Colloquial names for completely ordinary things in French

Main Features


The vast majority of modern televisions are built on the basis of liquid crystal matrices (LCD). The operation of a plasma panel is based on the operating principle of neon lamps. It is a matrix of cells filled with an inert gas and coated with a phosphor. OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) is a light-emitting diode based on organic compounds. OLED TVs use a matrix of such LEDs in three primary colors. OLED TVs have low power consumption, high contrast, high-quality color reproduction, and the image on the screen is visible from almost any angle. The disadvantages include high cost.

LCD TV Diagonal

The diagonal of a TV is usually measured in inches (one inch is equal to 2.54 cm). The screen size should be chosen taking into account the minimum distance from the viewer to the TV. For one and a half meters, a screen with a diagonal of 32 inches is recommended, for two meters - 42 inches, two and a half meters - 50 inches, three - 60 inches. Glossary of terms for the category TVs

47" (119 cm) 16:9 screen format Permission

To watch TV programs in standard quality and DVD movies, it is enough to have a screen with a resolution of 800x600 pixels. For video programs with high quality 1080p Full HD will require a resolution of 1920x1080. To view ultra-high quality 4K video content, you need a screen with a resolution of 3840x2160. Glossary of terms for the category Televisions

1920x1080 HD Resolution

The 720p standard means that the image will consist of 720 lines. A 1080p image consists of 1080 lines. Most films on Blu-Ray discs are recorded in this format. The 4K UHD standard provides the best picture quality of all possible video modes. The image consists of 2160 lines. It is worth considering that there is still little video content with 4K resolution. Glossary of terms for the TV category

1080p Full HD Light-emitting diode (LED) backlight

Edge LED uses white light LEDs mounted on the sides of the LCD matrix. In Direct LED, white light LEDs are installed behind the screen and evenly distributed over its entire area. To implement RGB LED backlighting, a matrix of LEDs of three primary colors (red, green and blue) is used, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the screen. Glossary of terms for the category TVs

yes, Edge LED Screen matrix type

TFT TN is the oldest and one of the most common matrix manufacturing technologies. The advantages of this option are low price and the shortest response time among all matrices. Disadvantages include limited viewing angles, low contrast, inability to obtain perfect blacks, and very mediocre color rendition. Among its advantages of IPS matrices are wide viewing angles, good black color and excellent color rendition. *VA technology. It can be considered a compromise solution between TN and IPS matrices. The viewing angles of these matrices reach 178 degrees, and in terms of access time they are only slightly behind TN. *VA matrices provide deep blacks and good color rendering. Glossary of terms for the category Televisions

TFT IPS Stereo sound yes Dynamic Scene Index 800 3D support

Depending on the model, 3D is implemented differently. Shutter technology uses special glasses that can alternately block the image for one eye or the other. Polarizing (or passive) technology uses glasses with polarized lenses, which transmit different images to the left and right eyes, differing in the type of polarization. In addition to 3D TVs with glasses, there are models on sale that create a three-dimensional image without glasses. To obtain separate images for the left and right eyes, microlenses are used that are applied to the surface of the screen. Glossary of terms for the category Televisions

yes, polarization technology, 2D to 3D conversion Smart TV yes


Progressive scan There is

Signal reception

NICAM stereo audio support There is TV standards support PAL, SECAM, NTSC DVB-T support

Modern TVs support not only analog, but also digital broadcast standards. Digital television differs from analog television in higher picture and sound quality, as well as complete absence interference In addition, the DVB-T standard provides a larger coverage area with the same transmitter power. DVB-T is a digital standard for terrestrial television broadcasting. Glossary of terms for the category Televisions

DVB-T MPEG4 DVB-T2 support yes DVB-C support DVB-C MPEG4 DVB-S support yes DVB-S2 support yes Teletext with memory for 2000 pages. Supported input formats 480i, 480p, 576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p Available resolutions when connected to a PC 1920x1080


Sound power 24 W Speaker system 3 speakers Subwoofer yes Surround sound Dolby Digital audio decoders available

Let me repeat the question about the spelling of the word “naturally sweet” in the sense of “containing its own sugar, without added sugar”: together, separately or with a hyphen? I believe that it is continuous (a la “evergreen”), but I have my doubts. Thank you, Happy New Year!

There is no dictionary fixation. By analogy with in-kind value correctly: naturally sweet.

Question No. 278725
Good afternoon. I’m used to putting a comma in phrases like “more than N times.” However, as they say, a comma is not needed in a sentence containing the words “the number of subscribers has grown more than 10 times.” Is it possible to somehow grammatically explain its absence, or at least understand in what cases a comma is needed before “what”?

Russian help desk response

Is it worth quoting the combination “black list” in sentences a la “their data will be on the _black list_ of persons who are prohibited...” Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Collocation blacklist it is correct to write without quotes.

Question No. 253992
“Control over compliance with the requirements of this instruction is exercised by the General Director of Tra-la-la OJSC.”
CEO with a small letter or a capital letter?
Thanks in advance.

Russian help desk response

Job title general manager written in lowercase. Only the names of senior government positions are written with a capital letter.

Question No. 247061
Hello! Please decipher the meaning of the word “a la” (“a la Madonna”, “a la Boris”), in what cases is it appropriate to use it?

Russian help desk response

A la(who-what) - like someone or something, like someone or something.

Question No. 246072
How to correctly write the French expression "a la" - with a hyphen? FOR EXAMPLE: “stooped, thin, a la high school student”? Thank you

Russian help desk response

Correct with a hyphen: a la schoolboy.

Question No. 241258
The issue with quotation marks in the expression “a-la” continues to concern me. The site's help desk responded in one case: "Correct: boots a la combat." In another: “Correct: _She makes jam “a la russe”.” What is the rule anyway?

Russian help desk response

In both cases it is correct without quotes. Thanks for the note, the answer has been corrected.

Question No. 235158
Which is correct: boots a la "combat" or "boots a la combat"? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct: boots a la combat.
Question No. 234428
Will the comma stand out with the word “a la”, for example, in the following phrase: ...for fans of cartoons, a la “Corpse Bride”, acted... Did I place the punctuation marks correctly here?

Russian help desk response

No commas required.
Question No. 221827
Please tell me: “She makes “jam a la russe” - do you need quotes? and where?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correct without quotes: She makes jam a la russe.
Are quotation marks necessary in the phrase: style “a la antiquity”? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Yes, quotation marks are appropriate.
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to correctly write the phrase “a la (-) Nevsky district” (in the context of “a district similar to St. Petersburg”). Unfortunately, you cannot change the phrase. Thank you

Russian help desk response

That's right: _a la Nevsky district_.

I've been meaning to write this post for several years now. True, true.
Ever since I got my hands on a dictionary and literally in the preface I read that there is a word eau(water), but there is la flotte – also water, only this is a colloquial version of the word eau.
“Wow,” I thought, “a conversational equivalent for such a basic concept as “water”! We don’t have that!”
Je boirais bien un verre de flotte.
Il est tombé beaucoup de flotte cette nuit.

Then I came across the no less common word “hour” - une seal (neutral word - une heure).
Qu'est-ce que tu foutais, Daniel? ça fait trois plombes qu’on t’attend!
This word is often used to say that something will take a very long time:
Je lui demande pas à lui, il va mettre une plombe à me répondre!

For the word an(year) as many as three options in spoken language!
un balai - only in conversations about age, and usually about those after 25 years:
Il est parti en préretraite à 58 balais.
une berge – this is about the age from 15 years:
Il s’est marie, il avait 25 berges, il en a 45: ça fait donc 25 ans.
une pige – this word is used when talking about the duration of something (from 10 to 100 years):
ça fait 30 piges que Marcel et Yvonne sont mariés.

Le cagnard – colloquial name for the sun (le soleil).
Le printemps c'est ce petit cubi qui bourdonne sur les quais en plein cagnard.
Un canard , as the dictionary says, terme à peine familiar pour un journal(which, as we remember, is not a “magazine” at all, but a “newspaper”):
Tu as acheté le canard? - Pass encore.
To avoid confusion, the newspaper Le Canard Enchainé is called le Canard.
In general le canard– this is a “duck” and a “newspaper canard” (that is, false information/news), including.
Why call kilometers? kilometres, if you can call them les bornes (especially when we're talking about about several kilometers or distance) (the question was rhetorical 😉
On va rouler encore quinze bornes.
Letter - une lettre. Or une bafouille , otherwise lettre sounds too serious (as it says in the dictionary)
Tu crois qu'il m'écrirait une bafouille pour me dire comment ça va?– Do you think he’ll drop me a few lines...?

Book, un livre, competes with un bouquin , which, although they are used at every step, they are in no hurry to remove the mark familier from it in dictionaries. There is also a verb bouquiner– read: Qu’est-ce que tu bouquine en ce moment, Julie? And the well-known second-hand bookstores on the banks of the Seine - this, of course, also comes from the word bouquin - les bouquinistes.

In Russian there are many synonyms for the word “doctor”, but some special spoken word We don’t have one that will immediately relieve tension in a conversation on medical topics. And the French have - le toubib .
Qu'est-ce qu'il t'as dit, le toubib? Rien de grave?
If anyone is interested, this is an Arabic word that French soldiers “brought” with them from North Africa at the end of the 19th century.
“Paper” (something not very important printed or handwritten on a piece of paper) – un papelard .
J'ai reçu un papelard de la banque comme quoi j'étais à découvert.
Les papelards = les papiers d’identité, that is, documents:
Il a perdu tous ses papelards.
And in general these are all sorts of different papers:
Je sais pas où poser mon gâteau, enlève-moi tous ces papelards.
Un pepin – a colloquial name for an umbrella! Can you imagine?! Especially common among the fair half of humanity:
Ah zut! J'ai oublié mon pépin chez le dentiste!
There is also a “male” word! Un pébroque !
Ah merde! J'ai laisse mon pébroque dans le taxi!
Rendez-vous. Although in Russian there is a word “rendezvous”, in our country it clearly has some connotation of fatality or at least seriousness. French rendez-vous(and note that this is literally “come!”, which has become a noun), so here’s the French rendez-vous– it’s just a “meeting”. And often instead rendez-vous They say le rencard .
Bon, je me tire, j'ai un rencard.
Word travaille(work) I only encountered (I’m exaggerating a little) in French textbooks. In all other places (and these are: blogs, press, radio, television, cinema) I hear/see only le boulot :
Alors les filles, ça marche le boulot?
And at the same time I’ll add that travailler I don’t hear it anywhere either, only bosser .
Qu'est-ce qu'on a bossé hier toute la journée!

Here we have the word “car” and we have the colloquial word “car”. I never say “car”, it’s too much for me.
But in French colloquial (judging by dictionary entries) term une bagnole applies in exactly the same way as la voiture.
Avec toutes ces bagnoles on a du mal à traverser la rue.

That's all I have for now. Anything to add?

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