The achievement is worthy of respect. An achievement worthy of respect An achievement worthy of respect

Newspaper of the National Research
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Newspaper of National Research
Tomsk Polytechnic University

Topic of the issue

Achievements worthy of respect

The scientific youth of our university are celebrating the birthday of TPU with dignity.

Period 2011–2012 compared to the previous one, it turned out to be more fruitful, there were many awards and scholarships, many grants were won, only scholarships from the President and the Government of the Russian Federation for students studying in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to priority areas modernization and technological development Russian economy - 141. We consider the most significant results to be the winning of 3 RAS medals. Awarded medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences with prizes: in the field of “Physical and technical problems of energy” P.A. Strizhak, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the department. ATP (ENIN); in the field of informatics, computer technology and automation – S.V. Razumnikov, a student at UTI (now an engineer at UTI); in the field of physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials – A.V. Mostovshchikov, master's student at IHPT. Young scientists won 7 grants from the President of the Russian Federation, in the ranking among 121 Russian universities by the number of TPU grants won with the National research university MPEI and St. Petersburg state university shared 3rd–5th places after Moscow State University and Bauman Moscow State Technical University. On the eve of the university’s birthday, university competitions were held for the titles “Best TPU Student of 2011” and “Best TPU Graduate Student of 2011.”


A.F. Barkhatov, master's student of group 2MT00 of the second year of study (IPR) - 1st degree diploma. Scientific supervisors: V.I. Khizhnyakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical and Technical Sciences, IPR; N.V. Chukhareva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Sciences (IPR).

N.A. Babushkin, master's student of group 6M500 of the second year of study (ENIN) - II degree diploma. Scientific supervisors: L.I. Molodezhnikova, art. teacher of the department of TPT (ENIN); S.V. Goldaev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of TPT (ENIN).

D.G. Prokopyev, student of group 0870, 5th year (PTI) – II degree diploma. Scientific supervisors – G.I. Aizenshtat, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TSU; M.E. Silaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Technology (PTI.) – Diploma III degree. Scientific supervisors: A.O. Sulaymanov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of EES (ENIN), A.F. Twig, assistant of the Department of EES ENIN).

E.A. Filimonenko, student of group 2670, 5th year (IPR) – III degree diploma. Scientific supervisors: E.G. Yazikov, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor of the Department of State Geological Chemistry (IPR); A.V. Talovskaya, Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor of the Department of State Geological Chemistry (IPR). K.Yu. Afanasiev, master's student of group 2BM12 of the first year of study (IPR) - III degree diploma. Scientific supervisor L.I. Molodezhnikova, art. Lecturer at the Department of TPT (ENIN).


A.O. Savelyev, 3rd year graduate student full-time training(IR) – 1st degree diploma. Scientific supervisor – V.A. Silich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of OSU (IK). G.I. Cold, postgraduate student of the 2nd year of full-time study (IPVT) – II degree diploma. Scientific supervisor - A.I. Pushkarev Yu.I. Isakova, postgraduate student of the 2nd year of full-time study (IPVT) – II degree diploma. Scientific supervisor – A.I. Pushkarev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher Laboratory No. 1 of the Institute of Physics and Technology. A.V. Epikhin, postgraduate student of the 2nd year of full-time study (IPR) – III degree diploma. Scientific supervisor – V.D. Evseev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of BS (IPR). Abd El Whab Amr Refki Yu.N. Dementiev, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head. Department of EPEO (ENIN). A.F. Twig, postgraduate student of the 3rd year of full-time study (ENIN) – III degree diploma. Scientific supervisor – A.V. Shmoilov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of EES (ENIN).

In total, 80 people took part in the competition: “Best TPU Student-2011”, 31 people took part in “Best TPU Graduate Student-2011”. 14 polytechnic students were awarded laureate diplomas.

Also number:

  • Dear delegates of the V Congress of the TPU Alumni Association!

In the first half of the year, the Zhlobin station of the Gomel branch became the best on the Belarusian railway in unloading and took 7th place in loading.

Over six months, 17,266 wagons, or almost 1.075 million tons of cargo, were shipped. The task was completed by 106.2% compared to the same period last year. The loading of ferrous metals has been increased - by 100.5 thousand tons. They actively loaded scrap ferrous metals and hardware. Over 25 thousand wagons (more than 1.5 million tons) were unloaded, which amounted to 107.9% of the figures for the first half of last year.
These are the results of close cooperation with regular customers and attracting new ones. The station is constantly working with shippers and consignees to improve the quality of service and increase the volume of rail transportation.
IN client base– 12 largest enterprises in the region various forms property. Of these, OJSC BMZ Management Company of the BMK Holding, Zhlobinsky Molding Materials Quarry, Gomelvtormet, Zhlobinsky Forestry Enterprise. Unloading is carried out by 35 industrial organizations in the region. Transport service agreements have been concluded with 75 clients.
As the head of the station, Valery Kolosok, noted, serious work has been done this year to reduce operating costs. 153 long trains were formed and sent, including 66 of increased length. This is twice as much as for the same period in 2016 (72 trains, including 16 of increased length). The number of heavy trains has almost doubled, with almost 3.6 thousand additional wagons sent and more than 238 thousand tons of cargo transported. This transportation technology made it possible to free 110 locomotives from train work.
Quality indicators were also met: the average weight of the train increased by 265 tons, and the downtime of the car for one cargo operation decreased.

Senior train receptionist Dmitry Savitsky and cargo and baggage receptionist Elena Shevchenko check the correctness of loading

Good forecasts for the second half of the year as well.
“A significant increase in timber loading is expected,” Valery Ivanovich spoke about the plans. – This is due to large-scale deforestation in the Gomel region, which suffered from an invasion of bark beetles. Loading of timber at Zhlobin station will be carried out by 13 forestry enterprises. Over the past July period, over 100 wagons with timber cargo have already been sent.
The second half of the year will be marked by a technical update at Zhlobin station. In November, it is planned to replace EC devices with a microprocessor centralization system (MCC). The facility is technically ready for this. Construction and installation work of hardware (technical) and software at the EC post was completed in full. The necessary station and floor equipment has been installed.
The final touches to the implementation of a large-scale project are made by AŽD Praha LLC: its specialists complete commissioning work, carry out the necessary testing and testing of equipment, check their parameters and characteristics.
With the transition of Zhlobin station to modern technologies The implementation of the large-scale project “Microprocessor centralization (MPC) of the Zhlobin node” will be completed. 2nd stage of construction."


What can be common between sports and an artistic career? In sports there are fans, and in cinema and theater there are loyal spectators. In one and in another area, colossal will and hard work are required on the path to success, and the victories of a successful athlete are in no way inferior in emotionality to a successfully played role. Perhaps this is why successful athletes, who have serious sporting achievements to their credit, feel quite comfortable in the cinema, theater and on the stage.

Vera Glagoleva

She might never have become an actress if it had not been for a chance meeting in the Mosfilm corridor with a cameraman who worked on the set of the film “To the End of the World...”, and not for his request to play along with the actor at the audition. Vera Glagoleva was seriously involved in archery and was a master of sports. In the future, she already saw herself as a successful athlete, especially since by the time of her fateful visit to her friend at Mosfilm, she was already a member of the youth team of the capital. But meeting Rodion Nakhapetov, who insisted on the approval of Vera Glagoleva main role, changed not only her plans for a career as an athlete, but also radically turned her whole life upside down. She became one of the most beloved actresses, and later a successful director.

Joseph Kobzon

The famous Soviet singer became interested in boxing while studying at the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College. Moreover, his success in this sport was very rapid. In just a few years, he managed to win the Dnepropetrovsk championship and even win the Ukrainian championship. However, the first knockout he received forced him to abandon professional sports.

Alexey Vanin

His appearance in films can hardly be called an accident, but Alexey Vanin himself did not at all aspire to become an actor. After the Great Patriotic War he began to professionally engage in classical wrestling. Repeatedly took part in Championships Soviet Union, twice won silver and twice bronze medal, was a member of the national team. Having moved from Siberia to Moscow, Alexey took up coaching. In 1953, he was offered a role in the film “World Champion”. Then the commission considered the candidacies of thirty-three applicants, and Alexei Vanin was approved. This is how his acting career began. However, the actor for a long time considered filming films as his hobby, continuing to play sports. Despite this combination of professions, Alexei Vanin’s filmography includes 80 films, the last of which was filmed in 2006, 6 years before his death.

Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich in the past is not only the lead singer of the group “Brilliant,” but also a famous figure skater, an international master of sports. During her sports career, the singer and actress won many international awards and took part in the World and European Championships. In Russia highest achievement was silver medal Russian Championship, won in tandem with Roman Kostomarov.
Perhaps her sports career would have continued further, if not for a meniscus injury, after which Anna had to leave big-time sports. At that moment, the girl consciously chose show business, worked on television and was able to achieve success as part of the group “Brilliant”, now periodically acts in films and is engaged in her musical career.

Talgat Nigmatulin

Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a film director. But as a child, upset by the girl’s refusal to dance with him, Talgat decided to improve his body. He took up karate, ballroom dancing and athletics at the same time. Later, the passion for karate expanded to new level, he began to train professionally. This allowed the future actor to receive a black belt and win the title of champion of Uzbekistan and become sixth at the Championship of the Soviet Union. Later, after graduating from VGIK and starting his creative career, it was his professional karate training that allowed Talgat to play one of his star roles - the pirate Saleh in the film “Pirates of the 20th Century”.

Zurab Sotkilava

Since childhood, the greatest passion of the future opera singer was football. At the insistence of his mother, young Zurab studied at music school, but connected his future only with sports. It must be said that he was a very talented footballer, from the age of 16 he played for the Dynamo team in Sukhumi, at 18 he became a full-back for Dynamo Tbilisi in the main team, and at 19 he became the captain of the Georgian youth team. He could have won many titles and awards if it were not for quite severe injuries that forced Zurab Lavrentievich to leave the sport. If not for injuries, the world might never have known the brilliant singer Zurab Sotkilava.

Nikolay Ozerov

The famous sports commentator played tennis since childhood, at the age of 12 he became the champion of Moscow in his age group, at 19 he was already a master of sports, at 25 he was an honored master of sports of the Soviet Union. Moreover, in 1941 he became a student at GITIS, and after graduation he was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater troupe, in which he played more than two dozen roles.

Alexander Inshakov

He began practicing karate at the age of 23 and after several years of training earned a black belt and the title of instructor. At the first karate championship in Moscow he became the absolute champion. The ban on karate in the Soviet Union forced the athlete to go underground, and later switch to aikido.
Sports skills allowed Alexander Inshakov to start acting in films. These were typically roles that required athletic training or demonstration of martial arts skills. Subsequently, he became a stuntman and headed the Russian Stuntmen's Guild. Alexander Inshakov has 24 acting works in films, two directorial works, in the film “Brigada. Heir" he acted as a screenwriter and producer. Since 1995, he has produced several films, from 1979 to 1992 he acted in films as a stuntman, and performed his own stunts.

Vladimir Balon

Master of Sports and champion of the Soviet Union in fencing made his debut in the film by Eldar Ryazanov in the role of Kutuzov’s adjutant, and starred in a crowd scene where masterly swordsmanship was required. The first experience turned out to be so successful that Vladimir Balon left sports, moving to cinema. The actor is familiar to the viewer from the images of the cardinal’s guardsman named de Jussac in the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” and its sequels, Jacques and the fencing teacher in the film “Midshipmen, Forward!” and “Vivat, midshipmen!” In addition, he acted as a stunt director in 14 films.

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