Tests for emotional stability. Test: Your emotional stability. Methodology for determining NPL

Methodology "Forecast" developed at LVMA named after. CM. Kirov and is intended for the initial identification of persons with signs of neuropsychic instability (NPU), the risk of maladaptation under stress. The method contains 84 questions, each of which is asked to answer “yes” or “no”.

For prevention and diagnosis emotional state Particular importance is attached to the so-called neuropsychic instability, which is a reflection of both the mental and somatic level of the individual’s health. NPU shows the risk of personality maladjustment under stress, that is, when the system of emotional reflection functions under critical conditions caused by external as well as internal factors.

Methodology "Forecast" allows us to identify individual pre-morbid signs of personality disorders, as well as assess the likelihood of their development and manifestations in human behavior and activity. It is especially informative when selecting persons suitable for work or service in difficult, unpredictable conditions, where increased demands are placed on a person.

You must answer 84 yes or no questions within 30 minutes. Analysis of the answers can clarify individual biographical information, behavioral characteristics and state of mental activity in different situations.

Instructions: “You are offered a test of 84 questions, to each of which you must answer “yes” or “no.” The proposed questions relate to your well-being, behavior or character. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers here, so don’t try to think about them for a long time - answer based on what best suits your condition or ideas about yourself. If your answer is yes, then fill in the box with the answer “yes” above the number of the corresponding question; if the answer is no, then fill in the rectangle with the answer “no”. If you find it difficult to answer, then fill in both rectangles, which corresponds to the answer “I don’t know.”

Questionnaire text:

1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better about. don't tell them to anyone.
2. I rarely have constipation (or never at all).
3. From time to time I have attacks of laughter or crying that I cannot cope with.
4. There are times when I don’t keep my promises.
5. I often have a headache.
6. Sometimes I tell lies.
7. Once a week or more often I without any apparent reason I feel heat throughout my whole body.
8. It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand.
9. It happens that I get angry.
10. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.
11. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
12. I willingly take part in meetings and other social events.
13. The most difficult struggle for me is the struggle with myself.
14. I rarely experience muscle cramps and twitches (or not at all).
15. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.
16. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me.
17. When visiting, I behave better at the table than at home.
18. If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want, and not where I’m supposed to.
19. I think it's mine family life as good as most of my friends.
20. People often tell me that I am short-tempered.
21. As a child, I had a company where everyone always tried to stand up for each other in everything.
22. In the game I prefer to win.
23. For the last few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.
24. Now my weight is constant (I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight).
25. I am pleased to have significant friends among my acquaintances; it seems to give me weight in my own eyes.
26. I would be quite calm if anyone from my family was in trouble.
27. There is something wrong with my mind.
28. I am worried about sexual (gender) issues.
29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.
30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.
31. Among my friends there are people I don’t like.
32. I think that I am a doomed person.
33. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.
34. It happens that I gossip a little with someone.
35. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about.
36. It happens that when discussing some issues, I don’t think much and agree with the opinions of others.
37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.
38. In general, my appearance suits me.
39. I am quite confident in myself.
40. Once a week or more often I get very excited or anxious.
41. Someone controls my thoughts.
42. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.
43. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.
44. I am happiest when I am alone.
45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.
46. ​​I love Andersen's fairy tales.
47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.
48. I get angry when people rush me.
49. I am easily confused.
50. I easily lose patience with people.
51. I often want to die.
52. It happened that I quit something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it.
53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.
54. I am indifferent to questions of religion; it does not interest me.
55. I rarely have attacks of bad mood.
56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.
57. I have had very unusual mystical experiences.
58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.
59. I have periods when I lose sleep due to anxiety.
60. I am a nervous and excitable person.
61. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of others (no worse).
62. Everything works out badly for me, not as it should.
63. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.
64. I feel tired most of the time.
65. Sometimes I feel close to nervous breakdown.
66. It really annoys me that I forget where I put things.
67. I am very careful about how I dress.
68. I like adventure stories more than love stories.
69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new conditions of life, work, the transition to any new conditions of life, work, study seems unbearably difficult.
70. It seems to me that people especially often treat me unfairly.
71. I often feel unfairly offended.
72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinions of others.
73. I often feel tired of life, and I don’t feel like living.
74. People pay attention to me more often than to others.
75. I have headaches and dizziness due to worry.
76. I often have periods when I don’t want to see anyone.
77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed time.
78. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.
79. As a child, I was moody and irritable.
80. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by neurologists and psychiatrists.
81. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium and other sedatives.
82. Among my close relatives there are people who have been prosecuted.
83. I have been brought to the police station.
84. I studied poorly at school, there were times when they wanted to leave me (retained) for the second year.

Processing test results:

The indicator on the NPU scale is obtained by simply summing up the positive and negative responses that match the “key”.


  • Sincerity scale: No (-): 1,4,6,8,9, 11,16,17, 18, 22,25, 31,34,36,43
  • Neuropsychic stability scale: Yes (+): 3,5,7,10,15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50,51 ,52,53,56, 57, 59, 60, 62,63, 64,65,66, 67,69, 70,71,72, 73, 74, 75,76,77,78,79,80,81 .82, 83.84; No (-):2,12,13,14, 19,21,23,24, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46,54,55,58, 61,68



29 or more

High probability of neuropsychic breakdowns.
Additional medical examination by a psychiatrist or neurologist is necessary.


Neuropsychic breakdowns are likely, especially in extreme conditions.
This fact must be taken into account when making a determination of suitability.

13 or less

Neuropsychic breakdowns are unlikely.
If there are other positive data, it can be recommended for specialties that require increased normalization.

Converting raw points into a 10-point score

Score by
10 point

Sum of answers
according to the NPU scale

NPU Group


5 or less

high NPU


high NPU


good NPU



good NPU



good NPU



satisfactory NPU



satisfactory NPU



satisfactory NPU



unsatisfactory NPU


33 or more

unsatisfactory NPU


Literature:Workshop on the psychology of states: textbook. allowance / Ed. prof. A. O. Prokhorova. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004. – 480 p.

1. Unexpectedly indeed interesting place TV shows, the TV breaks down. What will you do?

I’ll throw something at him, it won’t get worse anyway - 3;
I’ll look for the workshop’s phone number - 1;
I’ll try to fix the problem myself - 2.

2. Can you name three books that you intend to read in the near future?

yes - 2;
no - 3;
I don’t know for sure - 1.

3. Do you have a hobby?

yes - 1;
I just prefer to relax at home or go somewhere to have fun - 2;
I don’t have time for any nonsense - 3.

4. Do you like outdoor activities?

no, I prefer to contemplate nature in pictures - 3;
I use every opportunity to get out to some pleasant place, at least to the nearest park - 1;
yes, but only if it does not involve undue difficulty. “A smart person won’t go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” - 2.

5. You have a free minute. What is your reaction?

enjoying delightful idleness - 2;
I’m going to where I’ve long dreamed of going, but things got in the way - 1;
I can’t find a place for myself, I feel some strange discomfort because suddenly there is nothing to do - 3.

6. Day off. We can go somewhere. They promised to call you, but the call has been delayed for about twenty minutes. What are you doing?

I wait and at the same time do something so that time is not wasted (for example, I clean the apartment) - 1;
angry at my disorganized friends - 3;
I sit down in front of the TV and, without waiting for the call, I can spend several hours in front - 2.

7. What is your favorite game?

checkers, chess, backgammon and the like board games - 2;
cards, slot machines, betting, lottery - 3;
none of the above touches strings in the soul - 1.

8. Is it a problem for you how to fill your free time?

I have so many different interests that it’s hard to choose what to do right now - 1;
I hate being idle. It's better to work more - 2;
it's no one's business. I do what I want - 3.

9. A stranger (in a queue, on public transport, etc.) was rude to you. What's your reaction?

I will answer him (her) in the same style - 3;
I will remain silent, but I will “boil” inside - 2;
I’ll immediately put this incident out of my head - 1.

10. At the cash register you were shortchanged by a small amount. What will you do?

“I will rush into battle”, defending my interests - 2;
I will politely demand to bring the authorities - 3;
I’ll wave my hand and leave. After all, the cashier is also a person - 1.


From 10 to 14 points:

Your nerves are fine. You can successfully control your emotions; occasional stress does not throw you off balance. Just in case, check yourself in a week.

From 15 to 25 points:

Your resistance to stress occurs with varying degrees of success. You try not to let yourself suffer needlessly because of everyday conflicts, but still, from time to time some unfortunate accident makes you worry and conflict. Find a reason to relax and change activities more often.

From 26 to 30 points:

Life for you is a battlefield, and the battles are serious. But still, front-line soldiers sometimes rest. Your body may be strong, but it’s hardly “iron.” It would be good for you to learn to distance yourself from life’s dramas, not to take them to heart, while maintaining a sober attitude towards reality.

Purpose: to explore emotional stability and balance using the test.

One of the most famous tests was developed by the English psychologist G. Eysenck. It took several decades to create.

Extroverts are characterized by impulsiveness, initiative, behavioral flexibility, and sociability, which are manifested in functional endurance, the ability to withstand long-term or short-term excitement without passing into the opposite state of inhibition.

Introverts are characterized by a focus on the phenomena of their own inner world, which is expressed in unsociability, isolation, and a tendency to introspection. The functional performance of introverts during inhibition is manifested in the ability to form various inhibitory conditioned reactions. Extroverts work better in the evening, while introverts work better in the morning. It should be noted that pronounced types are rare. For everyone individual characterized by greater or lesser expression of one or another property.

Practical part. You are asked 57 questions about the characteristics of your behavior and your feelings. Answer questions with a plus “yes” and a minus “no.” Work quickly, without spending a lot of time thinking about them, since the most interesting is your first reaction, and not the result of too much thinking. Remember that you must answer every question. There can be no good or bad answers here. This is not a test of your abilities, but only to clarify the characteristics of your behavior.

Question number Question Yes No
1. Do you often feel a craving for new experiences, the search for adventure, a change of scenery?
2. Do you often need friends who understand everything and can encourage and console you?
3. Are you a carefree, carefree person?
4. Do you find it very difficult to say “no” to someone?
5. Do you think before doing something?
6. If you promise to do something, do you always keep your word?
7. Do your moods change often?
8. Do you usually act and speak quickly without thinking?
9. Do you often feel like an unhappy person without good reason?
10. Do you argue persistently, defending your point of view to the end?
11. Do you feel shy or embarrassed when you want to meet an attractive member of the opposite sex?
12. Do you sometimes lose your temper and become seriously angry?
13. Do you often act under the influence of a momentary mood?
14. Do you often worry about things you have done or said that you shouldn’t?
15. Do you usually prefer books to meeting with friends?
16. Are you easily offended?
17. Do you often like to be in company?
18. Do you have thoughts that you would like to hide from others?
19. Does it happen that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything is burning in your hands, and sometimes you are lethargic?
20. Do you prefer to have fewer friends, but especially close ones?
21. Do you often daydream?
22. When people speak to you in a raised voice, do you respond in kind?
23. Do you often feel guilty?
24. Are all your habits good and desirable?
25. Are you able to give free rein to your feelings and have fun in company?
26. Do you consider yourself an excitable and sensitive person?
27. Do people around you consider you a lively and cheerful person?
28. Do you often, after doing something important, feel like you could have done it better?
29. When you are around other people, are you more silent?
30. Does it happen that sometimes you gossip?
31. Does it ever happen that you can’t fall asleep because different thoughts are popping into your head?
32. If you want to know about something, would you rather read about it in a book or newspaper than ask?
33. Do you have palpitations?
34. Do you like work that requires constant attention?
35. Does it ever happen that you tremble with excitement in some extreme situation?
36. Would you always pay for baggage transportation if you weren't afraid of being checked?
37. Is it unpleasant for you to be in a society where they make fun of each other and ridicule each other?
38. Are you irritable?
39. Do you like work that requires quick action?
40. Do you worry about unpleasant events?
41. Do you walk slowly, without haste?
42. Have you ever been late for work or a meeting?
43. Do you often have nightmares?
44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you never miss an opportunity to talk even with a stranger?
45. Do you have any pain?
46. You would feel very unhappy if long time were deprived of wide communication with people?
47. Can we call you a nervous person?
48. Are there people you know that you clearly don’t like?
49. Can we say that you are a confident person?
50. Are you easily offended when others point out your mistakes at work or personal shortcomings?
51. Do you find it difficult to truly enjoy a party?
52. Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?
53. Is it easy for you to bring some life into a rather boring company?
54. Do you find yourself talking about things you don't understand?
55. Are you worried about your health?
56. Do you like to joke?
57. Do you suffer from insomnia?

Interpreting the results of the questionnaire, Eysenck identified two parameters of human personality: extraversion-introversion and emotional stability (stability) - emotional instability, instability (neuroticism).

All 57 questions are divided into three groups. 24 questions reveal whether you are an extrovert or an introvert. The following 24 questions are related to your emotional stability or instability. And the remaining 9 questions determine how sincere you are in your answers.

For each answer that matches the key, you give yourself 1 point. The scores for each of the three scales are summed.

Key to the Introversion-Extraversion Scale questionnaire: 1+, 3+, 5-, 8+, 10+, 13+, 15-, 17+, 20-, 22+, 25+, 27+, 29-, 32-, 34+, 37-, 39+, 41-, 44+, 46+, 49+, 51-, 53+, 56+.

Emotional stability-instability scale 2+, 4+, 7+, 9+, 11+, 14+, 16+, 19+, 21+, 23+, 26+, 28+, 31+, 33+, 35+, 38+, 40+, 43+, 45+, 47+, 50+, 52+, 55+, 57+.

Scale of secrecy-frankness (sincerity) 6+, 12-, 18-, 24+, 30-, 36+, 42-, 48-, 54-.

If you score 12 or more points on the first scale, then you are an extrovert (12-18 points - moderate extroversion, 19-24 -
significant), if you have less than 12 points, then you are an introvert (1-7 points - significant, 8-11 - moderate introversion).

If you have 12 or less points on the second scale, then you are emotionally stable (up to 10 points - high stability, 11-12 points - average); if more than 12 points, then you are emotionally unstable (15-18 points - high, 19-24 points - very high instability).
If you scored more than 4 points, then your answers were not always sincere and indicate a person’s tendency to focus on a good impression of himself.

Using the questionnaire, you can also determine your temperament type. If you plot the coordinates on a piece of paper and plot the scores (from 0 to 24) along the axes stability (stability) - neuroticism and introversion - extraversion, then the combination of characteristics will indicate the type of temperament. In the upper right part (unstable extroverts) there will be choleric people; in the lower right part - sanguine people; in the lower left - phlegmatic and in the upper left - melancholic.

Related information.

Scales: level of neuropsychic stability

Purpose of the test

The technique was developed at LVMA named after. S.M. Kirov and is intended for the initial identification of persons with signs of neuropsychic instability. It allows you to identify individual pre-morbid signs of personality disorders, as well as assess the likelihood of their development and manifestations in human behavior and activity.

You must answer 84 yes or no questions within 30 minutes. Analysis of the answers can clarify individual biographical information, behavioral characteristics and states of mental activity in various situations.

Test instructions

You are offered a test of 84 questions, to each of which you need to answer “yes” or “no”. The proposed questions relate to your well-being, behavior or character. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers here, so don’t try to think about them for a long time - answer based on what best suits your condition or ideas about yourself. If your answer is yes, then fill in the box with the answer “yes” above the number of the corresponding question; if the answer is no, then fill in the rectangle with the answer “no”. If you find it difficult to answer, then fill in both rectangles, which corresponds to the answer “I don’t know.”

You have 30 minutes to complete the task.


1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better about. don't tell them to anyone.
2. I rarely have constipation (or never at all).
3. From time to time I have attacks of laughter or crying that I cannot cope with.
4. There are times when I don’t keep my promises.
5. I often have a headache.
6. Sometimes I tell lies.
7. Once a week or more often, I feel hot throughout my body for no apparent reason.
8. It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand.
9. It happens that I get angry.
10. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.
11. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
12. I willingly take part in meetings and other social events.
13. The most difficult struggle for me is the struggle with myself.
14. I rarely experience muscle cramps and twitches (or not at all).
15. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.
16. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me.
17. At a party, I behave better at the table than at home.
18. If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want, and not where I’m supposed to.
19. I think my family life is just as good. like most of my friends.
20. People often tell me that I am short-tempered.
21. As a child, I had a company where everyone always tried to stand up for each other in everything.
22. In the game I prefer to win.
23. For the last few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.
24. Now my weight is constant (I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight).
25. I am pleased to have significant friends among my acquaintances; it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.
26. I would be quite calm if anyone from my family was in trouble.
27. There is something wrong with my mind.
28. I am worried about sexual (gender) issues.
29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.
30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.
31. Among my friends there are people I don’t like.
32. I think that I am a doomed person.
33. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.
34. It happens that I gossip a little with someone.
35. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about.
36. It happens that when discussing some issues, I don’t think much and agree with the opinions of others.
37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.
38. In general, I am satisfied with my appearance.
39. I am quite confident in myself.
40. Once a week or more often I get very excited or anxious.
41. Someone controls my thoughts.
42. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.
43. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.
44. I am happiest when I am alone.
45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.
46. ​​I love Andersen's fairy tales.
47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.
48. I get angry when people rush me.
49. I am easily confused.
50. I easily lose patience with people.
51. I often want to die.
52. It happened that I quit something I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t handle it.
53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.
54. I am indifferent to questions of religion; it does not interest me.
55. I rarely have attacks of bad mood.
56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.
57. I have had very unusual mystical experiences.
58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.
59. I have periods when I lose sleep due to anxiety.
60. I am a nervous and excitable person.
61. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of others (no worse).
62. Everything works out badly for me, not as it should.
63. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.
64. I feel tired most of the time.
65. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.
66. It really annoys me that I forget where I put things.
67. I am very careful about how I dress.
68. I like adventure stories more than love stories.
69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new conditions of life, work, the transition to any new conditions of life, work, study seems unbearably difficult.
70. It seems to me that people especially often treat me unfairly.
71. I often feel unfairly offended.
72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinions of others.
73. I often feel tired of life, and I don’t feel like living.
74. People pay attention to me more often than to others.
75. I have headaches and dizziness due to worry.
76. I often have periods when I don’t want to see anyone.
77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed time.
78. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.
79. As a child, I was moody and irritable.
80. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by neurologists and psychiatrists.
81. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium and other sedatives.
82. Among my close relatives there are people who have been prosecuted.
83. I have been brought to the police station.
84. I studied poorly at school, there were times when they wanted to leave me (retained) for the second year.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Sincerity scale Neuropsychic stability scale

No (-) Yes (+)
No (-)
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43
3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84
2, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68

The indicator on the NPU scale is obtained by simply summing up the positive and negative responses that match the “key”.

Interpretation of test results

Characteristics of NPL levels according to the “Forecast” questionnaire

29 or more- high probability of neuropsychic breakdowns. Additional medical examination by a psychiatrist or neurologist is necessary.

14-28 - neuropsychic breakdowns are likely, especially in extreme conditions. This fact must be taken into account when making a determination of suitability.

13 or less- neuropsychic breakdowns are unlikely. If there are other positive data, it can be recommended for specialties that require increased normalization.

Methodology for determining NPL

Score on a 10-point scale Sum of answers on the NPU scale NPU group Forecast
10 5 and less high NPL Favorable
9 6
8 7-8 good NPU
7 9-10
6 11-13
5 14-17 will satisfy. NPU
4 18-22
3 23-28
2 29-32 unsatisfactory. NPL Unfavorable
1 33 or more

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