Methods of working with fairy tales in kindergarten. Scenario of a children's fairy tale in kindergarten (with the participation of teachers, parents, children). The fairy tale “Teremok” in a new way The fairy tale is good in kindergarten

A fairy tale is an amazingly powerful psychological tool for working with a person’s inner world, a powerful tool for development. Fairy tales surround us everywhere. Psychologists have been interested in fairy tales for a long time.

The specific language of fairy tales opens the way for children to visually - figuratively and visually - effectively comprehend the world human relations, which is quite adequate to the mental characteristics of preschool children.

A fairy tale can provide clues to enter reality in new ways, it can help a child get to know the world, it can enrich his imagination and teach him to critically perceive his surroundings.

Understanding and living through a fairy tale the content inherent in the inner world of any person allows the child to recognize and identify his own experiences and his own mental processes, understand their meaning and the importance of each of them.

Russians folk tales, introducing children into the circle of extraordinary events and transformations that occur with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach kindness towards people, show high feelings and aspirations. K.I. Chukovsky wrote that the goal of a storyteller, and first of all a folk storyteller, is “to cultivate humanity in a child - this marvelous ability of a person to worry about other people’s misfortunes, to rejoice at the joys of another, to experience someone else’s fate as if it were his own.”

In actions and deeds fairy-tale heroes diligence is opposed to laziness, good is opposed to evil, courage is opposed to cowardice. Children are always attracted to those who are characterized by: responsiveness, love of work, courage. Children rejoice when good triumphs, and sigh with relief when heroes overcome difficulties and a happy ending occurs.

E.A. Flerina, a major teacher in the field of aesthetic education, saw the advantage of storytelling over reading in that the narrator conveys the content as if he were an eyewitness to the events taking place. She believed that storytelling achieves a special immediacy of perception.

Every teacher should master the art of telling fairy tales, because... It is very important to convey the originality of the fairy tale genre.

The tales are dynamic and at the same time melodious. The speed of development of events in them is perfectly combined with repetition. The language of fairy tales is very picturesque: it contains many apt comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions, dialogues, songs, and rhythmic repetitions that help the child remember the fairy tale.

For a long time, everyday experience has been transmitted through figurative stories. However, experience differs from experience. You can simply tell a story that happened recently. Or you can not only tell an interesting story, but also draw a certain conclusion, or ask a question that would push the listener to think about life. It is these stories that are especially valuable and therapeutic. Customs, fairy tales, myths, and legends describe the foundations of a safe and creative life.

The main thing is to plant a seed of comprehension in the child’s soul. And for this you need to leave him with a question inside.

It is not enough for a modern child to read a fairy tale, color images of its characters, and talk about the plot. With a child of the third millennium, it is necessary to comprehend fairy tales, together to search and find hidden meanings and life lessons. And in this case, fairy tales will never lead the child into reality. On the contrary, they will help him in real life become an active creator. When you start to unravel fairy tale lessons, it turns out that fairy tales contain information about the dynamics of life processes.

In the fairy tale you can find a complete list of human problems and imaginative ways to solve them. Listening to fairy tales, the child accumulates a certain symbolic “bank” in the unconscious. life situations" This “bank” can be activated if necessary, but if there is no situation, it will remain passive. And if you reflect with your child on each fairy tale you read, then the knowledge encrypted in them will be not in the passive, but in the active, not in the subconscious, but in the conscious. In this way, it will be possible to prepare the child for life and form the most important values.

Principles of working with fairy tales:

Principle Main focus A comment
Mindfulness Awareness of cause-and-effect relationships in the development of the plot; understanding the role of each character in developing events. Task: to show students that one event smoothly follows from another, even though it is imperceptible at first glance. It is important to understand the place, pattern of appearance and purpose of each character in the fairy tale.
Plurality Understanding that the same event or situation can have several meanings and meanings. Task: to show the same fairy-tale situation from several sides.
Connection with reality The realization that every fairy-tale situation unfolds before us a certain life lesson. Task: painstakingly and patiently work through fairy-tale situations from the perspective of how the fairy-tale lesson will be used by us in real life, in what specific situations.

To develop certain qualities and abilities with the help of a fairy tale, you need to be able to teach the material in order to bring the greatest benefit to children. Sukhomlinsky’s book “I Give My Heart to Children” contains recommendations on how to read to children. Children should listen to fairy tales in an environment that facilitates a deeper perception of fairy-tale images, for example, on a quiet evening in a cozy environment, in nature. Stories should be bright, imaginative, and short. You should not give children a lot of impressions, as their sensitivity to what is being told may become dull. You shouldn't talk too much. The child must be able not only to listen to the teacher’s word, but also to remain silent. Because in these moments he thinks, comprehends new things. Therefore, the teacher must be able to let the child think. According to Sukhomlinsky, this is one of the most subtle qualities of a teacher.

Fairy tales should be used in raising children, but one problem arises: will a fairy tale make it difficult to understand the true patterns of real life? Sukhomlinsky believes that children perfectly understand what is magic and what happens in real life. For example, the most common type of fairy tale, which becomes famous early children - fairy tales about animals. The animals and birds in them are both similar and not similar to real ones. A rooster walks in boots, carries a scythe on his shoulder and shouts at the top of his lungs that the goat should get out of the hare's hut, otherwise he will be hacked to death (“Goat-dereza”). A wolf catches a fish - he lowers his tail into the hole and says: “Catch, fish, both small and large! (“The Fox and the Wolf”). The fox informs the black grouse about a new “decree” - the black grouse should walk through the meadows without fear, but the black grouse does not believe it (“The Fox and the Black Grouse”).

It is easy to see implausibility in all these tales: where have you seen a rooster walking with a scythe, a wolf catching fish, and a fox persuading a black grouse to come down to the ground? A child takes fiction for fiction, just like an adult, but he is attracted to it by its unusualness, its dissimilarity to what he knows about real birds and animals. Most of all, the children are interested in the story itself: will the goat be driven out of the hare's hut, how will the obvious absurdity of catching a fish with its tail end, will the fox's cunning plan succeed.

The most elementary and at the same time the most important ideas - about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice, about kindness and greed - lie in the consciousness and determine the norms of behavior for the child. Children need to experience the struggle between evil and good, to understand that a fairy tale reflects a person’s ideas about truth, honor, and beauty. Without fairy tales, the world would become uninteresting.

The child is especially touched by the fate of the heroes placed in circumstances that are close and understandable to him. The action in such tales often takes place within a family. The father and mother told the daughter not to leave the yard, to take care of her brother, but the girl began to play and go on a spree - and her brother was carried away by the geese-swans (“Geese-swans”). Brother Ivanushka did not listen to his sister - he drank water from a goat’s hoof and became a goat (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”). A good orphan suffers persecution from an evil stepmother; A husband is looking for a missing or kidnapped wife (a wife is looking for a husband)", "The Frog Princess", "The Scarlet Flower", etc.).

A tale about visiting other worlds to free the captives there (“Three Underground Kingdoms”, etc.).

Popular fairy tales about a group of children who fall into the power of an evil spirit, a monster, an ogre and are saved thanks to the resourcefulness of one of them (“The Witch’s Thumb Boy”, etc.), or about the murder of a powerful serpent - the tonic demon (“The Conqueror of the Serpent” and etc.).

There is a lot of humor in fairy tales. This wonderful property of theirs develops in children a sense of the real and simply amuses, entertains, pleases, and sets in motion their spiritual strength. However, fairy tales also know sadness. How sharply contrasting are the transitions from sadness to joy here! The feelings talked about in fairy tales are as vivid as children's emotions. It is easy to console a child, but it is also easy to upset him. A hare is crying at the threshold of his hut; a goat has driven him out. The child is also sad, he feels sorry for the bunny. The rooster chased away the goat - the hare's joy has no end. It’s fun for the listener of the story too. The kid follows with warm sympathy everything that is said in the fairy tale: he rejoices at the victories of Ivan Tsarevich, the miracles of Vasilisa the Wise, and is saddened by their misfortunes.

A kind orphan suffers persecution from an evil stepmother (“Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”). Ethical motivations are invariably introduced into the development of action: injustice becomes a source of suffering and misadventures, successful endings always eliminate contradictions to the norms of justice. The fairy tale teaches the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad.

In fairy tales there are no irreparable troubles in life, but at the same time they do not hide the fact that real world knows severe human suffering, but everything ends happily thanks to a miracle. The imaginary miraculous victory of good over evil always activates the child’s feelings.

The need for justice, the desire to overcome life's adversities forever become part of his worldview. This is extremely important for developing a person’s vitality and the qualities of a fighter for justice.

IN kindergarten acquaintance with a fairy tale begins with junior groups. Fairy tales for this category should be easy to understand, with bright dynamic development plot, short in content. Tales about animals take precedence.

When introducing children to a fairy tale, it is necessary to remind them every time that it is a fairy tale. And gradually the kids remember that “Ryaba the Hen” and “Teremok” are fairy tales. Before reading a fairy tale, you can spend didactic game with the participation of fairy tale heroes. While reading, the teacher should monitor the children's reactions. After reading, the teacher asks if the children liked the heroes of the fairy tale. Children of this age easily remember fairy tales.

IN middle group Every month you should introduce preschoolers to a new fairy tale. Before reading a fairy tale, appropriate preparation is carried out. At the beginning of the year, children should be introduced to new words, giving them explanations: bench - a long wooden bench, rolling pin - a wooden roller used to roll out dough (in the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin”), etc.

In the second half of the year, with the help of exercises, it is necessary to find out how children understand certain figures of speech and whether they can replace a word with a synonym. For example: foolishly - without thinking, scolds, swears, found it by force - searched for a long time (fairy tale “The Fox and the Goat”; rushed back and forth - in different directions; clicked and called (“Geese - swans”).

After preliminary vocabulary work, the teacher informs the children that the new words they heard today live in the fairy tale that he will now tell. After listening to a fairy tale, it is advisable to have a conversation with the children about its content. You can ask several questions. To once again emphasize the idea of ​​a fairy tale, you can retell the plot containing this idea.

In the middle group, children should be taught to correctly evaluate the actions of heroes and independently find the right words and expressions.

In the older group, preschoolers learn to determine and motivate their attitude towards fairy tale characters (positive or negative). Children of this age independently determine the type of fairy tale, compare them with each other, and explain the specifics.

For example, during a lesson on the fairy tale “Khavroshechka,” the teacher first tells the fairy tale and then talks with the children: “Why do you think this is a fairy tale? What does it say? Which of the fairy tale characters did you like and why? Remember how a fairy tale begins and how it ends? Who remembers Khavroshechka’s conversation with the little cow and can repeat it?” These questions help preschoolers better understand the main content of the fairy tale, determine the character of the characters, and identify means of artistic expression (beginning, repetitions, ending).

In the pre-school group special role plays the analysis of the fairy tale text. When reading for the first time, it is important to show the tale as a whole. During secondary familiarization, you should pay attention to the means of artistic expression. Here the questions carry a special burden: “What is the fairy tale talking about?” What can you tell us about the heroes of the fairy tale? How do you evaluate the action of this or that actor? What happened to the heroes of the fairy tale?

Using questions, you can find out what means of expression are used in the fairy tale. It is necessary to give children creative tasks to come up with comparisons, epithets, and synonyms. You can start getting acquainted with the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” with a conversation. “Which of you loves winter? Why? - the teacher asks the children. - What did you sculpt from snow in winter? And now I’ll read to you about a girl whose name was Snegurochka.” Then the teacher asks the children the following questions: “What did I read about the story or poem? How did you know it was a fairy tale? Who did you like in the fairy tale? Why? What was the Snow Maiden like? Why do you think it was called that?”

Thus, the importance of fairy tales in developing feelings in a child is great. Fairy tale - source children's thinking, and the thought of a preschooler is inseparable from feelings and experiences.

The tale “Teremok” in a new way
(with the participation of teachers, children, parents).

Target: creating conditions for creative development and self-realization of teachers, parents, children.
Non-traditional form of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: inclusion of parents in joint theatrical performances.
Nightingales (quantity - optional).
Teremok - two performers, in whose hands are large scarves, with the help of which they depict the roof of Teremok,

Explanatory note.
Such an impromptu fairy tale can be played out at any holiday or entertainment. In our kindergarten, the fairy tale was acted out at the competition “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family”
Taking into account the circumstances, more heroes can be added to the fairy tale (if there are more people willing to take part in the theatrical performance) or, conversely, some heroes can be removed (if there are not enough performers).
The story is told by a narrator. The heroes of the fairy tale come out and perform actions according to the text. Before the entrance of each character, certain music is played, selected by the music director.
Progress of the performance.
The first participants of the performance come out to the music and portray Teremok.
Narrator: In the morning Sun woke up, smiled early,
The sun began to shine, making everyone happy everywhere.

Nightingales they began to sing around, ringing trills were heard.
WITH Good morning! Happy clear day!
How fun we live!
Nightingales perform an impromptu dance.

Grandfather and Baba In the morning they gathered at the tower.
The house was completed, and now it was time to rest.
We gathered for the Canary Islands. This is what life is like these days!
Grandfather and Baba leave.

Teremochek so good, you won't find anything like it anywhere else!
The windows here are big! The shutters are painted!
Smoke is coming from the chimney. Who will step on the threshold?

Here Komarik flew in and sat down by the window.
He knocked on the little house, but did not receive an answer.
He began to live and live and he began to wait for guests.

Mouse collected grains Teremochek I saw it.
Knocked on Teremok, brought a bag of grain.
She will bake pancakes, prepare pies,
They will be full in Teremke and everyone will be happy!

I was leaving the disco Frog, pop-eyed girl.
well and Mouse With Mosquito they let her into the house.

How long has it been since I walked Fox from the cinema.
He sees - in the field Teremok. Hey! Let me in!
When I live here with you, I’ll start teaching you how to dance!

Gray wolf ran along the path, what does he see before him?
Oh! Yes it Teremok! He is neither short nor tall.
Open it quickly! There's no point in waiting!
Oh, I'm tired, I can't! I'll rest and help you!!

Walked Bear because of the swamp. He sees that the gate is locked.
Open up, I - Bear! Otherwise I’ll cry!
IN Teremok Bear tumbled in Teremochek fell apart!
All the animals ran away. What will happen? Yo – mine!
The animals run away, Grandfather and Baba appear.

What to do? How to be? Where Grandfather and Baba live?
They cry, they burst into tears, Teremkom say goodbye.

But I decided later Dedok take out a loan for Teremok
And build new house- both with a porch and a yard!
Just crazy! Not by the swamp! And they got to work!
All the animals helped - after all, the housing was destroyed!
All the animals come out.
Here's the new one Teremok! Smoke is coming from the chimney.
Grandfather with Baba We were going to rest again.
Well, a fairy tale is like a washcloth. Start again from the beginning!

Title: Scenario of a children's fairy tale in kindergarten (with the participation of teachers, parents, children). The fairy tale “Teremok” in a new way.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, family leisure, gatherings,

Position: music director of the highest category
Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Shunga"
Location: Kostroma region, Kostroma district, Shunga village

Entertainment scenario “Fairy tales walk around the world” in the senior group.

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district.

This event will be useful for educators, music directors, when conducting fabulous entertainment with older children.
Arouse children's interest in Russian folk tales.
Educational: To consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folklore using the example of Russian fairy tales. Learn to answer questions with complete answers.

Progress of entertainment

“We reached for the sun...
They took the rays...
Pressed to my heart
Gave it to each other
And they smiled!”
There's a knock on the door.

Educator: Guys, someone came to us, I’ll go and have a look.
(goes out the door).
Educator: It was the postman who came and brought us this strange letter. It shows our address: Kindergarten “Goldfish”
senior group "Sun". Do you want to know what is written in this letter?
Children: Yes!
The teacher reads the letter.
Hello dear guys!

"Hello guys! The heroes of a fairyland are writing to you. We live in a certain kingdom in the Thirtieth State. We experienced great grief. The evil fairy has stolen all the fairy tales and will return them to us only when we complete all her tasks. Dear children, you won’t refuse our request, will you?
Educator: Guys, won't we say no to our heroes? Let's help them bring back their fairy tales?
Children: Of course we will help.
Fairy tales travel around the world
Night harnessed to a carriage.
Fairy tales live in the clearings,
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.
Educator: Do you love fairy tales?
Children: Yes, we love it!
Educator: The heroes of the fairy-tale land sent us their pictures.
But first guess the riddles and then you will see them.
Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor...

Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side


The fat man lives on the roof
He flies higher than everyone else.

She's beautiful and sweet
And the name comes from the word “ash”.

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three piglets)

Near the forest
At the edge of the forest
There are three of them living
In the hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears)

Grandma girl
Loved it very much
Little red riding hood
Gave it to her.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name!
(Little Red Riding Hood)

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key
He pokes his long nose everywhere...
Who is this?..
It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
He (rolled) along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown (bear)
And when the baby is in the forest
Met a red (fox)
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale? ("Kolobok").
Teacher (shows answers).
Educator: All the riddles were solved and all the heroes were named.
Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes, we love it very much. Do your parents read fairy tales to you?
What fairy tales are read to you at home? (Children's answers).
Educator: Do you know who comes up with fairy tales?
Children: Fairy tales are invented by storytellers, people.
Educator: What is unusual in fairy tales?
Children: Animals, insects talk, heroes who don’t really exist.
Educator: Now guys let's play

The game is played: “Dress up Cinderella.”
Divide the children into groups and distribute cards with pictures to each group: forest, garden, lake, sea. Ask the children to draw some fairy-tale decorations, a dress or shoes for Cinderella from the gifts of the forest, field, lake, or sea.
Based on each other's drawings, children guess what this or that decoration is made of or this or that dress is sewn. The children's drawings are used to create an exhibition: “Dressing up Cinderella.”
Educator: Well done, you completed the task correctly.
Now let’s rest a little and do a warm-up.

Finger gymnastics “The Three Little Pigs” is being carried out
Once upon a time there were piglets (we clench and unclench our fists)
In a clearing by the river. (show palms)
Woke up early in the morning (circular movements with fists)
We washed our snouts (we rubbed our nose with our index fingers)
Wash ears and hooves. (we run our palms over our ears, then we rub our palms against each other)
Oh, and warm water! (put your palms out in front of you)

Educator: Guys, I want to play one more game with you.

The game is played: “Name the fairy tale”
I want to check how well you know fairy tales. Look at the screen, you need to name the fairy tale that is depicted here. (On the screen there are pictures from fairy tales: Khavroshechka, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling, Pinocchio.
A fairy sorceress enters the music room to the music.
Fairy (adult) in a suit: You guys did a great job completing my tasks, and I am freeing all the heroes of fairy tales. Let them return to their fairy tales and make you happy. And I also want to give you this big, wonderful book “In the World of Fairy Tales” as a souvenir, so that you love them and listen with interest. Well, it's time for me to go back. Goodbye!

The song “There are many fairy tales in the world” plays. The children leave the hall.

Sachkova Nadezhda Sergeevna
Methods of working with fairy tales in kindergarten

Methods of working with fairy tales in kindergarten

Fairy tale- this is an amazingly powerful psychological remedy work with the inner world of a person, a powerful development tool. Fairy tale surrounds us everywhere

Specific language fairy tales opens the way for children to visually - figuratively and visually - effectively comprehend the world of human relations, which is quite adequate to the mental characteristics of preschoolers.

Fairy tale can give the keys to enter into reality in new ways, can help the child get to know the world, can gift his imagination and teach him to critically perceive his surroundings.

In actions and deeds fabulous heroes are contrasted with hard work - laziness, good - evil, courage - cowardice. Children are always attracted to those who characteristic: responsiveness, love of work, courage. Children rejoice when good triumphs, and sigh with relief when heroes overcome difficulties and a happy ending occurs.

The main thing is to plant a seed of comprehension in the child’s soul. And for this you need to leave him with a question inside.

Reading is not enough for a modern child fairy tale, color pictures of her characters, talk about the plot. With a child of the third millennium, it is necessary to comprehend fairy tales, together search and find hidden meanings and life lessons. And in this case fairy tales will never take the child into reality. On the contrary, they will help him become an active creator in real life. When you start to unravel fabulous lessons, it turns out that fabulous stories contain information about the dynamics of life processes.

Principles working with fairy tales:

Principle Main focus Comment

Awareness Awareness of cause-and-effect relationships in the development of the plot; understanding the role of each character in developing events. Task: show students that one event smoothly follows from another, even though it is imperceptible at first glance. It is important to understand the place, pattern of appearance and purpose of each character fairy tales.

Multiplicity Understanding that the same event or situation can have several meanings and meanings. Task: show the same fabulous the situation from several angles.

Connection with reality Awareness that each fabulous the situation unfolds before us a certain life lesson. Task: work through it painstakingly and patiently fabulous situations from the perspective of how fairy The lesson will be used by us in real life, in what specific situations.

IN kindergarten introduction to fairy tales starts with younger groups. Fairy tales for this category they should be easy to understand, with a vivid dynamic development of the plot, and short in content. The advantage is taken fairy tales about animals.

Introducing children to fairy tale, it is necessary to remind each time that this is fairy tale. And they gradually remember that “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok” are fairy tales. Before reading fairy tales you can conduct a didactic game with the participation of heroes fairy tales. While reading, the teacher should monitor the children's reactions. After reading, the teacher asks if the children liked the characters fairy tales. Children of this age easily remember fairy tales.

In the middle group, every month preschoolers should be introduced to a new fairy tale. Before reading fairy tales appropriate preparation is carried out. At the beginning of the year, children should be introduced to new words by giving them explanations: bench - a long wooden bench, rolling pin - a wooden roller used to roll out dough (V fairy tale"Fox with a rolling pin") and etc.

In the second half of the year, with the help of exercises, it is necessary to find out how children understand certain figures of speech and whether they can replace a word with a synonym. For example: foolishly - without thinking, scolds - swears, found it by force - searched for a long time ( fairy tale"The Fox and the Goat"; rushed back and forth - in different directions; clicked - called ("Swan geese").

After preliminary vocabulary work The teacher tells the children that the new words they heard today live in fairy tale which he will now tell. After listening fairy tales It is advisable to have a conversation with the children about its content. You can ask several questions. To further emphasize the idea fairy tales, can be used again tell the story containing this idea.

In the middle group, children should be taught to correctly evaluate the actions of heroes and independently find the right words and expressions.

At an older age, children learn to determine and motivate their attitude towards heroes fairy tales(positive or negative). Children of this age independently determine the type fairy tales, compare them with each other, explain the specifics.

Using questions, you can find out what means of expression are used in fairy tale. It is necessary to give children creative tasks to come up with comparisons, epithets, and synonyms. Getting to know fairy tale"The Snow Maiden" can start with a conversation. “Which of you loves winter? Why?” the teacher asks the children. “What did you sculpt from snow in winter? And now I’ll read to you about a girl whose name was Snegurochka.” Then the teacher asks the children the following questions: "What did I read story or poem? How did you know what it was? fairy tale? Who did you like in fairy tale? Why? What was the Snow Maiden like? Why do you think it was called that?"

So the value fairy tales It is great in educating a child’s feelings. Fairy tale - the source of children's thinking, and the thought of a preschooler is inseparable from feelings and experiences.

In my group I try to use a variety of methods and techniques for working with fairy tales: in addition to GCD, these are a variety of games and exercises, drawing, modeling, design, creative tasks.

Firstly, before the start of the NOD, an emotional background is created with the help of music; the location of the lesson is selected; an unusual object is brought out.

The goal is to create comfort and interest.

Secondly, emotionally a tale and a story are told accompanied by questions, children are given tasks (“Find and name fairy tale", "Where does he live? fairy tale", etc., we involve the child in action, in play.

The goal is to arouse interest in the problem, emotionally involve in the situation, and use your personal experience.

Thirdly, the children remembered a friend fairy tale, her heroes, their problems, and they had a need to play with her ( For example: fairy tale"Cinderella"- the game “Sort through the cereal”, the figurative game “Cooking the porridge”, we create the intended image with the help of improvised means and teach us to express it by verbal and non-verbal means.

The goal is to develop creative activity and the ability to interact with others.

Fourth, children move on to free play or productive activities.

The goal is to use the acquired knowledge in various types activities.

1. Expressive movements

The main task when used in working with a fairy tale expressive movements is the development creativity children. The assimilation of one or another expressive movement or gesture occurs in specially selected exercises, as well as in free games. Words and music are auxiliary means of mastering expressive movements.

For example, when conveying the psycho-emotional state “Sadness,” the play “Doll’s Disease” from “ Children's album"P.I. Tchaikovsky.

For example, when depicting the flaring “Fire” to “Sabre Dance” by A. Khachaturian, children convey this image with sharp movements and facial expressions.

2. Problem situations

(from the Greek problema - task, task and Latin situation - position) - these are situations for which an individual or a team must find new means and methods of activity to master; teach you to think and creatively absorb knowledge. The way out of a problematic situation is the discovery of new, still unknown knowledge. Problem situations activate cognitive, speech, creative activity children and are built on materials from the development of the action, on the event side of the work. Creating a problem situation requires posing a problem question:

Why little Gerda turned out to be more powerful Snow Queen? (H. -H. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Why didn’t anyone want to be friends with Shapoklyak? (E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena").

Why did the fox and the hare quarrel? ("The Fox and the Hare" Russian folk fairy tale) .

3. Creative tasks

can be individual and collective. The result of creative tasks is the emergence of a product that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. (new image, drawing, fairy tales)

I will give examples of children performing creative tasks on fairy tale"Turnip".

Tell a familiar tale in a circle.

Play fairy tale. Children distribute roles.

Tell about the benefits of turnips and what dishes can be prepared from them.

Coming up with your own fairy tales"Carrot" (Similarly).

Design of the book "Useful fairy tales" (cover, illustrations).

Making bib suits "Vegetables" (fabric, paper).

Acting out fictional fairy tales.

There may be other creative tasks

Fairy tales, but in a new way

Children assign familiar characters fairy tales qualities that are opposite to them

Kolobok the good wolf

The fox is a cunning bun

Tales about everyday objects

The beginning fairy tale is a story about any household item.

The real beginning fabulous continuation

find out a fairy tale based on the heroes' song

Don't sit on the stump, don't eat the pie ("Masha and the Bear")

Creak, leg, creak, fake! ("Bear is a fake leg")

Little goats, guys!

Open up, unlock! ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Continue fairy tale

Instead of a known ending you have to make up your own fairy tales. Children learn to fantasize and think.

Draw fairy tale

Children draw illustrations for friends or family fairy tales using unconventional methods (monotopy, finger painting, wet watercolor painting).

Game tasks

By doing game tasks We rely on children’s visual skills

Any fairy the character asks the children a riddle, and the children draw the answer.

The ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

"Cooking porridge." Children and their teacher agree on who will be who. (milk, sugar, salt, cereal). On words:

One two Three,

Pot, cook!

“products” are included in order in a circle - “pot”.

Porridge is being cooked (children take turns standing up, They say: "puff"). The fire is being increased (I start saying “puff” at a rapid pace, almost jumping).

The porridge is stirred (everyone goes in a circle)

The porridge is ready! She needs to procreate (everyone sits down).

One two Three,

Pot, don't cook!

We offer didactic games:

"Make a portrait of a hero fairy tales" (Artistic, emotional development)

"Triangle and Square" (mathematical development)

“Good bad” (evaluation of the heroes’ actions, laying out 2 chips colors: S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs").

"Good - Evil" (development of emotions, visual skills).

In my opinion, the teacher’s sincere interest in growth is very important. creative potential children, smile and praise. But the main thing is not to over-praise! Involve yourself in the assessment child:

What did you achieve today? What didn't quite work out?

Fairy tale plays a big role in the development cognitive processes child. With its help, you can correct unfavorable developmental options for a preschooler. By using fairy tales You can increase the level of coherent speech, which is very important for further preparation for school.

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