Mechanisms of functioning of energy-converting enzymes of mitochondria. From the award list

IN Inogradov Alexey Dmitrievich - commander of a tank platoon of the 60th Guards tank brigade(8th Guards Tank Corps, 2nd Tank Army, 1st Belorussian Front), guard lieutenant.

Born on March 30, 1919 in the village of Brusna, now Odoevsky district Tula region in a peasant family. Russian. As a child, he and his parents moved to the city (now an urban-type settlement) Odoev. After graduating from seven classes at the Odoyevskaya secondary school in 1934, he entered the Tula Industrial Mechanical College. After graduating in 1938, he received a specialty as a technologist in cold metal processing and worked as a technologist at the Tula Arms Plant. He combined his work with classes at the Tula Aero Club, which he graduated from in 1939. In October 1939, he was drafted into the army by the Tula city military registration and enlistment office. He served in naval aviation and took part in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. He was sent to a military aviation school for pilots. In 1941 he was transferred to Pushkinskoe tank school, from which he graduated in 1942.

During the Great Patriotic War in the active army - from May 10, 1944. Fought on the 1st Belorussian Front in the 60th Guards Tank Brigade.

Since July 18, 1944, as part of the 8th Guards Tank Corps of the 2nd tank army took part in the Lublin-Brest offensive operation(stage of the Belarusian strategic offensive operation), during which the corps was introduced into a breakthrough in the sector of the 8th Guards Army and, moving with battles from the area north of Kovel to the west, in the Lublin direction, liberated the populated areas of eastern Poland.

He distinguished himself in this operation in battles on the outskirts of the city of Lublin - the center of the Lublin Voivodeship and during the assault on Lublin.

On July 22, 1944, the platoon under his command destroyed up to 20 enemy firing points. On July 23, 1944, the tank of the Guard Lieutenant A.D. Vinogradov was the first to break into Lublin and smash enemy personnel and equipment on the streets of the city. When the tank was hit by enemy artillery, A.D. Vinogradov continued to fight in the burning tank until he died.

U kazom of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated September 26, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time Vinogradov Alexey Dmitrievich awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union(posthumously).

He was buried in the city of Lublin.

A street in the urban village of Odoev and Odoevskaya middle are named after A.D. Vinogradov secondary school, on the building of which there is a memorial plaque. A slab in honor of A.D. Vinogradov was installed on the Walk of Fame in Odoev. His name is engraved on the monument to the Heroes of the Soviet Union - Tula people in the city of Tula.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (09/26/1944; posthumously).

From the award list

In the battles for the socialist Motherland of the Guard, Lieutenant Alexey Dmitrievich Vinogradov showed the fearlessness, endurance and dedication of a Russian warrior.

In the battles for settlements Svitschuv, Kopina and Lencza July 22 - 23, 1944 comrade. Vinogradov destroyed enemy firing points with the fire of his tank. By covering the embrasure of the enemy bunker with the hull of his tank, he ensured the unit’s movement forward.

In the battles for the city of Lublin, comrade. Vinogradov was the first to burst into the city, smashing enemy equipment on his way. Having penetrated the city center, Vinogradov’s tank was met with strong artillery fire, but the fearless warrior did not stop, but quickly rushed forward. The sixth hit in the tank caused the latter to burn, but this did not stop the fearless tanker. Comrade Vinogradov destroyed several more Nazis in a burning tank. Artillery fire was concentrated on Vinogradov's burning tank moving forward. The tank was stopped by a direct hit from a shell.
In this battle, the commander of a tank platoon of the guard, Lieutenant A.D. Vinogradov, was killed, destroying up to 80 vehicles, four tanks and up to 300 Nazis.

Comrade Vinogradov is worthy of being awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union.”

Commander of the 1st Tank Battalion of the 60th Guards Tank Brigade, Captain Kolykhalov

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VINOGRADSKY Vine has always played a huge role in Christian symbolism. Grapes are often mentioned in religious books; bunches of grapes carved from wood have long served as decoration Orthodox churches. Surname Vinogradov, ... ... Russian surnames

Vinogradov, Efim Efim Vinogradov (1725 not earlier than 1765), copper engraver. In 1739 he was accepted as a student of the Academy of Sciences, and from 1754 he was registered in the “growing” chamber that existed at the academy, receiving a salary of 96 rubles per year. At first he worked under... ... Wikipedia

Vinogradov, P. G. (born in 1854) professor general history at Moscow University, an outstanding expert on the social history of England. Author of numerous scientific works, as well as famous history textbooks Western Europe. In their own way... ... 1000 biographies

Vinogradov, Sergei Arsenievich Sergei Arsenievich Vinogradov (July 1 (13), 1869, Kostroma province February 5, 1938, Riga), Russian painter. Born in the village of Big Salts, Kostroma province (later the village of Nekrasovskoye, Yaroslavl region).... ... Wikipedia

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- (until 1946 Sevlyush) city in Ukraine, Transcarpathian region. Railway junction (Vinogradovo Zakarpattia). 26.3 thousand inhabitants (1991). Enterprises of the food, light, radio-electronic industries. Known since 9th... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


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08.02.2011 - 10:51

Many have seen the serial film “Mikhailo Lomonosov” and probably remember the image of the merry fellow and joker Dmitry Vinogradov, whose role was brilliantly played by Oleg Menshikov. But few people know about the real and tragic life of this brilliant scientist who created Russian porcelain...

Son of a priest

Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov was born in 1720 in Suzdal, in the family of a local priest. The father dreamed that his children would follow in his footsteps, and sent his sons Yakov and Dmitry to the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow.

It was there that Vinogradov met Lomonosov, who was 9 years older than Dmitry. But the age difference did not prevent the young people from quickly becoming friends, especially since they both showed extraordinary zeal for study - both managed to complete the three-grade program in a year.

It was very difficult, especially since the life of the students could not be called easy. Not only were the teachers distinguished by severity and cruelty and did not tolerate the slightest offense or sin, punishing students with rods and whips, but no one was waiting for the young men at home with consolations and ready-made meals. And there was no house - young people looked for corners around the city or lived on the territory of the Zaikonospassky Monastery, where the academy was located.

The monks let them spend the night in exchange for money or labor - cleaning rooms or preparing food. The students had practically no money... Lomonosov recalled those times: “Unspeakable poverty. Having one altyn per day of salary, it was impossible to have more for food per day than for a coin of bread and a coin of kvass, etc. for paper, shoes and other needs "...

In 1735, the academy selected 12 people who “had sufficient knowledge of decorating the mind in the sciences” and sent them to study at Petersburg Academy Sci. Among them were Yakov and Dmitry Vinogradov and Mikhailo Lomonosov.

The capital of the empire amazed provincial youths with its beauty and grandeur. But the life of the future luminaries of science did not become any easier. The money spent on the needs of students disappeared somewhere, and the young people lived from hand to mouth. Vinogradov suggested writing a complaint to the Senate, and they treated it very “attentively.” Vinogradov and other “instigators of the riot” were “mercilessly beaten with batogs.” But, fortunately, they were not expelled from the Academy...


Meanwhile, the Academy decided to send the three most capable students to study in Germany. Dmitry Vinogradov and Mikhail Lomonosov turned out to be the best candidates.

True, they didn't know foreign languages, but the President of the Academy of Sciences I.A. Korf noted: “Although Dmitry Vinogradov and Lomonosov do not know the German language, they can still learn as much as they need while they are here.”

In September 1736, students arrived at the University of Marburg, where they were to study "chemical science, mining, natural history, physics, geometry, mechanics, hydraulics and hydraulic engineering."

The son of a priest and the son of a Pomor turned out to be no worse than polished European students and soon, having studied German, surpassed the Germans in science.

After attending a university course, Vinogradov went to the city of Freiberg to study mining. Soon he began to send home the results of his research. Vinogradov wrote several scientific works and compiled a “Catalog of various ores” that played a huge role in the development of Russian mining.

At the same time, Dmitry, like his friend Mikhailo, was also interested in literature in addition to science. On the pages of Vinogradov’s drafts among chemical formulas the poems he composed, which he did not show to anyone, were recorded. And these lines indicate that Vinogradov found all his achievements very difficult:

“Now my mind is oppressed by the weight of the labors I have endured,
My brief youth passed, I became an old man early.”…

But the inner side of his life remained unknown to anyone - Vinogradov really was a cheerful and energetic person who did not tell anyone about his problems.

At the age of 21, Vinogradov went to travel around Germany, but unlike many young men - both of that time and today, he was not at all interested in the famous German beer halls, but became acquainted with the mining industry.

During the trip, the researcher significantly enriched his “Catalog of Various Ores.” Before the trip, he was given a passport, and this is the only document in which a description of Vinogradov’s appearance was preserved - tall height and dark brown hair.

Stubborn Porcelain

In February 1744, Vinogradov returned to Russia. In a review of his studies in Germany it was written: “Student of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Dmitry Vinogradov, not only theoretically on paper, but also through examining the mining pits themselves and in other cases, accepted sufficient science, and showed himself so inclined to study such sciences and in them he went so far that he can do useful services from here and in mining affairs.”

In St. Petersburg, he was given a knowledge test, after which the examiner wrote a conclusion: “I don’t know a single one of all the foreign masters who have been satisfied with the salary and the cost of the discharged foreign masters, who would go beyond Vinogradov in all parts of mining science, and many did not come to his equality.” .

By decree of Empress Elizabeth, Vinogradov was sent to work at the Porcelain Manufactory (now the world famous Lomonosov Porcelain Factory).

This manufactory was created specifically for the production of Russian porcelain (as porcelain was called then). But the Germans who supervised the work were in no hurry to reveal their secrets of producing fine and elegant porcelain to bast Rus'. They skillfully sucked money from the Russian treasury, but the matter did not move forward.

It was Dmitry Vinogradov who was destined to undertake the work of revealing the ancient secrets of porcelain production - and this despite the fact that all his knowledge had nothing to do with this matter. The Empress, sending Vinogradov to the manufactory, did not see the difference between mining and porcelain production - they say, government money was spent on it, he studied all sorts of sciences, which means he can handle it...

The scientist had to get acquainted with the production technology of porcelain from scratch, and alone experimentally search for the necessary compositions and raw materials. Later he wrote: “I was led into such a labyrinth, through which, after 10 years of wandering, I’m still starting to wander out, but that Ariadne is not there, who could give me such a club of threads, through which it would be possible for me to get onto the straight path of the victim without delusion.” "

The secret of porcelain

But Vinogradov took the straight road. He had to organize everything himself process porcelain production - and the extraction of raw materials, and its drying, and molding, and firing, and glazing - everything was done according to his calculations and under his leadership. After years of trial and error, endless travel in search of the necessary raw materials, hard labor, he discovered the secret of porcelain, and Russia had its own porcelain, which was in no way inferior to foreign ones...

But this did not happen immediately and under difficult conditions. All work was done manually. The difficult situation was aggravated by the constant surveillance of the police and soldiers, who carefully ensured that the secrets of Russian porcelain did not fall into random hands - Vinogradov had to keep his notes in code. They constantly demanded results from him, fined him, deprived him of his salary, his faithful assistants, and even put him under arrest...

Vinogradov wrote: “Whatever I don’t get down to, almost everything falls out of my hands. The command has been taken from me, I have been declared a prisoner by everyone, I must work and show, and working people must listen and obey others. They threaten to take me and beat me for no reason.”

And even when the porcelain was received, the situation did not change. After one of the quarrels with his supervisor, the brilliant scientist was chained in his room and, sitting in it, finished his work “A detailed description of pure porcelain”...

Where Dmitry Ivanovich Vinogradov, the man who created the first porcelain production in Russia, is buried has not yet been established...


career military man, participant in the Great Patriotic War, artist, researcher of the history of ancient Tver, member of the Tver Club of Local Lore, member of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists

Alexander Dmitrievich Vinogradov was born on October 6 (November 8 according to his passport) 1920 in the small village of Ostrozhnya, Tver district. Parents Maria Stepanovna and Dmitry Ivanovich were engaged at that time agriculture. Before 1914, my father graduated from an agronomic school. Later he worked in horse breeding, was the director of a subsidiary farm and an experimental farm.

Since 1928, A.D. Vinogradov studied at Kozmodamianovskaya elementary rural school(former parish church), located near the village of Bykovo. In 1931 the family moved to Tver. In the fourth grade he studied at elementary school No. 10 and then in high school No. 7 (now gymnasium No. 6), graduated in 1938.

Since childhood, he was fond of drawing, studied in the art section of the House of Artistic Education of Children and took lessons from the artist Borisov, a student of I.E. Repin, so he entered the Moscow Art School in 1938. Fifth year. His teachers were the artists Finogenov, Krymov, Nemov. During his studies, Alexander Dmitrievich especially great success did in drawing, but from the third year, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, as he already had a secondary education, he was drafted into the army at the end of 1939 and sent to Western Ukraine.

He served near the border. He graduated from the regimental school and received a specialty as a topographer. At the beginning of 1941, A.D. Vinogradov, together with a friend, submitted a report about his desire to study at the Kiev Artillery School. They were sent to Kyiv on June 20, 1941, where they arrived on the day the war began. In the summer, the cadets took part in the defense of Kyiv, and then were evacuated to Krasnoyarsk. After graduating from college, Alexander Dmitrievich was left there as a training platoon commander, and in March 1942 he was sent to the front as a battery commander. After the disaster on the Southwestern Front, he took the remnants of the battery out of encirclement for twenty days. Then there were battles for Stalingrad, Kursk Bulge, crossing the Dnieper, Dniester, Vistula and so on to Prague. He commanded a battery, was the chief of staff of a division, and a division commander. After the war he served in the airborne forces.

After retiring, he lived in Ryazan, and in 1971 he moved to Kalinin. Due to health reasons, he could not work, he remembered the hobby of his youth, first began to draw still lifes and landscapes, and then became interested in the history of Tver and tried to reconstruct its corners. To do this, I studied wooden architecture, ancient drawings and plans. Together with E.A. Vinogradova, he visited the old Russian cities of Novgorod, Pskov, Vladimir, Suzdal. In 1974, he worked for several months in museums in Moscow, met I.I. Sokolov, a great expert on the history of Tver, and subsequently had correspondence with him.

The preparatory work yielded results; Alexander Dmitrievich began to collaborate with Tver newspapers and magazines, posting his drawings and text there, which explained how the building or corner of the city shown in the picture was reconstructed. Then, based on the publications, the book “Tver. There were legends” (Tver, 1992).

The first exhibition of reconstruction paintings was organized in the hall of the Regional Archive in the 1970s. This was followed by exhibitions in the art hall of the Gorky library, the lecture hall of the regional museum, the Saltykov-Shchedrin museum, and the hall of the artists' house. The last posthumous exhibition was launched in October 2002 at the Tver United Museum. Some of the works are in the A.D. Vinogradov fund in the regional archive, some were transferred to the regional museum.

As a military man, Alexander Dmitrievich was interested in the fortifications of Tver. He made a number of reconstruction paintings. On their basis, in 1990 the regional branch All-Russian Society Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPIiK) published a small book “Fortifications of the Tver Kremlin”.

In the book “Tver of the late XYI - early XYIII centuries.” (Tver, 2002) A.D. Vinogradov wrote chapters IX and X. His drawings and photos from reconstruction paintings are used as illustrations in the book. He also made all the design of the book, the dust jacket, the flyleaf, and the initial letters for individual chapters. Alexander Dmitrievich worked a lot on the artistic editing of the book.

A.D. Vinogradov died in August 2002.

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