The geographical location of China is briefly the most important thing. Geographical location. natural conditions and population of Ancient China. Land resources and minerals

China is a country located in East Asia. Russia, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are the countries with which China borders. The country's territory is washed by such seas as the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. The People's Republic of China includes several islands, including the island of Taiwan.

The territory of China is usually divided into two parts, which have a whole range of differences, ranging from natural to historical features. Thus, the western part of the state has a rather low population density and also has a continental climate. The southwestern part of China is home to the highest plateau (world scale is meant here) - Tibet, around which are located the highest mountain systems - the Himalayas, Karakorum, Nan Shan, Kun Lun. To the north of these mountain systems are concentrated lower mountains, such as the Mongolian Altai and Tien Shan. In fairly extensive intermountain basins and flat areas of the northern and northwestern parts of the country there are deserts - Alashan, Taklamakan, Gobi. This territory has a predominantly sharply continental, dry climate.

The eastern part of the country is characterized by a predominance of plateaus, as well as low- and mid-mountain massifs. These are the Loess Plateau, Greater Khingan, Manchu-Korean Mountains, Lesser Khingan and others. It is not for nothing that the Great Chinese Plain bears its proud name. It occupies a significant part of the area of ​​Eastern China. It experiences a monsoonal, humid climate that ranges from temperate in the northeast to tropical in the southeast. The Yangtze and Yellow River are considered to be one of the largest rivers in China; the Yellow River is also called the Yellow River. The mountains of western China are also the starting point for such Asian rivers as the Ganges, Indus, Mekong, and Brahmaputra. Kukunor, Dongting and Poyang are the largest lakes in China. Together with Russia, China shares Lake Hanku - China owns the northern part of the lake, and Russia the southern.

The climatic features of the PRC are such that in the west of the country cattle breeding (nomadic) is considered more developed, while in the east of the country agriculture predominates.

Mineral resources are considered the main wealth of China. China ranks first in the world in terms of coal reserves. In addition, China is rich in reserves of oil, polymetallic and iron ores. The country has significant reserves of rare metals. Of the main mining regions of the country, southern Manchuria and the southeastern part should be highlighted.

The area of ​​mainland China at 9.5 million square kilometers is approximately the size of the United States or all of Europe to the Urals. In terms of territory size, China ranks third in the world - taking into account the special administrative regions of Hong Kong, Taiwan and the islands, its area is 9.634 million km2.

From north to south, the length of Chinese territory is almost 50º (from the northernmost point in the vicinity of the city of Mohe, located at 53º31′ N to Cape Zenmuan (4º15′ N) in the south). From east to west, China extends almost 62º - from Heilongjiang province to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region inclusive.

In kilometers, the length of the country from north to south is about 4500 km; from east to west - 4200 km. The coastline of all China's maritime borders is 14,000 km. The longest river is the Yangtze (6300 km), the highest mountain is Everest with 8844 m, the largest lake is Qinghai, with an area of ​​about 5000 km².

REFERENCE: cities occupy 1.5% of the country's area, wetlands - 2%, deserts -6.5%, forests - 9%, deserts - 21%, pastures - 24%. Arable land accounts for 36% of the territory.

Main areas

The relief, climatic conditions and, consequently, the habitability of individual regions of the country vary greatly - from 400 people. per 1 km2 in some eastern provinces, up to 1 person or less per 1 km2 in the north-west of the country. The territory can be divided into three regions.

Southeast China is characterized by four large, densely populated floodplains. The deltas of the largest rivers are located on the coast. The southeastern coastline is mountainous, while the south is more hilly. Maximum height region 500 meters above sea level.

To the west of the plains there are numerous plateau mountains and large basins: the Mongolian Plateau, Tarim Basin, Sichuan Basin, Loess Plateau or Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The mountains here range in height from 1000 to 2000 meters. The huge Loess Plateau, with an area of ​​about 430 thousand km2, has very fertile soil and plays a vital role in agriculture countries. The natural steppe and forest-steppe vegetation for this zone has been preserved only in hard-to-reach places unsuitable for agriculture. Cotton, kaoliang, millet and wheat are grown on artificial slope terraces.

Western China has a pronounced highland character with intermediate plateaus. The largest mountains: the Himalayas, Tien Shan, Pamir and the highlands of Tibet. The entire region is located at an altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest in the world. The west, along with Inner Mongolia, is also the driest part of the country, thanks to the Gobi and Taklamakan.

The climate is as varied as the geography: the west, north and northeast have a distinct continental climate with very cold winters and hot summers. On the other hand, in the south the climate is subtropical. Tibet has its own special highland climate.

Rivers and seas

The most important rivers in China are the Changjiang (Yangtze) and the Yellow River (Yellow River). Both of them climb Mount Kunlunshan. Chang Jiang then passes through Yunnan and Sichuan. Then Changjiang passes Wuhan, where it floods very widely. Near Shanghai it flows into the East China Sea. The length of the Changjiang is 6,300 km, making it the third longest river in the world. This is the most important waterway in China.

The 1,800 km long Emperor's Canal connects Changjiang to the Yellow River. The length of this river, which flows into the Yellow Sea, is 5464 km.

The Mekong River originates in Tibet and flows south through Yunnan. It then flows along the border between Laos and Burma, Laos and Thailand, after which it passes through Cambodia, Vietnam, and flows into the South China Sea. The length of the river is 4500 km.

In the east and southeast, China is surrounded by seas. To the northeast is the Yellow Sea, to the south is the East China Sea, and to the southeast is the South China Sea.

Borders with other countries

Chinese People's Republic borders with 14 countries: India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal. Its neighbors by sea are 8 countries - North and South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. In terms of the number of neighboring countries, taking into account land and sea borders, China ranks first in the world.

The country is separated from its neighbors by a number of natural boundaries: the east and southeast by seas (Yellow, East China and South China), the south, southwest, west and northwest by high mountain ranges, the north by steppes and deserts, the north east – by the Amur and Ussuri rivers.


China is a developed country in East Asia, the largest country in the world by population (over 1.3 billion), ranks third in the world in terms of territory, behind Russia and Canada.

What it is washed with, what it borders on.From the east, China is washed by the waters of the western seas Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​China is 9.6 million km². China is the largest country in Asia. The total length of China's land borders is 22,117 km with 14 countries. The coast of China stretches from the border with North Korea in the north to Vietnam in the south and has a length of 14,500 km. China is bordered by the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea and South China Sea. The island of Taiwan is separated from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait.

Climate. China's climate is very diverse, ranging from subtropical in the south to temperate in the north. On the coast, the weather is determined by the monsoons, which occur due to the different absorption properties of the land and ocean. Seasonal air movements and accompanying winds contain large number moisture in summer and quite dry in winter. The arrival and departure of the monsoons largely determine the amount and distribution of rainfall across the country. More than 2/3 of the country is occupied by mountain ranges, highlands and plateaus, deserts and semi-deserts. Approximately 90% of the population lives in coastal areas and floodplains of large rivers such as the Yangtze, Yellow River and Pearl. These areas are in a difficult ecological condition as a result of long and intensive agricultural cultivation and environmental pollution.

Southern and eastern regions China often (about 5 times a year) suffers from destructive typhoons, as well as floods, monsoons, tsunamis and droughts. Northern regions Every spring, China is hit by yellow dust storms that originate in the northern deserts and are carried by winds towards Korea and Japan.

Water resources. China has many rivers, with a total length of 220,000 km. Over 5,000 of them carry water collected from an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. km each. China's rivers form inland and external systems. External rivers are the Yangtze, Yellow River, Nujiang and others with access to the Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans; their total drainage area covers about 64% of the country's territory.

There are many lakes in China, the total area they occupy is approximately 80,000 square meters. km. There are also thousands of artificial lakes and reservoirs.

Relief. China's topography is very diverse, with high mountains, depressions, deserts and vast plains. There are usually three major geographic regions:

· The Tibetan Plateau, with an altitude of more than 2000 m above sea level, is located in the southwest of the country

· The belt of mountains and high plains has an altitude of 200 x 2000 m, located in the northern part

· Low accumulative plains below 200 m in height and low mountains in the northeast, east and south of the country, where most of China's population lives.

The Great Plain of China, the Yellow River Valley and the Yangtze Delta unite near the sea coast, stretching from Beijing in the north to Shanghai in the south. The basin of the Pearl River (and its main tributary, the Xijiang) is located in southern China and is separated from the Yangtze River basin by the Nanling Mountains and the Wuyi Range (which is a World Heritage Site in China).

Vegetation.There are about 500 species of bamboo in China, forming 3% of the forests. Bamboo thickets, found in 18 provinces, are not only a habitat for many animals, but also a source of valuable raw materials. Their woody culms (stems) are widely used in industry.

Minerals.China is rich in a variety of fuels and raw materials mineral resources. Especially great value have reserves of oil, coal, and metal ores. China has deposits of nearly 150 world-known minerals. The main source of energy in China is coal, its reserves in the country account for 1/3 of the world's reserves. Coal deposits, the reserves of which China is inferior to few countries, are concentrated mainly in Northern China. Another important source of energy resources is oil. In terms of oil reserves, China holds a prominent place among the countries of Central, East and Southeast Asia. Oil deposits have been found in various areas, but they are most significant in Northeast China, the coastal areas and shelf of Northern China, as well as in some inland areas

Population. About 55 different peoples live in China, each with their own customs, national costumes and in many cases with own language. But for all their diversity and richness of cultural traditions, these peoples make up only about 7% of the country’s population, main part which is formed by the Chinese who call themselves “Han”. Modernization of society and interethnic marriages inevitably lead to the blurring of differences between ethnic groups, and yet many of them are proud of their heritage and remain faithful to customs and beliefs. Even though natural increase The population in China has already dropped to the average level, it is still growing much year after year due to the huge base figure. Between 1990 and 2000 the population grew by almost 12 million annually on average. The government's target is one child per family, with exceptions for ethnic minorities. The government's goal is to stabilize population growth at the beginning of the 21st century.

Population distribution.Land suitable for agricultural use makes up only 10% of China's territory, and it is located mainly in coastal provinces. Approximately 90% of China's total population lives in an area that accounts for only 40% of the country's total area. The most densely populated areas are the lower Yangtze Delta and the North China Plain. China's vast peripheral territories are virtually deserted. The average population density of the country, according to 1998 data, was 131 people per 1 sq. km.

Language. The Chinese have their own spoken and written language, Chinese, which is used both within and outside the country. The total number of Chinese speakers exceeds 1 billion people.

Largest cities China

1. Shanghai - 15,017,783 people 2. Beijing - 7,602,069 people 3. Xi'an - 4,091,916 people 4. Harbin - 3,279,454 people 5. Guangzhou (Canton) - 3,158,125 people 6. Dalian - 2,076,179 people

In total, there are 40 cities in China with a population of more than 1 million people.

Main industries.Today, the country's industrial structure is represented by more than 360 industries. In addition to the traditional ones, new modern ones have been created, such as: electronics, petrochemistry, aircraft manufacturing, metallurgy of rare and trace metals. Fuel and energy industries are among the weak links in China's industrial complex. Despite the presence of rich natural resources, the development of extractive industries in general lags behind manufacturing ones. For recent years In China, the capacity of the coal mining industry has increased significantly, and the production volume of enterprises exceeded 920 million tons already in 1989. The oil industry accounts for 21% of the production of fuel and energy resources. In general, the country has more than 32 oil production enterprises, with total oil reserves amounting to 64 billion tons. Southern China and especially its Eastern zone are rich in natural gas reserves, which are estimated at 4 thousand billion tons. The largest center of gas production and processing is Senhua Province. Nevertheless, the leading industries in China still remain light industry like textile and food, which account for more than 21% of all industrial products produced. In terms of iron ore reserves, China ranks third (after Russia and Belgium). Ferrous metallurgy enterprises exceed 1.5 thousand and are located in almost all provinces and autonomous regions.

Agriculture.Since the 90s of the last century, China has ranked first in the world in the production of grains, meat, cotton, rapeseed, fruit, leaf tobacco, second in the production of tea and wool, and third or fourth in the production of soybeans, sugar cane and jute. In China great variety land resources, but there are many mountainous areas and few plains. Plains make up 43% of the country's total land area. China has 127 million hectares of arable land, which is approximately 7% of all arable land in the world.

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Located in the eastern part Eurasian continent, on the west coast Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the territory is almost 9.6 million sq. km (1/4 of the area of ​​Asia, 1/14 of the land globe) – China is the third country in the world, second only to Russia and Canada.

In terms of population - 1.31 billion people, China ranks first in the world. The population is distributed very unevenly: in some provinces in the east of the country it exceeds 400 people per 1 sq. km, while in the desert and highlands of the western and northwestern regions there are in some places less than 1 person per square kilometer.

Most of the country's territory is located between 20º and 50º north latitude and belongs to the temperate zone. The most western point (73º40′ E) lies west of Wuqia County in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). Extreme eastern point (135º5′ E) is located at the confluence of the Heilongjiang (Amur) and Ussuri rivers. Northern the tip of the country (53º31′ N) is located on the fairway of the Heilongjiang River north of the city Mohe. South point (4º15′ N) – Cape Zengmuansha at the southern tip of the Nansha archipelago.

Thus, the length of the country from north to south is approximately 5.5 thousand km, from west to east – 5.2 thousand km. China has long borders: the length of the land border reaches 22,143 km, of which more than 7.5 thousand km are on the border with the CIS countries, and the mainland coastline is more than 14,500 km.

In the northeast, China borders with North Korea, in the north - with Russia and Mongolia, in the northwest - with the former Soviet republics, and now independent member states of the CIS - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in the west and southwest - with Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan, in the south - with Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. China also shares maritime borders with South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.

China washed the waters of three seas - the Yellow, East China and South China, which are marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Bohai Gulf Yellow Sea. It is characteristic that in Chinese-language literature the Bohai Gulf is often singled out as a separate sea.

Mainland coastline It is characterized by a generally flat topography and is dissected by numerous bays; there are many beautiful bays and convenient harbors, most of which are ice-free.

However, in recent years, a tendency for the water level to gradually rise has begun to be observed in the coastal strip. According to calculations by the State Oceanographic Administration of China, sea levels in the coastal areas of the country will constantly rise over the next 3-10 years. Currently, the highest rates of sea transgression are observed in the Tianjin region, where over the past 50 years the average annual rate of water level rise has been 2.5 mm, which is slightly higher than the world average. In general, the trend of “wave-like” sea level rise has continued in recent years. In 2003 intermediate level sea ​​level in the country was 60 mm higher than the figure recorded in previous years. Apparently, one of the reasons for this is global warming.

The total area of ​​China's territorial waters is approximately 4.73 million sq. km (data from different sources differ slightly), where there are more than 5.4 thousand islands. Of these, the largest are Taiwan and Hainan.

The most eastern islands China are Diaoyu and Chiweiyu, located northeast of Taiwan. The Diaoyu Islands (Japanese: Senkaku) are the subject of a territorial dispute between China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The total area of ​​this island group, lying on the continental shelf of the East China Sea, does not exceed 6.3 sq km. However, significant oil reserves were discovered here. Given that both China and Japan are among the world's largest oil importers, this dispute has important political and economic importance.

There are also unresolved territorial issues in the South China Sea, primarily related to the Paracel Islands (Chinese). Xisha Qundao西沙群岛) and the Spratly Islands (Chinese. Nansha Qundao南沙群岛). The Paracel Islands are claimed by China and Vietnam, and a number of states are fighting over the Spratlys - China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. The area of ​​the Paracel Islands is approximately 3 sq km, and the island. Itu Aba, the largest of the Spratly Islands, is only 0.42 sq km, although the Spratly region itself has a length of more than 1000 km, where more than 100 islands are located. Again, despite the sufficient distance from the coast of China (the Paracel Islands are 250 km, and the Spratly Islands are 1000 km from Hainan Island) and the proximity to the coasts of Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia (70-200 km), the dispute is, in fact, over right of possession oil fields, as well as for control over one of the most intense international shipping routes between the Pacific and Indian oceans, and, accordingly, over cargo flows of important economic importance (oil, ores, food, industrial products, etc.).

In addition, the very belonging of the island of Taiwan to China is not obvious, although the Chinese authorities recognize the existence of only one China. It is declared that "Taiwan Province is an integral part of the People's Republic of China, and any state that has established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China must sever all official contacts with the Administration of Taiwan."

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Ancient China arose on the basis of Neolithic cultures that developed in the 5th - 3rd millennia BC. e. in the middle reaches of the Yellow River. The Yellow River basin became the main formation area ancient civilization China, which developed for a long time in conditions of relative isolation. Only from the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. the process of expanding the territory begins in a southerly direction, first to the area of ​​the Yangza basin, and then further to the south. At the end of our era, the state of Ancient China extended far beyond the Yellow River basin, although the northern border of the ethnic territory of the ancient Chinese remained almost unchanged.

China occupies a significant part of the territory of Eastern and Central Asia. The diversity of China's landscape is not surprising. This huge country stretches for five and a half thousand kilometers from the banks of the border Siberian Amur River in the north, to the tropical islands (at the latitude of Thailand) in the South China Sea in the south. And five thousand two hundred kilometers from west to east, from the Pamir passes to the Shandong Peninsula.

The terrain of China is predominantly mountainous, with significant elevation changes. There are two main parts of the territory - the western, or Central Asian, predominantly with high-mountain or plateau terrain, and the eastern, which is dominated by deeply dissected mid-altitude and low mountains, alternating with lowlands and plains. The south of the Central Asian part is occupied by the Tibetan Plateau.

Its base lies at an altitude of 4000-5000 meters. Along the outskirts of the highlands stretch the large mountain systems of the Karakoram, Kunlun, Nanshan and Sino-Tibetan mountains, with peaks of 7000-8000 meters or more. In the Himalayas, China owns only the northern slope, where the highest peak - Chomolungma (Chomolungma) or Everest - is located on the border of China and Nepal, 8848 meters above sea level. It is in these mountainous areas The Yellow River and Yangtze originate, carrying their waters to the east - into the East China and South China Seas.

The north of the Central Asian part is a belt of plateaus, hills, plateaus and partly mountains. This belt includes in the West the Tarim and Dzungarian basins, separated by the Tien Shan mountain system, in the East - the elevated plains of the Gobi and Bargi and the Ordos Plateau. The prevailing heights are 900-1200 meters. In the south are the Nanling Mountains, the Jianghan Plain, the Guizhou Plateau, the Sichuan Basin and the Yunnan Plateau. This part also includes large islands, mainly with mountainous terrain - Taiwan and Hainan.

The central regions of China are the kingdom of the great Yangtze River, which supposedly divides the country into north and south. To the north of it is the Great Chinese Plain, along which another large river China - Yellow River. The inhabitants of the plains built levees for many centuries in an effort to protect themselves and their fields from devastating floods.

The dams rose higher and higher as the river bed filled with silt, and now the Yellow River bed rises several meters above the surrounding area, the river flowing on its own sediment. To the south of the Yangtze, rice fields stretch for hundreds of kilometers - an integral part of Chinese landscapes. In the subtropical southeastern part of China rise the South China Mountains, the slopes of which are continuous terraces.

Here you can see tea plantations and the very “Chinese camellia” that has conquered the whole world.

In southern China, tea has been drunk for more than two thousand years. In the 9th century, tea spread from China to Japan, then to Korea. And tea came to Russia from Asia through Siberia. In 1567, Cossack atamans who visited China described a Chinese drink unknown in Rus'. A century later, tea appeared at the royal court, brought by Ambassador Vasily Starkov as a gift from the Mongol Khan.

Naturally, the climate in different areas is like this big country not the same. China is located within three climatic zones: temperate, subtropical and tropical. Differences in air temperature are especially pronounced in winter. So, in January in Harbin the temperature often drops to -20° C, and at this time in Guangzhou +15° C.

In summer the temperature difference is not so great. Climatic contrasts can be fully experienced in the northwestern part of China. Here, hot summers give way to cold winters. Winter is most severe in the areas west of the Greater Khingan ridge, where average January temperatures drop to -28° C, and the absolute minimum temperature reaches -50° C. But in the summer there is real heat here, especially in the intermountain basins. The hottest place in China is the Turfan depression, which is located north of the Taklamakan desert, in the spurs of the Tien Shan. In July, the air here heats up to +50° C.

In Beijing, the climate is more familiar to Russians. In the North China Lowland, despite the proximity of the sea, a continental climate prevails. In winter, from October to March, icy winds from Siberia blow here, but the humidity is low, making the frost relatively easy to bear. In winter, when it snows, the pagodas and courtyards of the Summer Palace look incredibly picturesque. Then a short spring comes and sandstorms hit the city. Summer in Beijing is much hotter than, for example, in Moscow. In September, golden foliage indicates the approach of autumn.

In Shanghai, the climate is much warmer; in winter the temperature rarely drops below zero, but the air humidity is very high and amounts to 85–95%. In summer it is very hot and humid. Even further south, Guangzhou enjoys a subtropical monsoon climate.

The summer monsoon carries a huge amount of water, so summers here are muggy and humid. In June–September there are heavy rains, typhoons often occur (their name comes from the Chinese phrase da feng - big wind), which cause downpours and hurricanes in these places. Winter is warm and humid.

The ideal time to travel to China is late spring, especially May. Warm and comfortable weather in most of China also occurs in autumn, in September–October, and in the south in November–December.

Article topic: Geographical location China

Main rivers of China:

Yangtze - Length - 6300 km. The basin area is 1,807,199 sq. km.

The catchment areas are Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shanghai.

Outflow into the East China Sea

Yellow River - Length - 5464 km. The basin area is 752,443 sq. km.

Catchment areas - Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong

Outflow into the Bohai Sea

Heilongjiang - Length - 3420 km. The basin area is 1,620,170 sq. km.

Catchment areas - Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang

Flow into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Zhujiang - Length - 2197 km. The basin area is 452,616 sq. km.

Drainage areas - Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong

Outflow into the South China Sea

Lancangjiang - Length - 2153 km. The basin area is 161,430 sq. km.

Catchment areas - Qinghai, Tibet and Yunnan

Outflow into the South China Sea

Yalutsangpo - Length - 2057 km. The basin area is 240,480 sq. km.

Catchment areas – Tibet

Flow into the Bay of Bengal

Nujiang - Length - 2013 km. The basin area is 124,830 sq. km.

Catchment areas - Tibet and Yunnan

Flow into the Bay of Bengal.

Main lakes of China

Qinghai - Area - 4583 sq. km. Depth - 32.8 m. Height - 3196 m. Qinghai.

Shinkai - Area - 4500 sq. km. Depth - 10 m. Height - 69 m. Heilongjiang.

Poyang - Area - 3583 sq. km. Depth - 16 m. Height - 21 m. Jiangxi.

Dongting - Area - 2820 sq. km. Depth - 30.8 m. Height - 34.5 m. Hunan.

Khulun-Nur - Area - 2315 sq. km. Depth - 8.0 m. Height - 545.5 m. Inner Mongolia.

Nam Tso - Area - 1940 sq. km. Height - 4593 m. Tibet.

Selling-Tso - Area - 1530 sq. km. Height - 4514 m. Tibet.

About a quarter of China's territory is washed by seas. The eastern and southeastern coasts of the country are washed by the waters of the Bohai (inland sea), Yellow, East China and South China seas. One after another, these seas form a water basin total area 4.78 million square cells.

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