Russian language lesson "Educational presentation" (3rd grade) UMK "School of Russia". What is an exposition? And how to learn to write it? Lesson type: solving specific problems

01.10.2014 17699 1356

Objective of the lesson:Learn to write a summary of a narrative text.

Lesson objectives:

1. Help write a summary of “The Lion and the Mouse”

2. Students must predict the content of the text, draw up a plan, and highlight the main idea of ​​the text.

3. Working in a group, write down the content of the text.

Grade:work in a notebook, round table.

Lesson progress:


A) organizational moment

Checking students' readiness for the lesson

Announcing the topic of the lesson, setting goals;

B) guess the riddles:

Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.

Short legs.

Afraid of cats. (Mouse)

They look very strange:

Dad has wavy curls,

And mom goes with her hair cut...

Why is she offended?

No wonder he often gets angry

Everyone's mother is a lioness.

-Which dad has wavy curls? (at the lion)

C) strategy “Prediction by keywords”

(words are written on the board, children express their assumptions about what the story will be about)

The lion, the mouse, began to beg, he let him go, the hunters tied him up, he chewed the rope, he understood, it was good.


1. A) Getting to know the text

Now let's check how correct your predictions are.

"The Lion and the Mouse"

The lion was sleeping. The mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her go. She promised to repay this with kindness. The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him, and let it go.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, and chewed the rope. The lion realized that even a mouse can do good.

B) Teacher's word:

Who do you think is afraid of a mouse? (It turns out that elephants are very afraid of mice. The fact is that elephants have very delicate skin on the soles of their feet, and mice gnaw through it and cause great concern to elephants)

And a four-year-old mouse is equal in age to an 80-year-old person.

How many human years does a mouse live in a year?

IN) Clarification of lexical meaning:

How do you understand “repay kindness”?

G) Vocabulary work:

Find the spelling and explain how to check it:

Lion, roar, rope (paired consonants)

She ran, laughed, promised, tied (unstressed vowel at the root of the word)

D) Analysis and division into parts:

What text is this? (narrative)

How many parts can it be divided into according to its meaning? (for three)

E) Making a plan:

1. Funny promise.

2. The mouse saved the lion.

3. As it comes back, so will it respond.

2. a) Preparation for writing a statement:

Reading and retelling in parts.

Strategy “Relay Race” (group work, performed on a common sheet)

1 student – ​​runner (reads and memorizes one sentence at a time)

2 student – ​​secretary (writes down)

3 student – ​​proofreader (monitors spelling)

Each student must play the role of a runner, secretary, and proofreader.

B) Writing a presentation (the overall work is submitted to the teacher, everyone writes a statement independently).


“Round table” strategy (orally).

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What do you remember? Why?

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Educational presentation "Sparrow". (3rd grade) The lesson was developed by a primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 9 in Korolev, Moscow Region, Vasilyeva S.N. Goals: 1) Teach children to convey the content of the text close to the author’s, to choose the most accurate words for this. 2) Enrich students' vocabulary. 3) Develop the ability to divide the text into parts and draw up a plan for the text. Sparrow. The sparrow lived all winter in the chimney. Winter dragged on for a long time. The legs were chilly. Frost covered the feathers. Finally the sun looked into the sparrow's chimney. Icicles hung on the eaves. During the day, water dripped from the icicles. The sparrow caught droplets with its beak. From the sun and icicle water, strange things began to happen to the sparrow. He suddenly grabbed his old friend by the scruff of the neck, began to torment him like a dog to a cat, and tore out a tuft of feathers. In the evening, all the sparrows flocked to the song tree. They saw off the day with friendly chirps. Spring!(According to N. Sladkov.) Lesson progress. 1. ORG. MOMENT. 2. MESSAGE OF THE TOPIC OF THE LESSON. Today in class we will write a summary. You’ll find out the name if you guess my riddle “A mischievous boy in a gray army coat scurries around the yard, collecting crumbs.” (sparrow) You guessed my riddle correctly. Write down the title of the story “Sparrow”, highlight the spelling in the word. 3. PRIMARY PERCEPTION OF THE TEXT. QUESTIONS TO THE TEXT.*Where did the sparrow live? * What was it like for him in winter? * What strange things began to happen to the sparrow? (grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and began to torment him like a dog to a cat) * Explain the meaning of the word chatter. In the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov it is written: 1 Shaking, causing confusion or tugging, disturbing, causing pain. (T. by the hair. To fray the nerves. - make someone nervous) 2 To make someone unusable by careless handling, careless wear. 3 Pat, stroke. (Touch the shoulder with your hand.) 4 Wag your tongue (talk) - engage in idle chatter. For the words (grabbed) by the scruff of the neck, to torment (like a dog with a cat), choose ones that are close in meaning. * Why did such strange things begin to happen to the sparrow? * How did sparrows celebrate the arrival of spring? * How do you imagine the tree of songs? 4 RE-READING. Take pieces of paper with the text, read the text, find the exclamation sentence. What feelings does it evoke?
5. MAKING A PLAN.* How many parts are there in the text? Read part 1(2-4). What does it say? How can you title this part? Write the name in your notebook.
  1. IN THE WINTER IN THE STOVE PIPE. ( 3-4 prev.)
  2. ICICLE WATER. (3-4prev.)
  3. STRANGE THINGS. (2-3prev.)
  4. TREE OF SONGS (2-3 prev.)
7. DICTIONARY WORK.. * Decline the noun sparrow. * Explain the spelling of the words: p..chnoy, per..shki, carni.., gl..nulo, l..vil, (s)khv..til, tr..pal. (for) lived, (for) dripped, (for) hung, flowed, passed.. stung.

Educational presentation No. 1.


The bird flew out of the bush and circled above our heads. We carefully parted the green branches. There was a nest there. We didn't touch the nest, didn't even touch it.

Chicks have appeared. We often came to the nest. The birds are used to us. They weren't afraid of us.

The chicks grew up and flew away. We left for the city. At home we often remembered the warm summer and our trusting birds.

Words for reference: it flew up, did not touch us, they remembered, trusting birds.

    Nest in the bushes.

    The birds have flown to us.

    In the city.

Educational presentation No. 2.

Goal: to develop the ability to analyze text (determine the type of speech, topic, idea, division into parts); develop the ability to understand the language of the text, the ability to highlight the most accurate words to express thoughts; develop the ability to analyze text-reasoning; improve students' oral and written speech; enrich their active vocabulary; broaden children's horizons.

A child was crying behind the door.

Kostya Morozov got up, washed his face, and wanted to do some exercises. Suddenly he smelled burning. The boy looked around the room, the kitchen and went out onto the stairs.

Streams of smoke were creeping from the neighboring apartment. A child's cry was heard. Kostya grabbed an ax and rushed to the door. Splinters splashed. He kicked the door with a running start, then began working with the ax again. The door collapsed. Smoke poured into the train.

The child lay at the threshold and cried. Kostya grabbed him and rushed down the stairs to the street.

Words for reference: from a running start, his.

    The smell of burning in the apartment.

    To help the child.

    The danger is over.

Educational presentation No. 3.

Goal: to develop the ability to analyze text (determine the type of speech, topic, idea, division into parts); develop the ability to understand the language of the text, the ability to highlight the most accurate words to express thoughts; develop the ability to analyze text-reasoning; improve students' oral and written speech; enrich their active vocabulary; broaden children's horizons.


By autumn, heavy cones were hanging on the old spruce. The seeds have ripened in them. The spruce was preparing to feed the birds and animals.

It became hungry in the forest in winter. A squirrel jumped out into the clearing. She climbed a tree, took a pine cone and began to eat. A spotted woodpecker hurries towards a spruce tree. He picked a cone and flew into the forest. Flocks of crossbills descended on the spruce. The crossbills stick their crooked noses under the scales of the cones and take out the seeds.

Many cones remained on the spruce until spring. The sun has warmed up. Light seeds flew out of the cones. A seed falls into moist soil and germinates. It will give life to a new tree.

Words for reference: jumped out, warmed up, seed, seeds, scales, will germinate, in them.

    Spruce in autumn.

    Winter guests.

    Spruce gives life to a tree.

Educational presentation No. 4.

Goal: to develop the ability to analyze text (determine the type of speech, topic, idea, division into parts); develop the ability to understand the language of the text, the ability to highlight the most accurate words to express thoughts; develop the ability to analyze text-reasoning; improve students' oral and written speech; enrich their active vocabulary; broaden children's horizons.

Once we went to the country and forgot bread in the buffet. We returned home only a week later. The bread is moldy. I wanted to leave him, but I remembered one incident.

There was a war. Our unit liberated the village. A girl stood at the gate of the house and asked for bread. I took the crackers out of the bag. She grabbed them and began to eat them greedily.

I felt ashamed that I wanted to give up bread. I took it and went outside. I crumbled the bread near the tree. A flock of sparrows flew up and began pecking at the crumbs of bread. My heart felt calm and light.

Words for reference: mold, it, freed, put, with me.

    A piece of bread remained in the buffet.

    The girl asks for bread.

    The bread didn't disappear.

Educational presentation No. 5.

Goal: to develop the ability to analyze text (determine the type of speech, topic, idea, division into parts); develop the ability to understand the language of the text, the ability to highlight the most accurate words to express thoughts; develop the ability to analyze text-reasoning; improve students' oral and written speech; enrich their active vocabulary; broaden children's horizons.

Forest giant.

In the silence of the forest, the crunch of snow was heard. An elk appeared from the thicket of a birch forest. He went out into the clearing and looked around.

How good this forest giant was. He had a long, hook-nosed muzzle and huge horns. He himself is heavy, overweight, and his legs are tall and slender. And what a beautiful coat color! White stockings on her feet.

The elk listened carefully and walked to the edge of the clearing. He shook his head strangely. Thick birch trees grew ahead. The elk climbed between the trunks. One of his horns broke off and got stuck in the branches of the birch trees. So the forest giant threw off his headdress.

Words for reference: heard, strange, shook.

    Silence breaker.

    How cute is this forest giant!

    Elk takes off his headdress.

Educational presentation No. 6.

Goal: to develop the ability to analyze text (determine the type of speech, topic, idea, division into parts); develop the ability to understand the language of the text, the ability to highlight the most accurate words to express thoughts; develop the ability to analyze text-reasoning; improve students' oral and written speech; enrich their active vocabulary; broaden children's horizons.

The case with the wallet.

A brother and sister were running down the street. A lame old woman walked ahead. A wallet with money fell out of her bag. Kostya saw this. He bent down, grabbed it, ran and gave it to the old woman. The old woman called herself confused and took the wallet.

Kostya returned to his sister and began to complain about the old woman. He was offended that she didn't thank him.

The sister stopped and looked sternly at her brother. She told him that being honest is the duty of every person, and not a merit. Kostya did not immediately understand his sister’s words. And when I understood, I remembered it for the rest of my life.

Words for reference: wallet, complain, offended, not right away, thank you.

    The old lady dropped her wallet.

    The boy's offense.

    It is everyone's duty to be honest.

This material is intended for primary school teachers

The material presents texts for teaching 3rd grade students how to retell the text in writing.

When selecting texts, their educational orientation and educational value are taken into account. For each grammar topic, 2 texts have been selected. They introduce students to the moral actions of children and adults, natural phenomena, and the life of plants and animals.

The texts are accompanied by questions on the content, a rough plan for presenting the text, and tasks for vocabulary and spelling preparation.




Leaf fall.

In autumn, yellow leaves fall from the trees.

They are drought signals. The roots take water from the ground and supply it to the tree. The leaves evaporate it. If there is not enough water, the leaves fall off.

But it often rains in the fall. What kind of drought can there be? Is it possible that the tree doesn't have enough water?

There is a lot of water, but the tree cannot take it. The autumn soil is cold, and cold water is not absorbed by root hairs.

So the leaf fall begins.

Questions and tasks for the text

What do yellow leaves on trees indicate? Why do trees lack water in rainy autumn? Explain the meaning of the word LEAF FALL. Tell me how it was formed.

Sample plan:

1.Why do leaves fall in autumn?

2.Drought in autumn.

3.Why can't a tree take water?

Insert the missing letters and explain their spelling: from z___mli, evaporate, v___dy, op___give, d___wait, lack, ___grey, cold, k___root, v___l___ski, leaf___ya, d___rev___ev, autumn___yu.

Is it really that the leaves are starting to fall?

Pay attention to the interrogative sentences used in the text. Replace them with narrative ones.

Far from home.

Residents of Africa have been seeing our birds for many months. But they never heard them sing. Trees in Africa are green all year round. The sun shines all year round. Why don’t our songbirds in Africa sing? Because the nightingale's nest is not under the palm tree. It is somewhere in the bushes near a quiet Russian river. The bird sings where it builds its nest. The bird sings in its homeland.

Questions and tasks for the text

Where do many of our birds go for the winter? Why is this happening? What surprising things have you learned about the behavior of our birds in Africa? Why don't they sing there?

Rough plan

1. In Africa, our birds do not sing.

2.Why don't birds sing in Africa?

3.Where does the bird sing?

Find words with a soft separator. Explain their spelling.

Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels in words:turning green, trees, songbirds, singing, nest.

never, anywhere.


Lost day.

A comrade came to Vita’s brother. He threw his hat on the chair and said:

I've had a lost day!

The comrade left. Vitya asked his brother how a day could be lost. The brother said that the days are the same in time, but different in activities. The day when a person did not do anything useful, did not learn anything, can be considered a lost day.

Since then, Vitya told his brother in the evening what he was doing and asked if he had a lost day?

Questions to the text

What words did Vita’s brother’s comrade say? How did his brother explain to Vita the meaning of the words “lost day”? What has Vitya done since then?

Rough plan

1.Lost day

2.Which day is lost?

3.Evening analysis.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Insert the missing letters into the words and check them:said___hall, asked___force, helpful, on d___lam.

comrade. Think about what words you can use instead.

Remember the spelling of words:lost, lost, haven't learned anything since then.


Until the first rain.

Tatyana and Masha are friends. They always went together.

One day the girls were going to school. Suddenly it started to rain. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. Tanya asked Masha to take off her cloak. They would have covered themselves with it together. But Masha was afraid to get wet.

The teacher was surprised. The girls walked together. Masha’s dress is dry, but Tanyusha’s is wet. She shook her head:

Apparently, your friendship is until the first rain!

Questions and tasks for the text

What was the relationship between Tanya and Masha? Tell us what happened during the rain? What did the teacher say about girls' friendship? Explain how you understand her words. What should a true friend do?

Rough plan


2. During the rain.

3. Friendship until the first rain.

Vocabulary and spelling work

Explain the spelling of vowels in the words:walked, started, asked, was afraid, surprised, shook her head.

Name the words that need to be capitalized

Remember how to write the words:together, always, once.

Think about the feeling with which the teacher said her words. What sign should be placed after her words? What words can you describe the friendship of Tanya and Masha?

Thread on the foot

(concise summary).

The boys wanted to catch a birdling. He escaped, but the noose tightened on his paw. The starling was dragging the thread behind him. One day the thread got caught on a branch. The starling hung upside down.

A jackdaw noticed the bird. At first she examined the starling with her black, quick eyes. Then she flew up and began pecking where the thread caught on the branch.

The cat saw the starling and climbed up the tree. The jackdaw flew up and pecked him between the eyes. The cat flew to the ground. Galka got back to work.

The workers saw this. One climbed a tree and freed the prisoner. From that day on, the starling and the jackdaw became friends.

Questions and tasks for the text

What trouble happened to the starling? Who tried to help him? Tell us how a jackdaw saved a starling from death in the clutches of a cat. Who finally freed the prisoner? What relationship has been established since that day between the starling and the jackdaw?

1. The starling was in trouble.They wanted to catch him, but he escaped,

(3 sentences) but the noose tightened, got caught and hung.

2. Jackdaw is trying to help.She noticed it, flew up and started pecking.

(2 sentences)

3. Jackdaw saves a starling from a cat. He climbed and pecked.

(2 sentences)

4.We became friends. He freed us and became friends.

(2 sentences)

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Explain the spelling of vowels and consonants in the roots of words:wanted, little bird, tightened, loop, dragged, caught, looked, flew up, down, paw, climbed, eye.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:peck, fluttered, again, freed, from that day.


Faithful comrade

(concise summary).

Vasya and Grisha were bored in the yard. They decided to go for a walk. The friends took the sled and walked along the path.

Here's the slide. The boys sat on the sled and rode down. Only the snowball creaked and swirled behind the sleigh. Suddenly Vasya flew out of the sled and fell into a snowdrift. He hit his leg hard and couldn't get up.

Grisha put his friend on a sled and took him to the hospital. The doctors helped Vasya.

Questions and tasks for the text

What mood were Vasya and Grisha in? Where did the boys go? What happened on the hill? Tell us what Grisha did? Explain why the story is called “Faithful Comrade.”

Rough plan and supporting words

1. Friends are going to the hill.We decided and set off.

(2 sentences)

2.Vasya fell into a snowdrift.They rolled, flew out, couldn’t get up.

(3 sentences)

3. Grisha helps a friend.He sat me down, drove me, and provided assistance.

(2 sentences)


Brave flycatchers.

A young pear tree grew under the window. A flycatcher has built a nest on the upper branches of a pear tree. A bird's eggs lay in the nest on soft down.

The flycatcher often went out for food. One day a cat appeared on a tree. She crawled along a branch towards a bird's nest. The brave flycatcher swiftly flew in front of the cat’s nose, beat it with its wings and squeaked pitifully.

Another bird rushed to help her friend. Together they drove the cat away from the nest.

Questions and tasks for the text

Where did the flycatcher build its nest? What was the cat up to? Tell us how brave flycatchers defended the nest. Why are flycatchers called brave? Choose words that are similar in meaning to this word.

Rough plan.

1. Nest on a pear tree

2. The cat crawls to the nest.

3.Flycatchers protect their nest.


Vocabulary and spelling preparation

m____l___daya, in___tweaks, nest___zdo, l___stung, p___cry, woke up, sleep___la, squeal___, pear branches___, h___hundred, went away.

Explain how the name of the bird FLYCATCHER came about. Remember how to spell this word.

Composition of the word.

An example of accuracy.

The badger is a predatory animal. If he meets a frog and a mouse, he won’t miss him. But he also eats insects, searches for them in the ground and pulls them out with strong bear paws with long claws. Sometimes it catches small hares.

The badger is an example of accuracy. Near his hole it is always clean, there are no bones or food remains. He makes latrines - deep holes five to six meters from the hole.

The badger does not even go hunting until he has cleaned the toilet. Be sure to clean the skin from the soil and straighten the hairs that have been crushed in the hole.

Questions and tasks for the text

Who is called an example of accuracy? Confirm this with the facts described in the text. What does a badger eat? What are his paws called? Why is it considered to be a beast of prey?

Rough plan

1. Badger is a predatory animal.

2.At the badger hole.

3.Before the hunt.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Remember how to spell the word accuracy. What other word with a double consonant is found in the text?

Check the vowels in the words:in s___m, p___ti, sh___sti, spreads, in___l___ski.

Explain the meaning of the expression LEAD THE TOILET. Remember how to spell the word toilet.



The frog, the chicken, the ant and the bug went for a walk.

We came to the river. The little frog jumped into the water and called the others. But no one knew how to swim.

The little frog laughed. Comrades were offended. They started thinking and came up with an idea.

The chicken brought a leaf, the mouse brought a nutshell, the ant brought a straw, the bug brought a twig.

They stuck a straw into the shell, tied a leaf with a string - they built a boat. They sat on it and swam. The little frog stuck his head out of the water, wanting to laugh some more. And the ship has already sailed far away.

Questions and tasks for the text

Name the heroes of the fairy tale. Where did the frog call his friends? What was he laughing at? What did the chicken, the mouse, the ant and the bug come up with? Tell us how they built the boat. How do you feel about the frog's action? Think about why he couldn't laugh more.

Rough plan

1. Friends on the river

2. Resentment.

3.We built a boat.

4. The little frog couldn’t laugh.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Highlight the suffixes in the words:frog, chicken, mouse, bug.Remember their spelling.

Highlight the suffixes in the words:boat, leaf, shell, straw, rope.What meaning do they give to words? Why did the author use the words in this form?

Choose words with the same root laughed. Remember the spelling of the root.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:nutty, laugh.

Spelling words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root.

In the forest in autumn.

Among the rare birches, strong boletuses hide in the grass. Wet russula turn pink. The elegant fly agarics are turning red. Slippery milk mushrooms grow in the spruce forest. On low stumps, honey mushrooms on thin legs huddle together.

An elk came out to the edge of the swamp. He raised his head with heavy horns and roared. Early in the morning, the menacing roar of the forest hero can be heard far away.

Scary for the timid bunny. Everything around is yellow, but his fur coat has already turned white. The poor thing is waiting for the snow to fall. Buries himself in a snowdrift - no one will see him.

Questions and tasks for the text

What three parts can the text be divided into? What is covered in each part? What mushrooms can be found in the autumn forest? What is the name of the elk in the text? What is the name of the hare in the text? Why is he scared?

Rough plan

1. Mushrooms.

2.Forest hero.

3. Timid bunny.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Check the consonants in the words:r___kih___, kr___kie, knok_kie, nil___kih, other___, other___ke, but___kah, ryo___, hare___ka, shu___ka, poor___ka, snow___, snowdrift___, ro___ky.

Match attributes to objects: boletus mushrooms (which ones?) ___________, russula(which?) _____________, fly agarics(what?) ______________, milk mushrooms (what?) _____________, roar (what?) _____________, horns (what?) _____________, bunny(Which?) _______________.

Specify words that describe the actions of mushrooms:boletus mushrooms (what do they do?) _______________, russula ______________, fly agarics ________________, milk mushrooms ______________, honey mushrooms _______________.

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

The Legend of the Lark.

The wizard sees - the man is plowing. The ground is sandy and rocky in places. The plowman's shirt was wet with salty sweat on the back.

The wizard greeted the grain grower. The plowman invited the traveler to share lunch: a loaf of bread, a couple of onions and a jug of spring water.

The wizard refreshed himself and asked the plowman about life and existence. He complained: he was tired of listening to the stones rattling against the plow.

The wizard threw a small stone into the sky. A gray bird chirped in the sky. The horse walked more cheerfully. For the first time all day, the plowman smiled.

Questions to the text

How did the lark appear? How did the plowman feel? Why did the wizard decide to help the farmer? How does this legend make you feel?

Rough plan

1. Wizard.

2. The man is plowing.

3. Lunch.

4. Conversation about living and being.

5.Bird in the sky.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Remember the rule you need to know to correctly write vowels in words:s___ly, p___shanaya, m___stami, s___ly, late___loved, invited_sil, split__dil, r___dnikovoy, reinforced, spread___force, gr___want, protected_b___tala, in___s___lee, sh___gal.

Who is a grain grower? What words did this word come from? What other words are used in the text instead of the word grain grower?


On snow-covered spruce branches, small reddish and greenish birds crawl, tumble, and hang upside down. With their strong crossed beaks they extract seeds from yellow fir cones.

These are crossbills. They are not afraid of either blizzards or frost. They raise children not only in summer, but also in winter. In the most severe frost, crossbills feed their little chicks. They sit under thick branches near the trunk.

The babies have enough food, and the cold in the warm nest is not scary.

Questions to the text

What have you learned about crossbills? How does the text describe the behavior of adult birds on snow-covered branches? What kind of beaks do crossbills have? Where do small crossbills sit when feeding?

Rough plan

1. There were spruce trees on the branches.

2.Feeding babies.

3.Hunger and cold are not scary.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Check the vowels in the words:busy, sleepy, in_your, in___syat, n___gami, small__larger, cr___sleepy, g___l___new, change, ___lovy, cages, nests, fights, birds, st___la.

Find the words that are used in the text to name spruce branches, crossbills, frost, bird beaks, cones.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:tumble, not afraid, up.

Don't be a slob in the woods.

The forest spread the clearing like a green tablecloth. But the slob got it dirty: he littered it, scattered papers, left a tin can.

Because of such a can, a bear almost died. The border guards played on the sports ground in the evening. We heard a strange sound. Look around - a bear! On the face there is a large can. The poor guy doesn’t see the road, he bangs his metal head against tree trunks.

The gourmand found an abandoned jar and began to lick it. He stuck his head in up to his ears, but couldn’t get it out.

The bear could have died. Border guards freed Mishka from the suffocating can.

Questions to the text

How does the forest greet guests? How should its guests respond to the forest? What did being sloppy in the forest almost lead to? What happened to the bear?

Rough plan

1. Sloppy in the forest.

2. Bear with a metal head.

3. Gourmand.

4. Released.

Vocabulary and spelling training

Check the vowels in the words: p___lanka, drank, spread, mumbled, scattered, evening, rum, sports, playground, turned around, big, b____, st___ly, g__l___howl, pull out.

Explain the spelling of consonants in the words:papers__ki, pogi___, square___ke, no smoke___.

Find the words that are used together in the text bear.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:canning, border guards, pounding, metal, abandoned, choking.

Spelling unpronounceable consonants.

Someone else's five.

Happy Seryozhka skips down the stairs. The boy is having a holiday. In his Russian language notebook there is an A for dictation. Now he won't be scolded for getting only C's.

At home, Seryozhka told dad about the top five. Dad smiled joyfully and asked how Seryozhka was able to write without mistakes.

The boy said that he was sitting with Nina, she wrote without mistakes. Dad looked sadly at Seryozhka and said that he had brought home someone else’s five.

Questions to the text

Why was Seryozha happy? What was he hoping for? What did dad call Seryozhkin’s five? Why did he call her that? Was Seryozhka right when he was happy about this five?

Rough plan

  1. Festive mood.
  2. Dad is happy.
  3. Someone else's five.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Remember the rule that you need to use to write words correctly:happy, stairs, holiday, joyfully, sad.Choose words with the same root to check.

Fill in the missing letters:knocks off, skips, notebook, hand, grater, dicto, scribbles, asks, looks.

To the words skipping, scolding, reportedchoose those that are close in meaning.


A squirrel made a nest in a tall pine tree in the forest. Everything is round and closed. Only on one side is a loophole left so that you can climb inside.

The squirrel is a dexterous animal. She runs up and down the trees. The squirrel's long tail helps maintain balance. Her front legs are shorter than her hind legs. This makes it easier to fly from branch to branch. All day long he jumps from branch to branch, from tree to tree. Where he picks a berry, where he picks a fir cone. Squirrels have sharp and strong teeth. They can even handle hazelnuts!

Autumn is coming. The squirrel will start preparing supplies for the winter. The mushrooms will hang to dry. She will also hide the nuts in the hollow. It will be cold and hungry in the forest in winter! This is where the squirrel’s supplies come in handy.

Rough plan

  1. Squirrel's nest.
  2. A clever animal.
  3. Supplies.

Vocabulary and spelling training

Fill in the missing letters, choosing test words:in a dream, nest___zdo, star___river, in short, p___p___l___t___will come in handy.

Match the word will be accepted words are synonyms.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in prefixes. Prefix and preposition.

Jack Frost.

Once upon a time Frost was the kind you put under a Christmas tree. He loved children and didn't even pinch. But the children laughed at his red nose and teased: “Santa Claus, Red Nose!”

Frost got angry. I put on my invisible hat, took red paint and a brush and walked through the streets. The children didn't notice him. Frost dipped his brush in paint and painted everyone’s noses.

So he walks invisible. If your nose tingles, it’s Frost who paints it red with a brush. Don't believe me? Look in the mirror.

Questions and tasks for the text

What was Santa Claus like before? Why did he become invisible? What does Frost, the invisible man, do? Do you believe that Frost paints your nose with a brush? Prove that this is a fairy tale.

Rough plan

  1. Children tease Frost.
  2. Santa Claus got angry.
  3. Look in the mirror.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Explain how to write words with prefixes and prepositions:(got) angry, (walked), (through) the streets, (go) pinching, (go) dipped, (in) paint, (in) painted, (in) look, (in) the mirror.

Find the words that children teased Santa Claus with. Why are they capitalized?

Check the vowels in the words:didn't care, they laughed, they knew each other, they got angry, look, they're invisible.

Unlucky day.

Slavik couldn’t solve the problem at home, and in the morning in class he copied the solution from Annushka.

Teacher Andrei Ilyich called Slavik to the board and asked him to explain how to do the task. Slavik stood at the board for a long time. But the teacher did not wait for an answer from him.

Andrei Ilyich looked at his notebook. The problem was solved correctly. The teacher realized that Slavik had copied the problem. He gave the boy a bad grade in math.

“What an unlucky day today!” - Slavik thought sadly.

Questions and tasks for the text

What did Slavik do when he didn’t solve the problem at home? What happened in class? How did Andrei Ilyich realize that Slavik had copied the problem? How was Slavik punished? What should Slavik have done so that this day would not be unlucky for him? What would you do in his place?

Rough plan

  1. I copied the task.
  2. Couldn't explain.
  3. Got a bad grade.
  4. Unlucky day.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Explain the spelling of words with prefixes and prepositions:(c)could, (c)wrote, (you)called, (in)class, (to)blackboard, (on)asked, (at)blackboard, (at)looked, (in)notebook, (c)wrote, (on) put, (on) mathematics, (on) thought.

Fill in the missing letters:A___ushka, Il___ich, kl___e, explain, tried, looked, slept, unhappy, sad.

To the words unhappy, sadchoose those that are close in meaning.


(concise summary).

In the spring, a wagtail flew across the garden - a thin gray bird with a long tail. I was looking for a place for a nest. She fluttered onto the mailbox and made a nest there.

We nicknamed the wagtail the Postman. Not only did it take up residence in the mailbox. The bird, like a real postman, began to bring various pieces of paper and put them in the box.

A real postman approached the box and dropped a letter. The frightened wagtail flew out of the box. She danced along the roof for a long time, waving her long tail and squeaking anxiously. And we knew: the bird is worried - there is a letter for us.

Questions to the text

Who was called the Postman in the story? Why did the wagtail get such a nickname? How did the owners of the mailbox find out that there was a letter for them?

1.Wagtail in the mailbox.She flew and arranged it.

(2 sentences)

2. Postman. (2 sentences)They called it, bring it and put it down.

3. We have a letter. (3 sentences)He came, squeaked, there was a letter.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Check the spelling of unstressed vowels in words:spring, nest, postal, alarming, squeak, letter.

Analyze the composition of the words, explain the spelling of vowels in prefixes and roots:flew, searched, arranged, nicknamed, settled, brought, flew out.

What is the name of the bird mentioned in the story? Explain the origin of this name. Remember how to spell this word. Describe the wagtail.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:The postman fluttered up, frightened.

Spelling words with a dividing hard sign (ъ).


The dog fell on its front paws and barked furiously. A small, disheveled kitten sat in front of her. He looked at the dog in horror and meowed pitifully.

Two boys stood nearby. They waited with interest to see what would happen next.

A woman looked out the window. A few seconds later she ran out of the entrance and rushed to the rescue of the kitten. The woman drove the dog away and stroked the kitten. She looked reproachfully at the guys and shamed them.

The boys were surprised: they didn’t do anything.

This is bad! – the woman explained angrily.

Questions and tasks for the text

What picture did the boys calmly observe? Who helped the kitten? Explain why the story is called “Bad”? What can you say about these boys, what are they like? What would you do in their place?

Rough plan

  1. The kitten is in trouble.
  2. The boys watch calmly.
  3. A woman helps a kitten.
  4. Badly!

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Write down the words with a hard separator and explain their spelling:disheveled, entrance, explained.

Sort out the words according to their composition:she fell, looked out, ran out, drove her away, stroked her, looked at her, shamed her.

Replace words furiously, disheveledclose in meaning. Remember how they are written.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:nearby, a few seconds, nothing.

Beetle and chamomile.

There lived a lovely daisy in a meadow. She was friends with the beetle. The beetle flew a lot and knew a lot. Chamomile often listened to her friend’s interesting stories.

One day the beetle disappeared. Chamomile was very upset. She began to cry and asked the breeze to tell her fortune whether a friend would fly. The breeze was wondering, wondering. He easily tore off and carried away the chamomile petals. I explained to her that the beetle would not come. The daisy stood plucked and pitiful.

And the beetle soon showed up. After all, he was a true friend. But it was difficult for the beetle to recognize his girlfriend. He flew past with a sad hum.

Questions and tasks for the text

Remember how they tell fortunes using daisies. What was chamomile like? Who did the beautiful daisy make friends with? What did you find out about the beetle? What happened one day? Tell us how chamomile suffered. Describe what she looked like after the fortune telling. Who did the daisy trust more: a friend or the fortune-telling of the breeze? What is the main idea of ​​the story?

Rough plan

  1. Chamomile and beetle are friends.
  2. The beetle is missing.
  3. The beetle arrived and did not recognize the girlfriend.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

explained, appeared, lovely, sad, chewing, romana, friend, interesting.

Pay attention to the spelling of the word plucked.


(concise summary).

Many tales explain the birth of amber. One of them talks about a beautiful sea goddess. She and a simple fisherman fell in love and declared their love. The supreme god was furious. He decided to punish the goddess for loving a common man. He destroyed the wonderful underwater palace of the sea beauty. The goddess's palace was built of transparent stone. The color of the stone resembled gold. Since then, sea waves have carried the ruins of the palace to the shore - pieces of amber.

Here's the scientific explanation. Resin flowed out of the tree trunks and hardened. Pieces of resin lay in the ground for millions of years and turned into beautiful stone. Captives are often visible in amber. These are stalks of grass, butterflies, bugs.

Questions to the text

How does the fairy tale explain the origin of amber? How does science explain this phenomenon? What evidence does this text provide that amber is the hardened resin of trees?

Approximate presentation plan and supporting words

  1. The love of a goddess and a fisherman.Explains, fell in love, declared.

(2 sentences)

  1. Destruction of the palace.Enraged, destroyed, carried ashore.

(3 sentences)

  1. Scientific explanation.It leaked, lay there and turned.

(2 sentences)

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Name the words with a hard separator and explain their spelling.

Explain how the spelling of words is similar:wonderful, wonderful.

Explain the spelling of the missing letters in the words:jumps, birth, b___ginya, v___rkhovny, b___re___, stems, stuck out, solid cm___la, extended, in___ bottoms, mi___ions, ra____s, ple___iki.


It's snowing.

Tanya looked out the window. The sky and air were full of snowflakes. Snowflakes flew, swirled, fell. They lay on village roofs, stale dirt on the road, frozen puddles, garden beds, trees.

Tanya went out into the yard and began to look at the snowflakes. When they fly, they are like fluff. And closer - stars. Everyone is different. One has wide rays, the other is sharp, like arrows.

After lunch, Tanya did not recognize her village; it became all white. The roofs are white, the road is white, the gardens are white.

The sun came out. The snow sparkled and sparkled. Winter has come.

Questions and tasks for the text

Think about how many parts the text can be divided into. What will each part be devoted to? What words in the first part indicate that the snow was thick? What does a flying snowflake look like? How does it look in the palm of your hand?

Rough plan

1. Snowflakes are flying.

2. Snowflakes in the palm of your hand.

3.White village.

4.Winter has come!

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Find words in the text that are the names of the actions of snowflakes. Choose words that are close in meaning.

Choose adjectives for the words:dirt (what?) ____________, puddles (what?) ______________, rays (what?)_______________.

Explain the meaning of the expression stale dirt. Choose words that are close in meaning.

Fill in the missing letters in the words:looked___trails, snow___sh___ki, l___tels, grya___ki, peeked out, snow___, stray___steel, circling___, roof___, wide___wide.

Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.

Our Motherland is the largest state on the globe. The name of our Motherland is Russia.

Our country is washed by three oceans at once. Russia is rich in forests and numerous mineral resources. There are many beautiful cities located on the territory of our country.

The capital of our Motherland is Moscow. This city arose on the high bank of the Moscow River. Many years ago, it was Moscow that united other cities of Rus' around itself and became the main city of the Russian land. On the streets and squares of our capital there are monuments to the heroes who defended the capital from invaders. Moscow was awarded the title “Hero City” for the courage and perseverance of its residents in the fight against the German army.

The Russian land is famous not only for its warriors. Many scientists, poets, writers and composers have become the pride of Russia.

Questions to the text

Name the name of our Motherland. What is our country rich in? Where did the capital of our state originate? Why did Moscow become the main city of the Russian land? For what qualities was Moscow awarded the title “Hero City”?

Rough plan

1.The largest state on earth.

2. The greatness of Russia.

3.The capital of our Motherland.

4. People who glorified our Motherland.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

What words are written with a capital letter?

Find words in the text with unstressed vowels being tested. Choose test words.

Find words with double consonants in the text.


(condensed summary)

The boy was skating and fell through the ice. A soldier was walking along the shore. He took off his overcoat and hat, jumped into the water and lifted the boy above his head.

The boy's mother came running. She cries, thanks the soldier, invites him home. The soldier poured the water out of his boots, put on his overcoat and hat and rushed to the military camp.

The next day a woman came to the town and asked to find a soldier. They announced it on the radio and invited the soldier to the headquarters. Nobody came. All the soldiers were lined up. The woman walked along the line and did not recognize the soldier.

The woman got upset and went to the gate. Suddenly she returned. The woman stood in front of the line and bowed low to all the soldiers.

Questions and tasks with text

What happened on the river? How did the boy's mother want to thank her son's savior? What did the soldier do when he pulled the boy out of the water? Tell us how the woman looked for the soldier. Why did the woman bow deeply to all the soldiers?

Approximate presentation plan and supporting words

1.A soldier saves a boyFell, jumped, picked up.

(3 sentences)

2.Mother thanks the savior.Thanks, he rushed off.

(2 sentences)

3. A woman is looking for a soldier.She asked, they announced, they built it.

(3 sentences)

4. Low bow to everyone.She went and bowed low.

(2 sentences)

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Highlight the root and prefix in the words:failed, came running, asked, was invited, was upset, bowed.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:thanks, overcoat.

Declension of nouns.

Stone, stream, icicle and sun.

Finally it was a real spring day. Animals and birds are happy.

The old stone began to boast that it was he who was making spring. His sides are hot, they keep everyone warm.

The stream cried out that it should be thanked for the spring. He melts the snow, waters the trees and grass.

An icicle intervened in the dispute. Spring begins when she begins to shed tears.

We didn't have time to agree. They fell silent. Why? The sun has set behind the forest. Immediately the stone cooled, the stream froze, and the icicle froze. It immediately became clear who was making the spring.

Questions and tasks for the text

Why did the animals and birds rejoice? Who demanded gratitude from them for the fact that spring had come? How did the stone prove that it was he who was making spring? And the stream? And the icicle? Who actually makes spring? What feelings do the words of a stone, a stream, an icicle evoke in you?

Rough plan

  1. It's finally spring.
  2. The old stone is showing off.
  3. Stream.
  4. Icicle.
  5. Who makes spring?

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Check the vowels in the words:in___sleep, d___neck, b___ka, t___plo, zak___chal, in___do, finish___in___rit, z___closed, zal___denel.

thank? Remember its spelling, choose words that are close in meaning.

Replace the word with words close in meaning it turned out to be (day).

State symbols of Russia.

The state symbols of our Motherland have a rich history. Respect for them and knowledge of their origin unites the citizens of the state.

The Kremlin is the place of work of the President of the Russian Federation. The Russian National Flag is raised above the Kremlin.

The flag of our country consists of three colors. In Russia, these colors have been revered for a long time. They have symbolic meaning. White color means nobility. Russian people are highly cultured and open. Blue color – honesty. For a Russian person, to be honest means to be sincere and conscientious. Red color is courage and generosity. These qualities of a Russian person are the main and distinctive ones.

Questions to the text

What unites the citizens of the state? Why is the National Flag raised over the Kremlin? What does the white color of the Russian flag mean? What does the blue color of the Russian flag mean? What does the red color of the Russian flag mean?

Rough plan

  1. History of the Russian flag.
  2. Place of work of the President of our country.
  3. Symbolic meanings of the flag of our Motherland.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Find words in the text with unverifiable unstressed vowels. What words are written with a capital letter? Find words with unpronounceable consonants in the text and select test words for them.


The sparrow lived all winter in the chimney. Winter dragged on for a long time. The legs were chilly. Frost covered the feathers.

Finally the sun peeked like a sparrow into the chimney. Icicles hung on the eaves. During the day, water dripped from the icicles. The sparrow caught icicle droplets with its beak.

Strange things began to happen to the sparrow from the sun and icicle water. He suddenly grabbed his old friend by the scruff of the neck, began to torment him like a dog to a cat, and tore out a tuft of feathers.

In the evening, all the sparrows flocked to the song trees. They saw off the day with friendly chirps. Spring!

Questions to the text

Where did the sparrow live? What was it like for him in winter? What strange things happened to the sparrow? Why do you think? How did sparrows celebrate the arrival of spring?

Rough plan

  1. In winter in a chimney.
  2. Icicle water.
  3. Strange things.
  4. Tree of songs.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Decline the noun sparrow.

To the words (grabbed) by the scruff of the neck, tormented (like a dog a cat)choose those that are close in meaning.

Check the vowels in the words:p___chnoy, tr___stuffed, gulped, l___wil, grabbed____, tr___pat, s___tals, pros___snapped.

(with) a sparrow, (with) grabbed, (for) lived, (to) a sparrow, (in) a pipe, (for) dripping.

Pay attention to the last sentence. What feelings does it evoke?



Look, two good friends. Both are small, with pink cheeks and blond hair. Both mothers wore the same dresses.

The girls were in first grade. Both received only A's. Sonya and Vera said about themselves that they were the same in everything.

One day Sonya boasted to her mother that she and Vera were no longer the same: Vera received a C grade.

You've gotten worse! - Mom said sadly.

Sonya was surprised: Vera got a C. Mom explained that Vera was sick and got a C grade. And Sonya was happy. This is much worse.

Questions to the text

What did your girlfriends say about themselves? In what ways were they the same? Why did mom tell Sonya that she was worse than Vera? What don't you like about Sonya? What are the girls named at the beginning of the story? Is this true? Will Sonya become a good friend?

Rough plan

  1. Two girlfriends.
  2. Identical.
  3. Sonya brags.
  4. -You've gotten worse!

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

girlfriends (what?)________________, cheeks (what?)________________, hair (what?) ________________, dresses (what?)_______________.

Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling:p___friends___ki, in___l___themselves, pay___I, sad___but, surprised,___explained, b____le.

By the way, significantly choose those that are close in meaning. Remember how it is written.

Clay piggy banks.

Have you heard the expression - putting money in a jar? It means to save money, to hide. In the old days, money was kept in small jars. This is what the pot-bellied clay jugs were called.

How much money could you put in a small jar? Many. Money was different after all. The oval-shaped silver coins were as thin as petals and no larger than a watermelon seed.

The name of the king was stamped on one side of the coin. On the other, a horseman was killing a snake with a spear. From this spear, the coins were called kopeck money or kopecks.

Questions and tasks for the text

What does the expression meanput money in a jar?What is a capsule? Describe old money. Where does the name come from a penny?

Rough plan

  1. Money in a jar.
  2. Old money.
  3. Pennies.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Choose adjectives for the words:times (what?)________________, jugs (what?)_____________, egg capsule (what?)________________, coins (what?) _____________, shape (what?)______________, grain (what?) _______________.

Explain the spelling of the missing letters:cubes___ka, k___drink, stored___nili, coins___ki, grain___ko, knocked out, dec___shaft, zm___yu.

Find words with the same root in the last paragraph, select test ones for the vowel of the root.


Three comrades.

Vitya lost his breakfast. During the big break, everyone was having breakfast, and Vitya stood to the side.

Kolya asked his friend why he wasn’t eating. Vitya explained what happened. Kolya felt sorry for Vitya: it was far from lunch.

Misha asked where Vitya lost his breakfast and advised him to put it in his bag next time, not in his pocket.

But Volodya didn’t ask anything. He broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his friend.

Questions and tasks for the text

Why didn’t Vitya have breakfast? Tell us how each of his three comrades reacted to this. Which of them turned out to be a real comrade? Why do you think so? What qualities should distinguish a true comrade? How can you call this story differently?

Rough plan

  1. Vitya doesn't have breakfast.
  2. Sympathy for Kolya.
  3. Misha's advice.
  4. Volodya is a true comrade.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Highlight the root in the words:lost, changed, regretted, explained, advised, broke, asked, extended.Explain their spelling.

Remember how the words are written:breakfast, lunch, comrade.

Giraffe has a cold

(concise summary).

The giraffe has a cold. He lived in Sweden. The zoo there is good. The animals are taken care of. But the giraffe was born in Africa. And here is the north. The giraffe began to sneeze and cough.

The kids were very sorry for the giraffe. We need to help him! Gloria's mother knits socks, mittens, scarves, and hats. Warm - warm. That's why Gloria never got sick. Three hundred boys and girls collected money for wool. We bought the most beautiful, fluffy and warm one.

And how they knitted! Everyone takes turns, even the boys.

And then three hundred festively dressed children came to the zoo. The servants could not understand what the children had brought. They unwrapped the package. Who needs this scarf? Giraffe? So that I don't catch a cold again. Do you know what kind of neck a giraffe has? Around the neck and a scarf. Twenty five meters.

Questions to the text

Why did the giraffe catch a cold? How did Swedish boys and girls decide to help the giraffe? How did they do it? Who are the ministers? Why couldn’t they understand what the boys and girls had brought? How did the guys explain who they brought the gift to?

Approximate presentation plan and supporting words

  1. The giraffe has a cold.I caught a cold and started.

(2 sentences)

  1. We need help! It's a pity, they collected it and knitted it.

(3 sentences)

  1. Around the neck and a scarf! He showed up, the scarf didn’t catch a cold.

(3 sentences)

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Indicate familiar spellings in words:the giraffe, festively, couldn’t, they dragged it in, didn’t catch a cold.

Pay attention to the spelling of the words:Sweden - in Sweden, zoo, Africa, twenty-five.


NOT with verbs.


In one fairy tale, an evil stepmother sends a little girl in winter to buy berries. Good brothers - they help the baby for months. They perform a miracle: they bring back summer. A girl collects fresh red berries.

Do you want to find berries in winter? In summer, notice the place where lingonberries grow. In winter, dig out the snow there. Lingonberry branches with small leaves and red berries will be green under the snow.

Lingonberry is an evergreen plant. In autumn it does not shed its leaves and remains green under the snow. The berries match the leaves. The frost does not bother them, the snow does not frighten them.

Questions and tasks for the text

What fairy tale is spoken about at the beginning of the fairy tale? Is such a miracle possible: finding fresh berries in winter? What needs to be done for this? What interesting things have you learned about lingonberries?

Rough plan

  1. Fairy tale.
  2. Do you want to find berries in winter?
  3. Lingonberry is an evergreen plant.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Open the brackets and explain the spelling of the words:(help), (do) do, (dig) dig, (not) dump, (for) berries, (under) snow, (do not) take, (not) scare.

What words is the word formed from? evergreen. How do you understand the meaning of this word? Remember how it is written.

The best drawing.

Mom was sweeping the floor, and Petya was drawing a picture of his mother holding a broom. Then my mother beat the carpets, washed the dishes, and peeled the potatoes. Petya also drew and colored all this with colored pencils. Mom turned out to be beautiful.

Father came home from work. Petya boasted about his drawings and asked which one was the best.

In response, dad said that the best drawing is the one that Petya didn’t draw. There Petya helps his mother clean the apartment, wash the dishes, peel the potatoes.

Questions to the text

What did mom do? What was Petya doing? Which drawing did dad think was the best? Why did he say that to Petya?

Rough plan

  1. Mom works, Petya draws.
  2. Petya shows the drawings to dad.
  3. The best drawing.

Vocabulary and spelling preparation

Open the brackets and explain the spelling of the words:(under) swept, (with) a broom, (you) beat, (on) drew, (painted), (with) work, (with) asked, (did not) draw.

Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling of the words:swept, knocked out potatoes, colored, helps.

Find vocabulary words in the text and remember their spelling.

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