Original translations of Nostradamus. Predictions of Nostradamus. New reading. How the prophecies of the great seer come true. Let's return to the history of Russia

2016 - 2019 1 – 84

The moon is darkened by deep darkness,

Her brother is dull, the color of rusty iron.

The great one, who hid in hiding for a long time,

Warm up the weapon in the bloody wound.

1-2. Consequences of the global cataclysm. As a result of forest fires, volcanic eruptions; the release of a huge amount of ash, sulfuric gases, water vapor, the atmosphere of our planet will be heavily polluted. There will come a "universal night" when people will not see the moon for years and bright sunher brother is dull, the color of rusty iron).

3-4. Great, hidden for a long time - probably a terrorist hiding from retribution after committing a series of terrorist acts.

Taking advantage of the general devastation and anarchy, he will raise the green banner of jihad against the infidels, i.e. Christian.

2016 - 2019 1 – 47

Sermons from Lake Leman will irritate

Days will shrink to weeks

Then to months, then to years, then everyone will fall.

The magistracies will curse their empty laws.

1. After the tectonic cataclysm, the governments of some states will once again try, probably in Switzerland, relying on the Geneva agreements and agreements, to preserve the international norms, laws and regulations adopted before the catastrophe, but this attempt will be doomed to failure.

2-3. Approaching the End of the World.

4. Anarchy in international relations and a crisis of government power in most countries. Failure to comply with state laws, the constitution, as well as the Geneva, Hague conventions, declarations and resolutions of the United Nations.

2016-2019 4 – 43

There will be the noise of fighting weapons in the sky.

In the same year, the enemies of the Lord

They will want to blasphemously challenge the holy laws.

The faithful are put to death by lightning and war.

1. Military operations with the use of aviation.

2. The beginning of religious wars between Christians and Islamists, which, according to Nostradamus, will last with short breaks until the end of the 21st century.

3-4. Attack of Islamists on one of the Christian countries. Numerous victims of the war.

2016 - 2019 2 – 87

Then from the farthest reaches will come

German prince on a gilded throne.

(Serfdom) dependence is found among devoted friends.

(As for) the slave lady, (then) her time will not last long.

The arrival of the German chancellor in a certain country for negotiations.

Gilded Throneis a modern vehicle. Possibly a regular plane.

(As for) the slave lady, (then) her time won't last long - a prediction of a short stay in power of Angela Merkel.

2015 - 2019 5 – 86

Because of two heads and three divided hands

The big city will be exhausted by the waters.

The great among themselves are bewildered by exile,

Byzantium is heavily persecuted by the Persian head.

1. The birth of a freak, as an omen of misfortune.

3. Consequences of the flood caused by tectonic cataclysm.

3. The expulsion of a certain ruler from his state.

4. Internecine war between Iran and Turkey, as a result of which the two states will sign an agreement on an alliance directed against the Christian states. In the almanac for 1565, Nostradamus wrote: Also, a deadly war will take place in Persia between those who wear a white turban ( Persians ), and those who wear a turban of blue or sky color; and people wearing sky color ( Turks ), wish to try to pass from Asia through Africa to Europe, which the Africans will prevent. Then, over the next month, some kind of peace agreements will be made, accompanied by constant hatred, strife and murder between whites and blues.».

2016 - 2019 3 – 64

The head of Persia will fill the big olcades -

Trireme fleet against the Mohammedans -

(Soldiers) from Parthia and Media, sack the Cyclades.

The fleet will be at anchor for a long time in the great Ionian port.

Olcada- barge, cargo ship.

Parthia- in ancient times ( 250 BC e. - 224 n. e.) -state southeast of the Caspian Sea Name from the Parthians - an Iranian tribe. The territory in its heyday (mid-1st century BC) - from Mesopotamia to the Indus River.

Mussel- a historical region in the northwestern part of the Iranian Highlands.

Cyclades- A archipelago in the south of the Aegean Sea, part of Greece.

1. The invasion of Iranian troops on the Greek islands in the Aegean.

2. Fleet of triremes against the Mohammedans - an unsuccessful attempt to repel the attack of Muslim troops.

3-4. Robbery and violence during the capture of the islands, which will be occupied by Iran for a long time.

2016 -2019 1 – 67

The great famine I feel coming

So great and long that they will tear

Roots from trees and a baby from a nipple.

Leonardo da Vinci's prediction: "There will be many peoples who will hide themselves, their children and their supplies in the depths of dark caves, and there in darkness they will feed themselves and their families for many months without any artificial or natural light."

The clairvoyant Regina (“German Cassandra”), who 700 years before these events predicted the outbreak of the First and Second World Wars, warns Hitler’s coming to power: “People will be mowed down by epidemics, hunger and poisons. After the great calamity, they will come out of their caves and gather together, and there will be very few left who will have to rebuild the world. The future is fast approaching. The world will be destroyed in many ways and will never be the same again."

The prophecies repeatedly mention famine and disease, which are the result of wars and cataclysms.

"Woe to those who are pregnant and breastfeeding in those days!" (Yeshua, Matthew 24:19).

“And this is what will be the defeat with which the Lord will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: each of his body will wither away while he is still standing on his feet, and his eyes will melt in his holes, and his tongue will dry up in his mouth.” (Zechariah 14:12).

"Merlin predicts to you that the land of England will see many wonderful things ... great famine among the people and great corruption of the blood." (Merlin, 5th century).

“A great country across the ocean will be populated by people of various kinds and tribes (America) ... many nations will be punished in the form of hunger and deprivation.” (Saint Hildegard, 1141).

“The faith of all nations will be shaken. A cruel and terrible famine, which has not been seen since the creation of the world, will cover the whole world and, in particular, the western lands ”(Joao da Vatiguerro, XIII century).

“... only fifty percent of the population will die of hunger. Imagine if fifty percent of the people die, where would the survivors be? There will be no one to take the corpses of the dead to the cemetery; they will decompose on the street, in front of your windows, and even in your home. The whole world will turn into a huge cemetery exuding a deadly stench. (Osho, 1987).

2016 - 2019 5 – 21

Due to the death of the Latin monarch

Those whom he helped with his reign, -

The flame will light up, the booty will be divided.

Public death to brave daredevils.

Probably the death of the ruler of Italy or one of the countries of the Latin Empire - a state founded in 1204 by members of the 4th crusade in the conquered Byzantine territory. The capital is Constantinople. In addition to the immediate possessions of the emperor, the Latin Empire included the Thessalonian kingdom, the Achaean principality, the Duchy of Athens, and others.

Hunger riot, pogroms (" share the booty”) or an attempted coup. The rebellion will be brutally suppressed, and its participants will be publicly executed.

2019. 2 – 16

(B) Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse

New tyrants, lightning, heavenly fires.

Strength from London, Ghent, Brussels, Susa

(Make) a great hecatomb, triumph, cancel the feast.

1. Cities in Italy and the island of Sicily are listed.

2. Change of power in the Italian state.

3. Force- an alliance of England, Belgium, Italy (NATO) against the aggressor.

4. Hecatomb(sacrifice) -in a figurative sense - the huge victims of war, terror, epidemics, etc. The victory of NATO troops in one of the battles (" triumph”), which will occur during some religious holiday.

2019 5 – 71

Out of rage, someone will wait for water,

The army is agitated with great fury.

The Nobles are loaded onto 17 ships

Along the Rhone; the messenger arrived late.

1-2. Flaw drinking water due to water pollution in France. Riot in the troops for the same reason.

3-4. Evacuation, perhaps, of the government, to the places least affected by the tectonic cataclysm.

2019 4 – 59

Two besieged in ardent zeal

Extinguished with thirst for two full cups.

The fortress is undermined, and the old freethinker

Show the Genevans traces of Nir.

Nira- an anagram of Iran (I-ra-n).

Perhaps the poisoning of two high-ranking officials of the state (" fade away ... because of two full cups»).

The fortress is undermined - unrest in the country due to the death of the ruler.

Will show the Genevans traces of "Nira - Iranian political collusion with other Muslim countries, which will lead to international conflict.

2019 9 - 65

He will arrive in the lunar land,

Where he will be captured and taken to a foreign land.

Unripe fruits due to great sin will

Strongly condemned, to one - great praise.

Difficult quatrain to interpret. Some commentators attribute this quatrain to the flights to the moon by American astronauts in 1969.

Where will be captured and taken to a foreign land abduction of an astronaut on the moon obviously not human?

Unripe fruits due to great sin will be strongly condemned the scandal associated with the flights of astronauts to our night star in the past (" unripe fruits»).

2020 5 – 27

Fire and weapons near the Black Sea

Persia will occupy Trebizond.

Trembling Pharos, Mytilene, The sun revives,

The Adriatic wave will be stained with Arab blood.

Trebizont(Trabzon) is a city and port on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea (Turkey).

Faros- an island near the Egyptian city of Alexandria.

Mytilene- a city on the Greek island of Lesvos (Aegean Sea).

Invasion (Persia) of Iranian troops in Turkey, Egypt, Greece.

2020 - 2021 5 – 25

Arabian prince - Mars, Venus in Leo -

Destroy the kingdom of the Church from the sea.

To Persia (goes) about a million.

Byzantium invades northern Egypt.

The beginning of the aggression of the union of Muslim states in the adjacent territories of the country and one of the Christian countries. Perhaps to Macedonia - an independent state since 1991.

To Persia (goes ) about a million- an attempt by the armies European countries resist the aggressor. The invasion of Europe will be reflected for some time, but as follows from the information embedded in another quatrain (2-96), Persia will return, “to take over Macedonia.

Poisons Bin Laden's Goals: Preparing for a Worldwide Islamic Revolution and new order without Americans, Jews, "crusaders" (i.e. Christians) and in general "infidels". The main enemy standing in the way of this "revolution" is the United States, which, according to Bin Laden, is the enemy not only of Muslims, but of all mankind. Among the opponents of Islamism is Russia, which does not abandon attempts to maintain its influence in Central Asia. According to the plans for the formation of the "Islamic United State", in the foreseeable future, it will have to include 50 countries of Asia, Africa and Europe, incl. Albania, Bosnia, Chechnya, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kashmir, Somalia, Philippines, territories of the Caucasus, Israel, and then other states. The Islamic dominance program is to be completed in 2100.

Note: According to the prophecy of Nostradamus, Osama bin Laden will die "when the comet rushes by." Nothing like this has ever been seen in the sky. Probably, the murder of Osama is another show of the American government.

Quatrains of Nostradamus

Interpreters of the creative heritage of Michel Nostradamus today are looking for indications of 2012 in his works, because they are sure that real fortune teller would not leave such a date unattended. These expectations are not without meaning, because, judging by the numerous coincidences of the interpretations of Nostradamus's quatrains with historical events, the physician of the 16th century managed to catch certain patterns in the development of civilization.

Michel de Notredam was born on December 14, 1503 in the small town of Saint-Remy in Provence in the family of the notary Jomes de Notredam, shortly before that he was forced to prefer Catholicism to the Jewish faith (according to the decree that determined the fate of French Jews Louis XII). The family of the future master Nostradamus was very wealthy: according to the "Chronicle of Provence" by Cesar de Notredam (one of the sons of Nostradamus), Michel's great-grandfathers were doctors at the courts of the lords of Provence - Count Rene the Good and the Duke of Calabria. Relatives of Nostradamus continued to secretly observe the rites of Judaism. So Michel's worldview was based on two faiths: first of all, the Jewish one, which was certainly accompanied by an atmosphere of dangerous secrecy, and, of course, officially introduced Catholicism.

In 1521, Michel de Notre Dame received a master of arts degree from Avignon. The next eight years of the life of the young master fell out of the attention of biographers - according to Nostradamus himself, they passed in wanderings and research, the purpose of which was to accumulate medical and pharmaceutical knowledge. In 1529 he entered Faculty of Medicine University of Montpellier and, despite several conflicts with teachers, left with a doctorate and the right to write a surname in the Latin manner: Nostradamus. During the new stage of wanderings that followed, Nostradamus became close friends with the famous scientist, poet and humanist Jules Cesar Scaliger, and then settled in the town of Agen. However, in 1537, a plague came to this city, from which the wife and children of Nostradamus died. A year later, the doctor ended up in the dungeons of the Holy Inquisition on charges of blasphemy - according to an anonymous denunciation, he spoke unflatteringly about one of the sculptures of the Virgin. However, the accusation was found to be false. Once free, Nostradamus soon left Agen - apparently, this happened after a quarrel with Cesar Scaliger, from whom the doctor later received a number of caustic epigrams - including accusations of hidden Judaism.

Michel de Notre Dame, who won fame as the greatest seer of all times and peoples

For the next few years, Michel de Notredam practiced medicine in Italy and Germany. In 1546, he again ended up in France, where he took an active part in the fight against the plague in the city of Aix in Provence - so active that the city's parliament awarded the doctor a lifetime pension. A year later, Nostradamus remarried (the second marriage subsequently brought him 6 children).

Soon Nostradamus managed to break through the veil of church censorship and start issuing an annual astrological almanac. The first issue was published in 1555 in Lyon. At the same time, the first edition of The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus was published, which consisted of 353 predictions made in the form of quatrains (quatrains) and an epistolary preface in the spirit of the time - Letters to the Son Cesar. But, despite the fact that the Catholic Church had previously given the green light to the publication of the works of the soothsayer, Nostradamus still had to justify his quatrains again and again in the face of "God's representatives on Earth." Then the secular authorities joined the church, which made the life of the astrologer unbearable - he moved from place to place, until in 1558, in the preface to the last part of the Centuries (collections of 100 quatrains), he turned to King Henry II. The soothsayer called the monarch the ruler of the world and in an allegorical form revealed to him the future of mankind for many centuries to come. A year later, Henry II died at the tournament, perhaps without having time to get acquainted with the extensive message of Nostradamus. It is assumed that the predictor wrote about the future death of the king in the first "Century" (its 35th quatrain), and it is possible that it was thanks to this prediction that turned out to be correct that Nostradamus received an audience with Catherine de Medici.

In 1561, the astrologer was imprisoned in his own house in Provence, in the city of Salon - the authorities demanded from him a detailed description of the life and future accomplishments of the young king Charles IX. It is known that Nostradamus composed a response letter in such a way that, on the one hand, he yielded to the insistent wishes of those in power, on the other hand, he did not say anything specific. Unfortunately, the text of the letter has not survived.

In 1564, Michel Nostradamus received the post of court physician and so, being at the peak of his career, died of complications of gout on July 2, 1566. A slab with the inscription was installed over his grave in the Salon: “Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only one of all mortals who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world.”


The first complete edition of The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus appeared in 1568 - 2 years after the death of the soothsayer. It contained all ten "Centuries", which included 942 quatrains - it is known that the seventh "Centuria" remained incomplete. The publication also includes a prose address to Henry II, consisting of prophecies, and a “Letter to his son Cesar”, which explains the occult views of Nostradamus. It was the quatrains that brought Michel de Notre Dame the posthumous fame of the greatest seer in the world, except for biblical characters.

Nostradamus owes his lifetime popularity to his annual astrological almanacs, which were regularly published from 1555 to 1567. Most of this almanac was occupied by predictions in prose. In addition, one quatrain was devoted to the next year as a whole and to each of its months separately.

Page of the first edition of The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus

The prophetic verses of Nostradamus set out the history of the future in an allegorical form, so they can have a lot of different interpretations. This is both their disadvantage and advantage, since it is not known what the proportion of coincidences would be if the predictor spoke about specific dates and events. It often turns out that one or another quatrain is really suitable for describing events that have already happened, but these quatrains can hardly be used for confident forecasts for the future.

This does not prevent adherents of Nostradamus from attributing to their idol descriptions of all significant events in human history for millennia to come. For example, about the American catastrophe on September 11, 2001, according to interpreters, the 32nd quatrain of the fifth Centuria warns:

Where everything is good and beautiful - the Sun and the Moon, abundance -

There's ruin coming

It will come from the sky to cast your fate

In the state of the seventh stone ...

Despite the fact that this prediction is one of those that do not have a chronological reference, thousands of people around the world are sure that Nostradamus still managed to foresee the destruction of the skyscrapers of the World shopping center. In alchemy, the Sun and Moon symbolize gold and silver, and the "seventh stone" ("seventh metal") is mercury, which in this context means destruction. Thus, the quatrain really speaks of a catastrophe that came to the center of wealth from heaven - according to the interpreters, this is enough to give specific meaning to the general prophecy.

However, there are many in the legacy of Nostradamus and come true predictions with dates embedded in them. The following are just a few examples of such prophecies.

Thousands of people around the world are sure that Nostradamus was able to foresee the destruction of the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 as a result of the terrorist attack.

Galileo Galilei demonstrates a telescope and sketches of observations made with its help to "scientific" cardinals. As you know, church leaders were not imbued with the achievements of the scientist. Or imbued, but misunderstood them ...


An adapted translation of the 71st quatrain of the eighth "Centuria" into Russian looks like this:

So much will the number of astronomers increase

Persecuted, banished and banned books

In the year 1607, thanks to the holy cups,

That no one will be saved from holy gifts.

In 1607, Johannes Kepler's New Astronomy was published, laying the foundation for modern astronomy. A year later, the telescope (spotting scope) was invented. The principle of operation of this simple device at that time became well known, which led to a wave of enthusiasm for officially prohibited astronomy. By the same time, the discoveries of Galileo Galilei and many astronomers who disappeared into obscurity in the basements Holy Inquisition and "Towers of Jesters" (a prison and a madhouse at the same time). Very few people really escaped from the "sacred gifts".

49th quatrain of the first "Centuria":

Oriental people, guided by the lunar force,

In 1700 they will make great campaigns,

Almost conquering the corner of Aquilon.

The traditional poetic meaning of Aquilon is "the country of the north wind". In 1700 began North War Russia and allies against Sweden, as a result of which the "corner of Aquilon" - the Baltic states - went to Russia. Speaking of "people led by the lunar force", the soothsayer, according to interpreters, means that the Northern War (1700-1721) coincides in time with the peak of the astrological era of the Moon - therefore, the reason for the wars lies in its destructive influence.

25th quatrain of the same "Centuria":

Lost found, hidden for a long time,

Will this pastor be revered as a demigod

Thus the moon, having completed its cycle,

Will be polluted by other desires.

According to the concept of planetary ages, formulated by the Jewish philosopher Abraham ibn Ezra in the 12th century, the epoch of the Moon begins in 1535 and ends in 1889. This year was born the future "pastor" Adolf Hitler. "Demigod" (superman) is the main figure in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, whose work inspired Hitler to create his own ideology.

In the message to Henry II - the very one that never reached the direct addressee, but became the property of mankind - Nostradamus mentions French Revolution 1792.

In addition, the same message contains a prediction of the rise and fall of the USSR: “And in the month of October, it will happen that some great movement will happen - such that it was thought that the colossus of the Earth lost its natural direction and plunged into eternal darkness. Until then, in the springtime, and after that, there will be exceptional changes and changes of power, great earthquakes, with the growth of New Babylonia, the despicable daughter, augmented by the abomination of the first holocaust, and it will last only 73 years and 7 months. Surprisingly, but the lifetime Soviet Union listed here almost without error.

Probably, in the quatrains of Nostradamus one can really find a warning about cataclysms that may fall on humanity in 2012 or in the foreseeable future. But even today, when there is not much left before this, apparently, a turning point, it is almost impossible to guess which of the probabilities will prevail earlier - too many threats to the existence of mankind have converged at one time point. Therefore, it is now difficult to say what exactly to look for in quatrains. Perhaps a quatrain about a catastrophe will be found after the fact - if, of course, in ruins human civilization there will be those who want to look for it.

For five centuries the image of the seer Nostradamus has been an integral part of the cultural space of human civilization. In the picture: a fragment from the computer game “Mysteries of Nostradamus. In Search of the Ring of Destiny

Global catastrophe in art form

In the book by Brian Aldiss "Earth's Long Twilight" (1962), a global cataclysm leads to the capture of the planet by the biosphere, and a person returns to a state close to the animal of complete obedience to instincts. Today, such an outcome of any catastrophe may seem unlikely to many - and completely in vain. Since, under favorable conditions, it will not be difficult for the "green kingdom" to absorb and digest all human megacities, erasing all traces of our civilization. Live nature The Earth still has great power - the destructive influence of mankind on the ecology of the planet has not yet shaken these positions.

“Heat, light, humidity remained unchanged throughout ... But no one remembered when this great constancy came. No one was looking for an answer to questions that began with the words "How long? .." or "Why? .." Nobody asked such questions. Reason no longer existed, only consciousness remained, serving only the simplest instincts. And there were plants, a huge variety of species and forms that grew like in a greenhouse.

(Brian Aldiss, Earth's Long Twilight)

The biosphere of the planet still remains a powerful element capable of absorbing human cities in a relatively short time and leaving not so many traces of the existence of our civilization on Earth. Those who believe that this is just an artistic exaggeration, let them remember how a thin blade of grass breaks through a layer of asphalt - simply because its time has come to sprout.

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I PLAN MY LIFE ACCORDING TO NOSTRADAMUS' PICTURES Akio Namimura (b. 1960) Born in Fukui Prefecture. My father worked for a cement company. Has an older brother and a younger sister. He wanted to study literature and religion, which carried him away at school, but his stubborn father did not

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STALIN READS NOSTRADAMUS (Excerpt from the story “Dreams of the Last Times”) Lev Kotyukov DEATH CONSPIRECT for the former earthly gods - fertile black soil for abundant growth of contempt for oneself in the future. All his life a person tries to be free. At the cost of self-humiliation

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Chapter 1. Commander and officers of the ship. study at the training center. The composition and cohesion of the crew of the submarine missile cruiser. The Lipovetsky family in full assembly - Anton, Svetlana and Vladimir, after numerous transfers and ordeals of moving, having arrived at the final stop

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Chapter 2. Collection of the crew in full force. Moving to Severodvinsk. First impressions of your ship. New concerns, new people, new bosses. - Comrade officers, the commanders of combat units and I are going to the Northern Fleet for recruitment personnel

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Chapter 3 Handing over the tasks of the combat training course and performing the first combat service. Overcoming the prickly northern snowballs and the frosty wind, dipping in a biting ice wave of people who stood on

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Chapter 4. How submariners lived on the coast in Gremikha. What was special about this “Gremikhanskoe” life. Unexpected twists and turns of a quiet life in a separate kingdom "Gremikha" anyway,

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Chapter 5. Ships of cyclic use. How people felt in this cyclic whirlpool. The country of the Soviets lived a full-blooded life. True, the fortress of the Iron Curtain existed at the expense of continuous self-sufficiency. A lot of everything was produced, not always

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Chapter 6 New Year. Life goes on and people change. Are they getting better? Here is the question! The arrival of the New Year for the vast majority of people was and is a holiday, expectedly desired, solemn and cheerful. All the hardships and troubles wanted

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Chapter 7 Anton conducted a group exercise with the officers of his ship. The topic of the exercise was quite appropriate “Ensuring the stealth of the RPK SN on combat patrols from the moment they left the base

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Chapter 8 How it is served at the sight of enemy torpedoes. - Forgive - goodbye to the whole world of a variety of colors of the wonderful nature of the surface world. The divers will not be able to see them soon, - Anton thought, giving the command “Stand in places to dive!”.

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Chapter 9 Where disasters are "forged". “So that the number of dives always coincides with the number of ascents” - many times it has been heard from the lips of friends seeing off in the wake of the retreating submarine under the command of Lipovetsky. And once again, surfaced in the surface

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Chapter 6 "Main chapter". Substitution On the pages of the book, we discussed the factors that allow the servants of the Queen of Tolerance to consistently and inexorably go towards achieving their own goals. Let's briefly recall them and preliminarily summarize. Reduce the birth rate

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Chapter 1 And drunkards in the park, And lords, and cooks, Jeffersonian driver And Chinese tooth puller, Children, women, men - Cogs of one machine. We all live on Earth, We cook in one boiler. Okay, okay, that's very good! Bokonon * * * I was in the family youngest child and like

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Chapter 4 In which the head of the Kremlin administration Dmitry Medvedev created a new Russian estate Dmitry Medvedev gives a very unusual impression for a politician - he seems a good man. It shows that he is not very confident in himself - especially this

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Chapter 5 In which Viktor Medvedchuk, head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, remained the last Ukrainian whom Putin trusts At the beginning of the 2000s, Medvedchuk looked like a man from outer space against the backdrop of Ukrainian politicians. An absolute European, completely different from


During the life of Michel Nostradamus in France, it was almost impossible to obtain any information about internal affairs in Russia. However, the prophet was able to accurately predict the events of the reign of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible, some of them came true during the life of the seer. First of all, concerning reforms and changes, which were promoted by Archpriest Sylvester (79th quatrain of the 5th century):

Russian faith will be streamlined
With the advent of the great legislator.
The meek priest will ascend and disturb the strong.
However, the monarch will not use his advice for long.

In 1560, Tsarina Anastasia died, which caused a deep psychological break in the Tsar's soul. The Livonian War was lost, Ivan IV married again.

Seven wives and a son died or were killed by a cruel monarch,
There is bloodshed all around, there is no limit to great atrocities.
The fifth wife will be thrown into the lake,
But the eighth will give birth to a son and miraculously survive.


Fedor Ivanovich became the new tsar, who had little interest in state affairs, spending all his time in churches and monasteries, atoning for the sins of his father. Boris Godunov, who was at the head of the behind-the-scenes struggle, seized the coveted throne, but he did not have to rule for long. 89 quatrain of the 8th centurion reads:

The boy is killed by a treacherous uncle,
Who poisoned his father to reign.
He succeeds a pious monarch, but will not reign for long.
After death, he is thrown out of the grave.

As predicted, already in 1601 the relative calm inside the country came to an end. A terrible famine began, which was accompanied by an epidemic of plague and popular riots that shook the state.


IN mid-seventeenth century, Patriarch Nikon reformed the church. She brought the country to the brink of a religious war. Already in 1658, Alexei Mikhailovich quarreled with Nikon, and in 1667 he secured a trial against him. All this was predicted in the 96th quatrain of the 1st century:

The one who will be entrusted to remake
Temples and ceremonies, changed for a whim,
Will harm both priests and laity.
Then he himself will be in disgrace.


Peter I not only reformed the entire system government controlled, Peter's transformations became a kind of apocalypse for "Russian antiquity", Michel Nostradamus knew about the consequences of Peter's reforms and described them in the 59th quatrain of the 1st century:

Exiles expelled from the island
With the advent of a more merciless sovereign
They will be killed and burned in flames.
The rebellious city by the sea is destroyed.

The youngest daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, arrested the infant Ivan VI and his mother, Anna Leopoldovna. For the royal family, a journey of torment began, which ended in death. Nostradamus foresaw the fall of the power of the infant Ivan Antonovich and dedicated the 52nd quatrain of the 6th century to this event:

Instead of the great one who was doomed,
His daughter will appear, escaped from the dungeon,
The baby will rule for twelve months.
Then he will fall into the fortress, where he will be slaughtered.


Nostradamus also described the struggle for power that began in the USSR even before the death of Vladimir Lenin. Centurius 8, quatrain 9:

To support the great cap's labors
Yes, and clear the place, the red ones will come out
And they will exterminate the family almost to the last.
So red will destroy red.

I'm afraid of the unknown third ruler
Mysterious, barbaric, terrible country.
His comrades-in-arms were killed by him,
And only hell will keep him old.

One cannot but agree with the soothsayer that Stalin was "a terrible unknown third ruler." Note that, according to his recollections, he was very lonely, especially in last years life. Those around him wished him death; verily, "only hell will preserve his old age."


In centurion 5, quatrain 29, it says:

Freedom won't be reclaimed
"Throne" will take black, bad, proud, unfair,
When the bridge material is all processed,
The Venetian Republic will be irritated by Hister.

Hitler's name is almost exactly named here - Hister. By the way, this was the name of the Danube, which flows through the territory of the Fuhrer's homeland. So the soothsayer gives a double indication of him. Quatrain 80, centurion 4 speaks of the beginning of the Second World War:

The big river has a big ditch, the earth is thrown out,
Fifteen parts divided by water,
The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, battle,
Most of the population in a skirmish.

Only in 1940 did the war started by Hitler become a world war. This year, German troops broke through the Maginot defense line in 15 places - "divided into fifteen parts by water" - and captured not only Paris ("the city is taken"), but the whole country. The first two lines of the quatrain describe the trenches.


"This year is more difficult than the previous one,
For the News, for the Church without God going,
Devastation and quarrels, as a rule, in vain,
But the darkness will die and the Dawn will take over ... "

The latest decoding of Nostradamus' predictions suggests that in 2014 Russia's rapid entry into the Golden Age will begin. It will come in Russia: “what will be has never been so beautiful... the second age of Saturn is the Golden Age. The Creator will see the torment of his people, and peace will be concluded between God and people.
Ahead of the beginning of a new era. Before that, there will be big troubles, but after that, Justice and Goodness will reign on Earth.”

Nostradamus speaks about the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, under the sign of which Russia exists, about which the biblical books say “The Kingdom of God on Earth”. Nostradamus gives the key: the prerequisites for the onset of the Golden Age, which will ripen exactly 33 years - the time between the Birth of Christ and the Resurrection. The prerequisites for the Golden Age emerged in Russia at the turn of 2002 and 2003. They will ripen exactly 33 years, and finally the Golden Age in Russia will come in 2035.

The world is getting more complicated, tensions are escalating. This prompts many to look into the future, to find out what both wise analysts and clairvoyants predict for us. To be honest, we all want to feel safe, to believe in good things. And the funds mass media often draw pictures full of threats. People just get tired of it. Therefore, materials containing information about

For example, now it has become fashionable to talk about what Nostradamus said about Russia. To put it bluntly, there are a lot of materials. Aspects are considered different. The interpretations contradict each other. Let's try to understand this cacophony of opinions and analyzes and understand what the country should really prepare for.

About the prophet

It is necessary to know that we will talk about a real person who died in the middle of the sixteenth century. Yes, the prophecies of Nostradamus about Russia, which many are now trying to decipher, were written more than five centuries ago. The author lived in France. He was engaged in medicinal art, saved people from the plague that was then raging in Europe. It must be understood that in those days little was known about the eastern country. She has just begun to contact with European society, not representing any serious interest for the local population. However, Nostradamus thought otherwise. He wrote a lot about Russia. However, as in other countries. His visions cannot be called particularly positive. The prophet predicted many trials for the world, some of which have already come true and have sunk into the past. Precisely for a reason enough high level feasibility of the predictions of Nostradamus' quatrains remain popular. There are many works, the subject of which is an attempt to decipher them. It should be noted that the author himself said that his quatrains would be solved in their entirety only after many centuries. One day they will find the right key, and the whole truth of his deep talent will be revealed to the world. Perhaps this has already happened. However, we will know this only after experiencing all the horrors that Nostradamus wrote about in our own skin. By the way, he also spoke good things about Russia, which pleases. But let's take a closer look at some of the quatrains relating to our country, paying attention to those facts that could not have been known to the seer, but nevertheless have long come true according to his words. By the way, there are quite a few of them.

About quatrains

The French are proud of their ancient prophet. The prophecies of Nostradamus were reprinted at least nine hundred times. This fact clearly demonstrates their popularity, but says nothing about infallibility. The fact is that predictions are written in the form of quatrains that do not contain dates or “ geographical names". And the seer and astrologer could not use modern terminology. After all, he worked in the sixteenth century. At that time, not all territories were known in Europe. The world seemed small, menacing, sometimes scary. Quatrains of Nostradamus are written allegorically.

Many critics do not believe that they contain predictions. Their main argument is that the text can be "pulled" on any fact. The prophet himself spoke of this when he pointed out the presence of a key that still had to be found. Nostradamus explained the impossibility of a direct presentation of visions by the fact that contemporaries may not only not believe him, but cannot withstand such information. He wanted to leave a message to distant ancestors, hiding part of its meaning from his contemporaries. It is believed that he succeeded. The quatrains of Nostradamus have been interpreted for almost five centuries, but they have not come to a consensus. Scientists and ordinary people find in them ever new facets and nuances, confirmed by certain events.

About Russia

You and I remember that in those days the eastern territories did not particularly excite the contemporaries of the prophet. The more interesting his attention to them. The name Russia, by the way, is not found in quatrains. He names this country in a different way, nevertheless it is quite recognizable. Interestingly, the prophecies of Nostradamus concerned a fairly large period of time. Some of them have already become distant history for us, which is mostly talked about and thought by specialists. For example, in his quatrains there is information about the character traits of Ivan the Terrible, the number of his wives and heirs. In addition, Nostradamus accurately described the succession to the throne of the Russian throne. He spoke about False Dmitry and the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. Nothing seems to go unnoticed by his all-seeing eye. He saw and described such events that a person of his time could not have imagined. Predictions of Nostradamus about Russia of the Middle Ages are quite detailed. However, we are not interested in them. It is much more useful to understand what the great French astrologer saw in our time. Especially since historical events, according to researchers, are consistent with his quatrains. Therefore, he can be completely trusted. In any case, among the many quatrains, it makes sense to look for those that hint at the future of Russia. His predictions amaze with incredible, in fact, accuracy. More about this.

Current inventions and visionary

Judge for yourselves, what did a person in the sixteenth century know, even a well-educated one? The theory of probability has not yet been discovered, chemistry is only in its infancy, information about physics is initial, biology is at the level of intuitive understanding. However, the predictions of Nostradamus over the years contain very specific facts. For example, he talked about the smelly and deadly wind that would blow in Europe. Then it sounded strange. Now, with the invention of chemical and biological weapons, the lines have become meaningful. Allegorically, the seer wrote about atomic bomb. It should be noted that Nostradamus predicted many troubles for the European peoples. He spoke differently about Russia. In this country, which he called now Slavs, then Aquelon, sometimes New Babylon, the sun of the future "golden age" will rise. But more on that later. Let's go back to the inventions seen by the astrologer through time. In the quatrains of the seer and the poet there is a direct, clearly readable hint about the construction of ground and water transport. He even described a submarine, which, you see, could not be just a fantasy of a medieval philosopher. It is interesting that many are mistaken in the interpretation of quatrains. So, according to some researchers, Nostradamus's predictions for 2015 are gloomy and negative. They said that in 2014 we are waiting for real disaster. Interpreters agreed that Nostradamus predicted a nuclear conflict. However, this has not yet happened, fortunately. Perhaps people misunderstood the predictions of Nostradamus. Russia and Ukraine, or rather, the conflict between them, on the other hand, fit perfectly into the prophecy. It's no secret to anyone that the introduction of troops into neighboring country could cause the most terrible consequences, including catastrophic ones.

Let's return to the history of Russia

It is also necessary to note several events foreseen by Nostradamus. By the way, no one disputes this fact. So, from his time, the astrologer saw the future of Russia as bloody, heavy, filled with troubles. He spoke of the long periods of tyranny that the common people would have to endure. He also predicted a revolution, the transfer of power and property to other hands. Very accurately Nostradamus described the fate of Nicholas II. He was sure that meekness would destroy the king. Moreover, the astrologer has clearly described psychological condition executioners of Nicholas II. “Those seized with fear at dawn will lead him to execution,” he wrote. Agree, it was difficult from those times to see the future of Russia so accurately. Predictions about the socialist period of the century are also striking in their accuracy. It seems that Nostradamus himself visited the future and described what he saw as he understood. He wrote:

I'm afraid of the unknown third ruler

Mysterious, barbaric, terrible country.

His comrades-in-arms were killed by him,

And only hell will keep him old.

In these lines, researchers unequivocally recognize Joseph Stalin. Also well, by the way, the seer pointed to Hitler and his deeds. Nostradamus's predictions over the years contain information about and also indicate the winner. Incredibly, the quatrains describe the biography of the future Fuhrer and his inglorious death. Nostradamus considered the future of Russia to be extremely difficult and successful. Considering that some of the quatrains have already come true, it is worth studying further. Agree, since specialists were able to see our past in quatrains, it makes sense to try, together with the author, to open the veil to the future.

Europe in the quatrains of the seer

For a modern person, the global nature of the world is not a secret. The future of Russia is closely connected with its neighbors, their position, the situation in these countries. The seer predicted troubles and sufferings to his native expanses. Generally, this distinguishing feature French astrologer. He tried to warn distant descendants that it was impossible to change, but one could try to weaken. Nostradamus' predictions for 2015 are full of such hints. For example, he says that there will definitely be a war in Europe. By the way, many believed in it. In general, in European society, for some time, the idea of ​​the need for resettlement in Southern Hemisphere. After all, if you believe the researchers, the continent will die under a hail nuclear strikes. Agree, there is something to think about. Other clairvoyants also spoke about the troubles of Europe. So, Vanga saw this territory depopulated, poisoned, uninhabited. Nostradamus wrote the same much earlier. Quatrains about Russia are not so gloomy. The seer believed that this territory would survive the trials that befell the peoples. What Vanga did not deny.

About World War III

The French soothsayer said that not all the future is predetermined. Some events can still be changed. So, he saw that in the twenty-first century a global war could begin. First, the rulers of four countries will be killed. This event should take place in 2010, said Nostradamus. War will break out and affect all continents. Few will survive it, said the seer. He also pointed to the one who would be at the head of the instigators of the world fire. He described him as a bearded Muslim. On his orders, hostilities will begin. By the way, some researchers are sure that this person has already entered (according to the chronology of the seer) into an agreement with the rulers of Russia. Let's just say that not everyone agrees with this interpretation. Moreover, more than four years have passed since the named date, and, fortunately, nuclear missiles are still in their mines. Perhaps, not serious researchers write about the Third World War, but those who wish to promote themselves on “fried topics”. Today, it is important that all the deadlines indicated by the seer have practically passed, and no terrible events have followed. So, Nostradamus was not always right. Moreover, he wrote about the future of Russia, without limiting its existence to 2015. And in the event of a global nuclear conflict, such modern people this is well understood, it is unlikely.

About the leaders of Russia

In the seer's quatrains, researchers find a lot of information about personalities. Naturally, ordinary citizens did not particularly interest him. He spoke of those in whose power the acceptance major decisions. So, in his quatrains, many recognized Yeltsin, who would be involved in the collapse of the "red" country. Then, Nostradamus wrote about grievous suffering ordinary people generally. Then comes this quatrain:

For the benefit of the country, the changes are heavy.

The dexterous one is expelled away, he rules the country

Cautious with a noble heart.

People's lives are changing everywhere.

There is an opinion that the current leader of Russia is described in the last lines. Although some researchers are quite cautious about such interpretations. In any case, time will tell who is right. Some say that the future described in this quatrain has already arrived. Others suggest waiting until 2025. Here, every modern person has the right to have and express their own opinion. After all, we are the builders and witnesses of events. We are to judge them. he spoke more positively about Russia than about other countries. In it he saw the source of the rebirth of mankind.

Last test

It should be noted that almost all researchers agree that the "golden age" is already close. Its date varies. Optimists point to 2025, pessimists suggest waiting another ten years. However, before this time of universal dawn there will be one more, it should be noted, from our position, a mysterious test. The quatrains speak of a "conflict" with China. But our relations with this country do not yet cause alarm. What is the meaning of the conflict, which some call war, is not yet clear. There is an opinion that this will be a dispute of ideologies. And it is quite likely. After all, China is a completely different, by the way, very ancient civilization. Find with her mutual language not so easy. People there think and live differently, profess different values. If two ordinary people sometimes cannot come to the same conclusions and live peacefully, then what to speak of civilizations! In order for them to coexist and develop normally, a grandiose work must be done at the level of meanings and ideas. And to this modern humanity hasn't come up yet. But before the “term” there are only ten or twenty years left.

Golden age

Let's hope that Russia will survive the "last test" with fewer losses than all the previous ones. Moreover, there is something to strive for. Nostradamus calls our country the future "spiritual center of the world." He believed that a new religion would arise in this region. It will be like a "floating boat", light and pleasant. Joy comes from this prediction. People will treat others with compassion, care and try to help. Open up new sources of energy. People will go through a period of worship of the "golden calf". There will be other values. Maybe we still don't understand them. However, Nostradamus from time immemorial suggests that this is exactly what will happen. People themselves will change, become different. They will strive not for material hoarding, but for spirituality. The greatest value will be considered creativity, the ability to create joy for others. There are researchers who believe that Nostradamus predicted the beginning of this beautiful century for Russia already in 2014. Although, so far we cannot see anything like this in our present. Perhaps there are already sprouts of beauty, but we cannot distinguish them from the painful routine. We are probably looking in the wrong direction. Moreover, the constant noise background in the information space does not contribute to deep reflection and thoughtful observations. The seer said that people would learn how to create new organs, invent Many miracles await us in the near future, if Nostradamus's quatrains are deciphered correctly. It is necessary to clarify that the author himself was sure that the incorrect interpretation of his quatrains poses a threat to humanity.

About different interpretations

Quatrains of Nostradamus enjoy well-deserved popularity. Perhaps they are most often mentioned in various studies, those who talk about the future rely on them. The network has accumulated a lot various information on this account. It is all the more interesting to look at their retrospective. You know, most often you can encounter the fact that the authors are trying to “pull out” a biased point of view from quatrains. As they say, every sandpiper praises his swamp. The authors of the interpretations present their own point of view, trying to substantiate it with the help of lines from the works of the great astrologer. Such “works” can hardly be taken as the basis for a vision of our future. Rather, they are "information projectiles" in the escalated virtual war. So, many were preparing for the end of the world in 2012. At that time, materials began to appear that Nostradamus saw our future in this way. But have we survived that period? The planet did not fall apart, global upheavals were avoided. One could forget about that hype. However, the thoughtful reader is not recommended to do this. Indeed, it is worth relying on such events if you want not to be led by propagandists of not the best kind. It is necessary to learn to distinguish biased opinion from impartial reasoning. And the works of Nostradamus deserve to be seriously dealt with, and not used in a cheap information war, without meanings and global goals. The Seer cared about the future of all mankind, suffering from the fact that his people would be at the stage of decline. Nevertheless, he looked at the future positively and optimistically. He was sure that the human race would not slide into the madness of self-destruction. Now everyone is trying to see in his writings a reflection of their own petty views. Such "specialists" must be calculated and excluded from the list. Otherwise, it will not be possible to understand the flow of materials, to distinguish truth from fiction.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the period of trials for Russia, according to Nostradamus, is already ending. Even the notorious "war with China" does not seem so terrible now. After all, it could well have been invented by those who do not like the current union of the two great countries. We should hope for a positive development of events. Among the frightening articles and reports, it is necessary to single out those that confirm the seer's opinion about the "golden age". After all, you and I already know that the future is built not only by deeds or actions, but, first of all, by the thoughts of people. Everyone should control them. Let the world turn to its heyday. Together we can do what the great Nostradamus saw five centuries ago!

Interpretation of selected quatrains by Michel Nostradamus

Michel de Nostrde, known as (1503-1566) - French astrologer, healer, pharmacist, alchemist and prophet. He studied at the universities of Avignon and Montpellier. Bachelor of Medicine. 1526 - In Aix, he was caught by an epidemic of the plague. By that time, already a skilled pharmacist, Nostradamus invented an anti-plague agent, his recipe was outlined in one of his books. 1547 - decides to devote his life to astrology and prophecy. 1555 - the first collection is published in Lyon. Within two next years completed the complete edition of his Prophecies. The book was divided into ten chapters (centuries), each of which consisted of one hundred quatrains (quatrains). In them, Nostradamus encrypted his vision of the future of mankind in a very complex allegorical language. This work is an unsurpassed prophetic revelation and gives the inquisitive mind ground for reflection.

Centuria I.
Quatrain 15.

Mars threatens us with military force,
He will make you shed blood 70 times.
The collapse of cathedrals and all shrines.
Destruction of those who do not wish to hear about them.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The space colony-settlement on Mars will oppose the discriminatory policies of the Earth Government. The rebels will demand equal and partnership relations on federal principles. The role of our planet as a metropolis for human settlements on other planets will be revised. In the future, will be created Space Federation solar system.

Quatrain 63.

Epidemics have disappeared, the world has become a small place,
All continents and suitable places are inhabited,
You can safely travel through the air, under water
and underground.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The planet is equipped and entangled in a network of transport communications. The division of mankind into separate states disappeared. Megacities have been created under water and underground, interconnected by super-long tunnels.

Quatrain 80.

In bright heavenly beauties
Floating many dwellings of angels.
This is a great sign of divine change.
The house can float underwater and in the underworld.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humans are like angels in that they are able to move through the earth and through the air with the help of portable anti-gravity thrusters that can be placed on the body. The dwellings of earthlings, surrounded by a reliable power energy cushion, have ceased to be stationary. Everyone, at their own discretion, can move their house either into the air, or under water, or into underground infrastructure.

Quatrain 81.

Part of the people will be cut off from humanity,
When it goes to heaven.
Their fates determined the directions of the stars,
Which he won't soon reach.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Numerous space expeditions will be sent to search for planetary systems around other stars. Starships accelerated by photon engines will be controlled by intelligent on-board supercomputers. The astronauts will be in suspended animation for most of the flight, because the flight of a spacecraft, even at light speeds, will require tens or even hundreds of years in the earth's chronology to complete galactic missions.

Quatrain 91.

They will return from heaven to earth,
Coming a long way from the star of the Centaur.
Before the sky was cloudless
Now everyone rushed there on spears to new stars.

Interpretation of the quatrain
In the constellation of Centaurus, a planetary system will be opened that will be suitable for settlement by terrestrial life forms. Given the prospect of catastrophic changes in the sun, many space expeditions will be sent to this region of the Cosmos in order to create colonies-settlements.

Centuria II.
Quatrain 13.

Flesh without spirit will no longer be sacrificed
The day of eternal sleep will become a birthday,
The sacred spirit will make the soul peaceful,
In vain the Verb in its infinity.

Interpretation of the quatrain
To transform an ordinary person into an immortal spiritual being, it will be necessary to connect his consciousness with a monad - a multidimensional information education, carrying evolutionary information about the foundations of the Universe - laws, programs, principles, algorithms, sequences, dynamics of phenomena and processes of the visible and invisible world. In other words, the monad is the spiritual code of an advanced personality, which she found in Eternity and moved into her consciousness.

In the distant future, super-powerful computers will calculate all possible combinations of evolutionary information contained in spiritual codes. By combining the spiritual code with the ordinary consciousness of a cloned person, it will become possible both to resurrect all the righteous who have ever lived on our planet, and “from scratch” by artificial means at the request of the parents, immediately create a spiritually advanced personality. Progress information technologies will be placed at the service of spirituality.

Quatrain 27.

The divine word will thunder from heaven,
Others will no longer be able to continue
Great revelation - the secret is revealed.
From now on, everyone believes in one God.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Religious dogmas, common for all mankind, based on the achievements of science and a complete decoding of the revelations of the great prophets of the past, will be formed. Such religiosity will be acceptable for every person, regardless of his ideological position.

Quatrain 41.

The great star will shine bright
Mirrors will make many suns appear.
At night it will be as bright as day,
When cities grow up in the far north and south.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Geoelectric and radio stations will be created in the Earth's orbit, which accumulate solar energy in their giant panels. The resulting energy, transmitted by transmitters to the surface of the planet, will make it possible to heat and heat ground-based dwellings, provide energy for transport systems, and create an artificial climate in polar and arid regions.

Quatrain 48.

Great power sees through the mountains,
Saturn in Sagittarius turned to Mars in Pisces
Everything hidden can be revealed
If there is a strip with two threads on the head.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Telepathy has become a public means of communication. To receive telepathic messages, implants in the form of a strip with two small antennae-hairs come to life in people's heads. These messages are recorded and regulated by vacuum computers, in which information is stored on phyton clusters (phyton is the first particle of vacuum and space - author). The time for the fulfillment of the prophecies is 70–80 years. XXI century.

Centuria III.
Quatrain 2.

A great word will be embodied in deed,
When the gold hidden in the small
With its great light will illuminate the heavens,
After that, the first will go to the stars.

Interpretation of the quatrain
A photon engine has been created. Now spaceships can move at the speed of light. become possible space travel to distant star systems (see also the commentary on quatrain 81, centuria I).

Quatrain 40.

When all differences are gone
Everyone will start speaking the same language
Words that no one will hear
A great deed will be done.

Interpretation of the quatrain
With the end of the division of mankind into separate states and the creation of a worldwide telepathic network, a universal figurative-symbolic language was created, which is based on research on the most full description archetypes of the collective and individual unconscious.

Quatrain 40 (B).

A house will be built in the crater,
The die is cast, caps on the moon.
A man will appear in the shadow of Mars
Who will live in the cold.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Huge colonies-settlements have been built on the Moon under transparent caps, inside which the regime of artificial gravity and atmosphere will be maintained.
Man landed on the moons of Mars - Phobos and Demos, to study the possibility of using their bowels for mining.

Quatrain 98.

The two states will quarrel strongly,
Between them there will be two battles for the ice,
Soon the north will be on the defensive
And renounce his claims.

Interpretation of the quatrain
America and one of the South American states (Argentina? Brazil? Chile?) will have a dispute in connection with claims to include Antarctica in their territories.
In the near future (in the middle of the 21st century), the climate on the southern polar continent will become less severe, and populous settlements of emigrants from the United States will begin to appear on it. The population of Antarctica, which by this time will become very numerous, will fight for the creation of an independent continental state.

Centuria IV.
Quatrain 10.

Weapons will strike from the ground,
Piercing through her fiery firmament,
Columns fall, tunnels collapse
A terrible rumble and roar of hell spreads from below.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity is threatened by war with the use of tectonic weapons. If this happens, the consequences will be terrible, because the entire underground infrastructure, regardless of its nationality, is threatened with complete destruction.

Quatrain 20.

The world has sunk to the bottom of the sea,
He will bring his states a long glory.
People go under water and come back,
None of them will choke.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Mankind will learn to build safe underwater dwellings. Entire megacities will appear on the ocean floor, which will be surrounded by a reliable protective shell made of ultra-strong lightweight materials. The mass production of food products from seaweed and animals grown on specialized underwater farms will be established.
It seems to the author that the "underwater era" in the history of mankind will come as a result of overheating of the earth's atmosphere, which is expected in 13,000 years. This process will be caused by an increase in solar activity, provoked, in turn, by the ejection of cosmic radiation from the nucleus of the Galaxy.

Quatrain 21.

The transformation of people will not be easy,
But they will benefit from the change.
A new young heart beats in my chest,
They live underwater as they do on land.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Genetic engineering will rebuild the human body. The skin will be immune to radiation, thermal factors and rough mechanical influences. Muscle tissue will become able to withstand and repel explosive impacts. All this will require intervention in the functional system of the body and changes in the cellular structure. internal organs and especially the heart.

Quatrain 25.

Gorgeous hairless bodies visible to the eye,
Although they are covered with a second skin,
Through the veil you can feel stronger
When gloves are on.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Well-fitting ultra-light clothing will be created. It will be embedded with many computer chips that regulate the metabolism both inside the body and between the skin and the external environment. The head will be protected in a special way, on which the thinnest helmet made of heavy-duty materials will be put on. The sensors built into it will allow a person to see and hear in all the electromagnetic range necessary for safe life, as well as to telepathically communicate with the global field information network at the right time.
Hands will fit special gloves that will reliably protect them from burns and injuries. At the same time, they will perform the function of a scanner of the surrounding world, especially its unfavorable factors.

Quatrain 26.

A large swarm of tiny bees,
that appeared from nowhere,
Cover your head and body
Which will be protected better than holy prayers.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Over time, the ultra-light protective clothing described in the previous quatrain will be replaced by a micro lepton shell-capsule. The human body surrounded by an artificial aura of fundamental elementary particles, which will constantly rebuild its structure depending on external factors, will become invulnerable to ultra-low and ultra-high temperatures, mechanical influences of any strength and monstrous radiation. It seems that in such a shell a person can go into open space and plunge into the molten earth's core without any additional protective devices.

Quatrain 31.

The midnight madness finally dissipated.
The young sage shared his mind with the machine.
The students offer the mind to become immortal.
There is complete calm.

Interpretation of the quatrain
By beam layer-by-layer scanning of the human aura, as well as the thought forms surrounding it, the possibility of rewriting consciousness on photon clusters of vacuum computers will be realized. Such a record will be further connected to the worldwide information-telepathic network - the Supernet. The combination of everyday human consciousness with various variants of its potential spiritual code (see commentary on quatrain 13th century II) will allow the future civilization of the planet Earth to become a community of immortal righteous people and prophets who will live, moreover, in super-strong and practically indestructible bodies.

Quatrain 41.

The female gender is taken hostage
All weapons and all gold
No more blood will flow
When they reject the war.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Wars on our planet will finally and irrevocably disappear when a new matriarchy is reborn in society. It seems that the women leaders of the most powerful countries in the future will be able to sit down at the negotiating table and create a World Federation of States and a Planetary Government.

Quatrain 67.

When Earth, Saturn and Mars are dried up,
The ocean burns and smokes
The merciless sun will burn out the whole earth,
After that, in a rumble, it will absorb celestial bodies.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Every 26,000 years (see also the commentary to quatrain 20 of this century) bursts of cosmic radiation from the core of the Galaxy provoke the heating of the Sun and the ejection of ionized plasma streams of monstrous scale from its surface into the surrounding space. These processes can cause strong changes on the surface of the giant planets (evaporate part of their surface into space), make tropical climatic conditions on icy Mars, turn Venus into a real hell, covered with oceans of molten rocks and oceans of liquid metal. The Earth is threatened by the complete evaporation of the oceans and the bombardment of the surface by fragments of broken asteroids and evaporated cometary nuclei.
This quatrain is a warning to mankind about the constant space threat, which can periodically reduce the achievements of material evolution to zero.

Centuria V
Quatrain 8 (B)

A beautiful rich aggregate will appear,
Lamp on one side, tongues of fire.
The body contains the mind,
Who himself rules the heavenly cart.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The genius of man will create an astrologer with a photon engine. It will be controlled by a super-powerful artificial intelligence enclosed in a vacuum computer. In fact, it will be an invulnerable specialized thinking being, performing the task of searching for intelligent life in the Cosmos (see also the interpretation: to quatrain 81 of centuria I; to quatrain 48 of centuria II; to quatrain 2, centuria III; to quatrain 31 of centuria IV).

Quatrain 15

To meet the inhabitants of other worlds,
Inhabitants of Earth, Venus, Centaur
Thought will pass through the hole
And they will be among the stars.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity of the Earth and space colonies on Venus, as well as in the constellation Centaurus, will learn to build space-time portals (“star gates”) for traveling to other galaxies. But, only information packages that duplicate the consciousness and spiritual code of star travelers can pass through these portals. These personality components will be recorded on phyton clusters of vacuum computers. This information will modulate the subtle field, unknown to science, which will be able to pass through the "star gate". As for the physical body, at the entrance to the portal its characteristics will also be transformed by layer-by-layer computer scanning into a modulated information flow. At the exit from the portal, the teleported consciousness will be able, according to the available information, to restore a super-strong body from atoms of matter belonging to another star system (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 centuria II and quatrain 26 centuria IV).

Quatrain 49

Stones born in eternal darkness
Become a source of untold wealth,
Those who rekindle their ancient blood in a new body,
Proclaim the onset of the golden age.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Humanity will begin industrial development of the asteroid belts between Mars and Jupiter and beyond the orbit of Neptune. It seems that this will happen at a time when ultra-light and super-strong clothing will be invented (see the interpretation to quatrains 21 and 25 of centuria IV).

Quatrain 53

New order on Mars and Venus
Let people live freely.
There won't be any more danger
Thanks to the arrangement of the Sun.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Mankind will learn to regulate the amount and light coming from the Sun by building a super-powerful vacuum computer into its bowels. Our native star will become an intelligent being. This will make it possible to change the climate on Mars and Venus and make these planets suitable for settlement by people, animals and plants.

Quatrain 54 (c)

After the death of a decrepit body
The mind will move into the new.
The old become young again
Nobody else will die.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The problem of immortality will be solved by methods of cloning, deciphering all possible combinations of the spiritual code of a person and rewriting the scanned thought forms on clusters of vacuum computers. A mass resurrection of all people who have ever lived on Earth will begin. This will become possible by supplementing the above methods with computer simulation of all variants of the genome of a biological body (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 centuria II and quatrain 31 centuria IV).

Quatrain 78

Two can have a silent conversation
Being in a long separation.
Great effort on all sides.
The whole world is permeated with thoughts.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The Supernet was created - a worldwide information and telepathic network based on vacuum computers and special chips implanted in the human head (see also the interpretation to quatrains 31 and 48 of centuria II; quatrain 40 of centuria III).

Quatrain 95

The sea oar lies idle,
Great empires united on dry land.
In the seas, barriers have been set up to let the waves through,
On which carts roll.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Extra-long bridges are built from lightweight and extremely durable artificial materials. They will connect the continents to each other and to the large islands. Maritime transport will become a thing of the past, giving way to air, underground and overground.

Centuria VI
Quatrain 34 (c)

Solar flame from the sky
Comes down to the house and becomes useful,
Unrest will stop in the cities,
There is no other choice but a peace treaty.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Powerful power plants on solar batteries, which will be able to generate and transmit electricity without wires over long distances. Energy crises will be a thing of the past. Energy carriers will cease to be an instrument of politics. Cheap methods of obtaining heat and light for domestic and industrial needs will solve many problems of all states, regardless of their level of development. The knots of military conflicts in many parts of the Earth will be untied. It appears that these events will take place in late XXI century (see also the interpretation to quatrain 41 centuria II).

Quatrain 65 (c)

The Skyshards will take over the conspiracy.
A secret war has been declared
Those who have seized the stones want to throw them on the ground,
But their ship is hijacked by brainwashing soldiers.

Interpretation of the quatrain
There will be serious disproportions in the living standards of people on Earth and space colonists involved in the industrial development of asteroids. The colonies-settlements will unite and present an ultimatum to the Government of the Earth demanding to improve their living conditions. They will blackmail the mother country with the real opportunity to launch a space bombardment with asteroids and fragments of cometary nuclei. A spacecraft will head towards the Earth, transporting one of these small celestial bodies. But, the blackmailers will be neutralized by a detachment of earthlings sent to meet them, and who used until then forbidden top-secret telepathic weapons against potential aggressors (see also the interpretation to quatrain 15 centuria I).

Quatrain 74

Everyone will make a peace agreement
Although they will fool each other for a long time.
In the extreme south, peace at sea and on land,
Cities grew under the ice.

Interpretation of the quatrain
As a result of climate warming, Antarctica will become suitable for human habitation and intensive industrial development. Plant cities will be built under its ice shell, and intensive mining will begin. In view of the overpopulation of the planet in the second half of the 21st century, the great countries of the world, primarily Russia, America, Australia and China, will enter into a long-term controversy over their exclusive right to explore Antarctica. The result will be signed international agreement along the southern mainland, which will open the way to the state independence of Antarctica (see also the interpretation to quatrain 98 of centuria III).

Centuria VII
Quatrain 25

Will no longer see fatigue
Soldiers and travelers purchased the remedy.
The body is covered with four skins,
In which it is not scary to go to the moon.

Interpretation of the quatrain
A protective complex from a combination of different fields (electromagnetic, gravitational and others, as yet unknown) modern science) will enclose the human body in a transparent, heavy-duty protective capsule. A person will be able to visit the surfaces of other celestial bodies without uncomfortable and bulky spacesuits (see also the interpretation of quatrains 21,25,26 of centuria IV).

Centuria VIII
Quatrain 61

When like a beam of light
A jingling spear will fly into the sky,
They will quickly reach the stars
Moving a group of people there.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Another prophecy (the third in a row) about the creation of a spaceship with a photon engine, which will make it possible to accelerate the apparatus to light and superluminal speeds (for details, see the interpretation to quatrain 81 of centuria I; quatrain 2 of centuria III; quatrain 8 of centuria V).

Centuria IX
Quatrain 28

The solar sail floats over the Earth,
Connecting the planets to the heavens.
Star guards in fiery chariots
Ready to withstand any siege.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Technically implemented the idea of ​​ultralight spaceships, performing information and research functions and using the flows of the "solar wind" for their movement. A powerful orbital complex has been built in high near-Earth orbit, which controls the missions of the planet's reconnaissance fleet. The movement of all asteroids and comets that could pose a danger to humanity is carefully monitored. It appears that the above events will occur after the The ground will fall a relatively small fragment of one of the celestial bodies, which will cause large-scale catastrophes with human casualties. This will happen at the end of the 21st century.

Quatrain 48

Great city by the sea Ocean,
Embraced by crystal swamps,
During the winter solstice and spring
Will be tested by a terrible whirlwind.

Interpretation of the quatrain
In the 21st century, New York City will be hit by a devastating tsunami. Most of the city will be flooded, and many skyscrapers will be destroyed.

Quatrain 83

Won't see the sun
How a great earthquake is caused.
The water will be indignant, the earth will darken,
When underwater dwellings are destroyed by a wave.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Man-made underwater infrastructure will often be subjected to devastating earthquakes. This will spur the scientific genius of people to solve the problem of managing tectonic processes.

Quatrain 97 (c)

Treasures of the sea people will share among themselves,
When they are in dire need of provisions.
They will find the Champs Elysees in the water.
Fish instead of meat, seaweed instead of bread.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The overpopulation of the planet in the second half of the 21st century will force humanity to look for additional sources of food. The process of creating underwater farms and factories for the production of high-calorie and delicious seafood will be intensified. The states will divide among themselves into spheres of influence not only the continental shelf, but also the entire water area of ​​the seas and oceans (see also the interpretation to quatrain 20 of centuria IV).

Centuria X
Quatrain 13

Animals no longer chew gum
Tightly stuffing a brainless belly,
Their eyes are filled with intelligence
They will become equal to their masters.

Interpretation of the quatrain
By the methods of genetic engineering and cloning, humanity will instill intelligence in the animal kingdom of the Earth. Representatives of many orders of mammals will become trouble-free and faithful helpers of man in everyday life, at work and during long stellar expeditions. Communication between animals and people will occur telepathically.

Quatrain 49

The garden of the new world will be green,
Replacing filled boxes.
Plants will no longer sit in shards
And drink water, let them fly through the air.

Interpretation of the quatrain
By the methods indicated in the previous interpretation, plant breeds that do not need to be fed with water and minerals will be bred. Their root system will be adapted by man to absorb the energy of the Sun, natural, cosmic, and man-made, artificial, electromagnetic radiation.
Extensive reserves of plants of a new type will be created not only on the surface of our planet, but also in near-Earth orbit. They will be held in one place by compact electromagnetic installations of low power. It seems that after a while plant organisms will be created with bodies made of hot and cold plasma, which will convert hard cosmic radiation into electricity for the range necessary for humanity.

Quatrain 69

The brilliant work was continued by three great ones,
Who will surpass all intellect from the north and south.
They created something new
Mixing the living with the non-living.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Three great discoveries and inventions of mankind: the ability to calculate the spiritual code of a person, gene restructuring human body and the creation of a vacuum computer, will solve the problem of immortality and lead to the emergence of an artificial mind capable of independent evolution (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 of centuria II; quatrains 21 and 31 of centuria IV; quatrain 25 of centuria VII).

Quatrain 71

On earth frozen great water
It will go to those who come to the south.
There will come a reign of prosperity and justice,
Which will glorify all four corners of the world.

Interpretation of the quatrain
The quatrain speaks of the creation of a mighty prosperous state on the mainland of Antarctica (for more details, see the interpretation to quatrain 29 centuria III; quatrain 74 centuria VI).

Quatrain 73

The past will provide the present
New law on Jupiter.
The world will never get tired
Accept a tribute from him.

Interpretation of the quatrain
Future industrial technologies on Earth, Venus, Mars and in the asteroid belt will require huge supplies of hydrogen and helium. These gases will be supplied from Jupiter, where their industrial production will be established.
In addition, Jupiter has always served the Earth as a shock shield for all the planets of the terrestrial group, reliably protecting them from asteroid-comet bombardments. Small space bodies unsuitable for industrial development (debris of cometary nuclei, asteroids, "space debris") will be dropped onto the surface of the gas giant. The energy released in this case will be accumulated and sent to set up colonies on other planets and asteroids of the solar system.

Quatrain 75

The long-awaited will finally happen
Someone else's spear is picked up in the sky.
The one who passes through the empty abyss,
Will be in the best of all worlds.

Interpretation of the quatrain
During one of the many space expeditions sent by mankind to all corners of our Galaxy, a starship will be discovered extraterrestrial civilization. It will find and decipher information about the technologies for creating vacuum computers and constructing variants of spiritual personality codes (see also the interpretation to quatrain 13 of centuria II; quatrains 13 and 48 of centuria IV). This event will open the way for humanity to immortality, the resurrection of all generations of people who have ever lived on Earth, and the creation of space-time tunnels to other universes (see interpretation of quatrain 15 of centuria V).

(The texts of the quatrains are given according to their original linguistic-intuitive interpretation by A.I. Denikina.
Alla Ivanovna Denikina is a modern Russian seer and trance contactee. Born in 1955 in the city of Klin (Russia). Graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Works as a teacher of Russian language and literature in a Moscow school. Since early childhood, she has been in contact with the spiritual essence of Michel Nostradamus).

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