Abstract: The problem of educational technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies in secondary schools Problems of introducing modern teaching technologies

Section title



Methodological basis application of modern pedagogical technologies. Managing the implementation of educational technologies

In the world of modern educational technologies

From the experience of school teachers using educational technologies

List of used literature


The creativity of the teacher, the search for optimal ways to improve the quality of education is the daily concern of the teacher. How to find a pedagogical technology for yourself that would meet all the requirements of modern education? How to transfer “foreign” learning technology into the educational process?

In practice, the choice of how to solve didactic and educational problems is left to the teacher himself. However, not every teacher can solve such a creative problem. The reasons for this lie in the level professional competence, therefore more useful and reliable for receiving high results training to recommend to individual teachers a certain methodology (technology) in accordance with the goals of training and education. Therefore, one of the most complex problems in this matter is training teachers to implement modern technologies into the educational process.

The greatest positive result is obtained: if the initiative in using innovations comes from the teacher himself, the problem with his teaching does not arise: the teacher studies literature, draws up an appropriate plan for self-education, communicates with colleagues working in a new way, takes special courses, attends problem-based seminars, conferences , is conducting independent research on this issue. If improving the educational process is an initiative of the school administration or the municipality, then there is a need to organize special work aimed at training teachers in the techniques of innovative activities, during which the following tasks are solved:

  1. Motivating teachers to master innovations in the educational process, testing new methods and techniques for teaching and raising children.
  2. Providing teachers with comprehensive and up-to-date information about modern technologies.
  3. Formation of skills to apply a specific technology or its elements in practical educational activities.
  4. Formation of skills to design a lesson in accordance with the methodology of innovative technology.
  5. Formation of skills of self-analysis and self-assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of new technology.

The best result of teacher training is achieved by a combination of the following forms:

  • a pedagogical workshop where innovative teachers reveal the secrets of their vision of technology;
  • business game as a way to immerse yourself in the theory and methodology of the issue;
  • Master Class;
  • lecture;
  • seminar on understanding innovative ideas;
  • visiting and analyzing lessons from colleagues using modern technologies;
  • training session on designing an innovative lesson;
  • open lessons in which teachers test elements of new technologies;
  • pedagogical readings, which study the experience of famous teachers, the history of the emergence of a particular teaching technology;
  • discussion on controversial issues of the theory of technology application;
  • fair of pedagogical ideas;
  • consultations;
  • internship sites, etc.

Methods for training teachers to work with new technologies can be combined into the following areas:

  • Information- lectures, pedagogical readings.
  • Complex- pedagogical workshops, master classes, internships, work in creative groups.
  • Discussion- pedagogical ring, discussion, assessment and analysis of the lesson.

Thus, training teachers on the introduction of new technologies includes theoretical training and the development of certain practical skills.

In practice, there is often insufficient attention on the part of the school administration and the municipality to the set of measures for working with teachers, which leads to the following shortcomings:

  • teachers receive a superficial or overview understanding of new technologies;
  • little attention is paid to the history and application of a particular technology;
  • the conceptual foundations of pedagogical technology are not sufficiently disclosed;
  • little time is allocated for work on developing the design and analytical skills of teachers;
  • teachers are overloaded with paperwork and the development of teaching tools, which leads to a refusal to innovate.

Methodological basis for the use of modern pedagogical technologies. Managing the implementation of educational technologies.

The goal of pedagogical technology is to find strategic ways to technologize training and education as the most important direction for their modernization and quality improvement through the introduction of new progressive ideas, educational innovations, and non-traditional approaches to organizing and managing pedagogical processes. The analysis of pedagogical technology should be approached comprehensively, taking into account psychological and pedagogical patterns and principles, and its content should be determined not so much from a general technological position, but from the position of its differences from other technologies, based on taking into account its pedagogical nature, which consists in the so-called human factor, V personal relationships and values.

Pedagogical technology in this case will be a branch of pedagogical science that designs, predicts and implements educational practice new pedagogical systems, explores the conditions for their successful functioning, determines mechanisms and strategies for managing these systems. Pedagogical technologies are built on the following principles:

  • systematic,
  • algorithmization,
  • standardization,
  • rational organization and purposeful management,
  • intensification,
  • efficiency.

Pedagogical technologies operate in two main areas:

1) research - to create new concepts and models of education and training, develop principles for their construction, identify operating conditions;

2) pedagogical practice - to implement concepts and models at a linear level.

The mechanism for the development and functioning of pedtechnologies is the active and interrelated activities teacher and students to specify and implement educational goals.

The subject of pedagogical technology is:

  • creation of pedagogical foundations for forecasting, designing and introducing into practice education, training and upbringing of new pedagogical systems;
  • determination of strategies for their management and conditions for their successful functioning.

The need to introduce modern pedagogical technologies today is due, on the one hand, to the indicators of schoolchildren’s learning (according to Unified State Exam results); on the other hand, the transition to new standards and preparation for teaching updated educational content; with the third - targeted and structural changes in high school(teaching at basic and specialized levels).

On the one hand, teaching technology is a set of methods and means of processing, representation, change and presentation educational information, and on the other hand, it is the science of the ways in which a teacher influences students during the learning process using the necessary technical or information means. In teaching technology, the content, methods and means of teaching are interconnected and interdependent.

The pedagogical skill of the teacher is to select the necessary content, apply optimal methods and teaching aids in accordance with the program and the assigned educational objectives.

  • learning objectives;
  • content of training;
  • means of pedagogical interaction;
  • organization of the educational process;
  • student, teacher;
  • result of activity.

To date, pedagogical science and school practice have developed a whole range of specialized creative approaches to this problem. The teacher has the opportunity to study and determine for himself the most optimal set effective techniques and methods, adapt them, i.e. When choosing a type of technology, the teacher must first study it and then consider:

  • the uniqueness of the technology, the degree of its knowledge and application;
  • the place and role of this technology in training and education;
  • level of abilities of class students, their cognitive activity;
  • content of educational material;
  • the relationship between the content of the material proposed in the textbook and the “minimax” (the necessary and sufficient level of knowledge and skills);
  • the significance of the stated goal and objectives of the lesson;
  • the relationship between independent and collective work in the classroom, its forms;
  • connection of this lesson with previous material;
  • variety of forms and types of lessons in this technology;
  • a certain optimal set of techniques, methods and teaching aids characteristic of a given technology.

All these elements represent basis choosing the optimal pedagogical technology.

In terms of its structure, the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies looks like this: at the very beginning, the purpose of implementation is selected. The purpose of implementation may be the implementation of a general methodological task, the general goal of the school’s activities. Thus, the introduction of pedagogical technologies follows primarily from an analysis of the activities of an educational institution, from the need to transform existing practices , which should be included in the school development program, in its concept, in long-term and annual plans.

The stages of implementation are of great importance:

  • organizational and preparatory
  • introductory,
  • performing,
  • control,
  • final,
  • generalization of one's own experience

Organizational and preparatory, involves:

  • creating an initiative group or even one initiator, a teacher who wants to implement educational process modern technologies;
  • work on studying the theory of the issue and practice real situation the problem being studied at school;
  • preparation necessary documents to implement experience: plans, implementation notes, recommendations, projects, etc.

Introductory stage:

  • studying technology, method or new teaching techniques;
  • familiarization with the basics of the technology of other colleagues through a system of various introductory events (this has a double positive effect: you will understand something new better and faster when you yourself can convey it to another, the one who talks with enthusiasm also captivates others), familiarization takes place at meetings methodological associations, conferences of teachers, pedagogical councils;
  • creating plans for upcoming work (as a rule, this is the topic of the teacher’s self-education and the teacher draws up a plan for working on his topic);
  • determination of deadlines and performers (where, in what classes, on what topics;

Performing stage:

  • implementation and testing of technology by teachers through lessons or extracurricular activities

Control stage:

  • visiting lessons and other events of teachers who are beginning to introduce innovations into the educational process and analyzing the results obtained;

Final stage:

  • summing up, identifying changes, making adjustments taking into account the specifics of the work of the school and teacher.

Generalization of my own experience:

  • correlation of results with assigned tasks.

The result of the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies can be considered from the perspective of the student and the teacher. This table presents ideal data on the results of innovation implementation:

In the world of modern educational technologies

The innovative nature of education becomes the most important tool in its competition with other social institutions. In the modern socio-economic situation, not only the content, but also the forms and technologies of education are important for creating a positive orientation of young people towards education. The development of new methods and channels of education is becoming an urgent need. Improving the quality, accessibility, effectiveness of education, its continuous and innovative nature, the growth of social mobility and activity of young people, their involvement in various educational environments make the education system an important factor in ensuring the national security of Russia and the growth of the well-being of its citizens.

Innovations in education, first of all, should be aimed at creating personality committed to success in any area of ​​application of their capabilities. Pedagogical innovations- this is a purposeful, meaningful, specific change pedagogical activity(and management of this activity) through the development and introduction of pedagogical and managerial innovations in educational institutions (new content of training, education, management; new ways of working, new organizational forms, etc.). Accordingly, the development of innovative processes is a way to ensure the modernization of education, improving its quality, efficiency and accessibility.

The goal of innovative activity is a qualitative change in the student’s personality compared to the traditional system. This becomes possible thanks to the introduction into professional activities of didactic and educational programs unknown in practice, which implies the removal of the pedagogical crisis. Developing the ability to motivate actions, independently navigate the information received, the formation of creative, unconventional thinking, and the development of children through the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using the latest achievements of science and practice, are the main goals of innovative activity. Innovation activities in education as a socially significant practice aimed at the moral self-improvement of a person, it is important in that it is capable of ensuring the transformation of all existing types of practices in society.

Currently, the following innovative technologies are actively used and implemented in Russian schools: educational technologies, which are aimed at achieving modern educational results reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • modular rating technology;
  • natural learning technology;
  • control and corrective technology of training;
  • paracentric teaching technology;
  • technology for complete assimilation of knowledge;
  • personal training technology;
  • individual-team training technology;
  • technology of project-based learning;
  • case method technology;

At the core modular-rating technology lies in the modular principle of studying the discipline, an activity-based approach to organizing students’ independent work, and rating assessment of knowledge. Modularity of training implies dividing a discipline into parts (modules) that have logical completeness and carry a certain functional load. The information included in each module, with varying complexity and depth, must have a clear structure, uniform integrity and is aimed at achieving didactic goals. Modular rating technology confronts students with the need for regular academic work, increases interest in its results, allows you to increase the role, importance and effectiveness of independent work in the educational process

Portfolio method (Performance Portfolio or Portfolic Assess ment) is a modern educational technology based on the method of authentic assessment of the results of educational activities of schoolchildren. Translated from Italian, “portfolio” means briefcase. The portfolio method originated in the West from problem-based learning. This method is based on the technology of collecting and analyzing information about the learning process and the results of educational activities. A portfolio is a systematic and specially organized collection of evidence, which serves as a way to systematically analyze one’s own activities and present its results for the ongoing assessment of competencies.

Method of problem presentation - a method in which the teacher, using the most various sources and means, before presenting the material, poses a problem, formulates a cognitive task, and then, revealing a system of evidence, comparing points of view, different approaches, shows a way to solve the problem. Schoolchildren become witnesses and participants in scientific research.

Project method - a training system in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects. Problem-based learning methods (knowledge acquisition, development of skills and abilities) are carried out in the process of partially search or research activities trainees; is implemented through verbal, visual and practical teaching methods, interpreted in the key of posing and resolving a problem situation. Research work of schoolchildren, built into the educational process - such work is carried out in accordance with curriculum and programs educational subjects mandatory (Federal State Educational Standard) or developmental (motivated students). TO this species Research activities include: self-execution assignments in lessons and homework with elements scientific research under methodological guidance teacher (preparation of essays, abstracts, analytical work, translations of articles, etc.)

Problem-based learning

1) technology aimed primarily at “stimulating interest.” Teaching consists of creating problem situations, understanding and resolving these situations in the course of joint activities of students and teachers with optimal independence of students and under the general guiding guidance of the teacher;

2) active developmental training, based on organizing the search activities of students, on identifying and resolving real life or educational contradictions.

The foundation of problem-based learning is the formulation and justification of a problem (a complex cognitive task of theoretical or practical interest). There are three possible levels of problem-solving in the educational process: problematic presentation, partial-search and research levels.

Practice-oriented projects - the peculiarity of this type of project is the preliminary formulation of a clear, meaningful for the student who has practical significance result expressed in material form: preparation of a magazine, newspaper, anthology, video film, computer program, multimedia products, etc. The development and implementation of this type of project requires detail in the development of the structure, in determining the functions of the participants, intermediate and final results. This type of project is characterized by strict control on the part of the project coordinator and author.

Creative projects - their peculiarity is that they do not have a predetermined and detailed structure. In a creative project, the teacher (coordinator) determines only general parameters and indicates the optimal ways to solve problems. A necessary condition for creative projects is a clear statement of the planned result that is significant for schoolchildren. The specifics of such a project require students to work intensively with primary sources, with documents and materials that are often contradictory and do not contain ready-made answers. Creative projects stimulate maximum activation of students’ cognitive activity, contribute to the effective development of skills and abilities to work with documents and materials, the ability to analyze them, draw conclusions and generalizations.

Lecture-visualization — when reading a visualization lecture, the principle of clarity is observed; a lecture is information converted into visual form. The video sequence, being perceived and conscious, can serve as a support for adequate thoughts and practical actions. The video sequence should not only illustrate oral information, but also be a carrier of meaningful information. When preparing for a lecture, the content must be recoded into visual form. Visualization can be expressed in different forms: natural materials, visual (slides, drawings, photos), symbolic (diagrams, tables). It is important to observe: visual logic and rhythm of presentation of material, dosage, communication style.

From the experience of using modern educational technologies teachers primary classes Kapranova I. A.)

“Application of modern pedagogical technologies in primary school».

The formation of the personality of schoolchildren, first of all, occurs in the classroom. My main goal is to arouse emotional interest in children, create a situation of problem, choice and search for a solution, which helps to maximize the mental and creative potential of students.

With the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard in primary school, teachers must teach the child not only to read, count and write, which they still teach quite successfully, but also must instill two groups of new skills. The first includes a group of universal learning activities that form the basis of the ability to learn: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of motivation in children to learn, helping them in self-organization and self-development.

The basis of my activities in the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards is a system-activity approach to training using innovative technologies because Schoolchildren’s own educational activities are an important component of the system-activity approach.

At the beginning of the school year, I conducted a starting diagnostic aimed at identifying the main problems typical for the majority of students, and in accordance with them, I planned a system of work to ensure personal and meta-subject results.

It clearly traces the holistic work on the formation of educational learning through subject lines of development, extracurricular activities, the use of project technology, technology for productive reading, group work, and work in pairs. The technique of interaction between teacher and student in the activity approach is carried out through the use of quality teaching technologies.

Educational technologies

In my work I use the most modern educational technologies aimed at solving educational problems:

  • Developmental education
  • Problem-based learning
  • Multi-level training
  • Usage research method in teaching
  • Design methods in teaching
  • Game methods
  • Collaborative learning
  • Information and communication technologies

The structure of each of my lessons is carefully thought out. After all, only competent construction of a lesson allows children to discover new things, pay attention to the main thing, and achieve success for everyone to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Give the most insecure students a chance.

I constantly improve intensive methods of new education: independent “construction” of knowledge through a creative search for solutions and discoveries.

In my work I pay great attention to gifted children and children who show increased interest in the subjects they study. I begin working with gifted children by diagnosing the characterological characteristics of the students’ personality and their properties. nervous system(in 1st grade). After studying the diagnostic results, I draw up a short “portrait” of each of my students. This allows you to predetermine the reaction of children and makes it possible to choose the necessary methods of teaching and upbringing.

On lessons literary reading I conduct a dialogue with students, pushing them to think. The choice of method of work in the lesson depends on the specifics of the text. But there are positions that are common to any lesson. The teacher and student act as equal partners, bearers of diverse but necessary experience, expressing their thoughts about the work they read.

Children are not afraid to express their own opinions, since I do not call any of them wrong. I discuss all children's versions not in a harsh evaluative situation (right - wrong), but in an equal dialogue. Then I summarize all versions of the answer to the question, highlighting and supporting those that are most adequate to the scientific content, corresponding to the topic of the lesson, objectives and learning goals.

In these conditions, all students strive to be “heard”, speak out on the topic raised, and work on themselves - each according to their individual capabilities. My students like to dramatize works. Here there is complete scope for creativity, manifestation personal qualities and children's talents. Still, the main task of literary reading is to develop reading skills and instill an interest in reading.

So, some students like to read fairy tales, and I invite them to compose their own fairy tale. I coordinate the aspirations of children, guide them, and help them choose good literature. They share with me their impressions of the books they read at home, and I advise them to read this or that book on a topic that interests them. Thus, differentiation of training is carried out.

Children in math lessons younger age think in images. In lessons I give the opportunity to think, and not “quickly, quickly, I can’t see my hands.” I ask questions that have no answer, but need to be thought about. I create a situation of success, comfort, and collaborate with children. In my lessons there is always a clear visual element, helping each child to assert themselves.

A major role in the implementation of this approach is played by practical work, excursions and organized observations. And already in 1st grade, children actively participate in project activities. Children show results already at the exit from 1st grade.

The development of students' creative individuality is facilitated by technology lessons, which take place in an atmosphere of free communication. Children work enthusiastically to create crafts, put their creative abilities into practice, and help their friends overcome difficulties. In the process of such work, students acquire knowledge about the harmonious structure of the world and the place of man in it, and become imbued with respect for cultural traditions and the people who bear these traditions.

This is confirmed by participation in creative and intellectual competitions of municipal, regional, regional, all-Russian and international significance.

The result of the work is an increase in the level of self-esteem and self-control of students, their creative success, and stable indicators of the quality of knowledge. For disclosure creativity I use active forms and methods for children: conversations, discussions, games and excursions, competitions, tournaments, interviews, Olympiads, observations, creative work, search experiments, individual sessions, artistic and aesthetic activities.

All students are involved in creative work. For those who are good at writing, I suggest composing riddles, puzzles, fairy tales, and quizzes. The guys love it. They want to learn in a fun, unique, and exciting way. I then edit children's crosswords and use them in my work as multi-level didactic material.

Even those who do not like and do not know how to draw well illustrate poems, excerpts from stories, composed riddles and crosswords. The children and their parents enjoy visiting my “Non-Traditional Drawing” club, and after just a few lessons, the children themselves ask to complete creative tasks in the lessons.

The system uses every day:

Health-saving technologies contribute to the formation healthy image life. They are used during the lesson in the form of physical education minutes. I also work according to a program of dynamic breaks, which consists in the fact that every day of the week is carried out in accordance with the plan: Mon outdoor games, Tues sports intellectual games, Wed folk and Board games, Thu general developmental complexes, Fri musical physical exercises.

Gaming technologies preserve the child’s cognitive activity and facilitate the complex learning process, contribute to both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of many personality qualities. I use gaming technologies in lessons, mainly in grades 1-2. I think that she is good, smart and entertaining game activates children's attention, relieves psychological and physical stress, and facilitates the perception of new material.

Information and communication technologies. I actively use ICT in my practice: voting system, document camera. I develop multimedia presentations not only myself, but also involve students in this. With the help of ICT, children learn new ways of collecting information and learn to use them, their horizons expand, and their learning motivation increases.

Project technologies are used by me in lessons, in extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities. I do not “impose” information on students, but direct their independent search, for example: “Do you know everything to complete this project? What information do you need to obtain? What sources of information should you turn to?

In other words, I act on the principle: “...don’t do anything for me, point me in the right direction, push me to a decision, and I’ll do the rest myself.” I form the necessary educational skills in children:

1. Communication technologies, which I use, allow students to develop:

  • ability to work in a group;
  • express your personal opinion;
  • listen to the opinions of your comrades;
  • create a favorable psychological climate, an atmosphere of mutual assistance and tolerance.

2. Personal - motivation for learning, moral choice.

3. Cognitive. Formulating a goal, searching and isolating information, modeling an independent search for solutions to problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

2. Regulatory universal educational action. Reflection by students of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of educational activity. She was an integral part of all lessons in the class. To evaluate their work in class, children use so-called “traffic light” cards, as well as emoticons.

Also, to record the results of educational and extracurricular activities of first-graders on parent meeting decided to create a “Portfolio” for students, which serves as a good stimulator for their learning activities, because it reflects the achievements of a first-grader not only in academics, but also in extracurricular activities.


1 - Bespalko V.P. Pedagogy and progressive teaching technologies. M.: Institute Publishing House vocational education Russian Defense Ministry, 1995

2 - Guzeev V.V. Effective educational technologies: Integral and TOGIS. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006

3 - Guidelines on the implementation of the Priority National Project “Education” in the regions. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Academy of Advanced Training and professional retraining education workers. M.: 2006

4 - Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on information and communication tools. M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005

Municipal educational institution

"Lyceum No. 35" of the city of Rzhev, Tver region


Subject: " Current problems of teaching technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Prepared by: Sokolova Lyubov Aleksandrovna,

Technology teacher

2016-217 academic year

Current problems of teaching technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In particular, the federal state educational standard of the basic general education(FSES LLC) is an activity-based approach that sets the main goal of developing the student’s personality. Modern education abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities. The formulations of the Federal State Educational Standard indicate real types of activities.

The tasks set by the government require a transition to a systemic and activity-based educational system, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher who implements new standard. Training technologies are also changing.

Introduction of new information technologies this is a transition from traditional to modern lesson, which eliminates the monotony and monotony of the learning process, creates conditions for changing the types of activities of students. It is recommended to select a technology depending on the subject content, lesson goals, students’ level of preparedness, the ability to satisfy their educational needs, and the age category of students. Education is a basic sphere of social development.

The problem of the quality of education, the problem of preparing young people for active educational and professional activity, self-realization of the individual in modern society is one of the urgent and multifaceted problems in education. These problems are, first of all, of a socio-economic nature, determining the future path of the country, its place in modern civilization and culture.

New times place high demands on school graduates and specialists. Modern man faces many problems that he cannot solve by simply accumulating knowledge and behavioral skills. On modern market Labor requires an independent and proactive personality, flexible and easily adaptable to changing conditions, capable of learning, developing, choosing and being responsible for one’s choice, self-improvement and a creative approach to any task. In addition, in the conditions of knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries, the requirements for scientific and technological training of schoolchildren are significantly increased. Focus students only on mastering a certain amount technological knowledge as a guarantee of their future successful professional activity has no right to exist.

Thus, one of most important tasks modernization Russian education is the development of a promising system of technological education. Becoming new system technological education is accompanied by significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. There is a paradigm shift in education: the content of education is changing, the authoritarian education system is giving way to personality-oriented education, in which the student’s personality is the focus of the teacher’s attention. The student’s cognitive activity, rather than teaching, becomes the leader. Breaking the rules cognitive activity leads to a decrease in the quality of knowledge.

However, most of the available technologies are focused on the activities of the teacher, that is, on the teaching process. The purpose of technology is to make the educational process (training and upbringing, learning and teaching) manageable. The use of educational technologies has great importance in improving pedagogical processes, but the very process of using them causes great difficulties for teachers, both in selecting the necessary technologies and in assimilating them. The reasons for this are the insufficient scientific and theoretical study of technologies, the identification and characterization of common features, differences and features, weak adherence to the “harmonization” of all structural components of the holistic pedagogical process: relationships between goals, objectives, results; content, forms, methods of work; means of training and education.

Technological education should contribute to the formation of key competencies (value-semantic, general cultural, information, communication, social and labor and personal self-improvement competencies). The formation of these competencies occurs in the context of the use of modern pedagogical technologies: information, design and research, modular, critical thinking technology, differentiated, student-oriented, problem-based learning. Technological education should promote the professional self-determination of students by introducing them to professions of different directions.

Scientists and practitioners pay much less attention to technologies of educational activity, that is, to the process of learning (self-education), whereas this is the main block of technologization of the holistic pedagogical process and technological education of schoolchildren. The content of technological education, first of all, should include teaching students methods of educational and cognitive activity, technological techniques (memorization, comprehension, comparison, reproduction, comparison, analysis, synthesis, modeling, design, etc.).

A special structural unit in the technologization of pedagogical processes and technological education of schoolchildren is represented by the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of studying the educational field “Technology”, which includes the following educational components: labor training, technology, drawing. Technological training is carried out in many areas (grades 5-9). The “Technology” program, developed under the leadership of V.D., most fully and successfully reflects the ongoing changes. Simonenko and Yu.L. Khotuntseva. Not only the content of educational material, but also teaching methods are changing radically. The fundamental difference between technology training and traditional labor training is that students are required, using the example of basic technologies for converting materials, energy, and information available for study, to master the organization of practical activities in the entire design and technological chain - from an idea to its implementation in a model, product (product of labor).

However, the introduction of the new educational field “Technology” led to the emergence of several noticeably different conceptual and methodological interpretations of its subject content. In educational institutions of the city, teaching creative (material) technologies is often replaced by teaching only information technologies. computer technology. This leads to the fact that for schoolchildren 10-15 years old real world creative activity is replaced by screen, virtual. It's a shame that in high school there is a complete high school OO "Technology" is being replaced by in-depth courses in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and other subjects.

An urgent and as yet unsolved problem in the methodology of technological education for schoolchildren remains the lack learning situations, tasks, assignments, reflecting the specific features of the content of schoolchildren’s educational activities in technology lessons. Such tasks that would help the children gain experience transformative activities in the process of creating material products. Teachers are forced to come up with such tasks and assignments themselves. This in itself is useful, but does not always ensure the integrity of the subjective experience of schoolchildren, their transformative activities that integrate design and labor technological skills. Design and technological situations should determine a system of tasks, in solving which schoolchildren will develop a full-fledged and accessible experience of transformative activities in accordance with their age characteristics and requirements curricula by technology.

At school there are significant difficulties in the educational and methodological support of the technology teaching process. Small circulations or simply their absence (indivisible classes) educational and methodological literature,high price do for most educational institutions and teachers, scientific and methodological journals, textbooks, and manuals are inaccessible. The changing content of training in the educational field “Technology” requires the development of updated software and methodological support that takes into account the variability of programs, level and profile differentiation, practice-oriented orientation of the material, and regional characteristics. In addition, it is necessary to annually include in the school and classroom development plans the gradual saturation of workshops with tools and material to introduce a full-fledged educational process and allocate appropriate funding for this.

The transition from labor training to technological training is a requirement of life. We are convinced that the purposeful, special work of a teacher in teaching students technologies of knowledge of the world, technologies of self-education, self-education, professional and life self-determination is very relevant. The methodology associated with the organization of project-transformative activities is designed to provide students with knowledge and, if possible, practical mastery of the basic ways and means of transformation environment, applications scientific knowledge on practice.

Considering the lesson from the perspective of the requirements of the second generation standard in comparison with the traditional lesson. What are the differences in didactic requirements for these lessons? What changes when preparing and conducting a lesson modern type in the activities of teachers and students? The teacher, both before and now, must plan the lesson in advance, think through its organization, conduct the lesson, correct his actions and the actions of the students, taking into account analysis (self-analysis) and control (self-control).

After analyzing the publications of various teachers. The student, from being present and passively following the teacher’s instructions in a traditional lesson, now becomes the main figure whose goal is to master new teachers various methods and forms of teaching. Modern computerized workplace allows you to make lessons highly aesthetic, visual, and exciting.

“A teacher is a person who studies all his life.” That's why important criterion The success of a teacher’s work is his self-education on new technologies in teaching children of different levels of training.

Information sites help fill the content of lessons with modern facts; the Internet always offers ample opportunities. Teachers are required to do only one thing - to be a sufficiently prepared user of the virtual space.

We can conclude that in the conditions of implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC, the most relevant educational technologies are:

· Design technology. Problem-based learning technology;

· Technology of developmental education;

· Health-saving technologies;

· Gaming technologies;

· Modular technology;

· Workshop technology;

· Case – technology;

· Integrated learning technology;

· Pedagogy of cooperation;

· Level differentiation technologies;

· Group technologies.

The choice of a particular technology does not imply a dilemma between “do” or “not do”, but involves choosing options for studying content, a variety of forms and technologies training sessions that create an educational space. Freedom of choice is the opportunity to choose the most personally significant and essential technologies for a student at a given time.

Case technology is that at the beginning of training, a individual plan, each student receives a so-called case.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the beginning of this century in the USA.

The purpose of technology is to stimulate students’ interest in certain problems that require possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities, which involves solving these problems and the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge.

Integrated learning technology. The teaching methodology is going through a difficult period. The goals of education have changed, new approaches to the content of courses through not separate disciplines, but through integrated ones educational areas. Integration is a merger into one educational material knowledge in several areas. Integrated lessons develop the potential of students, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, to develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

Pedagogy of cooperation. The pedagogy of cooperation is one of the most comprehensive pedagogical generalizations of the 80s, which gave rise to numerous innovative processes in education. As an integral technology, cooperation pedagogy has not yet been embodied in a specific model and does not have normative and executive tools; it is all “scattered” across hundreds of articles and books, its ideas are included in almost all modern pedagogical technologies. In the concept of cooperation, the student is presented as the subject of his learning activity. Therefore, two subjects of one process must act together, neither of them should stand above the others.

Modular technology is based on the idea: the student must learn on his own, and the teacher is obliged to manage his learning: motivate, organize, coordinate, advise, control. It integrates everything progressive that has been accumulated in pedagogical theory and practice. The idea of ​​student activity in the process of his clear actions in a certain logic, constant reinforcement of his actions based on self-control, individualized pace of educational and cognitive activity.

Gaming technologies. Unlike games, a “pedagogical game” has a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation. Material learned during the game is forgotten more slowly than material for which the game was not used. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that the game organically combines entertainment, which makes the process of cognition accessible and exciting, and activity, thanks to the participation of which in the learning process, the assimilation of knowledge becomes more qualitative and durable.

Workshop technology. The “French Group of New Education” was founded by a group of French teachers; it is based on the ideas of free education of J.-J. Rousseau, L. Tolstoy, S. Frenet, psychology of humanism L.S. Vygotsky, J. Piaget, K. Rogers.

In workshop technology, the main thing is not to communicate and master information, but to convey methods of work, be it natural science research, textual analysis work of art, research historical primary sources, means of creating works of applied art in ceramics or batik, etc.

Transferring ways of working, rather than specific knowledge, is a very difficult task for a teacher.

According to the federal state educational standard The main aspect is the student's personality. Development, which is the goal of education. Modern process teaching is focused on an individual approach to each student; the teacher needs to develop his best qualities in the child, taking into account the characteristics of his personality.

Having analyzed each of the technologies, it is worth noting that their application is not concentrated on a specific subject area. The next point is that the main aspect is the development of personal qualities, motivation for independent activity, systematization and processing of acquired knowledge, and the formation of critical thinking.

It is extremely difficult to motivate a modern student to engage in cognitive activity in the information space. modern teenager a different type of thinking prevails, and this fact cannot be ignored, but on the contrary, it must be taken into account when presenting the material. Thus, the issue of using various educational technologies that allow one to perceive and assimilate information more effectively becomes relevant.

List of sources.

  1. Lazareva L.V. Modular teaching technology as a means of cognitive and personal sphere of students // “festival of pedagogical ideas” Public lesson"(electronic resource), 2011 Access mode:http://festival.1september.ru/articles/596421
  2. Petraitis E.A. Game as a teaching method // “Festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson” (electronic resource), 2009 Access mode:http://festival.1september.ru/articles/569109

Pedagogical problems of introducing ICT into the modern educational process

Molozhavenko K.V.

The age of computer technology is gaining momentum, and there is no longer a single area of ​​human activity where they have not found their application.

The Strategy for the Modernization of Education emphasizes the need to change teaching methods and technologies at all levels, increasing the weight of those that form practical skills in information analysis, self-study, stimulate independent work of students, and form the experience of responsible choice and responsible activity. There is a need for a new learning model, built on the basis of modern information technologies, implementing the principles of student-centered education.

One of priority areas The concept of modernization of Russian education is the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process. A computer is a universal tool that makes it possible to work with almost all types of information existing in the world. modern world. The computer organically takes the place of a new universal technical tool for training and development.

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is a pressing problem of modern education. Today it is necessary that every teacher can prepare and conduct a training session using ICT, as the teacher is given the opportunity to make the lesson more vibrant and exciting.

The use of ICT in the educational process changes the role of the student in the classroom - from a passive listener he becomes an active participant in the learning process. In this case, the relationship between the student and the teacher changes towards a partnership, and the student turns from an object of pedagogical influence into a subject of educational activity.

In this regard, the problem arises of increasing the intensity of the lesson, its saturation.

The introduction of ICT into the educational process has two main directions :

First- the computer is included in the learning process as a “supporting” tool within the framework of traditional methods of the teaching system.

Second- it represents the technologization of the learning process in the broadest sense - the development and implementation of computer-information learning models that combine man and machine.

The use of modern technical teaching aids allows you to achieve the desired result - makes learning bright, memorable, interesting, and forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the disciplines being studied.

Currently changinggoals and objectives, facing modern education. There is a shift in efforts from the assimilation of knowledge to the formation of competencies, the emphasis is shifted to person-centered learning. The quality of student training is determined by the content of education, technologies for conducting classes, its organizational and practical orientation, its atmosphere, therefore it is necessary to use new pedagogical technologies in the educational process.

Directions for using ICT.

When studying information systems disciplines, we highlight several main areas where the use of a computer is justified:

a visual representation of the possibility of using information technology;

a test control system for testing students' knowledge, allowing them to independently control their knowledge.

A feature of the introduction of computers into education is the sharp expansion of the sector of independent educational work, and this applies to all academic disciplines. The fundamental innovation introduced by the computer into the educational process is interactivity, which allows the development of active forms of learning. It is this new quality that allows us to hope for a real possibility of expanding the functionality of independent educational work - useful from the point of view of educational goals and efficient from the point of view of time expenditure.

Interactive learning partly solves another significant problem. It's about about relaxation, relieving nervous stress, switching attention, changing forms of activity, etc. It is necessary to strive for creative effective cooperation with students, to take care of their fullest emancipation and comfort not only in their environment, but also in interpersonal communication with the teacher. The teacher plays a large role in the formation of professional motivation, a sense of confidence in students, and their sense of security.

To successfully achieve educational results in the classroom, we usemultimedia technologies. They can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes, make them interesting and increase the motivation of students, and influence their emotional state. Multimedia teaching aids can improve the visibility of learning; repeat the most difficult moments of the lesson; enhance the accessibility and perception of information through parallel presentation of information in different forms: visual and auditory; organize the attention of students in the phase of its biological decline (25-30 minutes after the start of the lesson and the last minutes of the lesson) through the artistic and aesthetic design of the electronic resource or through intelligently applied animation and sound effects; conduct a repetition (review, brief reproduction) of the material from the previous lesson. Of course, a multimedia lesson should not be completely demonstrational.

According to the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, currently an integral part of the educational process is not only independent work in the classroom, but also extracurricular independent work. Those. This is the activity of students, carried out on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance, but without his direct participation.

Many new pedagogical technologies are based on a practical orientation, including search and research methods. Research activity is the crown of the student’s independent work. This type of activity implies a high level of student motivation.

Only by encountering specific problems and situations in practice, conducting sociological research, working with literature and Internet sites, does a student accumulate knowledge and gain personal experience.

“All knowledge remains dead if the student

initiative and independence do not develop.”

ON THE. Umnov.

Thanks to the widespread introduction of computer technologies into the educational process, replacing boring and “dry” traditional abstracts, it has become possible to prepare meaningful multimedia information and illustrated presentations (including with sound), and educational videos.

All electronic educational resources used make it possible to present the educational material as a system of bright supporting notes filled with comprehensive structured information. At the same time, each student works at a pace and with those loads that are optimal for him, which allows for the best assimilation of educational material.

The problem, probably, of any educational institution is the assimilation and memorization of new special terminology. Mobilize visual memory, focus attention on correct spelling new words so-calledreference signals (or “signal cards” with brightly highlighted new terms according to Shatalov). In this regard, the use of multimedia in the educational process currently greatly facilitates the functions of the teacher. As an element of problem-search learning, they are usedCrosswords , they can also be demonstrated using multimedia. They are an effective means of differentiated and individualized training, control and self-control, and also cultivate perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals.

Including multimedia, you can significantly save time and immediately discuss unclear issues and errors through an unconventional method.test-programmed knowledge control not in writing, but orally (besides, saving paper).

“Active learning methods bring closer

educational process for professional activity"


Currently, there is a need for technologies that would be based on personal development: creative and critical thinking, ability to analyze, make decisions, collaborate in a team and more. Therefore, under the term “new educational technologies” we can also imagine such asmodeling and simulation, including the case study method (CS). For example,"Situation - assessment"- a prototype of a real situation with a ready-made proposed solution, which should be assessed “right or wrong” and offer your own adequate solution. This type of CS can be applied through “Find the Mistakes” videos.

Situation - illustration - a prototype of a real situation - can be included as a fact in the lecture material. Multimedia resources can be used to demonstratevisualized situational tasks.For example, during a survey it is suggested to usecomment method , those. thinking out loud. By explaining his judgments and actions, the student gradually comes to some result, outcome. This technique contributes not only to the development of speech, but also to the development of logical thinking and self-analysis.

The list of questions of such practice-oriented tasks additionally includes others, including questions of differential diagnosis, problematic issues, etc.The situation is a problem - a prototype of a real problem that requires a quick solution. With the help of such a situation, you can develop skills in finding the optimal solution.

We often talk about optimizing the educational process (ETP), introducing computer information technologies. But due to objective reasons, not everyone manages to achieve this to the fullest extent as they would like. Some classrooms are not equipped with computers (laptops), or there are no multimedia installations (or TV screens that could be connected to a laptop). And this would greatly facilitate the perception and memorization (reinforcement) of educational material.

Teachers' mastery of computer technology is progressing at a rapid pace, we have something to be proud of, however, there are still many unresolved issues and it is necessary to look for ways to solve existing and emerging problems so that this process is not painful and thorny, but creative, purposeful and effective.

2. Problems of using new technologies in education

On this moment In modern society there is an unstoppable development of information technology, especially in the field of multimedia, virtual reality and global networks. The use of these technologies in various fields human life has given rise to many philosophical, theoretical, methodological and socio-economic problems. The phenomenon of the global computer network Internet causes the greatest public resonance. The Internet is a convenient source of various information, qualitatively changing the entire system of accumulation, storage, distribution and use of collective human experience.

Internet technologies, apparently, should be understood as various types of services provided to the user of the global network: email and mailing lists, WWW service, chat conversation, html forums, guest books, ICQ, teleconferences, news servers, ftp servers and other types of services. Or Internet technologies should be understood as ActiveX technologies: Internet browser Explorer, FrontPage 97 web page editor, Office 97 web compatible suite, VBScript, JavaScript and more? One way or another, by Internet technologies I will understand the totality software products and technologies Internet and various types services. Mastering the Internet means mastering a new information environment with specific means of activity in it. These tools allow not only to quickly receive information, but also develop thinking, give a person the opportunity to solve creative problems in a new way, change the existing style mental activity. The Internet, being an achievement of the 20th century, undoubtedly determines the success of informatization of society in the 21st century. However, today there is a gradual shift away from enthusiasm for the possibilities of the Internet to awareness and search for ways to solve various problems caused by the increasing use of telecommunications in various spheres of human activity. These issues range from ethical to environmental. This attitude towards the use of modern information technologies reflects a necessary and natural stage in the development of society. After all, “the main object exposed to the influence of information technology is a person. Technical and information means become a kind of extension of not only the human body, but also his mind. Expanding his capabilities, a person becomes more and more unconsciously dependent on the artificial technological environment that he himself created. With such qualitatively new social transformations, naturally, the requirements for members of society also change.” That is a necessary condition for a comfortable existence of an individual in the information society? How to prepare a personality in all its aspects for harmonious development? Who should do this and how? Let's try to find answers to the questions posed. To ensure the success of solving problems arising in the process of informatization of society, it is necessary, in our opinion, to form and develop the information culture of the individual. And the system of lifelong education is called upon to solve this problem, the various stages of which are also influenced by informatization. Of all social institutions It is education that is the basis of the socio-economic and spiritual development of any society. Education determines the position of the state in the modern world and of the individual in society. If the informatization of education loses its humanitarian aspect, then society will inevitably be at risk of degradation human relations and contacts as the basis for mutual understanding. The creation of fundamentally new technology did not make cars the main factor social life, but only increased the role and importance of human factors themselves. Technocratic trends in e-learning turn out to be incompatible with the main trend of modern education, which consists in the transition from a knowledge-based to a personal paradigm of the pedagogical process. Before education modern stage the tasks are set to develop a methodology, methods and methods for combining information, demonstration and interactive capabilities of computer technologies, including the Internet, in order to achieve an educational and developmental effect in the development of personality.

Based on the current state of informatization of society, it is necessary to expand the already established understanding of the information culture of the individual. For the safe existence and harmonious development of members of society, information culture must reflect the following aspects: information ethics, aesthetics, ergonomics of information technology, information security, not only in the sense of protecting information, but also in the sense of protecting the human psyche.

Today we can talk about intensifying the process of using Internet technologies in modern school education. This process poses a number of pressing problems that are the subject of discussion by scientists, teachers, and educators who link the development of schools with the active use of Internet technologies, the creation of a unified information educational space, promoting the development and self-realization of students.

Before turning to the actors themselves - the teacher (teacher) and the student (student), it is necessary to note the main characteristics educational system. Education as a system includes the concept of a pedagogical system (according to N.V. Kuzmina). The pedagogical system can be seen as comparable to educational process subsystem in common system education. She...

The attitude towards emotions only increased the fear of them. The entire system of upbringing and education continues to be built on the development of the intellect with immeasurably less attention to the development of the emotional sphere. Culture of emotional life modern man the ability to express oneself in words, colors, and movement is little recognized as a special task in modern education. In the West, and here too...

An integral package of model legislative solutions that allow states of the world to quickly harmonize their legislative framework. The development of investment institutions, in our opinion, will be subject to the following changes and determined by the following main trends: Firstly, the globalization of the institutions themselves, their merging and internationalization, which we are seeing today all over the world, ...

And Morocco: re-elections of leadership were held there and the charters of these organizations were changed, which greatly facilitated their work. Yemen Times spokesman Walid al-Saqaf believes that “changes in Arab media mass media should lead to a change in the mentality of the regimes in the Middle East. They must convince them that free media is not a threat and can cooperate with...

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