Examples from the life of case people. Life in constant fear, or who the case people are. From a psychological point of view

“Case” life is something that can never exhaust itself, a problem that will exist as long as people exist. It would exhaust itself only if people were all the same, with the same character traits, thoughts, worldview, and so on, but we are all different, and many more create their own “case” for themselves, considering it correct and necessary. In truth, it seems to me that we all have imaginary cases, each person creates certain boundaries and requirements for himself, everyone is afraid of something and because of this imaginary fear tries to protect himself from something, all of us, unfortunately , we have boundaries.

For some, this limitation manifests itself less, and for others, more; again, it depends on the person. It is impossible to live completely without a case and I don’t see a problem with this when it doesn’t cross the line, for example, as in Chekhov’s story “The Man in a Case.” Belikov was no longer a man, but some kind of creature who had created for himself huge castles of illusions, who was afraid of every rustle, he was afraid even when there was no danger, his whole life was in excitement and fear of external life, it seemed that life for him was torture, he simply suffered, suffered, but did not live. Such people are already a lost case, their “case” is already a part of themselves and no matter what happens around them, they will always be inside it, they have no place among living people, because all life is always a nuisance waiting for you on the corner, both mental and material, and all the time you have to go through this, control yourself with all your might and not let yourself go completely crazy, and death in this case is some kind of beautiful creature that frees you from pain and takes away with myself, realizing that this could not go on any longer. But the worst thing is that everything is not over yet and a person could get rid of his case, he still has a chance, his shell is essentially nothing terrible and he just needs someone to bring this person to his senses and help him escape , but this does not happen, as in Chekhov’s story “Gooseberry”. Almost no one cares about this person, no one will even think of saving him, but in its own illusions and limitations the human soul perishes, making the walls of its prison thicker and thicker. And there will be enough examples on this matter, how many people - so many cases.

IN modern life even more limited people than it seems. Most often this happens because of people, their indifference, heartlessness and inner malice. They do not think at all about the feelings of strangers and even loved one, simply throwing away all his emotions towards him as unnecessary garbage if it is not in his best interest. And the other person who was treated this way can simply withdraw into himself, afraid to experience any warm feelings towards someone, avoiding repeat bad experience, even if the opposite person is mutual towards him, depriving himself of joy. In general, feelings are what causes most cases to be created in our time. Along with feelings, there is also a simple fear of the outside world, as Belikov did; practically nothing has changed since then. Human consciousness has remained the same and is unlikely to ever change, spiritual themes are relevant and always the same, apart from some slight changes, people always remain people, no matter what.

Updated: 2015-01-21

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Who are the case people? They surround us everywhere, but few people realize that they can be characterized by such an interesting term. Because not everyone has read the famous story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, which was called “The Man in a Case.” It was this Russian prose writer-playwright who first in history proposed this type of personality. However, first things first.

Visual image

Anyone who is familiar with him knows how rich the world of his works is on human types. Who doesn’t appear in his stories! And conscientious individuals, not satisfied with social laws and with themselves, and narrow-minded ordinary people, and noble dreamers, and opportunistic officials. And images of “case” people also appear. In particular, in the story mentioned above.

The plot of “The Man in a Case” centers on a high school teacher named Belikov. Teaching Greek- has long ceased to be needed by anyone. He's very strange. Even if it’s sunny outside, he puts on galoshes, a warm cotton coat with a high collar and takes an umbrella. A mandatory “accessory” is dark glasses. He always stuffs his ears with cotton. He drives a cab, with the top always up. Belikov also keeps everything in cases - an umbrella, a watch, and even a penknife.

But this is just an image. It would seem that the description only says that the person is neat and prudent, maybe even a little pedantic. But it’s not without reason that they say that external manifestations reflect internal state person. And this is true.

Personal characteristics

Examples of “case” people encountered in life are reflected in Belikov. He is a mixture of sociopath, paranoid and introvert. He is afraid of all living things. His is: “No matter what happens.” He treats everything that surrounds him with caution and fear. Belikov is not able to think freely, since each of his ideas is in a “case”.

And it would be okay if he was like that in society. But even at home he behaves the same way! He dresses in a long robe and cap, closes the shutters on the windows tightly, snapping the latches. His bed has a canopy, and when Belikov lies down in it, he covers his head with a blanket.

Naturally, he observes all fasts and does not have female servants - fearing that others will suspect him of having relationships with them. Belikov is a real hermit. Which, in literally words, afraid to live.


Naturally, such a lifestyle that Belikov leads cannot but affect anything. Who are the case people? These are real hermits who believe that they live quite normally, unlike others. This is also manifested in Chekhov's hero.

At one point he meets Varenka, a girl who is the sister of a new geography and history teacher. She shows an unexpected interest in Belikov. Whom society begins to persuade to marry her. He agrees, despite the fact that thoughts of marriage depress and worry him. Belikov loses weight, turns pale, becomes even more nervous and fearful. And the first thing that worries him the most is the lifestyle of the “bride”.

Who are the case people? Those who cannot understand others due to their detachment. Varenka loves to ride a bike with her brother. And Belikov is sure that this quite common hobby is not normal! Because it is not appropriate for someone who teaches history to young people to ride a bicycle. And the woman on this vehicle and it looks completely indecent. Belikov did not hesitate to express his thoughts to Varenka’s brother, who cannot stand him. And he threatened to report his hobby to the director of the gymnasium. In response, Varenka’s brother pulled Belikov down the stairs. What's the result? Belikov falls ill - from stress, he is haunted by the thought that someone will find out about his shame. And a month later he dies. This is the end.

Main idea

Well, who these case people are - you can understand from Belikov’s example. And, in principle, Chekhov wanted to convey a simple idea. The prose writer tried to convey to readers that a life “closed” from society only cripples the human soul. You can't be outside the rest. We are all members of a single society. Everything that a person has messed up for himself, set up, only fences him off from life. From a reality filled with colors. And this is true. Spiritual wretchedness only limits human existence. This is what Chekhov is thinking about in this story.


A person of the 21st century who has read Chekhov knows what kind of people are called case people. And he is able to recognize them among the rest. Nowadays they are called introverts. These are people whose mental makeup is characterized by contemplation, isolation and concentration on their own inner world. They are not inclined to communicate with other people - it is difficult for them to establish contact with anyone.

However, to understand the essence of this term, it is enough to turn to etymology. "Introvert" is a word derived from the German introvertiert. Which literally translates as “turned inward.”

How do you understand the term “case man”?

When the word case touches our ears, we immediately imagine a tightly closed object, where there is not a single crack for air to penetrate, such a feeling arises that it is impossible to exist in it, but, surprisingly, there lies an amazing violin inside. And it’s good and convenient for her to be there, because everything was created for her convenience. Likewise, it is convenient for the “case man” to exist in his limited world from anyone or anything. And the person in the box appears to us as a person who is closing himself off from life and experiences for reasons known only to him, which is why he so carefully pushes himself into the box. But, I wonder, on what principle does Chekhov send a person into a case?

In Chekhov, a “case man” can depict a person like Belikov, chained to rules, and Alekhine, afraid of love, and Chimsha-Himalayan, dependent on his dream. All these characters are depicted in Chekhov's stories. Chekhov defines the characteristics of a “case man” by considering the inner world and external features of the hero.

Will a person who lives by the rules be a “man in a case”? A person who lives by norms does not accept anything new into his life. If he decides that he needs to wear only a black cloak, then he will not accept any other color. And if you meet a person in a bright cloak, for him it will be disgusting and indecent. Such a person is Chekhov's Belikov, who believes that everything should have a neat and disciplined form. The form in which he himself lives. But his punctual nature closes himself off from the world, as he sees misunderstanding on the part of people. His entire appearance has a protective look, these are glasses that cover the mirror of a person’s soul, and an umbrella that protects from the world, and a black cloak that does not attract attention. And Belikov is comfortable in his shell, and he doesn’t even think about getting out of it.

The image of Belikov can be contrasted with the image of Chekhov’s character Alekhine, a sociable, cheerful person, but he is also a “case man” because he loves a married woman and is afraid to change his life. If a person is afraid to do something to change his life, afraid to take risks, afraid of the future, then life is unlikely to change by itself. And this fear, and this timidity of a person frames him, he begins to live in a case where everything goes in circles. And only after saying goodbye to his beloved, Alekhine realized that everything that he was afraid of looked ridiculous, and he just had to step over his fear.

I would also like to add Darling to the “case man”. But her case is not like the others, it is unusual, it can be both open and closed. There are people to whom you need to give your affection and tenderness. They need to love, but when they don’t love, they close in on themselves. Such a person is Darling. She is open when she shares her warmth, but closed when she has no one to give her care to.

Using the examples of Chekhov, we saw what “case people” are like. And now, before ours modern world they have arrived, and we meet them every day. And is it possible that we ourselves relate to them in some way?

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- a writer who was very observant in his time. This quality of his made it possible to identify all human vices that the author revealed in his works. So in his stories the writer touched on philosophical and moral problems, among which are the problems of the case of social life. Chekhov revealed these questions in his works About Love, Gooseberry, as well as in the story The Man in a Case, which we will write about today.

Chekhov's trilogy Man in a Case is one of his famous works, which reveals the narrowness human soul. Here the author denounces the desire to subordinate one’s life to established laws, some norms and rules. At the same time, we see that people living in a case do not even notice how their life flies in vain, considering their life in a case to be ideal.

What is case life and what does the writer mean by the concept of case life? As for me, caseness is the internal slavery of the human soul. This is submission to restrictions, adherence to rules that do not allow human feelings to open up, which do not provide the opportunity to spiritually develop and enrich themselves. This is compliance with rules and laws that interfere with freedom of personal relationships. Caseiness is closure. Belikov is exactly such a person - main character Chekhov's story. Already in his appearance we see all his unusualness, because he, like in that case, tries to hide all the time. He constantly wears glasses, an umbrella, a coat, as if hiding from the world, while all his objects, including watches, glasses, the same umbrella, are also in their cases and covers.

This is a person who cannot accept reality in any way, and here the problem of the fragility of life can be argued, because Belikov constantly praises the past, he constantly praises what has never happened and will never happen. He is afraid of the present.

The problem of the case of life

The hero of the story obeys the rules, he understands only those articles that are published in newspapers where there are prohibitions, he does not accept other information, especially if there are any permissions there. What’s worst is that the character has not only driven himself into a framework, he is also trying to influence those around him, trying to subordinate them to his rules.

Belikov is tense, his inner world is full of fears, he is not sure. All this prevents Belikov from living fully and enjoying all the delights of life. It is very difficult to live for people like Belikov, who takes any difficulty in life painfully. Such people are not happy. By driving themselves into boundaries, they destroy themselves morally.

The hero of the story dies, unable to withstand moral humiliation in the eyes of his beloved, dies from internal fear of something new. He left for another world because he was tired of life with its threats and constant worries about the correctness of actions. Only in the coffin did his facial features acquire a certain cheerful expression and he found peace. As Chekhov writes, the hero was glad to be in a case in which he would remain forever.

N.A. Dobrolyubov once said: “A person who has not suffered and made no mistakes will never be able to know true happiness.” But there are people who simply cannot accept unexpected events. This is who the “case people” are and we will talk about them.


Surely every person has met a man in a case at least once in his life. Some people met him in Chekhov's stories, and others had to deal with such a character in real life. How can you characterize this type of people? The first thing they evoke when meeting is a feeling of pity and a desire to help.

Who are the “case people”? These are the ones who are afraid of rules, reality and mistakes. It is very difficult for them to make a choice, even when it comes to the most simple things. Such people are always afraid that “something might happen.” A person in a case is constantly worried about the opinions of others, and this does not give him the opportunity to fully develop. His days are empty and lifeless, he does not enjoy walking, reading books or socializing. Such people constantly adhere to standards, thereby driving themselves into narrow boundaries, due to which the beauty of the world is not visible.

From a psychological point of view

In literature, the man in the case was Belikov, the main character of Chekhov's story of the same name. But in real life, this epithet is usually used to describe people with an asthenic psychotype of personality. Psychologists label such people as overly susceptible. They perfectly understand and feel the experiences of others, so they easily make new acquaintances and gain trust. But life is not always easy for representatives of this psychotype. Their main emotion is anxiety.

Such people worry about all aspects of life, reacting sharply to any changes. If something goes wrong in the morning, then the whole day will go down the drain, or even the whole week. If anything goes beyond the ordinary, this is already a good reason to feel panic. Naturally, every person is prone to anxiety, but usually such feelings are associated with specific events.

Childhood of a man in a case

Who are the “case people”? These are those who were already born with a feeling of increased anxiety. Asthenic children are very afraid of strangers, spiders, bugs, the dark and many other things. They often hide behind their parents. These children are characterized by thoughts of the following content:

  1. “Suddenly the bed I sleep on breaks.”
  2. “What happens if the ceiling falls?”
  3. “What if the doors of the room don’t open, and I’ll never be able to leave,” etc.

Such children spend more time surrounded by adults or those who are older. The behavior of their peers often frightens them, because noisy peers can hit, take away a toy, or push them. However, despite all this, asthenic children are active and sociable, but only with those people they are used to. Over time, they learn to control their anxiety, that is, they do not show external concern, although in their hearts they are very worried about trifles.

Causes of anxiety

Psychologists assure that “case people” quickly become exhausted. nervous system. It is very important for such a person to get enough sleep, eat on time, and not overwork. Otherwise, he will immediately become lethargic. Tense is contraindicated for such people, long term work. They may get tired of communicating with strangers, and they also cannot wait long, that’s who the “case people” are.

Because something goes wrong, an asthenic person is tired or has to wait a very long time for something, he may become irritable. Such people are characterized by sudden outbursts of anger, and this is what makes “case people” dangerous to society. Their behavior has a destructive impact on society, introducing misunderstandings into human relationships. Physically, the man in the case cannot cause any damage to others, but his strange behavior remains incomprehensible. These people live in their own little world, which is why they arouse suspicion among others.

A Question of Happiness

Every person has the right to life, even those who live in a case. But are the “case people” happy? More likely no than yes. Such people have very low self-esteem, and they can easily sacrifice their lives to someone. Constant feeling anxiety hides all the colors of life. This can hardly be called happiness.

It's difficult to change your character type, but you don't have to stop working on yourself. You need to learn to be independent of the opinions of others and begin to embody the smallest and most insignificant desires. The world is beautiful, despite everything, but if you are afraid of everything that surrounds you, then it will be impossible to notice it. A person in a case needs to learn to express his emotions, defend his opinion and say a firm “no”.

It doesn’t matter how many failures and defeats there were. A person and his life are priceless, so you need to be a little more proud of yourself. Mistakes are not chains that prevent you from moving forward, they are just another step on the path of life. Each of us lives for the first time, and no one knows for sure how to do the right thing. So mistakes are normal, and in some cases even good.

Life cannot be predicted, but you cannot take everything for granted. You have to fight for happiness. Of course, in words everything seems simple, but until you try, you won’t know.

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