Foreign policy of the 1 Kyiv princes. The first princes in Rus'. Politics of the first princes of Rus'. Foreign policy of Rus'

According to historical sources, the Old Russian state belongs to the early feudal powers. At the same time, old communal formations and new ones, which the lands of Rus' borrowed from other peoples, are closely intertwined.

Oleg became the first prince in Rus'. He was from the Varangians. The power that he created was, in fact, only a very peculiar association of settlements. He became the first prince of Kyiv and “under his hand” there were many vassals - local princes. During his reign, he wanted to eliminate small reigns by creating single state.

The first princes in Rus' played the role of commanders and not only controlled the course of the battle, but also personally took part in it, and quite actively at that. Power was hereditary male line. After Prince Oleg, Igor the Old ruled (912-915). It is believed that he is the son of Rurik. Afterwards, power passed to Prince Svyatoslav, who was still a small child and, therefore, his mother, Princess Olga, became regent under him. During the years of her reign, this woman was rightfully considered a reasonable and fair ruler.
Historical sources indicate that around 955 the princess went to Constantinople, where she accepted the Christian faith. When she returned, she officially transferred power into the hands of her grown son, who was ruler from 957 to 972.

Svyatoslav's goal was to bring the country closer to the level of world powers. During his militant reign, this prince crushed the Khazar Khaganate, defeated the Pechenegs near Kiev, and carried out two military campaigns in the Balkans.

After his death, Yaropolk (972-980) was the heir. He started a quarrel with his brother Oleg for power and began to wage war against him. In this war, Oleg died, and his army and lands passed into the possession of his brother. After 2 years, another prince, Vladimir, decided to go to war against Yaropolnka. Their most furious battle took place in 980 and ended with the victory of Vladimir. Yaropolk was killed some time later.

Domestic policy

Domestic policy the first Russian princes was carried out as follows:
The king had main advisers - the squad. It was divided into an older one, whose members were boyars and rich men, and a younger one. The latter included children's, gridi and youths. The prince consulted with them on all issues.

The princely squad carried out the secular court, collecting court fees and tribute. In the process of development of feudalism, most of the warriors were the owners of various lands. They enslaved the peasants and thus created their own profitable economy. The squad was an already formed feudal class.

The prince's power was not unlimited. The people also took part in the government of the state. Veche, national assembly, existed in the period from the 9th to the 11th centuries. Even much later, people gathered to receive important decisions in some cities, including Novgorod.

To strengthen the position of the Russian state, the first legal norms were adopted. Their earliest monuments were the agreements of the princes of Byzantium, which date back to 911-971. They contained laws regarding prisoners, inheritance and property. The first set of laws is “Russian Truth”.

Foreign policy of Rus'

The main tasks of the Russian princes in foreign policy were:
1. Protection of trade routes;
2. Conclusion of new alliances;
3. Fight against nomads.
Special national significance had trade relations between Byzantium and Russia. Any attempts by Byzantium to limit the trade opportunities of an ally ended in bloody clashes. In order to achieve trade agreements with Byzantium, Prince Oleg besieged Byzantium and demanded the signing of a corresponding treaty. This happened in 911. Prince Igor in 944 concluded another trade agreement, which has survived to this day.

Byzantium constantly sought to pit Rus' against other states in order to weaken it. Thus, the Byzantine prince, Nikephoros Phokas, decided to use the troops of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav so that he would go to war against Danube Bulgaria. In 968 he occupied many cities along the banks of the Danube, including Pereyaslavets. As you can see, the Byzantine failed to weaken the Russian positions.

Svyatoslav's success offended Byzantium, and it sent the Pechenegs, whose military forces were activated as a result of a diplomatic agreement, to capture Kyiv. Svyatoslav returned to Kyiv, freed it from the invaders and went to war against Byzantium, concluding an alliance with the king of Bulgaria - Boris.

Now the fight against Russian power was led by the new king of Byzantium, John Tzimiskes. His squads were defeated in the first battle with the Russians. When Svyatoslav's troops reached Andrianapol itself, Tzimiskes made peace with Svyatoslav. The last major campaign against Byzantium occurred in 1043, as they say historical sources- due to the murder of a Russian merchant in Constantinople.

The bloody war continued for several years until peace was signed in 1046, which resulted in a marriage between the son of the Russian prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomakh.

Hello friends!

In this post we will focus on such a difficult topic as the first Kyiv princes. Today we will present 7 original historical portraits from Oleg the Prophet to Vladimir II Monomakh, all these historical portraits were written in maximum score and meet all criteria for assessing work on the Unified State Exam.

You see a map in front of you Ancient Rus', or rather the tribes that lived on their territory. You see that this is the territory of present-day Ukraine and Belarus. Ancient Rus' extended from the Carpathians in the West, to the Oka and Volga in the East and from the Baltic in the North, to the steppes of the Black Sea region in the South. Of course, Kyiv was the capital of this Old Russian state and it was there that the princes of Kyiv sat. We will begin our study of Ancient Rus' with Prince Oleg. Unfortunately, no information about this prince has been preserved, but only the legend “The Legend of the Prophetic Oleg” has been preserved, which you all know very well. And so in 882, Oleg headed to Kyiv from Novgorod. He was a warrior of Rurik (862-882) and while Rurik’s son, Igor, was small, Oleg was his regent. And in 882, Oleg captured Kyiv, killing Askold and Dir, and from that moment his reign began.

Oleg the Prophet - Historical portrait

Life time:9th century – beginningX century

Reign: 882-912

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. He made Kyiv the capital of Ancient Rus', so some historians consider Oleg the founder of the Old Russian state. “Let Kyiv be the mother of Russian cities”

1.2. United the northern and southern centers Eastern Slavs, by conquering the lands of the Ulichs, Tivertsi, Radimichi, Northerners, Drevlyans, and the subjugation of cities such as Smolensk, Lyubech, Kyiv.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. He made a successful campaign against Constantinople in 907.

2.2. He concluded peace and trade agreements with Byzantium that were beneficial for the country.

Results of activities:

During the years of his reign, Prince Oleg significantly increased the territory of Rus' and concluded the first trade agreement with Byzantium (Constantinople)

The second ruler after Oleg was Igor Stary and about his reign modern history much is unknown and we only know about the last four years of his reign in Kyiv.

Historical portrait of Igor Stary

Lifetime: end9th century –II quarterX century

Reign: 912-945

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Continued the unification of East Slavic tribes

1.2. Was governor in Kyiv during the reign of Oleg

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Russian-Byzantine War 941-944.

2.2. War with the Pechenegs

2.3. War with the Drevlyans

2.4. Military campaign against Byzantium

Results of activities:

He extended his power to the Slavic tribes between the Dniester and Danube, concluded a military-trade agreement with Byzantium, and conquered the Drevlyans.

After the murder of Igor by the Drevlyans for excessive collection of tribute, his wife, Olga, ascended the throne.

Princess Olga

Life time:II-III quarterX century.

Reign: 945-962

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Strengthening central government by massacre of the Drevlyan tribe

1.2. She carried out the first tax reform in Rus': she introduced lessons - a fixed amount of tribute collection and graveyards - places where tribute was collected.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. She was the first Russian princess and ruler in general to convert to Christianity.

2.2. She was able to prevent the Drevlyan dynasty of princes from reigning in Kyiv.

Results of activities:

Olga strengthened internal position young Russian state, established relations with Byzantium, increased the authority of Rus', and was able to preserve the Russian throne for her son Svyatoslav.

After Olga's death, the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich, known for his rich foreign policy

Svyatoslav Igorevich

Life time: second half of the 10th century.

Reigned 945 - 972

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. He led the further strengthening of the ancient Russian state, like his predecessors.

1.2. Tried to create an empire.

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Conducted a military campaign against Bulgaria in 967.

2.2. Defeated the Khazar Khaganate in 965.

2.3. Conducted a military campaign against Byzantium.

Results of activities:

He established diplomatic relations with many peoples of the world, strengthened the position of Rus' on the world stage, removed the threat from the Volga Bulgaria and the Khazar Khaganate, expanded the possessions of the Kyiv prince, wanted to create an empire, but his plans were not destined to come true.

After the death of Svyatoslav, Prince Yaropolk (972-980) ascended the Kiev throne, who during the 8 years of his reign made a very small contribution to the history of Ancient Rus'. After his reign, Vladimir I, popularly nicknamed the Red Sun, ascended the Kyiv throne.

Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich (Saint, Red Sun) – Historical portrait

Life time: 3rd quarter of the 10th century - first half of the 11th century (~ 960-1015);
Reign: 980-1015

Main activities:
1. Domestic policy:
1.1. The final annexation of the lands of the Vyatichi, Cherven cities, as well as the lands on both sides of the Carpathians.
1.2. Pagan reform. In order to strengthen the grand-ducal power and introduce Rus' to the rest of the world, in 980 Vladimir carried out the Pagan Reform, according to which Perun was placed at the head of the pantheon of Slavic gods. After the failure of the reform, Vladimir I decided to baptize Rus' according to the Byzantine rite.
1.3. Acceptance of Christianity. After the failure of the pagan reform, under Vladimir in 988, Christianity was adopted as the state religion. The baptism of Vladimir and his entourage took place in the city of Korsun. The reason for choosing Christianity as the main religion was the marriage of Vladimir to the Byzantine princess Anna and the prevalence of this faith in Rus'.
2. Foreign policy:
2.1. Protection of the borders of Rus'. Under Vladimir, for the purpose of protection, a Unified Defense System against nomads and an Alert System were created.
2.2. The defeat of the Radimichi militia, the campaign in Volga Bulgaria, the first clash between Rus' and Poland, as well as the conquest of the Principality of Polotsk.

Activity results:
1. Domestic policy:
1.1. The unification of all the lands of the Eastern Slavs as part of Kievan Rus.
1.2. The reform streamlined the pagan pantheon. Encouraged Prince Vladimir to turn to a fundamentally new religion.
1.3. Strengthening princely power, raising the country's authority on the world stage, borrowing Byzantine culture: frescoes, architecture, icon painting, the Bible was translated into Slavic language...
2. Foreign policy:
2.1. The Unified Defense System against nomads and the Alert System helped to quickly notify the center of a border crossing, and, accordingly, of an attack, which gave Rus' an advantage.
2.2. Expansion of the borders of Rus' through the active foreign policy of Prince Vladimir the Saint.

After Vladimir, Yaroslav, nicknamed the Wise, turned out to be a very noticeable ruler.

Yaroslav the Wise

Lifetime: endX – middle11th century

Reign: 1019–1054

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Establishing dynastic ties with Europe and Byzantium through dynastic marriages.

1.2. Founder of written Russian legislation - “Russian Truth”

1.3. Built St. Sophia Cathedral and Golden Gate

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Military campaigns in the Baltic states

2.2. The final defeat of the Pechenegs

2.3. Military campaign against Byzantium and Polish-Lithuanian lands

Results of activities:

During the reign of Yaroslav, Rus' reached its peak. Kyiv has become one of largest cities Europe, the authority of Rus' increased on the world stage, and the active construction of temples and cathedrals began.

And the last prince, whose characteristics we will give in this post, will be Vladimir II.

Vladimir Monomakh

INTime of life: second half of the 11th century - first quarter of the 12th century.

Reign: 1113-1125

Main activities:

1. Domestic policy:

1.1. Stopped the collapse of the Old Russian state. “Let everyone keep his homeland”

1.2. Nestor compiled “The Tale of Bygone Years”

1.3. Introduced the “Charter of Vladimir Monomakh”

2. Foreign policy:

2.1. Organized successful campaigns of princes against the Polovtsians

2.2. Continued the policy of strengthening dynastic ties with Europe

Results of activities:

He was able to unite the Russian lands for a short time, became the author of “Instructions for Children”, and managed to stop the Polovtsian raids on Rus'.

© Ivan Nekrasov 2014

Here is a post, dear readers of the site! I hope he helped you find your way around the first princes of Ancient Rus'. The best thanks for this post are your recommendations in social networks! You may not care, but I’m pleased))

Domestic policy of the former Kyiv princes- Oleg (879-912), Igor (912-945), Olga (945-957), Svyatoslav (957-972) - had two components: 1) expansion of the territory due to the annexation of Slavic tribes (Drevlyans, Northerners, Radimichi, Krivichi ), separation of the Vyatichi land from the Khazar Khaganate; 2) collection of tribute from these territories.

The rulers of the Old Russian state earned their livelihood through military campaigns, trade and collection of tribute, and all this was then sold mainly to Byzantium. The reign of Oleg, nicknamed “the Prophetic,” lasted 33 years. After annexing Kyiv, Oleg subjugated the Drevlyans, Northerners and Radimichi. In 907, Prince Oleg made a successful campaign against Byzantium. in honor of his victory, he ordered a shield to be nailed to the gates of Constantinople. They received a huge tribute, but also concluded an international treaty. In 911, a new treaty was signed with Byzantium, clarifying a number of provisions of the previous one. Oleg's heir Igor continued his policy. Prince Igor launched new campaigns against Constantinople in 941 and 945. The reason for them was the refusal of the Greeks to pay tribute to Rus'. As a result, the treaty of 944 was signed. He again had to fight the Drevlyans. He died in the fight against the Drevlyans. In 945, having taken tribute from the Drevlyans, he and a small retinue returned for additional tribute. Igor was killed. Olga went to war on the Drevlyansky land. She managed to defeat the Drevlyans, their capital was burned, some of the Drevlyans were enslaved, and tribute was imposed on the rest. . In 955 (according to other sources - in 957) Olga visited Constantinople, where she converted to Christianity. It is possible that the baptism took place and on the eve of the trip Olga sought to strengthen allied relations with Byzantium. Rus' provided military assistance to the empire in the fight against the Arabs. The son of Igor and Olga, Svyatoslav, paid more attention not to internal, but to external affairs. However, he also managed to subjugate the Vyatichi to his power. The foreign policy of the first Kyiv princes was closely linked to trade. This also determined the main directions of Rus'’s foreign policy: relations with Byzantium and the Khazar Kaganate; protection of borders and trade routes from nomads. Treaties between Rus' and Byzantium established allied relations between the states. They determined the procedure for ransoming prisoners, the rules for conducting legal proceedings, and stipulated the conditions for the entry of Russian warriors into Byzantine service. In addition, according to the treaty of 944, everyone who visited Constantinople was given special letters from the Grand Duke of Kyiv. The agreements created favorable conditions for Russian merchants and granted them the right to duty-free trade. At the beginning of his reign, Svyatoslav freed the Vyatichi from Khazar tribute and included them in his state (964-966). Then, at the end of the 60s. 9th century , defeated Khazaria and thereby established control over the most important trade route “from the Varangians to the Arabs.” The most important direction in the activities of the rulers of Ancient Rus' was the protection of trade routes and the defense of the southern borders from nomads. This problem became particularly acute with the appearance of the Pechenegs in the southern Russian steppes. From the first years of his reign in Kyiv, Oleg began to build a kind of protective belt. It was at their hands that Prince Svyatoslav died in 972, returning from Byzantium.

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  • Reign of Oleg (879 - 912). Oleg turned out to be a warlike and enterprising ruler. He liked Kyiv and made it his main city. To gain a foothold in Kyiv, he began to build cities and plant his warriors in them. Oleg began to actively subjugate the Slavic tribes to his power. Thus, he included the lands of the Drevlyans, Northerners, and Radimichi into his possessions. Oleg and his squad collected tribute from the conquered tribes. But the tribute had to be paid. For Oleg, the opportunity to trade with his southern neighbor, Byzantium, was very important. He planned a big campaign against Byzantium.
    In 907 and 911 he made two successful campaigns against Constantinople. The Greeks were forced to conclude an agreement on terms favorable to the Russians. According to the chroniclers, the agreement was concluded “for two harathys.” This suggests that Russian writing appeared even before the adoption of Christianity. Before the appearance of Russkaya Pravda, legislation was also being developed. The agreement with the Greeks mentioned the “Russian Law”, according to which the inhabitants of Kievan Rus were judged. According to the agreement, Russian merchants had the right to live for a month at the expense of the Greeks in Constantinople, but were obliged to walk around the city without weapons. At the same time, merchants had to have written documents with them and warn the Byzantine emperor about their arrival in advance. The concluded agreement provided the possibility of exporting tribute collected in Rus' and selling it in the markets of Byzantium. In addition, Oleg took a huge tribute from Constantinople, which was enough not only for him and his warriors who were with him on the campaign, but also for those who were stationed in different Russian cities.
    The fame of Oleg's successful campaigns quickly spread. Most likely, they began to talk about Oleg’s intelligence, cunning, and courage. The stories turned into legends. His death is also covered in legend. The magician predicted to Oleg that he would die from his horse. Oleg forbade bringing the horse near him. Many years later, he remembered his dead horse and laughed at the magician’s prediction. He decided to look at the bones of his horse. When I arrived at the place, I stepped on the horse’s skull. A snake crawled out from there and bit him on the leg. Oleg fell ill from this and died.
    The name of Oleg, as the first, distant ruler, is surrounded by mystery and turned out to be unusually attractive to descendants. Folk memory endowed him with special, inhuman abilities. He remained in history as a “sorcerer”, “prophetic”.
    Reign of Igor (912 - 945). After Oleg, Rurik’s son Igor began to reign in Kyiv. He also made military campaigns, but they were not so successful. In 913, Igor's raid on the Caspian residents ended in the defeat of his squad. Following the example of Oleg, he planned a campaign against Byzantium. But the Byzantine emperor paid off with rich gifts. In 944, the agreement with Byzantium was confirmed, but on less favorable terms. In his old age, Igor himself did not go for tribute to the subordinate peoples, but entrusted it to his warrior Sveneld. Sveneld collected rich tribute in the land of the Drevlyans. This caused a murmur from Igor’s squad. The warriors told Igor: “The youths of Sveneld are dressed in weapons and ports, and we are naked. Come, prince, with us for tribute, and you will get it for yourself and for us.”
    Igor collected tribute from the Drevlyans and was already returning back to Kyiv, when he suddenly decided to return with a small part of his squad and once again collect tribute from the Drevlyans. The Drevlyans were indignant and gathered at a meeting with their foreman Mal. The Veche decided: “If a wolf gets into the habit of getting close to the sheep, he will drag everyone away if he is not killed.” When Igor began to collect tribute by force, the Drevlyans killed his entire squad. There is a legend that they, having bent the trunks of two trees to one another, tied Igor to them, then released them. The Kyiv prince was torn into two parts.
    Olga's reign (945 - 957). Igor's wife Olga brutally avenged her husband's death. She buried the first embassy of the Drevlyans alive in the ground, and burned the second. The Drevlyans were also killed at the funeral feast (funeral). Then, according to the chronicle, Olga demanded from the Drevlyans a tribute of three doves and three sparrows from each yard. A lighted tow with sulfur was tied to the birds' feet. The pigeons and sparrows returned to their nests, and the capital of the Drevlyans, Korosten, burst into flames. Up to 5 thousand people died in the fire. However, Olga was forced to streamline the collection of tribute. She established “lessons” - the amount of tribute and “cemeteries” - places for collecting tribute.
    During the reign of Igor and Olga, the lands of the Tivertsy, Ulichs and finally the Drevlyans were annexed to Kyiv.
    But Olga’s most important act was that she was the first of the Kyiv rulers to convert to Christianity. Russians have been familiar with Christianity for a long time. They traveled to Constantinople, and the splendor and pomp of Christian churches and services could not fail to impress. Under Igor, she was already in Kyiv christian church Saint Elijah the Prophet. In 957 Olga went to Constantinople. Byzantium was very interested in Rus' accepting its religion. Olga was received by Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus and the Empress. The Patriarch of Constantinople himself performed the baptismal ceremony over Olga. Konstantin Porphyrogenitus became her godfather. Later, Princess Olga was named Russian Orthodox Church saint.
    The reign of Svyatoslav (957 - 972). The son of Igor and Olga, Svyatoslav, went down in history as a talented commander. He devoted his entire life to the fight against nomads. IN everyday life he was unpretentious: he did not take any tents with him, he slept on the ground, and no special dishes were prepared for him. Before the attack, he usually warned: “I’m coming at you.”
    Svyatoslav annexed the lands of the Vyatichi and Mordovian tribes to Kyiv, successfully fought in the North Caucasus and the Azov coast, captured Tmutarakan on the Taman Peninsula, and repelled the onslaught of the Pechenegs. Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Kaganate. Khazaria as a state no longer existed. The Byzantine emperor involved him in his conflicts with Danube Bulgaria. In 968 Svyatoslav defeated the Bulgarians. He liked Bulgaria so much that he decided to move his capital to the Danube. But in Kyiv, the elderly mother, Princess Olga, was waiting with her grandchildren. In addition, the Pechenegs were approaching Kyiv itself. Svyatoslav had to return to Kyiv.
    At this time the situation in Byzantium changed. The new emperor John Tzimiskes was himself an excellent warrior. Svyatoslav's fortification on the Danube posed a danger to Byzantium. Svyatoslav began a conflict with John Tzimiskes over the Danube possessions. In one of the battles he was surrounded by 100 thousand Byzantine troops. Svyatoslav barely escaped captivity.
    Svyatoslav returned with the remnants of his army. In 972, the Pechenegs waylaid him at the Dnieper rapids. Svyatoslav died in the battle. Tradition says that the Pecheneg leader, Kurya, ordered a cup to be made from Svyatoslav’s skull and drank beer from it at feasts. Thus, common features can be traced in the policies of the first Kyiv princes. They persistently expanded their possessions, subduing more and more Slavic tribes, and waged a constant struggle with the nomads - the Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsians; sought to provide more favorable conditions for trade with Byzantium.
    As a result of the activities of the first Kyiv princes, the state was strengthened, Rus' significantly expanded its possessions and entered the international arena.

    According to the Tale of Bygone Years, in 862, the leader Rurik was invited by the Slavs from overseas to reign over them. Thus began to form one of the most large states Middle Ages - Rus'. But what allowed it to reach large territorial sizes? It is necessary to understand what the foreign policy of the first Russian princes was.

    Rurik and Oleg

    As you know, Rurik did not come alone. He himself sat down to reign in Novgorod, and put his brothers Sienus and Truvor to reign in Beloozero and Izborsk, respectively. Rurik’s task was to unite all the nearby tribes around himself, which he did, imposing tribute on them and laying the foundations of the future state.

    Rice. 1. Calling the Varangians to Rus'.

    In 879 Rurik died. His son Igor was supposed to become the prince, but due to his youth, the first prince’s closest ally, Oleg, took over the reins of power.

    In 882, Oleg subjugated the city of Kyiv to his power and moved the capital there, calling it “Mother of Russian Cities.”

    Having captured Kyiv, Oleg established control over the Dnieper River, which allowed Rus' to completely control the important trade route"From the Varangians to the Greeks." Also, thanks to the capture of Kyiv, the Slovenes, Krivichi and Merya were subordinated.

    In 907 and 911, Oleg and his retinue made two military campaigns against Byzantium, the results of which were the conclusion of duty-free trade agreements beneficial for Rus' and the receipt of tribute from the Romans.

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    Board of Igor and Olga

    In 912 Oleg dies and Igor becomes Grand Duke. His reign began with the suppression of the uprising of the Drevlyans, whom he imposed even greater tribute.

    According to an agreement with Byzantium, Igor went to war against the Khazars, but was defeated near the city of Samkerts on the Taman Peninsula.
    Igor continued Oleg's policies and made two campaigns against Byzantium. The campaign of 941 ended extremely unsuccessfully - the Slavic fleet was burned by Greek fire, and the captured soldiers were executed in Constantinople.

    In 944, Igor launched a second campaign, during which most of the Balkans were devastated. An agreement was concluded abolishing duty-free trade and obliging Rus' to defend the Byzantine Crimea.

    In 943 or 944, the Rus raided the capital of Caucasian Albania, the city of Berdaa. After spending about six months in the city, the Rus left there, taking with them women, children and other booty.

    In 945, Igor was killed by the Drevlyans for attempting to collect tribute a second time. Young Svyatoslav became the new prince, and Igor’s wife, Olga, became his regent. In 946, the Drevlyan uprising was brutally suppressed.

    In 957, Olga visited Constantinople with the goal of establishing trade, cultural and military ties with Byzantium. To strengthen relations with the Romans, Olga was baptized in the Cathedral of St. Sophia.

    Rice. 2. Baptism of Princess Olga.

    In 960 Russian army helped the Romans in the defense of Crete from the Arabs. Olga died in 969.

    Svyatoslav's reign

    There are legends about the personality of Prince Svyatoslav. According to historians, he did not like and was not cut out to rule. His destiny was war, to which he devoted his entire life. Summarizing the foreign policy of Svyatoslav and his predecessors, we will form a table of the foreign policy of the first Russian princes.

    Svyatoslav managed to solve the main eastern problem of Rus' - he destroyed the Khazar Khaganate, which carried out constant raids on Rus' and imposed tribute on the border Slavic tribes. Dreaming of proving his greatness as a commander, he got involved in a war with Byzantium and proved it in the heroic battle of Dorostol. Returning to Kyiv, he was killed by the Pechenegs on the Dnieper rapids.

    Rice. 3. Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich.

    What have we learned?

    The foreign policy of the first Russian princes was aimed at strengthening and expanding the borders of young Rus', as well as increasing the level of their security. Their task was to preserve the integrity of the state and the subordination of all Slavic tribes to one center - Kyiv.

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