VUS Navy transcript. What is a military specialty (MS). The purpose of determining a military specialty

    Military registration specialty (VUS)- category of military registration, indicating the military specialty of a serviceman (person liable for military service) and his affiliation with the branch of the Armed Forces, branch of the military (forces) or service. The VUS has a real and conventional name (code), which facilitates military registration... Glossary of military terms

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For each citizen liable for military service, as well as military personnel, a special military ID is issued, which has a VUS number (Military Registration Specialty), indicating the mastered military specialty. Often such a number has the form of a digital and alphabetic encoding. Most often, it is assigned to a citizen on the basis of his existing education or on the basis of a mastered military profession during military service.

Why do you need a VUS?

Often, when hiring an employer, an employer requires a citizen liable for military service to present a military ID. In the event that we're talking about about the employment of a reserve officer, then he will only have a registration certificate in his hands. Based on such documentation, employees of the human resources department of a commercial structure carry out the following actions:

  • Fill out a personal card for the employee;
  • They take into account the data that is included in the citizen’s military registration document.

The code carries not only information about the specialty acquired by the citizen during his military service, but also certain data about his state of health. Information about a citizen’s illnesses in encrypted digital form is indicated on the military ID if he was declared unfit for military service.

Why are military specialties determined?

In the personal file of a citizen liable for military service, as well as in his military registration document, information about the military service is displayed. A military specialty is determined for each man registered with the military registration and enlistment office who has a certain profession (communications experts or medical workers).

A man can receive VUS in the following cases:

  1. While undergoing military service in the ranks Russian army;
  2. Upon completion of training at educational institution, where there is a military department.

In some individual situations, a specialty may be assigned to a conscript when he is assigned to a military unit at a recruiting station. So, for example, if during the process of passing the draft board it is established that the conscript has a driver’s license that allows him to drive various vehicles, then he can be sent to a military unit as a driver. In this case, his documents will indicate the VUS code assigned to him.

VUS is on page 11 in the military ID

In addition, the VUS code can be used in the process of keeping records of military personnel in the reserve, as well as when determining the health category and level of specialization in the process of applying a citizen to work. The military department must have information about the exact number of professionals that are in reserve. The military registration and enlistment office needs this data so that in the event of mobilization being announced, it will be possible to quickly assign people to the most suitable branches of the military.

It is also worth noting the fact that upon obtaining a certain specialty, you can count on getting into certain troops. In order to do this, it is enough to undergo special training and some tests. Almost all young men of pre-conscription age and high school students now undergo similar training.

Existing VUS job groups

In a military registration document belonging to a citizen, the military registration number is indicated in the format of a multi-digit digital encoding with an additional letter designation. When decrypted, such a code allows you to obtain the following information about a man:

  • The troops in which the citizen served;
  • Title of the position held;
  • Name of military specialty.

There are several main groups of VUS:

  1. Command. To get into this group a person must have strong leadership and organizational skills;
  2. Operators. People who have received a military profession in this category are often well versed in computer technology;
  3. Signalmen. Military personnel with such a military service provide communication between military units. They must have a profession related to modern telecommunications technologies;
  4. Drivers. The task of representatives of this group is to transport military equipment and people. To obtain such a VUS, you must have a driver's license that allows you to drive various types transport;
  5. Special purposes. To get into this category you must have good health, as well as good physical fitness.

Code decoding method

To date, there is no separate open list with complete transcripts of the VUS. This information has confidential status. For this reason, only career officers of the Russian army have it. Moreover, each citizen liable for military service can find out his own military specialty in his military district commissariat. A person may need such information if it somehow affects his employment opportunities.

The first digits in the VUS code indicate the military profession:

  • 100 – shooter;
  • 101 – sniper;
  • 106 – military intelligence;
  • 998 suitable for military service, but did not undergo it;
  • 999 – limited fit for military service, but does not have military training.

The list of VUS is divided into separate chapters. Each chapter has a number that partially or even completely repeats the first code. The following numbers indicate the specific position held by a person in the army. These data provide more comprehensive information about the citizen's military specialty. So, for example:

  • 000 - without any position;
  • 001 – battery specialist;
  • 097 – deputy commander;
  • 182 – commander;
  • 220 – mechanic who services aircraft jet engines;
  • 259 – driver and part-time mechanic;
  • 673 – specialist in measuring land and elevation differences on the ground;
  • 385 is an expert in demolition work that is carried out under water.

In general, decoding the VUS is a rather complex process. This is due to the fact that a certain combination of numbers denotes a specific military profession. An alphabetic symbol can complement the digital encoding and denotes special characteristics of the service:

  • A - ground forces, as well as the coastal Navy;
  • B – a specialist who works with equipment for rockets;
  • D – representative of the airborne forces;
  • K - representative of the composition of warships;
  • M - Marines;
  • P – internal troops;
  • R - Border guards, FSP (border part of the FSB);
  • T – military builder;
  • E – member of the flight crew;
  • C – Ministry of Emergency Situations and rescuers;
  • F - Special Forces;
  • X - reconnaissance.

Conscript training

An example of decoding some VUS

The full code designation VUS for some military professions is deciphered as follows:

  1. 999000A – a citizen has the status of limited fitness in the absence of any military specialty;
  2. 998000A - the citizen does not have any military specialty or military training, although he is fit for service in the army;
  3. 837037A - assigned to those who have the profession of an electrician driver;
  4. 600543A - such a VUS means that its owner is an operator of electronic computer equipment;
  5. 121000 - applies to men who served in units and military units communications;
  6. 620100 - construction and operation of buildings for special and general military purposes;
  7. 021000 - commander of a motorized rifle platoon;
  8. 100915A is a gunner position with the rank of private or sailor.


Some specialties that were acquired by a citizen during military service can be used by him when finding a job. A number of professional skills that can be acquired in the modern army help to obtain a highly paid workplace and generally get settled in life.

Any person liable for military service, according to the law, both reservists and those undergoing military service, is provided with the so-called. a military ID card, in which the military specialty with its number is written - as a rule, it is a set of symbols of numbers and letters. The number is created on the basis of the employee’s education or his military specialty, which the person acquired at one time as part of the units.

Why is VUS necessary?

Often, an employer, when hiring a new employee, asks him to provide a military ID. When an employee is a reserve officer, he will get a job with only a registration certificate. From the information based on this document, HR employees perform the following:

    An individual card is issued for the employee.

    They take into account the data of the military service, which is reflected in the provided military registration document.

The designation of a military specialty is not only necessary to reflect the specialty acquired while serving in the Armed Forces, it also contains information about health. In encoded form, there is data about illnesses, possible unsuitability for service, etc.

The purpose of determining a military specialty

The data is present both in the military registration document and in the personal file of the person obliged to serve. The specialty is defined for everyone who is registered with the local commissariat and who acquired a profession as part of the units (signalmen, medical workers, intelligence officers).

A military specialty is acquired in the following situations:

    During the period of urgent conscription service.

    After completing your studies at a university that contains.

In some cases, a conscript receives a specialty when he is assigned to a unit at the conscription point. So, if a young person has a driver’s license of certain categories, he may be sent to serve as a driver. In this situation, he will be assigned a specific occupation number of the VUS, which is reflected on page 11 of the ticket.

The VUS is useful as a means of recording citizens present in the reserve or for identifying and specializing when applying for a person to a civilian position. The Ministry of Defense must have clear information about professional military reserves; this is required so that in the event of a sudden mobilization of people, people can be quickly sent to the appropriate branches of the military and military units.

In addition, if a citizen has received a VUS number, then he will definitely find combat use in military units. A specialty can be acquired through certain preparation and passing certain tests. High school students and almost all people of pre-conscription age currently undergo this type of training.

Types of positions

The document containing the military registration specialty contains specific data about the person liable for military service, namely:

    The branch of the military in which the person served.

    Job title.

    Name of specialty.

Today there are several main groups of military units. Here is the list:

    Command structure of units. To receive the rank of commander, a citizen must have clear leadership characteristics and be an excellent organizer.

    Operators. These are individuals who are well versed in computers and IT equipment.

    Communications department employees. Signalmen who provide connections between military units. Such people must have an excellent understanding of telecommunications.

    Driver vehicles. Such persons are often sent to transport employees and equipment. You can acquire such a specialty if a citizen has a driver’s license, especially with several categories.

    Special purpose units. These units are filled with people with excellent physical abilities, no health problems and good preparation.

Currently, a complete list containing the decrypted data is not publicly available. Such information is available only to officers of the Russian Army who are currently serving in military units.

However, any person whose documents indicate a military specialty can find out the transcript of the military registration and enlistment at the local military registration and enlistment office. Typically, this need arises if a citizen’s military registration specialty somehow influences a new civilian vacancy.

The first number in the designation indicates the person’s affiliation with a certain specialty:

    100: combat rifle unit.

    101: sniper service.

    106: activities of reconnaissance units

    998: fit for service, did not serve in the Armed Forces.

    999: limited fitness, lack of training.

The entire list of military registration specialties is divided into chapters, each of them is characterized by its own number, and this, in turn, can fully or partially duplicate the first number.

The next number reflects a specific position that is assigned to a citizen in the ranks of the troops. This information is more detailed and allows you to find out the citizen’s application, for example:

    000: no position.

    001: Battery handling personnel.

    097: deputy commander

    182: unit commander.

    220: jet engine mechanic.

    259: mechanical drive.

    673: meter for landscape parameters and elevation changes.

    385: Underwater blasting specialist.

In general, deciphering a military specialty using the VUS code is not the easiest thing, since the specific arrangement of numbers is associated with a specific specialty.

Letters may be mixed with numbers, which indicates the person’s suitability for service in the troops of special units. List of letters:

    A: Combat unit of the ground forces; Land-based Navy.

    B: maintenance of rocket equipment.

  • K: military ships.

    M: Marine.

    P: internal troops.

    R: border guard.

    T: military construction.

    E: pilot.

    C: rescue service.

    F: division special purpose.

    X: intelligence officer.

Examples of designating a military specialty

The full coded designation of the VUS for a number of military professions looks like this:

    121000. Persons who served as signalmen.

    837037A. Electric drivers.

    999000A. Persons recognized as limitedly fit or without a VUS.

    021000. Commander of a motorized rifle platoon.

    All citizens of the country must have an identity card. For adults, this is a passport. Men, in addition to him, have a military ID. This document is issued to male citizens of Russia who have served or not served. Even those who cannot serve due to poor health receive it.

    The passport contains the main data about the identity of the employee, as well as his military specialty (in short, VUS). This data is required for high-quality registration of military personnel. A specialty is also assigned on the basis of information from a military university, then the citizen becomes an officer and receives a specialty recorded in the military ID under a certain military university code. This category of citizens does not need to undergo military service, as they are assigned to the reserves.

    Assignment of military specialties

    The list of VUS refers to classified information protected by the state and belongs to the country's Ministry of Defense. This situation is regulated by the Law “On State Secrets”.

    Secrecy is calculated based on the damage caused by the dissemination of national security information. The following privacy types are available:

    • of special importance;
    • top secret;
    • secret.

    The period during which secret information is stored cannot exceed 30 years. After this time, the materials are subject to declassification on the basis of a government decree. Every 5 years, authorized bodies review this list anew.

    The list can be divided into different types. The numbers in it give a specific idea of ​​the specialization, as well as the position of the person liable for military service, and not only in military service, but also in civilian settings.

    In open mode, the types of specialties are not published in full, however, there is still some information about this. When decoding, the VUS, code and main features of the corresponding service are determined. For a clearer understanding, you can study the example: VSU-100097R. The number “100” means specialization (infantry), the next numbers “097” indicate the position of deputy platoon commander, the letter “P” indicates border troops. In this way, the VUS code is completely deciphered. This specialty, however, will actually play a role only when general mobilization at the military registration and enlistment office.

    Existing VUS groups

    To better understand the VUS numbers, it is worth considering military specialties for different military positions. The main groups include the following:

    1. Team.
    2. Operator's rooms.
    3. Connections
    4. Driver's license.
    5. Special purpose.


    The commander's functions include control. Such a person must have organizational abilities that allow him to achieve the desired result. The commander is responsible for psychological state and professional training of subordinates. In a military ID, such a military service is marked with the following numerical values:

    • 70201 (travel platoon);
    • 70203 (mechanized);
    • 70204 (communications departments) and others.

    In civilian life, this corresponds to professions, for example, tourism instructor, sports instructor, administrator, etc.


    In this case, the employee controls military equipment. The performance of duties is carried out in several stages, during which information is received and processed, an appropriate decision is made, and actions taken are monitored. For an operator, such qualities as observation, excellent memory, high level responsibility.

    If we consider civilian professions, then an operator can work as a specialist in working with various mechanisms, including software: a dispatcher at the airfield, a programmer, a technician and other professions. To the approximate digital codes include the following:

    • 97001 - reconnaissance optical department;
    • 20300 - engineer for setting up technical support for tanks and other equipment;
    • 30202 - command and control of troops, other.


    Currently, this specialization plays an important role. Without it, military units may become uncontrollable, and the risk of losses increases. Communication between departments is carried out by telephone, telegraph, telecode and video telephone, as well as through various signals. The signalman must develop the same personal qualities as the operator. He must be smart, have an excellent memory, and the ability to recognize various encryptions.

    In the civil service, this position corresponds to a sound engineer, editor, radio operator and mechanic, as well as other professions. VUS codes are as follows:

    • 121000 - communications unit;
    • 121400 - department with low-channel communication;
    • 121702 - by long-distance communication;
    • 121202 - with medium-power radio stations and others.

    Driving license

    In this position, the military man is subject to different tasks. He must be able to control both automobile and armored vehicles, trains on railway, ships. The driver ensures the mobile movement of military forces. IN ordinary life an employee may have such specialties as a driver of a machine (a car or equipment used in industry, including heavy equipment). The codes in the VUS correspond to the following digital combinations:

    • 157259 - anti-aircraft vehicle mechanic;
    • 180994 - excavator operator and the like.

    Special forces

    In this case, special conditions are implied under which employees need to perform their duties. They are entrusted with the most important and daring tasks that require special knowledge and the necessary level of training.

    There are such units in all troops. While in the civilian reserves, they can find themselves in such specialties as diver, fire instructor, explosives operator, and so on. According to the VUS code, the following may be:

    • 107654 - special purpose reconnaissance diver;
    • 107746 - instructor in the preparatory part of special forces, other positions.

    All persons liable for military service and those serving under conscription or contract have a military ID with the obligatory column “VUS”, which indicates a military specialty. Most often it is indicated in the form of a code. It is awarded for certain merits or in accordance with the profession that the citizen received while studying at a technical school or university. How is the code designation deciphered? What specialties exist? We will answer these questions further.

    Why is it necessary to determine military specialties?

    Information about the military service is reflected in the military ID and personal file of the person liable for military service. It is assigned to all men who are registered as military personnel, as well as women who have certain professions (communications specialists or medical workers).

    VUS can be obtained:

    Sometimes specialties are awarded at the recruiting station at the time of assignment to a unit. For example, if a conscript has a driving license, he can be sent to a unit as a driver, and the documents indicate the code of the awarded military license.

    VUS codes are used to keep records of people in the reserves, as well as to determine health group and specialization during employment. It is important for the military department to know how many and what kind of specialists are in the reserves, so that when mobilization is announced, they can quickly determine which troops to send citizens to.

    In addition, obtaining a specific specialty allows you to serve in certain troops. To do this, you just need to undergo mandatory training, where you need to show your best side. All pre-conscripts, including high school and college students, take it.

    What VUS can be found on a military ID? Job groups

    The VUS is indicated in the document as a multi-digit number and an additional letter designation. In general this code means:

    • type of military;
    • job designation;
    • specialization.

    We will tell you how to decipher this data in the next section, but for now let’s figure out what groups of positions all VUSs are divided into.


    People with organizational skills can get command position. As a rule, a code with it appears on a military ID for those who distinguished themselves during service. It is also assigned to people who have received the following professions after training:

    • trainer;
    • safety engineer;
    • instructor in hand-to-hand combat, skydiving or tourism;
    • Airport dispatch service specialist;
    • educator;
    • administrator.

    Command positions are assigned to those who can be responsible for training soldiers in various aspects from psychological attitude to physical training. His responsibilities include comprehensive combat training divisions. The command VUS can be hidden under the code 034097; this combination of numbers stands for deputy platoon commander in anti-aircraft missile forces.


    The Russian army has large number technology. The equipment is regularly updated, but in any case an operator is needed to control it. He needs to be able to work with computer equipment, so those with civilian professions are appointed to operator positions:

    • industrial and computer equipment adjuster;
    • programmer;
    • Computer and office equipment maintenance technician.

    Even if a specialist with such a position did not serve in conscription (for example, he studied at an institute with a military department), during general mobilization he will be made an operator of an artillery installation or other modern equipment. It is important that, in addition to a suitable specialty, a person has the following qualities:

    • responsibility;
    • ability to assess the situation;
    • the ability to make informed decisions based on the current situation.


    Workers who are responsible for communication between departments must be able to work with all possible modern communications. They are most often used:

    • satellite communications;
    • telephony;
    • telecode;
    • telegraph.

    Most often, the position of a communications specialist is indicated as a VUS for people who have one of the professions:

    • sound designers;
    • radio mechanics;
    • sound engineers;
    • radio engineering.

    They must have such personal qualities as excellent memory and the ability to think logically. It is important that the specialist has a mathematical mind; he will have to work with codes.


    This specialty can be obtained by people who, before serving in the army, did not have time to graduate from a university, but only received the license to drive any type of transport. Their task is to transport any cargo and people. Especially in military service, people who know how to operate tractor equipment are valued, because some of the machines are similar in design. People with civilian specialties are appointed to driver positions:

    • train driver;
    • skipper;
    • driver of a car or self-propelled transport.

    For some positions you will also need to have a special diploma, for example, graduation from a river, railway or agricultural technical school (school).

    Special Purpose

    To serve in some branches of the military, it is necessary to have special qualities, therefore positions corresponding to them are indicated in the military cards of people with professions:

    • lifeguard;
    • firefighter;
    • diver;
    • law enforcement officer.

    Their main qualities are good health, psychological stability and a high level of physical fitness. Most often, special-purpose positions are indicated on military IDs only based on the results of conscription service. In this case, service in difficult conditions is a prerequisite.

    How to decipher the code designation

    There is no open catalog with all VUS codes. This information is classified as secret; it is known only to career officers. You can ask a specialist from the district military commissariat to name your specialty. You have the right to use the skills you learn in the military for employment, so it pays to know your military specialty.

    The first three digits of the VUS code indicate specialization. Examples:

    • 100 – arrows;
    • 101 – snipers;
    • 106 – military reconnaissance;
    • 998 – fit for military service, but not trained;
    • 999 – limited fit for service who lack military training.

    The list of VUS is divided into chapters, each of them has a number that partially or completely coincides with the numbers of the first code. The next three numbers are a sign of a specific position; it gives a more complete picture of the specialty. Here are some examples:

    • 001 – battery operator;
    • 037 – driver;
    • 220 – a mechanic involved in the repair and maintenance of jet engines and aircraft;
    • 673 – surveyor;
    • 203 – rescuer;
    • 385 – specialist in underwater blasting.

    Deciphering the VUS is quite a difficult matter, since different combinations of numbers give certain professions, of which there are a great many in military affairs. Additionally, the code is equipped with a letter designation:

    • A – no special signs;
    • B – specialists working with rocket equipment;
    • D - landing troops;
    • K – composition of military vessels (moving on water)
    • T – builders;
    • E – flight crew;
    • S - rescuers.

    One of the most common codes that can be found on a military ID is 837037A. If you decipher it, you get a specialty: a driver of any brand of automotive equipment who does not have any special characteristics. This specialty is awarded to those who have the right. The absence of special signs means that such a person can serve in any army.

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