How having a tidy home changes your life. I can't stand clutter. Is this a disease? It is absolutely in vain that dirty people are accused of laziness! How to bring complete order to your life

Order in life is the key to success and opens up many prospects for people. With the help of simple but effective tips, everyone can cope with difficulties and achieve well-being.

Putting order in life helps not only to understand your purpose, but also to get rid of doubts. The site's experts recommend using time-tested methods designed to change people's lives for the better step by step. Thanks to these actions, everyone will be able to leave anxiety and timidity behind them, and also achieve their goals.

1. In the morning you need to make a to-do list, highlighting the three most important ones, which are done first. This saves a lot of time. Before you start, you need to put things in order in your workplace so that unnecessary items do not distract from your work. After the work is finished, it is important to thank yourself for your work. This exercise helps you believe in yourself and increases self-esteem.

2. A clean workplace helps to bring order within yourself. Every time you need to remove unnecessary things from it so that they do not clutter the work area. You should also keep a talisman on the table that attracts prosperity. His positive energy will get rid of minor troubles.

3. Every day you need to answer business letters, messages and calls first, without being distracted by viewing pictures and scrolling through news feeds. Accustoming yourself to a clear routine helps you reduce your work time and get much more done.

4. It is important to start the morning not with haste and getting ready, but with a little gymnastics, a contrast shower or a run. Keeping the body in good shape eliminates extraneous thoughts, helps you quickly wake up and feel a surge of strength.

5. A careful approach to finances will help you bring order to your life. Shopping lists, as well as advice from lunar calendars, will help you get rid of unnecessary spending. They reflect the most important times when you can safely purchase the necessary things without the risk of encountering fraud or low-quality goods.

6. Order in life begins with order in the house. Every day you need to carefully inspect your home and, as necessary, throw away unnecessary things. Old, broken, torn and deteriorated interior items, clothing and shoes become a source of heavy energy. Getting rid of trash allows you to feel much better and not get into the habit of hoarding.

7. Interacting with people can also cause chaos in your life. It is important to establish boundaries that will help avoid aggression and irritation, as well as reduce or stop communicating with toxic people. In addition, you need to adhere to the laws of the Universe, which will help protect yourself from manipulators.

8. Every day you need to set aside time for your favorite activities, hobbies or just relaxation. Even during the work process, pauses are necessary, which need to be filled not with small matters or sad thoughts, but with things that make you happy and uplifting.

Daily meditation allows you to put things in order in your life. Their implementation will help you to understand yourself, find answers to difficult questions, and also attract well-being into your life. Opening the chakras, achieving harmony, attracting love, finding a way out of complicated situations will allow you to feel at your best and become a successful person. We wish you good luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

01.07.2019 04:37

Everyone can recharge themselves with energy to resist failures and illnesses. There are six proven methods using...

Regina Leeds, an author, consultant and tidying specialist with extensive experience, is confident that even eight minutes is enough to start moving towards positive changes in your life, organize yourself and become more successful. She shares her methods and valuable tips in her new book.

Stop perfectionism

You will be surprised to know that many continue to live in chaos because of their own... perfectionism. Yes, yes, that’s right - perfectionism and the desire to do everything perfectly hinder development and increase chaos in the house.

This is expressed in the following way: one fine day you decide that it’s time to clean up the house. You need to remove debris in the kitchen, disassemble the cabinets in the bedroom, rip out the bathroom, and inspect the pantry. And the balcony is more reminiscent of a warehouse of unnecessary things or a city lost and found office.

Your goal is not to turn the house into a picture “right now.” Your task is to determine the place of each thing and make your personal (work, whatever) space functional, working for you.

Follow the algorithm

Use the formula “remove the unnecessary → distribute the remainder into categories → organize the categories.”

Try starting with your desktop (if you have the perfect desktop, write to us how you do it). Here, for example, is a stack of papers. Sort them into what you need and what you don't. Immediately take what you don’t need to the shredder, and it’s good if it cuts the paper into vertical strips. Horizontal ones can be easily folded back into the document if desired, and this can be taken advantage of by someone who is not the most honest. If you don't have a shredder, tear it into small pieces with your hands.

Organize the necessary papers into categories. Do the sorting as you wish: by date, by sender, by characteristics of the case. Place each stack in a transparent file, sign it with a marker or tape a note indicating the category. Place a stack of files in a binder or large office ring binder.

This way, you won’t lose the document you need, and all incoming papers will be immediately sorted into the appropriate file categories. Well, is there more order on the table? We definitely do!

Limit yourself to 8 minutes

You heard right - apply golden formula Regina Leeds (see previous point) you need in 8 minutes. Set a timer on your phone, set an alarm, and stop exactly after eight minutes.

Didn't have time to do everything? This is not necessary, remember, your task is to start organizing yourself and the space around you, and not to kill yourself, but to restore order at any cost.

Did you sort out some of the papers in 8 minutes? Great, praise yourself, take a break - for example, go to the window and look into the distance, this is very good for the eyes. Then set the timer again and move on to another area of ​​your desk.

Apply the formula in any free 8 minutes

Regina Leeds has become a world expert in the field of tidying for a reason. She, of course, had powerful organizational skills, which over time she brought to perfection. She masterfully uses her own formula and free eight minutes. For example, you are preparing dinner and waiting for the meat to stew in a frying pan. What do you do during those 15 minutes of waiting? You're stuck in social network? In vain. Try to organize your cabinets.

Set the timer for 8 minutes, open the doors and off you go. Check the expiration dates of products (throw away any that have expired without hesitation!), sort the rest into categories. Cereals can be poured into glass jars and placed in the left corner. If you don’t have time to make beautiful labels for the jars, sign them with a marker so you don’t rush to grab rice instead of sugar later. Place canned food on the right, those that will be useful faster are closer to the edge. Snacks - for snacks and appetizers, sweets - for treats.

Found something you picked up at a cool sale, but when you get home you realize you don’t eat it? Think about who you can give this product to, perhaps one of your friends loves this sauce and will be happy with the freebie.

So, 8 minutes have passed, you've sorted out the cabinets, and the meat is almost ready. At this moment you will feel incredible pride in yourself and how skillfully you took advantage of the waiting time. Believe me, after a couple of such exercises you will look differently at cleaning and putting things in order. This process will no longer scare you, over time you will even want to compete with yourself - to do as much as possible in just eight minutes.

Don't be afraid to get rid of unnecessary things

We all know how difficult it can be to get rid of something: a blouse bought on sale, but hopelessly small; unfashionable, but such a cute bag; postcards and letters, and especially children’s drawings with touching doodles or “naked” photographs that make grown-up children blush. All these things take up quite a lot of space.

Regina Leeds also knows about this weakness of people. She does not call for mercilessly throwing memories into a landfill - this is an unproductive option that causes a deep feeling of guilt. The Zen organizing master has his own original options.

Cloth. When clearing out closets and closets, follow the same rule and the same eight minutes. Old, but intact and decent clothes can be taken to aid centers for those in need. Just take the packages right away, don’t let them take root in the hallway. Try something new, but not fashionable, for your friends, aunties you know and other ladies who don’t chase fashion. The condition is the same - get rid of the collected bags of clothes immediately.

Things made from good materials can be used as rags in the garage, car or country house. Just give these rags a decent look - cut out square or round napkins and don’t use, for example, whole old underwear, it’s terrible.

Memorable letters, postcards and children's drawings. Scan, create a special folder in the cloud or on an external drive with a date and an exact description of the contents (“drawings_gleb_2018”) and store everything that is valuable to you there. Now you can remove drawings from the walls if there are too many of them accumulated there.

Fridge magnets. This is also a memory, and if it’s important for you to see funny magnets on the refrigerator, at least reduce their number and don’t create chaos. Get a special box (today you can buy hundreds of cute boxes in every hardware store, suitable for any interior), store magnets there and periodically replace them with “fresh” ones.

Regina Leeds assures that the habit of organization will take a person far in a good way and the 8-minute rule can be applied anywhere and for anything.

For example, you are planning a trip to the hypermarket to buy groceries. In order not to rush through the rows, make a list in advance, and not only general list what you need, but a detailed list of what you might need for dinners, lunches and breakfasts next week. This way you won’t buy and, by the way, won’t eat too much during a busy week.

Involve your family

Yes, at first they, like you yourself at the beginning of your journey, can resist with all your might. The same method will work - take eight minutes to discuss the issue of putting things in order with your husband or children. Offer options: either the children and the spouse themselves take on their rubble and devote eight minutes to them, or you do it, but according to your own rules. We are sure that the family will choose the first option.

Starting to eat healthy is never easy. This is especially true for people who are accustomed to eating mindlessly and approaching their eating behavior unreasonably. For those who have decided to reconsider their diet towards healthy food, there are 5 simple steps that will help you master the rules of healthy eating and not fall back into eating unhealthy, meaningless food.

Why is it sometimes better to say no?

Many have watched the movie “Always Say Yes”, almost everyone has heard the saying: “it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret,” but there are things in life that you need to categorically refuse, and we will talk about them in this article.

From time to time, all creative people are familiar with the feeling of inner devastation and mental burnout. These days the mood becomes bad, new ideas don’t come to mind, you don’t want to create and you can’t do it. This condition can occur after a long period of creative work or due to life shocks and stresses not directly related to creativity. Of course, you can give your body a rest, get some sleep, eat delicious food, go on vacation and, as a result, regain your strength. But how can you subsequently regain inspiration and find yourself back in the realm of ideas?

Negative emotions can arise in anyone. Everyone has problems stressful situations, difficult days... All this pumps a ton of vital energy out of a person, makes him lethargic and tired, doomed and sick. Because of negativity, quarrels with loved ones, rude communication with others, curses between people and hatred of the whole world arise.

A crisis situation is characterized by internal or external events that make the usual pattern of life impossible. As a rule, such changes are accompanied by negative feelings and thoughts, the emergence of new life status. Crisis period makes it necessary to reconsider life, change priorities and values. This is a time of change.

How to attract love into your life, what should you do for this and is it necessary? Firstly, there are no universal recipes, tips or manuals to follow. Secondly, if in this case the word “work” is in principle appropriate, then the work should start with yourself, the changes should be primarily internal.

Everyone had problems associated with low mood, stress, and lashing out at loved ones over trifles. This must be dealt with, as it can cause discomfort to the human body. After all, physical and psychological health are interconnected.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just some of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not purchases out of necessity, but purchases out of panic. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem somehow influences a person’s actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, “life prizes” go to others. If your self-esteem is falling lower and lower, then the 20 tips given in this article will help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Order in life is harmony inside and outside, it is a special state in which all events go much better. Today we will learn to put things in order in our thoughts, life and destiny.

When something doesn’t go well, troubles appear, this indicates a person’s internal problems and contradictions and that his thoughts and actions need to be cleaned up. All spheres of life are connected energetically. If, for example, your room is a mess, then this energetically affects your thoughts and even your destiny. So, let's start putting things in order.

Thoughts and emotions

Pay attention to what thoughts you have, what internal state? If you have a lot of negative thoughts and emotions, they will soon bear fruit in your life and make it worse. Learn to track them.

You need to learn to catch the moment when a bad thought or emotion appears. As soon as you catch this negativity, start observing it. Observation is one of the best practices for getting rid of bad emotions.

Learn to always be a conscious person in order to see and eradicate in time negative thoughts and emotions.

False Beliefs

False beliefs change life for the worse. If you go deeper, almost all people live in illusions. The world is not at all the way we imagine it, and the more false beliefs, the more problems.

Being in an illusion, it is very difficult to see problems in your beliefs, but no matter how you perceive this world and yourself in it, this can be changed. Very good method testing beliefs is doubt. If you begin to doubt many of your beliefs and begin to critically reexamine them, it turns out that many of them turn out to be false. Many courses and trainings are devoted to changing beliefs. This topic is difficult to cover even in an article, let alone in 1-2 paragraphs.

Physical world

Along with putting things in order in thoughts and beliefs, it is necessary to put things in order in physical space.


Create perfect order in your workplace. There should be no dust, no debris, no foreign objects there. The fewer different items there are in the workplace, the better.

Absolutely every thing has its own energy and its own information, which you unconsciously capture, and this affects your life. Keep only things in your workplace that give you inspiration and that remind you of your goals.


Clean up your computer. All information must be structured and located in separate folders. The computer now plays a big role in life and there should be order there.


The environment is one of the main factors of a person that influences his life. Reconsider your surroundings. Only communicate with people who bring you closer to your goal, who make you better and have a good influence on you. This is very important.

Remove from your environment or limit contact as much as possible with those people who drag you down.

By changing your environment, you will change your life.

I wish you order in your thoughts and life! Sincerely, .

Many modern people prefer to profess “household minimalism.” This is when you reduce to the maximum the number of things that clutter your environment, thereby lightening your psychological baggage. In addition, this provides an opportunity to save more.

But the number of different attributes in real life has feedback from the digital content of our smartphones or computers. This leads to what some psychologists call “digital clutter”: when there are so many icons on your desktop that you can’t see the wallpaper.

Here you can counter with the fact that the disorder of elements on electronic media is easily overcome by a regular search. You need to find a file - you enter its name into the search, and it immediately appears. This is not a second sock for you to look for in a pile of household items.

But according to psychologists, certain ways of storing digital information have important functional, practical and psychological consequences for life. The process of “flooding” your desktop is indirectly projected onto everyday life, which creates the effect vicious circle. Therefore, today we want to give you some tips regarding storing files on hard drives. At the same time, we will delve into the topic of special services that help make electronic work orderly. Of course, there are a lot of different proposals for this, but even ordinary manual sorting will significantly reduce the chances of getting lost in the abundance of files.

Computer desktop

You won't argue that there are two types of people in the world: those who have practically nothing on their desktop, and those whose monitor screen resembles a chessboard. The screen is the most obvious representation of your attitude towards storing digital information.

In fact, the order in which files are stored on a computer screen has nothing to do with their number. Much or little - everything can fit on the desktop if you use the appropriate hierarchy. Spending a little time setting up your system can save you a lot of time and mental energy when you need to find the file you need. In addition to thematic division into folders, you can distribute icons with files according to their demand. Although the search the required document Diving into the catalog can take some time, often faster than scanning the entire screen to find what you need.

And although distributing information stored on a hard drive into folders, archives or the Cloud seems like an obvious way, many people neglect it. Moreover, this does not happen intentionally, but gradually. In this sense, it is important not only to restore order, but also to maintain it. That is, when downloading or saving a new file, immediately upload it to the appropriate folder and preferably name it. It is postponing this process until later that gradually leads to “cluttering” the desktop.

Another tip is to reduce the number of "shared" folders. Since all neutral information identified in such catalogs is usually also doomed to be lost. The main thing, according to psychologists, is that systematic approach to the distribution of files optimizes the work process, thereby forming in a person the habit of orderly conduct of affairs outside the digital space.


Due to the popularity of instant messengers, email has somewhat lost its position. It seems impractical to many today to use it for business, and even more so for personal purposes. This further provokes a reluctance to sort incoming and outgoing emails, which makes it difficult to potentially find what you need. To avoid confusion, it is best to distribute mail in advance in the following ways:


Everything is clear here. We send spam and other unnecessary things straight out.


Actions can include a direct response to a letter or forwarding it. It's worth sticking to one simple rule: if a response to a certain incoming letter does not take more than 2 minutes, then it is better to complete it immediately and not put it off.


Move to the appropriate category with a reminder to deal with this letter later. When a letter is important, but there is no time to respond to it at the moment, it is better to leave it with a note than in the general list of incoming letters, in which it will then get lost.

Notifications and Alerts

This is the most common form of electronic clutter. An endless stream of incoming messages is a potential source of stress and loss of productivity. It’s worth asking yourself honestly, are all the installed applications necessary? Should everyone receive notifications? In any case, it is better to leave time for each service in accordance with its purpose: to respond to professional alerts at work and vice versa.

By and large, putting your smartphone, computer or tablet in order is a cyclical process that comes to everyone when they get tired of fiddling with their own information mess. Then the space gradually becomes clogged until it gets boring again and the user deletes unnecessary applications, catalogs the contents, and so on. Therefore, we once again emphasize the importance of anticipating such confusion and processing any incoming information immediately. Ultimately, this will save both time and nerves. And most importantly, it will become a useful habit for other areas of activity.

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