German General Field Marshal Kleister. The German general Mius Front skews in a Soviet prison. War in Europe



Kleyst Evald, 1881 born, a native of seats [Growney] Brownfeld, Province of Tissren (Germany), German, German State, non-partisan, with higher military education, the former commander of the German Army Group "A" on the Soviet-German front, Field Marshal General.

Interrogation started at 12 o'clock .

Question: What position did you occupied lately in the German army?

Answer: In the rank of Feldmarshal General of the former German army, before April 1, 1944, I commanded the army grouping "A" on the Soviet-German front, and after April 1, 1944 was in the Okch reserve.

Question: Do you have relatives?

Answer: Yes. I have a wife von Clayst Gizel, a nee Watcher, 1898 born and two sons: Evald, born in 1917, a native of the mountains. Hannover, Rothmistra (captain) of the former German army, who was to surrender on cure in the hospital of the mountains. Breslau, and Henrich, born in 1921, also a native of the mountains. Hannover, who studied at the agricultural faculty of the University of Breslav and was in Bavaria, where he was sent to agricultural work.

My Father - Background Gogo, 1848, was the director of the Gymnasium in the mountains. Aurich (Germany), he died in the 20s. My mother - von Claylist Elizabeth, nee Gla, 1855 born, lives in the mountains. Study (Germany). Sister - Schwering Gert, 1884, lives together with his mother also in the mountains. Study. Sisters husband - Schwering Karl, was a lander in the mountains. Study, died in 1947. I do not have other close relatives.

Question: When did you do to the service in the German army?

Answer: I entered the German army voluntarily in 1900, immediately after graduating from the gymnasium and served in it until the day of captivity of me by the American troops on April 25, 1945.

Question: Show you about passing the service in the army?

Answer: After graduating in 1900, the gymnasium in the mountains. Aurich, I entered into an artillery regiment in the mountains in the same year. Brandenburg. In 1901 he graduated from military school, he received the title of Lieutenant, and until 1907 he served in the 3rd shelf of field artillery, recently as an adjutant commander of the Division of Horse Artillery.

From 1907 to 1909 he studied in the cavalry school in the mountains. Hannover, from 1910 to 1913 at the Military Academy in Berlin. After graduation, the Academy was sent to the 14th Gusar Regiment in the mountains. Kassel, where the title of senior lieutenant served as an assistant commander of the cavalry squadron.

In March 1914, he received the title of Rothmistra, and in May of the same year he was transferred to the post of a reserve officer, a candidate for squadron commanders in the 1st Gusar Regiment, in the town of Langfour near Danzig.

In August 1914, he was appointed as a squadron commander and sent to the front to East Prussia. He participated in the battles with Russian troops in East Prussia, in Poland and in Belarus, recently as an officer of the General Staff at the headquarters of the Cavalry Division.

During the negotiations on the Brest Lithuanian world, in the fall of 1917, my division was withdrawn to Germany, where I was before the spring of 1918, and then was sent to France, where [served] in the position of officer of the General Staff at the headquarters of the 225th Division , And later the head of the operational department ("1a") of the VII of the corps took part in the battles against the French and the British on the Somme and in Vogenes. After the end of the war and the conclusion of the Versailles Agreement, he remained to serve in the rejeser, where he held various command posts to the squadron commander inclusive.

In 1921, he received the title of Major, and in October 1925 he was aimed at the post of head and tactics teacher and military history military school in the mountains. Hanover. In April 1928, he was appointed headquarters headquarters of the 2nd Cavalry Division, stationed in the mountains. Breslau, and in July 1929 transferred to the same position in the 3rd infantry division in the mountains. Berlin. At the same time received the title of lieutenant colonel. In January 1931, I assigned the title of Colonel and appointed the post of commander of the infantry regiment to the mountains. Potsdam. In January 1932, he was appointed to the post of commander of the 2nd Cavalry Division stationed in the mountains. Breslau, and, at the same time, was produced in major general.

In mid-1934, he received the title of Lieutenant General, and in 1935 - appointed commander of the VIII corps to the mountains. Breslau. In 1936 he received the title of General Cavalry. The position of the commander of the VIII corps was located until February 1938, and then, together with Generals Blomberg, Fried and others were dismissed.

Question: What did you do after dismissal?

Answer: Until August 1939, he lived in his estate that was located in the lower Silesia, in seven kilometers from the mountains. Breslau.

Question: And then?

Answer: At the end of August 1939, I was again called up to the army and I was instructed to form the XXII cabinet headquarters with a deployment site in the mountains. Hamburg.

At the end of August 1939, I finished the formation of the headquarters and went with him at the disposal of Field Marshal Leaf, who was located on the German-Polish border and prepared to attack Poland. Here, at the disposal of my headquarters, one tank division was allocated from the army and one motorized and was formed by the XXII tank corps under my command. I participated in the war against Poland on the southern flank of the leaf army. By mid-September 1939, my corps reached the area of \u200b\u200bnorth of Tarnopli, met there with Russian troops and finished his further promotion on this.

At the same time, in September 1939, my XXII campaign headquarters was recalled to Germany, where until March 1940, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nizhny Ryna, led the preparation of the German troops to the war against the French and the British.

In March 1940, I was received from the Ochal order to move with my corps headquarters in the mountains. Koblenz at the disposal of the headquarters of General Field Marshal Rundstedt.

In Koblenz, three tank corps were transferred to me, which, under the name of the Magnifier, were to participate in the war against France.

On May 10, 1940, my group began an offensive against the French and already on May 20, after passing Ardennes, the Maas River and the Maginos Line, reached the coast of Lamanesh, capturing the mountains. Abbeville

After that, the group turned north, captured the city of Boulogne, Kale and went to the flank of the English troops, retreating to Dunkirk. At the end of May 1940, my group broke the British in Dunkirk and displaced them from the European continent.

After the class of Dunkirk, my group was dissected for three tank groups: a group of genera of infantry hotels, "Kleysta Group" and a group of Guderian Tank Troops Group, who moved into the depths of France.

The "Kleist Group" under my command moved to the southeast, having passed to the left of Paris, turned to the southwest, and at the end of June 1940 reached the French-Spanish border, taking the city of Biarritz.

By this time, the war with France was finished, and I with my headquarters, which again received my former name, that is, the XXII corps headquarters, drove into the mountains. Suissy near Paris, where until November 1940 expected a new destination.

Question: What did you get a destination?

Answer: In November 1940, my headquarters was recalled in the mountains. Dresden, where he was renamed to the headquarters of the 1st group, and received a task to inspect all the newly created motorized divisions in Germany.

I was engaged in this work until December 1940, and then received an order to go with the headquarters of the group in the mountains. Sinai (Romania), where to complete the group, and to resist the British in case of their invasion of Bulgaria through Greece or Frace. When the group was equipped, I was ordered to move with her through Bulgaria to Greek and Turkish borders.

By bringing a group to the border with Greece and Turkey, I fully fulfilled the task assigned to me, and since there was nothing more to do here, I was seconded by a sheet in March 1941 at the disposal of OK.

On the way to Germany, I, March 26, 1941, not reaching the mountains. Sofia, was returned back to the sheet, which ordered me to head a special group, called the "Claystone group", and as soon as the war begins against Yugoslavia, move with a group through the mountains. Nish on Belgrade.

On April 6, 1941, Germany attacked Yugoslavia, on April 9, I made a campaign, and on April 13 of the same year, the troops of my group entered Belgrade. In Yugoslavia, I remained until April 18, 1941, and then with my headquarters left to Germany, where April 25, 1941, while in Breslau, began to prepare an armed attack on the Soviet Union.

Question: When did you first know about the preparing attack of Germany to the Soviet Union?

Answer: For the first time, I was known about this in February 1941, when I was in Bulgaria. Then I came from Paris, from who was still there General Field Marshal Rundstedta, an officer and handed over the personal order of Rundstedta that in the war against the Soviet Union, which allegedly begins in this, i.e. 1941, I will act under the command of Rundstedta.

Question: What was your participation in the preparation of war against the Soviet Union?

Answer: Having received a list of parts from Rundstedta, which will be submitted and task, I have been engaged in the development of issues related to the onset with such a calculation in order to envisage all the functions to meet in my way.

The following parts were transferred to my subordinate: XIV Tank Corps of the General Infantry General Wittersheim; Tank corps, I do not remember him, General Campfa Tank Troops and III Tank Case General Cavalry McCenzen.

These three corps formed the 1st tank group, under my command, which, in turn, to the army grouping "South", whose commanders were Field Marshal Rundstedt.

The challenge was to move directly into the east deep into the Soviet territory behind the army in front of the VI army, under the command of General-Field Marshal [von] Reichenau, which was also included in the South Army grouping.

Preparations for the invasion of the Soviet territory was completed in mid-June 1941, and then I left my headquarters to Tomashov-Zancy, where the cases subordinated me were already located.

The scheme of the arrangement of my troops before the offensive was as follows. Along the German-Polish border on the Tomasvo-Lublin line, the troops of the Army of the Army Reichenau were located, and behind their enclosures in the following order: on the left - III, in the middle of the Campfa Corps and the right - XIV.

On June 22, 1941, the army troops Reichena forced Western Bug and moved to the offensive. Following them on 23 or 24 June, I don't remember exactly now, my tank group has moved. The XIV body took the direction to the southeast, and the Cemef Corps and III is east.

In mid-August 1941, my corps approached the Dnieper and entered into battle, flayhed in the Dnieper's radiation for the city of Kherson, Nikopol, Zaporizhia. During the fighting, the group acted alternately in conjunction with the VI Army Reichenau, the XVII army of the infantry genera Studpnagel and the XI Army of the Colonel-General Schubert.

By the end of August 1941, i.e. By the time of the completion of the battle in the raspberry of the Dnieper, the part of my 1st tank group was in the following paragraphs: Campfa Corpus near the city of Nikolaev. XI Corps near the city of Nikopol. Between them, at Kherson, the Major German Corps of General Mountain Troops Cubler and the Romanian Infantry Division. On the Dnieper near the mountains. Zaporozhye stood parts of the Hungarian motorized housing under the command of General Miklash, the cavalry brigade of this body was between the rivers of the Ingul and Ingulets. To the left of Hungary stood III corps, the individual parts of which were forced by the Dnieper and secured on the left bank, and the Italian Infantry Case of General Messe was stood on the left of the III of the corps. All these parts entered this time in my 1st tank group. The left of the Italian corps was part of the XVII army of the generatedness of infantry stitulpnagel.

At the end of September, the buildings of XIV and Kempfa took part, together with the Guderian Tank Panel and the VI Army Rechhenau in the Battle of Eastern Kiev. III Corps was at this time near Mountains, Dnepropetrovsk and conducted battles for crossing through the Dnieper. During the battles east of Kiev, Campfa Corps was transferred to the submission of Guderian, and I went to Dnepropetrovsk with the XIV building to assist III Corps, who was heavy fighting with Soviet troops, and did not have the opportunity to move forward.

Freeing his III body, I have two corps, III and XIV, went towards the mountains. Melitopol to assist the XI Army who met strong resistance there. In the area of \u200b\u200bMelitopol, the XIV corps entered into battle, and III corpus turned to the east, and began to move towards the Azov Sea coast.

During this period of time, when, I do not remember exactly, my 1st tank group was renamed 1st tank Army, continuing to remain as part of the Army grouping "South" General Field Marshal Rundstedta. In early October 1941 after the completion of the fights for the Dnieper and the occupation of the Azov coast, the Army grouping "South" moved by a wide front of the east, and only one XI army fell in the southern direction on the Crimea.

At the right flank of the army grouping "South", my tank army was advancing, which included III, XIV tank corps, I Mountain Corps and the Italian Infantry Case.

To the left of the 1st tank army was the XVII army, which took the direction of the mountains. Artyomovsk, and to the left of the XVII Army, the VI army occurred, having directions to the mountains. Kharkov. Anorek "Center" army grouping occurs even left. In early October, the group "South" reached the turn of Kharkov-Taganrog and further our promotion was stopped. Conscreasing at the turn of Kharkov-Taganrog, the group moved to defense, which lasted until the end of November 1941.

At the end of November, I was given an order to break through the front of the Soviet troops in the Rostov area by two tank corps, go through as much as possible in the location of the Soviet troops and to explore the fight for the forces of the enemy at the front against the group "South". At the same time, I was ordered to destroy bridges through Don in order to prevent the accumulation of Soviet troops on this section of the front.

Spreading the front, the XIV Corps I sent to the northeast to contain the Soviet troops, and III Corps - to Rostov, which was captured by me.

Having kept in Rostov 2-3 days, I was forced under pressure from the Soviet troops to move out for the Mius River, having lost a large number of Tanks and personnel. The task, however, was completed, bridges were blown and explored that the Russians have a large number of troops and technology on this section of the front.

Until February 1942, the group "South" did not led active fighting. In February 1942, Soviet troops, breaking through the front between the VI and XVII armies in the Barventkovo-Raisin area, deeply wedged into the location of our troops and created a threat to rebir railwayon which the supply for all army grouping "South" has been supplied.

The battles for the elimination of the Russian breakthrough continued until May-June, after which our troops made regrouping for the summer offensive.

Question: What exactly did this regrouping concluded?

Answer: At the outdoor, southern wing of the Soviet-German front, a new army grouping "A" was created under the command of General Field Marshal Sheet.

It includes: the XI Army under the command of Manstein (Schubert was killed), which fell on the Crimea, the XVII Army under the command of General Colonel Ruof (Ruof changed the Colonel-General, which, in turn, changed the Stülpnagel), which occupied the area from the mountains . Taganrog to the mountains. Artemovsk and 1st tank army under my command, which occupy a plot from the mountains. Artemovsk to the junction with the Army grouping "South", which was north of the army grouping "A".

To the Army grouping "South", which at that time he was commanded by Wajhs (who, who, in turn, changed the sick rhundhdta at this post, who, in turn, changed the sick Rund ashTedta), included: VI Army under the command of Colonel-General Paulus (replaced at the end of November early December 1941 of the deceased Reichenau), IV tank army under the command of hot, Hungarian tank corps under the command of Miklosh and Italian parts.

In July 1942, the summer onset of the German troops began. In the first period of the offensive, my 1st tank army, in which were XIV, III tank corps and I mountain housing, reached the mountains. Starobelsk. At this time, the army occupied the right of Rostov, the XVII army took advantage of Rostov, and began to move deep into the Caucasus.

Question: What task was set in front of you?

Answer: The overall task set before the army grouping "A" was to take the Black Sea coast to the city of Batumi inclusive, thereby having a Russian Black Sea Fleet The last bases on the Black Sea, then capture the Caucasus and Baku oil areas.

After the class of Starobelsk, I was ordered to transfer the XIV tank corps at the disposal of the command of the army grouping "A", and with the III Tank Corps and I Mountain Corps to move south, to the Don, go from Don Eastern Rostov and move further into the Caucasus.

After forcing Done, the Tank Corps of General Colonel Gaier and L Infantry Case, which included in the IV tank army hot and the XVII Army of Ruoffa, were transferred to me to facilitate promotion of the Caucasus. I, in turn, handed over to the submission of the XVII army my I Mountain Corps.

Having reached with heavy battles to the River Terek, I was forced to stop under the onslaught of Soviet troops and, taking the front along the Terek, from the Kuban River and almost to the coast of the Caspian Sea, go to the defense.

In this position, the German troops in the Caucasus were held until January 1943. My patrols several times went on the coast of the Caspian Sea and destroyed the railway, laid during the war from the mountains. Mahach kala to the mountains. Astrakhan, however, failed to achieve more tangible results. The VI Army of Paulus, moving north of me in the Elista Stalingrad area, managed to enter the mountains. Stalingrad, but to capture it completely not succeeded.

Hitler infected by comprehended failures, in December 1942 pulled off the leaf from the command of the army group "A" and, temporarily, laid the command on me. At the end of January 1943, the Soviet troops made an offensive on Rostov, approached it at a distance of 70 kilometers and, continuing to move on, threatened to cut off all the German troops in the Caucasus.

After heavy fighting, I managed to bring the 1st tank army to Rostov, and she moved into the subordination of the South Army Group, whose commander at that time was already Manstein.

Soviet troops soon occupied Rostov, and the XVII army remained cut into Kuban. In February 1943, I was approved as a commander of the army grouping "A", at the same time I was awarded the title of General Field Marshal.

After the transfer of the 1st Tank Army, the XVII army remained cut into Kuban in my group, and the part of the XI Army in the Crimea.

Continuing the offensive, the Soviet troops completely destroyed the German troops near Stalingrad, the VI army was very strongly worked out, the newly created in the summer of 1943 and the Mius River was abandoned in the summer and drove the Army Group "South" to the Melitopol-Zaporizhia.

By Augustus, September 1943, I managed to evacuate the army through the Kerch Strait of the XII, after which it spent his individual parts through the Crimea and threw them under the Melitopo to help the Manstein. At the same time, the remnants of the VI army were crossed from the manstein.

At about the same time, I put the question of the need to evacuate the Crimea in front of Hitler, as Soviet troops intended to cut it off from the north. Hitler refused to me in this. At this time, the XVII army and the remaining parts of the VI of the Army, located between the Azov Sea and the Dnieper, were included in my army grouping. Soviet troops continued their offensive and fastened the grouping of Manstein and part of my VI army even further to the west. The yield from the Crimea was cut off.

On March 29, 1944, I once turned to Hitler with a proposal to remove the VI Army behind the Dnieper River in the direction of the mountains. Iasi, and the Crimea is evacuated by the sea, however, this time, resolving the VI army in Romania, Hitler Crimea was evacuated to evacuate, motivating this by the fact that if the German troops leave Crimea, then Turkey will declare war in Germany.

By April 1, 1944, the troops of my army grouping "A" were in the following paragraphs: the XVII Army was cut off in the Crimea, the VI army on the South Bug river, here were Romanian troops, as well as the XVIII army of the infantry general, Veller, who was part of the Army Group " South, "and cut off from it deeply invested by Soviet troops. The army grouping "South" was far west, retreating under the onslaught of Russian troops.

On April 1, 1944, he followed the order of removing me from the post of commander of the army group "A" and the direction of OKM. Instead, the Colonel-General Sheerner was appointed to the post of commander of this grouping. At the same time, Manstein was settled, instead of which the Colonel-General model was appointed for the position of commander of the army grouping "South".

Question: Where were you sent after recalling you from the post of commander of the army group "A"?

Answer: I was enrolled in the reserve of OKM with the preservation of the title and cash content. No work was given to me, and I went to my estate.

Question: What is this estate?

Answer: As I have already shown above, my estate was located in Lower Silesia, in seven kilometers from the mountains. Breslau. Now this territory has moved to Poland. It consisted of the estate of 200 hectares of land, 50 dairy cows, six horses and over 50 heads of other livestock. It worked in it about 20 hired workers. In my estate, I stayed until January 27, 1945, when the order was followed from the local authorities to evacuate everything that was possible in Saxony.

Having evacuated people and horses in a loman's town on the Elbe River, I went to Bavaria in Bavaria in April 1945 to the youngest son, which was at this time in the village. Mietelfelz. There I was detained by American troops on April 25, 1945.

Question: Where did you go directed by the Americans after the arrest?

Answer: At the beginning, I was sent to the headquarters of a US division, where it was interrogated about my biography and service in the German army, and then, on April 26 of the same year, it was placed in a camp for prisoners of war near the city of Augsburg.

Question: Were my wife and son too?

Answer: No, the Americans went to his wife and son, and where they went, I do not know.

Answer: In early May 1945, I was transferred to the mountains from the Augsburg camp. Wiesbaden, where he was the headquarters of the army grouping Bralli, and was placed on the villa together with the 20 highest German officers and generals. Here I was questioned about my biography, and about the service in the army.

In mid-May I was sent to the mountains. Kissingen on the Main River, where the headquarters of the American Air Force, and from there in a few days, together with several other German generals, transported the aircraft to the mountains. London. Upon arrival in London, I was placed in the general camp in Trench Park near London, where there was eight days.

During this time, I was duly interrogated on matters of tank fights on the Soviet-German front. However, I refused to answer these questions. From the camp in Trench Park I was sent by train to the mountains. Windymer on the border of Scotland, where they were placed in Crais Dal camp, which contained only the German generals, about 150 people. In this camp, I was before January 1946, and during this time I was never interrogated. In January 1946, Bridge End was translated into the camp in the south-west of England. It was a big camp in which American expeditionary troops were once located, designed to land onto the continent. During your stay in this camp, I never interrogated.

In June 1946, in conjunction with General Field Marshal Rundstedt, I traveled to Nuremberg, where I gave written testimony on the process of a group of employees of the EMP and the German General Staff. After 4-6 weeks of staying in Nuremberg, he returned again to Bridge and, and at the end of August 1946 was transported to London, and was placed in a small camp, which was located in London itself and belonging to Sikret Service. The next day, from this camp I was shipped by plane, accompanied by an English captain, in the mountains. Vienna.

Question: For what purpose?

Answer: The British passed me there by the Yugoslav authorities. From Vienna on a car, accompanied by the Yugoslav Colonel, I was delivered on September 1, 1946 in the mountains. Belgrade and Wedworn in the secret police prison.

In this prison in a single camera I was sitting until December 1946. During this time, it was once interrogated by the so-called historical commission, which was interested in my actions in the war against Yugoslavia.

In December 1946, he was translated into a military prison, where at the beginning was also kept in a single chamber, and then in the chamber, which was constantly changing, but did not exceed 18-20 people. While in this prison, the first time was interrogated on March 15, 1947, and the second time - on August 4 of the same year, both times - about the atrocities, which were submitted to the troops in the Yugoslav territory.

On August 4, 1948, a closed process was held, on which I was found guilty of the atrocities committed by my soldiers and sentenced to 15 years of hard work. After making sentence, I filed a cassation complaint, and after that, for seven months I was waiting for an answer, continuing to be kept in the same prison.

On March 4, 1949, I was announced that my complaint was rejected and the sentence was approved. On the same day I was delivered to the mountains. Subbotication at the Hungarian border and on March 5, 1949 transferred to General of the Soviet Army.

Question: What are your service awards in the German army?

Answer: I have iron crosses II and I first degree for participation in the First World War. For participation in World War II, I am awarded buckles for iron crosses II and I first degree, a knightly cross, oak leaves and swords to the Knight Cross.

Interrogation is over at 17 o'clock .

The protocol from my words is recorded correctly and I read in German.

Background Clayst Evald.

Interrogated: Nach [Alnik] branches of the SERVICES MGB of the USSR lieutenant colonel Kuzmishin

Central Asia FSB of Russia. D. N-21135. In 3 tt. T. 1. L. 15-46. Script. Typescript.


Tippelskirm K. History of World War II. M., 1956; ERICH V. Manstein. Verlorene Siege. Bonn, 1955 (Russian. Translation: Manschpgene E. Lost Victory. M., 1957); Mellentine F. Tank battles 1939-1945 M., 1957; The Fatal Decisions. ED. By Seymour Freidin and William Richardson. Translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgib-Bon. NEW-YORK, 1956 (Russian Translation: Westphal Z., Crape V., Blumenitrite G., Baerlein F., Zeitzler K., Tsimmermann B., Mandyfel X. Fatal solutions. M., 1958), etc.

Muller K-d. German prisoners of war: the current state of research and future prospects // Soviet and German prisoners of war during World War II. P. 293-294.

Konasov VB The fate of the German prisoners of war in the USSR; Diplomatic, legal and political aspects of the problem. Essays and documents. Vologda, 1996. P. 257; Bezborodova I.V. Prisoners of war of the Second World War: Generally Wehrmacht in captivity. M., 1998. P. 14.

Konasov VB, Kuzminyov A.L. German prisoners of war in the USSR ... pp. 25.

Russian Archive: Great Patriotic War: Foreign Prior Security Second World War in the USSR. T.24 (13). P. 529.

Each sheet of the interrogation protocol is certified by the personal signature of E. Claysta von.

Now Wroclaw (Republic of Poland).

Brest-Lithuanian treaty - a separate peace treaty between Russia, on the one hand, and Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey - on the other, was concluded in Brest-Litovsk (now Brest) March 3, 1918

The eighth Army Corps (it. VIII. Armeekorps) is the general union association of the German army. Formed in October 1934 as a military unit ground Forces Bereslau (Heeresdientelle Breslau), in 1935, was reformed in the main command of the VIII Army Corps. From May 1941, he entered the 9th Army of the Center for Army Center (Bialystok, Smolensk); From November at the disposal of the Army Group "D" (Paris). From March 1942, at the disposal of the group of Army "South", from April as part of the group of Army "South" (Kharkov, Don); From August in the 6th Army of the Group of Army "B" (Stalingrad). From December 1942 to January 1943, as part of the 6th Army of the Don Army Group (Stalingrad). Corps of the 2nd formation (1943): From April, as part of the 16th Army of the North Army Group. In 1944: From January in the 16th Army of the Army Group North; From April - as part of the 2nd Army of the Center for Army Center (Brest-Litovsk); Since July - in the 4th tank army of the Army Group "Northern Ukraine" (Bug, Vistula); From August - in the 9th Army of the Center for Army Center (Warsaw); From December - in the 9th Army of the Army Group "A" (Warsaw). In 1945: from January in the 9th Army of the Army Group "A" (Warsaw); From February - in the 17th Army of the Army Group "Center" (Silesia).

Feldmarshal General Werner von Blomberg and Colonel-General Werner von Freic, like a number of other high-ranking generals and guidelines, were dismissed as a result of the so-called. Crisis Blomberg-Frich (January 24 - February 5, 1938), initiated by Hitler in order to achieve full control over the armed forces.

Twenty-second motorized (minorthing) case (it. XXII. Agmeekorps) is the combination of the German army. Formed in August 1939 in the X Military District as the XXII motorized building (it. XXII. Armeekorps). In March 1940, the hull was deployed on the Western Front to be deployed in the Tank Group "Clay" (it. PanzerGruppe von Kleist). After graduating from the French campaign, the building was restored, in November, on the basis of his headquarters, control of the 1st tank group was formed. Again formed in August 1943 in the VII of the Military District as the XXII mining corps (it. XXII. Gebirgs-Armeekorps).

We are talking about the Dunkirk Operation of 1940 (Cons. Name - Dynamo) - Evacuation of the Allied (English and Parts of French and Belgian) troops from the French city district of Dunkirk to England on May 26 - June 19, 1940 as a result of a breakthrough of German tank compounds On May 20, 1940, the Allied Army Army Troops (10 English, 18 French and 12 Belgian divisions) turned out to be cut off and pressed against the sea in the area of \u200b\u200bGraralline, Arras, Brugge. From the West and the South-West against them, the troops of the Army Group "A", from the East and Southeast - the group of the armies "B" occurred. The English command of May 20 decided to evacuate his troops without loving the allies about this.

We are talking about the general of the infantry of German Gote.

We are talking about the British Expeditionary Corps (62 thousand people), which was planted at the end of February 1941 in the Greek Port of Soloniki after the agreement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of England A. Iden and the head of the Imperial General Staff D. Dill with the Greek Government. The hull together with the Greek army "Eastern Macedonia" was supposed to withstand the grouping of German troops (6 divisions, including the 1st tank, combined in the 18th and 30th Army Corps). The 2nd German Tank Division on April 9, 1941 was colonial. 225 thousand Greek soldiers and officers were in captivity. The British lost about 12 thousand people killed, wounded and prisoners. 50 thousand people From the English expeditionary building managed to evacuate the sea.

Fourteenth Army (Motorized, Tank) Corps (HIV. XIV. Armeekorps) is the combination of the German army. Formed in April 1938 in Magdeburg as a XIV motorized case (it. XIV. Armeekorps). In June 1942, also called the Vietersheim Group (it. Gruppe von wietersheim). In June 1942, transformed into the XIV tank corps (it. XIV. Panzerkorps). In January 1943, destroyed in Stalingrad and in March of the same year was again formed in the occupied territory of France.

It is about the XLVIII Army (Tank) Corps. On June 22, 1941, at 10-00 von Kleyst introduced the XLVIII Tank Corps of the 1st Tank Group into the breakthrough, German tanks rushed towards Radzhekhov and Berestechko.

Forty-eighth Army (tank) corps (it. XLVIII. Armeekorps) is the combination of the German army. Formed in June 1940 as the XLVIII Army Corps, but next month disbanded. Again formed in January 1941 and on June 21 of the same year was renamed the XLVIII tank corps (it. Xlviii. Panzerkorps).

The third army (motorized, tank) corps, (it. III. Armeekorps) is the combination of the German army. Formed in October 1934 as the III Army Corps based on the 2nd Division of Reichsber (Berlin). In March 1941, transformed into the III motorized housing (III. Armeekorps). In February-April and in June 1942, also called the McCenzen Group. In June 1942, reformed in the III tank corps (III. Panzerkorps).

General of the mountainous troops L. Kübler from October 1940 to December 1941 commanded the XLIX army (mountain) corps, and the I mountain corps in the German army was not. The text is talking about XLIX Army (Mountain) Corps.

In June 1941, fascist Italy, together with Nazi Germany, entered the war against the USSR and sent an expeditionary building to the front (about 62 thousand people - 2900 officers and 59 thousand ordinary soldiers). General Giovanni Messe was appointed commander commander. The housing included two mechanized Divisions "Pasubio", "Torino" and the Villa Division. The corpus was also attached by an aviation group consisting of transport aircraft and squadrons of fighters. In the first days of stay in Russia, the Italian corps acted as part of the 11th German army, and then he was transferred to the 1st tank group of E. von Kleist, which was coming to crossing the Dnieper between Zaporizhia and Dnepropetrovsky. For details, see: Filatov G. S. Krach Italian Fascism. M., 1973. P. 194-244.

On August 21, in the area of \u200b\u200bDnepropetrovsk, stubborn battles went. The 11th German army forced the South Bug. The 1st tank group (1st TG) continued the battles in the emission of the Dnieper. On August 28, the galder in his diary recorded: "(68th day of war) ... parts of the 1st tank group lost 50% of tanks ...". On August 30-31, the 11th Army crossed the Dnieper. The 1st TGR continued the battles for the Dnepropetrovsk bridgehead, 17 The army prepared for the forcing and forcing the Dnieper in the Kremenchug area.

The first tank army (it. 1. Panzer-Armee) is an operational association of the German army. Formed as a command of the 1st Tank Group (LED. PanzerGruppe) in November 1940 on the basis of the Corps XXII command. From December 1940, he was subordinate to the Army Group "C" in Germany, from January - as part of the 12th Army in Romania, from April - in Yugoslavia. From May 1941 - as part of the 2nd Army in Germany, then transferred to the Army Group "South" on the Soviet-German Front. In May-July 1941, he wore the title group "Clayst", from June - Oberbugs "South". October 6 completed the rearrangement of the group of the "South" armies. On October 25, 1941, the 1st TG is renamed the 1st Tank Army (TA). From August 1942, he was located as part of the Army Group "A" (East), from February 1943 - the Army Groups "Don", from March 1943 - Army Groups "South". From April 1944, he was included in the South Ukraine army team, since October - Army Groups (East), from February 1945 - Army Groups Center.

We are talking about the IX Army Corps, which from October 25, 1939 to December 31, 1941 commanded General of Infantry Herman Geyer. At the time of the Clay Events described by the background, the Corps commanded Hans Schmidt General.

The Ninth Army Corps (IX. ARMEEKORPS) is the combination of the German army. Formed in October 1934 as the military unit of the land forces Kassel, in 1935, was reformed in the IX Army Corps. From January 1942 he entered the 4th tank army, and since May - to the 3rd tank army of the Army Group Center.

Probably, the error of the translator, we are talking about the V Army Corps, as the 4th Tank Army from April 5 to September 2, 1942 included: V, VII, IX, XX corps. L Corps in 1942 was located as part of the 18th Army Army Group North.

The fiftieth Army Corps (L. Armeekorps) is the combination of the German army. Formed in October 1940. In April-July 1944, also called the Vegener group (it. Gruppe Wegener).

So in the document, we are talking about General Otto Vyler. Perhaps, speaking of the XVIII army, von Kleyst meant the XVII Army Corps, which in August 1947 entered the South Army grouping under the command of General Völer.

On January 28, 1944, parts of the Red Army under Cherkasy surrounded the 100,000-year grouping of the 8th Army of General O. Weller and the 1st Tank Army of General G. Hube.

We are talking about the 12th group of the Army Army, which was commanded by General Omar Bradley.

We are talking about the Nuremberg processes of the US military tribunal. The processes of the US military tribunal in Nuremberg were held after the end of World War II; Total passed 12 processes: No. 1 - the process in the case of Nazi doctors; №2 - in the case of General Field Marshal Erhard Milha; №3 - lawyers process; №4 - in the case of the main administrative and economic management of the SS; №5 - Flika process; №6 - "Farbenindastre" process; №7 - in the case of command in the Balkans; №8 - in the case of racial departments; №9 - in the case of operational groups of SD; №10 - krupp process; №11 - Wilhelmstrasse process; №12 - in the case of the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht (OKV).

Iron Cross - Military Order, one of the most massive awards of Germany. Established by the Prussian King Friedrich-Wilhelm III on March 10, 1813 in three degrees. On September 1, 1939, he was restored in Nazi Germany with a change in its statute: the knightly cross of various dignity was added to the previously existing degrees. At the same time, the awarding for civil services was canceled, so he became a purely military order. In total over the years of World War II, the Order was awarded about 450 thousand people.

Probably, we are talking about the buckle (s) of the honorary list of the land forces - military award introduced as a sign of distinction on January 1, 1944. In fact, the Schedule received military personnel - the Callers of the Iron Cross I class, when their merits were not enough to obtain the Knight's Cross or the German Cross, But they performed the "norm" on the second iron cross of class I. Sppang represented a round gold-plated oak wreath, in which a direct swastika was inscribed. Schpang was attached to the iron cross of the II class wearable in the pettice. For details, see: Pia D. Orden and the third Reich medals. M., 2003; Orders and medals of the SS troops / with comments by Theodore Gladkov. M., 2003; Kurylev O.P. Martial awards Third Reich: Illustrated Encyclopedia. M., 2006.

We are talking about one of the degrees of the Order of the Iron Cross - the Knight's cross of the iron cross with oak branches and swords introduced on June 21, 1941. In total, 160 people were awarded this award during World War II, 98 of them were Luftwaffe.

Claysta Paul Evald Ludwig Background (1881-1954) - Feld Marshal General of the German Army.

The background of Claysts were immigrants from Pomerania Rod was quite numerous and by the beginning of the XVII century was divided into several branches, which marked the beginning of the new lines of nobles in Poland, Russia and Prussia.

One of the four Prussian lines background of the Claylists was further elevated to the County dignity Representatives of the male line of the genus often chose a military career for themselves, and more than 30 of them were awarded the Military Order "Pour Le Merite" ("For Merit") of the Higher Military Nine - Field Marshal - Friedrich-Heinrich Ferdinand-Emile, Henrich Ferdinand-Emil, has reached three of the list of clauses on this list, he was born in 1762 and at the age of 12 became the Page Prince Heinrich from 15 years he took part in hostilities, and at the end of the military school He began to serve at the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, Prince Gohenloe. By 1803, Friedrich von Clayst reached the title of an adjutant general and was in a good account with the emperor. After heavy for Prussia, the lesion at Auerstadt in 1806, von Claysta was sent to Napoleon for the world negotiations, and then, after Tilzit, he resigned.

Returning to military service, von Kleyst participated in a hike on Russia in 1812 in the composition of Napoleon's troops and for merit was awarded the French Emperor to the Order of the Honorary Legion. In the campaigns of 1813-1814, he distinguished himself in battles in Bauzen and Dresden. But the service for France was for the background of Claysta, as well as many other Prussian officers, severe in moral terms. And at the first opportunity, and this was given to him in the summer of 1813, he left the ranks of the French army. And not just left. During the battle of Kulm, he brought his part into the rear of the troops of the French commander of Vandam, which provided victory in the battle of the allies. Then there was a battle near Leipzig and the siege of Erfurt. The apogee of military glory background Claysta became the battle at Laon (1814), in which he inflicted the crushing defeat Marshal Marmon and captured 36 guns.

His military merit was marked by the title of Count Nollendorf, and his name was assigned to the Prussian Grenadier regiment.

The last one who wore the title of Feldmarshal in the genus the background of the clay was Paul Evald von Clayst - one of the most talented commander Adolf Hitler. He was a sample of the Prussian officer of the old German army, for whom the oath was an unrealized lifelong duty. He never walked on a compromise with the Nazis, but did not stop against the spot against the Fuhrer, although he never had a good feeling toward the background and did not hide it.

Paul Evald von Clayst was born on August 8, 1881 in the town of Brown-Fels in the very center of Germany. His father was Crystop Albrecht Augustus Gogo von Clayst - Doctor of Philosophy, who taught mathematics in a private school. The Son, following the traditions of the genus, chose a military career for himself and entered military schoolAt the end of which was enrolled in the service in artillery troops. But a calm life in artillery corresponds little to its temperament, and in 1912 a young officer was transferred to the cavalry. By the beginning of World War II, Kleist managed to finish the Military Academy and get a position in the German General Staff

In 1919, Clay was enrolled in Reichsver. Two years later, he received the Chin of Major, and in 1932 he was already a major general. Unlike the rest of the officers, Kleyst met 1933 quite restrained. Despite the fact that Hitler almost immediately assigned him the title of Lieutenant General, Aristocrat Paul Evald von Kleyst contemptuously treated the Nazis and their social demagogue, which did not slow down to affect his career. Although in 1936 he became General Cavalry, Hitler, conducting the army after the "Frycha case", dismissed the clay from the army.

But the general long remained outside military service. The war was approaching, and Paul Evald von Kleyst returned to line. Führer appointed his commander of the tank group, who, together with the 12th army, the background of the sheet had to break through through Luxembourg in South Belgium, then forced Maas near the sedan and go to the rear of the French parts from the "Mazhino line"

To speed up the defeat of the French army, the German command combined the tank groups of Clayst and Guderian. Clay tanks were drawn to the southeast and wedged into a torn french front, turning it with the edge south. His tank group broke through the Ardennes front and sent the "tank corridor" through the defensive lines of the allies to the sea. The cooler of the forces from the German army was so great that the opponent at the Magino line was quickly surrounded and crushed. Behind the war in France von Kleyst received the Knight's Cross. Opan ended.

On December 3, 1940, Hitler signed a directive about the occupation of Greece. The capture was supposed to be carried out by troops missing through the territories of Bulgaria and Romania. In March, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia joined the triple CTU. But five days after the signing of the contract in Belgrade there was a coup, and the government came to power focused on Western allies and Moscow. On March 27, Hitler urgently collected a meeting, and the fate of Yugoslavia was solved.

On the night of April 6, 1941, Yugoslavia signed an agreement on friendship and mutual assistance from the USSR, and German bombers appeared over Belgrade in the morning of the same day. When the first fires were dragged in the city, the tank group of Claysta, stationed in Bulgaria as part of the 12th Army, passed the Yugoslav border. Already on the first day, the defendant of the enemy was broken. Throwing the 5th Yugoslav Army, Kleyst took the direction to the north. On April 11, his tanks entered the suburbs of Belgrade destroyed by German aviation. After six days, Yugoslavia capitulated.

On May 6, the troops of the 12th Army with two wedges, from Bulgaria and conquered Yugoslavia, invaded the territory of Greece. Already on May 27, the German flag developed over the Acropolis, and the tank group of Claysta was in Athens.

On June 22, 1941, German troops invaded the territory of the Soviet Union. The group of army "South" von Rundstedta in the composition of the three armies and one tank group applied the main blow towards Kiev. The task of the Army Group "South" included the destruction of the parts of the enemy in Galicia and in Western Ukraine, mastering crossings through the Dnieper in the Kiev region and further offensive after crossing the Dnieper of the Department of the USSR. Von Clayst was appointed commander of the 1st Tank Army, which was supposed to become the main shock power of the Wehrmacht in the southern direction.

In Ukraine, the main forces of the Red Army were concentrated. Unlike parts of the clue, the tank group of the Clay is from the first days of fierce resistance. The commander of the front Marshal weekly pulled out fresh tank parts, which counted the Germans and constrained their promotion. Until July 3, stubborn battles continued. Soviet troops were very slowly, often only after the fierce counterattacks of the tank brande the background of Claysta.

On July 4, the 1st tank group reached the District of the West River, but both army of the South group lagged, pursuing slowly separating parts of the Red Army. As a result, after 12-day battles, the Rundsted Army Group failed to break out the operational space. Her army was crowded by the Soviet troops, who gathered all their strength, again counted the German units and avoided widespread coverage. The Red Army, carrying heavy losses, was able to take the main parts of the river, Western Bug, Dniester and the South Mogilev area. The command and troops of the Red Army were at the height of the requirements, which presented to them significantly more difficult than all previous, theater of hostilities. Kleist hit the number of Russian tanks participating in counterattacks.

On July 5, Kleyst began an offensive on the "Stalin line" - defensive structures at the old Soviet border. Bringing the fortified defensive positions, German tanks reached Berdichev and Zhytomyr in a few days. Rundshtedt gave Claysta order to capture Uman, but strong rains made the roads with impassable for several days. Taking advantage of this, the Russians inflicted shocks on stretched flanks of the 1st tank group. For more than a week, while the clay with the help of the 6th Army was able to move to the White Church. When, after that, he wanted to deploy his tanks into the southeast, the approached parts of the Red Army unexpectedly hit the left flank, and the cup was used to use part for defense forces. Only by the beginning of August, the military groups of the Army "South", constantly chopping the counterattack, managed to surround the Uman group of the Red Army. The 6th and 12th Army were in the boiler.

Now the tank group of Claysta quickly moved towards Kremenchug, but the command of the Red Army was withdrawn its parts from Bessarabia. By August 24, the Dnieper was in the hands of the Germans.

The 6th Army of Feldmarshal von Reichenau could not take Kiev with the go, encroaching on a powerful grouping of Soviet troops. On August 22, Hitler gave an order to destroy the Kiev enemy's Kiev grouping. The 2nd tank group, deployed from Belarus, began an offensive to the south. In two weeks, the tanks background of Claysta, together with the 17th Army, a rapid throw from the Kremenchug region came to the connection with Guderian. On September 19, Kiev was held and taken, and the Russians who were in the triangle of Kiev Cherkasy-Lochwitz were shrilled from all sides. Tank groups in fierce battles beat off all the enemy attempts to release their troops from the east and dismembered inside the boiler surrounded by armies. By September 26, the battle ended. In the summary of the German Command, 665 thousand people have been reported, capturing 3718 guns and 884 tanks.

After the end of the battle for Kiev, the tank group of the Clay was concentrated on the eastern shore of the Dnieper and on September 24, began an offensive in the southeast direction. She broke through to Zaporizhia and, together with the 11th army of Colonel-General Ritter von Scheret during the "battle of the Azov Sea", captured more than 100 thousand people. While renamed the army of the 1st tank group moved further to the east, the 1L-I army captured the Crimea and surrounded Sevastopol.

On October 20, the army background of Claysta went to Taganrog. There she caught the autumn dishthele, which completely paralyzed the supply of troops. Tanks literally tunted on blurred roads. As a result, the glue went to Rostov-on-Don only by mid-November. The rains were replaced by frosts, and the cars began to freeze in the dirt. With great difficulty, tanks were literally burned out of the soil frozen. When I finally have been ready to continue the offensive, three armies of the Red Army struck by his right flank, tightened from the Caucasus. By order of Rundstedta, despite the order of Hitler, who demanded to stand to the last soldier, Kleyst left Rostov and moved back to Taganrog on the right bank of the Mius River. The stubborn defense of the Park Svastopol in parts prevented the command of the Wehrmacht to throw the 11th Army through the Kerch Strait and thereby strengthen the 1st tank army, which suffered great losses. The first attempt to break through to the Caucasus to the covered sources of oil failed.

The German command before the beginning of the summer attack wanted to eliminate the protrusion formed during the winter counter-offentenance of the Red Army in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Raisin south-east of Kharkov. At the same time, the commander of the Soviet parts of Tymoshenko on the orders of Stalin was preparing to repel Kharkov.

Tymoshenko ahead of the Germans for a week. For the first time using tactics of tank wedges, RKKK troops moved to the offensive. The first few days success accompanied soviet troopsBut then the golden moved to counteroffensive. His tank group surrounded the 6th and 57th Soviet army for five days. According to German official data, about 240 thousand people were captured.

At the end of June 1942, five armies of the Wehrmacht stood on the front from Taganrog to Kursk. The group of army "South" was divided into two parts: the Southern Group "A" under the command of Field Marshal Background List and the Northern Group "B" under the command of Field Marshal Boc Background. June 28, in accordance with the operational plan, almost a million soldier of the Wehrmacht switched to the offensive in the southern direction. Tanks of Clay forced Seversky Donets. Since the Soviet command was waiting for an offensive in the Moscow direction, and the main part of the forces in the south was destroyed during the last unsuccessful operation of Tymoshenko, the coolness almost did not meet resistance. Significant vibrant advantage and lack of tanks did not allow the Red Army to carry out even local counterdads.

Forcing Don, the tanks of the Clay were divided into two columns. One moved to Krasnodar, and the second - in the direction of Stavropol. On August 8, German tanks entered Maykop - the first oil area, which, however, was completely destroyed by the retreating parts of the Red Army. Subsequently, the Germans could not establish oil production here. At the same time, two tank corps moving the north of the Middle Middle Cuban flow, turned on Grozny. But gradually begun to the coloration of the advanced parts of the Claysty from the supply bases. Communications so extended that the autocolon, brought fuel, spent most of the cargo in the way. The fuel had to be delivered on airplanes. On August 9, Pyatigorsk tanks occupied Pyatigorsk, but they had a few weeks to wait for fuel. The 25th onset continued, but soon finally stalled in Mozdok and south of Nalchik.

In November 1942, von Kleyst was appointed commander of the newly created Army Group "A".

The Soviet command planned to surround the 1st tank army on the counter strikes of the South Front and the Black Sea group, breaking the opponent's defense on Tikhoretsk-Rostov-on-Don. In January 1943, the Red Army began an offensive and without much effort broke the defense of the allies of Germany on the fascist "axis". The position has become a catastrophic. Claysta poured a bet with the requirements of allowing the troop of troops. Finally Hitler literally in last moment Allowed the waste of vermickue parts from the Caucasus. On February 1, 1943, the title of General Feldmarshal was awarded in the midst of the battle.

Developing an offensive after the victory in the Kursk Arc, the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian fronts forced Dnipro. On November 1, the Russians went to the sink and landed the landing in Kerch. After heavy battles, the landing managed to gain a foothold, but both Perekopsti, and the Kerch peninsula successfully defended the 17th army. However, in April 1944, German troops had to evacuate.

A week before the start of the Crimean operation of the 4th Ukrainian Front - March 3, 1944 - Hitler sent a bra spot. To soften the blow, Führer awarded Field Marshal with swords to the Knight's Cross.

At the end of the war, Evald von Kleyst was captured to the Americans. At the request of Stalin, he was expelled in 1946 and convicted in Yugoslavia as a military criminal, after which he was sent to Siberia.

In October 1954, von Magnius died in the camp for prisoners of war Vladimirovka.

Paul Ludwig Evald von Kleyst is a German warlord (from 1943 Feldmarshal). During the invasion of the USSR, he commanded the tank army in the southern direction. The only Field Marshal, who died in the Soviet captivity.

After the attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944, Gestapo was arrested. Clay was accused of what he knew about the existence of a conspiracy and did not report it. However, he was released.

He was probably one of the main organizers of German victories. So the invasion of the German invaders, both on Taganrog and Rostov, was carried out mainly by the 1st German tank army of General Kleist. Evald von Clayst was famous for his military abilities.

He was the creator of the world's first tank army and the master of the army of his opponent. All 1941 for us was very tragic. These were big and small environments of Soviet troops. In 1941, Clay, together with General Guderian, created the most important environment of the Soviet troops - Kiev boiler for the whole World War.

On April 25, 1945, arrested by American troops and exported to London, as a witness was involved in the work of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.

After the attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944, Gestapo was arrested. Clay was accused of what he knew about the existence of a conspiracy and did not report it. However, he was released. On April 25, 1945, arrested by American troops and exported to London, as a witness was involved in the work of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.

In September 1946, he was transferred to Yugoslavia and in August 1948 sentenced to the Yugoslav People's Court by 15 years of reliable work. In March 1949, the USSR was transferred. Was kept in an internal IGB prison, Butyrskaya and Lefortovo prisons, and then in the Vladimir prison. On February 21, 1952, the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to 25 years in camps.

According to the prisoner's account, he died in prison from the lack of mitral valve. The burial place is unknown

So what was the essence of his case? Here is the verdict of the Yugoslav Femmit.

« The verdict of the second instance of the Supreme Military Court in Belgrade in relation to General-Field Marshal E. von Kleista. March 4, 1949

The verdict of the second instance of the Supreme Military Court in Belgrade in relation to General-Field Marshal E. von Kleista. March 4, 1949 Belgrade

Translation from Serbian

Name of the people

Supreme Military Court in Belgrade As part of: Colonel Millia Lakovich - Chairman of the Court, Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Yankovich and Major Dobrivy Babic - Court members, with the participation as Secretary of the Captain Todor Predor, examined in the second instance the appeal of the accused background of Clayst Evald about the sentence of the military ships in Belgrade, court

No. 268/48, according to which accused of a number of crimes envisaged by Art. 3 of paragraph 3 of the Law on Criminal Activities against the People and State, sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment using forced work, according to Article II of the Law on Military Courts, in a closed meeting, held on March 4, 49, made the following


In the appeal of the accused von Clayst Evald to refuse. Fully approve the sentence of the Military Court in Belgrade, Court No. 268/48 of August 4, 48

Basin: The accused von Kleyst filed an appeal, in which, emphasizing that he cannot be responsible for the crimes committed, so [as] they are committed without his knowledge, asks for the first trial to cancel and remove the accusation from him.

Having considered an indictment and first judicial sentence, the Supreme Military Court found the filed appeal unreasonable and approved the first judicial sentence as fully correct and legally reasonable.

Such a decision, the Supreme Military Court made it on the basis of reliable testimony of witnesses, which, undoubtedly, it was proved that the crime listed in the first trial is committed by parts submitted to the accused Clasty background.

This is this circumstance and imposes responsibility for him for the crimes committed, which is entirely fully consistent with the spirit, both international laws and domestic laws.

Taking into account the quantity and severity of the accused crimes committed, the Supreme Military Court finds that the first court correctly established the degree of responsibility of the accused Clastie background and proportionally determined this correctly determined the measure of punishment, which in this case is necessary and in order to protect society.

Based on all this, the Supreme Military Court made it possible to reject the appeal of the accused Clastie background and approve the verdict made by the First Military Court.

Death of fascism - freedom to the people!

Secretary -

Chairman of the Court -

captain Todor Poddatch

colonel Milia Lakovich

Correspondence accuracy certifies:
Head of the Office of the Andji Schpander

Here is the first Soviet interrogation protocol, after the transfer of his Soviet side. He did not touch at first the crimes of Claysthe against the USSR.

« Protocol Interrogation General-Field Marshal E. Claystone von. April 14, 1949


Interrogation protocol
Feldmarshala General of the German Army
Kleyst Evalda

dated April 14, 1949

with higher military education, the former commander
german army grouping "A" on
soviet-German front, Field Marshal General.

Interrogation started at 15 o'clock. 30 minutes.

Question: You are famous former employee German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Neubacher?

Answer: I personally, with Neubacher, I am not familiar, but heard that he is a particularly qualified German government on economic issues in the Balkans.

Question: What else do you know?

Answer: In 1946-1949 during my stay in Yugoslavia, while in prison, I have repeatedly heard from individuals, I do not remember them, who came to us from other prisons that Neubacher was also in captivity of Yugoslavs and is held in the Jugoslav secret prison Field Police "Uzba". In prison, Neubacher allegedly engaged in the task of the Yugoslav government to develop some economic issues.

On March 4, 1949, when me and the former Artillery General of the German army of Angelis sent from Belgrade Prison to the city of Budapest for the transfer of the Soviet command, then, together with us, one arrested, by nationality, was driving.

I don't know him the last name, but he said that he was a native of the Poltava region and was also transmitted by the Soviet authorities to the Soviet authorities. On the way, this Russian told us that Neubacher is located in Yugoslavia, is held in prison and develops the plan for electrifying Yugoslavia.

Question: What else told this Russian about Neubahher?

Answer: Nothing more.

Question. Did he see Neubachera in Yugoslavia?

Answer: He did not tell us about it.

Question: Where was this man who was driving with you?

Answer: He was transferred with us to the Russian General, but obviously remained in Budapest, as we went to Moscow with an angelism without him.

Question: What do you know about the negotiations of the German Government with representatives of Yugoslav partisans?

Answer: I am not aware of this.

Question: Do you not know about Neubacher's activities in Yugoslavia?

Answer: I heard that Neubacher did during the last war on the instructions of the German government with economic issues in the Balkans, but I do not know the details of its activities in this regard.

Question: Visiting a repeated rate of Hitler, you could not not know about those negotiations who led Neubacher with representatives of Yugoslavian partisans.

Answer: I never had to hear such negotiations.

background Clayst Evald.

Kuzmishin "

Here is the second interrogation protocol.

« Protocol Interrogation General-Field Marshal E. Claystone von. May 31, 1949

Protocol Interrogation General-Field Marshal E. Claystone von. May 31, 1949 Moscow


Interrogation protocol
Former Feld Marshal General of the German Army
Kleyst Evalda

may 31, 1949
Kleyst Evald, 1881 born, native
places [Growing] Brownfeld, Hesse Province
(Germany), German, German citizen,
non-partisan, with higher military education,
former commander of the German army grouping "A"
on the Soviet-German front,
feldmarshal General.

Interrogation started at 12 o'clock. 00 min.

Question: When were you captured?

Answer: I was captive on April 25, 1945 by American troops in the village. Mielfelz (Bavaria), where came to see his youngest son, who were in this village in agricultural work. Until the middle of May I was in the Americans, and then was transferred to the British.

Question: What camps do you contain Americans and the British?

Answer: After the captivity of me, I was immediately sent to the headquarters of some kind of military unit, and from there April 26, 1945 was placed in a camp for prisoners of war near the city of Augsburg.

In early May 1945 from the camp near the mountains. Augsburg I was translated into the mountains. Wiesbaden at the villa along with the 20 highest German officers and generals.

In mid-May 1945 I was sent to the mountains. Kissingen on the River Main, and from there in a few days by plane to London, where he passed the British.

The British I first kept eight days in the Trench Park camp near London, and then translated into Crais Dahl camp on the border of Scotland, where he was in January 1946.

In January 1946, I was transferred to the bridge end in the south-west of England, which was kept until the end of August 1946, after which I was kept in London in the camp that was under the jurisdiction of Sikret Service. In this camp, belonging to Sikret Service, I stayed only about a day and was directed by plane to the mountains. Vienna and transferred there to the Yugoslav government.

Question: Which of the German generals and senior officers were with you among Americans and the British?

Answer: I know that Americans had the following German generals:

Leeba is Feldmarshal General, the former commander of the German Army Group "Nord" on the Soviet-German front. Saw it in July 1946 in the Nuremberg process 148 on which I performed as a witness. Leeb on this process also performed as a witness. Contained Leeb in an American prison in the mountains. Nuremberg. What happened to him later, I do not know. I believe that he is free, since during my stay in Yugoslavia I heard that many German generals and Feldmarshalov were the Americans in the spring of 1947 issued to freedom.

Sheet - General Feldmarshal, the former commander of the German army grouping "A" on the Soviet-German front. I also saw him on the Nuremberg process in July 1946. Kept with him in one camera in prison in the mountains. Nuremberg. In this process, he performed as a witness.

While in Yugoslavia, I read in Yugoslav newspapers, and also heard from the Yugoslav investigator, who behaved my case that the sheet was attracted as the accused on the so-called southeastern process, held in 1947-1948. in the mountains. Nuremberg. In this process, German generals and government officials who participated in the war against the Balkan states were judged. The sheet was recognized as innocent and released on this process.

Waik * - General Feldmarshal, the former commander of the German army grouping "F" or "E", I definitely do not remember in the Balkans. I saw him in the Nuremberg process in July 1946, where he performed as a witness. Later he was attracted as accused in the southeast process. Recognized innocent and freed.

Galder - Colonel-General, the former chief of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces (OK). I saw him in the Nuremberg process in July 1946, where he performed as a witness. What happened to him later, I do not know. When in the middle of August 1946 from Nuremberg, I was sent back to the camp Bridge End, Galder remained in Nuremberg.

Guderian - Colonel-General, the former head of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces (OK) after July 20, 1944, i.e. After an attempt on Hitler. He saw him in July 1946 on the process in Nuremberg, where he performed as a witness. What happened to him in the future, I do not know.

Falchengauzen - General of infantry, the former commander of the German occupying troops in Belgium. He saw him in July 1946 on the process in Nuremberg, where he performed as a witness. I heard, being captured in Yugoslavia, that he was released from captivity and released home.

Baerlein - Lieutenant-General or General Tank Forces, a former Commander of the Tank Corps in France. Seen him in mid-May 1945 in the mountains. Kissingen, from which I was sent to London. After my departure to London, Baerlein remained in the mountains. Kissingen.

Goyazing ** - Lieutenant-General, the former head of the OKOh operational department. Saw it on April 23, 1945 in Bavaria, when he was not captive; I believe that he was captured by the Americans. Later I did not meet it anymore and I don't know what it became with him.

Gleiaz-Horstenau *** - Lieutenant-General or General Infantry, the former head of the German Military Mission in Croatia. Seen him in Nuremberg in July 1946, where he was as a witness. In Yugoslavia, I heard, I do not remember from whom he committed suicide.

Lorzer - General Aviation, occupied some high position In Goering. I saw him in Nuremberg in July 1946, where he witnessed in the process that it was later with him, I do not know.

Stumf * - Colonel-General, the former commander of the German Military Air Flot, defended Germany from opponent aviation raids. Seen him in Nuremberg in July 1946.

Bach-target ** - SS-Obergroupenfüren, before the captivity occupied some kind of high position in the mountains. Warsaw. I saw him in Nuremberg in July 1946 on the process where he performed as a witness.

Waldek Und Pymont, Prince, SS-Grupenführer, former police leader and SS in the province of Thuringia. Seen him in Nuremberg in July 1946 on the process.

In addition to these persons with whom I myself personally met, I heard, being captured by Americans, the British and Yugoslavov, that in the American captivity there are more German generals:

Sheerner - General Feldmarshal, the former commander of the German group in Czechoslovakia. In captivity was taken by Americans, then allegedly transferred to the Soviet government.

Vaisenberger *** - Colonel-General, Deputy Commander of the Military District, I do not remember the number, the headquarters of which was in the mountains. Regensburg.

Lance - General of the Mountain Forces, the former commander of the 1st mountain building. He was brought as accused in the southeastern process in 1947-1948.

Bock von Vyulfingen **** - Major General of Communication Major, former Commandant Liege, where he was captured by Americans.

Gaaser ***** - Colonel-General MOP, the former commander of the German army in France. He arrived after me to Nuremberg as a witness on the process.

Zepp Dietrich - Colonel-General of the SS troops, the former commander of the German army in Austria. In August 1946, Dakhau's concentration campaign was attracted as accused on the process. Condemned to imprisonment.

Thomas - general of infantry, head of the management of economy and weapons at the OKB. I heard from those who were with me in captivity of the generals that Thomas was taken away in the United States and did there with some civil service.

During my stay in English camps for the German military-captives, I met there with the following German generals, who were also captured by the British:

Schlelele is the Feld Marshal Aviation, the former commander of the German Air Force in France. He was with me in the camps Trench Park and Crais Dal. In about August 1945, the Crais Dal Camp dropped somewhere. I assume that he was sent to Germany, as it is unknown to send it to it in the United States or Canada. After leaving him from Crais Dal's camp, I didn't hear anything else about him.

Rundstedt - Feldmarshal General, the former commander of the German occupying troops in France. Was captured by Americans in the town of Bad Tölz in Bavaria at the end of April - early May 1945. For the first time I met him in the mountains. Wiesbaden in May 1945 in the American renovine camp. Secondly met with him in about July 1945, in the English Crais Crais. With me together, he was then at the Bridge End camp and in the Nuremberg process in July 1946. Stayed in the camp Bridge End after passing me to the Yugoslav government. While in Yugoslavia, I heard that in 1947 he was given a vacation and the opportunity to go to Germany.

Strauss - Colonel-General, a former inspector of fortified points in the east of Germany. I met him in Crais Dal camp, then was with him in the Bridge End camp. Stayed in the bridge end camp and after my shipment to Yugoslavia.

Heinrice is a Colonel-General, a former commander of the army grouping or army in Hungary. I met him in Crais Dal camp, then was with him in the Bridge End camp. He was in the Nuremberg process in July 1946 as a witness, then returned again to the Bridge End camp, where he remained after sending me to Yugoslavia.

Cranke is an admiral, a former commander in some battleship. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. During this time, I was exported to Germany, for which I do not know, then I was again returned to the camp Bridge and, where I stayed after sending me to Yugoslavia.

Brahich - General Feldmarshal, until 1942, the commander of German land forces. In 1942, he was behind the command and he lived in Silesia before the captivity, without making anything. Was captured by the British in the province of Schleswig-Holstein. Seen him in Nuremberg in July 1946, where he performed as a witness on the process. The second time met him at the end of August 1946 in the Brezd End camp. He stayed at the Bridge End camp and after my departure from there. In early 1949 I read in Yugoslav newspapers that he died.

Manstein - General Feldmarshal, the former commander of the army grouping "South" 149 . In April 1944 and lived in Silesia, in the mountains. Lignites, not doing anything. Pursed the British in the province of Schleswig-Holstein. I saw him in July 1946 on the process in Nuremberg. At the end of August 1946, he arrived together with Brushech to the Bridge End camp. He stayed in this camp and after my departure. I did not see it anymore and I did not hear anything about him.

Mantefel * - General Tank Forces, the former commander of the Tank Army on the West Front. Was with me in the camps Trench Park, Crais Dal and Bridge And. Several times interrogated with American officers on the issue of war against the British and Americans.

In the spring of 1946, the British was transferred to the Americans and sent to the mountains. Oberdes, near the city of Frankfurt am Main, to the American camp for the German prisoners of war, in which all German prisoners of war were collected, which can inform anything for the American history of the war. Mantoufel led the preparation of this story. Now I do not remember from whom I heard that the Americans were engaged not only to the preparation of the history of the war, but were also collected from German prisoners of war and other information relating to the prehistory of war. Mantoufel remained in the Ober-Lake camp until sending me to Yugoslavia.

Roricht ** - General Infantry, a former commander of the building, which was in Germany. The oldest companion of Shleyuher - the former Military Minister and Reichskanzler of Germany, shot by Hitler when parishes to power. He was captive by the Americans, was with me in the GG. Wiesbaden and Kissingen.

Dornberger - Lieutenant-General, a former head of the Organization for the design and production of Fau's shells. He was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. It was captured by the Americans in the Upper Bavaria in May 1945, together with his research headquarters on the design of Fau. Immediately after the captivity, the Americans concluded a treaty with him that he would work with them. Employees of his headquarters Americans were taken out in the US, but Dornberger was not for some reason sent to America, but transferred to the British. Stayed in Bridge and after sending me from there. During my stay with him, it is not known to be interrogated by the British.

Tippelskirm - Colonel-General, the former commander of the German army, operating in Germany. Prior to that he worked in OK, in the department of foreign armies. He was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. Stayed in the bridge end camp and after my departure. I did not meet anymore and I did not hear anything about him.

Warsh - SS-Obergroupenfür and Police General, the former police chief of the Mountains. Dresden, recently was in the Himmler for special instructions. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. It was like a witness in the process in Nuremberg and from there the allegedly in the American camp of Lang Wasser near Nuremberg.

Bush - General Field Marshal, the former Army Commander in West Germany. Capitulated the British. In May 1945, he arrived at the Trench Park camp and died in two or three days.

Mackenzen * - Colonel-General, former commander of German troops in Italy. After the class of the Anglo-American troops, Rome was removed by Hitler from the command and was in reserve. He arrived at the Bridge End camp in the spring of 1946 and left there after my shipment from this camp. While in Yugoslavia, I heard that a court was held on him and Cesselring in Italy, where both were sentenced to some time imprisonment. After that, both of them were sent to Germany to depart a sentence.

Kesselring - General Feldmarshal, the former commander of German troops on the West Front after Rundstedta. I saw him on the process in Nuremberg, in July 1946, where he stayed, after I was from Nuremberg sent. Being in Yugoslavia, heard that he was convicted in the process in Italy to imprisonment, then for serving the sentence was sent to Germany.

Renahardt ** - Colonel-General, former Army Commander in Eastern Prussia. After the class of the Soviet troops of the mountains. Koenigsberg was set aside and was in the reserve. Seen him in Nuremberg in July 1946, remained there after my departure from Nuremberg. I did not meet him anymore and I did not hear anything about him.

Falkenglist *** - Colonel-General, former commander of German troops in Norway. Meet him in Nuremberg, in July 1946, where he performed as a witness on the process. Then he was a short time with me in the Bridge End camp, from this camp in August 1946 was sent to the process in the mountains. Braunschweig, where he was sentenced to death penalty. During his stay in Yugoslavia, I heard from someone that Falkengore was pardoned.

Fitingoof * - Colonel-General, former commander of the German army in Italy. Mets with him in Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Hollidt - Colonel-General, the former commander of the sixth German army. What was the post before the surrender, I do not know. Seen him in Crais Dal camp. In June 1945, from this camp was supposed to be shipped with other German generals, I don't know them the surnames, by plane to Canada, but for what purpose I am unknown. I heard later that he was sent not to Canada, but in an English camp for German prisoners of war in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains. Sherburg.

Bremer ** - General Cavalry, which last post, I do not know. He was with me in Crais Dal and Bridge End. Stayed in the bridge end camp and after my departure.

Herr *** - General infantry, former commander of the German Corps in Italy. In the summer of 1946, he arrived from the Rimini camp (Italy). A few weeks later, due to the painful condition, the mountains were returned to the camp. Rimini.

Kinitz - General Infantry, the former commander of the XVII Corps 150 Recently was in the reserve. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

KUNT - General of the Saper Forces ****. Which recently he served, I do not know. I remember that he had a relation to the construction of the Western defensive line, and in the summer of 1941, she was replaced by a sheet as the commander of the German troops in Greece. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Title ***** - General artillery, his last position is unknown to me. I know that he commanded German troops in Norway. In the summer of 1946, he arrived at the camp Bridge End and remained there after my departure from this camp.

Hernlyine ****** - General of infantry, the former commander of the German Corps, who was in Germany. Was with me in the camp bridge and. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Behtolsgaym ******* - Lieutenant-General, former German Military Attache in England. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Blumenitrite - General Infantry, the former chief of the headquarters of the Rund. He arrived at Crais Dal camp along with Rundstedt, was a witness in Nuremberg on the process. From Nuremberg returned to the camp Bridge End and remained there after my departure from the camp.

Wagner - Major General, the former commander of German occupying troops on the island of Rhodes. He arrived in the summer of 1946 to the camp Bridge End from Egypt, remained in this camp and after my departure from there.

Bodenshatts - General Aviation, former Chef Adjutant Geering and at the same time adjutant Hitler. Was with me in the Crais Dal camp, from there in the summer of 1946 he was sent to Nuremberg as a witness against Geering on the process of the main war criminals. More about him did not hear anything.

Keller - Colonel-General, a former commander in some kind of military air fleet, stationed in Germany. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Student - Colonel-General, former commander of German parachutes. Was with me in the camps Trench Park, Crais Dal and Bridge And. In the spring of 1946, he was sent to the mountains. Lüneburg, Hannover Province, on the process over the participants of the occupation of the island of Crete *. This process was acquitted and released. More about him did not hear anything.

Zage - General Aviation, formerly-General of the Hermann Military Air Flot. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. Stayed in the Bridge End camp and after my departure from this camp.

Herf ** - General of the SS troops, the former head of the personnel department of the SS troops. Was with me in Crais Crais Cruis, where he died in the summer of 1945.

Demelchuber *** - Grupenführer SS, which post he held the last position, I do not know. In the spring of 1946, he arrived at the camp Bridge End and remained there after my departure from the camp.

Steiner - Obergroupenführer SS, the former Army Commander on the Eastern Front. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He was attracted as a witness in the Nuremberg process in July 1946. Stayed in Nuremberg after I left there. I did not see it anymore and I did not hear anything about him.

Lorenz - Obergroupenfürer SS, recently worked at the Commission on the resettlement of Germans from other states to Germany. I saw him in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

ENAR - GRUNEFYURER SS, former chairman of the Union of Old Frontovikov "Kifhuzer Bund". He was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Ripstein is Major General, the former commander of the brigade in Africa. Increasing in the spring of 1946 from the camp for prisoners of war in Canada to Bridge and, where he stayed after my departure from this camp.

Schliben * - Major General, former commander tank Brigade On the Eastern Front. He was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Gunerman ** - Major General, recently worked in the management of the economy and arms of the OKB. He was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Foss - Major General, a former camps inspector for prisoners of war in some Military District in Saxony, if I'm not mistaken, in XIV, in the mountains. Magdeburg. I saw him in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. Several times was interrogated by the British about his activities. He remained in the bridge end camp and after my departure from there.

Boeman *** - Colonel-General, former commander of German occupying forces in Norway. Was with me in the camps Crais Dal and Bridge End. Stayed in the Brezde End camp after my departure from there. While in Yugoslavia, I heard that he was attracted as accused in the southeast process and, while in Nuremberg, committed suicide.

Other generals of the German army, with whom I personally met in English camps for prisoners of war, I do not remember.

Being in captivity, I heard about some generals, which are also contained by the British, but I did not have to meet with these generals.

I heard that the British had the following German generals:

Coowel - Lieutenant-General, the former commander of the German Tank Division in Africa. There was a captive, lived in England on some villa, then he was sent to Canada.

Kunzen **** - General Cavalry, the former commander of the German corps in France. Located in Belgium in the English camp for prisoners of war. In April 1947, he was released and released to Germany, which I became known from his letter, which I read, being in Yugoslavia.

The plenty of infantry general seems to be the last time the commander of the German corps and commander of the rear in Italy. He was taken by the British and at the beginning of 1945 he was shot by the court sentence.

Question: Do you know what German generals and senior officers are in Yugoslavia?

Answer: During my stay in captivity in Yugoslavia, I met the following German generals:

Angelis - General Artillery, the former commander of the Second German Tank Army in Hungary. Was captured by the Americans, then transferred to the Yugoslav government. In Yugoslavia was convicted in October 1948 by 20 years of compulsory work. March 5, 1949 was with me transferred to the Soviet authorities.

Maisner * - the highest head of the SS and the police, recently was the highest police officer in Serbia. He was with me in one cell military prison in the mountains. Belgrade. In December 1946 or January 1947, he was convicted in the open process in Belgrade to the death penalty and then heated.

Neutgold ** - Lieutenant-General, commander of the German Division in the Balkans. Also was with me together in one cell of the military prison in Belgrade. In February 1947, he was condemned in February 1947 in an open process to the death penalty and heated.

Cubler 2nd *** - Lieutenant-General, Commander of the German Division in Yugoslavia. He was with me in one chamber. Convicted to the death penalty together with Colonel-General Lour.

Oberkamp **** - Mr. MRs, the commander of the German division in the Balkans. It was within a few hours in my cell in a military prison in Belgrade. On April 1, 1947, he was convicted on the process in Belgrade to the death penalty and heated.

Gravenhorst ***** - Major General, which post has been held lately, I do not know. Together with me in one camera in a military prison in Belgrade. Convicted together with Oberkamp for the death penalty, in April 1947, and shot.

Stroimeyer ****** - Lieutenant-General, the former commander of the German division in the Balkans. It was in one camera with me in a military prison in Belgrade. At the end of 1947, he was convicted of the death penalty and shot.

WINDISH - Lieutenant-General, a former division commander in the Balkans. It was in one camera with me in a military prison in Belgrade. In the autumn of 1947, he was convicted of death. The death penalty was then replaced by 20 years of forced work.

Phoebe * - General Aviation, recently was the commander of the German Air Force in the south-east. He was in the summer of 1947 with me in one cell of the Military Prison in Belgrade. In the fall of 1947, sentenced to the death penalty and shot.

Fisher ** - Lieutenant-General, the former commander of the German corps in the Balkans. In the summer of 1947, together with me was kept in one chamber. In the fall of 1947, together with Phoebe, sentenced to the death penalty and shot.

Ludwiger is a lieutenant-general, the former commander of the German corps in the Balkans. In February-March 1947, he was with me in one cell of the military prison in Belgrade. At the end of March 1947, he was convicted of the death penalty and shot.

Wagner *** - Major Major Major Major, which post occupied the last position, I do not know. In April 1947 he was with me in one cell of the Military Prison in Belgrade. Convicted to the death penalty and shot.

Shatokhausen - Lieutenant-General, recently served in the Imperial Military Court. It was transferred by the British of Yugoslav. Together with me in one cell of the Military Prison in Belgrade in April 1947 and in the summer of 1948. Convicted to the death penalty, then pardon with the replacement of the death penalty for life forced work.

Wurster - Lieutenant-General, recently was the highest German Communication officer in the mountains. Belgrade. Outdated by Yugoslav Americans. He was located in August-September 1948 with me in one cell of the Military Prison in Belgrade. In the fall of 1948, sentenced to the death penalty and shot.

May - Major General Police, a former police commander order in Belgrade. In early 1949, sentenced to death. There were two days with me in the same Military Prison Camera in Belgrade, filed a request for pardon. When I was taken from this prison for the transfer of the Soviet authorities, he still expected answering his request.

In addition to those listed by me by the German generals, with whom I met, while in Yugoslav prison, I heard and read in Yugoslav newspapers, which in Yugoslavia are, or rather, there were still those German generals:

Cubler 1st - General of the Mountain Forces, the former commander of the rear in Istria (Dalmatia coast). On the process in the mountains. Agram in June 1947 was sentenced to death and shot.

Toner * - Mr. Glovenfür, the former head of the Military Department of the German Occupation Forces in Serbia. In the process in Belgrade, in the fall of 1947, he was sentenced to death and shot.

Schnithuber ** - Mr. MRs, former commander of the SS division "Prince Evgeny" 151 . In the process in Belgrade in February 1947, he was sentenced to death and shot.

Dankelman - General Aviation, who was in 1942 by the commander of Germanic occupying troops in Serbia. It was transferred to the Yugoslav government of the British. Sentenced on the process in the mountains. Belgrade in the autumn of 1947 to the death penalty and shot.

Lur - Colonel-General, the former commander of the army grouping in the Balkans. Recently was with his headquarters in Hungary. He arrived from Hungary to Yugoslavia to his troops located there and was captured by Yugoslavi. On the process in Belgrade in January 1947 in the mountains. Belgrade was sentenced to the death penalty. Then he hanging him was replaced by execution. Shot in January 1947.

Berenz *** - Mr. MOPRENFYURER and the highest police officer, a former police officer in Serbia. Previously, he worked together with Lorenz on the resettlement of Germans from other states to Germany. Was with me in the English camp bridge and. In the summer of 1947, he was transferred to the Yugoslav government. In the process at the end of 1947 in the mountains. Belgrade sentenced to the death penalty and shot.

Evershtein **** - Obergroupenführer SS and the Supreme Police officer, the former commander of the assault group in Northern Greece. He was captured during the retreat from Greece through Yugoslavia in 1945. Located in one of the camps for German prisoners of war in Yugoslavia.

In addition to these generals, I have another five or six generals of the German army, which during my stay in Yugoslavia were sentenced to hang or shooting, but I don't remember these generals.

I want to add that at a time when I was in the mountains in June 1946. Nuremberg, as a witness on the process, then met there a few German generals, however, who in captivity they were, I do not know.

From among these generals, I remember:

Utelner 1st - Obergroupenführer SS, a former employee of Himmler headquarters. After July 20, 1944, he was appointed commander of the reserve troops instead of General Fromm. At the same time was the deputy Himmler. Stayed in Nuremberg after my departure. Painted on the process as a witness.

Utelner 2-y * - Obergrouppenfür Ca. Recently, he held some position in the management of the CA. Participated in the Nuremberg process as a witness. Stayed there after my departure.

Other German generals who are from Americans and the British, do not remember.

Interrogation is over at 17 o'clock. 30 minutes.

The protocol from my words is recorded correctly and I read in German.


Interrogated: Nach [Alnik] branch
according to the most important cases of the MGB of the USSR lieutenant colonel

Kuzmishin "

Here is the following protocol dated 1951 (others probably not available)

« Protocol Interrogation General-Field Marshal E. Claystone von. August 8, 1951

Protocol Interrogation General-Field Marshal E. Claystone von. August 8, 1951 Moscow

Interrogation protocol

from August 8, 1951
Kleyst Evald, 1881 born, native
m [Eutchka] Brownfeld, Hessen Province
(Germany), German, German citizen,
from higher education, former [oh] commander
army grouping "A" on the Soviet-German front.

Interrogation started in 1-30

Question: You were the commander of the army grouping "A" on the Soviet-German front. Since what time?

Answer: Since February 1943.

Question: And before that time what post did you occupy?

Answer: Commanded the 1st Tank Army.

Question. Also on the Soviet-German front?

Answer: Quite right.

Question: When did you arrive at the Soviet-German front?

Answer: In battles on the Soviet-German front, I participated from the first days of war, i.e. From June 24-25, 1941.

Question: When did you know about the preparation of the attack on the Soviet Union?

Answer: At the beginning of March 1941.

Question: From whom?

Answer: From the Communications officer of Feldmarshal Rundstedta, who reported to me that in the event of war against the USSR, I will act under the command of Rundstedta.

Question: You took an active part in the preparation of Hitler's aggression against the Soviet Union. Show this.

Question: In the development of military attack plans for the Soviet Union, I did not participate.

Answer: Lying. You were involved in the unleashing of a criminal war against the USSR and will be even questioned about it.

Interrogation is over 02-00

It is written from my words correctly, translated into German.

von molest

Interrogated: Pom [Sand] Head] Deputy [Element] I
Log in 2 ch [avny] UPR [car] MGB USSR Major

Solovov »

Here is the next protocol.

« Protocol Interrogation General-Field Marshal E. Claystone von. August 17, 1951

Interrogation protocol
Arrested Kleist Evalda

from August 17, 1951
Clest E [Wald], 1881 g [ODA] of birth],
native M [Eutchka] Braunfeld, German,
b [Yez] / p [Artist], with higher education,
former commander of the army grouping "A"
on the Soviet-German front, Field Marshal General.

Interrogation started at 12.00

Interrogation is over at 18.00

Translator of the German language ST [ARTS] Lieutenant Kushch L.M. About responsibility for knowingly false translation under Art. 95 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR warned.


Question: You charged on PP. 1-A, 1-6 and 1-C Art. 2nd Law No. 10 of the Control Council in Germany. It is clear to you, recognize yourself guilty?

Answer: The prosecution is clear to me. I do not deny that really, being the commander of the German tank group in the composition of the three buildings, on 23 or 24 June 1941, I do not remember exactly, but it was in the first days of the war of Hitler's Germany against the Soviet Union, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Lviv, the Soviet border was transferred and invaded With your troops on Soviet land.

On the territory of the Soviet Union, I was until April 1944, i.e. About three years, commanding various compounds of German troops, conducted fighting against the Soviet army. And recently I commanded the army grouping "A", which consisted of two infantry armies.

Despite this, I do not consider myself my participation in the war against the Soviet Union with criminal and guilty of myself in charge of the accusation, because He participated in the war as an officer of the German army, according to the orders of Rundstedt and Braukhich.

Question: Your link to orders of higher commanders, according to which you participated in a criminal war against the Soviet Union, do not exempt you from responsibility for committed crimes in the Soviet Union.

Answer: Perhaps this is the case, but I once again declare a consequence that I acted in the war against the Soviet Union only according to orders.

In particular, a few days before the German attack on the Soviet Union, I received a written order from Field Marshal, in which it was said that soon on a certain day and hour of troops of the 6th and 17th German armies will switch to the Soviet border and break through the Soviet line Defense.

In this order, I was obliged to accept the command of the grouping of tank troops, consisting of the 3rd 152 and 14th 153 the tank buildings and the Campf tank corps *, and in the broken Front of Russian Defense wake into the Soviet territory to repel the counterattack of Russian tank joints and the destruction of them.

After performing this order, I invaded the Soviet territory on the 23rd or June 24, 1941, and moved towards Dubno and Exactly, without taking the cities themselves.

Question: Actions of your troops were not limited to this. Subordinates of the troops revenge numerous atrocities and mockery over Soviet citizens. Show this.

Answer: Orders for the commission of atrocities and bullying over the Soviet population in the territory of the Soviet Union, and I do not know that the subordinates of the troops revenge these atrocities over Soviet citizens in Soviet territory.

The interrogation protocol from my words is recorded correctly and I read in German.

von molest

Interrogated: Deputy [Esthele] Nach [Alnica] Login


Translated: German translation translator
2 GL [AVET] MGB management USSR Art [Art] Lieutenant

Bush "

The consequence of course did not believe in false words the background of Claysthe that he was the whole war, and there was a lot of facts against

Clay tanks in Rostov in October 1941,

On Mussa

March to Rostov in the summer of 1942

End of the way ....

The indictment regarding General Feldmarshal E. von Kleista. December 7, 1951

The indictment regarding General Feldmarshal E. von Kleista. December 7, 1951 Moscow

The indictment to approve.
Case to send for consideration by the Military Collegium
The top of [Aries] of the USSR court, without charge and protection.

Deputy] of the main military [nm] prosecutor
C [Ovestskaya] A [RMII] Gene Ral Major

D. Kitaev

18.XII 51 g. *


For participation in the preparation and conduct of a criminal war against the USSR and other countries, the committed by atrocities and atrocities in the temporary occupied territory of the Soviet Union was arrested and prosecuted prisoners of war, the Field Marshal General of the former German army Clay Evald.

Investigation of the case established

Claysthe, being a major landowner from among German Junkers, a personnel officer of the German "Black Reichsover" and the Hitler's army, and occupying team posts, participated in the preparation and jurisdiction of an aggressive war in violation of international laws and treaties.

Being one of the approximate Hitler, Clayst, carrying out its concrete plans, directly participated in the attack on Poland, France, Yugoslavia and the occupation of their territory, commanding the major compounds of the Tank Troops of the German army called "Clay Tank Group".

At the end of 1940, Clay, on the task of the fascist command, was engaged in inspection and creation of new tank and mechanized compounds of the German army for the upcoming war against the Soviet Union.

In February 1941, Clay was officially informed general Feldmarshal The Rund asked about the time of the military attack of fascist Germany in the USSR and received three tank corps under his command, which was part of the Army Group of Rundstedt called "South".

In April 1941, Claysta, as directed by the same Rundstedta, began to develop concrete plans of German military attack on the Soviet Union, and for this purpose, from tank buildings, led by Generals Masenzen *, Cempf and Wittersheim **, formed a tank group and placed These troops in the Polish territory in the area of \u200b\u200bTomashev-Zada, 15-30 km from the Soviet border.

On the issue of participation in the preparation of a military attack on the Soviet Union, Claysta at the interrogation on April 9, 1949 showed:

"For the first time, I became aware of the preparing attack of Germany to the Soviet Union in February 1941, when I was in Bulgaria. In Yugoslavia, I stayed until April 18, 1941, and then with my headquartt went to Germany, where April 25, 1941, Being in Breslau, began to prepare an armed attack on the Soviet Union. "

"Having received a list of parts from Rundstedt, which will be included in my submission and the task, I took up the development of issues related to the offensive. Preparations for the invasion of Soviet territory I was completed by mid-June 1941, and then I left my headquarters in the area Tomashev-Zancy city on the Soviet-Polish border to the location of my buildings "(t. 1, ld 18-26, 37)."

On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, violating the treaty with the Soviet Union, made a treacherous military attack on the USSR, and on June 23, clay, carrying out Hitler's conciliatory plans, with his troops, passed the state border of the Soviet Union and invaded Soviet territory.

On his participation in the treacherous attack of fascist Germany in the USSR, Kleyst, on the same interrogation showed: "" On June 22, 1941, the army troops Reichena forced Western Bug and switched to the offensive, and my tank group moved on 23 or June 24, 1941 . "In mid-August 1941, my corps approached the Dnieper and entered into battle for the city of Her-Son, Nikopol, Zaporizhia" (t. 1, ld 26-27, vol. 2, ld 9-11) "

From June 1941 to April 1944, Kleist, Commander of the 1st Tank Panel, the 1st Tank Army and the Army Group "A", participated in the seizure and occupation of Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR, Soviet Moldova and Crimea (t. 1, ld 26-36, vol. 2, ld 9-17).

Subordinate troops on temporarily occupied Soviet territory committed atrocities and atrocities in relation to civilians, cruelly suppressed partisan traffic, massive destruction, not caused by military necessity, the destruction of industrial enterprises, transport, buildings, structures and other material and cultural values; They were engaged in the robberies and removal of livestock and food from citizens and collective farms, and the punitive bodies that were commanded by the glue, and in the territory occupied by his troops, destroyed a large number of peaceful Soviet people.

It has been established that only in the Krasnodar Territory, the fascist invaders, including troops under the command of Kleist and Ruofers, were shot, tormented and suffered with gases and exterminated in other ways more than 61 thousand peaceful Soviet citizens destroyed more than 63 thousand Industrial and economic structures were plundered and selected in collective farms and individual citizens more than 5 million centers of grain and flour, more than 300 thousand heads of cattle, as many pigs, not less than 275 thousand horses and more than 2 million poultry.

More than 66 thousand agricultural machines and guns, more than 2 thousand engines and 6 thousand cars and other property were destroyed or taken to Germany.

About a million hectares of grain crops and hundreds of thousands of hectares of other crops were destroyed, and dozens of collective farm villages, burned, blew up and destroyed, along with other valuable buildings, the whole quarters of the residential buildings of Krasnodar, 1334 schools, 368 theaters and clubs, 377 hospitals and a clinic and 194 Buildings of children's institutions (t. 3, ld 1-146).

In the graceings listed above, the melting is consistent with the testimony of former prisoners of war of the Germans who have previously been in subordination and directly executed by his criminal orders.

Former prisoner of war barbel in question December 4, 1947 showed: "" Being in the 1st battalion of the 2nd regiment of the 1st Tank Army under the command of General-Field Marshal Clay, I was in the Soviet cities of Mine, Kropotkin, Armavir, Cool and DR . ". "During the onset of the 1st tank army, the soldiers were allowed to engage in the robberry of civilians and take collective farm property, cattle, bread and more for the needs of the German army." "

On December 30, 1942, while in the city of Cool, the company's commander read us the order of General Field Marshal Kleist, in which he ordered on the path of his retreat to make the destruction of industrial and railway facilities and structures and create a "desert" in the Soviet Union, with the goal So as not to leave the Red Army. "

"To carry out the order, the background of Claysta created special commands of demolitions at each platoon, which were engaged in explosions and destruction" "(vol. 3, ld 199-203).

For the same issue, the former prisoners of war of the German army Waips Georg at the interrogation of December 18, 1947 showed: "I was served in the SS division" Viking "

Division SS "Viking" was part of the army, which was commanded by Field Marshal, von Clayst. Since July 1941 before March 1944, I personally took part in the looting of collective farm property. During the retreat period, I also exported products stuck in collective farms "(t. 3, ld 207-208).

The former prisoners of war of the 1st tank regiment of the 1st Tank Army Brandes at the interrogation of December 9, 1947 showed: "" retreating under the blows of the Red Army, personal composition The 1st tank army took the cattle and food from the civilian population. "" During the retreat of part of the 1st tank army, which he commanded the Feld Marshal General Clastt from the Caucasus, in the town of Nalchik, Pyatigorsk, mineral waters took almost everything livestock livestock and hijacked west. In addition, I personally saw the city and residential premises "" (vol. 3, ld 227-228) were destroyed in Artemovsk.

The soldier of the former German army Berndt at the interrogation on 12/12/1947 showed: "" Parts of the German army, which were in the Tank Group of General Field Marshal Kleist, while in the USSR, were engaged in robbers everywhere, which were usually accompanied by violences and shootings of the civilian population. These atrocities are especially massive Character was taken in the retreat of the German troops from the Caucasus.

The fact that it was impossible to pick up, burned and destroyed everything on the path of retreat. In Bataysk and Rostov, the German troops under the pretext of the fight against partisans produced mass executions of Soviet citizens "" (t. 3, ld 229-231).

The soldier of the former German army Blass Erich at the interrogation on 12/15/1947 showed: "Deeping from the districts of the North Caucasus, parts of the 1st Tank Army General-Field Marshal von Kleist destroyed all major structures on their way, exploded, burned and destroyed clubs in all settlements , Theaters and other cultural institutions, factories, factories, railway stations and bridges. I personally saw in the cities of Kropotkin, a large oil plant, a sugar factory and a brick plant "(vol. 3, ld, 143-145) were blown up in Georgiyevsk.

Similar atrocities of the German fascist invaders under the command of Claystili chinila on the territory of the Soviet Moldova, the North Caucasus, the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR, Ukraine and the Crimea (t. 3, ld 146-147).

In addition, the brastic on the territory of the Crimea, together with the commanders of the 17th Army who were in his subordination by Colonel Eneke *, brutally suppressed the partisan movement by applying suffusion gases and the creation of so-called "dead zones" in the areas of appearance soviet partisans, burning completely settlements.

About the German atrocities committed on the orders of Kleist, the arrested Colonel-General of the former German army of Enesek at the interrogation on November 22, 1947 showed: "On the issue of economic purification of Kuban in all orders, the background of Claysta was envisaged: export from the Kuban of all food reserves, livestock, grains, butter , wines and others [invents] of agricultural products and industrial materials and equipment, and all that it was impossible to take out, according to the order of the Claysta background, was subject to destruction and destruction. "

Next, Eneke showed: "In the order, the text of the clay indicated that the primary task of the 17th army in the Crimea is the suppression of a partisan movement. According to this order, I, as the commander of the army, was supposed to develop a plan of activities for its implementation. What events of my army were held, I already showed earlier, including about creating a "dead zone". On the progress of the creation of the "dead zone", as well as about operations in Kerch quarries (where gases were used), I reported daily background Claysty in daily reports.

Clayst was constantly aware of the events held by the 17th Army to create a "dead zone". In these reports, after each operation, the text cup is reported on the number of burned settlements and other results.

When the background of Claysty was reported (about the use of gases against Soviet partisans), I definitely do not remember, but about the arrival of the protection and conducting operations in Kerch quarry in the headquarters of the troops, a special report was sent to the headquarters "(t. 2, l .d. 202-210).

Interrogated as the accused, the guilty Evald did not admit himself guilty of herself, but it does not deny that he participated in the preparation and warfare of war against the USSR and that his troops at the temporary occupied Soviet territory made massive destruction, as well as seizures of livestock and food from collective farms and the population (t. 2, ld 4-7,68-69, 80-90,120-122, 146-148).

The criminal activity of the Kleist Evald is fully confirmed by the materials of the emergency state commission to investigate the evil-acts of the German fascist invaders, the testimony of the German prisoners of war: Steirner, Eneke, Angelis, Bartel, Vaips, Doffer, Brands, Berndt and others (only 23 people), as well as testimony eyewitnesses and victims from the number of Soviet citizens: Govlyko, Baldina, Serbi, Raisin, Ryabovolenko, etc. (only 28 people) (t. 3, ld 1-242).


Kleyst Evald, 1881 births,
native M [Eutchka] Braunfeld, Province
Hesse (Germany), German, Snapy Germany,
non-partisan, with higher education, former large landowner, in German
the army served since 1900, from 1941 to 1944
participated in the war against the USSR in the rank
feldmarshal general, recently
commanded the army grouping "A",
for active participation in the First World War
against Russia awarded two iron
crosses of the 1st and 2nd class, and for participation
in the war against the USSR awarded Hitler
government of Iron Crosses of the 1st and
2nd class, knightly cross, "oak leaves"
and "swords" to him. Captive on the territory of Bavaria
April 25, 1945.


That he, having occupying command posts in the former German army, took an active part in the preparation and maintenance of a criminal war against the USSR; While from June 1941 to 1944, at the temporary occupied territory of the Soviet Union, together with its troops and punitive bodies, the massive destruction, atrocities and the atrocities provided for under Art. 1 Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR Union of April 19, 1943 and under Art. 2nd § 1st PP. "A", "B" and "C" of the Law No. 10 of the Control Council in Germany.

In accordance with Art. Art. 208 and 225 Code of Crimson of the RSFSR, the case of Kleist Evald is subject to the direction of the USSR Supreme Court for consideration by the USSR Supreme Court.

Soviet army lieutenant colonel



2. There is no physical evidence in the case.

Military Prosecutor of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office

Soviet army lieutenant colonel



persons to be called at the hearing

1. The accused Clay Evald is contained in the MGB of the USSR GGB.

Military Prosecutor of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office
Soviet army lieutenant colonel


« The verdict of the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court against Field Marshal-General E. Claysta. February 21, 1952

Sentence of the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court in relation to General Field Marshal E. von Kleist. February 21, 1952 Moscow


The name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Military College of Supreme Court of the SSR Union

as part of:

Presiding - Major General Justice Chertkov
Members: Colonel Justice Senina
and colonel of Justice Artyukhova
under the secretary of the senior lieutenant Afanasyev
in the closed court session, in the mountains. Moscow February 21, 1952, considered the case on charges:

Kleista Evalda, 1881 births,
native M [Eutchka] Brownfeld, Province
Hesse (Germany), German, married, former
feldmarshal General of the German Army -

in the commission of crimes provided for by Art. The 1st decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943 and Art. 2nd § 3 p. "B" of Law No. 10 of the Control Council in Germany.

Preliminary and judicial investigation established:

At the end of 1940, on the task of the fascist command, Kleist was engaged in creating tank and mechanized compounds for the upcoming war against the USSR.

In February 1941, he received three tank corps under his command, then began to develop concrete plans for military attack on the Soviet Union, formed a tank group and placed her troops on Polish territory 15-30 kilometers from the Soviet border. June 23, 1941, i.e. On the second day of the treacherous attack of fascist Germany to the Soviet Union, the clay with his troops invaded the Soviet territory.

From June 1941 to April 1944, Clay, consistently commander - a tank group, the 1st tank army and the army grouping "A", participated in the seizure and occupation of a number of areas of Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR, Soviet Moldova And the Crimea.

The clashes of troops at the temporarily occupied Soviet territories committed atrocities and atrocities in relation to civilians, they did not cause the military necessity of the destruction of industrial enterprises, buildings, material and cultural values, were engaged in a robberry, withdrawal of livestock and food, and punitive organs with connections under command Claysta, many innocent Soviet citizens destroyed.

Only in the Krasnodar Territory, the German fascist invaders, including under the command of Kleist, destroyed more than 61 thousand peaceful Soviet citizens, destroyed more than 63 thousand industrial, economic structures, plundered and selected from collective farms and in individual citizens more than 500 thousand goals of various livestocks, burned Dozens of villages, destroyed many schools, hospitals and children's institutions.

Similar crime troops under the command of Claystili also at other, temporarily occupied Soviet territories. On the territory of Crimea, in addition, the troops of the 17th army, subordinate to the clan, brutally suppressed the guerrilla movement and created the so-called "dead zones" in the partisan's action areas.

Clear crimes proved emergency materials state Commissions In order to investigate the atrocities of the German-fascist invaders, the testimony of 20 prisoners of war of the Germans - Eneke, Bartel, Veips, Doffer, Gilen, Berndt, Schwankel, Brandes, and others, testimony of eyewitnesses and victims of Soviet citizens - Baldina, Izyumova, Goloboltenko, Serbin, Ryabovolenko And others, among 28 people.

Recognizing Clasties guilty of committing crimes provided for by Art. The 1st decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943 and Art. 2 § 1 pp "A", "B" and "C" of the Law No. 10 of the Control Council in Germany, and guided by Art. Art. 319 and 320 UPC RSFSR, Military Collegium of the Supreme Court -


Kleist Evald on the basis of Art. 2nd § 3 p. "In" of the Law No. 10 of the Control Council in Germany to deprive freedom in correctional labor camps for a period of twenty-five (25) years, with confiscation of property, its own on the basis of Art. Decision of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet of April 19, 1943 and for the aggregate crimes committed to deprive the freedom in correctional labor camps for a period of twenty-five (25) years, with confiscation of property.

The verdict is not subject to the final and appeal.
Presiding: Chertkov


Artyukhov "

Here is the main definition of the military collegium

« Definition No. SP-0078/51 of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in relation to Feldmarshal-General E. Claysta. April 17, 1952

Definition No. SP-0078/51 of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR in relation to Feldmarshal-General E. Claysta. April 17, 1952 Moscow

Supreme Court of the Union of the USSR
Definition No. SP-0078/51

As part of: Chase Lieutenant-General Justice Chepsova
members: Major General Dmitrieva and
major General Zyryanova,
examined in the meeting from "17" of April 1952
in accordance with Article 461 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR

the case of Kleista Evald, convicted by the military board of the Supreme Court of the SSR Union on February 21, 1952 on the basis of Art. The 1st decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1943 and Art. 2nd § 3 p. "B" of Law No. 10 of the Control Council in Germany to imprisonment in total for a period of 25 years with confiscation of property,

having heard the report of Tov. Zyryanova and bearing in mind that convicted golde Evald is a particularly dangerous criminal requiring strict isolation from society,


On the basis of Article 461 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, in the sentence of the military board of the Supreme Court of the SSR Union of February 21, 1952, to change * and assume that the convicted glue Evald must serve the sentence not in the corporate work camps, as it is indicated in the sentence of the military board, but in prison .

Zyryanov "

Clay became the only German Feldmarshal, who died in the Soviet captivity. Why exactly the golden suffer is such a strict punishment? If it looks like this at all, it does not look at some particularly prominent war criminal. Paulus and Rundshtedt brought our country no less than evil.

But firstbut apparently did not come under the custody of the Allied governments, who often had the Nazi criminals. But they did not protect the brastic for some reason.

Secondly, he did not assist in the USSR, unlike Paulus, captive to cooperate ready to cooperate against Hitler, although it was Paulus who became the author of the Barbarossa plan

In the third - golden taking into account his successful actions in the USSR most likely not exactly the Soviet spy

There was no reason to exercise condescension.

Evald Paul Ludwig von Clayst

Kleist (Kleist) Evald (8.8.1881, Brownfels on Lana, Oct. 1954), one of the Nazi military. criminals, Feld Marshal General of the German Fascist Army (1943). On military. Service since 1900. He graduated from the military. Academy (1913). During the 1st World War, she held staff posts. After the war, he served in the cavalry of Reichsver. During aggressive wars against Poland (1939), France (1940), Yugoslavia (1941) commanded a tank, a corps and a tank, a group. On the Soviet-German front since the beginning of the war. Until November 1942 commanded the 1st Tank Army (to Oct. 1941 - 1st Tank, Group), which was ch. Shock power of the fascist troops on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front. Since November 1942 teams, Army Group "A". In the spring of 1944 for leaving the Crimea, the defeat to the south. Bug and disagreement with Hitler's strategy dismissed. At the end of the war, he was captured by the British and in 1946 as a military. The criminal transferred to Yugoslavia, and then the USSR. It was condemned for the barbaric practice of conducting hostilities, cruelty shown in relation to the prison and civilian population of occupied countries. He died in conclusion.

Used materials of the Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes, volume 4.

Kleist (Kleist), Evald (1881-1954) - German-fascist military leader, Field Marshal General (1943). In the army since 1900. He graduated from the Military Academy (1913), participated in the 1st World War in staff posts. After the war, he served in the Reichsvere (in Cavalry), performed an active advocate for the motorization of the army. In 1938, during "cleaning" Hitler Generally, fired for monarchical beliefs. In 1939, he was appointed commander of the 22nd Corps, participated in the war with Poland. In the French campaign of 1940, he commanded a tank "Claystone". He was the commander of the 1st tank group in the war with Yugoslavia. At the Soviet-German front since the beginning of the war until November 22, 1942, he commanded the 1st tank army (until October 6, 1941 - a group), which was a shock force of German troops on the southern wing of the Front (Ukraine, the North Caucasus). From November 1942 - Commander of the Army Group "A", acting on Kuban and in the Crimea. In the spring of 1944, for defeats in the Crimea and on the South Bougie and disagreement with Hitler's strategy dismissed. After the war, war crimes in Yugoslavia and the USSR were convicted.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 7. Karakeev - Koshacher. 1965.

Claysthe, Evald Paul Ludwig von Kleist; 1881-1954) - German military leader; Feldmarshal General (1943). In 1909 he graduated from the Cavalry School in Hanover and in 1912 - Military Academy (Berlin). Member of the First World War. After the demobilization of the army remained to serve in the rejeser. From August 1939, he commanded the 22nd Army Corps in the rank of General Cavalry, and in 1940 - a tank group on the West Front. In 1941 he fought in the Balkans, participated in taking Belgrade. Upon the invasion of the USSR, the commander of the 1st Tank Army, which then participated in the battles near Rostov and in the North Caucasus. From November 21, 1942, the Commander of the Army Group "A". March 31, 1943, after leaving the Crimea and retreat to the South Bug, was resigned. On April 25, 1945, arrested by American troops and exported to London. As a witness, the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg is brought to work. In September 1946, the People's Court in Belgrade was transferred to Yugoslavia, on August 4, 1948 by the People's Court. In March 1949, he was transferred to the USSR authorities. On February 21, 1952, the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He died in a camp for prisoners of war in Vladimir in October 1954

Wehrmacht on the Soviet-German front. Investigative and judicial materials from the archival criminal cases of German prisoners of war 1944-1952. (Sost. V.S. Khristoforov, V.G. Makarov). M., 2011. (Personal Comment). P. 750.

Kleist (Kleist) Evald Paul Ludwig Background (08.08. 1881, Brownfels-Na-Lan, Hessen - 15.10. 1954, Vladimir, USSR) Priorituder, General Field Marshal (01/31/1943). From the military family, the son of the doctor of philosophy. He graduated from a military school. In March 1900, he joined Fanenununker in the 3rd hiking artillery regiment, in 1901 was produced in Lieutenants. In 1909 he graduated from the Cavalry School in Hanover, in 1912 - the Military Academy. Member of the 1st World War in East and Western fronts, squadron commander, general staff officer. In 19! 9 After the demobilization of the army, it remained to serve in the rejeser. A convinced monarchist, did not sympathize the Nazis. From 1920 he served in cavalry, from 1923 in the Hannover Cavalry School. Since 1927, headquarters of the 2nd Cavalry Division (Breslau), from 1928 - 3rd infantry Division. Since 1931 commander of the 9th Infantry Shelf (Potsdam). 01.02. 1932 replaced General G. Von Rundstedta as the commander of the 2nd Cavalry Division. 05/01/1935 The Claysta Division was disbanded, and on the basis of her headquarters created the command of the 8th Army Corps and the 8th Military District in Breslau. Clayst was appointed by their commander. During the "cleaning" of the Supreme Military Command, after the case of Blomberg-Frich, Claysta 04.02. 1938 dismissed. In August 1939, he returned to service and was appointed commander of the 22nd Army Corps, which presented a tank group. As part of the 14th Army of General V. Sheet participated in the Polish company; captured the oil-producing area under Lviv. He participated in the battles in the Somme, in Bordeaux and, having completed a throw to La Mansu, completed the formation of a Dunkir boiler. Before starting the war from the USSR, the Kleist Group (3rd and 48th Tank, the 4th Motorized Corps) became part of the Army Group "South" General-Field Marshal Gon Runstedta. On July 5, he began the offensive on the "Stalin line" on the old Soviet border, the breakdown of the Zhytomyr took on July 10. From 21.11. 1942 Commander of the Army Group "A", in which, in addition to the 1st tank, there was also the 17th Army of General R. Ruoffa. In January 1943, Soviet troops broke through the defense of the troops of Claysta, but A. Hitler only allowed to retreat at the very last moment, and the Kuban managed to keep. On the territory, controlled group of army "A", Clayst was a targeted policy on attracting representatives of various peoples of the USSR to the side of the Wehrmacht. In his troops, more than 800 thousand people (Karachay, Kabardians, Ossetians, Ingush, Azerbaijanis, Kalmyk, Cossacks and others) consisted in his troops. He tried humanely to treat the local population, because of which he soon had a conflict with the Reikhskyist of Ukraine E. Koh and the General Commissioner for the use of the workforce by F. Zaukhel. Forbade the SS parts to carry out operations on the territory controlled by it.

03.09. 1943 I achieved permission from Hitler to evacuate Kuban than saved more than 300 thousand people. After leaving the Crimea and the retreat on the southern Bug, the brastic March 31 was caused at the rate, was awarded a knightly cross with oak branches and swords and dismissed, and in April, the Army Group "A" was renamed to the South Ukraine army group, and its commander F. Steirner appointed. After the attempt on Hitler 20.07. 1944 was arrested Gestapo. Clay was accused of what he knew about the existence of a conspiracy and did not report it. However, he was released. 25.04. 1945 Arrested by American troops and exported to London, as a witness was brought to the work of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. In September 1946, Yugoslavia passed and in August 1948 was sentenced to the Yugoslav People's Court for the 15th of the cortish works. In March 1949 passed the USSR. Was kept in an internal IGB prison, Butyrskaya and Lefortovo prisons, and then in the Vladimir prison. 02/21/1952 The USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court sentenced to 25 years in camps. According to the official version, died in the camp from the insufficiency of the mitral valve.

Paul Evald Ludwig von Clayst

Feldmarshal General of the German Army.

Backhoe background were aisle from Pomerania. The genus was rather numerous and by the beginning of the XVII century was divided into several branches, which marked the beginning of the new lines of the nobles in Poland, Russia and Prussia.

One of the four Prussian lines background of the clamshest was further erected into County dignity. Representatives of the male line of the genus often chose a military career for themselves, and more than 30 of them were awarded the Military Order "Pour Le Merite" ("For merit"). Higher military rank - Feldmarshal - reached three of the background of the clay. The first on this list was Friedrich-Heinrich Ferdinand Emil, Count Nollendorf. He was born in 1762 and at the age of 12 became the Page Prince Heinrich. From 15 years he participated in hostilities, and at the end of the military school, he began to serve as the headquarters of the commander-in-chief, Prince Gohenloe. By 1803, Friedrich von Clayst reached the title of an adjutant general and was in a good account with the emperor. After heavy for Prussia, the lesion at Auerstadt in 1806, von Claysta was sent to Napoleon for the world negotiations, and then, after Tilzit, he resigned.

Returning to military service, von Kleyst participated in a hike on Russia in 1812 in the composition of Napoleon's troops and for merit was awarded the French Emperor to the Order of the Honorary Legion. In the campaigns of 1813-1814, he distinguished himself in battles in Bauzene and Dresden. But the service for France was for the background of Claysta, as well as many other Prussian officers, severe in moral terms. And at the first opportunity, and this was given to him in the summer of 1813, he left the ranks of the French army. And not just left. During the battle of Kulm, he brought his part into the rear of the troops of the French commander of Vandam, which provided victory in the battle of the allies. Then there was a battle near Leipzig and the siege of Erfurt. The apogee of military glory background Claysta became the battle at Laon (1814), in which he inflicted the crushing defeat Marshal Marmon and captured 36 guns.

His military merit was noted by the title of Count Nollendorf, and his name was assigned to the Prussian Grenadier regiment (1889).

The last one who wore the title of Feldmarshal in the genus the background of the clay was Paul Evald von Clayst - one of the most talented commander Adolf Hitler. He was a sample of the Prussian officer of the old German army, for whom the oath was an unrealized lifelong duty. He never walked on a compromise with the Nazis, but did not stop against the spot against the Fuhrer, although he never had a good feeling toward the background and did not hide it.

Paul Evald von Clayst was born on August 8, 1881 in the town of Brownfels in the very center of Germany. His father was Crystop Albrecht Augustus Gogo von Clayst - Doctor of Philosophy, who taught mathematics in a private school. The Son, following the traditions of the genus, chose a military career for himself and entered the military school, after which he was credited to the service in the artillery troops. But a calm life in artillery corresponds little to its temperament, and in 1912 a young officer was transferred to the cavalry. By the beginning of World War II, Kleyst managed to finish the Military Academy and get a position in the German General Staff.

In 1919, Clay was enrolled in Reichsver. Two years later, he received the Chin of Major, and in 1932 he was already a major general. Unlike the rest of the officers, Kleyst met 1933 quite restrained. Despite the fact that Hitler almost immediately assigned him the title of Lieutenant General, Aristocrat Paul Evald von Kleyst contemptuously treated the Nazis and their social demagogue, which did not slow down to affect his career. Although in 1936 he became General Cavalry, Hitler, conducting the army after the "Frycha case", dismissed the clay from the army.

But the general long remained outside the military service. The war was approaching, and Paul Evald von Kleyst returned to line. The Führer appointed him to the commander of the tank group, which, together with the 12th army, the background of the sheet had to break through through Luxembourg in South Belgium, then forcing Maas near the sedan and go to the rear of the French parts from the "Mazhino line".

To speed up the defeat of the French army, the German command combined the tank groups of Clayst and Guderian. Clay tanks were drawn to the southeast and wedged into a torn french front, turning it with the edge south. His tank group broke through the Ardennes Front and sent a "tank corridor" through the defensive lines of the allies to the sea. The advantage of forces from the German army was so great that the enemy at the Magino line was quickly surrounded and crushed. Behind the war in France von Kleyst received the Knight's Cross. Opan ended.

On December 3, 1940, Hitler signed a directive about the occupation of Greece. The capture was supposed to be carried out by troops missing through the territories of Bulgaria and Romania. In March, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia joined the triple CTU. But five days after the signing of the contract in Belgrade there was a coup, and the government came to power focused on Western allies and Moscow. On March 27, Hitler urgently collected a meeting, and the fate of Yugoslavia was solved.

On the night of April 6, 1941, Yugoslavia signed an agreement on friendship and mutual assistance from the USSR, and German bombers appeared over Belgrade in the morning of the same day. When the first fires were dragged in the city, the tank group of Claysta, stationed in Bulgaria as part of the 12th Army, passed the Yugoslav border. Already on the first day, the defendant of the enemy was broken. Throwing the 5th Yugoslav Army, Kleyst took the direction to the north. On April 11, his tanks entered the suburbs of Belgrade destroyed by German aviation. After six days, Yugoslavia capitulated.

On May 6, the troops of the 12th Army with two wedges, from Bulgaria and conquered Yugoslavia, invaded the territory of Greece. Already on May 27, the German flag developed over the Acropolis, and the tank group of Claysta was in Athens.

On June 22, 1941, German troops invaded the territory of the Soviet Union. The group of army "South" von Rundstedta in the composition of the three armies and one tank group applied the main blow towards Kiev. The task of the group of army "South" included the destruction of the opponent's parts in Galicia and in Western Ukraine, mastering crossings through the Dnieper in the Kiev region and further offensive after crossing the Dnieper into the departure of the USSR. Von Clayst was appointed commander of the 1st Tank Army, which was supposed to become the main shock power of the Wehrmacht in the southern direction.

In Ukraine, the main forces of the Red Army were concentrated. Unlike parts of the clue, the tank group of the Clay is from the first days of fierce resistance. The commander of the front Marshal weekly pulled out fresh tank parts, which counted the Germans and constrained their promotion. Until July 3, stubborn battles continued. Soviet troops were very slowly, often only after the fierce counterattacks of the tank brande the background of Claysta.

On July 4, the 1st tank group reached the district of the West River, but both army of the South group lagged, pursuing slowly separating parts of the Red Army. As a result, after 12-day battles, the Rundsted Army Group failed to break out the operational space. Her army was crowded by the Soviet troops, who gathered all their strength, again counted the German units and avoided widespread coverage. The Red Army, carrying heavy losses, was able to take the main parts of the river, Western Bug, Dniester and the South Mogilev area. The command and troops of the Red Army were at the height of the requirements, which presented to them significantly more difficult than all previous, theater of hostilities. Kleist hit the number of Russian tanks participating in counterattacks.

On July 5, Kleyst began an offensive on the "Stalin line" - defensive structures at the old Soviet border. Bringing the fortified defensive positions, German tanks reached Berdichev and Zhytomyr in a few days. Rundshtedt gave Claysta order to capture Uman, but strong rains made the roads with impassable for several days. Taking advantage of this, the Russians inflicted shocks on stretched flanks of the 1st tank group. For more than a week, while the clay with the help of the 6th Army was able to move to the White Church. When, after that, he wanted to deploy his tanks into the southeast, the approached parts of the Red Army unexpectedly hit the left flank, and the cup was used to use part for defense forces. Only by the beginning of August, the military groups of the Army "South", constantly chopping the counterattack, managed to surround the Uman group of the Red Army. The 6th and 12th Army were in the boiler.

Now the tank group of Claysta quickly moved towards Kremenchug, but the command of the Red Army was withdrawn its parts from Bessarabia. By August 24, the Dnieper was in the hands of the Germans.

The 6th Army of Feldmarshal von Reichenau could not take Kiev with the go, encroaching on a powerful grouping of Soviet troops. On August 22, Hitler gave an order to destroy the Kiev enemy's Kiev grouping. The 2nd tank group, deployed from Belarus, began an offensive to the south. In two weeks, the tanks background of Claysta, together with the 17th Army, a rapid throw from the Kremenchug region came to the connection with Guderian. On September 19, Kiev was cooked and taken, and Russians who were in the triangle Kiev - Cherkasy - Lochwitz, were clamped from all sides. Tank groups in fierce battles beat off all the enemy attempts to release their troops from the east and dismembered inside the boiler surrounded by armies. By September 26, the battle ended. In the summary of the German Command, 665 thousand people have been reported, capturing 3718 guns and 884 tanks.

After the end of the battle for Kiev, the tank group of the Clay was concentrated on the eastern shore of the Dnieper and on September 24, began an offensive in the southeast direction. She broke through to Zaporizhia and, together with the 11th army of Colonel-General Ritter von Scheret during the "battle of the Azov Sea", captured more than 100 thousand people. So far, the 1st tank group renamed the army moved further to the east, the 11th Army captured the Crimea and surrounded Sevastopol.

On October 20, the army background of Claysta went to Taganrog. There she caught the autumn dishthele, which completely paralyzed the supply of troops. Tanks literally tunted on blurred roads. As a result, the glue went to Rostov-on-Don only by mid-November. The rains were replaced by frosts, and the cars began to freeze in the dirt. With great difficulty, tanks were literally burned out of the soil frozen. When I finally have been ready to continue the offensive, three armies of the Red Army struck by his right flank, tightened from the Caucasus. By order of Rundstedta, despite the order of Hitler, who demanded to stand to the last soldier, Kleyst left Rostov and moved back to Taganrog on the right bank of the Mius River. The stubborn defense of the Park Svastopol in parts prevented the command of the Wehrmacht to throw the 11th Army through the Kerch Strait and thereby strengthen the 1st tank army, which suffered great losses. The first attempt to break through to the Caucasus to the covered sources of oil failed.

The German command before the beginning of the summer attack wanted to eliminate the protrusion formed during the winter counter-offentenance of the Red Army in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Raisin south-east of Kharkov. At the same time, the commander of the Soviet parts of Tymoshenko on the orders of Stalin was preparing to repel Kharkov.

Tymoshenko ahead of the Germans for a week. For the first time using tactics of tank wedges, RKKK troops moved to the offensive. The first few days the success accompanied by the Soviet troops, but then the golden moved to counteroffensive. His tank group surrounded the 6th and 57th Soviet army for five days. According to German official data, about 240 thousand people were captured.

At the end of June 1942, five armies of the Wehrmacht stood on the front from Taganrog to Kursk. The "South" armies group was divided into two parts: the Southern Group "A" under the command of Field Marshal Background List and the Northern Group "B" under the command of Field Marshal Boc Background. June 28, in accordance with the operational plan, almost a million soldier of the Wehrmacht switched to the offensive in the southern direction. Tanks of Clay forced Seversky Donets. Since the Soviet command was waiting for an offensive in the Moscow direction, and the main part of the forces in the south was destroyed during the last unsuccessful operation of Tymoshenko, the coolness almost did not meet resistance. Significant vibrant advantage and lack of tanks did not allow the Red Army to carry out even local counterdads.

Forcing Don, the tanks of the Clay were divided into two columns. One moved to Krasnodar, and the second - in the direction of Stavropol. On August 8, German tanks entered Maykop - the first oil area, which, however, was completely destroyed by the retreating parts of the Red Army. Subsequently, the Germans could not establish oil production here. At the same time, two tank corps moving the north of the Middle Middle Cuban flow, turned on Grozny. But gradually begun to the coloration of the advanced parts of the Claysty from the supply bases. Communications have been so lengthened that the autocolon, brusing fuel, spent most of the cargo in the way. The fuel had to be delivered on airplanes. On August 9, Pyatigorsk tanks occupied Pyatigorsk, but they had a few weeks to wait for fuel. The 25th onset continued, but soon finally stalled in Mozdok and south of Nalchik.

In November 1942, von Kleyst was appointed commander of the newly created Army Group "A".

The Soviet command planned to surround the 1st tank army on the counter strikes of the South Front and the Black Sea group, breaking the opponent's defense on Tikhoretsk - Rostov-on-Don. In January 1943, the Red Army began an offensive and without much effort broke the defense of the allies of Germany on the fascist "axis". The position has become a catastrophic. Claysta poured a bet with the requirements of allowing the troop of troops. Finally, Hitler literally at the last moment allowed the waste of the vermickue parts from the Caucasus. On February 1, 1943, the title of General Feldmarshal was awarded in the midst of the battle.

Developing an offensive after the victory in the Kursk Arc, the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian fronts forced Dnipro. On November 1, the Russians went to the sink and landed the landing in Kerch. After heavy battles, the landing managed to gain a foothold, but both Perekopsti, and the Kerch peninsula successfully defended the 17th army. However, in April 1944, German troops had to evacuate.

A week before the start of the Crimean operation of the 4th Ukrainian Front - March 3, 1944 - Hitler sent a bra spot. To soften the blow, Führer awarded Field Marshal with swords to the Knight's Cross.

At the end of the war, Evald von Kleyst was captured to the Americans. At the request of Stalin, he was issued in 1946 and convicted in Yugoslavia as a military criminal. In March 1949, the USSR was transferred. Was kept in an internal IGB prison, Butyrskaya and Lefortovo prisons, and then in the Vladimir prison. On February 21, 1952, the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to 25 years in camps. According to the official version, he died in the Vladimir Central in October or November 1954 from the insufficiency of the mitral valve.

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