Heroes of Novorossiya. Fallen heroes of Novorossiya Heroes of Novorossiya: The story of a real doctor - Natalya Arkhipova

This cycle tells about the heroes of Novorossiya - the people who made it possible for the South-East of Ukraine to resist the Kyiv junta. Today we can observe a rare and amazing phenomenon. Not politicians and oligarchs, but ordinary people making history...

The list is updated as videos are created.

Heroes of Novorossiya: the story of the Ussuri samurai

Being only a politician was not enough for Alexander Mamoshin, and he took on an extremely difficult task - the revival of the Cossacks in Far East. And when the war began in Novorossiya, Alexander Mamoshin, along with several brothers-in-arms, went to the Southeast to fight.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of Brave Nastya

At first, nothing foreshadowed that the bright, beautiful girl Anastasia Pyaterikova would choose a difficult path political struggle and will lead the Lugansk Anti-Maidan. As a political activist, Nastya was dangerous for the Kyiv junta that came to power, which did not hesitate to persecute the young girl.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The story of the brave journalist Sergei Dolgov

Sergei Dolgov was not a military man. His main and only weapon was his word. Journalist, editor-in-chief newspapers "I want to go to the USSR!" The Kyiv junta does not tolerate dissent and therefore cracks down on everyone who thinks differently. The punitive forces that captured Mariupol tortured the brave journalist to death.

Heroes of Novorossiya: the story of the writer who predicted the war

Fyodor Berezin, who changed several professions before becoming a popular writer, did not shy away from the difficult responsibility of every real man, citing the fact that a writer’s place is not in the trenches, that his weapon is his word, that Donbass needs to take care of its elite . He went and signed up for the militia - a simple shooter, standing shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of other, much less famous, Donetsk residents, whose conscience and sense of duty did not allow them to stay on their favorite sofa - while others were dying for them.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of a Courageous Doctor

Sergei Matasov is already 70 years old. Seeing footage of the murders of women, children and old people, Sergei Matasov could not sit in calm Riga - and accepted major decision: his almost half a century of medical experience should still serve people! And he went to the Donetsk People's Republic.

Heroes of Novorossiya: Military commandant with the call sign "Veles"

Before the war, Sergei Iochkov headed the Artemovsky Anti-Corruption Department. After the outbreak of hostilities in Novorossiya, becoming the military commandant of Artemovsk, he cleared most of the city from the Right Sector. He was lured into peace negotiations with the military by deception and was shot in the back.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The story of the hereditary Cossack - Alexei Mozgovoy

Alexey Mozgovoy was born in the Lugansk region, in a family with Cossack roots. After the armed coup in Kyiv, Alexey Mozgovoy became an active participant in the Anti-Maidan and one of the organizers of the People's Militia of the Lugansk Region.

The story of an archaeologist in love with Novorossiya

Nikolai Tarasenko - famous archaeologist, specialist in stone age, who has conducted research around the world. For more than twenty years he led a hermit’s lifestyle, building churches on his own in the Lugansk region. After the coup in Ukraine at the age of 66, he joined the people’s militia and, with arms in hand, defends Lugansk from punitive forces.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of a Real Doctor - Natalya Arkhipova

Natalya Arkhipova was a doctor by vocation, and although she did not fight in the trenches, she gave her life as a true hero and soldier, helping to save the lives of others.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The story of a counterintelligence agent who sided with good

When shooting at civilians began in Donbass, Sergei Zdrilyuk could not sit still. In the first days of the confrontation, he arrived with western Ukraine to the Donetsk region and enlisted in the people's militia, choosing for himself the sonorous call sign "Abwehr".

Heroes of Novorossiya: The story of a real rescuer with the call sign “Motorola”.

Motorola realized that war was awaiting Ukraine when the first Molotov cocktails were thrown at Berkut employees. And when the Nazis carried out a coup and began genocide in the Southeast, he simply took a train, went to Novorossiya and joined the militia, where he became the commander of an anti-tank special unit.

Heroes of Novorossiya: Igor Strelkov

Tragic events related to the events on the Maidan, the coup in Kyiv and the genocide of the Russian-speaking population in the South-East of Ukraine. They could not leave indifferent the Russian officer, Orthodox patriot and man of honor - Igor Strelkov.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of Peacemaker Spartak Golovachev

Spartak Golovachev hoped to the end peace settlement conflict in the country and kept people from violence. But the junta is not interested in a peaceful solution. The police and the SBU captured Spartak and put him in prison. He was not broken by the arrest; Spartak continued his fight by going on a hunger strike.

Heroes of New Russia: the story of the Orthodox warrior Nikolai Leonov

When the fascist coup began in Kyiv on the Maidan, cleric and outstanding athlete Nikolai Leonov decided to take up arms in defense of the Southeast, traveling to the Donbass. It just so happened that more than six centuries later, not far from the place of Peresvet’s death, Leonov repeated his legendary feat, giving his life for his Motherland.

Heroes of Novorossiya: Mozhaev Alexander - Babai

Thanks to his exploits and epic appearance, Babai became folk hero, practically a hero of the South-Eastern “heroic epic”. But the bearded militiaman is not a super agent, but an ordinary Kuban Cossack who protects the Russian people in Slavyansk.

Heroes of Novorossiya: the story of journalist Konstantin Dolgov

Konstantin Dolgov became one of the leaders of the militia in Donetsk, and his publication “Glagol” became a mouthpiece for the truth. The junta militants beat the rebellious journalist and then sent him to prison, where they tried to break him morally with bullying. After the liberation of Dolgov, he moved to Donetsk, where he joined the ranks of the militia. For Konstantin Dolgov, the moment of truth has come - when it is no longer enough to simply tell people the truth, but you need to fight with arms in hand until complete victory.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of the Deputy on the Barricades Oleg Tsarev

Oleg Tsarev, a successful businessman, and today a well-known politician, put everything he had on the line in the fight against the Ukrainian fascists. But he does not regret his choice and continues to work on the creation of Novorossiya.

Heroes of New Russia: People's Governor of Donbass Pavel Gubarev

Until recently, Pavel Gubarev worked as Santa Claus and organized children's matinees. Today he has become the people's governor of Donbass and the leader of the People's Militia of New Russia. Having survived all the horrors of captivity, he did not stand aside from the defense of the Motherland, picked up a machine gun and stood up to defend Donetsk from the Nazis.

Heroes of Novorossiya: head of the LPR Valery Bolotov

Valery Bolotov in Soviet times served in Vitebsk airborne division, took part in military conflicts in Transcaucasia. After demobilization he went into business. But the Nazi coup in Kyiv and the repressions that followed forced him to take up arms and defend his native Lugansk region. Valery Bolotov freed the administration, SBU, police, prosecutor's office from Nazi proteges and organized a referendum, as a result of which Lugansk was created people's republic. An attempt was made on Valery Bolotov’s life, but despite this he does not retreat, carrying out reforms in the LPR and protecting it from the fascists.

Heroes of Novorossiya: Edward, nicknamed “Petersky”

Before the outbreak of hostilities, Edward was a builder. He participated in the pursuit of bandits from the Right Sector, who shot at a peaceful rally in Kharkov, when he received a gunshot wound to the face.
It was only by miracle that he managed to survive, having undergone four operations.
Having risen to his feet, he realized that it would not be possible to come to an agreement with the Nazis peacefully, and enlisted in the Donbass self-defense unit,
took under protection the city of Slavyansk on the strategic Rostov-Kharkov highway.

Heroes of Novorossiya: militia commander Igor Bezler

Igor Bezler served in the Airborne Forces Soviet army. Participated in the war in Afghanistan, awarded the order Red Star. A few years ago he retired and settled in Gorlovka, Donetsk region. The life of a retired lieutenant colonel was changed by the Nazi coup in Kyiv. When, after the establishment of the Junta, the far right rushed to rehabilitate Nazism and ban the Russian language, Bezler joined the protests in the Southeast and led the Gorlovka self-defense. He managed to capture three officers of the most elite special forces of Ukraine "Alpha" at once, who were thrown into Gorlovka to carry out a punitive operation.

Heroes of Novorossiya: military doctor Yuri Evich

Yuri Evich: until recently he was a doctor at the Gorlovka city hospital and the most important thing in his life was writing PhD thesis and scientific research. Today he became the commander of a medical detachment in Donetsk and saved hundreds of lives during the fighting.
Yuri Evich proved by his example that anyone can be a hero!

The topic of the heroes of Novorossiya has been one of the key ones in the news about the conflict in Ukraine for several months now. But, unfortunately, everything is about more such people have to be spoken in the past tense...

And today’s story in a black frame is dedicated to Sergei Iochkov, who had the call sign Veles and who became one of the many victims of the criminal actions of the Kyiv authorities.

He was born in 1978. His mother is a well-known teacher in Artemovsk. Sergei graduated from school in his hometown, and higher education received in Donetsk National University economy and trade named after Tugan-Baranovsky. After graduation, he worked in various fields, but ultimately moved to the civil service. And he took up one of the most thankless and dangerous areas - the fight against corruption. Since 2011, he has headed the relevant department at the Artemovsk City Hall.

In 2013, peaceful life, like all successes in state building in Ukraine, came to an end. And the path to a new life in Donbass began to be paved by the same people who were engaged in creative work before the war. So Sergei Iochkov joined the “Anti-Maidan”, and later - under the call sign “Veles” - the people’s militia. Experience managerial work contributed to the fact that very soon he became the military commandant of the city and headed the local garrison of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Thanks to the skillful leadership and heroism of the militia, most of the criminals from the National Guard of Ukraine fled the city. The rest locked themselves in the local military unit. Of course, the militia could take the fortification by storm. But after all - and this is the main national grief of the peoples of Ukraine - fellow countrymen of Donbass were also in the ranks of the traitors. Therefore, Iochkov and his comrades conducted long negotiations so that the unit would surrender peacefully.

At the same time, Veles also had to neutralize the activities of ordinary bandits, whom Kyiv allowed to commit arbitrariness in exchange for funding the National Guard. Active mobilization work was also carried out.
In other words, Sergei Iochkov used all possible resources to protect his people from the Junta’s henchmen.

It is not surprising that the enemies actually ended up committing a contract killing. After all, the last military facility under their control in Artemovsk was at stake. Under the guise of representatives of the command of the ill-fated military unit, two unknown people contacted the city commandant to discuss the conditions for the delivery of the facility.

The “negotiations” were to take place on supposedly neutral territory near the military position. At the same time, the kidnapping of the commander of a military unit was staged. Then people in unmarked uniforms opened fire on the car in which Sergei Iochkov was brought.

Of course, one can be amazed why the experienced Veles took such a gamble? But the fact is that from time immemorial there have been a number of unwritten rules for conducting negotiations in wartime. And the militia, most of whom are miners and workers, not soldiers, abide by these rules. But there is no professional army fighting against the people. That’s why the commandant of Artemovsk went to negotiations, not expecting to get a bullet in the back. But the enemy had no more honor than internationalism and compassion for one’s neighbor...

“Veles” left behind an 8-year-old son and a grief-stricken mother...

This tragedy was another seven-league step back in relations between East and West, because the residents of Donbass already had almost no faith in a peaceful outcome of the confrontation. Moreover, the junta itself considers such a shameful operation an achievement. True, the Kiev media never decided on the direction of their lies and “killed” the Novorossian in completely different ways.

Some may think that referring to “Veles”, “Babays” and other characters of ancient Russian culture is a beautiful PR stunt. But it’s worth considering that, firstly, there’s no time for jokes here - the Nazis, like in the good old days, are attacking eastern front and kill peaceful people. Secondly, the pagan mythology of the ancient Slavs is the basic binding thread between Russia and Novorossiya, and each of us has this in the back of our minds. When we feel that justice is on our side, we have complete moral right address these fundamental values.

Two years have passed since the start of the ATO and the first battles in Slavyansk. Another anniversary is a good reason to sum up the interim results of the war.

In April-May 2014, stars appeared one after another in Donbass. Every day, Ukraine, Russia and the whole world, whose attention was focused on Donbass at that time, learned new names - the names of the military and political leaders of the pro-Russian rebellion. Some called them traitors, some called them heroes, but regardless of the attitude towards these persons, it must be admitted that at the first stage of events they played an important role in inciting the war and without their participation it would hardly have started. In the Russian media in the spring of 2014, these people were declared “heroes of Novorossiya” and selfless fighters for the Russian world. Long and pathetic stories were devoted to them, in which they were molded into ideological and selfless defenders of the Russian-speaking population fighting the bloody fascist horde. Now yesterday’s “heroes of Novorossiya” have almost completely disappeared from television stories and disappeared from the news, although only two years have passed since their appearance on the historical arena. And some have completely turned from people's favorites into the object of ridicule and bullying of yesterday's comrades.

The fate of most of the heroes of Novorossiya was completely unheroic. But when it all just began, it was hard to imagine that just two years later there would be such an effect.

Igor Girkin (Strelkov)

This man proudly calls himself the main culprit of the war in eastern Ukraine.

“I finally pulled the trigger of war. If our detachment had not crossed the border, in the end everything would have ended, as in Kharkov, as in Odessa. There would have been several dozen killed, burned, and arrested. And that would be the end of it. And practically the flywheel of the war, which is still going on, was launched by our detachment,” Strelkov said in an interview with the Russian Stalinist writer Alexander Prokhanov.

It is actually difficult to argue with this statement. Both in Ukraine and in Russia the decisive role of Girkin-Strelkov in starting the war is generally recognized. After the appearance of his group in Slavyansk, Girkin instantly became the main character of Russian journalists. He gave his first interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the most popular newspaper in the Russian Federation.

Events in Donbass developed so rapidly that today it has somehow been forgotten that in the spring-summer of 2014 Strelkov was one of the most popular figures in Russian Federation. According to some opinion polls, the leader of the Donetsk militants at some point even outranked Putin in the ratings, which is not surprising, since government media journalists made the saboteur practically an icon, vying with each other to publish reports about his heroic exploits.

However, after leaving Donbass, the “hero of the defense of Slavyansk” suddenly disappeared from television screens, and after that, people’s love for him began to rapidly cool. In fact, an entertaining social experiment was staged, confirming how much influence television has on the modern Russian citizen. Without the help of the box, Girkin could no longer compete with Putin and quickly slipped into a marginal niche.

Two years after his triumphant appearance on Russian TV, Strelkov is much more often the target of criticism and ridicule than of laudatory publications. Moreover, criticism comes mainly from his former comrades, who compete with each other to see who can kick the “militia legend” the hardest.

Thus, just a year after the events in Slavyansk, Moscow political scientist Alexander Boroday, who stood with Girkin at the origins of the DPR, in his interviews called his former comrade “crazy”:

“I consider him a person who has completely lost his adequacy and mental health. I have good reasons for this. I knew before that he had some mental problems, but I didn’t think that they would grow to such a scale and begin to harm the business, the country, and harm other people,” Borodai said in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.

“This militarily stupid, no military education, amoebic-cowardly creature, who graduated from the Institute of History and Archives, began to talk about Russia’s actions in Syria, about the operations carried out by me (this inflated dummy doesn’t even know about many of them). Girkin, unscrew the screws from your skull and take the crown off your stupid head,” another “hero of Novorossiya” Igor Bezler addressed Strelkov.

Another “hero of Novorossiya,” the late Pavel Dremov, said six months before his death that Girkin-Strelkov agreed to leave Slavyansk for “a certain amount,” that is, he simply sold his positions.

The “people's mayor” of Slavyansk, Vyacheslav Ponomarev, did not restrain himself either, who suddenly told the world how Strelkov committed atrocities in Slavyansk.

“The last days of your stay in Slavyansk you were not adequate, the militia can confirm this. If the truth voiced by me has hooked you, then since you have already lost and no one wants to see you in the DPR, you don’t need to make yourself higher by throwing mud at others. Better give an answer why your subordinates in Slavyansk robbed and killed civilians. Don’t doubt it, I have evidence of this,” Ponomarev said.

Unfortunately, he did not explain why he was silent for so long and did not make this information public immediately after he learned about the robberies and murders.

The Russian media also repeatedly threw mud at Strelkov, who just recently sculpted him into a heroic image. After Girkin became social networks To criticize the policies of Putin, who did not want to openly attack Ukraine and annex Donbass to the Russian Federation, pro-Kremlin journalists began to generously publish publications accusing him of cowardice and incompetent command during the defense of Slavyansk from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Former Kiev journalist Alexander Chalenko, who moved to Moscow in 2014, was especially successful in this field.

Strelkov himself also does not remain in debt. The former field commander has turned into a fierce online fighter and now diligently humiliates the current leaders of the LPR and DPR on the Internet, and also talks about theft and complete decay in the ranks of the “armed forces of Novorossiya.”

Ironically, just two years after Girkin “pulled the trigger of war” in Slavyansk, the former “Minister of Defense of the DPR” turned into a supplier of obnoxious news stories for Ukrainian journalists, who happily quote his offended passages about “drug addicts and homeless people" fighting for the "people's republics".

Pavel Gubarev

The organizer of the first anti-Ukrainian riots in Donetsk, Pavel Gubarev, basked in the glory for only a short time. At the beginning of March 2014, the Russian media vying with delight talked about him, calling Gubarev nothing less than “the people’s governor,” but it was impossible to call Gubarev in this way without a smile. Even to sympathizers, the very modest scale of the subject’s personality and his intellectual limitations were obvious from the first days. The first “people's governor” is remembered mainly for making terrible grimaces from the podium during his speeches and saying utter nonsense.

Only the arrest saved Gubarev from a quick embarrassment. For a while he became a martyr, whose release was demanded at rallies on weekends, but when his release finally took place, it turned out that no one was interested in Pasha anymore, and the audience now glued to the screens had other idols. Appearing in Slavyansk, against the backdrop of the real thugs operating there, Gubarev looked like a caricature and frivolous. He did not enjoy authority among the militants. In Donetsk, where Pasha moved in the summer, he began a streak of bad luck. The story of the Chechens who tried to bury Gubarev alive in the ground became widely known. Another time, the demoted “people's governor” had an accident on the way to Rostov, which he declared an attempt on his life. To top it off, the Novorossiya party created by Gubarev was not allowed to participate in the fake elections, which were organized specifically for Alexander Zakharchenko.

Gubarev's last attempt to remind himself of himself ended as ingloriously as the previous ones. By order of Zakharchenko, Pasha went to act as mayor in Yasinovataya, where the group of field commander Alexander Khodakovsky is based. The latter, of course, did not like this appointment, and he decided to give the uninvited guest a “warm welcome.” Having arrived in the city, Gubarev suddenly found himself blocked by a crowd of supporters of Khodakovsky, who demanded that he get away and called him a fascist and a coward. The “He who has more weapons is right” system, created with the participation of Gubarev himself, ultimately backfired on its creator. The disgraced “people's governor” left Yasinovataya with nothing.

What was most amusing about this story was that yesterday’s comrades-in-arms used facts against Gubarev that were published in the spring of 2014 in the Ukrainian press. He was also accused of having fascist views (participation in the neo-fascist organization RNU). But back in 2014, these same publications were declared by DPR supporters to be “lies of the Ukrainian media” and “propaganda.”

Oleg Tsarev

Former member of the Ukrainian parliament Tsarev is the only one of the “heroes of Novorossiya” who had fame and political weight in Ukraine before the start of the war. After the events began, many predicted him to be the leader of the Donbass separatists. However, the initial advantage that Tsarev had thanks to his deputy’s title, due to epic stupidity, ultimately failed to implement the subject.

Tsarev proclaimed himself “chairman of the parliament of Novorossiya,” but neither the parliament itself nor Novorossiya ever came into existence. Tsarev’s stupid face flashed here and there for some time, but in the end the unlucky separatist was no longer allowed even into the Donbass, and he left for Russia.

The persona of this “hero of Novorossiya” seemed to evoke equal disgust on both sides of the conflict. Today it is difficult to find at least one person who would remember Tsarev with warmth and kindness and would consider his candidacy for at least some leadership position successful.

Igor Bezler

In the spring of 2014, Bezler was considered one of the most sinister figures in the ranks of the separatists. Participation in the kidnapping and murder of Gorlovka deputy Rybak, and later in the shooting of a Ukrainian military camp near Volnovakha, brought him quick fame. In Russia, propaganda videos and countless TV spots were dedicated to him.

However, after a bright debut in the spring of 2014, Bes quickly faded into the background. IN decisive battles did not take part. Bezler spent the entire summer in Gorlovka, which turned into his own feudal allotment. All this time, members of his group were engaged in robbery and looting. The most striking episode of this period was the distribution of live chickens brought from a looted poultry farm to city residents.

In the fall of 2014, Bezler was recalled from Gorlovka to Russia and was forced to leave for annexed Crimea, where he still lives. According to the separatists themselves, Bezler was forced to leave Donbass due to a conflict with Zakharchenko and unwillingness to obey the commander of the Oplot group. At the same time, the “hero of Novorossiya” was given an ultimatum - voluntary departure or liquidation.

Once in Crimea, Bezler now mainly writes on social networks on his wife's page, where, out of boredom, he throws slop at everyone who turned out to be a little more fortunate than himself. The ones who get the most from the former commandant of Gorlovka are Zakharchenko and Strelkov, whom he showers with abuse and curses with diligent regularity. At the beginning of 2016, Bezler refused the DPR awards, saying that he did not need awards from the republic, which was ruled by a “clown and huckster” (Zakharchenko).

Alexander Khodakovsky

Another faded “hero of Novorossiya,” Alexander Khodakovsky, is also grumbling on social networks. All the entries on his blog, where he mainly transferred his activity after being removed from business, show resentment and anger towards the more successful Alexander Zakharchenko. By Khodakovsky’s own admission, in the spring of 2014, Russian curators planned to put him, not Zakharchenko, at the head of the decorative republic, but later changed their choice. It is not difficult to understand that this fact brings unbearable suffering to the former SBU officer, which he pours out into the outside world.

In the spring of 2014, the “Vostok” battalion created by Khodakovsky controlled Donetsk and freely engaged in “push-ups” and “looting” in the city, but at that moment such facts were ignored by Russian journalists, and Khodakovsky was carefully molded into the image of an anti-fascist hero. True, in his case the heroic aura never shone in full force. Even the skill of the Channel One magicians did not help. On May 26, 2014, Khodakovsky got into trouble by exposing his people during an attempt to storm the Donetsk airport. As a result of the confusion, "Kamaz" trucks with "militia" retreating from the airport were ambushed by their own people and were mistakenly shot by Khodakovsky's men. The latter failed to wash away this shame.

Nowadays, one of the founders of the DPR is in disgrace, he scolds on his blog the authorities that he himself helped become the authorities, and periodically makes public the unpleasant details of Donetsk behind-the-scenes intrigues. In Donetsk on at the moment Khodakovsky and his people are practically devoid of any influence and weight.

In the fascist-Black Hundred wing of the DPR supporters, the “hero of Novorossiya” Alexander Khodakovsky is considered an exiled Cossack and protege of world Zionism, whose real goal, of course, is to destroy as many Russian people as possible. Fans of this conspiracy theory are distributing a video online called “The Framing of the Jew Khodakovsky,” as well as anti-Semitic cartoons.

Vyacheslav Ponomarev

“People’s Mayor” of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev shone during the confrontation in Slavyansk. On the day of the capture of the city, I... Ponomarev was drunk and announced that everything would be very serious in Slavyansk. He didn't cheat here.

For some time, Ponomarev basked in the glory, gave interviews and recorded appeals to city residents. However, he soon quarreled with Strelkov and was arrested. After this, the fighters against the junta suddenly found out that the “people’s mayor” was a madman, a drug addict and a rare scoundrel, and Russian journalists, just in case, lost interest in Ponomarev until the situation was clarified.

After the liberation of Slavyansk by the Ukrainian army, Ponomarev got lost and did not show up for a long time, until someone needed to pour slop on Strelkov once again. After that, the “people’s mayor,” who settled in Moscow with money honestly squeezed out by the people, got out of mothballs, recorded a disgusting video in which he deliciously spat on his former comrade-in-arms, and then again plunged back into the abyss of oblivion.

Sergey Zdrilyuk. Abwehr

Today, not everyone will remember who he is. Meanwhile, at first they fashioned from the Abwehr something similar to what was later fashioned from Givi and Motorola.

Zdrilyuk at first seemed like an ideal hero for Russian propaganda. Originally from Vinnitsa, he was perfect for illustrating the thesis about civil war in Ukraine. They say that even Westerners are going to fight against the junta.

Zdrilyuk’s stellar career was hindered by his own violent nature. In the midst of the fight against the junta, the “hero of Novorossiya” revealed sadistic tendencies, which his own colleagues, as well as civilians in Donetsk, had the good fortune to experience. In the summer of 2014, the Abwehr was thrown into the basement by its own comrades. According to some data, for bullying colleagues and prisoners, according to the Russian Spring website - for “a number of cases of a criminal nature.” Later information appeared that the Abwehr had been released and left for Russia.

Today, the name of this “hero” in Donetsk was shamefully consigned to oblivion. Like most other participants in the confrontation in Slavyansk, Zdrilyuk is not mentioned in official sources of the DPR separatists.

Andrey Purgin

The veteran of Donetsk separatism could quite deservedly claim a leading role within the DPR, since he himself actually invented the “Donetsk republic.” Purgin became famous in Donetsk back in 2005, when he radically opposed the Orange Revolution with money from the Party of Regions. He later founded public organization under the name "Donetsk Republic", having the same flag that the DPR has today. The organization was created to troll President Yushchenko and turned out to be very scandalous. Each of her street actions became a newsworthy occasion and was discussed in the media of Donetsk and Ukraine.

In 2006, when the organization first emerged, few believed that something serious could come of it.

However, 8 years later, Purgin (pictured with a sign) waited in the wings.

After the militants seized power in Donetsk, he became the “speaker of the DPR parliament.” It seemed that the dream had come true, and nothing else stood in the way of a dizzying career. But here the main bummer lay in wait. The veteran of Donetsk separatism was devoured by his own comrades. One fine day, Purgin found out that he was no longer the speaker, but Denis Pushilin was the speaker instead.

A timid attempt to organize a protest in defense of Purgin turned into another failure. The meeting was quite harshly dispersed by armed bandits, pointing out to the Donetsk residents their place within the framework of the “people's republic”. Suddenly it turned out that in the reality created by Purgin, neither he himself nor the residents of Donbass have any right to their own opinion and are a dumb slave force. It is especially annoying that during the period of the “Bandera occupation” no one stopped Purgin from organizing street actions and speaking publicly, and the Donetsk residents had much more freedoms and rights.

After the scandalous dismissal, Purgin, for reasons of self-preservation, tries once again not to draw attention to his person. And rightly so. In a people's republic, criticism is not welcome.

Vladimir Makovich

The former “speaker of the DPR parliament” at the beginning of 2014 was a media personality and played one of the leading roles in the Donetsk separatist movement, but today he is also forgotten by everyone. It was Makovich who at one time represented the “coat of arms and flag of the DPR” and was forever captured in historical photographs.

His career turned out to be short-lived even by the standards of the DPR. Already during the first public speaking it became clear that this was a somewhat, ahem..., strange person. At first, against the backdrop of the madness that was happening then, this was not noticeable, but over time they decided to get rid of Makovich.

In the summer of 2014, the “DPR speaker” got into trouble. Together with a Russian film crew, he went to one of military units The Ukrainian Armed Forces, which was still operating in Donetsk at that time, wanted to film a staged story about how mothers of soldiers would persuade their sons to surrender. By prior agreement, the soldiers were ready to surrender, but something went wrong and they opened fire on the bus with the Russians. A Russian cameraman was killed.

After this, Makovich was thrown into the basement, but was soon released. The unpleasant incident put an end to his career in the separatist structures. Makovich lost all his posts and disappeared from the field of view of journalists. Today, the “property of the republic” is being sawed away without him.

Roman Lyagin

The head of the “DPR Central Election Commission” often appeared on television screens when he was organizing the separatist referendum on May 11, 2014. Distributed comments and interviews. However, after the show needed by the Russians ended, the need for Lyagin himself disappeared. Having played the role of caliph for an hour, he went into the shadows, but for a long time sat in his decorative position, slowly increasing his personal wealth and not sticking out too much.

But in the spring of 2016, something went wrong, and Lyagin fell into disgrace. Having lost his post, he did not calm down, unlike the more experienced and wise Purgin, but went on the attack. This desperate step predictably ended in the beating and arrest of Lyagin himself, who to this day has not been released.

Russian volunteer Alexander Zhuchkovsky, who has been supporting DPR militants since the very beginning of the war in eastern Ukraine, described what happened to Lyagin as follows:

“Lyagin’s conflict with the leadership of the DPR occurred as part of the confrontation between the head of the republic Zakharchenko and the “opposition” in the person of Purgin-Khodakovsky. During the conflict, Lyagin threatened to tell the press some unseemly, in his opinion, details of the election process in the DPR, and this was regarded by the DPR authorities as an attempt to cause damage to the republic in wartime conditions. In addition, Lyagin “got personal,” inflicting serious insults on Zakharchenko.

As a result of this “discussion,” Lyagin received some bodily injuries, so he was temporarily “isolated” until the beatings wore off and “prevention” was carried out regarding his possible revelations in the press.”

The further fate of the head of the “DPR Central Election Commission” is unclear.

Fedor Berezin

A crazy science fiction writer working in the “cotton fantasy” genre, Fyodor Berezin, was considered the “hero of Novorossiya” in the first half of 2014. Then they also released a standard video about him from the series of the same name, in which Berezin was declared almost a prophet.

Berezin raved about the Russian-Ukrainian war for many years and wrote about it long before it actually began. When sadistic dreams came true, the writer happily joined the ranks of the militants and became the deputy “Minister of Defense of the DPR,” that is, Strelkov. However, he was later gradually removed from any important posts due to obvious insanity.

You can get an idea of ​​what’s going on in Berezin’s head, at least from the entries on his blog. Here is a typical example of a subject recording.

Outright madmen and fanatics like Berezin were very much needed initial stage conflict. They were used for some time, but when cynics and dumb performers were needed instead, the psychos were quickly and quietly written off for scrap. The fate of Berezin is a typical example of this approach.

Givi and Motorola

Nothing is clear about these characters yet. Many predict the fate of Mozgovoy or Dremov for them (we’ll talk about them in a separate article about Lugansk), but for now this can rather be called wishful thinking.

However, the former influence and independence are also gone. The field commanders are completely loyal to Alexander Zakharchenko and are in his shadow. At the right moment, both Motorola and Givi say what Zakharchenko needs. When necessary, they throw mud at the disgraced Khodakovsky. Another time, they repeat the new directive of Russian curators that the DPR does not need to join Russia.

It is obvious that these characters clearly do not fit into the reality of the Minsk agreements, if they are eventually implemented. In particular, a citizen of the Russian Federation Motorola. If the war does not resume, in the future they will most likely be quietly recalled somewhere in the Russian Federation.


Actually, the above characters are not all written off “heroes of Novorossiya”. There are many others, of lower rank, who flashed by and disappeared in the whirlwinds of chaos and intrigue. Numerous ministers and sub-ministers of the DPR, who were active at first, have now disappeared and are of no use to anyone - these are “Chairman of the People’s Council” Boris Litvinov, “Minister of Information” Alexander Khryakov (aka Big Khryu), “Minister of Foreign Affairs” Alexander Kofman, Elena Blokha, Cossack Babai. Since the end of December 2014, the “minister” and Alexander Kalyussky, who was once a business partner of Efim Zvyagilsky, have been warming the bunk.

In fact, of those who started the war and created the DPR, the only one who remained at the top was Denis Pushilin, who chose the ideal moment to join the ranks of the separatists. As for the current leader of the DPR, Zakharchenko, the story with him is rather murky, since the well-known video recording of the first days of the unrest shows that Zakharchenko confronted Gubarev’s supporters in March 2014.

Throughout the spring of 2014, Zakharchenko was clearly in second, if not third, roles in the separatist movement. And the details of his ascent to the top are a topic for a separate study.

This cycle tells about the heroes of Novorossiya - the people who made it possible for the South-East of Ukraine to resist the Kyiv junta. Today we can observe a rare and amazing phenomenon. It is not politicians and oligarchs, but ordinary people who make history...

The list is updated as videos are created.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of Peacemaker Spartak Golovachev

Spartak Golovachev hoped until the end for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the country and kept people from violence. But the junta is not interested in a peaceful solution. The police and the SBU captured Spartak and put him in prison. He was not broken by the arrest; Spartak continued his fight by going on a hunger strike.

Heroes of New Russia: the story of the Orthodox warrior Nikolai Leonov

When the fascist coup began in Kyiv on the Maidan, cleric and outstanding athlete Nikolai Leonov decided to take up arms in defense of the Southeast, traveling to the Donbass. It just so happened that more than six centuries later, not far from the place of Peresvet’s death, Leonov repeated his legendary feat, giving his life for his Motherland.

Heroes of Novorossiya: Mozhaev Alexander - Babai

Thanks to his exploits and epic appearance, Babai became a folk hero, practically a hero of the South-Eastern “heroic epic”. But the bearded militiaman is not a super agent, but an ordinary Kuban Cossack who protects the Russian people in Slavyansk.

Heroes of Novorossiya: the story of journalist Konstantin Dolgov

Konstantin Dolgov became one of the leaders of the militia in Donetsk, and his publication “Glagol” became a mouthpiece for the truth. The junta militants beat the rebellious journalist and then sent him to prison, where they tried to break him morally with bullying. After the liberation of Dolgov, he moved to Donetsk, where he joined the ranks of the militia. For Konstantin Dolgov, the moment of truth has come - when it is no longer enough to simply tell people the truth, but you need to fight with arms in hand until complete victory.

Heroes of Novorossiya: The Story of the Deputy on the Barricades Oleg Tsarev

Oleg Tsarev, a successful businessman, and today a well-known politician, put everything he had on the line in the fight against the Ukrainian fascists. But he does not regret his choice and continues to work on the creation of Novorossiya.

Heroes of New Russia: People's Governor of Donbass Pavel Gubarev

Until recently, Pavel Gubarev worked as Santa Claus and organized children's matinees. Today he has become the people's governor of Donbass and the leader of the People's Militia of New Russia. Having survived all the horrors of captivity, he did not stand aside from the defense of the Motherland, picked up a machine gun and stood up to defend Donetsk from the Nazis.

Heroes of Novorossiya: head of the LPR Valery Bolotov

Valery Bolotov served in the Vitebsk Airborne Division in Soviet times and took part in military conflicts in Transcaucasia. After demobilization he went into business. But the Nazi coup in Kyiv and the repressions that followed forced him to take up arms and defend his native Lugansk region. Valery Bolotov freed the administration, SBU, police, and prosecutor's office from Nazi proteges and organized a referendum, as a result of which the Lugansk People's Republic was created. An attempt was made on Valery Bolotov’s life, but despite this he does not retreat, carrying out reforms in the LPR and protecting it from the fascists.

Heroes of Novorossiya: Edward, nicknamed “Petersky”

Before the outbreak of hostilities, Edward was a builder. He participated in the pursuit of bandits from the Right Sector, who shot at a peaceful rally in Kharkov, when he received a gunshot wound to the face.
It was only by miracle that he managed to survive, having undergone four operations.
Having risen to his feet, he realized that it would not be possible to come to an agreement with the Nazis peacefully, and enlisted in the Donbass self-defense unit,
took under protection the city of Slavyansk on the strategic Rostov-Kharkov highway.

Heroes of Novorossiya: militia commander Igor Bezler

Igor Bezler served in the Airborne Forces of the Soviet Army. He took part in the war in Afghanistan and was awarded the Order of the Red Star. A few years ago he retired and settled in Gorlovka, Donetsk region. The life of a retired lieutenant colonel was changed by the Nazi coup in Kyiv. When, after the establishment of the Junta, the far right rushed to rehabilitate Nazism and ban the Russian language, Bezler joined the protests in the Southeast and led the Gorlovka self-defense. He managed to capture three officers of the most elite special forces of Ukraine "Alpha" at once, who were thrown into Gorlovka to carry out a punitive operation.

Heroes of Novorossiya: military doctor Yuri Evich

Yuri Evich: until recently he was a doctor at the Gorlovka city hospital and the most important thing in his life was writing a doctoral dissertation and scientific research. Today he became the commander of a medical detachment in Donetsk and saved hundreds of lives during the fighting.
Yuri Evich proved by his example that anyone can be a hero!

Dvacha users continue to troll gullible Odnoklassniki users, choosing more and more sophisticated methods. To replace fake quotes famous people false heroes of Novorossiya came, supposedly killed in battles, stone-Russophobes and pony-haters.

Alex "Slouch" Novalis

In fact:

Photos of opposition leader Alexei Navalny often appear on Odnoklassniki with curses addressed to him. Despite this, there were commentators who believed that the picture depicted a real militia member. Only one sentence turned out to be true - Alexey really has a wife and two children.

Sasha "Nurse" Serova

The photo was posted in the public "Help to Donbass" VKontakte, collected over a thousand reposts and was not taken seriously by almost anyone.

In fact:

Former porn actress Sasha Gray is popular in Russia and often comes to the country herself. In 2013, she tried to repeat the trans-Russian motor rally of President Vladimir Putin: drive a Lada Kalina from Khabarovsk to Chita. However, the car broke down already in Khabarovsk. At the end of August 2014, the NTV channel released the film “17 Friends of the Junta,” in which Gray was counted among those who “professed their love for Ukraine at the right time.”

Sasha, using the troll-made picture and on her Twitter, criticized Russian propaganda.

Maxim "Orange" Tesakevich

In fact:

The photo shows the Russian nationalist Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed “Tesak”, in 2014 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of extremism. In the spring, he went on a hunger strike to protest against the unfair investigation, lasted 67 days and lost 43 kilograms in weight.

Evgeniy "Vagon" Petrov

In fact:

The photograph shows the famous Russian comedian Evgeny Petrosyan, whose name has already become a household name. He hosted the programs “Laughing Panorama”, “Joke after Joke” and “Distorted Mirror”.

Zhenya "Belka" Beilina

In fact:

The photograph shows (or depicts) Bailey Jay Granger, a 26-year-old American transsexual porn actress. His former name is Brian Griffin, he became famous in 2007 at the Otakon anime festival, where he showed off his breasts, then without silicone implants. The video went online under the name “Line Trap” and became popular.

New Russophobes: stone, ponies and Optimus Prime

Dvach users decided not to stop at fictitious quotes from famous people and made trolling even more absurd. Now stones and fairy-tale heroes, which does not in the least prevent users of the social network from seething with indignation.

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