Report about the city of Luxembourg. Full description of Luxembourg. Flora and fauna of Luxembourg

Report on Luxembourg 3rd grade the world around us will tell you a lot in a nutshell useful information about a small Central European country where the standard of living is the highest in Europe. The report about Luxembourg can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report on the country of Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a small country that is part of the European Union. The country is located in the western part of Europe and neighbors such major countries like Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands. It is characterized by flat, hilly terrain.

Luxembourg Square 2.6 thousand km 2.

Luxembourg is a small Western European country, part of the trio of Benelux countries - Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. It is a monarchical country, a grand duchy. It has no access to the sea.

Climate Luxembourg

The country is dominated by a temperate type of climate, which moves from maritime to continental. The average summer temperature is + 22..24 0 C. Winters are mild, the average temperature fluctuates between +1..3 0 C. Precipitation is unevenly distributed. Thus, in the southern part of the duchy, 760 mm of precipitation falls per year, and in the north, about 900 mm. Snowfalls are common.

Relief Luxembourg

Most of the country is dominated by highlands with deep, wide valleys. In the north they turn into small mountains. In the southeast they turn into the Moselle river valley.

The Ardennes Mountains are covered with forests and stretch along the northern part of Luxembourg. The south is represented by a hilly plain, the north by the spurs of the Ardennes. Also, southern Luxembourg lies within the Lorraine plateau - Gutland. It is characterized by wavy relief.

Water resources Luxembourg

The largest river is the Sur (Sauer). It originates in Belgium. Other important rivers are the Ur, Moselle, Alzette, and Gutland.

Natural resources Luxembourg

Not in the duchy fuel resources, but there is a lot of iron ore (the Rodange - Differdange, Rumelange - Dudelange and Esch basins). Deposits of lime, silica, sandstone, phosphorus, lead, gypsum, and copper have been developed.

Flora and fauna of Luxembourg

The vegetation cover formed on sedimentary sandy-clayey deposits. The mountain slopes of the Ardennes are dominated by pastures. The valleys are dominated by coniferous, deciduous-coniferous and broad-leaved forests. More than 1/3 of Luxembourg's territory is occupied by beech and oak forests. The trees here are dominated by oak, hornbeam, beech, ash, birch, larch, spruce, pine, and alder. The predominant shrubs are euonymus, viburnum, hazel, rosehip, honeysuckle, and heath.

The animal world has changed under the influence economic activity In humans, some species of animals disappeared completely - wild cats, wolves, bears. The country has preserved small populations of chamois, wild boars, roe deer, weasels, and martens. There are many squirrels, hares, and pheasants in the forests.

  • Pines were brought to Luxembourg 150 years ago.
  • This is the safest country in the world.
  • Several centuries ago, the territory of the duchy was 3 times larger than it is today.
  • Under the capital of Luxembourg there are underground hidden passages more than 21 km long.
  • Here mobile phones 1.5 times more than people.
  • In local saunas there is no separation between women's and men's rooms. They are common.

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It will be interesting to know the features of one of the most developed and richest countries in the world - Luxembourg. If you are planning to go to this wonderful corner of our planet, then interesting facts about Luxembourg you just need to know!

So, let's get started!

  1. Each country has its own full name. So Luxembourg is officially written like this: “Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.” It is curious that this is the only duchy in the world today.
  2. The head of the country is called the "Grand Duke".
  3. The name Luxembourg comes from the German “lucilinburch”, which translates as “small city”.
  4. An interesting fact is that Luxembourg is one of the smallest sovereign states in the world. Its area is only 2,586.4 km².
  5. The population of Luxembourg is approximately 500 thousand people, that is, about half a million. This is less than in any millionaire city!
  6. An interesting fact is that GDP per capita in Luxembourg is significantly higher than the European average.
  7. Luxembourgers also have the highest minimum wage in the world.
  8. The average life expectancy for men is 77 years, for women – 82 years.
  9. Luxembourg has three official languages: Luxembourgish, French, and German. Read a detailed article about.
  10. No matter how surprising this may sound interesting fact, but a third of the territory of this tiny country is covered by forests.
  11. one of the highest in the world.
  12. The literacy rate of Luxembourg residents is 100%.
  13. There are 12 communes in the duchy that have urban status.
  14. In the commune of Vianden, an outstanding French writer once lived and wrote immortal works (see). Today, this city has the Hugo Museum, which is very popular among European tourists.
  15. Many EU organizations are located in the city of Luxembourg because the duchy provides very favorable working conditions. More than 200 banks and over 1,000 investment funds are located offshore in Luxembourg, which is significantly higher than in any other city in the world.
  16. Here it is important to emphasize an interesting fact that you probably already knew. The fact is that in the state of Luxembourg the capital is the largest city and bears exactly the same name as the country itself: Luxembourg.
  17. The state ranks 4th in the world in terms of income level.
  18. This interesting fact about Luxembourg will interest travel lovers. The fact is that the underground communications of ancient fortresses are surprising in their size. So you can wander through underground passages for more than 20 kilometers, which in itself is very unusual.
  19. The exceptional historical values ​​of the ancient Duchy of Luxembourg have prompted UNESCO to include the country on the World Heritage List.
  20. Luxembourg is one of the founders of the European Union, NATO and the UN.
  21. The largest television and radio company in all of Europe is located on the territory of the duchy.
  22. An interesting fact about Luxembourg is the following indicator. It has the most mobile phones per capita in the world - 15 per 10 people. However!
  23. Sights of Luxembourg

    Neumünster Abbey
    Basilica with Willibrord's tomb
    View of Grund
    Bourshed Castle
    Vianden Castle
    Adolf Bridge
    Luxembourg City Hall

The historical region of Luxembourg exceeded the modern borders of the Grand Duchy, it also included the province of the same name in Belgium and small areas neighboring countries. Now the country is a “triangle” (2586 km²) in the center of Western Europe, bordering France, Belgium and Germany.

Most of the territory is located at an altitude of 300 to 500 m above sea level. Northern part countries, Esling (Oesling), located on the spurs of the Ardennes and Rhine slate mountains. The relief of Essling is like a mosaic: wooded interfluve ridges, undulating foothills, river valleys. To the south, the mountains drop off sharply, forming very rugged terrain in the central part of the country. Extreme southern part of Luxembourg, Gutland (Gutland.), is a low hilly plain that gradually descends in stepped ridges from west to east towards the Moselle wine valley.

The climate of Luxembourg is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. Winter is mild, the average temperature in January is from 0 to 2 °C, in July -17 °C. There is quite a lot of precipitation - 700-850 mm per year.

The rivers belong mainly to the Moselle river basin. Forests, mostly beech and oak, occupy more than a third of the country's territory. No wonder Luxembourg at the end of the 18th century early XIX centuries was part of France under the name "Forest Department" (Forkt).


  • II century The Romans captured the territory of the Celtic Treveri tribe.
  • V century The territory of Luxembourg was conquered by the Franks. Later it became part of Charlemagne's empire.
  • XI century Conrad I assumed the title of Count of Luxembourg and became the founder of a dynasty that ruled until the 14th century. 1244. The city of Luxembourg received municipal rights. 1437. The duchy came into possession of the Habsburgs.
  • 1443. Luxembourg was captured by the Duke of Burgundy.
  • 1477. Habsburg power restored.
  • 1555. The duchy went to the Spanish king Philip II and, together with Holland and Flanders, came under Spanish rule.
  • XVII century Luxembourg was repeatedly involved in wars between Spain and France.
  • 1713. After long wars, Luxembourg came under the rule of the Austrian Habsburgs.
  • 1815. The Congress of Vienna created the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and gave it to King William I of the Netherlands.
  • 1830. Belgium, which belonged to William I, rebelled, Luxembourg joined it, with the exception of the capital, which was held by a Prussian garrison.
  • 1831. The Great Powers proposed dividing Luxembourg. Its western (Francophone) part became a province of independent Belgium.
  • 1867. According to the agreement of the London Conference, the Prussian garrison was withdrawn and the fortress was liquidated. The independence and neutrality of Luxembourg are proclaimed. The throne of the Grand Duchy remained with the Nassau dynasty.
  • 1890. After the death of William III, the personal union of the Grand Duke with the Netherlands was interrupted (his daughter Wilhelmina inherited the Dutch throne). The Grand Duchy went to another branch of the House of Nassau; Grand Duke Adolf became the ruler of Luxembourg.
  • 1905-1912. Reign of William, son of Adolf.
  • 1912-1919. Reign of Grand Duchess Maria Adelaide, daughter of Adolf.
  • 1914. Luxembourg is captured by Germany, which promises to pay reparations to Luxembourg for violating its neutrality (occupation lasted until the end of the First World War).
  • 1940. Germany violated Luxembourg's neutrality for the second time.
  • 1942, August. Annexation of Luxembourg to the Third Reich. The population of the country declared a general strike, to which the Germans responded with massive repressions.
  • 1945. Luxembourg is liberated from German occupation.
  • 1949. The country joined NATO.
  • 1957. Luxembourg participates in the founding of the European Economic Community.
  • 1999. Luxembourg joins the euro zone.
  • 2005, March 15. According to Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Luxembourg is recognized as the safest city in the world.

First of all

The tourist office sells two types of discount tourist cards.

With the Luxembourg Card you can visit many attractions throughout the country and use public transport. The price depends on the validity period of the card, there are also family cards (for a family of two to five people). Stater Museekart allows you to visit the main attractions of the capital for free for 2 days, for example: the Museum of the History of the City of Luxembourg, the National Museum of History and Art, the Luxembourg Casino and the Bock Casemates.

Changing of the guard

According to tradition, the throne of the Grand Duchy is passed on to the eldest man in the family, and if there is none, then to the eldest daughter. The ducal family is very popular among the people. It symbolizes the stability and prosperity of the country.

In 1964, Grand Duke Jean succeeded to the throne after a 45-year reign by his mother, Grand Duchess Charlotte, and led the country until 2000, when he abdicated in favor of his eldest son, Henri. Henri is married to Cuban Maria Teresa, they have 4 sons and a daughter.

In the center of Europe

Luxembourg participated in the establishment of the UN, Benelux, the European Union and the Schengen Agreement. Two representatives of Luxembourg - Gaston Thorne (1981-1984) and Jacques Santerre (since 1995)- served as presidents of EU commissions. Luxembourg is home to many institutions of the European Community, in particular the European Parliament. (along with Strasbourg), Audit Commission, European Investment Bank and European Court of Auditors. Luxembourg held the presidency of the European Union from July to December 1997.

However, the most striking event in the history of Luxembourg after the Second World War was the signing of a pan-European agreement (1985) near the Schengen village. The name of the visa to almost all European countries comes from the name of this village.

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Area: 2.6 thousand km2. Upper (old) city of Luxembourg

Population: 412.8 thousand people (1998).

State language: German, French, Luxembourgish.

Capital: Luxembourg (77.4 thousand inhabitants, 1996).

Currency: euro.

Member of the UN since 1945. Member of the Council of Europe since 1949, the European Union - since 1957, NATO - since 1949.

On geographical map Luxembourg is a tiny triangle in northwestern Europe, between France, Germany and Belgium. It has a length from north to south of 79 km, and from west to east - only 55 km. This is one of the smallest states in Europe. But its residents consider themselves an independent people. On the facades of many houses there is a traditional inscription: “We want to remain who we are.”

Luxembourg is a highly industrialized state. Its depths are rich in minerals in the Luxembourg Hills, especially iron ore. The development of ore deposits began in the first centuries of our era, which largely determined the economic development of the country. Currently, mining and ferrous metallurgy account for 80% of its total industrial output. The economy is heavily dependent on exports. There are many German and Belgian enterprises in Luxembourg. Rural Moselle River Luxembourg economy is a highly commercial one. Dairy and meat farming plays a major role in it (cattle and sheep are raised). Agriculture, fruit growing and viticulture are also developed. An integral part of the Luxembourg landscape are gardens. They cover the entire valley of the Moselle River and its tributaries. The subject of special concern is the cultivation of flowers.

Most of the transportation goes by rail. For every 100 km2 there are more than 10 km railways, the main of which crosses the country from north to south, from the ports North Sea via Luxembourg to France. The length of roads is 5 thousand km. Inland water transport is carried out along the Moselle River.

Almost half of Luxembourg's population is employed in industry and transport. 26% - in forestry and agriculture. The vast majority of the country's inhabitants are Luxembourgers - a people close in language and culture to the Germans. However, for many centuries cultural development Luxembourgers were determined by their connections with France. The influence of French culture was accompanied by widespread penetration French. Currently, Luxembourg is a trilingual country.

Luxembourgers honor own story and traditions. Local holidays and processions are quite unique, in particular the so-called March of the Sheep, when Vianden Luxembourgians in wide-brimmed hats and long frock coats lead sheep through the streets to the sound of music. The material culture of Luxembourgers is almost no different from the culture of the population of neighboring regions of France and Belgium. Most peasant houses are stone buildings with thick walls and tiled roofs, but you can often find old houses with thatched roofs and balconies blackened by age. Luxembourg at night

Luxembourg is an urban country: 2/3 of its population live in 16 cities. The largest of them are located in the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Luxembourg in the south - Luxembourg, Echsur-Alzette, Differdange and Pétange. Most big city in the north - Wiltz (5 thousand people). Towns with a population of up to 5 thousand predominate, not much different from large rural settlements that have a completely urban appearance. The central place in urban architecture is usually occupied by a monumental Catholic cathedral. Particularly famous cathedral Notre Dame in the city of Luxembourg, decorated with numerous sculptures in the style of the reGibraltar of the North on the Goat Mountain of Luxembourgness. The country has preserved many ancient monuments, among which feudal castles with high stone towers.

In Luxembourg there are government institutions, the palace of the Dukes of Nassau (XIV - XVI centuries), and the Chamber of Deputies. Situated in the mountains at the confluence of the Pont Adolphe Luxembourg Alzette River and the Viaduct of the Pétrusse River, the city is extremely picturesque. There are 67 ancient and modern bridges across the deep valley. Despite the fairly high level of development of the country, higher education There is nowhere to get it in Luxembourg. Secondary education is provided by gymnasiums and lyceums, but only seven years are compulsory.

Despite the miniature territory, the northern and southern parts of the country are sharply distinguished. The Ardenine Plateau in the north of Luxembourg is in natural and economic relations. The north (Esling) is occupied by the spurs of the Ardennes and Rhine slate mountains. These are marginal soils, forests, meadows and pastures. Here, on about half the country's area, less than 20% of the population lives, mostly in villages and small towns. The south (Gutland) is a low, hilly plain where, unlike wildlife northern regions, cultural landscapes predominate, large cities are located.

Luxembourg is one of ancient states Europe. The beginning of Luxembourg's independent history was laid in 863 under the Franks. Gradually Luxembourg became one of the largest feudal states, part of the Holy Roman Empire. After the capture of Luxembourg in 1443 by Burgundy, the duchy for four centuries could not regain independence, passing from the possessions of one European power to another. Finally, at the Congress of Vienna 1814 - 1815. Luxembourg is proclaimed an independent grand duchy, and its modern borders are established in 1839. Until 1890 - in a personal union with the Netherlands. In 1842 - 1919 - in a customs union with Germany. Luxembourg's neutrality was violated twice by Germany in the world wars.

Almost the entire population religiously belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.

Luxembourg is a small country located in the central part of the European Union. According to recent studies, the standard of living in the country is one of the highest in Europe. The local culture is very unusual. Despite the fact that industrial development here is very high, many people still continue to engage in traditional farming: livestock farming, gardening, etc. Most of the cities are old and their layout remains unchanged to this day, while maintaining the flavor of the past.

Geography of Luxembourg

Luxembourg is located in Western Europe and is adjacent on all sides to large European countries(France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands). The relief is hilly and flat. The area of ​​the country is very small, only 2.6 thousand square meters. km.

Luxembourg's area is 2,586.4 km. sq., in terms of area it ranks 167th in the world.


502,207 people.

The state currency is the euro (EUR).

Official language– Luxembourgish, French, German.

Visa to Luxembourg

Luxembourg is part of the Schengen countries, so residents of the CIS need to obtain a visa. When submitting an application, you must provide evidence of sufficient funds to live in the country, at the rate of 50 USD. per person per day. If a child under 18 years of age is entering the country, a notarized copy of the power of attorney from the parent remaining in Russia is required. If the trip is made during school hours, you must obtain a certificate from the place of study. Typically, the application is reviewed within 10-14 days after its submission.

Weather in Luxembourg

The country has a very mild temperate climate. In January, the average temperature is 0 C, and in July +17 C. Most of the precipitation falls in winter; the annual amount is 700 mm. It is most comfortable to visit Luxembourg in May-October.

Sights of Luxembourg

For the first time, Luxembourg became known in written sources in 963; at that time its name was translated as “Little Castle”. Those who come here for the first time are surprised at how such a diverse topography could fit into such a small state. The capital is the city of Luxembourg. Here is the strongest fortress in all of Europe, “Luxembourg”, which was built by a French marshal in 1868. Some parts of this building have survived to this day: the fortress gates, passages in the rocks, towers, walls. Near the ancient fortifications there is a park that ends in a cliff, from which there is a beautiful view of the small suburb of Bock, as well as the ruins of an old castle. Many tourists consider it their duty to visit the underground labyrinths of Bock Castle, as well as La Petrus. During World War II, more than 35,000 people hid in these places. When the tourist season arrives, the ruins and walls of all buildings are beautifully illuminated, creating an amazing atmosphere. The favorite place of all citizens of the capital, as well as tourists, is the Royal Boulevard, which is considered the center of the city. In this place, ancient buildings are surrounded by modern offices, banks, financial institutions, etc. Not far from here, there is a small Arm Square, which used to be a meeting place for local residents, but now it has turned into a roadway, where cozy restaurants and bars line the sides, and it has been replaced by Hamilius Square. The city is full of various museums and galleries, among which it is worth highlighting the City History Museum, the Art Gallery, and the Postal Museum. In addition to the capital, Luxembourg has many more interesting cities. For example, the most beautiful and picturesque city in the country is Echternach. In addition to the amazing landscapes that can be seen here, it is also one of the oldest cities, today it is more than 1000 years old. You should definitely go to the ruins of the former city wall, as well as visit the Wolf Mouth Canyon. This canyon is considered the most famous natural monument in the country. A little to the west is an area called “Little Switzerland”. This place, heavily forested with rocky areas, creates unique landscapes, and on the tops of these cliffs there are small castles, although many of them have long been destroyed. It will be interesting to visit the northernmost city of the duchy - Clairvaux. Clervaux is located in a beautiful location: on the banks of the Clerf River and surrounded by picturesque forests. This city makes a huge impression on tourists with its architecture, since almost all the houses here are made in the Gothic style. On the hill of the city there is a dilapidated knight's castle, which also gives the feeling of a medieval city. Another large city Luxembourg is Wiltz. This place, just like the capital of the state, has two parts: the “upper” and “lower” city. The city, despite its unusual development, a large number old buildings and small overgrown ravines are still very beautiful, although it looks like a too provincial place.

National cuisine of Luxembourg

To a greater extent, the national cuisine of this small state has many similarities with Belgian and German cuisine, but it still has a number of distinctive and unique features. Thanks to well-preserved traditions, many unique recipes have remained here since ancient times, which to some extent can be called attractions. Locals love to eat meat dishes most of all, for example, the most popular meat dishes include smoked pork, served with beans, Ardennes ham, famous in Europe, suckling pigs and much more. Almost all meat dishes must be accompanied by a side dish of vegetables. There is always cheese on the table that is made local residents, and in summer the best dish for city residents is considered to be freshwater fish and crayfish. They make good pies and other baked goods here. Pies are most often made with fruit filling. A huge number of different types of cookies are also produced here, which can be found in any city. Manufacturers of chocolate and chocolate candies are no less famous here. Such products are manufactured at private enterprises and have a special “master’s mark” on them.


Transport in Luxembourg is represented by buses and trains, and city buses operate in the capital. Distinctive feature transport system is that the transport here is regional, that is, trains run to the border stations of neighboring countries (Germany, Belgium and France). Buses run to all bus stations in the country. The capital's urban transport is represented by 25 bus routes; only 3 routes operate at night. You can get to the airport by bus route 16. Tariffs for all types of public transport are the same. For a ticket with the possibility of traveling for an hour, you need to pay 1.2 euros, but you can buy ten such tickets at once for 9.2 euros. In addition, you can buy a pass for one day - 4.6 euros and for five days - 18.5 euros. In addition to buses, taxis have become widespread. You can order a taxi at special parking lots near hotels, call them by phone, and in some places you can simply stop them. For one kilometer of driving you need to pay 0.65 euros and 1 euro for landing. On weekends, the fare is 25% higher, and at night by 10%.

Currency exchange in Luxembourg

On weekdays, banks are open from 09.00 to 16.00, and in the capital on Saturdays until 12.00. Exchange offices are open daily at the airport until 20.30, and at railway stations until 21.00. You can use credit cards and traveler's checks in any city, even the most provincial. Some stores only accept credit cards for purchases above 100-200 euros.


220V/50Hz (European type sockets).


Almost the entire population of the country (97%) is Catholic. There are also a few Protestant communities.


Security in the country is almost at its peak. high place in the world. But it is advisable to follow the basic rules and not take large amounts of money and documents with you.


Medical services high quality. However, the tourist must have insurance. Getting first aid in Luxembourg is free, but you have to pay for further treatment.

Russian Consulate in Luxembourg

Сhâteau de Beggen L-1719 Luxembourg
Tel: (+352) 422 333, (+352) 422 929

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