Sizes of cities by number of inhabitants. The largest cities in Russia by population. The largest city in Russia by population

The largest settlements Russian Federation traditionally chosen according to two criteria: occupied territory and population. The area is determined master plan cities. Population – the All-Russian Population Census, or Rosstat data, taking into account birth and death rates, if they are current.

The largest cities in Russia by population

Most major cities Russia with a population of more than 1 million people – 15. According to this indicator, Russia ranks third in the world. And their number continues to grow. More recently, Krasnoyarsk and Voronezh entered this category. We present to you the top ten most densely populated Russian megacities.

Population: 1,125 thousand people.

Rostov-on-Don became a million-plus city relatively recently - only thirty years ago. It is the only one among the ten largest cities in Russia that does not have its own metro. Its construction in 2018 will only be discussed. For now, the Rostov administration is busy preparing for the upcoming World Cup.

Population: 1,170 thousand people.

In penultimate place in the list of the largest cities in Russia by population is the administrative center of the Volga region - Samara. True, starting from 1985, the population preferred to leave Samara as soon as possible, until by 2005 the situation improved. And now the city is even experiencing a slight increase in migration.

Population: 1,178 thousand people.

The migration situation in Omsk is not brilliant - many educated Omsk residents prefer to move to Moscow, St. Petersburg and neighboring Novosibirsk and Tyumen. However, since 2010, the population in the city has been growing steadily, mostly due to the redistribution of the population in the region.

Population: 1,199 thousand people.

Unfortunately, Chelyabinsk is experiencing problems with livability: residents complain about the abundance of dirt, giant puddles in the spring and summer, when, due to non-functioning storm sewers, entire neighborhoods turn into something like Venice. It is not surprising that about 70% of Chelyabinsk residents are thinking about changing their place of residence.

Population: 1,232 thousand people.

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan rightfully bears the title of one of the most comfortable cities in Russia. This is likely one of the reasons why the city has experienced steady population growth since the mid-90s. And since 2009, Kazan has become a plus not only due to migration, but also due to natural growth.

Population: 1,262 thousand people.

The ancient and very beautiful city is experiencing better times in terms of the number of residents. The peak was in 1991, when its population exceeded 1,445 thousand people, and since then it has only been falling. A slight increase was observed only in 2012–2015, when the population increased by approximately 10 thousand people.

Population: 1,456 thousand people.

The “Capital of the Urals” became a million-plus city exactly 50 years ago, in 1967. Since then, having survived the population decline in the “hungry 90s,” the city’s population has been growing slowly but steadily. It is increasing, as in all large cities of Russia, mainly due to migrants. But not the ones you thought about - the population replenishment mainly (more than 50%) comes from the Sverdlovsk region.

Population: 1,602 thousand people.

The third place in the list of the largest cities in Russia is occupied by the center of the Novosibirsk region. In addition to its million-plus status, the city can also boast of being among the top 50 cities in the world with the longest traffic jams. True, Novosibirsk residents are hardly happy about such a record.

However, unlike traffic jams, with demographic situation In the city, things are more or less successful. A number of regional and government programs aimed at increasing the birth rate and reducing mortality. For example, at the birth of a third or subsequent child, the family is awarded a regional certificate for 100 thousand rubles.

According to city authorities, if the current dynamics of population growth continue, then by 2025 the number of residents of the Novosibirsk region will increase to 2.9 million people.

Population: 5,282 thousand people.

The cultural capital of Russia, where polite intellectuals bow to each other, raising their berets, and where such animals as the “bun” and “curb” live, is demonstrating steady growth in both area and population.

True, this was not always the case; Since the end of the USSR, the population preferred to leave St. Petersburg. And only since 2012, positive dynamics began to be observed. In the same year, the city's five millionth resident was born (for the second time in its history).

1. Moscow

Population: 12,381 thousand people.

It is unlikely that the answer to the question: “Which is the most big city in Russia? came as a surprise to some. Moscow is the largest city in Europe by population, but is not among the first.

More than 12 million people live here, and if we add to this the population of the near Moscow region, who regularly travel to Moscow for work and shopping, then the figure turns out to be more than impressive - 16 million. Due to the current economic situation in the country, the population is both modern Babylon and the surrounding territories will only increase. According to experts, by 2030 this number could reach 13.6 million people.

Muscovites are traditionally not happy with those who have come in large numbers, and those who have come in large numbers shrug their shoulders: “I want to live, and I even want to live well.”

The largest cities in Russia by area

It would seem that the list of the largest cities in Russia by area should coincide with the list of the most populated cities, but this is not the case. In addition to the simple population size, the area of ​​the city is influenced by many factors - from the historical method of territorial expansion to the number of industrial enterprises within the city. Therefore, some positions in the ranking can surprise the reader.

Area: 541.4 km²

Samara opens the top 10 largest cities in Russia. It stretches along the western bank of the Volga River for more than 50 km with a width of 20 km.

Area: 566.9 km²

The population of Omsk exceeded a million people back in 1979, the city’s territory is large and, according to Soviet tradition, the city should have acquired a metro. However, the nineties struck, and construction since then has been going neither shaky nor slow, but in general nothing. There is not even enough money for conservation.

Area: 596.51 km²

Voronezh became a million-plus city quite recently - in 2013. Some areas in it represent almost exclusively the private sector - houses, from comfortable cottages to village ones, garages, vegetable gardens.

Area: 614.16 km²

Thanks to the historically established radial-ring development, Kazan is a fairly compact city with a convenient layout. Despite its size, the capital of Tatarstan is the only million-plus city in Russia that completely recycles its waste and has managed to maintain a more or less favorable environmental situation.

Area: 621 km²

The only regional city that is not administrative center and a population of over a million, Orsk seems to have been included in this rating by mistake. Its population is only 230 thousand people, who occupy an area of ​​621 km2, with a very low density (only 370 people per km2). The reason for such a huge territory with a small number of inhabitants is large number industrial enterprises within the city.

Area: 707.93 km²

Ufa residents have a spacious place to live - each person has 698 m2 of common territory cities. At the same time, Ufa has the lowest density of the street network among Russian megacities, which often manifests itself in huge multi-kilometer traffic jams.

Area: 799.68 km²

Perm became a million-plus city in 1979, then in the nineties, due to a general decline in the population, it lost this status for more than 20 years. Only in 2012 was it possible to return it. Permians live freely (the population density is not too high, 1310 people per km2) and green - the total area of ​​green spaces is more than a third of the citywide area.

Area: 859.4 km²

Although Volgograd became a million-plus city relatively recently - in 1991, it has long been among the top three in terms of territory size. The reason is the historically uneven urban development, where apartment buildings, village houses with plots and empty steppe spaces alternate with each other.

Area: 1439 km²

Unlike the compact radial-beam “old” Moscow, St. Petersburg is freely spread out at the mouth of the Neva. The length of the city is more than 90 km. One of the features of the city is the abundance of water spaces, occupying 7% of the entire territory.

1. Moscow

Area: 2561.5 km²

And the absolute first place among the largest cities in Russia is given to Moscow. Its area is 1.5 times larger than the area of ​​the second place in the ranking, St. Petersburg. True, until 2012, the territory of Moscow was not so impressive - only 1100 km2. It grew so significantly due to the annexation of the southwestern territories, the total area of ​​which reaches 1480 km2.

Scattered all over the place big country. Cities with a population of over a million are the center of attraction for millions of tourists from all over the world, migrants, students and workers. Population statistics are compiled from the annual population census by RosStat. It is worth noting that the population includes only citizens who permanently reside in the territory of a particular city. The following are the most populated cities in Russia.

1. Moscow

Moscow is the largest city in Russia both in terms of population and area. A population of 12,330,126 people inhabits both sides of the city’s waterway, the Moscow River. The capital of the state, Moscow, is the most multinational city in Russia: migrants, students, workers and tourists come here from all over the country.

Ten facts about Moscow:

  • a major international center of economics and trade;
  • a major industrial hub of the country;
  • one of the best and largest educational centers for Russian and foreign students;
  • a large number of research institutes are located in Moscow;
  • more than 50 directions in religion;
  • a large cultural and historical center of the European part of Russia;
  • largest transport interchange countries: 3 river ports (Moscow to Soviet times called the “port of 5 seas”), 9 railway stations, 5 airports with directions to all corners of the planet;
  • Moscow is the “zero kilometer”, all roads lead here;
  • tourist center of the country;
  • the capital is one of the top five cities in the world in terms of the number of dollar billionaires living there.

Petrograd, also known as Leningrad or St. Petersburg in short, is located along the sovereign course of the Neva River and its coastal granite. Many poems have been written about the beautiful city located between Ladoga and Neva Bay Gulf of Finland, which is near the Baltic Sea. This big city is shrouded in secrets and legends. Walking along its streets, you walk along the streets of Dostoevsky, Gogol or Tsvetaeva. Populationis 5,225,690 people with a population density of 3,631 people. on square kilometer with a total area of ​​the city of 1439 km².

Ten facts about St. Petersburg:

  • northern Venice - second name northern capital due to the huge number of large and small rivers, tributaries and canals and the similarity with Venetian streets;
  • St. Petersburg is listed in the Red Book for the total length of tram tracks within the city - 600 kilometers;
  • the deepest metro in the world, the depth of some stations reaches 80 meters;
  • “White Nights” is one of the main attractions that attracts tourists to the cultural capital;
  • in St. Petersburg there is the tallest cathedral in Russia - the Peter and Paul Cathedral, whose spire height is 122.5 meters;
  • Hermitage - worldwide famous museum, which attracts tourists from all over the world, has a length of its corridors of 20 kilometers, and a tourist who wants to get acquainted with all the exhibits of the museum will need several years to complete this mission;
  • The question that every tourist in the city asks is what is the total number of bridges in St. Petersburg? 447, this is the number in the register of the Mostotrest company, which services the city’s bridges;
  • Peterhof is an engineering marvel. Fountain Park, which was laid out in the times of Peter the Great, but to this day none of the fountains has a pumping installation, but only a carefully designed pipeline;
  • Peter “chooses” residents for himself, and not the resident chooses him. Not every person can withstand the damp and humid climate of the city, which is at times very gray and foggy;
  • The architecture of St. Petersburg is similar to the architecture of neighboring countries of the European Union - Tallinn on the Estonian side and Helsinki on the Finnish side.

3. Novosibirsk

The city was awarded last place in the top three most populated cities in Russia. It is the center of Siberian industry and trade, research and educational activities, cultural, business and tourism spheres of the district. The Siberian capital is home to 1,584,138 people, while the city area is only 505 km².

Novosibirsk is a city with a very developed infrastructure and economy, and it is a point of attraction for those migrating from nearby cities, regions, republics and even neighboring states.

Five interesting facts about Novosibirsk:

  • The longest metro bridge is located in the capital of the Siberian Federal District;
  • the Opera and Ballet Theater in Novosibirsk is a theatrical building that is the first largest in Russia and the second in the world;
  • Planning Street is both parallel and perpendicular to itself, forming 2 intersections;
  • the only museum of the Sun in Russia is located in the city;
  • Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a large educational and research center in the Siberian Federal District.

4. Ekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg, formerly Sverdlovsk, ranks 4th among Russian cities with a population exceeding one million people (1,444,439 people with a total city area of ​​1,142 square kilometers). Trans-Siberian Railway and six major highways pass through this huge transport and sorting center, which occupies a huge niche in Russian logistics. Yekaterinburg is an industrial city with developed industry in a variety of fields, from optical-mechanical to light and food industries.

5. Nizhny Novgorod

Gorky until 1990, or “Nizhny” in common parlance, a million-plus city and auto giant in Privolzhsky federal district. Founded during the time of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, Nizhny Novgorod, stretching on both sides of the Oka, today has a population of 1,266,871 people and is the fifth largest city in Russia. The area of ​​the city is only 410 km², but a large seaport, the largest automobile manufacturing plant in Russia, and a concern engaged in the manufacture and production of military equipment, aircraft plant and shipbuilding. In addition to its industrial development, Nizhny Novgorod is famous for its Kremlin and extraordinary architecture. This is a wonderful city for tourism. Even the most experienced traveler will be delighted with the beauty of Nizhny Novgorod.

The city has an area of ​​425 square kilometers with a population of 1,216,965 people and a population density of 2,863 people per square kilometer. The capital of Tatarstan has its own Kremlin and a fairly rich architectural heritage, which encourages tourism among Russians and foreign residents. Kazan is not just a beautiful and large city, but also a center of international trade and economics, education, tourism with an interesting historical past.

The population of Chelyabinsk is 1,191,994 people per 530 square kilometers, which in terms of density is 2,379 people per square kilometer. The “harsh city,” as it is jokingly called, has a lot of funny stories and facts: meteorological Hyperion brick, Kaganovichgrad, forest in the city center, Chelyabinsk meteorite, Stalin in Chelyabinsk prison... Interested? Then it's time to go to Chelyabinsk on an excursion!

An important and fairly large industrial and transport center, where a well-known oil refinery is located both in Russia and abroad. The significant city of Omsk for tourists: Uspensky cathedral for foreigners to be included in the list of “main attractions in the world”, and the Vatican includes the Okunevsky Sanctuary among the holy places of world significance. Population of the administrative center-capital Omsk region is 1,178,079, while the area of ​​Omsk is only 572.9,572 km².

The millionaire city, which previously had the name Kuibyshev, is known for its historically important places that have become tourist attractions: the Iversky Convent, the Lutheran Church, the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cathedral Square - now Kuibyshev Square - the first in size in Europe and the fifth in the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of residents of the country come here to the Grushinsky Festival of Bard Song. A population of 1,170,910 people lives in the city, whose area is 382 sq. km.

10. Rostov-on-Don

Rostov, popularly called “Rostov-papa”, is a city of federal significance in the south of Russia. It is big, beautiful, noisy. The phrase “Rostov-papa, Odessa-mama” often hurts the ear - this is a historically established expression - both cities were criminal capitals competing with each other. With a rather small city area of ​​348 square kilometers, the population of Rostov is 1,119,875 people. and ranks 10th in the ranking of the largest cities in Russia by population.

Every year the population of large cities, and, therefore, their territory continues to increase steadily. Therefore, cities can be compared not only by population, but also by the area they occupy.

1. Moscow (2511 sq. km)

Moscow is gradually expanding and increasing its area. As of 2012, its area was 2511 square meters. km, the mayor of the capital Sobyanin stated this in the Moscow City Duma when he gave a report on the results of the work of the city government over the previous two years. In 2012, there was a sudden increase in the size of the capital, when it was decided to annex a significant piece of the territory of the Moscow region. Thus, the area of ​​the metropolis now consists of 780 square meters. km located within the Moscow Ring Road (which was traditionally considered Moscow) and 1641 sq. km of the region's territories located outside the Moscow Ring Road in the south-west direction.
Lives in Moscow more people than in some rather large European countries(for example, Norway and Finland taken together, about the same number live in Belgium and the Czech Republic). And this is only according to official statistics. In a giant “anthill” there are native Muscovites, people coming for a better life from the Russian hinterland, labor migrants from neighboring countries, and students. Moscow's population growth is driven not by birth rates, but by influx from outside. The main goal of visitors is to earn money.

2. St. Petersburg (1439 sq. km)

This city is the most important after Moscow economically, culturally and science center country, it is also a major transport hub. The historical center of the city and the historical and architectural monuments located in it and in the suburbs are under UNESCO protection. Therefore, St. Petersburg is one of the most important tourist routes in Russia. In 2015, the city's population exceeded the 5 million mark. In terms of population in Europe, it is second only to Istanbul, Moscow and London. Among the northern cities of the world, it is the largest, as well as the first in Europe among cities that are not capitals. St. Petersburg has the status of a city of federal significance. The population of Leningrad in the 1980s also reached 5 million, but in the crisis years of the 90s, the phenomenon of depopulation took place here - when the mortality rate began to exceed the birth rate, as a result of which the city's population decreased significantly. And only in 2012 it again reached the same 5 million mark.

3. Volgograd (859.4 sq. km)

Volgograd is a hero city, originally called Tsaritsyn, then Stalingrad for some time. Now it has more than a million inhabitants. The city stands on the Volga, along which ancient trade routes. This city forever linked its name with the largest war in World War II. Battle of Stalingrad, which demonstrated the heroism, courage and unbending will of our soldiers. To perpetuate the memory of this battle, the majestic Motherland monument was erected in Volgograd, which has since become the hallmark of the city.

4. Perm (799.7 sq. km)

Perm is another Russian city with a million population. It is a major industrial and transport center of the country. Peter I ordered the construction of a city in a place in the Siberian province where copper could be mined, and the specific location was chosen by V. Tatishchev. The year of foundation of Perm is considered to be 1723. First Ural railway was laid through Perm in 1876. In 1940 it was renamed Molotov, but in 1957 the historical name was returned. Before the formation of the city, people had settled in this place since ancient times; more than 130 archaeological sites were discovered within the city, which date back to late Middle Ages and even the Stone Age.

5. Ufa (708 sq. km)

About a million people live in modern Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. If we take into account population density, the residents of Ufa live much more freely than other city residents - for every Ufa resident there are approximately 700 square meters cities. This city is a large economic, scientific, cultural and sports Russian center. Its importance was emphasized by the meetings of the leaders of the SCO and BRICS held here in 2015. A large share of the city's territory is occupied by green spaces, squares and parks. There are many different monuments in the city.

Russia is unique in that, thanks to its vast territory, it finds itself in four climatic zones at once. It is clear that in different parts of it the climate...

6. Tyumen (698.5 sq. km)

The first Russian city founded in Siberia was Tyumen, which happened in the 16th century. The city owes its appearance to the construction of the Tyumen fort, which was ordered to be built by the third son of Ivan IV, Fyodor Ivanovich. The population of Tyumen is now 697,000 people, it is divided into 4 administrative districts. Until 2014, the urban district included and was subordinate to the city 19 more surrounding villages, but after that they lost their status as independent settlements. The share of urban development from the entire territory of Tyumen accounts for just over 160 sq. km, that is, only 23% of the area of ​​the urban district. Near the city there are at least five geothermal springs with water temperatures from 37 to 50 degrees; they have good balneological properties. Quality of life studies conducted in Russian cities in 2015-2016 put Tyumen in first place.
It is noteworthy that during World War II, Lenin’s body was sent from the mausoleum in Moscow to Tyumen.

7. Orsk (621.3 sq. km)

Orsk is divided into three administrative districts, and its population is only 233,000 people. The city is located in picturesque places - on the spurs Ural mountains. Along the bed of the Ural River flowing through Orsk there is a division into Europe and Asia. It is mainly an industrial city, the second most important in Orenburg region. It operates in such industries as mechanical engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, petrochemicals, light and food industry. There are about 4 dozen archaeological sites in Orsk. The local variegated jasper is especially famous, the deposit of which is located right within the city, on Mount Colonel. Orsk jasper has the most great variety coloring and drawing.

According to a sociological survey, Muscovites perceive their city as a place where they can realize their spiritual, financial, business and cultural...

8. Kazan (614.2 sq. km)

Unofficially, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, is called the third Russian capital. This ancient city more than 1000 years. It is multinational, 115 nationalities coexist peacefully in Kazan, but the backbone is made up of Russians (48.6%) and Tatars (47.6%). Kazan is a significant cultural, economic, scientific and religious center of Russia, as well as a large river port. Sports in Kazan are also developing very rapidly. City authorities give great value development of tourism, encourage the holding of various festivals. The main architectural attraction here is the Kazan Kremlin, which is under UNESCO protection.

9. Voronezh (596.5 sq. km)

In 2010, the Voronezh urban district included over 20 suburban small settlements, which significantly increased the birth rate. As a result, in 2012 the city's population exceeded the million mark. From the west, the Don River flows through the city, and to the east the Voronezh River, turned into a reservoir. This proximity allowed Voronezh to become a major river transport hub. Although Voronezh has preserved many wonderful architectural monuments, it does not lag behind in contemporary creativity: here are sculptures of White Bim from the famous feature film and a charming kitten from a Soviet cartoon. A monument to Peter I was also erected in Voronezh.

10. Omsk (572.9 sq. km)

During Civil War in the 20s of the last century, Omsk was proclaimed the capital of the Russian State, since here was the Headquarters of Admiral Kolchak and the center White movement. Now Omsk is one of the largest Russian cities, and recently it has again become the capital - this time of Siberian Cossack army. It is the second most populous city in Siberia (1.1 million inhabitants). Many architectural monuments have been preserved in Omsk, the most significant of which are included in the list cultural heritage UNESCO Omsk Fortress and the Assumption Cathedral, included in the catalog of examples of world temple architecture.

Hello, dear readers of the site “I and the World”! We are glad to welcome you again! What do you think is the largest city in the world and what is its name? In our new article we want to talk about cities and present the top 10 largest in the world by area and population.

10th place - New York - 1214.4 sq. km

America starts the list. If you look at the population for 2017, the city is small - 8,405,837 people. Quite young, about 400 years old.

On the territory where it is now located New York there were Indian tribes. Arrows, dishes and other Indian attributes are found here. Throughout the 19th century, emigrants from different countries, due to which it grew. It includes several islands, the largest of which is Manhattan. People of almost all religions live here, but Christians predominate.

We give 9th place to Mexico City – 1485 sq. km

The population of the capital of Mexico is 9,100,000 people. Mexico City was founded by the Aztecs in 1325. According to legend, the Sun God ordered them to come to this place.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Mexico City was the most beautiful in the Western Hemisphere until it was destroyed during the reign of Cortez, but was soon rebuilt. It is located at an altitude of more than 2000 km above sea level and is surrounded by mountains.

London is in 8th place – 1572 sq. km

London is the capital of Great Britain and the largest city in the country. It was founded in 43 AD. e. There are now 8,600,000 people living in London.

The terrible plague of the 17th century claimed about 70,000 lives. This is a place of remarkable historical and architectural monuments: the Tower, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul's Cathedral and others.

We put Tokyo in 7th place - 2188.6 sq. km

But the population is quite large - 13,742,906 people. Tokyo is one of the modern cities and the capital of Japan. Even if you live here for a month, you won’t see all the sights.

The main part is solid concrete and wires. Tokyo was inhabited by tribes of people back in the Stone Age. Over the course of several years from 1703 to 2011, Tokyo suffered many earthquakes, and as a result of one of them, 142,000 people died at once.

In 6th place is Moscow – 2561.5 sq. km

Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, located between the Oka and Volga rivers. 12,500,123 people live here. In terms of length, Moscow is quite long - 112 km. It is an important tourist center in Russia.

The age of the city is still unknown exactly, but there are facts that the first settlements appeared in this territory around 8 thousand years BC. e.

Middle of the top - Sydney - 12144 sq. km

The development and history of Australia began with a small settlement. 200 years ago the navigator Cook landed here. Sydney is the largest metropolis and capital of the state of New South Wales.

The capital is home to 4,500,000 people. The city is located in one of the beautiful bays of the world, where business skyscrapers coexist with cozy beaches, which are always full of tourists.

In 4th place is Beijing – 16,808 sq. km

Beijing is the capital of China People's Republic. Huge and noisy, its population numbers 21,500,000 inhabitants.

In the 13th century, it was almost completely burned by Genghis Khan, but rebuilt 43 years later in a different place. Here is a famous architectural monument - the Forbidden City - the residence of the rulers.

At the beginning of the 20th century it was occupied by the Japanese. After Russia's victory in World War II and the fall of Japan, the capital became free again.

We give 3rd place to Hangzhou – 16847 sq. km

The city has 8,750,000 inhabitants. The metropolis is famous for its tea plantations and natural beauty.

Previously, it was the capital of China, and now it is a major religious center. In the 19th century, as a result of an uprising, it was partially destroyed and restored in the 50s, where industry began to rapidly develop.

Weaving folk items, harvesting tea leaves, and making bamboo products are still done by hand.

In second place is Chongqing – 82,300 sq. km

Chongqing is the largest city in the world in terms of population, with about 32 million people living here. The highest population density is 600 people per square meter. km.

The metropolis arose 3,000 years ago and at that time was the capital of the kingdom of Ba. Now it is a huge industrial center. There is a large base for the production of automobiles - 5 factories and 400 - for the production of car parts. Real estate construction here is proceeding at such a fast pace that 10 years of construction for Moscow is 1 year for Chongqing. Old buildings are being demolished very actively, and skyscrapers are appearing in their place. It is more business than architectural. And the main attraction is the overpasses that entangle the entire city.

We give 1st place to the unusual city of Ordos - 86,752 sq. km

Ordos is a ghost town. Where is the strange metropolis, the largest in territory, but empty? In China, it began to be built 20 years ago for people involved in the extraction and sale of coal.

A large city was built with museums, theaters, and a stadium. There is everything for the life of a city dweller here. But almost no one wanted to move here. Over the past few years, the number of people has increased to 300,000. There are so few inhabitants in the huge settlement that even in broad daylight, the streets are completely empty.

Beautiful, abandoned houses, museums, cinemas. There are even unfinished buildings - there is no one to build for. Everywhere is clean and well-groomed. And - silence! A metropolis inhabited by “ghosts”. There are several of these in China.

Also, there are cities beyond the Arctic Circle and living there is quite cold. The largest “cold” city is in Russia - Murmansk - 154.4 square meters. km. It is quite small in size and has a population of 298,096 people.

We showed you the ranking of major cities in the world with photos and descriptions. Ten different megacities, with different numbers of inhabitants, different lengths and architecture. 2018 will be a new year for everyone and everything, and our rankings may change. In the meantime, if you liked the information, share it with your friends.

Every country in the world has a huge number of cities. Small and large, poor and rich, resort and industrial.

All settlements are remarkable in their own way. One is famous for its landscapes, another is famous for its entertainment, and the third for its history. But there are also cities that are famous due to their area. So, here are the largest cities in the world by area.

The largest city in the world

This title belongs to the city of Chongqing, it is located in the central part of China, and its area is 82,400 square meters. km, although this includes not only the territory of the city itself, but also the area of ​​the territory subordinate to the city. According to official data, the city occupies an area 470 km long from east to west and 450 km wide from north to south, which corresponds to the size of a country like Austria.

Chongqing is administratively divided into 19 districts, 15 counties and 4 autonomous counties. According to 2010 data, the population is 28,846,170 people. But more than 80 percent of the residents live in rural areas; only 6 million people live in the city itself.

Chongqing is one of the ancient cities of China, its history goes back more than 3000 years. In the Late Paleolithic era people already lived here. primitive people. This is due to the fact that the city was founded on the site where the Jialing River flows into the deep Yangtze.

The city is surrounded by three mountains: Dabashan in the north, Wushan in the east and Dalushan in the south. Due to the hilly landscape of the area, Chongqing was nicknamed "mountain city" (Shancheng). It is located at an altitude of 243 meters above sea level.

The largest cities in the world

Often the degree of urbanization reaches the point that, as cities expand, they are so closely intertwined with production, transport and cultural connections and merge into one whole. Such a cluster of “fused” cities is called an urban agglomeration.

One of the largest is the New York agglomeration, formed around one large core city of New York. Its total area is 30,671 square meters. km, population – almost 24 million people. The Greater New York metropolitan area also includes Northern New Jersey, Long Island, Newark, Bridgeport, New Jersey's five largest cities (Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Paterson and Trenton) and six of the seven largest cities Connecticut (Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury).

The largest cities in North America by area

But New York is not the largest city in North America or even in its own country. Total area the center of the largest agglomeration is only 1214.9 square meters. km, it consists of 5 districts: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. The population does not exceed 8.5 million people. Therefore, New York ranks only third in the list of largest cities by area in North America.

Second place goes to Los Angeles, the city of angels, located in the south of California, its area is 1302 square meters. km. The city is the center of Greater Los Angeles, an agglomeration with a population of over 17 million people. It is also better known as a center for the film industry and entertainment in the fields of music and computer games.

The largest city in North America by area is Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. The area of ​​the city is almost 1500 square meters. km, and this territory is home to 9 million people, it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. The city was built in a seismic zone, and earthquakes occur here quite often, which determines the low level of buildings and, accordingly, its length and area.

Once upon a time, on the territory of the modern Mexican capital, there was a settlement of the Aztec tribe, called Tenochtitlan. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors founded new city, from which Mexico City grew.

The largest cities in South America by area

One of the largest cities in terms of area is Sao Paulo, its area is 1523 sq. km. But it is the third largest city in South America. It is located in southeastern Brazil along the length of the Tiete River. It has a population of 11.3 million people and is the most populous city in the Western Hemisphere.

Sao Paulo is a city of contrasts, on the one hand it is the most... modern city Brazil, built up with skyscrapers made of glass and concrete (this is where the most tall building country - the Miranti do Vali skyscraper). On the other hand, the city dates back to the 16th century, and on its territory many “echoes of the past” have been preserved - ancient buildings, museums, churches, which harmoniously combine with modern buildings.

Second place belongs to the city of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. The largest city in the country, its area is 1,587 square meters. km. Bogota was founded by Spanish colonialists in 1538. The city was located on the site of an Indian fortress called Bacata and became the capital of New Grenada, which is the name Quesada gave to the conquered territory. In 1598, Bogota became the capital of the Captaincy General of Spain, and in 1739 of the Viceroyalty of New Grenada.

This is a city of futuristic architecture, combined with colonial-style churches and minor historical buildings, inhabited by an unfavorable contingent: homeless people, thieves and robbers. Bogota and its suburbs are home to 7 million people, which is one sixth of Colombia's total population. But Bogota is only the second largest city in South America.

The top spot is taken by Brasilia. The area of ​​the capital of the Republic of Brazil is 5802 square meters. km. True, it became the capital quite recently - on April 21, 1960, becoming the third capital of the country, after Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. The city was specially planned and built in the central part in order to utilize inactive areas, attract the population and develop outlying areas. The capital is located on the Brazilian plateau, far from the main political areas.

Construction of the city began in 1957 according to a unified plan, focused on progressive construction technologies and the fundamentals of modern urban planning. It was intended as ideal city. In 1986, the city of Brasilia was named "patrimony of humanity" by UNESCO.

The largest cities in Europe by area

London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, England, as well as the largest city in the British Isles. The metropolis has an area of ​​1572 square meters. km. They can accommodate 8 million people. City of Fogs London plays a major political, cultural and economic role in the life of Great Britain. The city has Heathrow International Airport, a major port on the Thames, attractions: among them the complex Palace of Westminster with clock tower, Tower Fortress, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral.

London from above

But London ranks only third on the list of largest cities in Europe. The second place is firmly assigned to the capital of our Motherland - Moscow. Its area is 2510 sq. km, with a population of 12 million people, according to official data. This is the largest city not only in Russia, but also in Europe; it is also among the top ten cities in the world according to such a criterion as population.

The city is not only the political and administrative, cultural and tourist center of the country, but an important transport hub for the entire country. The city is served by 5 airports, 9 railway stations, 3 river ports.

The largest city in Europe is Istanbul. One of the largest cities on the planet and the largest city in Turkey. Istanbul - former capital Byzantine, Roman and Ottoman Empires. The city is located on the banks of the Bosphorus Strait. Its area is 5343 sq. km.

Until 1930, the internationally accepted name of the city was Constantinople. Another name, which is still used in the title of the Patriarch of Constantinople, is Second Rome or New Rome. In 1930, Turkish authorities ordered the use of only the Turkish version of the name Istanbul. Russified version - Istanbul.

The largest cities in Africa by area

Cape Town, a city in the southwest of South Africa (South Africa) - its area is slightly smaller than Moscow and is 2,455 square meters. km. It is located on the coast Atlantic Ocean, on a peninsula at the Cape of Good Hope, near the foot of Table Mountain. This city is often called the most beautiful city world and the most touristic in South Africa thanks to the amazing nature.

Tourists choose it for its beautiful beaches and surfing. The city center is dotted with Old Dutch mansions and ornate Victorian buildings.

The largest city in Africa is Kinshasa - the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, its area is almost 10 thousand sq. km. Until 1966, this city was called Leopoldville. The population of Kinshasa is more than 10 million people. But 60 percent of the city is sparsely populated rural areas that are located within the city limits. Densely populated areas occupy a small part of the territory in the west of the city. However, Kinshasa is the third largest city in the world by area.

The city is located on the Congo River, along its southern coast, stretching over a long distance. Opposite is the city of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. This is the only place in the world where two capitals of different countries directly face each other on opposite banks of the river.

Kinshasa is also the second most French-speaking city in the world, second only to Paris. But judging by the rate of population growth, after some time it may overtake the French capital. This is a city of contrasts. Here, wealthy areas with high-rise buildings, shopping centers and cafes juxtapose with slums of huts and shacks.

The largest cities by area in Australia and Oceania

Sydney is the largest city in Australia. Its area is 12,145 sq. km. Sydney's population is approximately 4.5 million people.

By the way, the city is the capital of the state of New South Wales. Sydney was founded in 1788 by Arthur Philip, who came to the mainland with the First Fleet. This site is the first colonial European settlement in Australia. The city itself was named by the colonists in honor of Lord Sidney, who at that time was the British Secretary of the Colonies.

Largest cities by area in Asia

One of the largest cities is Karachi with an area of ​​3527 sq. km. There were settlements on the site of modern Karachi during the time of Alexander the Great. The ancient port of Krokola was located here - Alexander the Great set up camp before his campaign against Babylon. Next was Montobara, Nearchus sailed from here after exploring.

Later, the Indo-Greek seaport of Barbarikon was formed. In 1729, the fishing town of Kalachi-jo-Gosh became significant shopping center. After 110 years there was a long period of British colonization. Locals fought against the European invaders, but only in 1940 were they able to become part of independent Pakistan.

Shanghai occupies almost twice the territory of Karachi, its area is 6340 sq. km. It is the third largest city in China and the most populous, with a population of almost 24 million people. One of the largest ports in the world is located here, and the city in general is recognized as the largest trading center. The dynamically developing city boasts its ancient history, it is also the first city in China to which European culture came.

The territory of another Chinese city, Guangzhou, is slightly larger than Shanghai, and is 7434.4 square meters. km on land and 744 sq. km at sea. It is the capital of Guangdong Province. With a population of over 13 million people, Guangzhou is the fourth largest city in China, behind Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin. It has a history of more than 2000 years, and it was from here, from Canton (that was the former name of the city of Guangzhou) that the famous “Silk Road” began. Ships with strange Chinese goods - silk, porcelain and the like - departed from its trading port.

Largest city by area in the world

This is Beijing - the capital of the “Celestial Empire”, its area is 16,800 sq. km, and its population is 21.2 million people. The city is the political and educational center of China, yielding an economic role to Shanghai and Hong Kong. In 2008, the Summer Olympic Games were held here.

Beijing has almost always been the residence of many emperors throughout its 3,000-year history, and to this day retains its status as the center of the country. Imperial palaces, tombs, temples and parks have been preserved here. Here they honor ancient Chinese traditions, regularly restoring ancient buildings, along with growing new areas and high-rise buildings. Beijing is also considered the safest city in the world. On the Find Out Everything website you can also read an article about the most populated cities in the world. And the list of the largest cities by area does not always coincide with the list of the largest cities by population.
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