The theory of optimization of learning by Yu K Babansky. Optimization of the learning process. Contrast between the traditional approach and the Babanski technique



2.1 Optimal learning outcomes
2.2 Essence and optimization criteria


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The concept of learning optimization was developed at the end of the 20th century by Yu. K. Babansky.
A significant contribution to the development of the theory of learning optimization, along with the author of the concept Yu. K. Babansky, was made by scientists M. N. Skatkin, M. M. Potashnik, A. M. Moiseev and others. Considerable experience has been accumulated in studying the problem of optimization of training: the basic principles of the optimization concept have been determined; a methodology for selecting the optimal version of tasks, content, forms and methods of teaching from the point of view of certain criteria is proposed; a system of measures has been developed to implement training optimization techniques into practice.
The researcher himself believed that optimization is a natural, logical stage in the development of pedagogy and a number of other sciences: finding the maximum value of some function with minimum values ​​of arguments.
Yu.K. Babansky has repeatedly noted that the optimization of the pedagogical process arose under the influence of practice: overcoming underachievement, removing educational overload in the process of transition to new educational content. Elimination of methodological shortcomings (preoccupation with any one method), formalism in assessing the results of a teacher’s work and the quality of academic performance.
This was an innovative approach to posing and solving problems of optimal functioning of the learning process in pedagogy in the 60s and 70s.
"It's about Yu.K. Babansky writes about a fundamental global assessment of the level of preparedness of a schoolchild, which is formed as a result of the entire system of training and education, during which current failures and temporary defeats are possible, but the final and convincing victory is ensured.”
Now the main focus is on improving the quality of teaching and education, overcoming student overload and formalism in assessing the work results of teachers and schoolchildren. Therefore, the optimal educational process for this stage is one that ensures the solution of these problems. This is the relevance of the chosen topic. Optimization theory does not formulate new problems for school; it teaches how to find the best ways to solve problems put forward by society at each historical stage of its development. Optimal is the best for a given situation.
Goal: to reveal the basics of the theory of optimization of learning by Yu.K. Babansky. Therefore, the tasks are:

      Justification of the terms “optimal”, “optimization”;
      Characteristics of criteria and selection of the optimal training structure;
      System of optimization activities educational process.

      Methodological and theoretical foundations

The term “optimal” (from the Latin word optimus - best) is the most appropriate for certain conditions and tasks. Hence, optimization in the broad sense of the word refers to the selection process the best option solving any problem under given conditions. Accordingly, learning optimization refers to the scientifically based choice and implementation of the best learning option for given conditions in terms of the success of solving its problems and the rationality of the time spent by students and teachers.
The theory and methodology of learning optimization is one of the elements general theory scientific organization pedagogical work(NOPT), which involves scientifically based planning and standardization of work, a clear distribution of functions and coordination of efforts, the creation of the necessary conditions, the choice of the optimal activity option, operational stimulation, regulation, control and accounting, as well as the prospects of teaching work. Without choosing the optimal option, the scientific organization of training is practically impossible.
The principle of optimality requires that the learning process achieve not just a slightly better, but the best level of its functioning for a given situation. He opposes the underestimation of individual methods, techniques, means, forms of teaching, against templates and stencils in teaching, against overloading students and teachers due to the complexity of learning or too fast a pace of learning. educational material. The principle of optimality imposes requirements for reasonableness, rationality, and a sense of proportion in the application of all elements of the educational process. He calls for the maximum possible results with the minimum necessary investment of time and effort. This is its great humanistic significance.
      Psychological foundations of optimization
The development of optimization ideas was facilitated by the development of psychological foundations for making optimal decisions. Optimization from a psychological point of view is an intellectual-volitional act of accepting and implementing the most rational solution to a certain educational task.
The decision is preceded by the adoption of a pedagogical task (for example, the task of choosing the best option for a lesson plan for a given class); the presence of several possible options for solving the problem; awareness of the need to choose the optimal one for given conditions; familiarization with data on the comparative effectiveness of possible ways to solve such problems; reducing the number of possible options to the two most possible; comparison of their effectiveness and expected time expenditure; selection of one option that best meets two optimization criteria.
Choosing the optimal option requires a problem-search style of pedagogical thinking. With the reproductive approach, the teacher simply copies one of the options for solving an educational problem. With exploratory, creative thinking, he chooses from a number of possible paths the one that is most suitable for a given situation.
When making a decision, the teacher experiences a state of tension, and the greater, the less developed his independent thinking is. But even after choosing a pedagogical solution, the teacher often continues to experience a state of doubt, since the implementation of the choice largely depends on the attitude of the schoolchildren themselves to the matter. This requires mobility of thinking, which allows making changes and regulating the activities of students during the pedagogical process.
Thus, optimization of learning has deep psychological foundations. It cannot be mastered by simply memorizing a decision-making algorithm. It requires changes in the personal, psychological plane, the rejection of standards and patterns in pedagogical actions, the development of independence and a creative approach to business, in which the teacher experiences the joy of methodological discoveries.


2.1 Optimal learning outcomes
IN modern conditions They believe that with an optimal structure of the educational process, each student in the class learns the material at the level of his maximum (really achievable) capabilities at the moment (excellent, good or satisfactory), while simultaneously moving forward in his education and development. The optimal level of academic performance, good manners and development of students comes from the requirements of new curricula and is specified by the teacher himself on the basis of systematic study of schoolchildren through observations, surveys, checking written work, interviews during extracurricular activities and communications. Therefore, optimization of learning requires a mandatory study of the real educational capabilities of schoolchildren. She is not satisfied with the absence of underachievers in the class, but calls all students to the highest possible success.
"Real learning opportunities" is a new concept that is introduced into optimization theory. Real educational opportunities reflect the unity of internal and external conditions refracted by a person, directly influencing the success of his studies. It is important for the teacher to know not only the current level of the student’s actual educational capabilities. He needs to know what tasks and what level of difficulty the students can complete with his guidance and guidance.
Optimization requires designing the highest possible level of schoolchildren’s performance in a certain period, for example, at the end of an academic quarter, half a year, or year. The study of students must be carried out according to a program that is sufficiently holistic and at the same time accessible to mass school teachers. For example, to study the real educational capabilities of middle school students, it is useful to know: health status, social and work activity, compliance with rules of behavior, attitude to learning, leading academic and extracurricular interests, development of academic work skills (planning, highlighting the main thing, pace of reading and writing , self-control), perseverance in learning, erudition, influence of family and peers, in which subjects he has difficulties in learning, expected level of achievement in the near future in basic academic subjects, the main reasons for lagging behind in his studies or deficiencies in behavior (if any are detected).
This program, despite its external simplicity and accessibility, is at the same time relatively holistic, since it includes the main characteristics of education, good manners and development, data on all mental spheres of the individual - intellectual, volitional, emotional and motivational, on all aspects of the individual’s upbringing. The significance of this program is justified by the method of correlations and comparisons of the characteristics of excellent students and low-achieving students.
2.2 Essence and optimization criteria
At each stage of school development, in addition to general principles training, current requirements for modern lesson and the learning process. The development of a special optimization theory now makes it possible to formulate a more holistic and logically interconnected system of criteria and methods for optimal organization of the educational process
So, the first criterion for the optimality of learning is the achievement by each student of a level of academic performance, good manners and development that corresponds to his real educational capabilities in his zone of proximal development.
The second criterion for optimal learning is compliance by students and teachers with the time standards established for them for lesson and homework. It is known that for each class there are scientifically substantiated norms for spending time on classwork and homework.
Thus, students should spend no more than 1 hour on homework in grade I, 1.5 hours in grade II, 2 hours in grades III and IV, 2.5 hours in grades V and VI, 3 hours in grade VII and 4 hours in grades VIII-XI. Standards for students' time spent on extracurricular activities have also been established. The optimal time spent by teachers of grades IV-X on educational work is 18 hours per week and approximately 3 hours on preparation for them daily, in primary school respectively 24 hours a week and 2 hours of preparation daily. These 6 hours do not include the time spent on community work, which in all institutions is held after working hours.
The use of performance and time criteria in unity distinguishes optimization from simple intensification of learning, which does not necessarily take into account the time spent by teachers and students.
Optimization shows the teacher the shortest, less labor-intensive ways to achieve higher educational results. It is aimed at freeing teachers from many of their usual but unproductive actions, trial and error, finishing and redoing, and unnecessary waste of time arising from imperfect teaching methods.
In addition to the two mentioned criteria for the optimality of the educational process, there may be other criteria: the minimum required expenditure of effort, money, etc.
Assessment of the optimality of training is carried out in several stages. First, the initial level of academic performance, education and development of students is assessed. Then the possible level of their growth after a certain time is approximately planned (as this student can and should achieve). After this, a system of educational measures is applied and changes in the characteristics of students are assessed. As a result, there is a comparison of the achieved results with the optimal possible ones, a comparison of the time spent on home and extracurricular activities with standards and a conclusion is drawn about the degree of optimality of the implemented system of measures.


Optimization theory Yu.K. Babansky introduces a new category into didactics - a system of ways to optimize learning, which organically follows from the laws and principles of learning, but is more specific.
A method of optimizing learning is the interconnected activity of a teacher and students, which is pre-oriented to obtain the maximum possible learning efficiency in a given situation while complying with hygiene standards for time expenditure (or even less), i.e., without overloading students and teachers.
The holistic process of optimizing the learning process consists of a set of methods for selecting the optimal option for each of its main elements - tasks, content, methods, means, forms, etc.
It is very important to realize the novelty of the system of teaching methods, since the individual methods of the teacher’s activity, leading to the optimization of learning, are to one degree or another already familiar, especially to experienced teachers. But here there is a kind of qualitative leap. When a teacher masters the entire set of methods for optimally constructing the educational process, he achieves significantly greater results with the same amount of time provided for by the school charter.
Let us pay attention to the fact that in some cases we can talk about optimization methods, in others - about skills to optimize the educational process. Skill in this case is understood as the teacher’s mastery of a certain optimization method. You can also highlight certain stages of optimization, since the methods themselves are not arranged randomly, but in stages.
In the theory of scientific organization of pedagogical work, there are four main levels of teacher activity: insufficient, critical, accessible and optimal (I. P. Rachenko).
What is characteristic of a higher, i.e. optimal, level of learning, what new does it introduce into the elements of learning activity, what are the main ways to optimize it?
Let us first dwell on the preparatory stage for training, which begins with planning its tasks. Optimal planning requires an integrated approach to the design of learning tasks and does not allow them to be one-sided. In one and the same lesson, the teacher must solve in unity the tasks of education, upbringing and development. This approach increases the effectiveness of learning without requiring additional time to solve the entire range of educational tasks.
Optimal planning requires mandatory specification of tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the system in which the educational process takes place. Specification of learning objectives is impossible b

The term “optimal” (from the Latin optimus - best) means the most appropriate activity option for certain conditions and tasks. Consequently, optimization of the pedagogical process is the choice of the best possible option for its given specific situation. A quarter of a century ago, the famous teacher F. F. Korolev wrote: “The future will lead to the fact that the ideas of optimal management of development processes will become characteristic of all areas of activity, will be guiding... and in pedagogy.” That is, the problem of optimizing the educational process cannot be called new. In the early 80s. of the last century, academician Yu. K. Babansky published the book “Optimization of the educational process,” in which he identified the following optimization criteria:

Each student achieves a level of academic performance, good manners and development that is realistically possible for him in a given period, but not less than satisfactory in accordance with accepted grading standards.

Compliance by the student and teacher with the time standards established for them for classwork and homework.

The minimum necessary effort expended by the teacher and student to achieve the set educational goals.

Ways to optimize the educational process:

Comprehensive planning and specification of the tasks of training and development of schoolchildren;

Justification of the correspondence of the content to the learning objectives, highlighting the main, essential;

Choosing the most successful lesson structure and pedagogical emphasis;

Conscious choice the most rational methods and means of teaching for solving educational problems;

A differentiated and individual approach to students, which involves an optimal combination of group and individual forms of training;

Creation of favorable psychological, ergonomic, material conditions for learning:

Special measures to save time for teachers and students, choosing the optimal pace of learning (use of stickers, handouts) and technical means (overhead projectors, projectors, etc.);

Analysis of learning results and time expenditure from the standpoint of optimality.

Optimization of the educational process can be carried out already at the stage of pedagogical design by comparing teaching efficiency coefficients. Kaf, but this can be done even more reasonably by a teacher who knows well individual characteristics their students, their level intellectual development, their life experience, the nature of information perception.

IN last years The need for a variety of learning tools has increased significantly. The teacher must have didactic material in the lesson High Quality, which must be carefully thought out and prepared in advance (schemes, graphs, drawings). With its help, frontal and individual work for studying, consolidating and repeating educational material. Skillful use of teaching aids allows you to significantly save time in lessons, increase the pace of learning, increase the share of students’ independence, and pay more attention to the issues of developing their logical thinking, mental activity, development of their individual characteristics.

Modern development of science and technology contributes to an increase in the variety of teaching media. The last word includes educational television, computer equipment, and simulators. However, given the economic problems of our state, insignificant funding educational institutions and them disabilities in commercial activities, the acquisition of ultra-modern expensive technical training equipment is carried out in single copies and cannot provide every academic discipline in full.

At the same time, any teacher, by creatively approaching the process of choosing more accessible, time-tested teaching aids and using them pedagogically correctly, can always get the desired effect.

For example, during a drawing lesson, the teacher demonstrates the “Check Valve” assembly unit. However, demonstrating the valve does not yet provide a complete understanding of the concept. The appearance of an object often determines the perception of its secondary features, so the teacher presents a ready-made assembly drawing that helps to highlight the essential features of the object being studied. The drawing shows the details of the unit and explains the principle of its operation. Having studied the essential features of the object from the drawing, the teacher returns to the object itself (valve), shows them on it in order to capture their real image.

It is necessary to make wider use of the didactic capabilities of other visual aids: posters, drawings, photographs, layouts, models for illustration, detailing educational material, to focus attention on individual provisions of educational issues, as well as to generalize and systematize acquired information. Along with the listed manuals, classrooms should be equipped with a variety of didactic handouts (tickets, cards, assignments, tables), and special reference literature. Didactic materials make it possible to rationally use time, differentiate the learning process, carry out operational control of knowledge and skills, and adjust educational activities.

It is highly effective to use the most universal and accessible didactic material - various types card files containing examples of tasks. Their use in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, and literature lessons makes it possible to significantly increase the number of exercises considered. They allow you to more clearly highlight the main methods, techniques and algorithms for completing tasks, as well as differentiate exercises by degree of difficulty.

The modern educational process involves the active use of various technical teaching aids, with the help of which educational information is presented and its assimilation is monitored. Direct and carriers educational information are films and filmstrips, transparencies, slides. The latter attract the attention of teachers, first of all, by the opportunity to significantly save time in classes, to deeper reveal the nature of various phenomena, and to help improve the scientific nature of teaching. The great educational value of on-screen aids lies precisely in providing students with the opportunity to become familiar with the role of modern experiment and the principle of modeling in science. Screen aids allow you to go beyond the curriculum, expand the horizons of students and awaken their interest in learning. They also make it possible to achieve instant delivery of ready-made educational material. By skillfully manipulating this process, a teacher can easily achieve the desired effect. For example, using an overhead projector, you can very quickly check the mathematical problems compiled by students or any other homework (as long as they were written and drawn in advance on plastic or any other film or transparent paper). A quick transition from one portion of educational material to another allows students to concentrate their attention on the essential aspects of the material being studied and significantly intensify their mental activity.

Today there is no doubt that technical equipment is one of the objective preconditions for the application of innovations in educational technology. The effectiveness of using various teaching aids depends on the professional preparedness of the teacher. His ability to pedagogically correctly use teaching aids will consist not only of mastering the skills of working with projection, sound-reproducing and other equipment, but also through a creative approach to the methodology of using teaching aids, its improvement and development. It also depends on how deeply the teacher studies all the capabilities of the available equipment and technical teaching aids for each section and each topic of the discipline he teaches.

Optimization is not some special method or technique of teaching, but is a teacher’s directed approach to building a pedagogical process based on the laws and principles of teaching, a conscious, scientifically based (and not spontaneous, random) choice of the best option for constructing a lesson and training for a specific situation. the process as a whole. With this approach, the teacher does not simply try one of the possible teaching options, but consciously chooses the most successful option for a lesson or lesson system.

Yu. K. Babansky and M. M. Potashnik on the main criteria for content optimization curricula included the following:

A criterion for the integrity of educational content, which presupposes sufficient total reflection main directions modern science, production, social life and culture;

Criterion of scientific and practical significance elements of educational content, which ensures the identification of the main, most essential components;

The criterion of compliance of educational content with the age capabilities of students;

The criterion for compliance of educational content with the time allocated for studying of this material;

The criterion for compliance of the content of education with international experience in this area;

A criterion for compliance of the content of education with the capabilities of the educational and material base of a modern school, taking into account the prospects for its development in the near future.

Optimization of teaching methods guides the teacher towards an informed and informed choice, taking into account:

Objectives of the lesson (teaching, education, development);

Degree of complexity of the material;

The level of preparedness of the class, characteristics of the class based on the conclusions of the pedagogical council;

Comparative characteristics capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of different teaching methods;

Features, strengths the personality of the teacher himself;

Opportunities of the classroom;

Availability of study time;

The prevailing moral and psychological conditions at school, etc.

This approach to the selection of teaching methods warns teachers both from absolutizing individual methods and from unreasonably refusing to choose the leading method that dominates a particular lesson.

Optimizing learning also includes a differentiated approach between teachers and students.

Good lessons(judging by the results) indicate that the teacher either purposefully used optimization ideas, or, not being familiar with them, intuitively came to them and implemented them. The search for optimal ways of learning has been going on at school for a long time. That is why any lesson that is good from the point of view of the maximum possible in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities by students, in increasing the level of their education and development is an optimal lesson, regardless of whether the teacher used this term, whether he used the optimization procedure, or, without knowing about it, for years I went to it empirically.

Optimization of the educational process:

Helps the teacher learn to comprehensively solve the problems of teaching, education and general development schoolchildren;

Forms in the teacher the ability to study the real educational capabilities of schoolchildren, that is, to predict in an accessible manner the expected success of schoolchildren in their studies and take into account their characteristics when planning a lesson;

Teaches to constantly highlight the main, essential in the content of educational material;

Forms the ability to choose the most rational methods and means of teaching, freeing the teacher from the mechanical requirement to apply all methods in one lesson;

Teaches a differentiated approach to the least successful, the most prepared and to all other students;

Teaches to create optimal educational, material, hygienic, moral, psychological and aesthetic conditions;

Combines the search for greater teaching efficiency with the mandatory saving of time for students and teachers, with the prevention of their overload;

Opens up space for the development of teachers' methodological creativity, their dialectical thinking, and protects teachers from stereotyped requirements when monitoring the quality of lessons.

In general, optimization of the educational process is one of the realistically accessible steps towards the introduction of a scientific organization of pedagogical work. Without mastering the optimization technique, the scientific organization of a teacher’s work is deprived of its core, focusing on many external factors and conditions, and not on the very structure of the educational process.

Mastery of optimization techniques increases general level pedagogical culture teacher, allows him to perceive categories, patterns and principles of pedagogy in a holistic relationship, and not separately, through it, to be guided by their entire system when choosing the best methodological approaches to organizing the educational process in a given situation. And this, in turn, contributes to a more successful solution of the increasingly complex problems of a modern school with a rational expenditure of time and effort.

This is not only the socio-practical, but also the humanistic significance of optimization ideas for modern schools.

Measure everything that can be measured and make what cannot be measured measured.

This book examines theoretical basis optimization of the educational process, the criteria and procedure for choosing the optimal teaching structure were substantiated, and the best practices of schools in this direction were generalized. General provisions optimization theories are concretized using the example of preventing underachievement in younger adolescents, as well as organizing the learning process for the most prepared schoolchildren. The book is intended for scientists, student teachers and teachers secondary school

Chapter 1. Structure of the learning process

Chapter 3. Analysis of typical difficulties of teachers in activities to optimize the educational process

Chapter 4. Conditions for optimal design of the learning process

CHAPTER 5. System of measures to optimize the learning process in order to prevent school failure

Books and textbooks on the discipline Management:

  1. E.L.Dracheva, L.I.Yulikov. Management: a textbook for students. institutions prof. education. - 16th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", - 304 p. - 2016
  2. V. S. Mazur. Initial-methodological complex "Management: theory and practice" before completing the course and conducting practical studies in the discipline "Management" for students of economic specialties in all areas of training and specialties - Ternopil: TNEU, - 200 p. - 2015
  3. Stakhiv O. G., Yavnyuk O. I., Voloshchuk V. V. Fundamentals of management: Basic handbook. / For sciences. ed. doc. ekon. sciences, prof. M. G. Boyko. - Ivano-Frankivsk, “Lileya-NV”, - - 336 p. - 2015
  4. T. V. Nazarchuk, O. M. Kosiyuk. Management of organizations [Text]: Basic handbook. - K.: “Center for Educational Literature”, - 560 p. - 2015
  5. Shemetev Alexander Alexandrovich. International standards of innovation management Textbook (for university students and avant-garde teachers - 2014
  6. Vikhansky O. S., Naumov A. I.. Management: textbook / O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov. - 5th ed. stereotypical - M.: Master: INFRA-M, - 576 p. - year 2014
  7. Sergey Iroquois. Time management in reverse How to learn to do less and accomplish more - 2013
  8. Svetlana Khludneva. Sales department management. 10 secret technologies to get the most out of your managers - 2013
  9. Minko E.V., Minko A.E.. Quality management: Textbook. Third generation standard. - St. Petersburg: Peter, -272 p. - year 2013
  10. Larisa Alexandrovna Birman. General management. Textbook": Publishing House "Delo" RANEPA; Moscow; - 544 p. - year 2013
  11. Dracheva E.L., L.I. Yulikov. Management: textbook. for students institutions prof. education / E.L. Dracheva, L.I. Yulikov. - 13th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", - 304 p. - year 2012

» Yu.K. Babansky - developer of the theory of optimization of the educational process

Analysis based on a logical approach (analysis of the current state of the concept as a relatively complete system of knowledge and action) allows you to analyze the concept of optimization from the point of view of a historical, genetic approach. At the same time, elements of a retrospective, historical approach to the concept of optimization are necessary to show what features, positive sides, features of this concept make it intellectual tool solutions pedagogical problems in the conditions of active development of information didactic education systems. This is especially true during the period of development of both cumulative and scientific research in modern pedagogy. Korolev F.F. wrote that “the future will lead to the fact that the ideas of optimal management of development processes will become characteristic of all areas of activity” and will be guiding, including pedagogy (Problems of the theory of education: Collection of articles, M., 1974, part 1, p.126).

The researcher himself believed that optimization is a natural, logical stage in the development of pedagogy and a number of other sciences: finding the maximum value of some function with minimum values ​​of the arguments; isoperimetric problems in economics, logic, mathematics. In pedagogy, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky developed ideas pedagogical activity with a reasonable expenditure of effort and time, the search for an integral system of measures to create optimal measures for training, education and development of the student and the team. Didacts (M.A. Danilov, I.T. Ogorodnikov, L.V. Zankov, etc.) studied the comparative effectiveness of the components of the learning process, their combinations based on the scientific nature and accessibility of training, etc. Achievements of psychology cognitive processes(task, rational decision tasks, etc.) allowed Yu.K. Babansky to substantiate the optimality of pedagogical thinking - problem-search thinking, associated with the manifestation of volitional efforts.

Yu.K. Babansky has repeatedly noted that, like any scientific theory, optimization of the pedagogical process arose under the influence of practice: overcoming underachievement, the need for intensification and removal of educational overload in the process of transition to new educational content. Elimination of methodological shortcomings (preoccupation with any one method), formalism in assessing the results of a teacher’s work and the quality of academic performance.

This was an innovative approach to posing and solving problems of optimal functioning of the learning process in pedagogy in the 60s and 70s. It is the belief in the possibility, with the help of optimization of the didactic system, to overcome the developing socio-pedagogical and medical-pedagogical phenomenon of the 60s - long-term underachievement of students. “We are talking about a fundamental global assessment of the level of preparedness of a schoolchild,” writes Yu.K. Babansky, which is formed as a result of the entire system of training and education, during which current failures and temporary defeats are possible, but a final and convincing victory is ensured” (1971; 6). Having analyzed scientific problems of the effectiveness of teaching and learning (unity of teaching and learning, increasing the effectiveness of the lesson, unity of teaching and education, training and development, etc.), Yu.K. Babansky together with colleagues and students (A.D. Alferov, V F. Kharkovskaya, T. S. Polyakova, S. G. Makhnenko, L. F. Babenysheva, G. A. Pobedonostsev, T. A. Mamigonova, I. M. Kosonozhkin, A. P. Prityko, E. V. Bondarevskaya, V.S. Ilyin, Z.P. Motova, etc.) put forward the idea of ​​optimal use of the principles and methods of didactics. These terms effective application principles of pedagogy (education and didactics) are called “principles for optimizing the educational process” subject to a number of pedagogical conditions:

1. a comprehensive application of the principles and methods of didactics and education is necessary. In the mid-80s, this condition was developed into the theory of an integrated approach in pedagogy, and the integrated approach was always considered in the scientific school of Yu.K. Babanskorgo as a means of optimizing educational work;

2. effective management pedagogical process, implying the unity of creative planning, organization, regulation, accounting and control (Yu.K. Babansky, I.M. Kosonozhkin, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.P. Prityko, V.M. Norglik, G.A. Pobedonostsev, etc. .);

3. specificity of didactic and educational influences based on a comprehensive study of schoolchildren and a differentiated approach to their training, education, development: problems of preventing school failure, problems of increasing the effectiveness of learning, problems of activation cognitive activity responsible attitude to learning (research by A.D. Alferov and his graduate students), cognitive motivation - the need for learning (research by V.S. Ilyin and his graduate students), problems of diagnosing students and medical and pedagogical problems (L. A. Rostovetskaya, O .I.Bliznetsova, E.G.Yakuba, E.A.Mikhailychev, G.F.Karpova), problems of knowledge integration (S.G. Makhnenko), problems of individual and differentiated approach to students (V.F. Kharkovskaya, T .B.Gening, L.F.Babenysheva R.A.Zhdanova, S.G.Makhnenko, L.Ya.Yankina), difficulties in the pedagogical activity of a teacher (T.S.Polyakova), problems professional activity teachers (A.D. Demintsev), implementation of ideas into practice (P.I. Kartashov), development of theory and methodology of pedagogical research based on the idea of ​​optimizing teaching activities;

4. the optimality of the pedagogical efforts of the school, family, and public creative use ideas for effective educational influences on the individual and the team


Under the optimization of the educational process in modern school implies the choice of a methodology for its implementation that allows you to obtain best results with the minimum necessary investment of time and effort from students.

By what criteria is the optimality of any system of training and education measures assessed? Moreover, in the school of K. Babansky, a definition of the criterion of optimality is given - this is a sign on the basis of which a comparative assessment of possible solutions (alternatives) is made and the choice of the best of them, therefore an important condition applying the criteria for their selection at the very beginning of work. For the practice of educational work in the 70s, the relevant criteria were the maximum possible results, the minimum expenditure of teachers’ time, the acceptable expenditure of effort of schoolchildren and students, and the lower expenditure of funds to achieve the intended results in a certain time. The criteria for the effectiveness and quality of the solution remain important pedagogical tasks with reasonable use of time for teachers and students, especially when introducing information technology.

A necessary research step for Yu.K. Babansky was to substantiate the non-identity of optimization with similar but not identical definitions - rationalization, modernization, improvement, increasing efficiency, intensification, scientific organization of labor, etc., although the concept “increasing efficiency” is closest to optimization . The difference is that optimization, being a qualitatively new state of the educational process, involves increasing efficiency not by means in general, but by means that are appropriate for a given educational situation. Optimization of the pedagogical process should be considered as a logical sequence of actions of the teacher for the chosen scenario of the educational process.

Optimization in relation to the concepts listed above is a system of pedagogical measures and provides for a mandatory assessment of the results of specific measures. The methodology for optimizing learning is a natural stage in the implementation of NOPT, but optimization explores a number of internal aspects of the pedagogical process that NOPT cannot solve - the connection of knowledge about features personal growth student with specific pedagogical methods of teaching and perception, organization of an individual and differentiated approach to the student, etc.

Yu.K.Babansky characterized methodological basis optimization as the unity of the methodology of activity, the dialectical system-activity approach, the theory of management and scientific organization of labor, the general theory of systems, the general laws of the pedagogical process. He consciously abandoned the metaphysical type of pedagogical thinking.

When using the system-structural approach in his theory, a number of provisions of this methodology were applied: the connection of the system with the environment and the unity of their connections and elements; selection in optimization of relatively independent and comparable elements, giving full content components in their unity; functions of components and their place in the whole system; identifying the nature of the leading, system-forming connections (this is how the cause-and-effect relationships of the educational process are specially highlighted; hierarchical connections between the elements of the educational process (for example, the use of correlation analysis methods for their analysis, modification of A.N. Kolmogorov’s mathematical criterion for analysis polar pedagogical phenomena, success and failure of academic performance); connections between functioning and development (the problem of contradictions in the educational process); genetic connections, allowing to identify the root causes of positive and negative phenomena in the pedagogical process.

The most promising from the standpoint of modern personality-oriented pedagogy is Yu.K. Babansky’s appeal to the consideration of the educational process as a process of evolution of pedagogical goals and means based on the student’s zone of proximal development. This allowed the researcher to formulate the basic principles of optimization: the effectiveness of the educational process is ensured by the complexity of pedagogical means, the effectiveness of managing the pedagogical process, a comprehensive study and development of the student’s educational and cognitive capabilities and identifying the causes of ineffective learning, the development of a system of measures to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning, the connection between educational and educational processes.

Thus, innovation in the development of the philosophical and methodological basis of the optimization concept manifested itself in consistent application the most important principles of the dialectical approach: objectivity of consideration of reality, historicism, concrete historical approach, systematicity; concreteness of truth (dialectical relationship between absolute and relative truth), measures, the need to take into account specific conditions, tolerance in relation to other pedagogical ideas, preservation of valuable pedagogical heritage.

A necessary philosophical category of optimization theory was “measure”, expressing the dialectical unity of quantitative and quality characteristics object and is associated with the determination of quantitative characteristics, leading to modification of the object while maintaining the essential characteristics of the object. In the school of Yu.K. Babansky, in connection with this understanding of the measure, the concept of “optimum zone” was introduced, which presupposes the presence not of a separate optimal option for solving the problems, but a combination of a set of possibilities with the dominance of one of them. In this sense, the researcher was close to the problems of nonlinear thinking developed by modern philosophy of self-organizing systems.

On its basis, an optimization approach in pedagogy was formulated (M.M. Potashnik), optimization pedagogical thinking.

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It is very important to realize the novelty of the system of teaching methods, since the individual methods of the teacher’s activity, leading to the optimization of learning, are to one degree or another already familiar, especially to experienced teachers. But here there is a kind of qualitative leap. When a teacher masters the entire set of methods for optimally constructing the educational process, he achieves significantly greater results with the same amount of time provided for by the school charter.

Let us pay attention to the fact that in some cases we can talk about optimization methods, in others - about skills to optimize the educational process. Skill in this case is understood as the teacher’s mastery of a certain optimization method. You can also highlight certain stages of optimization, since the methods themselves are not arranged randomly, but in stages.

In the theory of scientific organization of pedagogical work, there are four main levels of teacher activity: insufficient, critical, accessible and optimal (I. P. Rachenko).
What is characteristic of a higher, i.e. optimal, level of learning, what new does it introduce into the elements of learning activity, what are the main ways to optimize it?

Let us first dwell on the preparatory stage for training, which begins with planning its tasks. Optimal planning requires an integrated approach to the design of learning tasks and does not allow them to be one-sided. In one and the same lesson, the teacher must solve in unity the tasks of education, upbringing and development. This approach increases the effectiveness of learning without requiring additional time to solve the entire range of educational tasks.

Optimal planning requires mandatory specification of tasks, taking into account the characteristics of the system in which the educational process takes place. Specification of learning objectives is impossible without special study characteristics of the class, group, etc., in which the learning process takes place.

In this case, the following actions are carried out: an approximate assessment of the real educational capabilities of students, an assessment of the existing conditions, forecasting the maximum possible results that can be achieved in the existing conditions, planning the optimal amount of time spent on class and homework.

The specification of learning objectives, carried out on the basis of such a study of schoolchildren, acts as a way to optimize learning, as it allows us to identify typical strengths and weaknesses of students’ real learning capabilities and outline measures for their effective development. Thanks to this, a peculiar phenomenon of “pedagogical resonance” occurs - the coincidence of the influences of teachers with the capabilities and activity of the students themselves and, in this regard, the achievement of rapid and high learning efficiency.

Both considered methods of optimizing learning - comprehensive planning and specifying the tasks of the educational process - are at the same time the weakest links in the work of many teachers, and therefore their improvement will contribute to the optimal construction of learning in modern conditions.

After designing the learning objectives, the teacher begins to select its content. Choosing the optimal option for learning content by highlighting the main thing and building a rational structure of educational material acts as an important group of methods for optimizing learning, allowing you to successfully solve the problems of education, upbringing and development without overloading students.

In order to optimize the content of teaching, the teacher should strive in each lesson to achieve the maximum possible effect with a smaller number of exercises.

Highlighting the main thing and rational structuring of educational material as a whole increase the level of accessibility of the material, leading to its optimal difficulty for students while simultaneously observing the principles of scientificity, systematicity and consistency.

After selecting the content, the teacher selects teaching methods and means. Therefore, the next way to optimize learning is to select such methods and teaching aids that allow you to most successfully solve the assigned tasks in the allotted time. This choice is made by familiarizing yourself with the possible options for methodological recommendations on this topic. The teacher takes into account the specifics of the tasks, the content of the material, the capabilities of the students and his own methodological strengths.

It is necessary to especially emphasize the importance of the optimal choice of methods for stimulating and motivating schoolchildren’s learning.

Simultaneously with the choice of teaching methods, the teacher determines which teaching tools (technical, visual, laboratory, etc.) are more rational and time-saving to use at this stage of the lesson.

The next way to optimize training is to select organizational forms that allow you to most successfully solve the assigned tasks in the allotted time. This optimization method presupposes the need to implement not only a whole-class, but also a differentiated and individual approach to the least successful, the most prepared and all other students.

When differentiating instruction, the main attention should be paid not so much to reducing the complexity of tasks for low-performing students, but to differentiating assistance to them in completing educational tasks that are the same for the entire class. This will prevent the emergence of gaps in knowledge, skills and abilities. When choosing the most rational combinations of classroom, extracurricular, as well as general-class, group and individual forms of training, the teacher gets acquainted with possible options for methodological recommendations, conducts a comparative assessment of their effectiveness and time expenditure, and selects the most suitable one for the given situation.

All of the methods for optimizing learning described above relate to preparatory stage teacher's activities. At the next stage, the intended tasks are implemented with the help of the selected version of the content, methods, means and forms of organizing training.

At the stage of implementation of the educational process, two main methods of optimization are used: a rational combination of management and self-government of the educational activities of schoolchildren (optimization of learning) and operational regulation and correction of the course of the educational process. The need for operational regulation and correction of the educational process arises from unexpected difficulties that students encounter in the classroom, which require rapid changes in teaching methods.

The final method of optimization is to analyze the learning results and time spent in terms of optimality criteria, i.e., establishing the correspondence of the achieved results to the maximum possible tasks and the absence of overexpenditure of students’ and teachers’ time.

This is a relatively holistic system of ways for teachers and students to work to optimize the educational process. Only with the holistic application of the entire system of methods can we count on the actual optimization of the educational process.


Yu.K. Babansky characterized the methodological basis of optimization as the unity of the methodology of activity, the dialectical system-activity approach, the theory of management and scientific organization of labor, the general theory of systems, and the general laws of the pedagogical process. Thus, innovation in the development of the philosophical and methodological basis of the optimization concept was manifested in the consistent application of the most important principles of the dialectical approach: objectivity in considering reality, historicism, a specific historical approach, systematicity; concreteness of truth (dialectical relationship between absolute and relative truth), measures, the need to take into account specific conditions, tolerance in relation to other pedagogical ideas, preservation of valuable pedagogical heritage.

A necessary philosophical category of optimization theory was “measure,” which expresses the dialectical unity of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an object and is associated with certain quantitative characteristics, leading to modification of the object while preserving the essential characteristics of the object. In the school of Yu.K. Babansky, in connection with this understanding of the measure, the concept of “optimum zone” was introduced, which presupposes the presence not of a separate optimal option for solving the assigned problems, but of a combination of a set of possibilities with the dominance of one of them. In this sense, the researcher was close to the problems of nonlinear thinking developed by modern philosophy of self-organizing systems.

The concept of optimization of the educational process developed by Yu.K. Babansky was based on the theory of management decision-making, within which methods for selecting the best solution from many alternatives were studied. The ideas of the theory of management decision making allowed Yu. K. Babansky to systematize the accumulated knowledge about the structure of the educational process and scientifically substantiate the theory of optimization of training. In his concept, the researcher used systems approach to the definition of the concept of management, on the basis of which he examined the educational process as a system, highlighting its main elements (society, teacher, student, learning goals) and the connections between them. The researcher emphasized that “only when all the natural connections between the components of the system are taken into account when making a decision can we expect that we will choose the optimal learning option.”


  1. "Pedagogy". Edited by Yu. K. Babansky
  2. "Enlightenment", Moscow, 1983
  1. Optimization of the learning process. Babansky Yu.K.

  1. Problems of the theory of education: Sat. articles, M., 1974, part 1, p. 126
  2. polozheniya_teorii_optimizacii/

Short description

Goal: to reveal the basics of the theory of optimization of learning by Yu.K. Babansky. Therefore, the tasks are:
Justification of the terms “optimal”, “optimization”;
Characteristics of criteria and selection of the optimal training structure;
System of methods of activity to optimize the educational process.


1.1 Methodological and theoretical foundations
1.2 Psychological foundations of optimization
2.1 Optimal learning outcomes
2.2 Essence and optimization criteria

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