Types, types, forms of human thinking: abstract, visual, effective, figurative, verbal-logical thinking, scientific. Types of thinking in psychology The process of forming thinking

By thinking we understand the human ability to reason, reflecting reality through the word, concept, judgment, representation. According to the form, the following types of it are distinguished: visual-figurative, visual-effective, abstract-logical.

The first of them is more inherent in people of creative professions. Its essence is psychological relationships and connections with people, objects, events, circumstances, processes.

Figurative thinking is a process of cognition, in which a person's mind is formed mental image, reflecting the perceived object environment. Figurative thinking is realized on the basis of ideas that a person perceived before. Images are either retrieved from memory or created by the imagination. In the course of solving mental problems, these images can undergo such changes that lead to finding new, unexpected, extraordinary, creative solutions to complex problems.

How do we use imaginative thinking?

Thanks to imaginative thinking, you can learn to find a way out of difficult situations to solve difficult problems. For example, you can use the following visualization technique for this purpose:

1. Present your problem in the form of a picture-image. For example, you have problems in business. Imagine it as a withering tree.

2. Come up with and draw images that reflect the cause of what is happening and “rescue” images that will help find a solution. For example, an excess of the sun (too many outdated, pressured, decisions made by someone earlier that interfere with creative thinking. An excess of the sun can also represent, for example, increased competition). Think about what is needed in order to save the plant: watering (new ideas and solutions), or sun protection, or inviting a specialist gardener, or fertilizing the soil, or something else?

3. Do not rush yourself, rethinking does not come instantly, but soon it will certainly come in the form of insight.

Imaginative thinking can help us calm down by providing psychological protection from an unnerving situation or an unpleasant person. We tend to take what is happening to heart, and therefore need to protect the psyche from overload. Most often, the technique of presenting the offender in an absurd or comical form is used. For example, you were hurt and offended by someone's stinginess. Do not be offended, better imagine a thrifty hamster with huge, stuffed cheeks. Well, he can’t live without supplies, that’s how it works. Is it worth it to be offended? Better smile. Imagine a merciless satrap completely naked - this is ridiculous and ridiculous, and his cry will no longer have power over you.

There is an assumption that the ability to visualize the future increases the chances of its implementation. The more colorful and detailed visualization, the better. True, there is a caveat: as in all good things, in this visualization one should observe the measure. Main principle- "do no harm".

The use of imaginative thinking makes life more interesting, and communication and self-realization - more complete.

Development of figurative thinking

How to develop imaginative thinking?

Here are some exercises that can help with this:

- Look at any chosen object. Consider it for some time. Close your eyes and visualize it in detail. Open your eyes, check how completely and accurately everything was presented and what was “overlooked”.

- Remember what the thing that you put on (shoeed) yesterday looks like. Describe it in detail, try not to miss a single detail.

- Imagine some animal (fish, bird, insect) and think about what benefit or harm it can bring. All work must be done mentally. You need to "see" the animal and clearly imagine everything that is associated with it. For example, a dog. See how she greets you, how happily she waves her tail, licks her hands, looks into your eyes, plays with a child, protects you in the yard from offenders ... All events should take place like in a movie. Let your imagination run wild. This exercise can be done in a variety of ways: using unrelated associations or like a movie with a sequentially developing plot with a logical continuation.

Figurative thinking in children

Children easily imagine both objects and circumstances in their imagination, it is as natural for them as breathing. In childhood, imagination merges with thinking so much that they cannot be separated. The development of the child's thinking occurs during games, drawing, modeling, construction. All these activities make you imagine this or that in the mind, which becomes the basis of figurative thinking. On this basis, verbal and logical thinking will subsequently be formed, without which one cannot do in the classroom.

Children's perception of the world through images contributes to the development of imagination, fantasy, and also becomes the basis for the development of creativity, which is so important for success in any business.

What exercises contribute to the development of figurative thinking in children?

1. We read or tell fairy tales with facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

2. We play by reincarnating. We play with children, change roles and images. We encourage children's games with reincarnation.

3. We draw - and we remember, and we compose, and we invent. Let the child remember a character from a recently read fairy tale or cartoon character. And then let him draw a new friend or just a new character for him. Did you get a "kalyaka kid"? Finish it so that something new or something recognizable comes out.

4. We compose. You can start for yourself - about what you see: about this little sprout that has made its way between the stones, about this tireless ant, pulling a burden three times more than itself, about this grasshopper ... Compose together, do not be afraid to fantasize and encourage the child's fantasy.

5. Riddles are a real find. They can be guessed along the way, they can be invented. They make you look at objects and phenomena from different angles, think outside the box and not give up.

6. We observe and notice: what or who does this cloud, this pebble, this snag look like?

Thinking games will greatly help your child gain new knowledge, compare, memorize, reveal relationships between phenomena, learn about the world and develop.

Figurative thinking in adults

There is a simple test-check that allows you to understand whether your figurative thinking is well developed. To do this, you need to select any picture (do not try to immediately take complex images, start with simple ones), look at it for some time (about a minute), trying to take into account all the nuances - the location of lines and objects, color and shades, plot and other nuances. After you feel that you have noticed everything, close your eyes and mentally achieve a detailed reproduction. See it with closed eyes clearly and clearly. Happened? Great! This means that you only need to maintain the level of imaginative thinking that you already have. But if the picture did not work out, if there were gaps or vague forms - train by doing this exercise.

A more complicated option is the visualization of abstract pictures. You can draw one yourself from dots, broken lines, patterns, using different colors and shapes, and then remember. Pay attention to details and individual signs. Games for the development of thinking are easy to find on the Internet, on sites dedicated to self-development. Help in this and developing simulators. For example, in the game "Pyramidstroy" figurative thinking, coupled with imagination, will help to remember words that are completely unrelated to each other, combining them into an incredible story. Training and games for the development of thinking are very helpful in maintaining brain activity in good shape, they should be given attention throughout life.

The development of figurative thinking improves Creative skills, favors the manifestation of creativity, the generation of new ideas. In addition, thanks to the development of imaginative thinking, memorization improves, the assimilation of new things is facilitated, intuition improves, and flexibility of thinking appears.

We wish you self-confidence and successful self-development!

Figurative thinking has a number of features that turn it into a universal tool that can and should be used in your life by any person.

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Verbal-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

Verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that a person who observes a certain picture as a whole, singles out only the most significant qualities from it, not paying attention to minor details that simply complement this picture. There are usually three forms of such thinking:

  • Concept - when objects are grouped according to features;
  • Judgment - when any phenomenon or connections between objects are affirmed or denied;
  • Inference - when specific conclusions are drawn on the basis of several judgments.

Everyone should develop verbal-logical thinking, but it is especially useful to form it from an early age in children, because this is an excellent training of memory and attention, as well as fantasy. Here are some exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

  • Set a timer for 3 minutes, write during this time maximum amount words beginning with the letters "zh", "sh", "h" and "i".
  • Take a few simple phrases like "what's for breakfast?", "let's go to the movies", "come over" and "there's a new exam tomorrow" and read them backwards.
  • There are several groups of words: “sad, cheerful, slow, cautious”, “dog, cat, parrot, penguin”, “Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga” and “triangle, square, board, oval”. From each group, select those words that do not fit the meaning.
  • Identify the differences between a ship and an airplane, grass and a flower, a story and a verse, an elephant and a rhinoceros, a still life and a portrait.
  • A few more groups of words: “House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper”, “War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map”, “Youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children”, “Road - cars, pedestrians, traffic, asphalt, poles.” Choose from each group one or two words without which the concept ("home", "war", etc.) could exist as such.

These exercises, again, can be quite easily modernized and modified, simplifying or complicating at your discretion. It is thanks to this that each of them can be an excellent way to train abstract thinking, both in adults and in children. By the way, any such exercises, among other things, perfectly develop the intellect.

Visual-effective thinking and exercises for its development

Visual-effective thinking can be described as the process of solving mental problems by transforming what has arisen into real life situations. It is rightfully considered the first way to process the information received, and it develops very actively in children under 7 years old, when they begin to combine all kinds of objects into one whole, analyze them and operate with them. And in adults this species thinking is expressed in identifying the practical benefits of the objects of the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intellect. The brain is responsible for the development of visual-effective thinking.

An excellent way to learn and train here is the usual game of chess, solving puzzles and sculpting all kinds of figures from plasticine, but there are also several effective exercises:

  • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then weigh your clothes in the same way. After that, try to determine the area of ​​​​the room, kitchen, bathroom and other rooms in your apartment.
  • Draw a triangle, a rhombus and a trapezoid on the landscape sheets. Then take the scissors and turn all these shapes into a square, cutting once in a straight line.
  • Lay out 5 matches on the table in front of you and make 2 equal triangles out of them. After that, take 7 matches and make 2 triangles and 2 squares out of them.
  • Buy a constructor in the store and make it various figures- not only those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that there be as many details as possible - at least 40-50.

As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and more, you can use our excellent.

Logical thinking and exercises for its development

Logical thinking is the basis of a person's ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to solving various problems and developing intelligence. This kind of thinking contributes successful search substantiation of any phenomena, a meaningful assessment of the world around and and judgments. The main task in this case is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection based on the analysis of its various aspects.

Among the recommendations for the development logical thinking solution can be identified logical tasks(and this is also an excellent training of memory and attention in children and adults), passing tests for the IQ, logic games, self-education, reading books (especially detective stories), and training intuition.

As for specific exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

  • From several sets of words, for example: “armchair, table, sofa, stool”, “circle, oval, ball,”, “fork, towel, spoon, knife”, etc. you need to choose a word that does not fit the meaning. Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective technology for the development of logical thinking, and similar sets and exercises can be found in large numbers on the Internet.
  • Collective exercise: get together with friends or the whole family and divide into two teams. Let each team invite the opposite team to solve a semantic riddle, where the content of some text is transmitted. The point is to define. Here is a small example: “The clergyman had an animal in the household. He experienced strong warm feelings for him, however, despite this, he performed a violent action on him, which led to his death. This happened for the reason that the animal did something unacceptable - it ate part of the food that was not intended for it. Thinking logically, one can recall a children's song that begins with the words: "The priest had a dog, he loved her ..."
  • Another group game: a member of one team performs an action, and a member of the other must find its cause, and then the cause of the cause, and so on until all the motives for the behavior of the first participant are clarified.

Again, these exercises (in particular the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence, suitable for people of all ages.

Creative thinking and exercises for its development

Creative thinking is a type of thinking that allows you to systematize and analyze ordinary information in an unusual way. In addition to the fact that it contributes to the extraordinary solution of typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the efficiency of a person's assimilation of new knowledge. Applying creative thinking, people can consider objects and phenomena from different angles, awaken in themselves the desire to create something new - something that did not exist before (this is the understanding of creativity in its classical sense), develop the ability to move from one task to another and find a lot of interesting options for doing work and ways out of life situations.

Ways to develop creative thinking are based on the idea that a person realizes only a small percentage of his potential during his life, and his task is to find opportunities to activate unused resources. The technology for the development of creativity is based, first of all, on several recommendations:

  • You need to improvise and always look for new ways to solve everyday problems;
  • No need to focus on established frameworks and rules;
  • You should expand your horizons and constantly learn something new;
  • You need to travel as much as possible, discover new places and meet new people;
  • It is necessary to make learning new skills and abilities a habit;
  • You should try to do something better than others.

But, of course, there are also certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking in general - you will find them).

Now let's talk about exercises:

  • Take several concepts, for example, “youth”, “man”, “coffee”, “kettle”, “morning” and “candle”, and select for each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that define their essence.
  • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, "piano - car", "cloud - steam locomotive", "tree - picture", "water - well" and "airplane - capsule" and select the maximum number of similar features for them.
  • Imagine several situations and think about what might happen in each of them. Examples of situations: “aliens are walking around the city”, “it’s not water that runs from the tap in your apartment, but lemonade”, “all pets have learned to speak human language”, “it snows in your city in the middle of summer for a week”.
  • Look around the room where you are now, and stop looking at any object that interests you, for example, on a closet. Write down on a piece of paper 5 adjectives that match it, and then 5 adjectives that are completely opposite.
  • Think of your job, hobby, favorite singer or actor, best friend or significant other, and describe it (him/her) in at least 100 words.
  • Remember some saying or, and write, based on it, a short essay, verse or essay.
  • Write a list of 10 purchases you would make before the end of the world.
  • Write a daily plan for your cat or dog.
  • Imagine that when you returned home, you saw that the doors of all the apartments were open. Write 15 reasons why this might have happened.
  • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
  • Write a letter to yourself in the future - when you are 10 years older.

Also, to enhance your creativity and intelligence, you can use Everyday life two great methods - and . These ways to develop creativity will help you break all stereotypes, expand your comfort zone and develop an original and unlike anything else type of thinking.

In conclusion, we say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your education and develop your thinking more effectively, then you will certainly like one of our courses, which you can familiarize yourself with.

For the rest, we wish you every success and comprehensively developed thinking!

Taking information from the surrounding world, it is with the participation of thinking that we can realize and transform it. Their characteristics help us in this. A table with these data is presented below.

What is thinking

This is the highest process of cognition of the surrounding reality, subjective perception. Its uniqueness lies in the perception of external information and its transformation in consciousness. Thinking helps a person gain new knowledge, experience, creatively transform ideas that have already been formed. It helps to expand the boundaries of knowledge, contributing to a change in the existing conditions for solving the tasks.

This process is the engine of human development. In psychology, there is no separately operating process - thinking. It must be present in all other cognitive activities person. Therefore, in order to somewhat structure such a transformation of reality, the types of thinking and their characteristics were singled out in psychology. A table with these data helps to better assimilate information about the activity of this process in our psyche.

Features of this process

This process has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other mental processes.

  1. Mediation. This means that a person can indirectly recognize an object through the properties of another. The types of thinking and their characteristics are also involved here. Briefly describing this property, we can say that knowledge occurs through the properties of another object: we can transfer some acquired knowledge to a similar unknown object.
  2. Generalization. Combining several properties of an object into a common one. The ability to generalize helps a person to learn new things in the surrounding reality.

These two properties and processes of this cognitive function of a person contain general characteristics thinking. Characteristics of types of thinking - a separate area general psychology. Since the types of thinking are characteristic of different age categories and are formed according to their own rules.

Types of thinking and their characteristics, table

A person perceives structured information better, so some information about the varieties of the cognitive process of cognition of reality and their description will be presented in a systematic way.

The best way to help understand what the types of thinking are and their characteristics is a table.

Visual-effective thinking, description

In psychology, much attention is paid to the study of thinking as the main process of cognition of reality. After all, this process develops differently for each person, it works individually, sometimes the types of thinking and their characteristics do not correspond to age norms.

For preschoolers, visual-effective thinking comes to the fore. It begins its development from infancy. Description by age is presented in the table.

Age period

Characteristics of thinking

InfancyIn the second half of the period (from 6 months), perception and action develop, which form the basis for the development of this type of thinking. At the end of infancy, the child can solve elementary problems based on the manipulation of objects.The adult hides the toy in his right hand. The kid first opens the left, after failure reaches for the right. Finding a toy, enjoys the experience. He cognizes the world in a visual-effective way.
Early ageManipulating things, the child quickly learns important connections between them. This age period is a vivid representation of the formation and development of visual-effective thinking. The kid performs external orientation actions, which actively explores the world.Collecting a full bucket of water, the child noticed that he comes to the sandbox with an almost empty bucket. Then, while manipulating the bucket, he accidentally closes the hole, and the water remains at the same level. Perplexed, the kid experiments until he understands that in order to maintain the water level, it is necessary to close the hole.
preschool ageDuring this period, this type of thinking gradually passes into the next, and already at the end of the age stage, the child masters verbal thinking.First, to measure the length, the preschooler takes a paper strip, applying it to everything that is interesting. Then this action is transformed into images and concepts.

Visual-figurative thinking

The types of thinking in psychology and their characteristics occupy an important place, since the age-related formation of other cognitive processes depends on their development. With each age stage, more and more mental functions are involved in the development of the process of cognition of reality. In visual-figurative thinking, imagination and perception play an almost key role.

This kind of thinking is represented by certain operations with images. Even if we do not see something, we can recreate it in the mind through this kind of thinking. The child begins to think this way in the middle preschool age(4-6 years). An adult also actively uses this species.We can get a new image through combinations of objects in our minds: a woman, choosing her clothes for going out, imagines in her mind how she will look in a certain blouse and skirt or dress and scarf. This is an act of visual-figurative thinking.Also, a new image is obtained with the help of transformations: considering a flower bed with one plant, you can imagine how it will look with a decorative stone or many different plants.

Verbal-logical thinking

It is carried out with the help of logical manipulations with concepts. Such operations are designed to find something in common between different objects and phenomena in society and our environment. Here images take a secondary place. In children, the makings of this type of thinking come at the end of the preschool period. But the main development of this type of thinking begins in early school age.

Junior school age

The child, entering school, already learns to operate with elementary concepts. The main base for operating them are:

  • worldly concepts - elementary ideas about objects and phenomena based on their own experience outside the walls of the school;
  • scientific concepts are the highest conscious and arbitrary conceptual level.

At this stage, the intellectualization of mental processes takes place.

AdolescenceDuring this period, thinking acquires a qualitatively different color - reflection. Theoretical concepts already being assessed by a teenager. In addition, such a child may be distracted from visual material, arguing logically in verbal terms. There are hypotheses.
adolescenceThinking based on abstraction, concepts and logic becomes systemic, creating an internal subjective model of the world. At this age stage, verbal-logical thinking becomes the basis of the worldview of a young person.

empirical thinking

The characteristic of the main types of thinking includes not only the three types described above. This process is also divided into empirical or theoretical and practical.

Theoretical thinking represents the knowledge of the rules, various signs, the theoretical base of the basic concepts. Here you can build hypotheses, but test them already in the plane of practice.

practical thinking

Practical thinking involves the transformation of reality, adjusting it to your goals and plans. It is limited in time, there is no opportunity to explore many options for testing various hypotheses. Therefore, for a person it opens up new possibilities for understanding the world.

Types of thinking and their characteristics depending on the tasks being solved and the properties of this process

They also share the types of thinking depending on the tasks and subjects of the implementation of the tasks. The process of cognition of reality is:

  • intuitive;
  • analytical;
  • realistic;
  • autistic;
  • egocentric;
  • productive and reproductive.

Each person has all these types to a greater or lesser extent.

Thinking it is the process of reflecting essential connections and relationships, objects and phenomena.

Main types of thinking:

A type of thinking based on the direct perception of objects, a real transformation in the process of actions with objects.

Visual-figurative thinking- a type of thinking characterized by reliance on representations and images; the functions of figurative thinking are associated with the representation of situations and changes in them that a person wants to receive as a result of his activity that transforms the situation. A very important feature of figurative thinking is the formation of unusual, incredible combinations of objects and their properties.

Verbal-logical thinking- a kind of thinking, carried out with the help of logical operations with concepts.

Creative thinking- this is thinking, the result of which is the discovery of a fundamentally new or improved solution to a particular problem.

I. Kalmykova highlights:

reproductive thinking- this is a type of thinking that provides a solution to a problem, based on the reproduction of already known to man ways. The new task is correlated with the already known solution scheme.

Productive Thinking- this is thinking, in which the intellectual abilities of a person are fully manifested, his creative potential. Creative possibilities are expressed in the rapid pace of assimilation of knowledge, in the breadth of their transfer to new conditions, in their independent operation.

Forms of thinking:

In psychological science, the following logical forms of thinking are distinguished: concept; judgment; inference.

concept is a reflection in the mind of a person of general and essential

properties of an object or phenomenon.

Judgment- the main form of thinking, in the process of which the connections between objects and phenomena of reality are affirmed or denied.

inference is an inference from one or more propositions

new judgment.

An example on the forms of thinking:

1. All criminals must be punished.

2. Some people are criminals.

3. Some people should be punished.

29. Operations of thinking:

Thinking - this is the purposeful use, development and increment of knowledge, and in a more general sense - the mental process of reflecting reality. Understanding plays an important role in thinking.

Types of thinking:

Visual Action Thinking - the ability to solve practical problems, operating with the necessary subjects for this. Often this kind of thinking is called the lowest, elementary. It is found in the behavior of children or animals. However, studies show that visual-effective thinking is also characteristic of many types of professional activity. With its help, inventors, surgeons, leaders, commanders solve rather complex problems.

Visual-figurative thinking . This type of thinking is based on the resolution of a problem situation with the help of an image of an object reproduced from memory or in the imagination.

Integrated thinking based on generalizations. It is peculiar to children or peoples who are at the primitive stage of development. With complex thinking, the same object or phenomenon can be included in a variety of complexes.

practical thinking done in the course of practice. Unlike theoretical thinking, aimed at solving abstract problems, practical thinking is associated with solving practical issues and is based on the generalization of practical experience.

In psychology, the following operations of thinking are distinguished:

Comparison- this is a comparison of objects and phenomena with integers to find similarities and differences between them. Comparison can be aimed either at establishing the similarity of objects, or at establishing differences, or both at the same time.

Analysis- this is a mental division of an object or phenomenon into its constituent parts, the allocation of elements, features and properties in it.

Synthesis- this is a mental connection of individual elements, parts and features into a single whole.

Abstraction. Abstraction is the mental selection of essential properties and features of objects or phenomena while simultaneously abstracting from non-essential features and properties. Example: air, glass, water, we single out in them a common feature - transparency and we can think about transparency in general; observing the movement of celestial bodies, machines of people, animals, we single out a common feature - movement and think of movement in general as an independent object.

Generalizations- mental association of objects and phenomena into groups according to those common and essential features that stand out in the process of abstraction. Generalization usually manifests itself in conclusions, definitions, rules, classification.

Specification- this is a mental transition from the general to the individual, which corresponds to this general. To concretize means to give an example, an illustration, a specific fact that confirms a general theoretical position, a rule, a law.

"How strange dreams look when they become reality"

One of the facets of figurative thinking is sensory knowledge or, in the language of parapsychologists, empathic perception*. The criterion for a person to return to figurative thinking is the ability to think by the method of insight. This is a method of mental immersion in the problem, in which the answer comes instantly, like an insight. He just comes shoots from the subconscious. Arises internal state joy - that's it, now everything is clear. The answer comes by itself. For example, the same Mendeleev opened the table of elements in exactly this way. What about people who can instantly multiply any number? In such cases, imaginative thinking works, which is usually accompanied by a feeling of emotional intensity. A person internally does some work, he plunges into the problem, and then shoots out the answer. It is also called the immersion method.

/*Empathic understanding is not the result of intellectual effort. Many experts consider empathy to be an innate property that is genetically determined. The life experience of the individual can only strengthen or weaken it. Empathy Depends on Availability and Wealth life experience, accuracy of perception, the ability to tune in, listening to the interlocutor, on the same emotional wave with him./

It turns out that a person who reveals imaginative thinking in himself begins to solve the tasks assigned to him in a different way. Problem-solving mechanisms can also evolve or degrade as a person grows or declines.

Older people probably remember that at school they did not memorize the addition table. They understood the principle of how to put them together. Now in schools they teach not only multiplication tables, but also addition tables. They just memorize ready-made answers. Of course, this is a sign of degradation.

And further, linguists are well aware that English language completely empty. It does not cause images in the mind of a person. It is sometimes called artificial or sign language. It's just a reflection of the material in a sound that comes from nowhere, where the sound is far from what it reflects. Let's take the sound meaning of eating, in Russian: food, food, grub, havchik, zhor, there are others sound designations this process. And in English? One word food. Or: I love you, I love you, yes I love you! And in English: I love you . Everything, nothing else and nothing else. Only a sign, no figurative-temporal fullness.

Therefore, honest scientists from Israel directly stated that the Russian language develops not only the left hemisphere of the brain, but also the right one. Because it creates images, and other European languages ​​\u200b\u200bare not capable of this.

The most backward of the European languages ​​is English. The only thing he is able to develop is memory and the left hemisphere of the brain. This is the answer why the most primitive of European languages ​​is being so rapidly imposed on the whole world. But this is so, speaking of linguistics.

Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that our ancestors had more mechanisms for solving the tasks. Let's say a person was looking for an answer to a question. He plunged into the matter. In fact, he combined two images: the image of himself at the moment, and the image of the situation in which he found himself. And then, synthesizing these two images on a sensual level, the answer of the most optimal solution came to him by the method of insight. Or a person was engaged in choosing the right action from a fan of possible solutions. He took image of oneself, image of the situation and further image of a possible solution. Having synthesized these three images, he received the answer of what it would lead to. That is, what will happen if a person makes such a choice. And now many people do this, especially those who are not so strongly developed in the left hemisphere (structural-logical thinking, abstract) in comparison with the right hemisphere (sensory-emotional, intuitive, connection with the information field of the Universe). There is a reading in the way of modeling events, in the way of choosing the vector of further movement.

It is worth noting that the left hemisphere and right hemisphere work are not opposed to each other at all. A common judgment says that the left hemisphere is responsible for structural-logical thinking, for logical-mathematical analysis, and right hemisphere for the figurative-sensual.

*The modern education system claims to be aimed at hypertrophy of the left hemisphere and at the same time somehow limit the right hemisphere. But we see that for modern people elementary logical constructions are no longer available.

Figurative work is activated when both hemispheres are in harmony in a person. We see trinity again. And it's easy enough to justify it. How is the immersion method enabled? We begin to think and look for logical relationships with the object under study. We turn on the left hemisphere. But further, in the process of this work, there is a certain attunement with the image of the task. And thanks to this attunement, our right hemisphere is activated. We begin to feel this image at the level of extrasensory perception empathy. Logic still works, but at the same time we are already looking for an answer, feeling the task. That's when the mental image of the answer shoots.

Another way of figurative thinking, but of a lower order, is colloquial speech.

Have you ever wondered how words appear in your head? By and large, they arise spontaneously. We form in our head the image of the thought that we want to convey, and it pours out in the form of a sentence. If we thought about every word, we would not be able to speak so quickly. As soon as we begin to choose words, speech becomes interrupted. On this basis, science was born, studying the psychology of a person by his speech. Or, for example, an image of a zebra appears in the head, and we immediately understand that this is a striped artiodactyl. If the word is unknown, nothing arises. We can say that this is memory, but not a single modern computer can so quickly pick up the description that, like an insight, arises in our head. And where can all this fit in? We are not looking for an answer, we get it right away. Think about it.

A simple exercise will help you understand which hemisphere you have developed more. Fold, without hesitation, your fingers into the lock. Depending on which finger of which hand is on top, then the opposite hemisphere is more developed in you. If the finger of the left hand is on top, then the right hemisphere is more developed.
Now fold your fingers so that the finger of the other hand is on top. The more inconvenient this procedure is for you, the greater the difference in the development of the cerebral hemispheres. In this case, you need to pull the lagging hemisphere to the more developed one, and not vice versa.

Harmonious development of both hemispheres is important. That is why in the old days people knew how to write with both hands, and warriors knew how to fight with two swords at once. If your child is left handed do not rush to retrain him to right-handedness. It's much more important to just teach him how to write or how to hold a hammer. right hand as well as the left. Then you will get a harmonious personality, and not a person with suppressed intuition.

One of the tasks that the ancient priests were able to do was the ability to simultaneously write texts on two topics with both hands in two notebooks. This is what was reflected in the legends about Caesar in that he was able to simultaneously solve several problems. Hence the Vedic notion of the twice-born.

Yes, and a man and a woman, in fact, are halves of something united, although located on a different plane of the universe. Everything is in the image and likeness, as above, so below.

Therefore, figurative thinking is thinking by the method of insight.. Usually immersion occurs through the left hemisphere. We comprehend, think, try to logically identify patterns. Further, through concentration, the right hemisphere is activated, the person begins to feel the task. And when they align, insight occurs, a ready mental image of the answer is fired, which we simply read. This can be compared with the initial letter Izhei, with the image of the stream. The person enters, as it were, into a stream. A stream appears between the hemispheres, which is read by the mind. Entering the flow is a consequence and a pleasant side effect of equalizing the proportional ratio of activation of the cerebral hemispheres. Now it is clear why consciousness is compared with the flow, and life with movement?

When we work with syllables in a drop cap, what happens? We take a syllable, there is one initial letter with its own image, there is another with its own image. Then begins the logical work of immersion in the synthesis of these two images, and their sensual awareness. We take two particulars and give out a synthesized mental image of the general. In other words, we take a step with the left hemisphere, then a step with the right, we align and the stream of the general mental image shoots out. In fact, we are engaged in reconciliation, as opposed to development, synthesis as opposed to analysis.

And further. Figurative thinking includes the process of unzipping compressed information from the energy-informational field of Navi, (Noosphere) and images are the keys or principles for extracting information from the past experience of the universe. This experience is called the Akashic Records and the Navi energy-informational field.

The path of development is necessary in order to find the unique, the unrepeatable in something in common. And the path of reconciliation is necessary in order to find something in common in unique things. In other words, self-improvement occurs through the knowledge of the unknown in oneself. Now think about what the essence of figurative "opposition" of Belobog and Chernobog.


Let's look at one example of the feedback between imaginative thinking and mathematics. We mentioned when describing the initial letter that one facet of the image of the initial letter I (Izhei) is identical to the strength of the current. Essentially a force vector. In addition, we know that I \u003d U / R, where, U is the voltage, the electron aspiration vector, the force per unit of space, R is the resistance or inertia, equal to the mass per unit of time, I - current strength, the number of electrons per unit of time.

What initial letter can be correlated with aspiration and approaching the goal? The initial letter Uk, the limit of which is the initial letter Ouk. Now we remember - to turn on the flow, what needs to be stopped, what resists this? That's right, thought thinking process our brain. We get the initial letter Thought. What have we come to? I=U/M. And if we substitute the numerical values ​​of the initial letters, we get: 10=400/40. Coincidence? Well, let's find the power - Р=U·I or У·I=҂Д (4000) - strengthening the flow of wills generates an action of a higher order. And the flow itself can be obtained by strengthening the being (Is) with knowledge (Vdi) - I=В·Е.

Of course, the logician will say: I \u003d M / D, I \u003d C / K, I \u003d F / N, etc., etc. Let's remember what division by x "Aryan arithmetic means: the ratio of spheres of influence or the ratio of that "What is above to what is below. And in this case, this relationship generates a flow. Then M / D - the ratio of thoughts and deeds generates a stream of divine light. S / K - the ratio of voiced thoughts and the connection (filling) of several systems (volume) again generates a force vector F/N is the ratio of the significance of the essence and the embodied image All the results of these arithmetic operations generate different kinds movement.

If you are still in doubt, you can go even further, arguing that when dealing with electric current, we are, in fact, dealing with the mechanical aspects of electricity and magnetism, and the phenomenon of current can be described by the same mathematical equations that apply to ordinary movement. in space. T e come to the equation v=s/t, where v is speed, s is space, t is time. The law of similarity in action.

It is appropriate here to quote the well-known alternative physics Bruce DePalma:

“Time, as a manifestation of a deeper and more basic force, is what concerns us. The point of contact - the inertia of objects is related to the energy of time flowing through them.

Remembering quantum theory and by equating space and time to one, we can come to the unit of speed of reading the flow of insight in the material world. What do you think it equals? Consciousness is the flow, the flow is electricity, electric current is the speed of nerve impulses, nerve impulses It is the basis of how the brain works. What is their basis? Light! Therefore, the natural unit of speed in the Explicit or material world is equal to the speed of light, i.e. 2.9989 x 1010 cm/sec. Rounding up, we get 3 (Verbs) - movement, expiration, direction, transfer of knowledge from the source. Although without rounding - quite an interesting number. And through the frequency of light we go to physical quantities units of space and time.

The magnitude of the current is measured by the number of electrons (units of space) per unit of time. A unit of space per unit of time is the definition of speed, so electric current is speed, i.e. movement. From a mathematical point of view, it does not matter whether the mass moves in space or whether space moves in the mass. It remains only to understand what kind of movement is at the base. Think about it in terms and images of the evolution and development of the Universe.

Understanding all this purely logically is a waste of time. It can only be felt. This is the whole essence of imaginative thinking.

Do not litter, children, speak Native, with the verb and adverbs of a foreign language.
In the hearts only the words Native ones live, and other voices are dead for the Soul.

Some exciting photo-pictures:

This is a real friend!

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