How to find out your vocation test. Test for the choice of profession: Learn your vocation in life. Triangles are ambitious. If the case of honor for the square is the achievement of the highest quality of work performed, the triangle seeks to achieve a high position,

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Test: Your true calling in life! Find out on "your" you place! What should you do in life? Unexpected discovery for me)) It's hard to believe, but many people go to work with great pleasure because they did in due time right choice and build a rapidly developing career in the beloved industry.

Do you enter their number? Doubt that you work on "your" place in "your" company? Then look at this photo and select a picture that likes most - she will tell you about what you yourself could not suspect!

1. Show Business Star

To be the center of attention - this is what you need, not empty obligations. It is unlikely that you love stability and bring to one place for a long time - changes are vital for you, and not only in yourself, but also surrounded.

You love a bright mood, permanent drive and many people, and in relationships rules your own mood - what is not evidence of affiliation for the annoyance?

2. Detective, lawyer or doctor

Congenital observation - it is this feature that distinguishes you from colleagues and in general from most people. Any difficult situation is permitted almost independently due to your rapid thought and a sparkling sense of humor.

You like to watch people, analyze their actions and motifs, to predict further steps. As for preferences in the work or profession, they must combine a logical and creative approach - then even the difficult task itself will be cleverly brought to the end.

3. PR manager, manager or entrepreneur

Responsibility and ability to get everything I want to get your horse. Life on the principle of "purpose justifies funds" is normal for you and logical.

Stable and solid income - nothing but the ability to satisfy sufficiently high demands and, at least occasionally, when there is a time for this time, to indulge in your desires. Congenital ability to manage people opens up all branches of business, PR and even political technologies.

4. Martial arts and search for adventure

If you need to describe the type of your vital energy in color, it will be exceptionally red - aggressive, bright, demanding. And she needs a timely output - sometimes she even takes the shape of a sharp word.

Professional animation of martial arts, active and even extreme sports - the best use of your excellent reaction and the ability to lightly make the right solutions.

5. Lecturer

You feel invariably young, which means that they need to surround themselves with young people - schoolchildren and students. Everyone is loved from Mala to Great - for a bright character, a light cheerful temper, willingness to help and responsibility.

No one will understand and it will help to solve any problem better - use your gift.

6. Accountant, economist or analyst

Scrupulsiness, outstanding analytical abilities and congenital skills masterly controlled with thoughts - it is for these traits that all successful managers are valued.

You can always get a wonderful offer from any company you like, but think about whether it is time to create your own business?

Of course, this is not the most accurate definition of your real calling, but it is worth thinking. To truly enjoy life, it is not necessary to dramatically change it - sometimes enough to reconsider our views, find a new hobby in the soul, and then time will tell.

Choose from them in respect of which you can say: "This is me!" Try to feel your shape. If you are experiencing a strong difficulty, choose from the figures that the first attracted you.

at number 1. Write down its name. Now write down the remaining four figures In the order of your preference (write down their names under the relevant numbers).

So, the most difficult stage is completed.

You need note On the first and last (fifth) figure of those you chose.

So, the figure you placed in the first place is your main figure. It makes it possible to identify your main, dominant character traits and behavioral features.

The following three figures are just peculiar modulators that can paint or supplement the leading melody of your behavior.

Last (fifth) figure Indicates the form of a person, the interaction with which will represent the greatest difficulties for you.


If your bulk figure was a square, then you are tireless worm. Diligence, diligence, the need to bring the work started to the end, perseverance, allowing to achieve completion of work, are the main qualities of true squares.

Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make squares with a high-class specialist in your field. This is also facilitated by an invalid need for information. All the information they have are systematized and decomposed on the shelves.

The square is capable of issuing the necessary information instantly. Therefore, the squares are deservedly heard by erudites, at least in their field.

If you have chosen a square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely, you feel about the "left-hand" thunders, that is, to those who proceed the data in a sequential format: A-B-in-g ... they rather "calculate the result" than guess it. They are extremely attentive to detail, details, love once and forever managed order.

Their ideal is a melted, predictable life, and they do not like the change in the usual stroke of events. They are constantly "ordered," organize people and things around themselves.

All these qualities contribute to the fact that the squares can become good specialists - technicians, excellent administrators, but rarely come to good managers. Excessive addiction to details, the need for clarifying information for making decisions deprives the square of efficiency.

Accuracy, compliance with rules, etc. can develop to paralyzing extremes. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, conservatism in estimates interfere with squares to quickly install contacts with different persons. Squares are inefficient in an amorphous situation.


This form symbolizes leadership, and many triangles feel their destiny. The most characteristic feature of the true triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main purpose. They are energetic, strong personality. In the dough of Lucher, they often prefer green and draw a Christmas tree when they are asked to draw a tree.

Triangles, like their relatives squares, belong to linear forms and in trends are also the "leaf-colored" thinkers capable of deeply and quickly analyze situations. However, in contrast to the details-oriented squares, triangles focus on the main thing, in essence problems.

Their strong pragmatic orientation sends a mental analysis and limits it with a search for the problem effective in these conditions.

The triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything! The need to be right and
the need to manage the situation, to solve not only for itself, but, if possible, for others, makes a triangle with a person who is constantly rival competing with others.

Triangles with great difficulty recognize their mistakes! We can say that they see what they want to see, do not like to change their solutions, often there are categorical, do not recognize objections.

Fortunately (for them and surrounding), triangles quickly and successfully learn (absorb useful information as a sponge), however, only what corresponds to their pragmatic orientation, contributes (from their point of view) to achieving the main goal.

Triangles are ambitious. If the case of honor for the square is to achieve the highest quality of work performed, the triangle seeks to achieve a high position, to acquire a high status, in other words - to make a career.

Excellent managers are obtained from triangles. The main negative quality of triangles: strong egocentrism, orientation. On the way to the heights of power, they do not show special scrupulousness regarding moral norms. Triangles make everyone rotate all around themselves ... Maybe, without them, life would lose their severity.


This figure symbolizes the state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the remaining four relatively stable figures can be "wearing" in certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied in the way they are doing now, and therefore engaged in the search for a better position.

The reasons for the "rectangular" state can be the most different, but combines their one - the significance of changes for a certain person.

The main mental state of rectangles is more or less aware of confusion, confusion in problems and uncertainty in relation to itself at the moment. The most characteristic features are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period.

They are usually low self-esteem. They strive to become better in something, looking for new methods of work, styles of life. Fast, steep and unpredictable changes in the rectangle behavior are usually embarrassed and alarming other people, and they deliberately can evade contacts with "man without a rod".

Rectangles are simply necessary for rectangles with other people, and this is another complexity of the transition period. However, the rectangle also detects positive qualities that attract others to him: curiosity, inquisitiveness, living interest in everything that is happening and ... courage!

In this period, they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and life, easily absorb all new things. True, the reverse side of this is excessive credulity, suggestibility. Therefore, rectangles are easy to manipulate. "Rectangle" is just a stage. She will pass!

In the school of numerology on the course "Basic" you are waiting for practical classes:

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- You will understand your name;

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The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. He who confidently chooses him is sincerely interested in good in good interpersonal relationships. Higher value for a circle - people. The circle is the most benevolent of five forms. It most often serves as "glue", which also bonds the working team, and the family, that is, stabilizes the group.

Circles are the best communicators first of all because they are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity, developed empathia - the ability to empathize. Circles are superbly "reading" people and one minute can recognize the pretender, a deceiver.

Circles "are sick" for their team and popular among colleagues at work. However, they are usually weak managers and business managers.

First, the circles are directed rather on people than to deal. Trying to preserve the world, they sometimes avoid holding a "firm" position and take unpopular solutions. There is nothing more serious for the circle than to enter into an interpersonal conflict. They seek to avoid it at any cost. Sometimes - to the detriment of the cause.

Secondly, the circles do not differ at all, they often cannot sue themselves. Triangles are usually easily taken over the top. However, circles are not too worried, in whose hands there are power. In one circles there are enviable hardness - if it concerns the issues of morality or violation of justice.

The circle is a nonlinear form, and those who confidently identifies themselves with a circle are more likely to "ruthless" thinkers.

"Right-heading" thinking is more figurative, intuitive, emotionally painted, rather integrative than analyzing. Therefore, the processing of information in circles is not carried out in a sequential format, but rather mosaic, breakthroughs with the passage of individual links. This does not mean that circles are not in freaks with logic. Just formalism does not receive priority in solving life problems.

The main features in their thinking are the orientation on the subjective factors of the problem (values, evaluations, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find general even in opposite points of view.

We can say that the circle is a born psychologist. However, he often is a weak organizer - he lacks the "left-hand" skills of his "linear brothers" - a triangle and square.


This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of five figures and the only open figure. If you firmly chose a zigzag as a basic form, then you are most likely a true "right-hand" thinker, dissent.

You, like your nearest relative, a circle, only to a greater extent, characterize imagery, intuitiveness, integitivity, mosaic. Strict, consistent deduction is not your style. The thought of the zigzag makes desperate jumping from "A" to "I", so many "left-hand" are difficult to understand zigzags.

"Right-heading" thinking is not fixed on the details, so it simplifying the picture of the world allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic feeling.

The dominant style of the zigzag thinking is most often synthetic style. Unlike circles, zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis by no concessions, but on the contrary - the pointing of the conflict of ideas and the construction new conceptIn which this conflict receives its permission, "removed". Moreover, using its natural wit, they can be very ulcer, "opening the eyes" by others.

Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are annoyed clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed duties and constant ways of work.

In the work they need independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then Zigzag "comes to life" and begins to perform his main purpose - generate new ideas and methods of work.

Zigzagi - idealists, hence the origin of their features like impracticality, naivety.

Zigzag is the most excited of five figures. They are unrestrained, very expressive that, along with their eccentricity, it often prevents them from conducting their ideas. In addition, they are not strong in the study of specific details and are not too persistent in bringing the case to the end (since the loss of novelty is lost and interest in the idea).

There is a theory that everyone comes to this world is not just like that, and we all have some other purpose that should be performed. Once (someone earlier, and someone later) everyone begins to think about questions: "Is I doing right right, I could reveal myself more in another sphere, do I realize the full possibilities given to me by nature?".

Most often, we begin to live consciously after twenty-thirty years, and it was then that we begin to feel that we have a certain inner mission, and she needs to follow. Increasingly, you begin to understand that if I chose the right way, I would have to avoid many failures, because they often indicate a person that he is incorrect. It is believed that the purpose is the path that chooses the soul, heading into this world. If you manage to understand what exactly you are "destined", and will take this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, you will certainly be a great success in it. Only so you can reveal your hidden talents! Otherwise, there is a possibility that you will never know about them at all. Spend time to understand - what the path you prepared fate, and you can avoid many unpleasant moments in life.

How influence the fate and karma for life and place under the sun

Many people do not doubt that it is impossible to go away from karma and fate, and no matter how hard we try to send life to another line - everything is already predetermined, and all our attempts are only slightly and practically imperceptibly can change the overall "course." Others argue that it is not necessary to make mistakes to spoil their karma - sometimes and almost sinless people face a lot of difficult tests. In this case, it is said that, apparently, he is responsible for the sins of parents or ancestors.

If everything is really programmed in advance, is there any chance to influence your destiny and change it for the better?

Several ways to influence your destiny

1. There is an opinion that the name we get at birth has a significant impact on our further life. There is a certain nature, as well as its disadvantages that determine many situations further and the attitude of others. As a rule, by studying the meaning of its name, most people recognize that information coincides - they are truly those as described. Wanting to radically change some aspects of your character and life, some are resolved to change the name. This decision can come spontaneously, and it may be up with years, from early childhood - many are already alien to many, and do not like given name. And it is worth recognizing that it often works!

2. Try to think positively. If you have to look for good sides, charging and other positive, then soon you really will be fine, and good luck will accompany you. Also leave the habit of predicting something unkind and in general - do not be pessimist! Learn to love life in many of its manifestations, and it will become really happy for you.

3. Forgive offenders. Perhaps one day someone did unfairly in relation to you, and you could not accept for a long time, again and again scrolling the unpleasant moments that you had to survive. This is an unnecessary and unproductive waste of energy, which would be much more useful to send to improve own Life and building harmonious relationships with good people.

4. Get rid of the ghosts of the past. Do not follow the lives of people who decided to leave you in the past and do not avoid those with whom you have long had to be explained. It is also important to solve all the health problems that you know about, but, nevertheless, you continue to ignore them. It is also important to pay off with all the debts, and not to take them in the future.

Sooner or later, we have a choice, and we decide - to leave everything as before or decide on something new. Often, we choose the first option, not wanting to risk, and only with time we understand that much could buy, if one day they made another choice. It seems that such situations are so common that even an expression appeared that "good luck loves brave."

Of course, in some situations, fear is beneficial, being dictated by a sense of self-preservation, but often fear can entail a catastrophic mistake, and it is especially critical when critical moments occur in our life. There are a lot of such situations: a proposal of more promising work, the opportunity to get away from a husband, an alcoholic, the opportunity to meet with interesting person, Learning a new case and the like. Such and many other opportunities fate can provide only once in life, however, because of fear, we miss them.

Very rare luck accompanying those who try to avoid experiments, fearing to make a mistake, because most often standing in one place is - this is home Error. Of course, sometimes fear acts in good - we refuse unnecessary detrimental habits, extreme sports and other things, afterwards not sore about it. But if you are a far-sighted person, then you understand that because of fear you can miss and many stunning opportunities.

To determine your life goal will help the test

To at least approximately navigate that in this life you are most suitable, to start, determine your type. Thanks to this test, you will be able to understand what it is capable of bringing the greatest realization. After each question, there are several options for answers - you need to choose one of them.

1) Which of these classes seems to you the most interesting?

  1. a) Repair of damaged things.
  2. b) study of scientific papers.
  3. c) Communication with interesting personalities.
  4. d) parsing documents, various papers.
  5. e) planning the nearest or remote future.
  6. e) Creating any crafts or writing a picture.

2) What do you like to do in your free days?

  1. a) put in order clothes, repair broken things, create comfort in the house.
  2. b) learn new interesting information on the network.
  3. c) put visits to loved ones, call them to visit or just go to interesting events together.
  4. d) watch TV shows and movies.
  5. e) engage in self-development (master classes, reading literature on the topic of psychology and the like).
  6. e) dance or listen to your favorite musical performers.

3) How do you prefer to solve difficulties?

  1. a) Without special emotions, quickly evaluate the position and find the most faithful solution for you.
  2. b) Learning in detail the problem, trying to understand how the solution becomes the most optimal.
  3. c) advise close people or with those who understand the question well.
  4. d) worried and hope that the troubles are resolved by themselves.
  5. e) shift the problem on someone else.
  6. e) Soothe yourself, trying to find positive parties and prospects that may result in a problem.

4) What qualities, in your opinion, are most of all prevailing?

  1. a) hardworking.
  2. b) Sophisticable.
  3. c) decent.
  4. d) responsible.
  5. d) persistent.
  6. e) Charismatic.

5) What kind of things would you like to get as a gift?

  1. a) toaster, multicooker or laptop.
  2. b) Interesting book In psychology, self-development.
  3. c) Wardrobe subject.
  4. d) a rare or expensive thing.
  5. e) stylish accessory.
  6. e) Headphones, good watercolor paints or a concert ticket.

6) What is priority for you in the professional sphere?

  1. a) understandable and clear requirements.
  2. b) Personal growth.
  3. c) a good team.
  4. d) stable position.
  5. e) regular payment increase.
  6. e) bright emotions.

7) on which school lessons Have you walked with the greatest enthusiasm?

  1. a) Physical education and work.
  2. b) physics and algebra.
  3. c) Russian and foreign literature.
  4. d) World History.
  5. e) a foreign language.
  6. e) music or drawing.

8) What is the main component of success for you?

  1. a) good job.
  2. b) travel.
  3. c) Reliable environment.
  4. d) high pay.
  5. e) influential position.
  6. e) getting pleasure from life.

Test results

Having answered these questions, determine what the letter, from the accompanying one or another, in your answers prevailed over others? Now look at what the test results will tell you. So, what letter flashed more often?

A - realist. You prefer firmly stand on your feet and engage in understandable and necessary affairs. You are closer not intellectual work, and work with your hands. Based on this, you can choose the appropriate job - the seamstress, the furniture collector, agronomist and much more.

B - intellectual. You are convinced that the main thing your wealth is your mind. You could become an excellent researcher, a writer or an analyst. Perhaps you should try yourself in writing interesting stories or conducting trainings.

B is a socio-successful personality. You do not see special difficulties in communicating with other people, and you like it. You could become a teacher, sociologist, seller, leading and the like. The sphere in which the interaction with people is needed is the most winning for you.

M is a conventional personality. You are very committed to compliance with traditions, appreciate your personal comfort and time, and do not like to do anything free. At the same time, you are responsible and reliable. You will be comfortable in professions such as a tutor or guide. You will also like any guiding position or management of personal business.

D - materialist. Talk about exalted feelings and complaints about life is not for you. You appreciate your comfort and strive for success in life. At the same time you understand that in order to achieve all this, it is necessary to apply efforts, and not to count or wall on fate. You could become an excellent entrepreneur or a speaker and lead a big team. Probably you should think about the opening and development of your business.

E - Creative Nature. In the first place for you - sensations and emotions. In your head, unexpected and interesting ideas are regularly arising, however, it is often all ends at this stage. You would have become a wonderful artist, dancer, singer, actor, writer ... The list can be continued for a long time. Determine which lesson you like most and start active development in this direction!

Calling in the profession or how to find a matter of life

1. Through the skills, interests and abilities. Please note that you have the greatest interest in your free time, where you like to walk, what do you do. Of course, if after work you are most captivated by the same sphere to which your professional activity, then there is no doubt that you are "in your place." If the work inhibits you, and then you find an inventory in drawing, writing stories, knitting, concerts, dancing, or something else, then it is probably thus you will pull you to your true purpose and you are simply obliged to experience yourself in That is the other at the professional level.

2. Osill new specialty. Now, in order to clearly understand the new specialty, there is no sharp need for years to learn a new thing. There are many intensive courseswhich in fairly short time will introduce you to the case. During this period you will have the opportunity to understand - do you like this specialty. If the answer is positive, then you can easily comprehend her new faces and start developing in a new direction.

3. Do not stop before failures. Sometimes, after all, deciding on a certain experiment, we almost immediately come across failures, and in the end we refuse to go wrong. However, we forget that labor and perseverance are needed to achieve truly great purposes. Only applying perseverance, you will achieve the tasks, and the more likely your dream is, the more efforts it will be necessary for its embodiment. Give yourself a chance to drastically change your life for the better.

4. Look for answers to yourself. Surely, in the orphanage you dreamed of how your further life will be folded. Seen yourself in some profession or for some interesting things. Remember what you sincerely wanted at that time. If the memories are dorm, then think about the fact that now you have the greatest trembling, people seem to you most interesting. Attaching efforts, and trying to understand yourself, you can understand what you want from life, and in what place you see yourself if you discard all conventions and obstacles.

A few months ago, I decided to launch my online project in the field of job search and career consulting. After some time, I noticed that among the standard questions of my customers "how to make up", "how to behave on the interview", I very often hear a completely different, more depth request: "How to understand what I like to do?" And "How to start doing what to do with the soul, and tie it with work?".

It turned out that my clients aged 25 to 35 years old are not satisfied with the most prestigious work with a good salary, and there are completely different requirements for work and an employer. For them, it is important that they like to act, (all more people They want a free schedule and remote work), as well as they prefer to understand some deep meaning of their activities and know what benefit it will bring.

Naturally, with such high expectations, these people are doomed to constant discontent with their work. Without a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour interests or not finding the opportunity to combine them with work, "shifting paper" from 9 to 18 in the office instead of saving the world, they get less and less pleasure from work. Thank you, they cherish the dream to throw everything and go to heat to indulge in searching for yourself and your calling, hoping to find the magic recipe for a harmonious cocktail from pleasure, meaning and work.

In my opinion, this trip will only change the scenery. Will there be a response? Maybe. Only, it seems to me that it is not necessary to go far for this. I am convinced that each of us in the depths of the soul knows his calling. Just someone reveals it in four years, and someone recalls in 80. But no matter how much years you have, the search for a vocation is always a fascinating journey and not at all in the tropical country! And it is also painstaking, jewelry, requiring courage, creativity and perseverance. After all, to prepare your exclusive culinary masterpiece, a little find a good recipe. You will have to first learn how to cook it, and then experiment repeatedly to find the ideal proportions and your own unique ingredients.

For its customers, I decided to study in detail the scope of the vocation search, collect a maximum and choose the best. Only over the past three months of deep immersion I had more than 100 exercises, and I only opened the door to this interesting world. Some exercises are prompts and help determine the vocation, others allow you to transform it into a new job or lead to harmony with already available. I will be happy to share with you my finds!

For those who are ready to go on an independent journey, amounted to a universal route in seven days. Naturally, the timing for everyone will be individual. Perhaps someone will find the answer on the first day, and someone will need to take a pause after each task for thoughtful reflections. But after all, the dates are not the most important thing, especially if the journey is fascinating. Well, ready? Go!

The first day. Take a look into the future and fantasize

Our fantasies are not only a store of information about ourselves and our goals, but also a powerful source of motivation for their implementation. To make it easier to fantasize, let's play the game. Imagine that you are a sorty centenary fantasy-lucky. Not only have lived in the mind and health to such serious name, so you still have been lucky in life, and you have achieved fantastic success in everything, for which they were taken. Healthy, prosperous, live in prosperity, in one word, flourish. Your relatives and friends gathered to congratulate you and note it with you. significant event. Or maybe not only friends, but also reporters, press, celebrities ...

Presented? And now remember all your happy life, full of interesting and exciting events. What did you do? What they were doing? Where, in what atmosphere? Who was next to you? What did you feel? Describe your lifestyle, all that was important for you, all areas of life. Preferably on paper or in a text editor.

Then read your text, better out loud, paying attention to your sensations and sound of your voice. Do you really want these fantasies to become a reality? Are you ready to try?

To be where you want to be in 100 years, you need to start the path in the selected direction right now.

Second day. Allow yourself everything and labeam

Very often our calling is hiding somewhere between the area of \u200b\u200bour interests, the sphere of secret desires and several deeply charged and forgotten childhood dreams. We are so afraid of this box of Pandora, which hides it away to the chunge of your memory, so that then you want to push everything in it, but it was not fulfilled, it was planned, but did not come true. And immediately forget.

To open the veil and make one more step towards your vocation, you will need this box to get to blow away dust and thoroughly crush everything you have shook out. Remember all your dreams, desires, interests and everything you have ever wanted to try, and write down. For complete pictures, add a list of increments to them. Do not limit your fantasy: the more you write items, even the most ridiculous, the better. Let them be 100 or more, but not less than 20.

By the way, this exercise has an interesting side effect. Save the list and check it after a while. Some of your desires will come true by themselves, without your participation. To come true everything, you will need to take some actions, but this is a completely different story.

When we were small, each of us knew my destination. If you forgot what you dreamed of childhood, ask my relatives.

Day Three. Make up your perfect contract

Imagine that you are a star! You are so professional, in demand and popular that "Hadhanthers" chase you, ready for everything to get you. You are offered to sign a contract with an ideal salary in which you are allowed to choose how you do, in which area and under what conditions. Yes, here you are lucky!

You, of course, guess that each of us actually has such an opportunity? If not, I share a secret with you. Modern world It offers a selection of a wide variety of professions and areas of activity, any options for work schedules and other conditions. Unfortunately, very often many do not know what they want, or do not want to make efforts to achieve the desired one. Or for some reason you do not find opportunities to sit down and think seriously above this issue.

So let yourself be right now pray for them and choose the perfect work. Let's think wider, because we yourself the authors of all our framework and restrictions. Let your list be 100 points or at least 20. By the way, this exercise is useful to do from time to time, since your preferences may change and it is important to correct your ideal contract so that work continue to inspire you.

It is worth not only to make up your ideal contract, but also to view it from time to time. Our preferences may change, and it is important to make adjustments in time so that our work continues to inspire us.

Day four. What would you like to give others?

We all . We live in society and cannot exist independently, by ourselves. Therefore, I always alarming me when I hear that someone wants to do something exclusively for himself. Wants to enjoy the process, to achieve self-realization through favorite activities and receive satisfaction from achieving results. All these desires are beautiful, but they remain unanswered questions "Why?", "Why are you?", "What is your meaning?".

It seems to me that such an egocentric position is initially defective and flawed towards the one in which the motive "give" is present. Activities can deliver full satisfaction only if you share something with others, serve them. And you can only transform your favorite job in the work if you find a way to benefit others through your activities.

Combination of answers to questions "Why?" And "What do I want to give others?" It will give that very sense, without which it is impossible to complete satisfaction from work.

Fifth day. What do you like exactly and really gives pleasure

Before that day, we concentrated on your dreams, interests, desires, and what you would like to do. You were not limited to anything other than their fantasies and their own restrictions created. Your dreams, interests and desires are guides to your work, but contain a risk. If most of them have remained in the world of fantasies and you have not tried to realize them, you can not be sure that this is exactly what you like and gives pleasure. Nevertheless, these lists are very important for disclosure. Let them leave them for a while.

Now we will come back from the field of fantasies in real world. Your personal experience - This is another important source of information on your way to your vocation. Carefully pass all your attempts to do anything and the degree of your pleasure from the process, you can also discover the prompts that will lead you to the vocation.

Remember what you really like to do and what you definitely gives pleasure - at the previous places of work, while studying, during any other activity you have been doing. I remind you a key difference from the list that you amounted to the second day is that you tried it and know exactly what you get pleasure from it. As usual, strive for 100 points, and let them be at least 20.

Being confident is that you really like it and brings pleasure, you can, only trying what you dreamed about. Look for your vocation in your experience and experiment more with your fantasies and interests.

Day sixth. Your talents, abilities, skills and their reflection in others

Each of us has many talents, regardless of whether we develop them or not. Think that you get good in what you have achieved heights and achievements? You probably have something that you can do better than others. Do not know about it? Remember, with what requests to you usually appeal. Do not remember? Then risk and ask! Call your loved ones and friends and ask them what they would lose if they were not familiar with you. Be prepared for the most unexpected answers. You exactly learn a lot of interesting things! :)

Your talents and abilities will tell you the right direction to the vocation. Do not know what you are stronger - ask others!

Seventh day. Role, skill, vocation

The seventh day is the day of analysis and answers to questions. Read each list and analyze it. Pay attention to the items that:

  • repeated several times;
  • seem to you most valuable and important now;
  • call you have a special response and trepidation.

Choose about 10 items from each list (the number of items is an unstrupping parameter). Distribute steps in four groups:

  • Scope of activity (medicine, art, sport and so on).
  • The essence of activity (what exactly to do what to do).
  • Conditions (where, how, with whom, how much time).
  • Quality and skills (how and what can do).

Record all items on a pure A4 sheet or in a new text editor document. Add a description of the perfect lifestyle from the first day and answers to the question "What I want to give to others" from the fourth.

Analyze the resulting description and answer questions: "What am I actually making with the world when I do it? "," What am I actually I give peace, when I do it? "," What is my real role when I do this? "," What is my exceptional gift What is mine mastery and vocation When I do this? " Do not rush, these questions require serious thinking. Answers to them and allow you to find yourself.

Want to tie with work? Abstract and look at the resulting result as it were from the side, as if it was not written, and another person. Write work options that would be suitable for such a request. Show others and ask to call options suitable for you. If you have enough courage, publish in networks. The more people with different professional eruditions you will show, the more diverse work options. It is desirable that the list of 20-30 different options for professions. Choose one or two or three of them that like you most.

Rate reality. As far as you do now, close and consonant with your request. Think up a strategy. Cardinal shift? Smooth transition? Work on the same work, and the calling to make a hobby and develop in an interesting direction in parallel? Write a plan. Take the first step. Check out experimentally.

It will take several months or years. Scary? Fear, but do. These few months or years will still be sooner or later, and you either try or not. Hurry up, because no one knows when his centenary comes. Remember, happiness is not the final destination, this is the journey itself. Even a few seconds to get closer to your perfect Life - This is the result.

Find out on "your" place! What should you do in life? Unexpected discovery for me))

It is difficult to believe, but many people go to work with great pleasure, because at one time they made the right choice and build a rapidly developing career in the beloved industry. Do you enter their number? Doubt that you work on "your" place in "your" company? Then look at this photo and select a picture that likes most - she will tell you about what you yourself could not suspect!

1. Show Business Star

To be the center of attention - this is what you need, not empty obligations. It is unlikely that you love stability and bring to one place for a long time - changes are vital for you, and not only in yourself, but also surrounded. You love a bright mood, permanent drive and many people, and in relationships rules your own mood - what is not evidence of affiliation for the annoyance?

2. Detective, lawyer or doctor

Congenital observation - it is this feature that distinguishes you from colleagues and in general from most people. Any difficult situation is permitted almost independently due to your rapid thought and a sparkling sense of humor. You like to watch people, analyze their actions and motifs, to predict further steps. As for preferences in the work or profession, they must combine a logical and creative approach - then even the difficult task itself will be cleverly brought to the end.

3. PR manager, manager or entrepreneur

Responsibility and ability to get everything I want to get your horse. Life on the principle of "purpose justifies funds" is normal for you and logical. Stable and solid income - nothing but the ability to satisfy sufficiently high demands and, at least occasionally, when there is a time for this time, to indulge in your desires. Congenital ability to manage people opens up all branches of business, PR and even political technologies.

4. Martial arts and search for adventure

If you need to describe the type of your vital energy in color, it will be exceptionally red - aggressive, bright, demanding. And she needs a timely output - sometimes she even takes the shape of a sharp word. Professional animation of martial arts, active and even extreme sports - the best use of your excellent reaction and the ability to lightly make the right solutions.

5. Lecturer

You feel invariably young, which means that they need to surround themselves with young people - schoolchildren and students. Everyone is loved from Mala to Great - for a bright character, a light cheerful temper, willingness to help and responsibility. No one will understand and it will help to solve any problem better - use your gift.

6. Accountant, economist or analyst

Scrupulsiness, outstanding analytical abilities and congenital skills masterly controlled with thoughts - it is for these traits that all successful managers are valued. You can always get a wonderful offer from any company you like, but think about whether it is time to create your own business?

Of course, this is not the most accurate definition of your real calling, but it is worth thinking. To truly enjoy life, it is not necessary to dramatically change it - sometimes enough to reconsider our views, find a new hobby in the soul, and then time will tell.

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