How to unleash your creativity. How to recognize your talents and not bury them in the ground How to reveal your talent if you have it


Every person has talent, which is expressed by abilities in the artistic, social, and intellectual spheres. Some reveal their potential in childhood, thanks to the work of teachers and the care of their parents. Talent develops and multiplies with age. What to do for a person whose potential is hidden deeply. How to develop your talents as an adult?

How to discover talent?

Do you feel untapped potential in yourself, but don’t know where to apply it? Try yourself in playing the guitar, singing, swimming. Choose the direction that is closer in your emotional state.

Visit an animal shelter, go to a karate or boxing class. Go fishing or skating with friends. Look for your direction, and you will definitely find out what talents are hidden in you.

Start with easy things. Try to discover your talents by drawing on your own passions. If you prefer to relax at an easel, take a course fine arts. If you like dancing, put more effort into developing this skill.

Pay attention to which of your qualities are appreciated by your close people and friends. We often don't see our own skills, missing out on what can make us great people. Contact your family so that those close to you from the outside can list your strengths. This will help you find and discover talent that comes easier.

Do you have a strong will? Test your abilities in difficult areas. To learn more about human abilities, read literature about talents and skills, as they were developed by famous personalities.

Only the limits of courage can limit your choice of direction.

If you don’t notice any abilities in yourself, pay attention to successful things. Be creative and combine small wins with bigger ones. You easily manage people, they listen to you.

Do you easily organize amazing parties and celebrations? Perhaps you have managerial talent. Pay attention to this and develop your own abilities. Cultivate ones that will definitely come in handy.

Leave your usual opinion about yourself, because it is formed thanks to the opinions of others. Having a blinkered consciousness, it is difficult to step over, let alone discover something new. Abstract from the existing judgment and say with confidence: “Yes, I have talent. I can do things that others cannot.”

Developing talent is hard work

Many people do not know how to develop their talents, but this requires constant work. Take time to develop your abilities. Give up pleasure and maintain the set tone every day.

Even famous athletes never progressed to the next level because they were unable to maintain their skills at high level. Natural talent means nothing. Make an effort to cultivate it. If you have discovered the gift of an artist, draw every day; if you have excellent plasticity, dance. Constantly practice your skills so that they develop to their full potential.

Fight your own reluctance and inattention. These qualities are common to everyone, but not everyone is able to overcome them. If it is important for you to reveal your talent, do not be like everyone else, become taller. Look for people in your city who have the same talents. Just as iron sharpens steel, so a talented person sharpens the skill of another. Get involved with talented people, gain experience, copy behavior and learn as much as you can.

Developing a talent by turning it into a skill is difficult, and developing an ability is even more difficult. Each time the tasks become more difficult, but this is only an incentive to overcome them. Set a goal to learn everything about your talent and achieve mastery qualities. Make an effort to turn your talent into real ability.

Full concentration on the task will bring ordinary qualities to the level of ability.

Why another one? Because there is no limit to perfection. A person who systematically practices is always one step ahead of someone who has the ability but does not practice.

The vast majority of people have talents. If you decide and have an idea of ​​your talents, attend development courses. Those who don’t know where to start should consult with friends.

A psychologist will help you consider your potential. Based on testing, it will determine which skills and talents are close to you. In a few consultations, he will develop an action plan and tell you which courses are best to attend.

If you want to independently understand your own inner world, conduct introspection. Write down on a piece of paper what interests you and what interests you have. Having a list will help you narrow down your search. If the list does not contain a direction that resonates with you, explore in depth.

The most important thing is not to give up when you fail. Be patient and diligent. Some people take longer to reach their potential.

15 March 2014, 10:22

— Stages of talent discovery
— How to find your talent yourself
— Technique of Human Purpose Analysis (HPA)

How to discover talent in yourself, is it possible to develop abilities practically from scratch? There is a certain path that all talented people go through at a different pace:

A person with certain inclinations becomes interested in a certain area of ​​our life. He is simply interested in this topic, tries to learn something new, accumulates material and knowledge.

At this stage, a person tries to copy other people's work, this is a deeper immersion.

The next stage is characterized by attempts to create something of your own, something that no one has done before. It doesn’t matter in what area this happens: in computer design or felting felt boots, in blacksmithing or in growing new varieties of raspberries - if the soul is put into the process and as a result, original things appear, then talent has been born.

6) Don't try to be like world celebrities. Do not forget that each person is talented in his own way, and if you cannot sing like your idol, this does not mean that you are worse than him in everything. Perhaps you are much more talented in another area;

7) You can take a special test to determine the characteristics of your personality. In particular, you can use these famous studies, like the David Keirsey test or the Myers-Briggs test. As a result of taking such tests, you will not find out what exactly you have an innate talent for, but you will be able to figure out which direction you should move.

— Technique of Human Purpose Analysis (HPA)

Step #5. We discard everything unnecessary.
Now is the time to apply the relevance filter to the list of dreams from the “to be” category. There is an easy way to decide on the dreams that really matter to you. To do this, sequentially visualize each point marked with the letter “B” and listen to the sensations and emotions that arise. You need to visualize from the first person. Step into the role you've been dreaming about. Imagine that this role is already your reality. What are you doing at this moment? What are you doing? What do you see and hear? And finally, how do you feel?

Once you are in character, pay attention to the emotions and sensations. Then rate the strength of the emotion from 0 to 10. Zero means that this visualization does not evoke any emotion at all. Zero is complete indifference. Ten is a high degree of positive feelings. This is joy, pleasure and a feeling of happiness.
Rate the emotional strength next to the menu item. After that, rate the importance of this dream to you on a scale from 0 to 10. If the score is “zero,” then the dream is absolutely unimportant. A rating of “ten” indicates the highest degree of importance and relevance to you.

Go through each item and rate it on the emotional scale and the importance scale.

Step #6. We cross them out mercilessly.
Now cross out the dreams that received the lowest scores in the previous step. These are dreams that you can give up once and for all right now. They are no longer relevant to you in the present moment.

Step #7. Grouping of qualities.
So, here is a real list of your innate inclinations, formulated in the form of dreams. At this stage they are randomly dumped into one heap. Now we will structure them, put them on shelves and give them names.

Analyze your dreams and you will notice how well they group together. Most likely, you will get the impression that all your dreams fit perfectly into one or more large groups and harmoniously complement each other.

Having completed the analysis, you will clearly understand your role in this life. Because all your dreams will be about one thing! To group points, I recommend drawing arrows between them.

Step #8. We give names to the groups.
Look at the grouped items and give each group a name. The name of the group should speak about your innate talent, which gave rise to a whole chain of interconnected dreams. You will feel how you need to name your groups.

Step #9. We are looking for connections between groups.
We're almost done! It remains to understand how the groups are connected to each other. To do this, write down the resulting groups in a separate list.
Look at the list of groups and think about how the existence of one group supports the existence of another? Practice shows that groups always have mutually supportive connections.

Step #10. We are looking for a use for your talents.
Think and write down all possible options for realizing your talents in real life. Make a list of all possible practical applications to my gifts. The more options, the better.

Step #11. We finally decide on what we love to do in life!
Have you written down a list of possible uses for your talents? Now evaluate each item on the resulting list according to ten point scale. Ten is a very desirable option. Zero is the least acceptable option.

After this, you will finally clarify a specific direction that is really worth your attention. This direction will bring you success, joy in life and, of course, good income.

Congratulations, you have found yourself!

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site



How to identify and develop talent

“There are people who are very talented but incredibly lazy, and there are people who are not very talented but very hardworking. And whoever always strives to achieve the goal, without giving up, will achieve it. Every person has talent, but it needs to be developed,” any philosopher, psychologist, teacher will say.

Every child is talented in their own way. If a child’s abilities and talents are identified in time, then subsequently, the discovered abilities can become the key to the successful development of his career. Parents will just need to help the baby develop his abilities.

A capable child is not only a reason for pride, but also a serious challenge for parents. We will show you how to properly develop your child’s talents.

A child usually begins to show abilities for some specific activity at the age of 4–5 years, although it also happens that extraordinary talent is visible in a three-year-old child. How not to “waste” talent and make sure that a child can use it in adulthood? Watch your child carefully. Spend time with him, pay attention to what brings him joy and what he is really strong at.

A talented child needs a patient “guide” who will direct his interest in the right direction. Of course, you can register your child for additional classes- musical, artistic or sports. This will surely bear fruit. But nothing motivates a child to be creative likelike games with parents, because thanks to this, he feels needed, gains self-confidence, courage in his endeavors.

How to develop talent

What to do when your child is very energetic and active? Don't be angry with him. He just needs to be sent to the sports section. It is possible that the child will developsporting talent.Study his behavior and draw appropriate conclusions about choosing a particular sport for him. As a rule, children with pronounced athletic talent are brave and courageous. Bruises, contusions and bumps do not scare them. They are perfectly physically developed. They love various competitions and sports. Sometimes it seems like they never get tired. Introduce your child to various sports disciplines. Let him choose what interests him. Buy the roller skates or bike your child dreams of. On weekends, go to the pool or ride a bike together. Watch on TV sports programs. Go to competitions with your child and talk to the athletes. And during a family picnic, organize your own match. For example, throw a ball into a basket (this does not have to be professional equipment). It’s also worth playing bowling: fill plastic bottles with sand, aim the ball at them to knock down as many as possible. This game not only trains dexterity, but also improves hand-eye coordination.

Guys with musical talentwill always strive to where the music is. They have a great sense of rhythm and hum a melody. When they sing, they put their own emotions and feelings into the musical works. Usually a child with well-developed musical abilities either learns to play the musical instrument, or insists that his parents buy him an instrument and take him to music school. Introduce your child to different music, take him to concerts. Have family karaoke. You can find music with lyrics for children, for example, on the website Play the game “Guess the Melody” - let your child listen to his favorite tunes from the middle. Let him not only recognize the name, but also sing the beginning of the song. Make tools together from scrap materials - cans, bottles, boxes. Fill them with rice, peas, etc. If everyone at home joins in this game, you will get a whole orchestra!

Together, write accompaniment to the poems. With older children you can play composer. Download one of the simple ones computer programs to create music. (for example ACID Music Studio).

How to identify a child's talent for drawing ? Artistic abilities are manifested in the child’s desire to constantly draw, sculpt, or sketch something. Pay attention to your child's drawings. If he has artistic ability, then instead of talking about any incident or event, he will try to depict it on paper. He will thoughtfully combine the different paints and materials he works with. Show your child how ordinary objects can be turned into works of art. Make a sculpture out of crumpled newspapers, and make a vase out of a plastic bottle, pasting it with multi-colored ropes or plasticine. Interesting pictures can be made from crushed eggshells on paper coated with glue (the dried picture then needs to be fixed with hairspray).

Show that different artistic techniques can be combined. You can not only draw: the girl will enjoy making jewelry with her own hands - beads, rings or princess tiaras.

Save all your child’s works and organize an exhibition of his artistic achievements. If you decide to renovate a young artist’s room, involve him in this activity.

Actor or writer. How to recognize?

Already in kindergarten a child writer enjoys leafing through and listening to books and even reads fluently! He quickly memorizes poems, recites them boldly, he has a rich imagination, he composes fairy tales himself. His vocabulary great, he is interested in the meaning of new words. The child is able to express his emotions, speaks a lot and brightly, loves to be listened to. Willingly imitates the heroes of fairy tales and films. How to develop?

Enroll your child in the library. Go there together. Let the child choose the books himself. Talk about them. Invite your child to come up with his own idea of ​​what happened next to the characters in the story. You can read books aloud with the whole family: fragment - mother, fragment - child, father, sister... If the child especially liked a certain book, organize a home theater. Together with your child, write poems and play with words. Invent rhymes for one word or come up with a story together: you say the first line, the child says the next, etc. Write down the resulting rhyme on paper, or even better, on audio or video. Take your child to the theater and to meetings with book authors. Let these visits together become a ritual.

Technical ability, unlike all the previous ones, appear much later. The fact that your young talent has these abilities can be guessed by his desire to disassemble and assemble structures and objects. They love to find the cause of the problem on their own. various mechanisms. They can easily fix broken toys, crafts, and appliances. And, of course, they are interested in adult technical literature.

Or maybe you have a future scientist growing up. How to recognize?

The child is interested in numbers, counts everything, pays attention to signs, money, concentrates easily, loves to play board games, solve puzzles, takes new toys apart to check how they work. He knows how to navigate time and knows how to use a watch. How to develop?

Involve your child in homework, during which he will count. Let him help count out the ingredients for the pie, monitor the cooking time, help set the table for a certain number of people, check the amount of food in the refrigerator.

Solve puzzles together. Play board games. Checkers, games with cubes and chips, or puzzles develop logical thinking. After finishing a game or puzzle, try to figure out together how you arrived at the solution or why the pieces fit. Create math fun. Draw on colored paper geometric shapes, for example 10 circles, squares, triangles. Cut them out together. Ask your child to make a house, a car, etc. out of them, and then ask him to count how many figures they consist of. If your child loves the computer, solve puzzles on the Internet. You can download free programs with activities such as “Math games for children.”

Famous psychologistHoward Gardner, in his book "Frames of Mind", describes 7 types of talent or types of intelligence.

1. Verbal-linguistic. This is one of the most important human talents, since it is what contributes to the collection and transmission of information between people. This gift is inherentjournalists, writers, teachers and lawyers. Children who have this gift usually read well from an early age, write without errors, and, as if, on an intuitive level, have high performance in school. Great to find common language with other children and have a talent for interpersonal communication.

2. Digital. Children who have this talent love to perform various mathematical operations, solve logic problems. They are interested in programming and computer technology. Their future is engineering.

3. Spatial.Architects, designers, artistsThanks to this talent they can realize themselves. Children are characterized by well-developed imaginative thinking, they are dreamers and inventors, they love to draw, sculpt, and have a vivid imagination.

4. Physical. Many children who struggle with school science can realize themselves as excellent athletes in the future. Schoolchildren who have this talent find it easier to learn if it comes through practical action and manipulation. The realization of this talent occursin sports, construction professions, where action is associated with mechanisms.

5. Personal. In other words, it can be called “emotional” talent. People who have the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotional state, dominates the rational zone. It is often difficult for them to believe in themselves and take a decisive step, to overcome their inner fear. The author of this classification believes that this is one of the most important intellectual types, since it is associated with our inner voice, which, ultimately, accepts everything vitally. important decisions. Children with this gift often connect their lives withacting career.

6. Interpersonal . These are excellent communicators. They find it easy to communicate with other people. They make good onespreachers, politicians, salesmen, speakers.

7 . Sensation talent environment . Such people include those who have the gift of observing and studying nature, animals and flora. In the future, these are talentedbiologists, botanists, gardeners, gamekeepers, oceanographers and animal trainers.

In addition to these basic talents, today scientists identify about 30 more types of intelligence.

It should be noted that, for example, intellectual, musical and artistic abilities manifest themselves much earlier than literary or technical abilities. For the development of the latter, it is not enough just for the child to be interested; the help of specialists, parents and teachers is needed.

We should also not forget that childrentalents and abilities may not appear in childhood, but in adolescence.The main thing in the question “how to develop a child’s talent” is timely support from parents and teachers. First of all, parents, because they are the ones who spend more time with their children. They know their habits, tastes, preferences, behavior patterns, which in the presence of other people often manifest themselves in a different form.

Parents' tasks:

  1. Do not impose your own goals and desires on the child, but identify his own talents and purposefully develop them.
  2. Encourage such interests and facilitate their manifestation in every possible way.
  3. To reveal the child’s talent and create conditions for his maximum development.
  4. Create a trusting relationship between a child and adults that will help identify and further develop talent.

As is known: “Talents need to be helped, mediocrity will find its way on its own.”A logical question arises: how can a gift given by nature not be ruined? Because studies conducted by American scientists show that only 3% of talented children can realize their abilities and become successful people in adulthood.

What happens - if you didn’t discover any talents in childhood, then that’s it?

This is far from true. Now everything depends on the person himself. After all, talent is not just abilities, it is abilities that are revealed with the acquisition of experience and skills.

Talent is what a person loves to do most, what a person never stops doing, what he returns to again and again, what he gets pleasure from.We may decide that what we do is talent, but often we find ourselves in far from ideal conditions when we want to give up everything and send it to hell. And if in such difficult conditions we do not give up our business, then we can safely assume that this is our talent.

Talent is not necessarily painting or literature; there are talented people in any field: there aretalented managers and talented housewives, there are talented programmers,there are talented salespeople and talented plumbers.Look around you - everyone has talent, it’s just that perhaps not everyone has discovered it yet. This may be due to low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, but to a greater extent it is a fear of changing something. And if you don’t start working with your talents, they will remain in the “archive.” Talent, like any ability, requires constant training and practice. It all depends only on your desire and effort.

Psychologists identify talent destroyers.

1. Inability to value time.

2. Link to material values.

3. Lack of self-confidence

4. “Star sickness”

5. Bad habits. This scourge of talent affects adult talents who, once they have tasted fame, become dependent on it. And when this unfaithful bird of happiness flies out of an open window, not everyone can cope with disappointment, then the moment of truth comes, and many geniuses seek solace in wine and drugs.

Thus, talent is a delicate matter, and in order for gifted children to turn into brilliant adults, a natural gift is necessary, as diamond, first get it among a thousand stones, and thengive it to an experienced jewelerto be cut so that he could turn it into a fabulous diamond.

Therefore, the only recipe that can be given is to try, on the one hand, to provide the child with as many different opportunities as possible, and on the other, to carefully monitor how it is implemented. If any breakthrough occurs, it is important to notice. It is important to provide your child with many different opportunities.

The main thing is not to make a mistake and not mistake your own choice for the choice of your child...

Talent will remain unrecognized if there is no trusting relationship between the child and the adult. It manifests itself only in an atmosphere of warmth and goodwill, love and care. Children surrounded by love develop more intensively.

No less important parents' interest in what the child is doing. The kid does something solely because he likes it. But if an adult treats his activity with lukewarmness, the child also loses interest.

Happy are those people who recognize their talent, live in it, and develop. The life of such people is filled with joy, gratitude, and confidence.

Again, it would seem, a set of general, banal phrases. We know all this, we understand everything, but for some reason we don’t do it. Fear, inertia, disorganization, self-doubt are too great.Someone successfully formulated: “Laziness is a fence with sharp stakes: you sit on it and twist in pain, but you’re afraid to jump.”

Without effort, talent is fireworks, blinds for a moment, and then there is nothing left.

In general, “our goals are clear, our tasks are defined - let’s get to work, dear parents!”

How often do you say “I can’t do it” when refusing something exciting? Many, for example, never pick up brushes because they are sure that painting is a gift from God that they did not receive.

Carol Dweck's Five Tips to Help Grow Your Attitude

  1. Think about who you consider your hero. What is he like? Does he seem to have exceptional abilities and achieve everything easily? Now find out how things are in reality. Find out what incredible efforts it took him to achieve. And start admiring him even more.
  2. Think of times when other people beat you in something, and you decided that they were smarter or more talented than you. Now consider that they may have simply used more effective tactics, prepared more diligently, practiced harder, and worked harder to overcome challenges. You can do this yourself if you want.
  3. Do you sometimes feel like you're being stupid, like you've lost touch with your intellect? The next time you find yourself in a state like this, simply apply a growth mindset: think about the fact that you have to gain new knowledge and improve, and not about the fact that you will be evaluated, and connect your intellect again.
  4. Do you often label your children? “This one is an artist, and this one is a scientist.” The next time you are about to say something like this, remember that you are not helping them at all - even if you say it as praise. Find another way to express your approval—one that aligns with a growth mindset.
  5. More than half of the members of our society belong to some group of people that is negatively stereotyped (for example, women). Because of them, representatives of the group are a priori considered unsuitable for something. Give them a growth mindset. Create an environment in your life that will instill a growth mindset in both children and adults, especially those who are susceptible to negative stereotypes. And then, even when faced with negative labels, they will continue to defend their right to development.
Cover photo

There is a parable in the Bible about how one man gave money to his slaves for safekeeping - then it was measured in talents (this is a measure of silver). Two of the slaves invested the talents given to them into circulation and doubled the amounts given to them. And the third buried his talent in the ground so that no one would steal it. Soon the owner demanded his money back, and the slaves brought him talents and income from them. The first two slaves received praise and reward from their master for increasing their wealth. And the third, who buried his talent in the ground, was punished for laziness and stupidity and lost the talent entrusted to him.

This parable teaches us something very important: if you have been given a skill from above, your talent, you should under no circumstances bury it in the ground; on the contrary, it must be multiplied, otherwise the Universe, which gifted you, will take its gift back.

But in order to multiply your talents, you must first reveal them.

How to reveal your talent

Understanding what your soul is about is not that difficult. You just need to stop limiting yourself for a moment by boundaries - such as the desires and expectations of others, family, parents, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as judgments imposed from the outside, and listen to your heart. For example, parents want their son to graduate from an aviation academy and become a pilot - his father served in aviation for a long time in administrative positions, but never realized his dream of flying. Friends say that it is prestigious and quite profitable from a financial point of view, plus numerous benefits from the state. The girl dreams of how she will be the wife of a pilot, and how he will take her around. different countries. And the guy becomes a pilot. But he is unhappy because he dreamed of something completely different. He plays the guitar really well and writes beautiful, soulful songs, he has his own band, and the public loves them, they even go on tour. But because of working with music I had to give up. And this pilot falls into depression because his talent is buried in the ground. Or he could show courage and become a legendary musician.

How often do we choose what was imposed on us - parents, environment, teachers... An accountant instead of a florist, a lawyer instead of a writer, an auditor instead of a dancer, a politician instead of an artist. Unrealized talent eats us away from the inside and prevents us from becoming happy. If you feel talent in yourself, have the courage to declare it, develop it, do not bury it in the ground.

How to develop your abilities

Developing talent is not a “now I get it: I’m going to be a brilliant filmmaker” solution. This is the decision that “I want to learn how to make brilliant films.” This is work. Developing abilities is constant work, daily, hourly. It's about letting go of the fear that you won't succeed. This is consistency. This is a series of failures. There are ups and downs.

If you want to develop your talents and increase them, don’t give up what you love, learn new things, improve your skills. Then one day you will realize that you have doubled or tripled the gift that the Universe has given you.

Finally, watch this video on how to find and develop your talents.

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