of the OGE in geography

In 2013 there was the total number of tasks has been reduced from 31 to 30 And ratio changed number of tasks with multiple choice, short and extended answers: 18, 9 and 3, respectively.

In 2014 in demo version of the OGE in geography was ratio changed number of multiple-choice, short- and long-answer tasks: 17, 10 and 3, respectively, and task included to check your understanding of the basic geographical concepts and terms and the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve practical problems.

In 2015 in demo version of the OGE in geography has changed only response form in multiple-choice tasks: the answer now needs to be written down number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

IN demo version of the 2016 OGE in geography compared to the 2015 demo version there are no substantive changes. Changed only sequence order several tasks of part 1.

IN demo versions of the OGE 2017 - 2019 in geography compared to demo version 2016 there were no changes.

IN demo version of the 2020 OGE in geography Compared to the 2018 demo version, the following occurred: changes:

  • was the sequence of tasks has been changed;
  • was the response form has been changed in tasks (2, 3, 14, 15, 21, 22, 24, 26);
  • was included mini-test of three tasks (27–29) to test the ability to work with geographical text;
  • maximum score for all the work was reduced from 32 to 31.

control measuring materials
for conducting the main state exam in 2016

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE– assess the level general education training on the geography of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

Each version of the 2016 KIM includes tasks that test the level of knowledge of the content of all main sections of the geography course for primary school and the fulfillment of the basic requirements for the level of graduates.

4. Communication examination model OGE with KIM Unified State Exam

A significant part of the KIM tasks for the Unified State Exam are similar in type to the tasks used in the Unified State Examination paper.

Unlike the Unified State Exam, in the KIM for the Unified State Exam, more attention is paid to students’ achievement of requirements aimed at practical application geographical knowledge and skills. Also important for the OGE is to check the maturity of the ability to extract and analyze data from various sources geographic information (atlas maps, statistical materials, diagrams, media texts).

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

The examination paper consists of 30 tasks. The assignments test the knowledge that forms the basis of students’ geographic literacy, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and skills in contexts corresponding to the main sections of the school geography course.

The work contains 27 tasks with a short answer, of which: 17 tasks with an answer in the form of one number, 3 tasks with an answer in the form of a word or phrase, 7 tasks with an answer in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers; 3 tasks with a detailed answer, in which you need to write down a complete and substantiated answer to the question posed.

6. Distribution of CMM tasks by content, tested skills and methods of activity.

State final certification 2019 in geography for 9th grade graduates educational institutions is carried out to assess the level of general education training of graduates in this discipline. The assignments test the following types of activities within the discipline of geography:

  1. Know and understand geographical features the nature of the continents and oceans, the peoples of the Earth; differences in the economic development of different territories and water areas; outstanding results geographical discoveries and travel.
  2. Know the specifics geographical location Russia.
  3. Know and understand the peculiarities of Russian nature.
  4. Know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems; measures to preserve nature and protect people from natural and man-made disasters.
  5. Know and understand the features of the main sectors of the Russian economy, natural economic zones and regions.
  6. Be able to give examples natural resources, their use and protection, the formation of cultural and everyday characteristics of peoples under the influence of their habitat; be able to find information from different sources necessary to study environmental problems.
  7. Know and understand the characteristics of the Russian population.
  8. Be able to find the information necessary to study different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources.
  9. Be able to analyze information from different sources necessary to study different territories of the Earth, their provision with natural and human resources.
  10. Understand geographical phenomena and processes in geospheres.
  11. Know and understand the natural and anthropogenic causes of geo-ecological problems.
  12. Be able to identify (recognize) the essential features of geographical objects and phenomena.
  13. Be able to determine geographic coordinates on a map.
  14. Know and understand basic terms and concepts; be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities And everyday life for solving practical problems.
  15. Be able to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to read cards of various contents.
Date of passing the OGE in Geography 2019:
June 4 (Tuesday), June 14 (Friday).
There are no changes in the structure and content of the 2019 examination paper compared to 2018.
In this section you will find online tests that will help you prepare for passing the OGE(GIA) in geography. We wish you success!

Standard OGE test(GIA-9) format of the 2019 year in geography consists of 27 tasks with a short answer and 3 tasks with a detailed answer. IN this test Only 27 tasks requiring a short answer are presented. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMM), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMM), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMM), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. In three tasks, the answer is supposed to be written in the form of a word or phrase, and in the remaining 7 tasks - in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in geography consists of 27 short-answer tasks and 3 long-answer tasks. This test contains only 27 tasks that require a short answer. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, only 17 questions offer answer options. But for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The test contains multiple choice questions only. one correct answer.
So if you had question number 14, and then 18 came out, that means that questions 15, 16, 17 need to be answered in writing with a detailed answer, so we did not include them.

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