Depiction of national character in the stories of V. Shukshin (based on the stories “Master”, “Microscope”, “Uncle Ermolai”). V. M. Shukshin. Review of the writer's life and work. Free analysis of stories: “Cut”, “Microscope”, etc. Heroes of the work microscope



(strategy “Quotes” characters»)

1. Preparatory stage.

Questions compiled for the text about (1 person answers a friend’s question, then asks his own question)

1. What determined the diversity of characters in the works?

2. What is special about the writer’s stories?

3. Why are the favorite heroes of the writer’s stories called “freaks”?

What is the hero of the story “Microscope” like:

CHUDik WONDERFUL? (“strange” in appearance, not like others,

That's why people around him don't understand him)

Marvelous ? ( has a kind soul, is drawn to knowledge,

wants to benefit people)

Our task is to figure this out.


2. Stage of integrated application of knowledge.

1. Characteristics.

We have already told you more than once that there are several characterization methods literary hero :

Lesson objectives.

Educational: continue to master the method of characterizing a literary hero, learning to read using the strategic approach of “quotes from characters.”


Educational: nurturing a sense of empathy, love for people, nurturing the skills of joint activities; objective assessment of one’s contribution to the decision common tasks team.

Unit of content:

Lesson type:

Lesson structure:

Preparatory stage. The stage of complex application of knowledge. Control and self-control. The result is on a reflective basis.

1. Preparatory stage.

Stage tasks.

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Item: literature, lesson topic “Microscope”.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: continue to master ways of characterizing a literary character, learning to read using the strategic approach of “quotes from characters.”

Developmental: development of skills to analyze a literary work using theoretical and literary terms: literary hero, ideological content of a work of art, development of skills to highlight the main thing, draw conclusions, development of speech, communication skills of students.

Educational: nurturing a sense of empathy, love for people, nurturing the skills of joint activities; objective assessment of one’s contribution to solving the general tasks of the team.

Unit of content: way of characterizing a literary hero.

Lesson type: comprehensive application of knowledge.

Lesson structure:

5. Preparatory stage.

6. Stage of integrated application of knowledge.

7. Control and self-control.

8. Summary on a reflective basis.

Students know basic theoretical and literary concepts: literary hero, ideological content literary work, know how work with text using different ways of characterizing a literary hero (for example, the hero’s speech)

Students don't know characteristics of the characters in the story “Microscope”, ideological content story"

Class: 8 "A"

Subject: literature, lesson topic “Microscope”.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: continue to master the ways of characterizing a literary hero, learning to read using the strategic approach of “quotes from characters.”

Developmental: development of skills to analyze a literary work using theoretical and literary terms, literary hero, ideological content of a work of art, development of skills to highlight the main thing, draw conclusions, development of speech, communication skills of students.

Educational: nurturing a sense of empathy, love for people, nurturing the skills of joint activities; objective assessment of one’s contribution to solving the general tasks of the team.

Lesson type: comprehensive application of knowledge.

Lesson structure:

9. Preparatory stage.

10. Stage of integrated application of knowledge.

11. Control and self-control.

12. Summary on a reflective basis.

Students know the basic theoretical and literary concepts: a literary hero, the ideological content of a literary work, they can work with text, using different ways of characterizing a literary hero (for example, the hero’s speech)

Students do not know the characteristics of the characters in the story “Microscope” or the ideological content of the story.”

“Shukshin Vasily Makarovich” - It was very interesting and informative, we learned a lot about the life and life of the Shukshin family. In 1954 he entered the directing department of the All-Russian Institute of Cinematography, which he graduated in 1960. Vasily Shukshin’s first place of work was the Soyuzprommekhanizatsiya trust, which belonged to the Moscow office.

“The Life of Shukshin” - Now I’ll run up the heavenly hill And, illuminated by the joy of the day, I’ll cry out: - People! By the lake. Maria Sergeevna Shukshina with three-year-old Vasya. A soldier came from the front. Years of service in the Baltic Fleet (1949-1953). Years of study at VGIK. Vasily Shukshin is 16 years old. Siberian region. The house where children's and teenage years V.M. Shukshina.

“Works of Shukshin” - Hypothesis. Relevance. Conclusion. Contents of the work: Chapter one: “Methods and techniques of nomination in the work of V.M. Shukshin.” Structure of the work: The hypothesis is not contradictory and provable. Thank you for your attention! The use of colloquial nominations and role-type nominations as a means of character identification.

“Shukshin Altai” - The grave of P. S. Popov, Shukshin’s godfather in the village of Aya. Topic: “Shukshin in our village.” Celebration dedicated to the 80th anniversary of V. M. Shukshin “Red viburnum is sad about Shukshin.” Oshchepkov Nikolay Eremeevich. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. Popov Pavel Sergeevich (left in the first row) - goduncle of V. M. Shukshin. Governor Altai Territory A. B. Karlin in the office-museum of V. M. Shukshin.

“Writer Shukshin” - The writer’s homeland is the village of Srostki. School in Srostki. The writer's wife is actress L. Fedoseeva-Shukshina. In the writer's house. House of V.M.Shukshin in Srostki. V.M. Shukshin - actor, director, writer... All-Russian Museum-Reserve of V.M. Shukshin. Daughter Masha. Monument on Mount Piket in Srostki, where the writer loved to visit. Daughter Masha and granddaughter Sveta.

“Shukshin's lessons” - What remains unclear? What did you find funny, strange, or scary? Shukshin - director, actor. Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929 – 1974). Behind the counter is the saleswoman Rosa. Epigraph for the lesson. From the working notes of V.M. Shukshin (Questions to yourself. - M., 1981). Victor Astafiev. Because we have not yet fully realized the significance of the artist Shukshin.

There are 10 presentations in total

Author information

Merkuryeva Svetlana Viktorovna

Saratov region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

Education level:

Secondary vocational education

Target Audience:

Teacher (teacher)










Russian language

Objective of the lesson:

Ι. Checking the house. assignments. ΙΙ. The teacher's word about V. Shukshin. Working with a portrait. ΙΙΙ. Discussion of the read story “Cut.” IV. Analysis of V. Shukshin’s story “Microscope”.

Lesson type:

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Brief description:

Goals: to show the originality of the writer’s creativity; introduce students to the multifaceted personality of V. Shukshin, consolidate the ability to give comparative characteristics and see the author's position; analyze his stories “Cut”, “Microscope”

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929 - 1974)

Features of Shukshin's heroes

Goals: show the originality of the writer’s creativity;introduce students to the multifaceted personality of V. Shukshin, consolidate the ability to give comparative characteristics and see the author’s position;analyze his stories “Cut”, “Microscope”

Equipment: Portrait of V.M. Shukshina. Slides (Biography Presentation)

Progress of the lesson.

Ι. Checking the house. assignments.

(Biography of the writer, prepared by students).

ΙΙ. The teacher's word about V. Shukshin. Working with a portrait.

You've probably already heard the name Vasily Makarovich Shukshin and watched films in which he participated as an actor and director. Today you have to meet Shukshin - writer, master short story.

- Look at Shukshin's photo. Answer the questions.

- Where do you think this person comes from?

- How much did he experience in life, how many obstacles did he have to overcome?

- What kind of character do you think is hidden behind this appearance?

- What kind of stories do you expect from him?

V.M. Shukshin passed away early, at the age of 45, but left a rich creative legacy. He was a writer, screenwriter, director, actor. Films with his participation “Your Son and Brother”, “Kalina Krasnaya”, “ Strange people", "Stoves-Benches", created more than 30 years ago, are still shown on the screen today, arousing the interest of viewers.

Main topic his creativity is the fate of a simple, Russian, village dweller. In short stories, very capacious in content, he depicts ordinary people from the people, with their unsettled life, worries and anxieties, a little eccentric .

Vocabulary work: "Weirdo"- a strange-looking person, not like others, but possessing a kind soul, drawn to beauty, to knowledge, art, and therefore alien and incomprehensible to the average person.

I just wish I could tell the truth about life...

There would be no good people.

Life would have stopped long ago...

V. Shukshin.

Art should teach goodness. Shukshin saw the most precious wealth in the ability of a pure human heart to do good. “If we are strong and truly smart in anything, it is in doing a good deed,” he said. He lived with this, V.M. believed in this. Shukshin.

ΙΙΙ. Discussion of the read story “Cut.”

What event alarmed the residents of the new village?

Why can Gleb Kapustin be called a local “celebrity”?

What did the men hope for when they headed with Gleb to the house of the old woman Agafya Zhuravleva?

How were the guests greeted at grandma Agafya’s house?

How did Gleb start his “attack” on the candidate?

From what areas of human knowledge did Gleb Kapustin ask his questions? (Philosophy, physics, philology, astronomy.)

Gleb Kapustin showed some knowledge in the field of philosophy when he raised the question of what comes first—spirit or matter; without waiting for an answer, he immediately moved on to another question: what is weightlessness; then he asked the candidate of philological sciences to determine his attitude to the problem of shamanism in certain regions of the North and in conclusion expressed the assumption that the Moon is the work of an intelligent civilization.

How did Konstantin Ivanovich react to Gleb’s questions? Why was he in no hurry to answer? (Konstantin Ivanovich, as a well-mannered and intelligent man, tried to fend off, but, seeing the guest’s pressure, he called his wife for help.)

Many of Gleb’s questions sounded rhetorical: without waiting for an answer, he himself answered the question posed. But those around him formed the opinion that the “candidates” could not give an answer, and therefore, rebuff Gleb. The advantage was clearly on his side. This is what the men called “cutting off”, i.e. show your own superiority and the inadequacy of your opponent.

What did Gleb want to prove with such an attitude towards people who came to the village from the city and achieved a certain attitude? (It seemed to Gleb that people who were higher than him on the social ladder despised him and did not respect him, and in order to elevate himself, he staged such “performances” for his fellow villagers.)

Did Gleb really “cut off” the candidate of philological sciences? Whose side were the men on? Who did you admire? Who did you feel sorry for?

Indeed, there is a lot of deliberate rudeness and tactlessness in Gleb’s behavior. This is especially noticeable when he begins to lecture the scientist, accusing him of something that did not happen. The men even feel embarrassed for Gleb’s behavior. But Gleb delighted them. “At least there was no love here. No, there was no love. Gleb is cruel, and no one has ever loved cruelty.”

What do you think is the reason for Gleb’s cruelty towards “famous” people? Why did he want to “click them on the nose” so much? (SamGleb could not achieve much in life - he worked at a sawmill.)

A fairly well-read man with some knowledge, he tried to compensate for his lack of education by “teaching” other people and looking for opportunities to humiliate them.

IV. Analysis of V. Shukshin’s story “Microscope”.

Shukshin himself spoke about the art of storytelling: “Here are the stories as they should be:

1). The story is destiny.

2). The story is the character.

3). The story is a confession. The smallest thing that can be is a story - an anecdote.”

- What type of story do you think "Microscope" is?

- What is the plot of the story?

(For Shukshin, the plot is the character’s character. “There will be one and the same situation, but two different people, there will be two different stories- one about one thing, the other about something completely, completely different,” he said).

- What can you say about the character of the main character?

(On the one hand, fascination with the unknown side of life, the excitement of curiosity; on the other hand, fear of his wife.)

- Who do you think is right in the conflict between the hero and his wife? Whose side are your sympathies on? Why?

(Sympathy is evoked by the hero of the story, who strives for knowledge, is concerned about the fight against germs and the question of extending human life. But Zoya is also right in her own way: children cannot be deprived of the most necessary things because of their father’s quirks.)

- How do you understand Andrei Erin’s last dialogue with his son:

- I understand: she will sell it.

- Will sell. Yes... I need fur coats. OK - fur coats, okay. Nothing... Na-do, of course...

(In the end, Andrei understands that his wife Zoya is right.) The speech of the characters is no less important for the writer. Most of his stories are dialogue.

Exercise:. Read Andrey’s dialogue with Sergei Kulikov, who wandered “drunk” and had nothing better to do to Sergei, at the same time “to look at germs.”

- How do the characters' personalities emerge in the dialogue?

(Here the author shows ignorance, self-humiliation, spiritual emptiness, and moral deafness of Sergei. In comparison with his ordinariness and down-to-earthness, Andrei’s fanatical passion stands out more clearly. The thirst for knowledge commands respect. )

The language of Shukshin's characters is replete with colloquial expressions. The characters speak the way ordinary village people speak in real life.

Exercise: find colloquial words in the text. There is a lot of funny stuff in the story. Give examples.

- What does Shukshin, the writer, hide behind his humor? How does he relate to people and life in general?

(Behind the writer’s humor, which is emphasized by sadness, lies love for a person, the troubles of everything that disfigures our lives, and the establishment of high standards of morality and human dignity .)

V. Lesson summary.

- Why can the hero of the story, Andrei Erin, be classified as a “freak”?

Shukshin's heroes are people from the people. He shows them as they were. Cocky, funny, with all their weaknesses and shortcomings. It was necessary to have enormous talent in order to tell the simple, strict truth about one’s fellow countrymen with love and respect. And this truth has become a fact of art. His characters are striking in their spontaneity of action, impulsiveness, and naturalness. They have a heightened reaction to the humiliation of man by man. And this reaction takes various shapes, leads to the most unexpected results.

Lesson objectives:

Acquaintance with the multifaceted personality of V. Shukshin, with the peculiarities of his individual manner;

Development of the ability to analyze the story “Microscope”;

Formation of moral and ethical ideas.

Lesson progress

Ι. C call stage .

Siberia in autumn gold,
In Moscow there is tire noise.
In Moscow, in Siberia, in Vologda
Trembling and breaking in the wire:
- Shukshin: Shukshin: Shukshin...

You've probably already heard the name Vasily Makarovich Shukshin and watched films in which he participated as an actor and director. He didn't write specifically for children. But the problems that he raised in his works are timeless and ageless. Today, exploring the story “Microscope”, we will become familiar with the work of V.M. Shukshina.

ΙΙ. TOPIC. Goal setting.


Where do these come from? talents ? From bounty folk Russian people live on earth - and now are elected one.

Vasily Shukshin

What kind of people are we talking about? Are there many of them?

What does the epigraph have to do with V. Shukshin?

(Write the topic and epigraph in a notebook)

2. Problematic issues:

Why can the hero of the story, Andrei Erin, be classified as a “weirdo”?

3. A word about Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929 - 1974)

It’s a shame that V. M. Shukshin lived for 45 years. But what he created would be enough for several biographies. (Presentation prepared by student).

1) Was born July 25, 1929 in Siberia, in the village of Srostki. Vasily was not yet 4 years old when his father was arrested and destroyed like a fist. The family lost their breadwinner, and from the age of 6 the boy had to work on a collective farm. From the story of the mother, Maria Sergeevna: “ Vasya was uprooting stumps with me... we were very tired, and he was just a child. He carries a shovel, an ax, a crowbar, a rope - everything heavy - so the two of them walked. My father was a carpenter. I told him: “Dad, give Vasya a small hatchet.” He found a smaller hatchet for the boy, and he was happy to cut off the roots - after all, the forest here was impenetrable. And he will take a little rest and again. I see that his shirt is already all wet from sweat... and then I ask: “Are you tired, son?” “No, no, mom, it’s just hot, I’m not tired at all,” he answered me. I once read a book of his - this was after Vasya’s death - and came across where he writes that he gets tired, as if he were uprooting stumps. I literally cried all day: “Lord, when did I repent!”

At 11 It was his first time in the city. There, at the bazaar of the Siberian city of Biysk, he « I finally decided to become a swindler.". The half-starved boy dreamed of how he would steal watermelons.

During the war, the family was especially poor. In 1942, by hand evil people the cow Raika died - a huge grief for the peasant family. Need forced the teenager to go to the city. At first he tried to study to become an accountant, then at an automobile technical school. Shukshin had no ability for either car manufacturing or accounting. Already at this time he secretly wrote poetry, and by the end of the war - short humorous stories and anecdotes from village life. They are not accepted for printing.

In search of income, he moves from city to city. He was a laborer, a painter's assistant, a loader, a rigger, he worked at a construction site, in restoration railways. In 1949 he was drafted into the army, but due to a stomach ulcer he was demobilized early. After treating himself at home with his mother’s herbs, Shukshin takes his matriculation exams as an external student. For some time he worked as a rural teacher, and then, having received his mother’s blessing and the money received from the sale of the cow is sent to Moscow to study further.

2) Sh. wanted to enter literary institute , study “to be a writer.” But by this time the admission had already been completed, and the village boy had no published works, and without this he would not be accepted into the institute. And he submits documents to cinematography institute, where he studies in the class of a famous film director Mikhail Romm.

But even in this institute - the object of dreams of many young people - Shukshin’s fate was not easy. He couldn't come to terms with it role of the “village fool”, in which he was tried

squeeze in He wanted to talk about people. I wanted to tell the truth.

Working on assignments at the institute, the need to stage genre scenes, sketches were not in vain for the formation of Shukshin the writer. All this helped him become a master of dynamic, vivid, psychologically short stories, most of which are occupied by expressive, lively dialogue between the characters. Shukshin was also supported at this time by his teacher Mikhail Romm. In August 1958, the first story by V. Shukshin appeared in the magazine “Smena” - "Two on a cart».

Shukshin still faces many difficulties and hardships: his first graduation film will not be released on the screen, for 5 years he will live in Moscow semi-legally, without having his own home, then - already a famous actor and writer, with a wife and two children - huddles in a small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow with a “picturesque wasteland” under the windows, but the most important thing - the birth of a writer - has happened. He often had to live in tension, “gritting his teeth,” but he knew how to stand up for himself.

This is probably where people say that this great artist of words was evil in life. These judgments are refuted by his judgments. Creator, bringing people good by its art cannot be evil. Intransigence to human humiliation, to rudeness - distinguishing feature his character. In his works of art Direct authorial assessments are very rare, there is no edification.

Vasily Makarovich is a unique phenomenon. An actor who starred in 24 films, a famous director, producer, screenwriter, writer...

His life was neither simple nor long. Vasily Makarovich died on October 2, 1974 on the set of another film...

Questions for consolidation:

- How much has he experienced in life?

- Shukshin loved his homeland, why was he surprised by his love? (war, cold, hunger, fatherlessness, hard work)

III . "Immersion" in the text story by V. Shukshin “Microscope”.

Shukshin is a writer, a master of short stories. He spoke about the art of storytelling: “Here are stories as they should be:

1). The story is destiny.

2). The story is the character.

3). The story is a confession.

The smallest thing that can be is a story - an anecdote.”

    Vocabulary work:

“Freak” is a strange-looking person, not like others, but possessing a kind soul, drawn to beauty, to knowledge, art, and therefore alien and incomprehensible to the average person.

2. Revealing the semantic understanding of the text.

What type of story do you think "Microscope" is? Why?

What is the plot of the story?

What's the theme? (The main theme of his work is the fate of a simple, Russian, village dweller. In short stories, very capacious in content, he depicts ordinary people from the people, with their unsettled life, worries and anxieties, a little eccentric .)

3. Working with text.

1) Expressive reading from the beginning to the words: “He didn’t dare call him names out loud”

Who do you think is right in the conflict? Is it only Andrei Vyrin who deserves condemnation? Why? (The hero of the story evokes sympathy, striving for knowledge, preoccupied with the fight against microbes and the issue of extending human life, especially since he wants to compensate for the damage. But in her own way, Zoya is also right: children cannot be deprived of the most necessary things because of their father’s whims.)

2) “I lived like in a dream for a week...”

Why did Andrei Vyrin change with the advent of the microscope? Find verbs in the text that convey state

hero after the microscope appears in the house.

Where did you find the microbes? How did you try to destroy them?

Is it funny or sad to watch the hero's attempts to discover the secret of longevity?

Does the hero understand that one microscope is not enough to make a discovery?

3) Comparison of the heroes of the story.

How do the characters' personalities emerge in the dialogue? (Here the author shows Sergei’s ignorance, spiritual emptiness and moral deafness. In comparison with his ordinariness and down-to-earthness, Andrei’s fanatical passion stands out more clearly. The thirst for knowledge evokes respect.)

Why didn’t Vyrin defend his discovery, but got drunk with Seryoga?

How do you understand Andrei Erin’s last dialogue with his son:

I understand: she will sell it.

Will sell. Yes... I need fur coats. Well, okay - fur coats, okay. Nothing... We must, of course...

(Eventually Andrei understands that his wife Zoya is right.)

4) Characteristics

What can you say about the character of the main character?

(On the one hand, fascination with the unknown side of life, the excitement of curiosity; on the other, fear of his wife.)

Hero name


Character Traits

The essence of the hero’s “holiday”

The hero’s feelings in moments of “holiday”

Consequences (cons) for the hero and others

Consequences (benefits) for the hero and those around him

Changes in the hero's appearance and speech during these holidays

Why do they do this?

5) Language of heroes. The speech of the characters is no less important for the writer (preliminary task: find colloquial words in the text).

6) Humor. There is a lot in the story funny.(preliminary task: give examples).

in the story "Microscope"


Double exposure effect

“….Couldn’t they have awarded something else? Otherwise it’s a microscope.”

“Who should be awarded? Sergei did not understand. Andrei went cold."

The language of the characters, recreating their features

way of thinking.

“They’ll catch up and hand me over.”

“Why the hell are you hanging around the yards?”

Capacity, polysemy of a word


Features of the heroes and manners of Shukshin. Conclusion :

Heroes Shukshina are people of the people. He shows them as they were. Cocky, funny, with all their weaknesses and shortcomings. It was necessary to have enormous talent in order to tell the simple, strict truth about one’s fellow countrymen with love and respect. His characters are striking in their spontaneity of action, impulsiveness, and naturalness. They have a heightened reaction to the humiliation of man by man. And this reaction takes various forms and leads to the most unexpected results.

Language Shukshin's characters are replete with colloquial expressions. The characters speak the way ordinary village people speak in real life.

Techniques of satirical depiction

Most of his stories are dialogue.

What does Shukshin, the writer, hide behind his humor? How does he relate to people and life in general?

(Behind the writer’s humor, which is emphasized by sadness, lies love for a person, the troubles of everything that disfigures our lives, and the affirmation of high standards of morality and human dignity.)

IV . Explain Shukshin’s thought: “Kind, kind... This medal is worn through one. Good is a good deed, it is difficult, it is not easy. Don’t boast about kindness, don’t even do evil!”

- The main quality that Shukshin valued in a person: remembering goodness and being grateful.

VI. Lesson summary.

How did the writer's talent manifest itself?

Why can the hero of the story, Andrei Erin, be classified as a “weirdo”?

Conclusion: Shukshin's heroes are people from the people. He shows them as they were. Cocky, funny, with all their weaknesses and shortcomings. It was necessary to have enormous talent in order to tell the simple, strict truth about one’s fellow countrymen with love and respect. And this truth has become a fact of art. His characters are striking in their spontaneity of action, impulsiveness, and naturalness. They have a heightened reaction to the humiliation of man by man. And this reaction takes various forms and leads to the most unexpected results.

YII . Reflection(using emoticons as an indicator of the quality level of the lesson).


To which character do these words belong?

Zoya Erina

Andrey Erin

    “A man stepped in a puddle, came home, and left behind. A child passed by

bare feet, please pick me up.”

Scientists. They have better microscopes than ours -

everyone sees. And they are silent. They don't want to upset


    The fact is...that a person is supposed to live one hundred and fifty years. The question is,

    Why is he sixty, seventy at most - and stretched out his legs! Germs! They, bastards, shorten a person’s life.”

“Couldn’t they have awarded something else? Otherwise it’s a microscope.”

3. “ children will have warm and smart fur coats for winter!...”

"On foot! On foot - there and back, well! And where, so looking for

If you run, you won’t be late.”

Work in pairs with the texts of the stories “Microscope” (marked by children in advance)

Assignment: On A-3 formats, write down conclusions and observations from the text of the stories by filling out the sheets.

VIII .Homework:

When we feel bad, we think: “Somewhere somewhere someone is feeling good.” When we feel good, we rarely think: “Someone is feeling bad somewhere.”

Features of V. Shukshin's stories

When creating his stories, V. Shukshin was guided by the oral folk art. He noted that folk art is alien to “empty self-indulgence,” “mannerness,” and “cold games of the mind.”

This is where the simple and accessible form of the story arose. They told the story in such a way that the listeners would understand everything<…>This is why I say art oral history - always had its own unexpected technique, its own special focus. A folk storyteller is both a playwright and an actor, or rather, a whole theater rolled into one. He creates situations, plays dialogues for all the characters, and comments on the action... But all this richness of speech, invention, and unexpected storytelling techniques were not ends in themselves... The main thing remained the meaning of the story, the desire to say a lot through simple things, to touch the listeners more deeply.

Why am I saying all this? Besides, I try to do the same thing in my work.”

In the article “Morality is Truth,” he writes: “I know when I write well: when I write and, as if with a pen, I carve out the living voices of people from paper.” In the same article we read: “Here are the stories as they should be: 1. A story of fate. 2. Story-character. 3. Confession story.

The smallest thing that can be is a joke story. No, literature is still the life of the human soul, not ideas, not considerations of even the highest moral order.”

Shukshin’s word is rich in intonation, we perceive it as if voiced, it accurately reproduces the shift psychological states characters, expressing the character, the entire spiritual structure of the characters.

(Based on the article by V. A. Apukhtina “Story. Situations and Characters”
in the book “Prose of V. Shukshin”)

VI . Working with text.

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