Quatrains of Omar Khayyam about love. Omar Khayyam rubai about life and love. Omar Khayyam quotes about life

It’s better to drink and caress cheerful beauties,
Why seek salvation in fasting and prayers?
If there's a place in hell for lovers and drunkards,
Then who do you order to be allowed into heaven?

When the violets pour out their fragrance
And the spring wind blows,
The sage is the one who drinks wine with his beloved,
Breaking the cup of repentance on a stone.

Dawn threw a sheaf of fire onto the roofs
And he threw the ball of the lord of the day into the cup.
Sip the wine! Sounds in the rays of dawn
The call of love, drunken the universe.


Alas, we are not given many days to stay here,
To live them without love and without wine is a sin.
There is no need to think whether this world is old or young:
If we are destined to leave, do we really care?

Among the beautiful houris I am drunk and in love
And I give a grateful bow to the wine.
Today I am free from the shackles of existence
And blessed, as if invited to a higher palace.

Give me a jug of wine and a cup, oh my beloved,
We will sit with you in the meadow and on the bank of the stream!
The sky is full of beauties, from the beginning of existence,
It turned, my friend, into bowls and jugs - I know.

Love is a fatal misfortune, but the misfortune is by the will of Allah.
Why do you blame what is always by the will of Allah?
A series of evil and good arose - by the will of Allah.
Why do we need thunder and flames of Judgment - by the will of Allah?

With the one whose body is a cypress, and whose lips seem to lal,
Go to the garden of love and fill your glass,
While the doom is inevitable, the wolf is insatiable,
This flesh, like a shirt, was not torn off you!

About grief, grief to the heart, where there is no burning passion.
Where there is no love, there is no torment, where there are no dreams of happiness.
A day without love is lost: duller and grayer,
Why is this day barren, and there are no days of bad weather.

Loving you, I bear all reproaches
And it’s not in vain that I vow eternal fidelity.
Since I will live forever, I will be ready until the day of judgment
To humbly endure heavy and cruel oppression.

Come quickly, full of enchantment,
Dispel sadness, breathe in the warmth of your heart!
Pour a jug of wine into the jugs
Our ashes have not yet been turned by a potter.

You, whom I have chosen, are dearer to me than anyone else.
Heart of ardent heat, light of eyes for me.
Is there anything in life more precious than life?
You and my life are more precious to me.

I'm not afraid of reproaches, my pocket is not empty,
But still, put away the wine and put the glass aside.
I always drank wine - I looked for pleasure to my heart,
Why should I drink now that I’m drunk with you?

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
I don't need anything except your face.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

Wounded by passion, I shed tears tirelessly,
I pray to heal my poor heart,
For instead of a love drink the sky
My cup has been filled with the blood of my heart.

In the morning the rose opened its bud in the wind,
And the nightingale sang, in love with her beauty.
Sit in the shade. These roses will bloom for a long time,
When will our sorrowful ashes be buried.

In the morning my rose wakes up,
My rose blooms in the wind.
Oh, cruel sky! Has barely blossomed -
How my rose is already crumbling.

Passion for an unfaithful woman struck me like a plague.
It’s not for me that my darling is going crazy!
Who, my heart, will cure us of passion,
If our doctor suffers herself.

We have now forgotten our vows of repentance
And they closed the door tightly to good fame.
We are beside ourselves; Don't blame us for this:
We are drunk with the wine of love, not with wine, believe me!

Omar Khayyam Rubaiyat about love
I found paradise here, over a cup of wine,
Among the roses, near my dear one, burning with love.
Why should we listen to talk about hell and heaven!
Who has seen hell? Has anyone returned from heaven?

Reason gives praise to this cup,
The lover kisses her all night long.
And the mad potter made such an elegant bowl
Creates and hits the ground without mercy!

Khayyam! What are you grieving about? Have fun!
You are feasting with a friend - be merry!
Oblivion awaits everyone. You could have disappeared
You still exist - be happy!

Do not worry that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart -
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

If you want to touch a rose, don’t be afraid to cut your hands,
If you want to drink, don’t be afraid to get sick from a hangover.
And love is beautiful, reverent and passionate
If you want to burn your heart in vain, don’t be afraid!

You are the queen of the game. I'm not happy myself.
My knight has become a pawn, but I can’t take my move back...
I press my black rook against your white rook,
Two faces are now side by side... But what happens in the end? Mat!

A life-giving spring is hidden in the bud of your lips,
Let no one else's cup touch your lips forever...
The jug that preserves the trace of them, I will drain to the bottom.
Wine can replace everything... Everything except your lips!

Let me touch, my love, the thick strands,
This reality is dearer to me than any dreams...
I can only compare your curls to a loving heart,
So tender and so quivering are their curls!

Kiss your foot, oh queen of joy,
Much sweeter than the lips of a half-asleep girl!
Every day I indulge all your whims,
So that on a starry night I can merge with my beloved.

Your lips gave the color to ruby,
You left - I am sad, and my heart is bleeding.
Who hid in the ark like Noah from the flood,
He alone will not drown in the abyss of love.

Whose heart does not burn with passionate love for the beloved, -
Without consolation he drags out his sad life.
Days spent without joys of love,
I consider the burden unnecessary and hateful.

From edge to edge we are on the path to death;
We cannot turn back from the brink of death.
Look, in the local caravanserai
Don't accidentally forget your love!

Who planted a rose of tender love
To the cuts of the heart - I didn’t live in vain!
And the one who listened sensitively to God with his heart,
And the one who drank the hops of earthly delight!

Have fun!... You can't catch a stream in captivity?
But the running stream caresses!
Is there no consistency in women and in life?
But it’s your turn!

Oh, if only, taking with me the poems of the sofa
Yes, in a jug of wine and putting bread in my pocket,
I want to spend a day with you among the ruins, -
Any sultan could envy me.

The branches don't tremble... the night... I'm alone...
In the darkness a rose drops a petal.
So - you left! And bitter intoxications
The flying delirium is dispelled and far away.

Omar Khayyam Rubaiyat about love
Our world is an alley of young roses,
A chorus of nightingales, a transparent swarm of dragonflies.
And in the fall? Silence and stars
And the darkness of your flowing hair...

Who is ugly, who is handsome - does not know passion,
A madman in love agrees to go to hell.
Lovers don't care what to wear,
What to lay on the ground, what to put under your head.

We are like compasses, together, on the grass:
The single body has two heads,
We make a full circle, rotating on the rod,
To match head to head again.

The sheikh shamed the harlot: “You, whore, drink,
You sell your body to everyone who wants it!”
“I am,” said the harlot, “really like that,
Are you who you say you are?"

The sky is a ruined belt my life,
The tears of the fallen are the salty waves of the seas.
Paradise - blissful peace after passionate efforts,
Hellfire is just a reflection of extinguished passions.

Like the sun, love burns without burning,
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale moans,
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Throw off the burden of self-interest, the oppression of vanity,
Enmeshed in evil, break out of these snares.
Drink wine and comb your darling's locks:
The day will pass unnoticed - and life will flash by.

My advice: always be drunk and in love,
To be dignified and important is not worth the trouble.
Not needed by the almighty Lord God
Neither your mustache, friend, nor my beard!

From the lilac cloud to the green plains
White jasmine falls all day long.
I pour a lily-like cup
Pure pink flame - the best of wines.

In this life there is intoxication best,
The singing of the gentle Guria is best,
Free thought boiling is best,
Oblivion of all prohibitions is best.

Give me some wine! There is no place for empty words here.
Kisses from my beloved are my bread and balm.
The lips of an ardent lover are wine-colored,
The violence of passion is like her hair.

Tomorrow is the day - alas! - hidden from our eyes!
Hurry to use the hour flying into the abyss.
Drink, moon-faced one! How often will the month be
Ascend to heaven, no longer seeing us.

Above all else is love,
In the song of youth, the first word is love.
Oh, wretched ignoramus in the world of love,
Know that the basis of our entire life is love!

From the zenith of Saturn to the belly of the Earth
The mysteries of the world have found their interpretation.
I have unraveled all the loops near and far,
Except for the simplest one - except for the light loop.

Those to whom life was given in full measure,
Intoxicated with the intoxication of love and wine.
Having dropped the unfinished cup of delight,
They sleep side by side in the arms of eternal sleep.

If you are in the rays of hope, look for your heart, heart,
If you are in the company of a friend, look into his heart with your heart.
The temple and the countless temples are smaller than a small heart,
Throw away your Kaaba, look for your heart with your heart.

Sweet curls are darker from the musk of the night,
And the ruby ​​of her lips is more valuable than all stones...
I once compared her figure to a cypress tree,
Now the cypress tree is proud to the roots!

Oh, don't grow a tree of sorrow...
Seek wisdom from your own beginning.
Caress your loved ones and love wine!
After all, we are not married to life forever.

Drink wine, for bodily joy is in it.
Listen to the chang, for the sweetness of heaven is in it.
Trade your eternal sorrow for joy,
For the goal, unknown to anyone, is in him.

A blooming garden, a girlfriend and a cup of wine -
This is my paradise. I don't want to find myself in something else.
Yes, no one has ever seen heavenly paradise!
So let's take comfort in earthly things for now.

I would like to cool my soul towards the unfaithful one,
Allow yourself to be taken over by a new passion.
I would like to, but tears fill my eyes,
Tears don't let me look at anyone else.

Woe to the heart that ice is colder,
Doesn't glow with love, doesn't know about it.
And for the heart of a lover, a day spent
Without a lover - the most wasted of days!

Talk about love is devoid of magic,
Like cooled coals, the fire is deprived.
And true love burns hot,
Deprived of sleep and rest, night and day.

Don't beg for love, loving hopelessly,
Do not wander under the window of an unfaithful woman, grieving.
Like beggar dervishes, be independent -
Maybe then they will love you.

Where to escape from fiery passions,
What hurts your soul?
When would I know that this torment is the source
In the hands of the one who is dearer to you all...

I'll share my deepest secret with you,
In a nutshell I will express my tenderness and sadness.
I dissolve in the dust with love for you,
From the earth I will rise with love for you.

It was not because of poverty that I forgot about wine,
It was not out of fear that I completely sank to the bottom.
I drank wine to fill my heart with joy,
And now my heart is full of you.

They say: "There will be houris, honey and wine -
We are destined to taste all the delights in paradise."
That's why I'm everywhere with my beloved and with the cup, -
After all, in the end we will come to the same thing anyway.

I stubbornly wondered over the book of life,
Suddenly, with heartache, the sage said to me:
"There is no more beautiful bliss - to lose yourself in the arms of
Moon-faced beauty, whose lips seemed to lal."

For loving you, let everyone around you judge you,
Believe me, I don’t have time to argue with the ignorant.
Only heals husbands love potion,
And it brings a cruel illness to bigots.

“We must live,” we are told, “in fasting and in labor!”
“As you live, so you will rise again!”
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine,
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.

For those who die, Baghdad and Balkh are one;
Whether the cup is bitter or sweet, we will see the bottom in it.
The detrimental month goes out - it will return young,
And we will never return.... Be silent and drink wine.

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved,
Sacrifice what is most precious to you.
Never be cunning when giving love,
Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

Rose said: "Oh, my appearance today
Essentially, he speaks about my madness.
Why do I come out of the bud bleeding?
The path to freedom often lies through thorns!"

Passion for you has torn the robe of roses,
Your scent contains the breath of roses.
You are tender, sparkles of sweat on silken skin,
Like dew at the wonderful moment of opening roses!

You alone brought joy to my heart,
Your death burned my heart with grief.
Only with you could I endure all the sorrows of the world,
Without you, what is the world and worldly affairs to me?

You have chosen the path of love - you must firmly follow,
The sparkle of your eyes will flood everything along this path.
And having achieved with patience high goals,
Breathe so hard that you can shake the world with your sigh!

Your moon will not wane in a month,
While decorating, the stingy fate was generous to you.
It’s really not difficult to leave this life and world,
But how difficult it is to always leave your threshold!

You don’t push your horse on the road of love -
You will be exhausted by the end of the day.
Do not curse the one who is tormented by love -
You cannot comprehend the heat of someone else's fire.

I went out into the garden sad and not happy about the morning,
The nightingale sang to Rose in a mysterious way:
"Show yourself from the bud, rejoice in the morning,
How many wonderful flowers this garden gave!”

My eyes are crying because of the chain of separations,
My heart cries from doubts and torment.
I cry pitifully and write these lines,
Even the kalam cries, falling out of his hands...

Come, because peace of mind is you!
You have arrived! And not someone else - it's you!
And not for the sake of the soul - for the sake of our God
Let me be sure, touch it with your hand - it’s you!

I will happily hug my beloved again
And I will remove the evil of my days from my memory.
Although a drunkard does not heed the words of the sages,
But of course I will understand these words!

It’s not easy for the wind to fly into her curls,
And it’s not easy not to have suffering in love.
They say that her face is inaccessible to the eyes -
Of course, it’s not easy to look drunk!

Every moment, oh idol, don’t be cutesy,
Don’t be so constant in self-love.
Walk with an even step and don’t frown more than your eyebrows,
Never be an enemy to lovers!

The arrival of my friend illuminated my soul,
Happiness smiled upon me amidst many adversities.
Let the moon darken. And with the extinguished candle
A night with you is like the sun rising for me.

From the fire of your passion only smoke came out,
He brought little hope to his heart.
I tried hard to meet you,
But since there was no happiness, my ardor is fruitless!

Omar Khayyam Rubaiyat about love
Not struck by you on the spot no in the world,
There is no one in the world who has not lost their mind.
And, although you are not partial to anyone,
There is no one in the world who would not desire your love.
Translation: N. Tenigina

My soul tells me that I am in love with his face,
The sound of his speeches penetrated into the very heart.
Pearls of secrets fill my soul and heart,
But I can’t say - my tongue is nailed!

I thought that your promises were true,
Your promises are full of constancy.
No, I didn’t know that, like the pillars of the universe -
Light of the eyes! - your promises are fragile!

The heart asked: “Teach at least once!”
I started with the alphabet: “Remember - “Az”.
And I hear: “Enough! Everything is in the initial syllable,
And then - a fluent, eternal retelling."

Passion cannot be friends with deep love,
If he can, then they won’t be together for long.
Let the hen and the falcon rise up next to you,
Unfortunately, she can’t even fly higher than the fence.

If the heart is suddenly given control over love,
It’s not difficult to saddle the horse of your dreams.
If there is no heart, love is homeless,
There is no love - so why should the heart beat?

If you love, then endure separation steadfastly,
While waiting for the medicine, suffer and don’t sleep!
Let your heart shrink like a rose in bud,
Sacrifice your life. And sprinkle the blood on the path!

The monks are in ecstasy, everyone in the madrasah is noisy,
Love does not require a spiritual ritual.
Even if he were a mufti and an expert in Sharia,
Where love administers judgment - all dialects are silent!

We need to drink some wine! Humanity is needed
The pain of compassion should burn like a flame!
We must study the Book of Love constantly,
So that she teaches how to be dust in front of a friend!

Wake up from your sleep! The night was created for the sacraments of love,
For throwing around your beloved’s house it’s given!
Where there are doors, they are locked at night,
Only the lovers' door is open!

When Love called me into the world,
She immediately gave me love lessons,
Magic key forged from heart particles
And she led me to the treasures of the spirit.

You took your purple color from a tulip,
The lily of youth gave you the essence.
There was a rose, it looked like you -
Having handed over her life to you, she timidly left.

There are no heads where its secret would not ripen,
The heart lives by feeling, hiding nothing.
Each tribe goes along its own path...
But love is a hurricane on the paths of existence!

What did I taste out of passion for you, suffering?
Day and night I endured pain and misfortune,
My heart is bleeding and my soul is tormented,
And my eyes are wet, and I myself am exhausted.

With gold you can conquer any beauties,
So that the fruits of these meetings can be picked and tasted.
And the crown-bearing narcissist has already raised his head, -
Look! Gold can wake you up from sleep!

Who was born in the beauty of happiness to contemplate the face,
So the world will shimmer with many facets -
Decorates a dress with sewing for a beauty
And he knows how to understand the inside out of his soul!

Greenery, roses, wine were given to me by fate,
However, you are not there in this splendor of spring!
Without you I can't find consolation in anything,
Where you are, I don’t need other gifts!

You, whose appearance is fresher than wheat fields,
You are a mihrab from the temple of heaven!
When you were born, your mother washed you with ambergris,
By mixing drops of my blood into the aroma!

From the wet rose you, throwing off the bashful veil,
Brought me confusion in the form of gifts.
A hair's breadth away from your waist! Show me your face!
I'm melted like wax and ready for suffering!

It was as if you were friends with me at first,
But then she suddenly decided to quarrel with me,
I did not despair that fate had turned away:
What if you still become nice to me?

You are a mine, if you go in search of a ruby,
You are loved if you live in the hope of a date.
Delve into the essence of these words - both simple and wise:
Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!

We were confidants at the cup of wine -
And we needed a secret when dating -
How afraid they were to disgrace themselves in their actions!
Disgraced now - the rumor is not terrible!

Your face is day, with it your curls are always in friendship,
You are the rose, and in the thorns is the trouble of separation.
Your curls are like chain mail, your eyes are like spears,
In anger you are like fire, and in love you are like water!

Oh, idol! Why did you break off the friendship?
Where was your loyalty at this time?
I wanted to grab your shalwars -
You tore my patience shirt!

The light of our eyes, the inspiration of our hearts!
Our destiny is only the torment of our hearts!
From separation, my soul suddenly rose to my lips,
The meeting alone is the healing of our hearts!

Let the whole world lie obediently before the Shah,
Hell belongs to the bad, but heaven belongs to the righteous.
Rosary for the angels, freshness for the heavenly tabernacles,
We must give our loved ones and their souls.

The Creator created two Kaabas for our faith -
Being and hearts, this is the crown of faith.
Worship the Kaaba of hearts while you can,
Above thousands of Kaaba - and one of the hearts!

I have no hope of meeting you,
No patience for a moment - what to do with yourself!
There is no courage in the heart to tell about grief...
What a wondrous passion fate has given me!

The world of love cannot be found without torment,
The path of love cannot be diverted at will.
And until you become bent over from suffering,
The essence of it is impossible to convey to consciousness!

Places where there is no wine in the purple thickets,
Where there is no beauty, who is tender and slender, -
Avoid, even if there is heaven there, -
Here's a tip. And in these words there is only wisdom.

The breezes of spring are good,
The musical harmonies of the choirs are good,
The singing of birds and the stream near the mountain are good...
But only with a sweetheart are all these gifts good!

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, at least he doesn't wear donkey ears!

It’s better to grab your beloved’s curl, caressing it,
It’s better to drink sparkling wine with her,
Before fate grabs you by the belt -
It’s better to seize this destiny yourself!

The Gurias and I are promised heaven in this world.
And the cups are full of purple wine.
Beauties and wine flee in this world
Is it reasonable if we come to them anyway?

You have eclipsed China's daughters in beauty,
Tender jasmine, your face is more tender,
Yesterday you looked at the Shah of Babylon
And she took everything: queen, rooks, knights.

How full of love I am, how wonderful is my sweet face,
How much I would say and how dumb my tongue is!
Isn't it strange, Lord? I'm thirsty
And right there a living spring flows in front of me.

Sit down, boy! Don't tease me with your beauty!
I should devour you with the fire of my eyes
You forbid... Ah, I'm like the one who hears:
“You knock over the cup, but don’t spill a drop!”

The harsh Ramadan ordered to say goodbye to wine.
Where are the fun days? We only dream about them.
Alas, the undrinkable jug stands in the basement,
And more than one harlot left untouched.

My idol, the potter sculpted you like this,
That in front of you the moon is ashamed of its charms.
Let others decorate themselves for the holiday,
You have the gift of decorating a holiday.

How long will you reproach us, you nasty hypocrite,
Because we burn with true love for the tavern?
Wine and honey make us happy, and you
Entangled in rosaries and hypocritical lies.

When a tulip trembles under the morning dew,
And low, to the ground, the violet bows,
I admire the rose: how quietly it picks up
Its semi-bud, drunk with sweet slumber!

Those who have not escaped its spell will now know happiness,
He who lies like dust at dear feet, drinks happiness in his soul.
He will torment you, he will offend you, but don’t be offended:
All that the moon-like sends us is happiness!

I love wine, I catch a moment of fun.
I am neither a believer nor a heretic.
"The bride is life, any ransom?"
- “A spring of joy flows from the heart.”

Saki! May I be honored with the charming feathers,
Let the bitterness of wine be replaced for me with heavenly moisture.
Let Zukhra be a Changist, the interlocutor is Isa.
If the heart is not joyful, then feasting is inappropriate.

The sparkle of New Year's dew is beautiful on the roses,
Beloved - the best creation of the Lord - beautiful.
Should the sage regret the past, should he scold it?
Let's forget yesterday! After all, ours today is wonderful.

The biography of Omar Khayyam is full of secrets and mysteries, and his image is covered in legends. In the Ancient East he was revered as a scientist. To us, he is better known as a poet, philosopher, keeper of wisdom - aphorisms full of humor and slyness. Omar Khayyam is a humanist, for him the spiritual world of a person is above all. He appreciates the joy of life and enjoyment from every minute. And his style of presentation made it possible to express what could not be said out loud in open text.

A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Don't be afraid to lose those who weren't afraid to lose you. The brighter the bridges behind you burn, the brighter the road ahead...

In this unfaithful world, don’t be a fool: Don’t you dare rely on those around you. Look with a steady eye at your closest friend - A friend may turn out to be your worst enemy.

Be easier on people. If you want to be wiser, don’t hurt with your wisdom.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

You must be good with both friend and enemy! He who is good by nature will not find malice in him. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend.

I think it's better to be alone
How to give the heat of the soul to “someone”
Giving a priceless gift to just anyone
Once you meet your loved one, you will not be able to fall in love.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle. Rather, better than close ones, a friend living far away. Take a calm look at everyone who is sitting around. In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see your enemy.

We change rivers, countries, cities. Other doors. New Years. But we can’t escape ourselves anywhere, and if we escape, we will only go nowhere.

You got out of rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince... Don’t forget, so as not to jinx it..., princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal.

I have never been repulsed by a person’s poverty; it’s another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

Good does not put on the mask of evil, but often evil, under the mask of good, does its crazy things.

A pensive soul tends towards loneliness.

When you leave for five minutes, do not forget to leave warmth in your palms. In the palms of those who are waiting for you, In the palms of those who remember you...

He who has been beaten by life will achieve more; he who has eaten a pound of salt values ​​honey more highly. He who shed tears laughs sincerely, He who died knows that he lives.

Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can.

Just the essence, how worthy of men, speak,
Only when answering - the words sir - speak.
There are two ears, but one tongue is not given by chance -
Listen twice and speak only once!

Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

What is the use of interpreting for someone who is clueless!

Don’t forget that you are not alone: ​​in the most difficult moments, God is next to you.

There will be no forgiveness for anyone who has not sinned.

You are a mine, since you go in search of a ruby, You are loved, since you live in the hope of a date. Delve into the essence of these words - both simple and wise: Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!

Passion cannot be friends with deep love; if it can, then they will not be together for long.

Don't look at how someone else is smarter than everyone else,
And see if he is true to his word.
If he doesn't throw his words to the wind -
There is no price for him, as you yourself understand.

Like the wind in the steppe, like water in a river,
The day has passed and will never come back.
Let us live, oh my friend, in the present!
Regretting the past is not worth the effort.

When people gossip about you, it means that you have enough attention not only for yourself, but also for others. They fill themselves with you.

I would compare the world to a chessboard -
sometimes it’s day, sometimes it’s night, and you and I are pawns.
Moved quietly and beaten
and put it in a dark box to rest!

The ocean, made of drops, is large.
The continent is made up of dust particles.
Your coming and going doesn't matter.
Just a fly flew into the window for a moment...

We will leave without a trace - no names, no signs. This world will last for thousands of years. We weren’t here before, and we won’t be here after. There is no harm or benefit from this.

Don't frown because of the blows of fate,
Those who lose heart die before their time.
Neither you nor I have control over fate.
It is wiser to come to terms with it. More use!

You should never explain anything to anyone. The one who does not want to listen will not hear or believe, but the one who believes and understands does not need explanations.

There is no point in locking the door in front of the future,
There is no point in choosing between evil and good.
The sky throws blindly dice -
Everything that falls out must be lost in time!

Don't punish yourself for what didn't come. Don't curse yourself because of what has passed away. Get rid of the vile life - and don’t scold yourself. Until the sword raises doom - live and protect yourself.

Life is ashamed of those who sit and mourn, who do not remember joys, who do not forgive insults...

Happiness is given to the brave, it does not like the quiet ones,
For happiness, go into the water and into the fire.
Both the rebel and the submissive are equal before God,
Don't yawn - don't waste your happiness.

The time of quiet love is more of a concern... You can catch it in your eyes, you can understand it at a glance. After all, love, oddly enough, is a big job if you value it and don’t want to lose it.

Appreciate even the bitter days of life, because they too are gone forever.

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear - everything is inherent in our bodies from birth. Until death we will become neither better nor worse; we are the way Allah created us.

It is known that everything in the world is just vanity of vanities:
Be cheerful, don't worry, that's the light.
What has happened is past, what will happen is unknown,
So don’t worry about what doesn’t exist today.

Noble people, loving each other,
They see the grief of others and forget themselves.
If you want honor and the shine of mirrors, -
Don't envy others, and they will love you.

I would like to mold my life from the smartest things
I didn’t think of it there, but I didn’t manage to do it here.
But Time is our efficient teacher!
As soon as you give me a slap on the head, you have become a little wiser.

Don't say the man is a womanizer! If he were monogamous, then your turn would not have come.

We come sinless - and we sin,
We come cheerful - and mourn.
We burn our hearts with bitter tears
And we will fall into dust, scattering life like smoke.

Don't share your secret with people,
After all, you don’t know which of them is mean.
What do you do with God's creation?
Expect the same from yourself and from people.

Love in the beginning is always tender.
In memories - always affectionate.
And if you love, it’s pain! And with greed for each other
We torment and torment - always.

I came to the sage and asked him:
"What is love?"
He said, "Nothing."
But, I know, many books have been written.
“Eternity” - some write, while others write that it’s “a moment”.
Either it will scorch with fire, or it will melt like snow,
What is love? - “It’s all a person!”
And then I looked him straight in the face:
“How can I understand you? Nothing or everything?
He said, smiling: “You yourself gave the answer!” -
“Nothing or everything! There is no middle ground here!

How I want to say good words...
Let the snow fall, and with it renewal.
What a beautiful and kind life!
Appreciate all these sweet moments!
After all, our life is made up of moments like these.
And if we believe in such a miracle...
The soul sings and the heart rushes upward...
And we are not afraid of the evil blizzard!
Envy and lies do not exist.
But only peace, warmth and inspiration.
We are on earth for happiness and love!
So let this moment of glow last!

Can only be shown to sighted people. Sing the song only to those who hear. Give yourself to someone who will be grateful, who understands, loves and appreciates.

Never go back. There is no point in going back anymore. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts were drowning. Even if you are drawn to where everything was so nice, don’t ever go there, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this, forget it, don’t ever go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, they once left you. They killed faith in their souls, in love, in people and in themselves. Just live what you live and even though life looks like hell, look only forward, never go back.

Ghiyasaddin Abu-l-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri (Persian: ابورﻯ‎) - world-famous classic of Persian-Tajik poetry, philosopher, scientist, astronomer, mathematician. Years of life: 1048-1123. The work of Omar Khayyam is an amazing phenomenon in the cultural history of all mankind. His discoveries in the field of physics, mathematics, astronomy have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and have historical significance. The poems of Omar Khayyam captivate with their laconicism, imagery, capacity and accuracy of expression of thoughts.

Omar Khayyam is famous all over the world for his rubaiyat quatrains. In algebra he constructed a classification cubic equations and gave their solutions using conic sections. In Iran, Omar Khayyam is also known for creating a more accurate calendar than the European one, which has been officially used since the 11th century.

On this page we bring to your attention short rubaiyat poems about love.

And here is the jug: like me, he once knew love,

In the shackles of his curls, like a slave, he once groaned.

The hand on his throat froze:

He once hugged his beloved!..

Adam was mixed with dust by the dew of Love;

The sprouts of passions and unrest have found support.

And with the needle of Love they cut open the Vein of the Spirit,

And they squeezed out a drop and called it Heart.

Love cannot be cultivated in an insensitive soul;

And the voluptuous cannot experience it.

So don’t spy on the desires of the heart.

You robbed yourself - how to become a man?!

You trapped your heart in a memory trap,

Infused melancholy into my heart...

I am in your thrall, and there is nowhere to run:

You branded your heart with the imperishable word “Life.”

In love, and only in it, is all our beauty.

He who has lost love is the last orphan.

And who does not want to wash his heart with the wine of love,

He is not much different from cattle.

There will be confusion and confusion in the monasteries,

And there will be a lot of trouble in the madrasah:

According to the mufti, now love is a troublemaker

Will give mentors worries for the whole year.

In this world, love is the adornment of people,

To be deprived of love is to be without friends.

The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,

He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

There - You, omnipotent master of all states,

And there - on the way to You, the loving slave is alone.

I repeat the Word of Truth in prayer:

“The earthly world will perish, but the Lord is eternal!”

Entrust the cultivation of love to separation,

Treat heart disease with hopes,

Make your beloved's lips a bud in your heart,

The flower will open - teach a smile.

Everyone is in love with you, as many men as there are around.

The fluttering of moths is our flaming circle.

Tell me, isn't there enough whims and nagging?

If you have love in front of you, what kind of whims are suddenly

Once you enter the Land of Love, you cannot turn away from the path,

You cannot interrupt your path by your own will;

Until I finished going around it in a circle,

You cannot imagine yourself having grasped the essence.

Where is the music to sing of the dawn drink?

With delight, my heart, greet the dawn drink.

Three happinesses on earth: love, a drunken mind,

But the main thing, mind you, is the dawn drink.

The eyes so carefully guided the blind heart,

So that somewhere the heart can meet with love

Don't be curious about what's in your heart now:

Make your eyes wash with the blood of your heart.

Lord! You created Love itself, look,

The fragrant captivity of curls!.. But how, judge,

Do you forbid me to admire beauty?

The prohibition is just like the one: “Bend down! Don't fall!

I would call two of your curls friends,

Dates are roses, and days of separation are thorns.

From under the shield of hair, your gaze is like the blow of a spear.

In love - a sip of water, in a moment of disagreement you are a flame.

For the heart, the Face of Love is fire and grace.

It then backs away, then reaches out again...

So explain to him about the moth and the flame:

“Don’t be afraid of burns, if you want to catch fire.”

The light of Truth has reached my heart,

Both that and this world were covered with radiance.

Say it this way: in the heat, in the fever of love

Then I came out and became an ocean.

There is a rare ruby, but in a different mine,

There is a single pearl, but in a different hiding place.

Idle guesses about them are deceptive,

Legends of Love - in a different language.

Pearls of love grow in other seas.

Lovers will find refuge in other worlds.

From the Bird that pecks the seed of sad love,

The nest is outside of two worlds, it is in other mountains.

Health, youth, love, and the spring garden,

And the splash of the stream, and the shine of wine, and a gentle look!..

Ah, a cup of morning intoxicating fragrances,

The roulades of the nightingale and the strings are in a cheerful harmony!

Because fortunately I ran without feeling my feet,

A cruel fate has tied my hands.

Alas! The barren age will be counted among the losses,

Which flowed without wine and without love.

And the old man got caught in the net of love!..

Why would the wine flow like a river?

I kept my vow like that!.. My beloved broke it.

It took me so long to sew the dress!.. It tore within a week.

Of the many sciences, the most necessary is: “Love.”

In the poem of youth, the most tender thing is: “Love.”

When you go to learn life from a sage,

Forget about the word “Life”, more precisely “Love”.

Having driven out both love and anger from the heart - where?

The unity of blasphemies and faiths who have known - where?

He despised the beginnings and ends of his fate

And to convince yourself of nothing - where?

Or is sorrow so sweet to my heart?

Or were they not enough to warn him against love?

How it got entangled in your curls!..

Wasn't the poor fellow tied up for madness?

I won’t fly away to another for a moment,

I would like to, but I can’t deceive love in any way.

In your radiance, blinded by your tears,

I won’t even look at someone else’s face.

They go to Love through the dust and lose their purity,

They trample their greatness underfoot.

To them today is like night... They are always

They die in longing for tomorrow's sun.

How it hurts for hearts that have no fire,

Where passions do not boil, drunk with madness!..

When the opportunity arises, you will understand: there is nothing more barren

The absence of Love of a ruined day.

How insinuatingly love entangled me:

“I let you in, it’s too late to drive away!” - suggesting and teasing

Now such sorrow incinerates the heart,

It was as if the fire had become fuel for the fire.

How long is the path of Love!.. Don’t you dare encourage

A tired horse, otherwise the journey will be interrupted.

Don't reproach someone for whom love is torment,

Better yet, help me get some rest.

How, having experienced love, you blossomed with me!

How furiously and angrily she then broke up with me!

I hope for fate: it will turn out well,

You will become again the same as you were with me.

Covering us like a bowl, the heavenly shelter lies.

Beneath him, confused, his catch trembles.

Heaven has love for us like a jug has love for a cup:

He leans towards her, blood runs between them.

How my heart, exhausted, burned my health!

Oh, how unbearable it is with his love - for me!

At the sacred hour, lovers are given wine,

But I’m used to filling the cup with blood.

For us to be tormented by the whims of Love is joy,

To remain as specks of dust before Her forever is a joy.

Her hot temper is no reason to be offended,

It is a joy to come into contact with the glow of Love.

Once upon a time a wondrous Face was visible to us in the sky...

But the jealous heavens did not like it,

What was more beautiful than sunrises and sunsets?

Your Face is brilliant, open to all eyes.

Who will love choose as prey now?

Who is she going to tell big lies to now?

I've gone crazy, I've had enough.

Love hunts... Today - whose turn?

If again, my love, I will hug you,

If the cup is not wine, I will take living water,

Zukhra rings a string, Isa conducts a conversation,

But my heart is still sad, how can I please him?

If not Love itself, then, really, who are you?

I look, I breathe, I live, and in this too you are.

There is nothing more precious than your soul, idol;

And I remember: the age is short! - you are a hundred times more valuable!

If the potter's bowl was at least a little successful,

And if I was drunk, I wouldn’t have raised my hand against her.

How can the beauty of lovely hands and eyes be

Is it loving to sculpt like this - and break it, getting angry?

Who needs peace from Love?

Consider them dead, certainly not alive.

The one who has never heard of Love,

Consider him dead, certainly not alive.

Only the heart is in sorrow, having fallen under an evil burden,

And he will sigh about love and remember the intoxication of his past.

But no wine? Wait, I'll bring one of these

Why scoop up a handful of it like a bowl!

Only those who are callous in heart and not rich in friendship,

I am forced to pray in our own or alien way.

Who is deservedly recorded in the Chronicle of Love,

He doesn't need heaven, he doesn't fear hell.

Let your heart burn with sorrowful love,

Let your heart saddle the stubborn horse.

Where, if not in the Heart, should the Fatherland of Love be?

What, if not Love, does the heart always desire?

My love is as bright as clear water.

Those who are happy in love do not mind deprivation.

The love of others will shine and fade away without a trace.

But you, my love, will never perish.

Love is a misfortune, but... Here fate showed its participation.

It’s a sin to blame me, since fate sent bad weather.

Slaves of good and evil, we are all under God's authority.

Will I suddenly pay for my passion on Judgment Day?

In the tavern of Love we will go completely broke,

We, burning in the flame of Love, will ignite,

We will wash ourselves with the wine of Love

And let us turn to the face of the idol in prayer.

On the tablecloth of Fate, where there is sugar, there is salt:

Love without tears and parting is no longer so sweet.

Although, it’s true, the day is never a joy,

But for sure any midnight is a pain.

It doesn’t matter to the sages whether it’s light or dark,

Whether you spend the night in hell or in heaven, it doesn’t matter,

Like lovers: they wear satin, or carpet,

Under your hot head is a pillow, a log...

Our mind cannot find the answer to everything,

And the Heart is always good at giving advice.

The crowd will show you the way to wherever you want...

But not to the Land of Love. There are no guides there.

Is it not the Truth that has clothed us with love,

Submission and despising sins helped us!

Your generosity will find us wherever we are,

Idleness is doing, idleness is doing.

Don't sigh too much. Living is bitter and dark,

But the time will be numbered for our sighs.

Wake up - your turn has passed a long time ago,

And there was no love, and the wine ran out.

They won't tempt me at any price,

Neither the royal treasury nor unearthly power

To betray love for You is a blessed cry of the night,

Sell ​​the treasure - my priceless diamond.

Ignorant! You can’t frighten me for love,

And you can’t be embarrassed by arguments about her.

We have been given the sherbet of love as a man's delicacy,

Skoptsy and the infirm cannot be treated to it.

No, sensual passion is not friendly with love,

Their visible connection is only an appearance.

If you start feeding the bird of joy with debauchery,

She won’t even be able to fly over the fence.

“Incorruptible love!..” - outside the heart? Where is she?

“Burning spirit!..” - where is the flesh that was burned by it?

“Servant of God!..” - no, my friend, we are all slaves of reason.

Beautiful words are worthless in practice.

Will we really not allow our hearts to know love?

Will we not allow you to taste the intoxication of wine and nightingales?

Like rose petals, we will unravel our clothes,

As long as we don't let the flower of our gardens blow in the wind.

My soul did not have to make friends with anyone;

And there were no healing potions for the heart...

Having reached the abyss, I remained ignorant;

The story of love was interrupted during takeoff.

Oh, how you know how to cheer up a holiday!

You will warm the holiday with both your heart and face,

In honor of idleness and in honor of love and happiness

Let the holiday come to your doorstep soon!

Oh, heart! If dating hurts you so much,

It seems that Love is not the source of your suffering.

Go to the dervishes, and perhaps they will

You will learn to love lightly and without torment.

Oh, heart! Don't rush to moan that it's lonely

And that your Zukhra is hiding far away.

First, in separation, overcome the night's sorrow:

What will you say to Love without learning your lesson?

Oh, heart! Take the risk to choose the path of Love for yourself,

If you win, you risk it again.

Don’t try to cheat like a woman in the land of Love.

Be a man, risk losing your life.

He placed the Earth under the Sun and Moon,

And on Earth - hearts, and in them - the heat of love

And a ruby ​​scattering of precious lips -

In a casket hidden in the depths of the earth.

Under the canopy of curls the lucky man is immersed

In a sunny meadow in a blissful half-sleep.

And that he now has the deceit of the sky,

When you are drunk with love and intoxicated with hops.

Bring me some wine! There is only one balm for torment - it.

It gives hope for love to hearts.

Milelier than the firmament is the nightmarish skull of the world,

The only sip dearer to us is it!

Fake love isn't worth kind words

They can’t heat rotten wood instead of firewood.

Lover day and night, year after year burns,

And what peace, and sleep, and bread, and shelter!..

I live with an addiction to wine and mischief,

Praying to love, debauchery and extravagance, I live.

What kind of question is my existence for everyone?

I know without them, since I live, I live!

Love came and went, as if blood was bleeding from the veins

Completely empty - I am full of who I lived.

I gave away every bit of myself to my beloved,

All but the name became the one he loved.

Trying to combine Love and peace and quiet -

How to equate right and false faith.

Even the thought of treating the soul with medicine is criminal

And use drugs to drive out sorrow from the heart!

Who among us has not forgotten his vows,

Who has not killed the good glory of us?

And my drunken delirium, please don’t judge:

Who among us has not been drunk on the wine of love?

If you make friends with wine, always be a man,

Always be a dam for your own passions.

Never part with the textbook of Love for the rest of your life,

Before your beloved - confess to the head.

Please lovingly satisfy the whims of your heart,

By the crumbs of their days, reaping the harvest.

From all the treasures where the heart strives,

Harvest your harvest and distribute it again.

I said to the Heart: “Paradise on all lips in a row...”

“For everyone? The sages do not talk about him.” -

“But it probably exists, since everyone is rushing there?”

“Anyone in the world is happy to have fun with a dream.”

From the day the azure roof was built for us

And they completed the arch with the constellation Gemini,

And the Primordial Day flared up like a radiant candle,

Love connected us with You in a sheaf of rays.

The Creator prescribed, and I appeared on time;

My first lesson was about Faith and Love...

I tormented my heart, He made a key from my heart,

He allowed me to remove the lock from the treasury of secrets.

They asked in the madrasah: what is love?

And now, for the second day in a row, the great debate is going on.

And the mufti won’t say a word about love,

The libertine's tongue goes numb in advance.

You won’t let rapist fate into the night’s peace,

And you won’t let sad memories be ruined by melancholy,

And you won’t let love go to the wind with your hand,

Then you won’t let your earthly life go to waste.

Those who cherish the spiritual world as a secret,

Looks like slackers. But such is their work.

Without the sorrows of Love life would be bitter here -

They walk the roads of Love all their lives.

The Creator managed to create your love and anger,

Taking the past heaven and hell as a model.

I feast with you - in paradise, and is it my fault,

That the path to heavenly paradise has already been completely forgotten!

That Sun that is always above the sky -

Love. That Bird that brings the good news -

Love. Is love like a nightingale, groaning, spilling out?

Don't moan when you can't count the deaths - Love.

You can bloom the whole world with gardens,

But this is not enough to please the heart.

It is more important to chain affectionate people with chains,

Than even free a thousand slaves.

The peak of Love is here, and triumph is near,

And suddenly - a wrong step of your reason.

You want, without losing your head,

Achieve Love? Believe me, nothing will come of it.

Take care of your honor, Khoja, and die in honor,

Heading towards a halt, die on the way.

But if you haven’t made Love the metastasis of life,

How to lead the life of a sad eunuch - die!

Why look for the truth far away, my love?

Can I say it in a few words, my love.

Striving for you, but suddenly I fall into the ground,

My love will help you to rise from the earth.

Step into love! Your step will move the layers of the earth,

A tear will rinse the universe with a wave.

Having reached your goal, sit down and breathe a sigh of relief

Mix this world and the next like light fluff.

People are noisy in the monasteries and madrassas:

It was ordered to expel the culprit of adversity.

Having searched the Sharia, the mufti composes a speech...

But Love will be brought into court, and he will open his mouth.

I will accept any shame for loving you,

And if I falter, I will accept your reproach.

Torment me until the Last Judgment, I agree,

I will accept my sentence as a reward for love.

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

* * *

Without hops and smiles - what kind of life?

Without the sweet sounds of a flute, what is life?

Everything you see in the sun is worth little.

But at the feast, life is bright and bright!

* * *

One refrain from my Wisdom:

“Life is short, so give it free rein!

It's smart to trim trees,

But cutting yourself off is much stupider!”

* * *

Live, madman!.. Spend while you're rich!

After all, you yourself are not a precious treasure.

And don’t dream - thieves won’t agree

Get you back out of the coffin!

* * *

Have you been passed over for a reward? Forget it.

Are the days rushing by? Forget it.

The Wind is careless: in the eternal Book of Life

I could have moved the wrong page...

* * *

What's there behind the shabby curtain of Darkness?

Minds are confused in fortune-telling.

When the curtain falls with a crash,

We will all see how wrong we were.

* * *

I would compare the world to a chessboard:

Now it’s day, now it’s night... And the pawns? - we are with you.

They move you, press you, and beat you.

And they put it in a dark box to rest.

* * *

The world could be compared to a piebald nag,

And this horseman - who could he be?

“Neither day nor night, he doesn’t believe in anything!” -

Where does he get the strength to live?

* * *

Youth has sped away - a fugitive spring -

To the underground kingdoms in the halo of sleep,

Like a miracle bird, with gentle cunning,

It curled and shone here - and is not visible...

* * *

Dreams are dust! There is no place for them in the world.

And even if the youthful delirium had come true?

What if it snowed in the hot desert?

An hour or two of rays - and there is no snow!

* * *

“The world is piling up such mountains of evil!

Their eternal oppression over the heart is so heavy!”

But if only you could dig them up! How many wonderful

You would find shining diamonds!

* * *

Life passes by like a flying caravan.

The halt is short... Is the glass full?

Beauty, come to me! Will lower the curtain

There is a dormant fog above the sleepy happiness.

* * *

In one young temptation - feel everything!

In one string melody - listen to everything!

Don't go into the darkening distances:

Live in a short bright streak.

* * *

Good and evil are at war: the world is on fire.

What about the sky? The sky is to the side.

Curses and furious hymns

They don’t reach the blue heights.

* * *

On the sparkle of days, clutched in your hand,

You can't buy Secrets somewhere far away.

And here - a lie is a hair's breadth from the Truth,

And your life is on the line.

* * *

In moments He is visible, more often he is hidden.

He keeps a close eye on our lives.

God whiles away eternity with our drama!

He composes, directs and watches.

* * *

Although my figure is slimmer than a poplar,

Although the cheeks are a fiery tulip,

But why is the artist wayward?

Did you bring my shadow into your motley booth?

* * *

The devotees were exhausted from thoughts.

And the same secrets dry out the wise mind.

For us ignoramuses, fresh grape juice,

And for them, the great ones, dried raisins!

* * *

What do I care about the bliss of heaven - “later”?

I ask now, cash, wine...

I don’t believe in credit! And what do I need Glory for:

Right under your ear – drumming thunder?!

* * *

Wine is not only a friend. Wine is a sage:

With him, the misunderstandings and heresies are over!

Wine is an alchemist: transforms at once

Life's lead into golden dust.

* * *

As before the bright, royal leader,

As before a scarlet, fiery sword -

Shadows and fears are a black infection -

A horde of enemies is running before the wine!

* * *

Guilt! “I don’t ask for anything else.”

Love! “I don’t ask for anything else.”

“Will heaven give you forgiveness?”

They don’t offer, I don’t ask.

* * *

You are drunk - and rejoice, Khayyam!

You won - and rejoice. Khayyam!

Nothing will come and put an end to these nonsense...

You are still alive - and rejoice, Khayyam.

* * *

There is a lot of wisdom in the words of the Koran,

But wine teaches the same wisdom.

On each cup there is a life inscription:

“Put your mouth on it and you will see the bottom!”

* * *

I am near the wine like a willow near a stream:

A foamy stream waters my root.

So God judged! Was he thinking about anything?

And if I had stopped drinking, I would have let him down!

* * *

The glitter of a tiara, a silk turban,

I will give everything - and your power, Sultan,

I'll give the saint with a rosary to boot

For the sounds of the flute and... another glass!

* * *

In scholarship there is no meaning, no boundaries.

Will reveal more of the secret flutter of eyelashes.

Drink! The Book of Life will end sadly.

Decorate the flickering borders with wine!

* * *

All the kingdoms of the world - for a glass of wine!

All the wisdom of books - for the pungency of wine!

All honors - for the shine and velvet of wine!

All the music is for the gurgling of wine!

* * *

The ashes of the sages are sad, my young friend.

Their lives are scattered, my young friend.

“But their proud lessons resonate with us!”

And this is the wind of words, my young friend.

* * *

I inhaled all the aromas greedily,

Drank all the rays. And he wanted all the women.

What's life? - The earthly stream flashed in the sun

And somewhere in a black crack he disappeared.

* * *

Prepare wine for wounded love!

Muscat and scarlet, like blood.

Flood the fire, sleepless, hidden,

And entangle your soul in string silk again.

* * *

There is no love in those who are not tormented by violence,

There is damp smoke in that twig.

Love is a bonfire, blazing, sleepless...

The lover is wounded. He is incurable!

* * *

To reach her cheeks - tender roses?

First there are thousands of splinters in the heart!

So the comb: they will cut it into small teeth,

May you float sweeter in the luxury of your hair!

* * *

Until the wind carries away even a spark, -

Inflame her with the joy of the vines!

While at least the shadow remains of its former strength, -

Unravel the knots of your fragrant braids!

* * *

You are a warrior with a net: catch hearts!

A jug of wine - and into the shade of a tree.

The stream sings: “You will die and become clay.

The lunar shine of the face is given for a short time.”

* * *

“Don’t drink, Khayyam!” Well, how can I explain to them?

That I don’t agree to live in the dark!

And the shine of the wine and the wicked gaze of the sweet one -

Here are two brilliant reasons to drink!

* * *

They tell me: “Khayyam, don’t drink wine!”

But what should we do? Only a drunk can hear

The hyacinth's tender speech to the tulip,

Which she doesn't tell me!

* * *

Have fun!.. Can't catch a stream in captivity?

But the running stream caresses!

Is there no consistency in women and in life?

But it’s your turn!

* * *

Love at the beginning is always tender.

In my memories, she is always affectionate.

And if you love, it’s pain! And with greed for each other

We torment and torment – ​​always.

* * *

Is scarlet rosehip tender? You are more tender.

Is the Chinese idol curvy? You are more magnificent.

Is the chess king weak in front of the queen?

But I, fool, am weaker in front of you!

* * *

We bring life to love - the last gift?

The blow is placed close to the heart.

But even a moment before death - give me your lips,

O sweet cup of tender enchantment!

* * *

“Our world is an alley of young roses,

Chorus of nightingales and chatter of dragonflies.”

And in the fall? "Silence and stars,

And the darkness of your fluffy hair..."

* * *

“There are four elements. It’s like there are five feelings,

Play the lute, the lute’s voice is sweet:

In him the wind of life is a master of intoxication...

* * *

In the heavenly cup there is the hop of airy roses.

Break the glass of vain petty dreams!

Why worries, honors, dreams?

The sound of quiet strings... and the delicate silk of hair...

* * *

You're not the only one unhappy. Don't be angry

By the tenacity of Heaven. Renew your strength

On a young breast, elastically tender...

You will find delight. And don't look for love.

* * *

I'm young again. Scarlet wine,

Give joy to your soul! And at the same time

Give bitterness both tart and fragrant. .

Life is a bitter and drunken wine!

* * *

Today is an orgy - with my wife,

The barren daughter of empty Wisdom,

I'm getting a divorce! Friends, I'm delighted too

And I will marry the daughter of a simple vine...

* * *

Venus and the Moon have not seen

The earthly shine is sweeter than wine.

Sell ​​wine? Although gold is weighty, -

The mistake of poor sellers is clear.

* * *

The huge ruby ​​of the sun shone

In my wine: dawn! Take sandalwood:

Make one piece like a melodious lute,

The other one is to light it so that the world smells fragrant.

* * *

“A weak man is an unfaithful slave of fate,

I am exposed, a shameless slave!”

Especially in love. I myself, I am the first

Always unfaithful and weak towards many.

* * *

The dark hoop of days has bound our hands -

Days without wine, without thoughts about her...

Stingy with time and charges for them

The entire price of full, real days!

* * *

Where is there even a hint of the mystery of life?

In your night wanderings - where is there even a light?

Under the wheel, in unquenchable torture

Souls are burning. Where's the smoke?

* * *

How good the world is, how fresh the fire of the morning stars!

And there is no Creator before whom to prostrate.

But the roses cling, the lips beckon with delight...

Don't touch the lutes: we'll listen to the birds.

* * *

Feast! You'll get back on track again.

Why run forward or backward! -

At the festival of freedom the mind is small:

He is our prison everyday robe.

* * *

Empty happiness is an upstart, not a friend!

With new wine, I’m an old friend!

I love to stroke the noble cup:

His blood is boiling. He feels like a friend.

* * *

There lived a drunkard. Seven jugs of wine

It fit into it. It seemed so to everyone.

And he himself was an empty clay jug...

The other day I crashed... To pieces! At all!

* * *

Days are river waves in minute silver,

Desert sand in a melting game.

Live Today. And Yesterday and Tomorrow

Not so needed in the earthly calendar.

* * *

How eerie on a starry night! Not myself.

You are trembling, lost in the abyss of the world.

And the stars are in a violent dizziness

They rush past, into eternity, along a curve...

* * *

Autumn rain sowed drops in the garden.

The flowers have come up. They dapple and burn.

But sprinkle scarlet hops into the cup of lilies -

Like blue smoke magnolia aroma...

* * *

I'm old. My love for you is intoxication.

I'm drunk with date wine this morning.

Where is the rose of days? Cruelly plucked.

I am humiliated by love, drunk with life!

* * *

What's life? Bazaar... Don't look for a friend there.

What's life? Bruise... Don't look for medicine.

Don't change yourself. Smile at people.

But don’t look for people’s smiles.

* * *

From the neck of a jug on the table

Wine is bleeding. And everything is in her warmth:

Truthfulness, affection, devoted friendship -

The only friendship on earth!

* * *

Fewer friends! Same day by day

Extinguish empty sparks of fire.

And when you shake hands, always think silently:

“Oh, they’ll swing it at me!”

* * *

“In honor of the sun - a cup, our scarlet tulip!

In honor of the scarlet lips - and he is drunk with love!”

Feast, merry! Life is a heavy fist:

Everyone will be thrown over dead into the fog.

* * *

The rose laughed: “Dear breeze

Tore off my silk, opened my wallet,

And the whole treasury of golden stamens,

Look, he freely threw it on the sand.”

* * *

The wrath of the rose: “How, me, the queen of roses -

The merchant will take the heat of fragrant tears

Will it burn you out of your heart with evil pain?!” Secret!..

Sing, nightingale! "A day of laughter - years of tears."

* * *

I started a bed of Wisdom in the garden.

I cherished it, watered it - and I’m waiting...

“I came with the rain and I will go with the wind.”

* * *

I ask: “What did I have?

What's ahead?.. He was rushing about, raging...

And you will become dust, and people will say:

“A short fire broke out somewhere.”

* * *

What is a song, cups, caresses without warmth? -

Toys, trash from a children's corner.

What about prayers, deeds and sacrifices?

Burnt and decaying ash.

* * *

Night. Night is all around. Rip her up, excite her!

Prison!.. That's it, your first kiss,

Adam and Eve: gave us life and bitterness,

It was an angry and predatory kiss.

* * *

How the rooster crowed at dawn!

He saw clearly: the fire of the stars had gone out.

And the night, like your life, was in vain.

And you overslept. And you don’t know - you’re deaf.

* * *

The fish said: “Shall we swim soon?

It’s creepy in the ditch—it’s a cramped body of water.”

“This is how they will fry us,” said the duck, “

It’s all the same: even if there’s sea all around!”

* * *

“From end to end we are on our way to death.

We cannot turn back from the brink of death.”

Look: in the local caravanserai

Don't accidentally forget your love!

* * *

“I have been to the very bottom of the depths.

Took off towards Saturn. There are no such sorrows

Such networks that I cannot unravel..."

Eat! Dark knot of death. He's alone!

* * *

“Death will appear and mow down in reality,

Silent days, withered grass..."

Make a jug from my ashes:

I will refresh myself with wine and come to life.

* * *

Potter. There is noise all around on market day...

He tramples clay all day long.

“Brother, have pity, come to your senses - you are my brother!..”

* * *

Stir a clay vessel with moisture:

You will hear the babble of lips, not just streams.

Whose ashes are these? I kiss the edge and shudder:

It seemed like a kiss was given to me.

* * *

No potter. I'm alone in the workshop.

Two thousand jugs are in front of me.

And they whisper: “Let's present ourselves to a stranger

For a moment, a crowd of dressed-up people.”

* * *

Who was this tender vase?

A lover! Sad and bright.

What about the handles of the vase? With a flexible hand

She wrapped her arms around her neck, as before.

* * *

What's a scarlet poppy? Blood sprayed out

From the wounds of the Sultan, taken by the earth.

And in the hyacinth - it broke out of the ground

And the young curl curled again.

* * *

A flower trembles above the mirror of the stream;

It contains the ashes of a woman: a familiar stalk.

Do not forget the tulips of coastal greenery:

And in them there is a gentle blush and reproach...

* * *

The dawns shone for people - even before us!

The stars flowed like an arc - even to us!

In a lump of gray dust, under your foot

You crushed the shining young eye.

* * *

It's getting light. The late lights are going out.

Hopes were ignited. It’s always like this, all day!

And when it glows, the candles will be lit again,

And the late lights in the heart go out.

* * *

To involve Love in a secret conspiracy!

Hug the whole world, raise Love to you,

So that the world falls from a height and breaks,

So that he can rise again from the rubble as the best!

* * *

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game.

From mercury it is living silver.

It will sparkle with the moon, become silver with a fish...

He is all flexible, and death is His game.

* * *

The drop said goodbye to the sea - all in tears!

The Sea laughed freely - everything was in the rays!

“Fly to the sky, fall to the ground,”

There is only one end: again – in my waves.”

* * *

Doubt, faith, ardor of living passions -

Game of air bubbles:

That one flashed like a rainbow, and this one was gray...

And they will all fly away! This is people's lives.

* * *

One trusts the running days,

The other is for vague dreams of tomorrow,

And the muezzin speaks from the tower of darkness:

“Fools! The reward is not here, and not there!

* * *

Imagine yourself as a pillar of science,

Try to drive in a hook to catch on.

Into the gaps of two abysses - Yesterday and Tomorrow...

Better yet, drink! Don't waste your efforts.

* * *

I was also attracted by the scientists' halo.

I listened to them from a young age, debated them,

I sat with them... But by the same door

I came out the same way I came in.

* * *

Mysterious miracle: “You are in me.”

It was given to me in the darkness like a torch.

I wander after him and always stumble:

Our very blind “You are in me.”

* * *

It was as if a key had been found for the door.

It was as if there was a bright ray in the fog.

There was a revelation about “I” and “You”...

A moment - darkness! And the key sank into the abyss!

* * *

How! To pay for rubbish with gold of merit -

For this life? An agreement has been imposed

The debtor is deceived, weak... And they will drag him to court

No talking. Clever lender!

* * *

Inhale the world's fumes from someone else's cooking?!

Put a hundred patches on the holes in life?!

Pay losses on the accounts of the Universe?!

- No! I'm not that hard-working and rich!

* * *

Firstly, they gave me life without asking.

Then the discrepancy in feelings began.

Now they're driving me out... I'll leave! Agree!

But the intention is unclear: where is the connection?

* * *

Traps, pits on my way.

God arranged them. And he told me to go.

And he foresaw everything. And he left me.

And the one who did not want to save judges!

* * *

Filling life with the temptation of bright days,

Filling the soul with the flame of passions,

The God of renunciation demands: here is the cup -

It’s full: bend it and don’t spill it!

* * *

You put our heart into a dirty lump.

You let an insidious snake into heaven.

And to the person - You are the accuser, aren't you?

Hurry up and ask him to forgive you!

* * *

You came, Lord, like a hurricane:

Threw a handful of dust into my mouth, my glass

Turned it over and spilled the priceless hops...

Who of us two is drunk today?

* * *

I loved idols superstitiously.

But they are lying. No one is strong enough...

I sold my good name for a song,

And he drowned his glory in a small mug.

* * *

Execute, and prepare the soul of Eternity,

Make vows, reject love.

And there is spring! He will come and take out the roses.

And the cloak of repentance is torn again!

* * *

All the joys you desire - tear them off!

Wide the cup of happiness!

Heaven will not appreciate your hardships.

So flow, wine, songs, overflowing!

* * *

Monasteries, mosques, synagogues

And God saw a lot of cowards in them.

But not in hearts freed by the sun,

Bad seeds: slave anxieties.

* * *

I enter the mosque. The hour is late and dull.

I am not thirsty for a miracle and not with a prayer:

Once upon a time I pulled a rug from here,

And he was worn out. We need another...

* * *

Be a freethinker! Remember our pledge:

“The saint is narrow, the hypocrite is cruel.”

Khayyam’s sermon sounds stubborn:

“Be a robber, but be wide-hearted!”

* * *

The soul is light with wine! Pay tribute to her:

The jug is round and sonorous. And minting

With love, a cup: so that it shines

And the golden edge was reflected.

* * *

In wine I see the scarlet spirit of fire

And the shine of needles. Cup for me

Crystal - a living fragment of the sky.

“What about Night? And Night is the eyelashes of Day..."

* * *

Always be in good spirits, drink more,

Don't trust the wretched wisdom of people,

And say: “Life is a poor bride!

The dowry is in my gaiety.”

* * *

Yes, vine to the heels

She pestered me, to the dervishes' laughter.

But from my soul, like from metal,

The key, perhaps, to heaven is being forged.

* * *

From scarlet lips - reach for another love.

Christ, Venus - invite everyone to the feast!

With the wine of love, soften the untruths of life.

And the days, like tender brushes, tear them up.

* * *

Great - throw some grains in the fields!

It’s more beautiful to throw the sun into our souls!

And subjugate free people to Good

More beautiful than giving freedom to slaves.

* * *

Be softer to people! Do you want to be wiser? -

Don't hurt with your wisdom.

Fight with the offender - Fate, be bold.

But swear not to offend people!

* * *

The heart asked: “Teach at least once!”

I started with the alphabet: “Remember – “Az”.

And I hear: “Enough! Everything is in the initial syllable,

* * *

Are you crying? That's enough. The storm will end.

Every tear will sparkle like a diamond.

“Let the Night extinguish the world and the sun of the world!”

How?! Stew everything? And children's eyes?

* * *

Close the Koran. Look around freely

And think for yourself. Good - always share.

Evil - never remember. And so that with your heart

To rise up - bend down to the fallen.

* * *

A shot bird is my sadness,

She hid, the dull pain melted away.

Hurry up the wine! Singing sounds of the flute!

Lights, flowers - I’m joking and cheerful!

* * *

We cannot change what the days have in store for us!

Don't cause alarm, don't go dark

The shining remnant of azure days.

Your moment is short! Blessed and appreciative!

* * *

A thrown ball will not say: “No!” and “Yes!”

The player threw - fly headlong there!

They won’t ask us: they’ll take us into the world and throw us.

Heaven decides where everyone goes.

* * *

The hand stubbornly draws a sentence.

Is it written? End! And from now on

The lines will not be moved and the words will not be washed away

All our tears, wisdom and reproach.

* * *

He caught us and covered us with a bowl of heaven,

The wise man is scared. Happy is he who is in love.

Clinging to sweet life! He pressed his lips to her

The jug is above the bowl - so he is above it!

* * *

For whom is it easy? To inexperienced hearts.

And in words - to deep sages.

And I looked into the eyes of cruel secrets

And he went into the shadows, envying the blind.

* * *

Keep it like a secret. Don't tell everyone:

There was paradise, there was shine, untouched by anything

And for Adam there is immediate trouble:

They made me sad and drove me out completely!

* * *

There are boundaries in the fields. Stream, Spring is all around.

And the girl comes to me with wine,

Beautiful Moment! And start thinking about the eternal -

And it’s over: you have your tail between your legs like a puppy!

* * *

Universe? - my fleeting glance!

Lakes of tears? - all from her alone!

What the hell? - The burn of my mental anguish.

And heaven is just a reflection of earthly joy!

* * *

Fill the ocean with pebbles

They want saints. A hopeless plan!

They scare you with hell, they tempt you with heaven...

Where are the messengers from these distant countries?

* * *

Isn't it strange? - how long until now

People have gone into an unknown space

And not a single one returned from there.

If I had told everything, the argument would have been over!

* * *

"Forward! There are bright sheaves of sun there!”

“Where is the road?” - heard from the crowd.

“I found... I will find...” - But it will sound alarming

The last cry: “It’s dark, and there’s no path!”

* * *

Have you sinned, are you confused, Khayyam?

Don't bother Heaven with your tears.

Be sincere! And wait for death calmly:

There is either the Abyss or Pity for us!

* * *

Oh, if only it would shine in the desert

The living spring sparkled with moisture!

Like crumpled grass, rising,

The fallen traveler would come to life and stand up.

* * *

Where is the color of the trees? The sparkle of spring roses?

Days, who took away the seven-colored cup?..

Omar Khayyam is a great Persian poet and philosopher who became famous throughout the world for his wise sayings. In his homeland he is also known as a mathematician, astronomer and astrologer. In mathematical treatises, the scientist presented ways to solve complex equations. Into his circle scientific achievements also includes the development of a new solar calendar.

Most of all, Omar Khayyam was glorified by his literary and philosophical activities. Omar Khayyam is the author of quatrain poems - rubai. They are written in Farsi. There is an opinion that the rubai were originally translated into English language, and only then into other languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

There is probably no topic to which Omar Khayyam would not devote his work. He wrote about life, about love, about friends, about happiness, about fate. In the poet's work there are also reflections on reincarnation, on the soul, on the role of money; in his poems (rubai), he even described wine, a jug and a potter he knew. Initially, the poet’s work caused a lot of controversy, some considered him a freethinker and a reveler, others saw him as a deep thinker. Today, Omar Khayyam is recognized as the most talented author of the rubaiyat, and his work undoubtedly deserves attention.

Isn’t it funny to save a penny all your life,
What if you still can’t buy eternal life?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while, -
Try not to miss time!

Life must be appreciated.

Be easier on people. Do you want to be wiser -
Don't hurt with your wisdom.

Smart does not mean wise.

You say, this life is one moment.
Appreciate it, draw inspiration from it.
As you spend it, so it will pass,
Don't forget: she is your creation.

Life is given only one, and you need to love it.

Those who lose heart die before their time.

As long as you believe in yourself, as long as you live.

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Two important rules remember for starters:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

You need to understand life, and not act out of inertia.

About love

A plucked flower must be given as a gift, a poem that has been started must be completed, and the woman you love must be happy, otherwise you shouldn’t have taken on something you can’t do.

If you're not confident in your abilities, it's better not to try it.

Like the sun, love burns without burning out.
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale moans.
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Love is like a flame that warms souls.

Know main source being is love.

The one who loves has the meaning of life.

In this world, love is the adornment of people,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, even though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

Not to love means not to live, but to exist.

You like even the shortcomings in a loved one, and even the advantages in an unloved person irritate you.

You cannot find happiness with an unloved person.

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Being a wife and a beloved woman is not always the same thing.

About friendship

If you don't share it with your friend on time -
All your fortune will go to the enemy.

You can't spare anything for a friend.

Have smaller friends, don't expand their circle.
And remember: a close friend living far away is better.

The less common affairs, the more trust.

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything he thinks about you and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

But in life everything is quite the opposite.

If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
If you hug an enemy, you will find a friend.

The main thing is not to confuse.

The wittiest

If a vile person pours medicine for you, pour it out!
If a wise man pours poison on you, accept it!

You need to listen to the wise.

It's better to gnaw on bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table of the scoundrels in power.

You shouldn’t give in to temptation, power is a vile thing.

Those who have not sought the way are unlikely to be shown the way -
Knock and the doors to destiny will open!

He who seeks will always find!

No one can tell what roses smell like...
Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey...
If you give someone some change, they will remember it forever...
You give your life to someone, but he won’t understand...

All people are different, there is no doubt about that.

The work of Omar Khayyam is filled with meaning. All the sayings of the great thinker and poet make you think and rethink life.

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