Measure the sides and find the perimeter of the figure. how to find the perimeter of various geometric shapes. A simple task: how to find the perimeter. What to do if the length of one or more sides of the triangle is unknown

Surely each of us learned at school such an important component of geometry as perimeter. Finding the perimeter is simply necessary for solving many problems. Our article will tell you how to find the perimeter.

It is worth remembering that the perimeter of any figure is almost always the sum of its sides. Let's look at a few different geometric shapes.

  1. A rectangle is a quadrilateral whose parallel sides are equal in pairs. If one side is X and the other is Y, then we get the following formula for finding the perimeter of this figure:

    P = 2(X+Y) = X+Y+X+Y = 2X+2Y.

    An example of solving a problem:

    Let's assume that side X = 5 cm, side Y = 10 cm. So, substituting these values ​​into our formula, we get - P = 2*5 cm + 2* 10cm = 30 cm.

  2. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral whose two opposite sides are parallel but not equal to each other. The perimeter of a trapezoid is the sum of all four sides:

    P = X+Y+Z+W, where X, Y, Z, W are the sides of the figure.

    An example of solving a problem:

    Let's assume that side X = 5 cm, side Y = 10 cm, side Z = 8 cm, side W = 20 cm. So, substituting these values ​​into our formula, we get - P = 5 cm + 10 cm + 8 cm + 20 cm = 43 cm.

  3. The perimeter of a circle (circumference) can be calculated using the formula:

    P = 2rπ = dπ, where r is the radius of the circle, d is the diameter of the circle.

    An example of solving a problem:

    Let's assume that the radius r of our circle is 5 cm, then the diameter d will be equal to 2 * 5 cm = 10 cm. It is known that π = 3.14. This means that by substituting these values ​​into our formula, we get - P = 2*5 cm*3.14 = 31.4 cm.

  4. If you need to find the perimeter of a triangle, then you may encounter a number of problems in doing so, since triangles can have very different shapes. For example, there is acute, obtuse, isosceles, rectangular or equilateral triangle And. Although the formula for all types of triangles is:

    P = X+Y+Z, where X, Y, Z are the sides of the figure.

    The problem is that when solving many problems to find the perimeter of this figure, you will not always know the lengths of all sides. For example, instead of information about the length of one of the sides, you can have the degree of an angle or the length of the height of a particular triangle. This will significantly complicate the task, but will not make its solution unrealistic. You can read “” about how to find the perimeter of a triangle, no matter what shape it is.

  5. The perimeter of a figure such as a rhombus is found in the same way as the perimeter of a square, because a rhombus is a parallelogram that has equal sides. You can find out how to find the perimeter of a square by reading the article on our website "".

    Now you know how to find the side of the perimeter of the geometric figure you need!

One of the basic concepts of mathematics is the perimeter of a rectangle. There are many problems on this topic, the solution of which cannot be done without the perimeter formula and the skills to calculate it.

Basic Concepts

A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which all the angles are right and the opposite sides are equal and parallel in pairs. In our life, many figures have the shape of a rectangle, for example, the surface of a table, a notebook, etc.

Let's look at an example: A fence must be erected along the boundaries of the land plot. In order to find out the length of each side, you need to measure them.

Rice. 1. A plot of land in the shape of a rectangle.

The plot of land has sides with lengths of 2 m, 4 m, 2 m, 4 m. Therefore, to find out the total length of the fence, you need to add up the lengths of all sides:

2+2+4+4= 2·2+4·2 =(2+4)·2 =12 m.

It is this quantity that is generally called the perimeter. Thus, to find the perimeter, you need to add up all the sides of the figure. The letter P is used to denote the perimeter.

To calculate the perimeter of a rectangular figure, you do not need to divide it into rectangles; you only need to measure all sides of this figure with a ruler (tape measure) and find their sum.

The perimeter of a rectangle is measured in mm, cm, m, km and so on. If necessary, the data in the task is converted into the same measurement system.

The perimeter of a rectangle is measured in various units: mm, cm, m, km and so on. If necessary, the data in the task is converted into one measurement system.

Formula for the perimeter of a figure

If we take into account the fact that the opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, then we can derive the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle:

$P = (a+b) * 2$, where a, b are the sides of the figure.

Rice. 2. Rectangle, with opposite sides marked.

There is another way to find the perimeter. If the task is given only one side and the area of ​​the figure, you can use to express the other side in terms of the area. Then the formula will look like this:

$P = ((2S + 2a2)\over(a))$, where S is the area of ​​the rectangle.

Rice. 3. Rectangle with sides a, b.

Exercise : Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle if its sides are 4 cm and 6 cm.


We use the formula $P = (a+b)*2$

$P = (4+6)*2=20 cm$

Thus, the perimeter of the figure is $P = 20 cm$.

Since the perimeter is the sum of all sides of a figure, the semi-perimeter is the sum of only one length and width. To get the perimeter, you need to multiply the semi-perimeter by 2.

Area and perimeter are two basic concepts for measuring any figure. They should not be confused, although they are related. If you increase or decrease the area, then, accordingly, its perimeter will increase or decrease.

What have we learned?

We learned how to find the perimeter of a rectangle. We also got acquainted with the formula for calculating it. This topic can be encountered not only when solving mathematical problems, but also in real life.

Test on the topic

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In the following test tasks you need to find the perimeter of the figure shown in the figure.

You can find the perimeter of a figure in different ways. You can transform the original shape so that the perimeter of the new shape can be easily calculated (for example, change to a rectangle).

Another solution is to look for the perimeter of the figure directly (as the sum of the lengths of all its sides). But in this case, you cannot rely only on the drawing, but find the lengths of the segments based on the data of the problem.

I would like to warn you: in one of the tasks, among the proposed answer options, I did not find the one that worked for me.

C) .

Let's move the sides of the small rectangles from the inner area to the outer one. As a result, the large rectangle is closed. Formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle

In this case, a=9a, b=3a+a=4a. Thus, P=2(9a+4a)=26a. To the perimeter of the large rectangle we add the sum of the lengths of four segments, each of which is equal to 3a. As a result, P=26a+4∙3a= 38a .

C) .

After transferring the inner sides of the small rectangles to the outer area, we get a large rectangle whose perimeter is P=2(10x+6x)=32x, and four segments, two x-length, two 2x-long.

Total, P=32x+2∙2x+2∙x= 38x .

?) .

Let's move 6 horizontal “steps” from the inside to the outside. The perimeter of the resulting large rectangle is P=2(6y+8y)=28y. It remains to find the sum of the lengths of the segments inside the rectangle 4y+6∙y=10y. Thus, the perimeter of the figure is P=28y+10y= 38y .

D) .

Let's move the vertical segments from the inner area of ​​the figure to the left, to the outer area. To get a large rectangle, move one of the 4x length segments to the lower left corner.

We find the perimeter of the original figure as the sum of the perimeter of this large rectangle and the lengths of the three segments remaining inside P=2(10x+8x)+6x+4x+2x= 48x .

E) .

By transferring the inner sides of the small rectangles to the outer area, we get a large square. Its perimeter is P=4∙10x=40x. To get the perimeter of the original figure, you need to add the sum of the lengths of eight segments, each 3x long, to the perimeter of the square. Total, P=40x+8∙3x= 64x .

B) .

Let’s move all the horizontal “steps” and vertical upper segments to the outer area. The perimeter of the resulting rectangle is P=2(7y+4y)=22y. To find the perimeter of the original figure, you need to add to the perimeter of the rectangle the sum of the lengths of four segments, each of length y: P=22y+4∙y= 26y .

D) .

Let's move all the horizontal lines from the inner area to the outer one and move the two vertical outer lines in the left and right corners, respectively, z to the left and to the right. As a result, we get a large rectangle whose perimeter is P=2(11z+3z)=28z.

The perimeter of the original figure is equal to the sum of the perimeter of the large rectangle and the lengths of six segments along z: P=28z+6∙z= 34z .

B) .

The solution is completely similar to the solution of the previous example. After transforming the figure, we find the perimeter of the large rectangle:

P=2(5z+3z)=16z. To the perimeter of the rectangle we add the sum of the lengths of the remaining six segments, each of which is equal to z: P=16z+6∙z= 22z .

Geometry, if I’m not mistaken, in my time was studied from the fifth grade and the perimeter was and is one of key concepts. So, perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides (denoted by the Latin letter P). In general, this term is interpreted differently, for example,

  • total length of the figure's border,
  • the length of all its sides,
  • the sum of the lengths of its faces,
  • length of the line limiting the figure,
  • the sum of all the lengths of the sides of a polygon

Different figures have their own formulas for determining the perimeter. To understand the meaning, I propose to independently derive a few simple formulas:

  1. for a square,
  2. for a rectangle,
  3. for a parallelogram,
  4. for cube,
  5. for parallelepiped

Perimeter of a square

For example, let's take the simplest thing - the perimeter of a square.

All sides of the square are equal. Let one side be called "a" (as are the other three), then

P = a + a + a + a

or a more compact notation

Perimeter of a rectangle

Let's complicate the problem and take a rectangle. In this case, it is no longer possible to say that all sides are equal, so let the lengths of the sides of the rectangle be equal to a and b.

Then the formula will look like this:

P = a + b + a + b

Perimeter of a parallelogram

A similar situation will occur with a parallelogram (see the perimeter of the rectangle)

Cube perimeter

What to do if we are dealing with a three-dimensional figure? For example, let's take a cube. The cube has 12 sides and they are all equal. Accordingly, the perimeter of the cube can be calculated as follows:

Parallelepiped perimeter

Well, to secure the material, let’s calculate the perimeter of the parallelepiped. This requires some thought. Let's do this together. As we know, a rectangular parallelepiped is a figure whose sides are rectangles. Each parallelepiped has two bases. Let's take one of the bases and look at its sides - they have lengths a and b. Accordingly, the perimeter of the base is P = 2a + 2b. Then the perimeter of the two bases is

(2a + 2b) * 2 = 4a + 4b

But we also have a “c” side. This means that the formula for calculating the perimeter of a parallelepiped will be as follows:

P = 4a + 4b + 4c

As you can see from the examples above, all you need to do to determine the perimeter of a shape is to find the length of each side and then add them up.

In conclusion, I would like to note that not every figure has a perimeter. Eg, The ball has no perimeter.

Perimeter of a figure is the length of all its sides. Not all shapes have a perimeter; for example, a ball does not have a perimeter. Standard designation perimeter in mathematics -

Perimeter of a square

letter P Let the side length of the square be a. A square has four equal sides, so perimeter of a square

Perimeter of a rectangle

is P = a + a + a +a or:
Let the lengths of the sides of the rectangle be a and b.

Perimeter of a parallelogram

The length of all its sides is P = a + b + a + b or:
Let the lengths of the sides of the parallelogram be a and b

The length of all its sides is P = a + b + a + b, so the perimeter of the parallelogram is:

As you can see, the perimeter of a parallelogram is equal to the perimeter of a rectangle.

Perimeter of an isosceles trapezoid

Let the lengths of the parallel sides of the trapezoid be a and b, and the lengths of the other two sides be equal to c (As is known, an isosceles trapezoid has two equal sides).

P = a + b + c + c = a + b + 2c

As you know, an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides. If the side length is a, then the formula for finding the perimeter is P = a + a + a

Parallelepiped perimeter

A parallelepiped is a prism, all sides of which are parallelograms. ( Rectangular parallelepiped This is a figure whose sides are rectangles.)
If the sides of the base have lengths a and b then the perimeter of the base is P = 2a + 2b.

P = 4a + 4b + 4c

Cube perimeter

Each parallelepiped has two bases, so the perimeter of the two bases is (2a + 2b).2 = 4a + 4b.
As we know, the parameter is the sum of all sides. So we have to add c four times
A cube is a parallelepiped, all sides of which are squares (all sides are equal).
Then, the perimeter of a cube is the number of sides * length.

Each cube has 12 sides.

Then, the formula for finding the perimeter of a cube has the form: Where a is the length of its side.

How to find the Perimeter of various

geometric shapes Having trouble understanding how to find the perimeter of various geometric shapes? Business site comes to your aid by making geometry easier than ever!Pleasure FactThe perimeter or circumference of the Earth is 24,901 miles, i. e. almost 40.075 km! In mathematics and geometry, shapes, sizes, relative positions, and three-dimensional orientation of figures in space are considered. It deals with the three basic dimensions of shapes: area, volume and perimeter. Area is a measure of the degree of a two-dimensional figure or shape; surface can be described as the extent of the surface of an object. This is a measure in

three-dimensional space

near the object.
A perimeter can simply be described as the length of a path that surrounds a two-dimensional shape. In other words, this is the distance around the figure. Let us now take a look at How to find the perimeter of various geometric shapes.

A perimeter can simply be described as the length of a path that surrounds a two-dimensional shape. In other words, this is the distance around the figure. Let us now take a look at How to find the perimeter of various geometric shapes.

A square is a quadrilateral that has all four sides and four angles equal (all 90°).
Example: To find the perimeter of a square with a side of 5 cm, we use the formula shown in the figure.
P = A + A + A + A
P = 5 + 5 + 5 + 5
P = 20 cm
The same formula can be used to calculate the perimeter of a rhombus.

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A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has all four angles equal (all 90°). Opposite sides of a rectangle are equal (while adjacent sides are not).
Example: To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we use the formula shown in the figure.
l = 15 cm
b = 25 cm
P = 2 (15 + 25)
You can use the same formula to find the perimeter of a parallelogram.
P = 20 cm
A circle can be described as a set of points that are equidistant from a specific point (known as the center). The perimeter of a circle is called a circle, denoted by c.

Example: Find the circumference of a circle, we use the formula shown in the figure.
If C = 2πR and πд
C = 2 X 3.14 x 7 or 3.14 x 14
C = 43.96 cm
P = 20 cm
A semiring, simply put, is half a circle, its perimeter will be half of this circle.

Example: To find the perimeter of a semicircle, we use the formula shown in the figure.
p = 7 cm or D = 14 cm (d = p + p)
Р = πR and πд/2
P = 2 X 3.14 x 7 or 3.14 x 14/2
P = 21.98 cm
P = 20 cm
A sector can be described as part of a circle.

Example: To find the perimeter of a sector, we use the formula shown in the figure.

ϴ = 60°
p = 7 cm
P = 60/360 X 2 X 3. 14 x 7
P = 7.33 cm
P = 20 cm
A triangle is a polygon that has three sides and three vertices. Let's take into account three cases in order to determine its perimeter.

one. When all three sides are known.

To find the perimeter of a triangle, we use the formula shown in the figure.
a = 14 cm
b = 16 cm
c = 15 cm
P = 14 + 16 + 15
P = 45 cm
b. For a right triangle, if its hypotenuse is unknown.

To find the perimeter right triangle, we use the formula shown in Fig..
B = 3 cm
h = 4 cm
P = b + h + √ B2 + h 2
P = 3 + 4 + √ 32 + 4 2
P = 3 + 4 + 5
P = 12 cm

If any other side is unknown, you can use the Pythagorean formula to find the side first and then calculate the perimeter.
With. For any other triangle, when only two sides and an angle are known.

First of all we need to find the side length using the law of cosines,
When A, B and C are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, and a, b and C have opposite angles with sides A, B and C respectively, we can find the length of the unknown side (say c) using the formula:

C2 = a 2 + B 2 - c 2. b because (c)

For example
A = 4 cm
B = 2 cm
C2 = 4 2 + 2 2 - 2 4. 2 cos(45)
C2 = 16 + 4 - 2 (0.876)
C2 = 20 - 1.752
C2 = 18.284
c = 4.272 cm

P = A + B + C
P = 4 + 2 + 4. 272
P = 10.272 cm
P = 20 cm
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel lines. The parallel lines are called the bases of the trapezoid, and the other side is known as the legs of the trapezoid. The distance between parallel lines is called the height of the trapezoid.
Let's look at three different scenarios to find the perimeter.

one. When all parties know.

A = 4 cm
b = 16 cm
c = 5 cm
d = 8 cm
P = 4 + 16 + 5 + 8
P = 33 cm
b. When its sides (legs) are unknown.

To find the perimeter of a trapezoid, we use the formula shown in Fig.
b = 16 cm
h = 3 cm
d = 8 cm
P = b + d + h

P = 16 + 8 + 3

P = 16 + 8 + 33.3
P = 57.3 cm
With. When one of the base and height are unknown.

Imagine if we were to cut a trapezoid from both sides in such a way that the lengths of the bases are equal, and when we join the cut part, we get a triangle as shown in the figure.

When ∠ and ∠с are equal; all three angles are 60°. This triangle is an equilateral triangle and hence when the length of the side is added to the base, we will get the length of the larger base.
When the angles are equal; the sum of the angles was subtracted by 180°.

The area of ​​this triangle can be calculated using the formula
A = ½ X X X sin (B)
Find the perimeter of the trapezoid,
A = 4 cm
c = 6 cm
d = 11 cm
∠ a = 53°
∠ c = 65°
∠ B = 78°
Area = ½ x 4 x 6 x sin 78
Area = 6.12 cm2
Triangle base=
A perimeter can simply be described as the length of a path that surrounds a two-dimensional shape. In other words, this is the distance around the figure. Let us now take a look at How to find the perimeter of various geometric shapes.
½ X x sin(s)

Base =
6. 12
½ x 4 x sin(65)

Base =
6. 12
2 x 0.826

Base = 3.70 cm
Trapezoid base = 11 + 3.70 = 14.70 cm

Now we have the sides and base of the trapezoid, we can find the perimeter.
P = 14. 7 + 4 + 6 + 11
P = 35.7 cm
P = 20 cm
Any closed figure where the segments do not intersect each other leads to a polygon. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is always 360°, and they are named according to the number of sides they have.

one. A regular polygon has all equal sides, so when the number of sides and the length of each side is known, the perimeter of the polygon can be calculated using the formula shown in Fig.

Example: If a hexagon has sides that are 5 cm long, its perimeter can be calculated as shown below.
n = 6 (a hexagon has six sides)
c = 5 cm
P = 6 x 5
P = 30 cm
b. If the length of the sides of the polygon is not known, then its perimeter can be calculated using the formula given below.

X = 2 x x Tan (180/p)
Here a-apothem.
Apothem is a segment from the center of the polygon to the middle of the side.

S = 2 x R x Tan (180/p)
Distance from center regular polygon to any peak.

Example: For a hexagon apothem of 4 cm, its side can be calculated as shown below.
c = 2 x 4 x Tan (180/6)
x = 8 x Tan (30)
s = 8 x 0.58
s = 4.62 cm

P = 6 x 4.62 = 27.71 cm

For a hexagon with a radius of 4 cm, its side can be calculated as shown below.
x = 2 x 4 x sin (180/6)
s = 8 x sin (30)
s = 8 x 0.5
s = 4.00 cm

P = 6 x 4.00 = 24 cm
With. For an irregular polygon, if all its sides are equal, we can calculate its perimeter by simply adding the lengths of all its sides.

Example: an irregular polygon with six sides
C1 = 8 cm
C2 = 6 cm
C3 = 4 cm
C4 = 7cm
C5 = 5 cm
C6 = 4 cm

P = C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5 + C6
P = 8 + 6 + 4 + 7 + 5 + 4
P = 36 cm
P = 20 cm
We know that geometry can be a little difficult at first (trust us, we know), but keep practicing and you will definitely get better with each attempt.

The ability to find the perimeter of a rectangle is very important for solving many geometric problems. Below is a tutorial on finding the perimeter of different rectangles.

How to find the perimeter of a regular rectangle

An ordinary rectangle is a quadrilateral whose parallel sides are equal and all angles = 90º. There are 2 ways to find its perimeter:

Add up all sides.

Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle, its width is 3 cm, and its length is 6.

Solution (sequence of actions and reasoning):

  • Since we know the width and length of the rectangle, finding its perimeter is not difficult. The width is parallel to the width, and the length is parallel to the length. Thus, a regular rectangle has 2 widths and 2 lengths.
  • Fold all sides (3 + 3 + 6 + 6) = 18 cm.

Answer: P = 18 cm.

The second way is as follows:

You need to add the width and length, and multiply by 2. The formula for this method is as follows: 2×(a + b), where a is the width, b is the length.

Within the framework of this problem we obtain the following solution:

2×(3 + 6) = 2×9 = 18.

Answer: P = 18.

How to find the perimeter of a rectangle - square

A square is a regular quadrilateral. Correct because all its sides and angles are equal. There are also two ways to find its perimeter:

  • Fold all its sides.
  • Multiply its side by 4.

Example: Find the perimeter of a square if its side = 5 cm.

Students receive knowledge of how to find the perimeter in elementary school. Then this information is constantly used throughout the entire course of mathematics and geometry.

The theory common to all figures

The sides are usually designated by Latin letters. Moreover, they can be designated as segments. Then you will need two letters for each side and written in capitals. Or enter the designation with one letter, which will definitely be small.
Letters are always chosen alphabetically. For a triangle they will be the first three. A hexagon will have 6 of them - from a to f. This is convenient for entering formulas.

Now about how to find the perimeter. It is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the figure. The number of terms depends on its type. Perimeter is indicated Latin letter R. The units of measurement are the same as those given for the parties.

Formulas for the perimeters of different figures

For a triangle: P=a+b+c. If it is isosceles, then the formula is transformed: P = 2a + b. How to find the perimeter of a triangle if it is equilateral? This will help: P = 3a.

For an arbitrary quadrilateral: P=a+b+c+d. Its special case is the square, the perimeter formula: P = 4a. There is also a rectangle, then the following equality is required: P = 2 (a + b).

What if the length of one or more sides of the triangle is unknown?

Use the cosine theorem if the data includes two sides and the angle between them, which is denoted by the letter A. Then, before finding the perimeter, you will have to calculate the third side. For this, the following formula is useful: c² = a² + b² - 2 av cos(A).

A special case of this theorem is that formulated by Pythagoras for a right triangle. In it, the value of the cosine of the right angle becomes equal to zero, which means that the last term simply disappears.

There are situations when you can find out how to find the perimeter of a triangle by looking at one side. But at the same time, the angles of the figure are also known. Here the theorem of sines comes to the rescue, when the ratios of the lengths of the sides to the sines of the corresponding opposite angles are equal.

In a situation where the perimeter of a figure needs to be determined by its area, other formulas will come in handy. For example, if the radius of the inscribed circle is known, then in the question of how to find the perimeter of a triangle, the following formula will be useful: S=р*r, here р is the semi-perimeter. It must be derived from this formula and multiplied by two.

Sample problems

Condition of the first. Find out the perimeter of a triangle whose sides are 3, 4 and 5 cm.
Solution. You need to use the equality stated above and simply substitute the data into it in the value problem. The calculations are easy and result in a figure of 12 cm.
Answer. The perimeter of the triangle is 12 cm.

Condition two. One side of the triangle is 10 cm. It is known that the second is 2 cm larger than the first, and the third is 1.5 times larger than the first. You need to calculate its perimeter.
Solution. In order to recognize it, you will need to count the two sides. The second is defined as the sum of 10 and 2, the third is equal to the product of 10 and 1.5. Then all that remains is to count the sum of three values: 10, 12 and 15. The result will be 37 cm.
Answer. The perimeter is 37 cm.

Condition three. There is a rectangle and a square. One side of the rectangle is 4 cm, and the other is 3 cm larger. You need to calculate the side of a square if its perimeter is 6 cm less than that of a rectangle.
Solution. The second side of the rectangle is 7. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate its perimeter. The calculation gives 22 cm.
To find out the side of a square, you must first subtract 6 from the perimeter of the rectangle, and then divide the resulting number by 4. The result is the number 4.
Answer. The side of the square is 4 cm.

Determination of the perimeter and area of ​​geometric shapes - important task, which arises when solving many practical or everyday problems. If you need to hang wallpaper, install a fence, calculate the consumption of paint or tiles, then you will definitely have to deal with geometric calculations.

To solve the listed everyday issues, you will need to work with a variety of geometric shapes. We present to you a catalog of online calculators that allow you to calculate the parameters of the most popular flat figures. Let's look at them.


Special cases

A quadrilateral with equal sides. A parallelogram becomes a rhombus when its diagonals intersect at an angle of 90 degrees and are bisectors of their angles.

This is a parallelogram with right angles. In addition, a parallelogram is considered a rectangle if its sides and diagonals meet the conditions of the Pythagorean theorem.

This is a parallelogram in which all sides are equal and all angles are equal. The diagonals of a square completely repeat the properties of the diagonals of a rectangle and a rhombus, which makes the square a unique figure, which is characterized by maximum symmetry.


A regular polygon is a convex figure on a plane that has equal sides and equal angles. Depending on the number of sides, polygons have their own names:

  • - Pentagon;
  • - hexagon;
  • eight - octagon;
  • twelve is a dodecagon.

And so on. Geometers joke that a circle is a polygon with an infinite number of angles. Our calculator is programmed to determine the perimeters and areas of only regular polygons. It uses general formulas for all valid polygons. To calculate the perimeter, use the formula:

where n is the number of sides of the polygon, a is the length of the side.

To determine the area, the expression is used:

S = n/4 × a^2 × ctg(pi/n).

By substituting the appropriate n, we can find a formula for any regular polygon, which also includes an equilateral triangle and a square.

Polygons are very common in real life. Thus, the building of the US Department of Defense - the Pentagon - has the shape of a pentagon; a hexagon - honeycombs or snowflake crystals; an octagon - road signs. In addition, many protozoa, such as radiolarians, have the shape of regular polygons.

Real life examples

Let's look at a couple of examples of using our calculator in real calculations.

Painting the fence

Painting surfaces and calculating paint are some of the most obvious everyday tasks that require minimal mathematical calculations. If we need to paint a fence whose height is 1.5 meters and length is 20 meters, then how many cans of paint will be needed? To do this, you need to find out the total area of ​​the fence and the consumption of paints and varnishes per 1 square meter. We know that enamel consumption is 130 grams per meter. Now let's determine the area of ​​the fence using a calculator to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle. It will be S = 30 square meters. Naturally, we will paint the fence on both sides, so the area for painting will increase to 60 square meters. Then we will need 60 × 0.13 = 7.8 kilograms of paint or three standard 2.8 kilogram cans.

Fringe trim

Tailoring is another industry that requires extensive geometric knowledge. Suppose we need to trim a scarf with fringe, which is an isosceles trapezoid with sides of 150, 100, 75 and 75 cm. To calculate the fringe consumption, we need to know the perimeter of the trapezoid. This is where an online calculator comes in handy. Let's enter this cell data and get the answer:

Thus, we will need 4 m of fringe to finish the scarf.


Flat figures make up real world around. We often wondered at school whether geometry would be useful to us in the future? The above examples show that mathematics is constantly used in everyday life. And if the area of ​​a rectangle is familiar to us, then calculating the area of ​​a dodecagon can be a difficult task. Use our catalog of calculators to solve school assignments or everyday issues.

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