Why do I need knowledge of biology? What is biology for? What professions require biology? Implications for agriculture

Everything related to life on Earth is part of biology, which is the study of life. Why is biology needed? This science affects many aspects of human existence; there are a huge number of professions that in one way or another affect this basic science. This list includes career advancement and limitless employment options.

Biological Sciences

Why is biology needed? - one of the broadest and most important areas in the world today. Biology covers everything from the molecular study of life processes all the way to the study of animals and What Can You Do With a Biology Degree? Depending on individual interests and preferences, you can choose any profession to your liking in areas such as healthcare, medicine, the environment, education, biotechnology, criminology, politics and many others.

Why should you study biology?

What is biology for? Studying it teaches you to ask questions, make observations, evaluate evidence, and solve problems. Biologists learn how living things interact with each other, what they are made of, and how they develop. They study evolution, natural history and the protection of rare species of plants and animals, and also engage in research into the interactions of living organisms with light, the environment and each other.

What do biologists do?

Biologists study the natural world using the latest technologies scientific technologies, means and methods, both in laboratory conditions and in natural environment to understand how living systems work. Why do they need biology? Many work in exotic locations around the world, and what they discover may find practical application to solve specific problems. Biologists are developing public health campaigns to combat diseases such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer and heart disease. Their mission is also to prevent the spread of rare, incurable diseases, such as the notorious Ebola virus.

What professions require biology?

Where is biology needed? Knowing biology can help you build a career in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or medical research. These industries help to better understand the natural world, address issues of personal well-being, and also address topics of deterioration environment, which threatens human health, and the depletion of natural and food supplies.

Veterinarians who treat sick and injured animals, doctors, dentists, nurses and other healthcare professionals support the overall health and well-being of their patients. Many of these professions require additional education And vocational training. In the field of environmental management and environmental protection, biologists are engaged in solving environmental problems and preserving natural diversity for future generations.

Biology is a system of sciences about living nature. Among the various biological sciences, one of the first, more than two thousand years ago, was the science that studied plants - botany (from the Greek botane - greens) - and animals - zoology (from the Greek zoon - animal - and logos). Advances in the development of biology over time led to the emergence of its various directions, which you will become familiar with in high school.

Each organism lives in a specific environmente. Habitat is a part of nature surrounding living organisms with which they interact. There are many living organisms around us. These are plants, animals,would be bacteria. Each of these groups is studied separatelyI am a biological scientist.

The importance of biology in life

person. In our time, humanity faces a particularly acutethey get up like this common problems as health protection,providing food and preserving the diversity of organisms on our planet. Biology, whose research is aimed at solving these and other issues, closely interacts with medicine, agriculture, industry, in particular food and beverages.light, etc.

You all know that when a person gets sick, he uses medicine. Majority medicinal substances obtained from plants or waste products of microorganisms. For example, the lives of hundreds of millions of people have been preserved by the use of antibiotics (from the Greek anti - pr.otiv - and bios). They are produced by certain types of fungi and bacteria. Antibiotics kill the causative agents of many dangerous diseases in humans and animals.

Biology also plays an important role in providing food for humanityI eat. Scientists are creating new high-yielding plant varieties and animal breeds, which makes it possible to obtain more food productsania. Research by biologistsdirected

to preserve and increase soil fertility, which ensures high yields. Living organisms are widely used lare also used in industry. For example, people get yogurt, kefir, and cheeses thanks to the activity of certain types of bacteria and fungi.

However, active and often ill-considered human economic activity has led to significant pollution of the environment with substances harmful to all living things, to the destruction of forests, virgin steppes, and reservoirs. Over the past centuries, thousands of species of animals, plants and fungi have disappeared, and tens of thousands are on the verge of extinction. But the disappearance of even one species of organisms means an irreversible loss for the biological diversity of our planet. Therefore, scientists create lists of species of plants, animals and fungi that need protection (the so-called Red Books), as well as

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identify territories where these species are taken under protection (reserves, nationalsame parks, etc.).

Thus, biology is a science designed through its research to convince people of the need to take care of nature and comply with its laws. Therefore, it is considered the science of the future.

The role of biology in modern reality is difficult to overestimate, because it studies in detail human life in all its manifestations. Currently, this science combines such important concepts as evolution, cell theory, genetics, homeostasis and energy. Its functions include the study of the development of all living things, namely: the structure of organisms, their behavior, as well as relationships among themselves and the relationship with the environment.

The importance of biology in human lifeIt becomes clear if we draw a parallel between the main problems of an individual’s life, for example, health, nutrition, as well as the choice of optimal living conditions. Today, there are numerous sciences that have separated from biology, becoming no less important and independent. These include zoology, botany, microbiology, and virology. Of these, it is difficult to single out the most significant; they all represent a complex of valuable fundamental knowledge accumulated by civilization.

Outstanding scientists worked in this field of knowledge, such asClaudius Galen, Hippocrates, Carl Linnaeus, Charles Darwin, Alexander Oparin, Ilya Mechnikov and many others. Thanks to their discoveries, especially the study of living organisms, the science of morphology appeared, as well as physiology, which collected knowledge about the systems of organisms of living beings. Genetics played an invaluable role in the development of hereditary diseases.

Biology has become a solid foundation in medicine, sociology and ecology. It is important that this science, like any other, is not static, but is constantly updated with new knowledge, which is transformed in the form of new biological theories and laws.

The role of biology in modern society, but special
but in medicine, priceless. It was with its help that methods of treating bacteriological and rapidly spreading viral diseases were found. Every time we think about the role of biology in modern society, we remember that it was thanks to the heroism of medical biologists that centers of terrible epidemics disappeared from planet Earth: plague, cholera, typhoid fever, anthrax, smallpox and others no less life-threatening diseases.

We can safely say, based on the facts, that the role of biology in modern society is growing continuously. It's impossible to imagine modern life without selection, genetic research, production of new food products, as well as environmentally friendly energy sources.

The main significance of biology is that it represents the foundation and theoretical basis for many advanced sciences, for example, such as genetic engineering and bionics. She owns a great discovery - deciphering the human genome. A direction such as biotechnology was also created on the basis of knowledge combined in biology. Currently, technologies of this nature make it possible to create safe medicines for prevention and treatment that do not harm the body. As a result, it is possible to increase not only life expectancy, but also its quality.

The role of biology in modern societyIt turns out that there are areas where her knowledge is simply necessary, for example, the pharmaceutical industry, gerontology, criminology, agriculture, construction, and space exploration.

Everything related to life on Earth is part of biology, which is the study of life.
Why is biology needed? This science affects many aspects of human existence; there are a huge number of professions that in one way or another affect this fundamental science. This list includes career advancement and limitless employment options.

Biological Sciences Why is biology needed? Biological sciences are one of the broadest and most important fields in the world today. Biology covers everything from the molecular study of life processes to the study of animal and plant communities. What can you do with a biology degree? Depending on individual interests and preferences, you can choose any profession to your liking in areas such as healthcare, medicine, the environment, education, biotechnology, criminology, politics and many others.

Why should you study biology? What is biology for?

Studying it teaches you to ask questions, make observations, evaluate evidence, and solve problems. Biologists learn how living things interact with each other, what they are made of, and how they develop. They study evolution, natural history and the protection of rare species of plants and animals, and also engage in research into the interactions of living organisms with light, the environment and each other.

What do biologists do?

Biologists study the natural world using the latest scientific technologies, tools, and methods, both in the laboratory and in the natural environment, to understand how living systems work. Why do they need biology? Many work in exotic locations around the world, and what they discover may have practical applications to solve specific problems. Biologists are developing public health campaigns to combat diseases such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer and heart disease. Their mission is also to prevent the spread of rare, incurable diseases, such as the notorious Ebola virus.

What professions require biology? Where is biology needed?

Knowing biology can help you build a career in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or medical research. These sectors help to better understand the natural world, address issues of personal well-being, and also address the topics of environmental degradation that threatens human health and the depletion of natural and food supplies.

Veterinarians who treat sick and injured animals, doctors, dentists, nurses and other healthcare professionals support the overall health and well-being of their patients. Many of these professions require additional education and training. In the field of environmental management and environmental protection, biologists are engaged in solving environmental problems and preserving natural diversity for future generations.

Biotechnology is concerned with the application of scientific principles to develop and improve products, tools, and technological advances in fields such as agriculture, food, and medicine. Scientists in this field can work in genetic engineering, develop new drugs and promote new level medical technology(nano-medicine).

  • Forensic medicine: Forensic scientists work with police departments and other law enforcement agencies using scientific methods to discover the necessary evidence that can be used to solve crimes. Biologists in forensic science choose specialties such as forensic dentistry, anthropology, and so on.
  • Business and industry: working with pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of scientific products and services for research and testing of new products. You can work in sales, marketing and public relations.
  • Economy: specialists work with government and other organizations to study and address the economic impacts of biological issues such as species extinction, forest conservation, and pollution.
  • Mathematics: In fields such as bioinformatics and computational biology, biologists use mathematical methods to solve biological problems(modeling of ecosystems and gene models).
List of specialties
  1. Medicine: doctor, nurse, laboratory assistant, physiotherapist, chiropractor, orthopedist, exercise therapy instructor, nutritionist, pharmacist, laboratory assistant, forensic expert, pathologist and others. To one degree or another, each of these specialists must have in-depth knowledge human body, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and biochemistry.
  2. Zootechnics: veterinarian, zoologist, trainer and others. In this field the emphasis is on the animal kingdom. When choosing this direction, it is worth deciding whether to have a general understanding of the animal world or choose a narrower specialization, for example, big cats.
  3. Education allows you to focus on the science itself. This is one of the best ways to pursue a career in education. Why does a teacher need biology? After receiving a bachelor's degree in biology, one can study to become a teacher and work in high school or high school, college or university, and teach biology in a variety of courses. Someone needs to explain to the younger generation what biology is for.
  4. Research usually takes place at universities and requires an advanced degree.

Answer from Alexey Glazov[guru]
to know the structure of humans/animals and generally understand how this world works

Reply from Aston DB9[guru]
to know the living world better

Reply from Yergius[guru]
if only to prevent the return of the Inquisition

Reply from Alex Smile[expert]
to know where you are from (that the stork didn’t bring you) XD

Reply from Born in the USSR[guru]

Reply from Alexander Tyufyakov[newbie]
Why does a person need knowledge of biology?
While studying at school, much of the knowledge acquired there seems inapplicable in real life. However, this cannot be attributed to biology. Why does every person need to study this science?
Biology is a science that studies the basics of life and interaction of living organisms. The entire biosphere surrounding a person, belongs to the sphere of interests of this branch of knowledge. Therefore, biology is important, firstly, as a source of knowledge about the world around us. With the help of this science, a person will be able to learn more about the living nature around him. But, in addition to a purely cognitive function, this section of biology also has practical significance. It is knowledge of biological laws that gives an understanding that in nature everything is interconnected, and it is necessary to maintain balance various types creatures You can't just wipe out one species without damaging the entire system. Such knowledge can convince a person that the ecological balance must be protected. Another branch of biology is, in fact, the study of man himself. This knowledge is also important for everyone. Biology has become theoretical basis for medicine, giving it the opportunity to understand the specifics human body. But know your own characteristics how biological species necessary for every person. This will help you better understand how to organize your life in terms of nutrition, physical and mental activity. Rational use of one's own body can significantly increase labor productivity. Biology is also useful in the field of economics, especially in agriculture. Knowledge of the laws of development of living organisms helped people learn to breed new species that are more suitable for cultivation in an artificial environment. This significantly increased yields and meat production, which is especially necessary for humanity during a period of population growth and declining natural reserves.
From the above we can conclude that the study of biology has changed many areas of human activity. But basic knowledge in this science is also necessary for non-specialists in order to successfully navigate modern world and do right choice, for example, in situations related to environmental pollution, or with one’s own health.

B Biology - what kind of science is this? Why is it needed, and the most important question is who? What sections is it divided into? For which specialties is biology needed like air? We will consider all these questions below.

What is biology?

Biology translated from Greek means the science of life. This item is considered humanities, which many do not give due importance. In the age of new technologies, preference is given to physics and mathematics, but biosciences are not far behind them. Biology is a science that studies all kinds of living organisms and their interaction with the environment. The first documented word “biology” appeared relatively recently: about 200 years ago, a guy named wrote a 6-volume book called “Biology, or the philosophy of living nature.”

This science also studies such aspects as growth, development, structure and, starting from the simplest microbe and ending with the study of alien life forms.

What sections is it divided into?

As mentioned above, this science is simply immense and it is not possible to fully cover all its sections and subcategories, so we will give the largest ones as an example. The science of life in its structure, roughly speaking, is divided into the following sections:

  • Botany- section studying , and similar organisms;
  • Zoology— section studying and protists;
  • Microbiology- section studying microorganisms and;
  • Biochemistry- section studying chemical bases life;
  • Biophysics— a section studying the physical foundations of life;
  • Molecular biology— section studying the interactions of molecules of living organisms;
  • Cytology— section studying the composition of cellular organisms;
  • Anatomy— section studying the structure of tissues and human development;
  • Physiology- section studying physical and chemical functions organs and tissues;
  • Ethology- section studying the behavior of living beings;
  • Ecology— a section studying the interdependence of various organisms and their habitats;
  • Genetics- section studying the patterns of heredity and variability;
  • Biodevelopment— section studying the development of an organism in ontogenesis;
  • Evolutionary- section studying the origin and historical development wildlife.

This is not the entire list of sections into which it is divided; we will consider the remaining sections in the future.

Where is it needed?

To the question where is biology needed? you can safely answer everywhere, because any moment of human life, if not directly, then tangentially, still affects its sections. If you take medicine, then it’s probably a little scary to go to a doctor who doesn’t even know human anatomy. If you take sport, then it is useless to go to a trainer who does not know the physiology of the human body. If you take archeology, then an archaeologist who does not understand the behavior of an organism (ethology) will probably be able to find little. In general, there is no such thing where even the slightest knowledge on this subject.

For what specialties is it needed?

There are quite a lot of specialties that need the subject of development and life like air and there is no point in listing them all. The most popular biological specialties:

  • Medic
  • Formatsevt
  • Biology teacher
  • Vet
  • Psychologist
  • Agronomist
  • Technician food industry
  • Scientist
  • Athlete
  • Nutritionist

In fact, there are quite a few specialties, but biology is a fundamental subject for entering a university.

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