Pleshka points for the budget. What is the passing score for the budget in the Plekhanov University. The fewest budget places this year are allocated to specialties

Official information

Student dormitories University are intended for temporary residence and accommodation of nonresident students (living further than 90 km from Moscow) studying in full-time training on a budgetary basis, for the period of training in accordance with the employment contract.

The dormitories are located at the following addresses:
Moscow, Stremyanny lane. d.14. This dormitory is a 16-story block-type building. The rooms are designed to accommodate 2-3 people. Common areas are located in each block. On each floor there are 14 rooms, a hall and a spacious kitchen, equipped with modern furniture, electric stoves, microwave ovens, refrigerators, and washing machines.

G. Moscow, st. Botanicheskaya, 11. The hostel has 5 residential floors. Each floor has 2 kitchens equipped with electric stoves and microwave ovens. New furniture has been installed in the dorm rooms. Each student is assigned his own workplace.

G. Moscow, st. Nezhinskaya 7, building 1. Block type dormitory. Each block has two rooms: for 2 and 3 people. The block has a separate bathroom. On each floor there is a spacious kitchen equipped with electric stoves and washing machines.

Certificate of provision of a hostel in 2017

For nonresident students in need of a dormitory, in 2017 the following was allocated:
- Stremyanny lane, 14 - 180 seats;
- st. Botanicheskaya 11 - 100 places;
- st. Nezhinskaya 7 - 120 places.

Check-in procedure.
Preferential categories of students have priority rights to obtain a place in a dormitory:
- orphans and children left without parental care;
- recognized in accordance with the established procedure as disabled people of groups I, II;
- injured as a result of an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters resulting from nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site;
- who are disabled due to military injury or illness received during military service, and combat veterans;
- lasted for at least three years military service under contract in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive authority authorized to solve problems in the field civil defense, foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation, agencies federal service security, state security bodies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of government bodies of the Russian Federation in military positions, to be replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen.

After the settlement of priority categories of citizens in need of a hostel, places are provided within the established quota, based on the following criteria:
- in priority order - to 1st year students enrolled “without tests”;
- having a higher total Unified State Examination score in 3 disciplines, counted as the results of entrance examinations.

Cost of living (as of 09/01/2017):
- for students studying at the expense of the federal budget and living in a dormitory at the address: Moscow, Stremyanny lane. d.14 - 1190.00 rubles per month; off-budget - 3570.00 rubles per month;
- for students studying at the expense of the federal budget and living in a dormitory at the address: Moscow, st. Botanicheskaya, 11 - 800.00 rubles per month; off-budget - 2400.00 rubles per month;
- for students studying at the expense of the federal budget and living in a dormitory at the address: Moscow, st. Nezhinskaya, 7 - 820.00 rubles per month; off-budget - 2460.00 rubles per month.

The 2018 university admissions campaign has ended. We provide summary data on passing scores at the most popular Moscow universities by major (faculty)

Passing marks 2018

In 2018, applicants could apply to five universities for three directions each.

There were no additional exams at universities, with the exception of Moscow State University, MGIMO, as well as in the creative areas of some universities. Universities admitted winners and prize-winners of Olympiads out of competition or automatically gave them 100 points in a core subject.

Features of enrollment in budget places:

In all universities 10 percent budget places given to beneficiaries - disabled people and orphans.

Targeted admission - for them the real competition for certificates (passing score) is much lower (what is targeted admission, and about the paradoxes of the admissions campaign for targeted admission)

In order to take advantage of the discount, Olympians need to dial profile Unified State Examination at least 75 points. The All-Russian Olympiad is taken into account by absolutely all universities, but there are no Olympiads on the list approved by the ministry.

The largest number of free places on a budget this year went to:

The fewest budget places this year are allocated to the following specialties:

  • "Weapons and weapon systems",
  • "Art History", "Theology",
  • "Performing Arts and Literary Creativity."

Based on the official results of certificate competitions and on the basis of protocols on the admission of applicants, a list of Moscow universities with passing scores was compiled.

Passing score for budget places in 2018


Economy- a set of social sciences that study the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economic reality is the object of economic sciences, which are divided into theoretical and applied. The theoretical direction is also called economic theory - it examines the features of the process of exchange, distribution, and choice of how to use limited resources. Applied economics studies the possibilities of applying laws, theories, proposals developed by economic theory directly for the functioning of individual elements economic systems.

university passing score
National Research University Higher School of Economics 362-372* 90,5-93
Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 263 87,7
344 86
Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov 343-345* 85,75-86,25
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 257-269* 85,7-89,7
All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade 256 85,3
Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Economics 335 83,75
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation 246-257* 82-85,7
State University of Management 245 81,7


Jurisprudence is a science that studies the properties of state and law; body of legal knowledge; practical activities lawyers and their training system. Jurisprudence is understood as several interrelated concepts: The science of state and law, which studies the results of legal regulation and puts forward legal ideas about the possibility of making progressive changes in the mechanism and ways of regulating society. A body of knowledge about the state, governance, and law, the presence of which provides the basis for professional legal activity. Practical Application legal knowledge, activities of lawyers.

university passing score average passing grade in 1 subject
381 95,25
All-Russian Academy foreign trade 281 93,7
364 91
268 89,3
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 268 89,3
Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Law 345 86,25
Russian State University of Justice 256 85,3
All-Russian State University of Justice 255 85
Russian Customs Academy 252 84

Advertising and Public Relations

university passing score average passing grade in 1 subject
National research university « graduate School economics" 294 98
Russian economic university them. G.V. Plekhanov 285 95
Russian Academy national economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation 284 94,7
Russian state liberal arts university 275-277* 91,7-92,3
Moscow State linguistic university 275 91,7
State University of Management 270 90
Moscow state institute international relations(University) MFA of Russia 360 90
Moscow technical university communications and computer science 262 87,3
Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina 250 83,3

*Depending on faculty/program

Continued on page 2

If you really want to get a prestigious economic education, then, of course, you should choose REU. Plekhanov. This is one of the oldest Russian universities, which has almost 108 years of history. Here they train the real elite, specialists who successfully work in economic, legal fields. The university has an excellent base and capabilities to provide highest level training that fully corresponds international standards. After graduating from a university, you can receive a double or triple document of higher education, which is recognized in many European countries.

Today, almost 64,000 students are educated at the university. The REU operates large number programs for training specialists at all levels. In addition, bilingual training programs are implemented here, some subjects are taught in English. The university is taught by teachers from leading European universities. The university is accredited for business education by the European Council, MBA programs, the Royal Institute of Marketing of England and several others. REU consistently holds a leading position in the TOP-100 best universities in BRICS territory.

How to enter the REA named after. Plekhanov

Before submitting documents to REA named after. Plekhanov, you need to visit the official website and carefully study the information. The fact is that the passing year can change annually. It all depends on how many applications were submitted.

The university trains specialists in the following faculties.

  • REA faculties:
  • general economic;
  • financial;
  • Faculty of Business;
  • marketing;
  • management;
  • Higher School of Sports Industry;
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations;
  • engineering and economics;
  • economics of trade and commodity science;
  • computer science;
  • economics and mathematics;
  • political science and law.

MESI: passing grade for admission to the budget

The selection committee for submitting documents for the budget is open from June 20 to July 25. Recruitment of future students is carried out on the basis of a serious competition in Unified State Exam results in Russian language, mathematics, foreign language, social studies. In addition, it is expected that you will pass an internal test in English. Tuition fees are about seventy thousand rubles per semester.

You must have with you:

  • document on secondary education in original form or as a copy;
  • Russian passport and copy;
  • documents on individual achievements;
  • documents for benefits upon admission (if any);
  • photo size 3 by 4;
  • application of the established form.

Those wishing to enroll who have certificates of passing examinations in English language IELTS or MSB certificate of at least 180-300 points, testing may not be taken and are admitted to the competition out of turn.

In 2017, the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results averaged 80.5 points.

Features of admission to REA named after. Plekhanov

Enter the REA named after. Plekhanov on a budgetary basis is quite difficult due to the large competition. If you apply to the budget not based on the results of the Unified State Exam, it requires passing entrance exams. The university establishes as mandatory delivery Russian language, mathematics and foreign language. Training is conducted full-time or correspondence departments. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you can choose to enroll in the following faculties:

  • food production machines and apparatus;
  • technology of catering products;
  • merchandising and examination of goods;
  • applied informatics in economics.

More details can be found on the official website. On a budget basis you can apply for:

  • Faculty of General Economics. The duration of study is at least 5 years. However, it is important to take into account the fact that evening courses at this faculty are paid;
  • Faculty of Finance. You need to study for at least 5 years, and evening studies are possible on a commercial basis;
  • The Faculty of Business and Business Administration also provides training on a budgetary basis. Evening students have access to training on a budgetary and commercial basis;
  • at the Faculty of Computer Science you can get higher education on a commercial and budgetary basis. There is no evening course;
  • Budget and commercial training is available at the Faculty of Marketing. In addition, you can enroll in the specialty “Advertising on a paid basis.” Evening training paid only.

Submission of documents for bachelor's and master's programs begins from the twentieth of June until the twenty-fifth of July. Details should be found on the official website. At the university, you can apply not only to the first year, but also to graduate school.

How to apply for free education at MPEI on a budget

The head office of the REA named after Plekhanov is located in the city, but you can get education in branches that are located: in Podolsk, in Nizhnevartovsk, in Krasnodar, in Yekaterinburg, in Tashkent, in the Czech Republic, in Tashkent.

In addition, there are opportunities for training foreigners and citizens of the CIS. Training is available for them on a budgetary or commercial basis.

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