Media about Russian Railways He did not admit guilt and did not repent: General Kosenkov received three years for the attempted murder of his father-in-law Oleg Ivanovich Kosenkov when he was promoted to lieutenant general

Head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, Lieutenant General


Born on April 21, 1959 in the village of Temrovichi, Chaussky district, Mogilev region, Belarusian SSR. Graduated from Leningradskoye higher school railway troops and military communications named after. M.V. Frunze (1980).

From 1980 to 1985 he served in the Mongolian People's Republic in the railway troops as commander of a piledriver platoon and commander of a concrete works company of a separate railway battalion.

From 1985 to 1990 - commander of a concrete works company, chief of staff, and then commander of a separate railway battalion.

In 1990 he entered Military Academy logistics and transport to the command military transport faculty.

After graduating from the academy (1993), he served as deputy commander and commander of a separate railway brigade.

In 1997, he was enrolled as a student at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

1999 - 2001 - commander of a separate railway brigade, and then deputy commander of the railway corps.

In 2001, he was appointed deputy head of the Military Transport University - head of the faculty for training management personnel of the VTU Railways of the Russian Federation.

2002 - 2008 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Railway Corps. In 2008, he was appointed to the position of chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Railway Troops.

Since 2010 - Head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops.

Awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, “For Military Merit”, medal “For the Development of Railways”. Honored Military Specialist Russian Federation.

Married, has two daughters.

October 3 in Moskovsky district court The high-profile murder trial ended Alexandra Shishkina, Honored Military Pilot. He became a victim of his own son-in-law - a famous general Boris Kosenkov, a former high-ranking political officer in the army, a former head of the regional council of veterans, a former adviser to the governor of our region. The defendant met personally with the President of Russia twice Vladimir Putin.

The investigation lasted more than a year, examinations and investigative experiments were carried out, and evidence was collected. The judicial investigation became no less protracted; it lasted from September 17, 2018, when the criminal case Kaliningrad region submitted to Themis for consideration. About 40 meetings took place. The trial was postponed more than once due to the “weak” health of the defendant, and in July a break was announced due to the vacation of the judiciary. Witnesses, victims (the natural daughters of the late Alexander Shishkin), the general himself, and experts were questioned. The defense of the defendant was actively carried out by his own daughter Irina Kosenkova, former investigator and lawyer. The second defender of the criminal was a famous lawyer Vitaly Gorobchenko.

In court, General Kosenkov did not admit his guilt (although he initially wrote a confession), and was generally guided by Article 51 of the Constitution. On May 14, he announced that he refused to testify and intended to silently accept the verdict. The defendant began talking when he was given the last word:

I do not plead guilty. He did not commit any crime against Alexander Yakovlevich Shishkin. The criminal case is fabricated and ordered. The accusation has no motive, no evidence, no proof - just verbiage. The head of the investigative committee and To the Prosecutor General Russia. Meanness, deceit and betrayal ex-wife obvious to me. Your Honor, I ask you to make a fair decision and acquit. I'm innocent.

After which, the judge announced a two-week break necessary to prepare the verdict.

And on Thursday the judge Elena Dmitrikovskaya put an end to a high-profile criminal case. It took almost two hours to announce the verdict. Decision - Boris Kosenkov is guilty and sentenced to 3 years in prison. Real deadline. It did not enter into legal force. Irina Kosenkova was not present at the last meeting.

Let us recall that on October 10, 2017, Kosenkov was in an apartment with the seriously ill Alexander Yakovlevich Shishkin. Out of hostility, the general pressed the test’s neck tightly with his hands and pressed until the victim stopped showing signs of life. Conclusion of the court and investigation: “Kosenkov committed a crime under Part 3 of Art. 30, part 1 art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – attempted murder, i.e. intentionally causing the death of another person, if the crime was not completed due to circumstances beyond the control of this person.”

The guest of the next episode of the “Military Council” program, broadcast on the radio station “Echo of Moscow” and the TV channel “Zvezda”, was the head of the Main Directorate of the Railway Troops, Major General Oleg Kosenkov.

Corr.:- Oleg Ivanovich, what tasks are the Railway Troops solving today?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Like all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole, the Railway Troops have tasks for both peaceful and wartime. In wartime, they are intended to organize technical cover, restoration, barricade and demining of the country's railways. In peacetime, they carry out tasks for the maintenance, accumulation of material resources necessary for the restoration of the railways of the Russian Federation, for the training of specialists of the Railway Troops, carry out tasks for the construction and repair of access roads of the Ministry of Defense, are involved in the construction of railways by order of JSC Russian Railways and other organizations , which have railway tracks under their jurisdiction. Thus, today two separate railway teams are building a ring road with various types surface on which military motorists will learn to drive in extreme conditions. At this training ground, quarries will be built to test entry and exit and dunes will be poured to practice driving on a sandy road. Construction is to be completed by December 1, 2013.

Corr.:- So the engineering experience of railway workers was also useful in the construction of roads?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Yes, since the embankment of a road and a railway is, in principle, carried out in the same way, albeit with some features: after all, the loads on them are significantly different. So the mechanization battalion of a separate railway brigade performs tasks according to its standard purpose.

Corr.:- Is this brigade of constant readiness?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Yes. All our railway brigades are on constant combat readiness. The Main Directorate of the Railway Troops reports to the Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov, who oversees logistics issues in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Brigade taking into account mobilization reserves 100% complete.

Corr.:- What is the difference between railway brigades and civil organizations of the same purpose?

Oleg Kosenkov:- JSC Russian Railways is aimed mainly at the capital construction of railway tracks. The main task of the Railway Troops is the restoration of tracks, but we also do not forget about capital construction. For this purpose we are preparing appropriate specialists.

Last year, for example, the supports of the railway bridge connecting the aluminum plant near Abakan with the railway line were washed away. The support sank and two spans, each 55 meters long, were toppled. JSC Russian Railways was ready to undertake a major overhaul of the bridge, but this would have taken three months. The plant could be left without work. Therefore, after the plant management addressed the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, we were given the task of restoring the bridge. This was done by the 5th separate railway brigade. Prefabricated structures were used, and a week later the bridge was restored using a short-term option. While the restoration was underway, we ensured the movement of traffic and the normal operation of the plant.

Corr.:- How to get into the Railway Troops? What are the top-up requirements?

Oleg Kosenkov:- From those who received education at railway colleges, we train diesel locomotive drivers, assistant drivers, and railway crane operators. If those wishing to serve do not have an education with us, then after registration through the military registration and enlistment office they will be sent to a training center for training junior specialists.

Corr.:- Is there still a military department at the Moscow State University of Transport?

Oleg Kosenkov:- No. But military departments remained in Rostov and Far Eastern state universities communication routes. Taking into account the results of the monitoring, today we have enough specialists coming from these universities, and those who studied at the relevant military and civilian institutes earlier and are now in reserve.

Corr.:- How long does it take to prepare? good specialist Railway troops?

Oleg Kosenkov:- This primarily depends on the level with which the conscript came to us, whether he has special education. In general, we are training our contingent in 22 specialties that are necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to the Railway Troops. The main ones are diesel locomotive drivers, assistant diesel locomotive drivers, compilers and railway crane operators. The training lasts at least five months. At the training center of the Railway Troops we also train heavy excavator operators, pontooners, boat mechanics, track fitters... All of them receive diplomas of a general civilian standard.

After serving in the army, such a specialist can work in accordance with his qualifications at JSC Russian Railways.

Corr.:- What are the troops doing now?

Oleg Kosenkov:- By October 1, we need to complete repairs at 68 facilities of the Ministry of Defense. In total, more than 100 km of tracks will be repaired. About 110 turnouts will be laid. Mechanization battalions today carry out the task of diking storage facilities at 328 arsenals of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate. The total volume of earthworks is more than 3 million cubic meters. And, as I said earlier, two mechanization battalions are building a training road.

Corr.:- What kind of rolling stock does your troops have?

Oleg Kosenkov:- In track battalions, the main type of weapons are shunting diesel locomotives with hopper dispensers. To move personnel and drivers there are heated cars. There are universal piling units that we are armed with. New equipment created at the turn of the century also successfully serves military railway workers. Including the lifting and straightening machine PRM-RM, straightening and straightening machine VPRM-G, flat lifting frame-screw support (RVO), collapsible crane SRK-20M, mobile folding pile driver MSK-1M, mobile repair complex PRK-1 , pontoon carrier ANS-10 and ANS-10U-T.

Corr.:- Are there armored trains in service?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Yes. We have two armored trains. They are located in two restoration railway battalions of the 37th separate railway brigade. For now, as in the song, they are standing on a siding. An armored train is a military unit of constant readiness that can begin performing its regular mission within an hour. The task of the armored train is to escort military trains. It has a supply of materials for the rapid restoration of the superstructure of the track.

Corr.:- Who covers the Railway Troops during hostilities?

Oleg Kosenkov:- If necessary, commanders of military districts allocate units that will provide cover during the restoration of railway tracks and bridges. Each of our battalions has a security platoon. Armored trains also have the appropriate forces and means. Cover elements are trained annually in special tactical exercises.

Corr.:- Do you hold them often?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Every year, 10 railway pontoon-bridge battalions conduct exercises on practical guidance of railway floating bridges. Moreover, in different climatic and natural conditions.

Corr.:- What are the main problems of the Railway Troops to be solved in the near future?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Like all Armed Forces, the Railway Troops are being improved, rearmament is actively underway in accordance with the State Defense Order. Thus, by 2020, up to 75% of new equipment should be in service with the troops. We will achieve this. Today there is no problem in our troops that cannot be solved and remains chronic. Yes, there are pressing issues, but they can be resolved. For example, our number of incidents and crimes has decreased significantly.

Corr.:- How do you rate social Security Military personnel of the Railway Troops, their provision of housing?

Oleg Kosenkov:- All units of the Railway Troops and brigade control are located in major cities. These are Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Abakan, Volgograd, Khabarovsk, Ryazan, Smolensk, Pskov. And also Svobodny, the capital region. Proximity to large centers allows us to provide those in need with places in kindergartens and jobs for military wives. The military camps are equipped and maintained by Slavyanka OJSC. Issues regarding official housing and payment of compensation for subletting premises in the absence of it have been resolved. Things are going well with permanent housing. These issues are under my control.

Corr.:- How often do you use the railway yourself?

Oleg Kosenkov:- As needed. When I go on business trips, on vacation...

Corr.:- At the same time, do you observe how the movement is organized? After all, every profession has its own characteristics?

Oleg Kosenkov:- I graduated military school Railway troops and military communications with a specialty in "construction of artificial structures", therefore, when driving along railway bridges or nearby on a highway, I am always interested in what a railway bridge is like. I'm interested in how they are used modern technologies seamless path, which is figuratively called “velvet”.

Corr.:- Do the troops have a museum?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Yes. It is located in the training center in the village of Zagoryansky. There is also a landfill there modern technology, which is used in the Railway Troops. All of it is in working order.

Corr.:- In your professional opinion, how should the Russian railway network be developed?

Oleg Kosenkov:- Every year, at the invitation of Vladimir Yakunin, I take part in a meeting on the development of OJSC "Russian railways"Particular attention is paid to the capital construction of railways Far East, the use of new technologies on them. Of course, a country with more than 85 thousand kilometers of railways needs their constant development and improvement. A lot here depends on us, railway workers in uniform.

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