Zakharyevskaya 22 military. Military Engineering and Technical University. Schools to look out for

The beginning of the Military Institute (engineering and technical) in 1939-1940. laid by the Leningrad Institute of Industrial Construction Engineers and the Naval Faculty of the Military engineering academy.

June 10, 1939 - The Naval Technical Academy was founded. At the suggestion of the People's Commissar of the Navy, the academy was renamed the Higher Naval Engineering and Construction School of the Republic of Kazakhstan Navy (VVMISU), classified as a 1st category higher education institution.

June 10, 1941 - The Higher Naval Engineering and Construction School of the Republic of Kazakhstan Navy was reorganized into the Higher Engineering and Technical School (VITU) of the Navy.

World famous scientists took an active part in the creation of the university, the formation of its scientific and pedagogical traditions and engineering schools: academician B.G. Galerkin. - the largest specialist in the field of structural mechanics, academician Kantorovich L.V. — outstanding mathematician and economist of our time, laureate Nobel Prize, Professor Ungerman N.I. - major military fortification engineer, professor Zavalishin D.A. - prominent scientist - electrical engineer, professor Lozhkin N.A. - a famous heating engineer and many other famous scientists.

High level of training in engineering, scientific and teaching staff for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments is achieved through the work of 25 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and international academies, 41 professors and doctors of science, over 237 associate professors and candidates of science, including 6 Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, two Honored Economists Russian Federation, Honored Architect of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker physical culture RF. Over the past three years, university teachers have defended 3 doctoral and more than 20 candidate dissertations.

The institute is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg.

The educational buildings of the institute house more than 1,500 classrooms, offices and laboratories equipped with modern equipment.

The organization of scientific work of cadets is carried out on a planned basis. More than 300 cadets participate in 16 military scientific circles. Since 2001, VITU has participated in five interuniversity competitions for the best scientific work in science and technology, mathematics, physics and military history, as a result of which 9 medals and 29 diplomas were won. Over the past 5 years, more than 74 conferences and seminars have been held, as a result of which 9 collections of scientific articles and reports have been published, 23 textbooks, 226 educational and teaching aids, 83 monographs have been published.

Scientific school dealing with issues of airfield construction in complex natural conditions and the problems of increasing the survivability of airfields, unique.

Traditionally, the scientific school on engineering support for naval basing is maintained at the institute.

Scientific schools conducting research on the problems of defensive construction (design principles, problems of theory and practice of underground structures) operate successfully.

Leading in its field is scientific directions related to seismic protection of structures and equipment.

Particularly noteworthy is the development of scientific schools at the institute that have no analogues in the field of technical systems of military infrastructure facilities. Their active formation is closely connected with the revolution in military affairs, a fundamental change in the composition and quality of technical systems of modern objects and structures, and their sharply increased role in ensuring combat readiness, combat effectiveness, reliability and survivability of objects.

Basic scientific statements, defining current state military energy (including small energy).

The scientific school of electrical engineering departments has developed almost all normative and methodological documents on the design of power supply systems, improvement of special electrical equipment, and complex automation of technical systems.

A scientific school has been created and is actively developing, research is being conducted in the field of principles for constructing power supply systems, the theory and practice of their reliability and survivability, and protecting objects from electromagnetic influences. The area related to the electromagnetic compatibility of technical means and biological objects is actively developing.

There is a school that is conducting fruitful work on improving diesel electrical installations, creating autonomous power supplies that most fully meet modern requirements military facilities.

A school working in the field of special electrical installations and their automation is actively developing.

The scientific school, formed at the sanitary-technical faculty, essentially laid the foundations of military sanitary technology as an independent branch of military applied science and technology.

The areas of military ecology, survivability and reliability of sanitary systems, and heat-efficient technologies are being developed. Research is being carried out in the field of construction mechanization.

On the basis of the institute there are:

—Department of urban planning and architectural safety of cantonment facilities of the Ministry of Defense;

—Military branch International Academy environmental sciences and life safety;

—Academic Center for Thermal and Energy Efficient Technologies Russian Academy architecture and building sciences;

—Regional academic problem council on small-scale energy.

For recent years Research on 134 research projects has been completed. In 82 works the institute acted as the lead contractor. 5 topics were carried out according to Government Decrees within the framework of the State Defense Order. 7 research projects in the humanities were completed.

The educational (and research) base of the institute is located on the Karelian Isthmus, on the shore Gulf of Finland. On its territory, scientists and teachers carry out scientific research, cadets are passing practical training in cycles of general professional and military special disciplines.

In postgraduate and doctoral studies, scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel are trained. The university has 3 dissertation councils for awarding academic degrees doctors and candidates of science.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 22, 1944, the Higher Engineering and Technical School of the Navy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command in the fight against the German invaders and for the valor and courage displayed.

During the existence of the university, more than 80 graduates were produced (the first graduation took place in 1941). More than 29,000 graduates received education.

Forty-seven graduates became laureates of state awards.

One hundred and three graduates were awarded military ranks generals and admirals.

One hundred forty-six graduates were awarded honorary titles: Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation; Honored Workers of the Russian Federation; Honored Economists of the Russian Federation; Honored Inventors of the Russian Federation; Honored Builders of the Russian Federation; Honored Power Engineers of the Russian Federation; Honored Builders of the Ukrainian SSR and the ESSR.

Forty-three graduates became members of State, International and other academies.

For personal heroism, three graduates received the title of “Hero Soviet Union».

Over the entire period of activity of the school-university-institute, more than 400 foreign specialists have been trained for the armies of other states: Angola, Cuba, Syria, Hungary, Mongolia, China, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus.

The institute has created conditions for sports and recreation for cadets. The existing sports base and coaching staff have allowed the institute's teams to take 1st place in the Spartakiad of the Leningrad Military District and the St. Petersburg Garrison more than 10 times over the past 15 years. At the institute's clubs there are always clubs for amateur performances, ballroom dancing, art songs, discos, and vocal and instrumental ensembles. The institute pays great attention to the promotion of traditions Russian Fleet. The cadets make short and long-distance boat trips. The Gals boat club operates successfully, which includes trips to the Vyborg skerries, the Solovetsky Islands of the White Sea, Sevastopol, Finland and other routes. The KVN Institute team is the best team in St. Petersburg among military universities.

Today, the Military Institute (engineering and technical) is part of the Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after Army General A.V. Khrulev and trains military personnel with higher and secondary military professional education.


Higher professional education
- 271101 “Construction of unique buildings and structures”
- 140107 “Heat and electrical supply of special technical systems and facilities”

Secondary vocational education
-280703 “Fire safety”

Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Faculty of Energy
Faculty of Naval Base Construction
Department of Secondary Vocational Education
Sanitary department
Academic courses

1 department of Technology, organization and economics of construction
2nd Department of Fortification and Special Structures
3rd Department of Fire Safety
4 Department of Power Supply, Electrical Equipment and Automation
5th Department of Engines and Thermal Installations
6th Department of Life Support Systems for Military Infrastructure Facilities
7th Department of Hydraulic Structures, Building Structures and Solid Mechanics
8th Department of Tactics and General Military Disciplines
9 Department of Military Architecture and Computer-Aided Design Systems
10 Department of Moral and Psychological Support
11 department Physical training

- military higher educational institution of St. Petersburg.

History of the university on the territory of the city of Pushkin:

The Pushkin Higher Military Civil Engineering School (now training base No. 2 of the Military Engineering and Technical University) was created by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 12, 1952 with the aim of training specialists with secondary technical education to occupy positions in the construction of base, fortification and hydraulic engineering structures, as well as in engineering and design organizations, caretakers of buildings of apartment maintenance authorities and platoon commanders of construction, repair, maintenance and hydraulic engineering units.

The permanent location of the school was determined to be the city of Pushkin - in the former and adjacent territories.

The new military educational institution was named the Naval Construction School. Major General Ivan Nikitich Orlov, who arrived from the post of deputy commander of the Baltic Fleet for construction, was appointed its first chief.

The first intake of cadets took place in Leningrad at the VITU of the Navy on the basis of the command and technical department. One hundred and ten lucky students, after competitive exams, were enrolled in the 1st year, dressed in a naval uniform and, led by their company commander, Senior Lieutenant Plakhotin, sent by train to the Detskoye Selo station. From the station, the cadets marched in formation along Sovetsky Boulevard, then past the dilapidated palace, in the buildings of which they were to study, and then under the arch connecting the dilapidated Catherine Palace and the Lyceum, and arrived at the palace platform (parade ground). Three large insulated sanitary-type tents of the 1941 model for 40 people each were already installed here, where the cadets were accommodated. The departments and services of the school were temporarily located in two rooms on the 1st floor of the church wing of the palace. The office of the head of the school was located in one of the cabins of the cruiser Aurora.

At the beginning of September 1952, the cadets moved from the tents to central part the palace and its left wing (where previously there were the personal apartments of Emperor Nicholas II and his family).
The study conditions were difficult, hardships and deprivations affected everything, but no one was despondent.

In 1954, the school completely cleared the premises of the Alexander Palace and relocated to the reconstructed central building of the Paley Palace.

The training and education of cadets was carried out by teachers of cycles (later departments) - socio-economic disciplines, general education disciplines, naval disciplines, and civil, electrical, and plumbing disciplines. The teaching staff, commanders of cadet units, officers and midshipmen of various services and commands were, as a rule, front-line soldiers awarded numerous orders and medals.

In 1956, during the military reform in the USSR, the school was transferred from the authority of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy to the subordination of the USSR Deputy Minister of Defense for Construction and Cantonment of Troops and received a new name - Pushkin Military Construction and Technical School (PVSTU).

The country's leadership at that time believed that the country's defense capability could be ensured by possessing ballistic missiles, and the maintenance of aviation, navy, ground forces- excess. As a result, a massive reduction in the army began, and dozens of military schools were closed. All this directly affected PWSTU. The military road construction school disbanded in Rostov merged with ours. In Krasnoe Selo, the military fire-technical school was closed and merged with ours. In Chita, the airfield construction school ceased to exist, which also partially became part of the PWSTU.

They worked at school wonderful people. Major General M.V. Kolotushkin went from senior lieutenant to general, from teacher to head of the school, leaving an indelible mark on the formation and development of educational behavior. General tactics was taught by Hero of the Soviet Union I.M. Yarotsky. The construction cycle was headed by a candidate technical sciences Colonel M.D. Pyatetsky is a talented scientist and engineer. Together with teacher Captain G. Stavrov (later colonel, professor), he designed, calculated and on the territory of the school manufactured reinforced cement thin-walled shells of double curvature to cover large-span non-standard spans over the weightlifting hall.

For a long time, he worked as a teacher in the electrical engineering cycle, and later it was headed by Colonel D. A. Cherkassky, the author of textbooks on electric drives and automation.
Well-known athletes in the country worked at the school: Olympic champion in weightlifting, Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Bogdanovsky, Honorary Master of Sports of the USSR, repeated champion of the Union and the Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel V. Ya. Meerzon. During his studies at the school, cadet Nesterov became the world champion in basketball.

Graduates of the school served in all corners of the country and Warsaw Pact states. Many have held and continue to hold prominent positions in military construction structures. Among them are graduates of the school: Colonel General A.V. Solomatin, Lieutenant General S. Pykhach, Major Generals B.P. Sorokin, A.G. Khomenko, Yu.V. Proshletsov. During the Cuban missile crisis, a number of school graduates successfully completed a special government assignment. Some of them were awarded military orders and medals, among them Lieutenant (later Colonel) L. S. Katsin.

Considering the high professional level teachers and commanders, the school in 1975 was transferred to the rank of higher educational institutions with a 4-year period of study, and in 1977 it became the Pushkin Higher Military Civil Engineering School (PVVISU) with a five-year period of study.

The faculties of PVVISU trained military civil engineers, electricians, and plumbers. The special faculty successfully trained military construction engineers for Vietnam, Mongolia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Mozambique and other countries.

The school had well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, workshops, a computer center, training center in Nizino, a shooting range (previously belonged to the Life Guards Hussar Regiment; many times here Nicholas II demonstrated his skills with a rifle).

Graduates of the school took part in the liquidation of the accident at the Mayak p/o and the dumping of radioactive waste into the Techa River, eliminated the radioactive danger at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, were active in special risk units, and built unique facilities at Baikonur.

Numerous officers, warrant officers, conscripts, workers and employees made a significant contribution to the development of the school. Among them are Colonels I. A. Shonin and A. P. Gavrin, I. A. Svetlichny, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Colonel N. N. Karasev, Colonels V. S. Monya, V. Ya. Smirnov, V. T. Baun , A. I. Grigoriev, S. I. Dorofeev. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War M.K. Blagodatny, S.Ya. Alekseev, O.A. Shcherbakov have continued to work at the school for many years.

Nowadays, training base No. 2 - formerly SUVMS - PVVISU is part of the Military Engineering and Technical University - an authoritative higher education institution with glorious traditions, headed by Lieutenant General V. A. Chmyrev.

Military engineering technical university(Nikolaevsky) was created in 1810 according to the highest decree Tsar Alexander I on the eve of Napoleon's invasion. The educational institution is located in a historical place - in the former barracks of the Cavalry Guard Regiment. Today military engineers are trained here of the highest qualifications in various directions.


The Military Engineering and Technical University (VITU) is a higher military educational institution that trains officers in construction and engineering specialties for all branches of the military and navy. It is located in St. Petersburg, near the Summer Garden, Tauride Palace and

The university trains cadets in the field of building construction, special and protective structures, engineering systems and energy. It has a modern experimental facility for testing various thermomechanical and power plants, structures and building materials, and also carries out research and development activities. The institution provides training for military university officers for all Russian engineering troops. It is also possible to train foreigners.

VITU faculties

The university has six main faculties, which train engineers and mid-level specialists in the following industries:

  • Military construction.
  • Energy.
  • Construction of naval bases.
  • Sanitary department.
  • Mechanization of construction work.
  • Special department.


Military Engineering and Technical University is one of the oldest higher engineering educational institutions. Its history begins in 1810, when a military engineering school was founded on the basis of the school of engineer conductors. Non-commissioned officers were trained here according to a five-year training program.

In 1819, the institution was transformed into the Main Military Engineering School. Many graduated from it outstanding personalities. Perhaps the most famous graduate is Fyodor Dostoevsky. In 1855, the educational institution was reorganized into the Nikolaev Engineering Academy.

After 1917, VITU experienced numerous reforms. At first it was renamed the Military Engineering Academy (1918), and then the Military Technical Academy (1925). In 1932, the university was disbanded, and smaller military institutes were created on the basis of individual faculties. An attempt was made to transfer the Faculty of Engineering to Moscow.

The reorganizational leapfrog hindered the development of the academy in particular and military engineering in general. Many traditions and knowledge inherited from the tsarist era were lost. Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, being the People's Commissar of the Navy, made a strong-willed decision in 1939 (entering into conflict with Stalin) to return the naval engineering faculty to Leningrad. In just two years, we managed to strengthen our workforce with talented personnel. teaching staff. Invaluable support was provided by the Leningrad Industrial Institute.

There were not enough military engineers on the eve of the looming Second World War, so the administration was faced with an ambitious task in as soon as possible establish educational process. And the VITU team did it. Before the war, it was already an authoritative higher education institution that trained a whole galaxy of famous officers. On June 10, 1941, the institution was renamed the Higher Engineering and Technical School of the USSR Navy.

World War II

The Military Engineering and Technical University directly took part in the Second World War. Many graduates, cadets, and teachers fought heroically against the common enemy on all fronts. They demonstrated fortitude and high competence as military engineers. They created numerous forts and fortifications both at sea and on land. Thus, the unique “Krasnaya Gorka” fortress of the Kronstadt defensive line, which stood as an impregnable wall against enemy fleets in the First and Second World Wars, was designed by VITU teacher Professor K.I. Velichko.

In general, the cleverly organized system of forts played a key role in the defense of Leningrad. During the blockade, a group of city engineering defense specialists was headed by Boris Galerkin, a professor at the VITU of the Navy. In addition, he was responsible for safety on the Road of Life, which passed through Lake Ladoga. In 1944 the university was awarded the order Red Banner, and the cadets were honored to participate in the historical parade in Moscow in 1945.

Further development

When the cannonade died down, teachers and cadets (who survived) returned to the Military Engineering and Technical University. No less intense work lay ahead, only now it would be peaceful. Practical experience, accumulated in battles, made it possible to introduce a lot of new things into military engineering science.

In 1960, the educational institution was tasked with training engineering and technical personnel for virtually all branches of the military. New, previously unseen areas of work emerged. For example, the construction of intercontinental ballistic missile launch silos, secret headquarters and bunkers capable of withstanding direct nuclear attack, underground shelters for nuclear parking submarines and much more.

In the 90s, the time came for new educational and administrative reforms. In 1993, the school was transformed into an institute, which on June 18, 1997 was merged with the Pushkin Higher Military Engineering Construction School. Since then, June 18 has been the university's birthday.

Continuity of generations

VITU in St. Petersburg continues and develops the scientific and pedagogical traditions laid down by teachers of the Engineering School, Nikolaev and Military Engineering Academies. From the walls educational institution Many famous military men, scientists, travelers, clergy, and politicians came out. For example, Leonid Artamonov - a Russian general, engineer, geographer and researcher - was a military adviser to the king of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) Menelik II. Dmitry Brianchaninov, on the contrary, chose the path of spiritual service and subsequently became known as Saint Ignatius.

Dmitry Mendeleev was a professor of chemistry at the Nikolaev Academy. His student was Professor Alexey Shulyachenko, an engineer and chemist known as the “father of Russian cement.” In turn, Shulyachenko raised the future academician Boris Galerkin.

In total, the university has trained more than 45,000 military engineers. Among its graduates and teachers:

  • Fyodor Dostoevsky is a Russian writer and essayist.
  • Alexander Wegener - pilot, engineer, aircraft designer, first head of the Aviation Engineering Academy. Zhukovsky.
  • Mikhail Glukharev is the chief engineer at Sikorsky airline.
  • Dmitry Grigorovich is a Russian writer.
  • Alexander Dutov - one of the leaders white movement, Lieutenant General.
  • Dmitry Karbyshev - General of the Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union. Captured during World War II, he was frozen alive on February 17, 1945 in the Mauthausen concentration camp.
  • Leonid Kapitsa - father Nobel laureate Peter Kapitsa. Russian general, military engineer, oversaw construction
  • Konstantin von Kaufmann - the first governor-general of Turkestan.
  • Leonid Kantorovich - mathematician and economist, Nobel laureate.
  • Roman Kondratenko is a Russian general, known for his staunch defense of Port Arthur at the height of the Russo-Japanese War.
  • Many other personalities who have become famous in history.

VITU: reviews

Needless to say, both alumni and current cadets are proud to have had the honor of studying at such a renowned institution. Students note a good material and technical base and a decent level of teaching. An important incentive is the demand for graduates after graduation, which opens up great opportunities for career growth.

Among the nuances, it is worth noting the serious attitude of the administration to the physical training of cadets, because graduates are expected to take a state exam in physics. Also, do not forget that this is a military university: you will have to live in a barracks, wear military uniform, carry out guard duty, go on duty, observe the regulations.

The object that will now be discussed was once the personal home of Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich, the sixth son of Alexander II, and his wife Olga Valerianovna, after whom the house is called the Olga Paley Palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

2. The interiors of the palace, decorated with French sculptures and tapestries of the 18th century, competed in luxury with the Catherine and Alexander palaces of Tsarskoe Selo.

3. The state rooms and dining rooms were decorated in the Empire style.

4. The Oak Living Room contained 18th-century tapestry-covered furniture that belonged to Napoleonic Marshal Davout. There were also many Chinese and Japanese vases from the 18th-19th centuries, and a collection of Chinese rock products.

5. The princess’s boudoir was also decorated with 18th-century furniture, there were sets of German porcelain on the shelves, and a portrait by Van Dyck hung on the wall. On the left in the photo you can see a harpsichord that belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette of France.

6. The palace was built in 1911-1912, the owners settled in it just before the First World War. With the outbreak of the war, the princess placed an army warehouse and a workshop for sewing linen for soldiers in the palace.

7. With the advent of 1917, Olga Paley, with her husband and son Vladimir, found herself under arrest in the palace, as she could not leave the house and her favorite things, which she later bitterly regretted. Vladimir Paley was thrown into a mine near Alapaevsk in 1918, Sergei Alexandrovich was shot a year later in Peter and Paul Fortress in response to the murder of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Germany. Having lost her family, the princess left Russia. She died in Paris in 1929. The nationalized palace first became a museum, but in 1926 the property was removed and mostly sold. On the initiative of S. M. Kirov, the House of Party Education (DPP) began working in the palace. During the Great Patriotic War, the palace was badly damaged.

8. In 1952, the building was transferred to the Navy Department and extensively rebuilt. Instead of an attic, a full-fledged third floor was erected, and a classic portico appeared on the central projection.

9. The palace housed the Naval Construction School. In 1952, the four most surviving rooms were equipped for classes; the cadets were housed in tents on the parade ground. The reconstruction of the building was carried out by the same cadets.

10. Graduates of the school participated in the construction of Baikonur facilities, the elimination of accidents at the Mayak p/o and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

11. In 2010, as part of the military reform, the Pushkin Higher Military Engineering and Construction School was incorporated into the Military Engineering and Technical University and left the walls of Olga Paley’s palace. Since then, the building has been empty and unguarded.

12. The main lobby of the palace still impresses.

13. A single simple lamp dangles from the ceiling, but the chandeliers of the Paley Palace repeated the lamps of Versailles.

14. This is what the front staircase of the mansion looks like today.

15. It has been well preserved since the beginning of the 20th century, when this photograph was taken. It was only during the reconstruction in 1952 that a ceiling appeared above the lobby.

16. During the same reconstruction, the staircase was extended to the third floor, but it differs from the old one in the absence of roundings on the bends.

17. The staircase leads to a beautiful columned vestibule on the second floor.

18. Long corridors run off to the right and left, connecting all the premises of the school. Initially, the palace had an enfilade layout, all the halls were walk-through.

19. All three floors of the palace are occupied by classrooms and auditoriums.

20. Now desolation reigns in them.

21. The ceiling began to crumble in places.




25. Teachers’ rooms are hidden behind many classrooms.

26. One of the offices is dedicated to industrial safety.


28. In the back rooms you can still see huge deposits of educational materials.

29. In the physical classroom warehouse there is a huge cabinet for teaching aids.




33. There was also a library here.

34. Miraculously, the old telephone switchboard of the school was preserved.

35. The school had a five-year training period for military civil engineers, electricians, and plumbers.

36. B Soviet era Several schools were attached here, including the Chita airfield construction school.

37. In addition, the PVVISU included the Rostov Road Construction and Krasnoselsk Fire-Technical Schools.

38. A lot of materials are devoted to energy.


40. But, of course, the overwhelming majority is for construction, mainly of household facilities.



43. There is even a model of a small military town.


45. In the part of the building added in 1952-1954, there is a second main staircase, much more modest than the first.


47. The annex housed an assembly hall where staff meetings, KVN games and even boxing tournaments were held.

48. Behind the wall is a gym.

49. From the hall there is an entrance to the projectionist’s booth, which is completely empty.

50. The most preserved part of the school is the laboratories and workshops in the basement. A narrow twisted staircase leads there.

51. Mysterious phrase “And thoughts that may become unworthy of her.”

52. A broken film projector hangs by the window.

53. The cabinets are filled with documentation.

54. A scary sign at the exit from the room says that some of the documents may be secret.

55. In the next room I was in an electrical engineering class.

56. The technique presented here is not entirely ordinary.

57. All of it was plundered by looters.

58. Here the cadets passed practical training.


60. The small basement windows of the classroom are covered with wonderful stained glass windows.

61. Nearby is another similar laboratory.




65. In numerous storage rooms, hidden in the labyrinth of the rubble foundation of the Paley Palace, radio components, spare parts and entire instruments are dumped.



68. In the farthest closet under the stairs there was a warehouse for films.

69. Towards the end of my visit to the abandoned school, I came across a printing house.

70. This something reminded me of a printing press.

71. Nearby on the table is a huge camera for recording drawings.

72. His lens is aimed at a tablet with some kind of circuit.

73. Electrically driven camera shutter.

Sources and additional information:

Military Institute (engineering and technical) of the Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after Army General A. V. Khrulev
(VI(IT)VAMTO named after. Khruleva)
Former names Leningrad Higher Military Engineering and Construction School named after. General of the Army A. N. Komarovsky, VITU
Year founded
Closing year 2010, as an independent university
Reorganized 2010
Year of reorganization 2010
Type military
Head of the Military Institute (engineering and technical) Smolinsky Sergey Nikolaevich
Doctors 36
Location Russia Russia;
Saint Petersburg ,
Campus urban
Legal address St. Petersburg, 191123, st. Zakharyevskaya, 22; Tel.: (812) 578-82-02, 275-51-46, email address [email protected]
Website University page 
  on the website of the Ministry of Defense

Military Institute (Engineering and Technical)(VIIT) in St. Petersburg is one of the oldest military higher educational institutions in Russia.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Military Institute (engineering and technical) (formerly VITU)

    ✪ VITU.Military Institute of Engineering and Technology, ( Military Academy MTO).

    ✪ VITU - Military Institute (engineering and technical) VA MTO

    ✪ “Military Institute (engineering and technical) KSHVI 2018

    ✪ Graduation of officers from the Military Institute (engineering and technical)



VIIT is located in the places of its historical foundation in the center of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva (including in the barracks of the Cavalry Regiment). In the immediate vicinity of the Engineering Castle, the Summer Garden, the A. V. Suvorov Museum (Suvorov, Alexander Vasilyevich), the architectural ensemble of the Smolny Monastery, the Tauride Palace and the park.

The traditions of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Military Engineers, the Main Engineering School, and the maintenance of the unique qualifications of the teaching staff are carefully preserved: now VIIT employs 43 doctors of science, professors, about 300 associate professors and candidates of science, among them: six honored scientists and technicians, two honored economists, one honored architect of Russia. The university has twelve specialized research laboratories and a unique scientific and experimental base, which in many ways has no analogues.


Creation of an engineering higher educational institution in 1810

The Military Engineering and Technical University became the first higher engineering educational institution in Russia. As graduate S.P. Timoshenko writes in his book “Engineering Education in Russia”, the educational scheme of the Main Engineering School, born after the addition of senior officer classes, with the division of the Five-Year Education into two stages, later, using the example of the Institute of Railway Engineers, spread in Russia, and continues to this day. This made it possible to start teaching mathematics, mechanics and physics at a high level already at the first stage and give students sufficient preparation in fundamental subjects, and then use the time to study engineering disciplines. Thus, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was able to study in 1838-1843, already using this system higher education.

The Academy was closed after the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, but was restored in November 1917 under the new name of the Military Engineering Academy. In 1923, after merging with the Electrical Engineering Academy, the Military Academy of Engineering Troops and Electrical Engineering was created. And in 1925, after merging with the Artillery Academy, the Leningrad Military-Technical Academy was created, which had an engineering faculty.

The administrative and structural leapfrog harmed sustainable development and certainly led to the weakening of the scientific and pedagogical forces, deeply St. Petersburg in essence and spirit of the highest military engineering school, received by the country from the Nikolaev Engineering Academy and School, but the scientific and pedagogical forces were completely restored before the start of the war, with active participation Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, and largely thanks to the invaluable help. Thus, Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov actually preserved the St. Petersburg Higher Military Engineering Scientific and Pedagogical School for the country, after unfounded attempts in 1932-1939 to move and break away from its own historical soil necessary for development. Only Kuznetsov N.G., being in the position of People's Commissar, actually had the authority to counteract Stalin's policy directed against the St. Petersburg (Nikolaev) Higher Military Engineering School, which is now understandable only in the historical context of the Military Affairs and repressions of the 30s. But Stalin did not forgive Nikolai Gerasimovich for the “unauthorized” return of the Naval Engineering Faculty in 1939, as mentioned by the Court of Honor of the Military Department in 1948 (to correct the negative consequences of the arbitrary relocation of the Engineering Faculty to), as well as the restoration of the Nikolaev Higher Military Engineering Schools in St. Petersburg Military Engineering and Technical University.

The beginning of the legal existence of the Military Engineering and Technical University, as an independent higher military educational institution restored at its place of origin, belonging to and continuing the traditions of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Military Engineers, was laid in 1939 by the Institute of Industrial Construction Engineers, which was a separate part of the one founded in 1899, and returned Maritime Faculty of the Engineering Academy. Order People's Commissar The RK Navy Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov spoke about the organization of VVMISU about the need for the country to create a school on the basis of a separated unit and a returned maritime faculty Engineering Academy, with the aim of training military engineers for the construction of naval bases and coastal fortifications, by restoring the scientific and pedagogical forces of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Military Engineers, Nikolaev Engineering Academy and the Main Engineering School. The school was awarded the right of a higher technical educational institution. The duration of training was determined to be 5 years and 8 months. In its modern legal form, the university was established in 1997 after joining the Military Engineering and Construction Institute (VISI) of the Pushkin Higher Military Engineering Construction School (PVVISU).

Preservation and development of the traditions of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Military Engineers

The St. Petersburg Military Engineering and Technical University continues the more than 200-year preservation and development of the scientific and pedagogical traditions of the indigenous St. Petersburg engineering schools of Russia in its historical homeland. Unlike many other educational institutions, uninterrupted continuity has been maintained since the establishment of the Institution of Higher Education in 1810. Despite historical vicissitudes, even in the worst years, the Higher Educational Institution continued to exist in one form or another, which certainly had a positive impact on the preservation of traditions. The tradition of fruitful historical connection, as well as traditional connectedness and interdependence curricula and programs, was deliberately preserved and supported between the Nikolaev engineering academy and the Nikolaev engineering school, which made it possible to provide more high quality engineering education. An example of this cooperation could be the joint publication of the journal “Engineering Notes” by the school and the academy, renamed “Engineering Journal”.

The Military Engineering and Technical University is a direct historically legitimate successor of the traditions, at the same time, of the Higher School of Military Engineers St., which could be symbolized by Yuri Kondratyuk (Alexander Shargei), and due to the legal fact of maintaining continuity after the return of the faculty in 1939 with its location at the site of its founding , a direct heir to the traditions of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Military Engineers of the Main Military Engineering School, where Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky studied, marked by the return to the historical homeland of the naval engineering faculty of the academy (organized in 1932 in Moscow on the basis of the Civil Engineering School).

The university is a legally legitimate successor to the traditions of the St. Petersburg Higher School of Military Engineers, which could be symbolized by the 1883 graduate of the Nikolaev Engineering Academy Leonid Konstantinovich Artamonov, a Russian general, traveler and one of the representatives of the first legendary generation of Russian internationalist officers of the late nineteenth century who fought for freedom of Abyssinia (wrote: “Through Ethiopia to the shores of the White Nile”).

Since its formation, VITU has a unique composition of scientific and pedagogical staff, as a continuation of one of the historical traditions of the Main Engineering School and the Nikolaev Engineering Academy. Suffice it to say that in St. Petersburg, for the purpose of training military engineers, different times were involved: for teaching chemistry - D. I. Mendeleev, for teaching fortification - N. V. Boldyrev, mathematics - M. V. Ostrogradsky, communications - A. I. Kvist, and tactics, strategy and military history taught by G. A. Leer. From the very beginning, the higher military educational institution always included world-famous scientists, for example, the founder of the national school of structural mechanics and elasticity theory B. G. Galerkin headed the department of structural mechanics, and the famous mathematician and economist, Nobel Prize laureate L. V. Kantorovich agreed to head Department of Mathematics, as well as the outstanding electrical engineer D. A. Zavalishin, the phenomenal military engineer - fortifier N. I. Ungerman, the unique heating engineer A. N. Lozhkin, and many other extraordinary engineers and scientists. An outstanding teacher was the professor and “father of the Russian cement industry” Shulyachenko, Alexey Romanovich. As a teacher, he was distinguished by his ability to eloquently and captivatingly present the subject of fortification, Quist, Alexander Ilyich.

One of the main traditions of the university is certainly the harmonious combination of patriotism and spiritual strength with the highest level military engineering competence of graduates.

From the Great Patriotic War to the present day

The resilience and engineering training of graduates was proven during the Great Patriotic War. Special role Fort Krasnaya Gorka, built according to the design of Professor K. I. Velichko, who taught at the university until his death in 1927, played a role in the defense of Leningrad. The Military Engineering and Technical University actually participated in the war, producing military engineers for all fronts. In addition, the personnel directly took part in the defense of Leningrad. Teachers and cadets participated in the construction of defensive structures in the summer and autumn of 1941, provided patrol service, camouflaged buildings and structures, provided engineering support for the city’s defense, preparing for street battles. A significant part of the teaching staff took part in expert and design work for the front. The experts of the head of the engineering defense of Leningrad were headed by academician B. G. Galerkin. The group included professors B. D. Vasiliev, N. A. Kandyba, N. I. Ungerman, associate professors S. S. Golushkevich, P. I. Klubin. Scientific works S. S. Golushkevich about ice crossings was provided theoretical basis to create a Road of Life on Lake Ladoga and communication with the country. Professor N.N. Luknitsky was engaged in scientific consultations for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete firing points. Professor L.V. Kantorovich solved the problem of reducing risks and ensuring the safety of the Road of Life. The mechanical workshop of the laboratory of the Department of Strength of Materials produced small arms parts around the clock. Large quantity graduates, commanders, teachers and cadets who participated in the war were awarded high government awards. For participation in the Great Patriotic War By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 22, 1944, VITU of the Navy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, all personnel medals “For the Defense of Leningrad” were awarded, and the school cadets took part in the Victory Parade (June 24, 1945).

IN Soviet period since its existence, VITU has trained more than 30 thousand engineers; Among the graduates there are 115 Honored Builders, as well as Guards Colonel (9GUMO is currently a priest of ELCI) Okolzin A.V., and more than 100 generals and admirals, including three Colonel Generals: Kotylev N.I., Shumilov L.V. . and Solomatin A.V.

Institute after 2000

During the reform to unite military universities, carried out on the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Serdyukov, VITU as an independent institution was liquidated. The university, together with four more military universities (Institute of Railway Troops, Volsky, Omsk, Penza Military Institutes) was included in the Military Academy of Logistics and Technical Support named after Army General A.V. Khrulev as an institute (faculty), the number of departments was reduced to 11 .


  1. 1. Engineering and technical
  2. 2. Energy (Electrical)
  3. 3. Construction of naval bases
  4. 4. Special faculty
  5. 5. Faculty of retraining and advanced training
Civil Engineering faculties

Trains military engineers and civil engineers in the following specialties: “Construction and operation of buildings and structures for special and general military purposes”, “Construction, repair and technical operation of buildings and structures for special and general military purposes”, “Construction and operation of buildings and structures special purpose» with the qualification “civil engineer”.

Faculty of Energy

Trains military engineers in the following specialties: “Installation, operation and repair of power supply systems and electrical equipment of buildings and structures for special and general military purposes” with the qualification “electrical engineer”, “Installation, operation and repair of thermal power equipment of buildings and structures for special and general military purposes” with assignment of the qualification “thermal power engineer”, “Installation, operation and repair of electromechanical installations of coastal fleet facilities” with assignment of the qualification “energy engineer”.

Faculty of Naval Base Construction

Trains military engineers in the following specialties: “Construction and operation of hydraulic structures and special facilities of naval bases, ensuring the basing of fleet forces” with the qualification “civil engineer” for service in engineering, research, and leadership positions in the Navy Russian Federation.

Special Faculty

It trains foreign specialists from both near and far abroad.

Departments (until 2010)

1 Pedagogy, psychology and national history 2 Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines 3 Tactics and combined arms disciplines 4 Mathematics 5 Physics 6 Physical training and sports 7 Foreign languages 11 Construction machines (automotive and lifting equipment, operation and repair) 12 Construction materials 13 Military and industrial buildings 21 Power supply 22 Electrical equipment and automation 23 Engines (and power plants) 24 Thermal power plants 31 Reliability, installation and operation of military infrastructure 32 Ecology and sanitary systems 33 Fire safety 41 Military architecture 42 Naval bases, airfields and roads 43 Building structures (and mechanics) solid) 44 Computer technology (automated design and control systems construction industry) 51 Engineering geodesy, foundations and foundations 52 Fortifications (and protective structures) 53 Construction technologies 54 Organization of production (and economics of construction) 55 Camouflage

Specialties of training

Training is conducted in three specialties (specialty, 5 years) of higher education and in one specialty of secondary vocational education:

  1. 140107 Heat and electricity supply for special technical systems and facilities
  2. 271101 Construction of unique buildings and structures
  3. 080225 Logistics support (specializations - Organization of municipal services and construction, Organization of operation, repair and installation of sanitary systems)
  4. 280104 Fire safety, technician

The admission rules establish additional requirements for applicants. In addition to the traditional Unified State Exam for civilian universities in three subjects (Russian language, mathematics, physics or social studies), it is necessary to pass standards (exams) for pull-ups, 100 m and 3 km running. Points for exercises are added to points for tests on the Unified State Examination.

Notable teachers and alumni

Famous graduates and teachers of St. Petersburg High school military engineers of the Military Engineering and Technical University:

  • Arens, Apollon Ivanovich, military engineer, major general, full-time teacher at the Nikolaev Engineering Academy
  • Artamonov, Leonid Konstantinovich, Russian general, traveler and one of the representatives of the first legendary generation of Russian internationalist officers of the late nineteenth century who fought for the freedom of Abyssinia (wrote: “Through Ethiopia to the shores of the White Nile”)
  • Abramov, Fedor Fedorovich - lieutenant general, in exile assistant to the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, head of all units and departments of the Russian Army
  • Brianchaninov, Dmitry Alexandrovich - Bishop of the Caucasus and Stavropol Ignatius (Brianchaninov) - theologian, canonized.
  • Buinitsky, Nestor Aloizievich - Lieutenant General
  • Bulmering, Evgeniy Mikhailovich (1834-1897) - Kerch commandant, hero Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878
  • Bunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich - Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of the Leningrad Military District for the construction and quartering of troops.
  • Burman, Georgy Vladimirovich - Major General, creator of the air defense of Petrograd, head of the Officer Electrical Engineering School
  • Wegener, Alexander Nikolaevich - Russian military aeronaut, military pilot and engineer, aircraft designer, head of the Main Aerodrome, first head of the VVIA named after.  N. E. Zhukovsky.
  • Velichko, Konstantin Ivanovich (-, Leningrad) - Russian military engineer, professor of fortification, voluntarily joined the Red Army, author of numerous fortification projects, including the Krasnaya Gorka fort system
  • Voinitsky, Heinrich Stanislavovich, military engineer, architect and professor, specialist in ventilation and heating
  • Galerkin, Boris Grigorievich (February 20 (1871-1945) - Russian and Soviet engineer, scientist in the field of elasticity theory and mathematician, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (with, corresponding member with), engineer-lieutenant general
  • Gershelman, Vladimir Konstantinovich - head of the mobilization department of the headquarters of the UVO
  • Golovin, Kharlampiy Sergeevich - director
  • Grigorovich, Dmitry Vasilievich - writer
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich - writer
  • Dutov, Alexander Ilyich - Lieutenant General, Ataman of the Orenburg Cossack Army
  • Kantorovich, Leonid Vitalievich (1912-1986) - Soviet mathematician and economist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1975 “for his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation.” Pioneer and one of the creators of linear programming.
  • Kapitsa, Leonid Petrovich (1864-1919), father of Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa - Major General of the Engineering Corps, built the Kronstadt forts
  • Karbyshev, Dmitry Mikhailovich - Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops, Hero of the Soviet Union
  • Kaufman, Konstantin Petrovich - engineer-general, adjutant general, Turkestan governor-general
  • Kaufman, Mikhail Petrovich - Lieutenant General, Adjutant General, Member of the State Council
  • Kvist, Alexander Ilyich - Russian engineer and fortifier
  • Kondratenko, Roman Isidorovich - Lieutenant General, hero of the defense of Port Arthur
  • Korguzalov, Vladimir Leonidovich - guard major, head of the engineering service of the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps of the 47th Army of the Voronezh Front, Hero of the Soviet Union
  • Kraevich, Konstantin Dmitrievich - Russian physicist, mathematician and teacher
  • Krivov, Valentin Gavrilovich - scientist in the field of diesel and combined power plants and autonomous power supply stations.
  • Krivoshein, Grigory Grigorievich (1868-1940) - major general (since 1912), bridge builder.
  • Cui, Caesar Antonovich - composer and music critic, professor of fortification, engineer general
  • Laskovsky, Fyodor Pavlovich (1843-1905) - lieutenant general (from 1896), participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. .
  • Leman, Anatoly Ivanovich - Russian writer, violin maker

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