Rosalind McKnight space travel read. Rosalind McKnight's version of the future. WTO Studies with Robert Monroe

Here you can read the most interesting experiences exits from the body conducted at the Institute for the Scientific Study of the Phenomenon of Out-of-Body Travel, by his student and colleague Rosalind McKnight.
For you to better understand how these experiments took place, for this I will briefly tell you how they were carried out.

Robert Monroe is a person who was chosen by the Beings of higher dimensions in order to implement the method given to him by these Beings, using special sound effects to immerse a person in a state where his consciousness can travel independently of the physical body (you can download his books in ). In other words, he had to technically implement everything on the earthly level, so that other people could experience such an experience. Therefore, a whole Institute of Out-of-Body Travel was opened with the scientific study of this phenomenon. Of course, the phenomenon was studied on volunteers who were located in cabins isolated from the outside world, on soft and comfortable water mattresses, who put on headphones and listened to special sounds called binaural. Rosalind McKnight was one such volunteer. Which most vividly described everything that happened to her after separation from the body and how she was carefully guided and taught by the Beings of Light, her assistants. These are amazing experiences where Rosalind tells what she was taught and shown, and what you can read now too.

At the Monroe Institute, there was a double communication from the booth. Those. the subject, who was introduced to the desired state, heard what the presenter (i.e., Monroe himself) said to him, and he himself could speak, what was happening to him, and all these dialogues were recorded. Therefore, what you are about to read is not a restoration of events from memory, it is a transcript of Rosalind's record as it is, i.e. her record of experience directly at the time of her out-of-body travel. So, the journey that you will now take with Rosalind McKnight begins ...

I prepared to lie down. The technician asked me to take off my shoes to attach the electrodes to the toes of my left foot. He did the same with the middle finger of his left hand. Then he put the electrodes behind my ears. The laboratory assistant put the headphones on and asked me to lie on the water mattress. Strengthened the microphone against my lips.
Despite all the fears and the equipment attached to my body, I still managed to relax. The technician left, closing the door behind him and leaving me alone in the pitch darkness of the quiet room.
I lay and not without anxiety waited for what would happen next. Robert Monroe's voice was heard in the right earpiece:
- Now you hear me with your right ear. If the sound goes to the left ear, then swap the headphones, please.
My headphones were fine.
Every minute I relaxed more and more, and at some moment I heard the soft sound of the ocean surf - right in my head the ocean waves hit the shore and rolled back. A very unusual, previously completely unfamiliar feeling.
Gradually, the energy movement subsided, and I plunged into a state of deep calm. The soothing voice of Robert Monroe and the intoxicating sounds worked on my nervous system something incredible...

The very first out-of-body experience

I relaxed, it seems to me that I am somewhere else, not here. I'm very comfortable. Coolness all around. Two beings are holding my hands. They support me, help me feel confident and talk to me. They are going to take me to some level, on the way I will pass through a dark zone. They seemed to blindfold me and say without words that when I get to that level, it will become much brighter. While I make my way down this path, I must wear a bandage. Now I seem to float, softly bouncing on a cloud.
(Here my new "bright friends", without letting go of my immaterial hands, carried me away from my physical body. I realized that in fact they help me get out of the body, and then they will lead me to their level, into such a dimension, about existence which I didn’t even know when I was conscious.)
They say they would like to take me out of my body and take me to another level. They would also like to use this channel for feedback.
They would like to help me work on getting out of my body and coming back until I feel more comfortable. Their attention is focused on the physical side of such an exit / entry and they advise me to do breathing exercises - to take deep breaths in / out that will make the task easier.
Then an amazing thing happened. I did not perceive the description of the exercises I needed as explanations of the light beings - I just began to feel these exercises. Human breathing, the whole process of breathing, seemed to be tightly connected with the transition between material and non-material dimensions. Then I realized that my "light body" hangs directly above the physical body. The strangest thing was that some third dimension of my being was observing the other two of my bodies, with which all this happened!

I was told to form an "energy cocoon" around my physical body using breathing exercises. I had to imagine myself inside a very large ball and feel that my physical body is floating freely in the middle of this ball. The beings then told me to listen to myself and feel energy envelop my physical body with each inhalation and exhalation. The energy cocoon had to be created with the energy of my own breath. As soon as I start breathing like this, I will feel myself floating gently inside my energy cocoon.
Now I knew that through a whole series of classes, they wanted to help me get to different levels. The levels of what - I did not know. I just had to step step by step and follow their prompts.
On these travels, the most important thing for me was trust and the sudden disappearance of fear. Deep down, I understood that these studies were very important and that my ability to transmit my experiences to the earthly level was the most important part my task. For myself, I firmly understood: these classes help me to develop, because thanks to them I get to new levels of awareness.
Suddenly my light friends said it was time to go back. My first journey came to an end and they asked me to return to the physical level of reality.

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Rosalind A. McKnight has studied the vast non-physical dimensions of consciousness. Rosalind has always had an inquisitive mind and a penchant for research. As she says, thanks to her parents Tim and Esther Buck, she has been a travel freak since childhood. There were eight brothers and sisters in her family, but this did not stop her parents from knocking out for half a month every year ...

short biography

Rosalind A. McKnight has studied the vast non-physical dimensions of consciousness. Rosalind has always had an inquisitive mind and a penchant for research. As she says, thanks to her parents Tim and Esther Buck, she has been a travel freak since childhood. There were eight brothers and sisters in her family, but this did not prevent her parents from going out with their children to some secluded corner of the country for half a month every year. After high school, she graduated from Dayton, Ohio, College of Administration, then volunteered for an organization that sent her to Switzerland and Germany, and then her travels led her to discover the inner powers of the mind. Rosalind graduated from Manchester College in Indiana with a major in Sociology and Peace Sciences. She took up fact-finding youth and traveled around Ohio for four years, working with youth from fifty-two churches. Feeling the need for further education, she entered the New York United Theological Seminary, where she received her doctorate in theology. For two years she worked as a consultant at the Sloane House YMCA (New York), then moved to Virginia, where she met Robert Monroe. This acquaintance brought her to new level Research: Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute, has been studying and researching practical methods for accelerated learning through expanded states of consciousness. One of the results of his work was a methodology and technique in which relaxation and sleep were important. This technique employs a system of sound rhythms that evoke a Response to a Guiding Frequency in the human brain. Thanks to this technique, the average person can be in special stages of sleep at any depth and for as long as desired. The Institute has also developed a way to use these methods and techniques in the form of "stereophonic rhythms" that cause synchronization of the activity of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain. The resulting unique state of coordination of the hemispheres of the brain is called "synchronization of the activity of the hemispheres," or Hemi-Sync. Experiments with different sound waves an important gateway to a new understanding and application of human thought was opened. Rosalind, being an inquisitive and fearless man, became one of Bob's scouts in 1972; she worked in his laboratory for eleven years, leading an extensive research work so the book is based on practical material and personal experience of the author. Rosalind founded and headed the Institute for Creative Life, which funded conferences and seminars on various aspects personal growth held in different cities Virginia. In addition, in her usual exploratory style, Rosalind has organized tours to the UK, Europe and Central America.

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Rosalind McKnight, one of the Monroe Institute's most successful out-of-body travel researchers, was able to infiltrate during research practices not only in different realities, but also to visit the past and future of our civilization during the lifetime of Robert Monroe himself. Rather, one of the probable versions of our multivariate future in 3000. At the same time, some of the information received applies to our time.

This is how she describes this version of the future in her book Space Travel:

“The surface of the Earth has changed. Humanity needed to expand the habitat, and it expanded mainly outward, beyond the Earth. Much has changed on the Earth itself and in its vicinity.

There is active movement here - and a developed communication system. The Earth has expanded the levels of communications. People fly in spaceships of various shapes - it seems that ships are moored to these various platforms. Some of them seem to be intended for passengers in transit to different parts of the universe. The physical appearance of people has changed, and the figure has also changed. In general, people have gotten taller.

From this point, the territory of the United States does not look as wide as it used to be. Something must have changed dramatically on Earth. New lands appeared in the ocean - as if part of the land had gone under water, and another part appeared. Everything has changed so much that it is difficult to recognize the familiar outlines.

Something is happening in the ocean too. Here and there you can see structures protruding from the water. They tell me that these are ventilation pipes of underwater cities.

The climate is also different. The location of the warm and cold zones has changed. As if the North and South Poles moved somewhere.

It seems that instead of cars, there are small round units with a glass top. I see a family in one of them. It looks like the propulsion device for this device is somewhere below. Special platforms were also built on the water, where vehicle can sit down and from where it can dive under water. This mode of transport is clearly capable of moving under water as well as by air and by land. The family I just saw sank to the water, splashed down and disappeared.

I see a lot different people... I am told that there was a contact with aliens - and the Earth became a universal center, in which representatives of many civilizations mixed. We have traveled only on Earth, and for them traveling around the universe has become almost a daily activity. I mentioned that people are taller. I am told that this applies only to a part of the people. In spaceships, people are completely different, similar to creatures from outer space.

Now they tell me that at a certain period in the history of planet Earth, forms of very negative vibrations arose. Then, in early XXI century, a period of gradual changes began, it lasted about two hundred years. It was then that help came from beings from other regions of the Universe - this is how countries help each other if necessary.

These extraterrestrial assistants have watched and worked with us on many communication levels for centuries. It was with them that I had the privilege of meeting briefly several times during my previous sessions. They were able to come and develop a communication model to help and indicate the ways in which the Earth's powers could be restored. The people of the Earth were ready, prepared for this leap to a new stage of development.

I see a thin line. I don't know what it means, but it seems to start at the end of the 20th century. Something like a counter shows that at that time, on the eve of 2000, events uncharacteristic for the Earth began to occur. The similarity of an arrow indicates the speed of vibrations, the speed of change. Change accelerated in the early 21st century. Then they slowed down for half a century. Then there were many small changes - they happened quite gradually; people were aware of what was happening, but everything was not so dramatic.

At the beginning of the 21st century, great changes took place on Earth, followed by changes of a smaller scale. In the entire universe, there have been several important events... The poles have shifted. It seems that in one of the regions of the Universe, activity has increased dramatically, and this has a direct impact on the Earth.

In fact, there was a major shift in the universe - something related to black holes - that had a direct impact on us. During twenty years of serious changes on Earth, there was a very tense situation caused by the external forces of the Universe. Land in Solar system- how Small child... She is also very strong, able to withstand a lot of stress and tension. She has to go through several more stages of development ...

The cosmic beings who came into contact first were those who had responsibility for the Earth and who diligently drew up a communication plan. We also had some knowledge and energies useful to our friends from outer space. When the channel of communication opened and work began, our entire energy system changed, as well as the way we use energy. It happened when we were able to freely leave the Earth and return to it - just by living and traveling.

But contact with the Earth was also established by such creatures from distant space, which were far from so friendly and whose intentions were far from ideal. For a time they, too, were in contact with the Earth; they kidnapped many people who were forcibly implanted with implants. But advanced aliens were also able to use these implants for communication - and, fortunately, they did so. We gained enough power over our Earth, and unfriendly strangers could not subdue us.

For about 2500 we got involved in a space war with these creatures. But it did not last long, since the forces were unequal, because our highly developed alien friends from distant space helped us. The evolved space brothers were well aware of the habits of aliens hostile to us, which they also followed for many centuries. In addition, we had flying saucers and all their space technologies.

One of the most important changes that have taken place on Earth is a change in how people use their energy. We were taught effective ways use of energies. Some people were selected for special training and transferred to spaceships. People were taught not only how to save and use the energy bestowed by the Earth, but also special methods of using the mind. Many have learned what I am doing now - wandering in all dimensions.

Earthly beings have received fundamental knowledge of how to use energy from the inner centers. There are several energy centers in the human body that can be used for special purposes - for example, to extract special knowledge and travel through different dimensions... Many journeys can be made through the mind alone. This is how cosmic beings came into initial direct contact with us - through invisible waves of the mind.

People specially trained in how to use energies returned to Earth and began to teach others. We were told that if we use the acquired knowledge for evil purposes, for the power of destruction, we will be deprived of this knowledge. We were also taught to use the special energies of light rays, through which we have created all kinds of mechanisms for everyday life and travel ...

In 3000, not everyone uses this energy - as on the present Earth, not everyone uses the same type of energy. Many people use this energy, but not everyone understands it - just as not all motorists understand the principle of operation of an internal combustion engine. Most use this energy - one way or another.

There are now many people in leadership positions with more high level development than other earthlings.

At this stage, the whole world turned into one big country... There was a period when, for the sake of survival, people of the whole earth had to work together. Some countries were completely destroyed. During this period of decline, people had to help each other and combine their energies in order to survive. Therefore, the energies used in 3000 are used by so many ...

When the Assistants had to come to Earth from other dimensions, many ancient ideas that exist in different areas and divide people have lost all attractiveness. People understood why Christ, a highly developed Essence, came to Earth many years ago. His goal was to show everyone the true essence of man.

If people begin to use their full potential, they will live at the level higher energies like Christ. This means that they will unite with the universal energy, which people call "God."

The leaders of different religious movements have reached full agreement on the understanding of the purpose of human existence: to live, on full force using your highest Divine potential.

It was after the period of decline that highly evolved beings like Christ appeared on Earth. It was then that the general understanding came that there is no being ascended high above people that we should worship - we just have the opportunity to develop into the highest Christ-like form of life. This was the meaning of the covenant left by Christ: "The works that I do, you will do more than these."

In a lower state of consciousness, people called "miracles" what now happens every day. When the Earth changed, people also had to change their limited ideas about essence and nature. A complete change of consciousness took place, and people acted from the standpoint of their internal energies. They acted according to the highest universal laws and achieved unity with all forms of life.

This happened at the stage of the destruction of previous ideas and the emergence of a need for a universal religion. This is a form of religion that presupposes the absolute consonance of man with his own being and with the surrounding universe. After a period of decline, for the sake of survival, man had to mobilize all his highest potential ...

There is no fear of death, because at this stage of earthly history, people freely travel outside the body. They travel in different ways: they still use physical vehicles for special needs, but they also travel to other dimensions through the special use of their own energies. At this stage of history, the concept of "death" does not exist, since people know: there is no death, there is only a transition to higher energy forms ...

In the year 3000, a full-fledged connection was established with all dimensions of all times. There are special laboratories in which they are specifically engaged in overcoming the barriers of time - this is what you have been doing in your laboratory for many years. V special schools and universities teach all forms of contact.

All of this is so far beyond our current understanding of communication that it is difficult to describe. People can penetrate all levels of the universe through their body, mind and spirit. People got rid of all the old barriers and restrictions that they themselves once set. "

Rosalind McKnight is one of the Scouts

Roberta - describes her incredible travels and tells us the amazing information she received from the Invisible Helpers.

My Out-Of-Body Explorations with Robert A. Monroe

UDC 159.96 BBK 88.6 М15

Translated from English by V. Kovalchuk

McKnight Rosalind

Space Travel: WTO Research

with Robert Monroe / Transl. from English -

M .: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2009. - 352 p.

ISBN 978-5-399-00013-8

Space Travel is an accurate description of the out-of-body travel sessions that Robert Monroe conducted at the Monroe Institute's research laboratory.

Rosalind McKnight, one of Robert's Scouts, describes her incredible travels and tells us the amazing information she has received from the Invisible Helpers.

UDC 159.96 BBK 88.6

Original English language edition published by Hampton Roads Publishing Company. Cosmic Journeys. My Out-Of-Body Explorations with Robert A. Monroe Copyright © 1999 by Rosalind A. McKnight. All rights reserved.

© Sofia, 2009 ISBN 978-5-399-00013-8 © Sofia Publishing House, 2009

Foreword 9

1. Transformation 12

2. Laboratory 18

3. Scouts 34

4. Invisible Helpers 50

5. Communication 64

Since I Am More Than Physical Matter, I Can Perceive That Which Surpasses The Physical World

6. More than physical matter 74

7. I can perceive more than 81

8. Natural hierarchy 95

Therefore, I Passionately Wish To Expand, Feel, Learn, Understand, Manage

9. Expansion: to the Moon and spaceship ON

10. Experience: Life After Death and Animal Level 126

11. Know: The Importance of Knowledge 145

12. Understanding: The Gold Level of Love 158

13. Governance: The Food You Eat 168

Use Such Great Energies and Energy Systems ...

14. Grandiose Energies and Energy Systems ... 178

15. Out-of-Body Energies 190

17. Extraterrestrial energy systems 203

18. The Universe of Higher Energies 231

Also, I sincerely Wish for Help [and] Wisdom ...

18. Healing help 250

19. Wisdom and philosophy of the Unseen 263

I Ask Them for Guidance and Protection ...

20. Fundamental Principles of Leadership 284

21. The Case of Patrick 300

22. Lower Levels 318

New Beginnings

23. Travel to 3000 327

Acknowledgments 348

Dedicated to

BOBU AND NANCY MONROE, whose love and dedication to each other has illuminated the Monroe Institute, making it what it is now and transforming the lives of thousands ...

Daughters of Nancy, NANCY LEE (SCOOTER) HANIKATT McMONIGLE, whose light, brilliant mind and organizational skills, embodied in years of dedicated work for the benefit of the Monroe Institute, have had a beneficial effect on the lives of many, many ...

LORI A. MONROE, Bob's daughter, whose love and sensitivity, as well as excellent leadership skills, helped the Institute confidently step into the 21st century ...

GEORGE DURRE, Bob's loyal silent partner and a good friend of mine for life ...

MELISSE WOODRING JASER, my wonderful friend and mentor, Bob's confidant and his instructor ...


To the other members of the Honeycutt family (Nancy's children), the talented artist Cindy, Penny, the instructor, and Terry (A.J.), who is now the Institute's executive director ...

Helen Warring, Monroe Institution Legend and My Spiritual Guide ...

Karen Malik, Senior Resident Program Instructor ...

Paul Andrews, who volunteered for the Monroe Institute in Southern California for a number of years ...

Anne Martin, David Mulvey, Bill Shulu, Chris Lenz and many other dedicated instructors ...

To Bob's other Scouts, who, like me, dared to step into the cosmic dimensions ...

TO MY INVISIBLE ASSISTANTS - ANGELS who extended a helping hand from the other end of the Universe to make these amazing journeys a reality, and who conveyed to me a statement that I repeat from day to day, bathing in the radiant Divine energies:

"I am the light manifested in love, expressed in joy, joy, joy!"


Space Travel is an accurate description of the sessions that began to be conducted at the research laboratory of the Monroe Institute about forty years ago. Based on many of the materials received at the Intelligence sessions, the Institute's residency programs were developed, including the world famous Gateway Voyage.

The Monroe Institute was founded by Robert A. Monroe, author of Out-of-Body Travel, Far Travels, and The Ultimate Journey *. The current work of the Institute is the result of the work of many people who, during all these founding years, have explored human consciousness with Bob. Many teachers, psychologists, physicists, psychiatrists, engineers and doctors took part in the development of our Institute, in its support. Rosalind McKnight is one of the first "Scouts" to devote their time and inquisitive spirit to research under Bob's direction and venture into other, non-physical dimensions.

* "Sofia", 1999-2001 and 2008

Rosie, if you want to publish these materials as a separate book, be sure to do so - I sincerely wish you success and send my blessings. We are connected by long-term friendship. For years you have been helping me and the Institute with all your might. And when it seemed to me that you needed help and assistance, I tried to be there.

It is a warm, inspiring and engaging book that covers a range of topics. Rosalind McKnight's deep, profound experience is the source of the clarity of perception and the sense of greatness outside of everyday life revealed in these pages. In the author's ability to penetrate the very essence, in its unique expressiveness, you will feel the incredible energy and passion inherent in the search for Scouts. In this presentation, you will feel the depth of Bob's inquiring mind and the expressiveness of his soul and heart.

Sincere gratitude is what I feel as I write this introduction. I am deeply grateful to Rosie for her invaluable contribution to the history of the Institute, for many Intelligence sessions - they helped us to better understand the human consciousness and continue to study it. This is truly an outstanding award for the work of the Monroe Institute and Robert Monroe himself.

Bob would be proud of such a description and would be very grateful for everything that made this book a fact of reality.

Laurie A. Monroe, President of the Monroe Institute

I Am More Than A Physical Body


On Friday afternoon, as always hungry and tired, I came home from work. At home, the phone was broken.

Where have you been? - asked Melissa, my longtime friend.

I got myself a part-time job, remember I said?

Exactly, I forgot. But I left you half a dozen messages to call me back, ”she replied.

I just got home from work and haven't had time to check my answering machine yet. What happened?

Bob died at nine this morning, ”Melissa said so quickly that I could barely make out her words.

Which Bob? - I did not understand.

Bob Monroe! - she answered with obvious bewilderment - "Who else ?!".

My God, I sank into a chair, not believing my ears. - Embarked on my last out-of-body journey! When is the memorial service?

The next Friday.

So, so, - I muttered, - today is the seventeenth of March, the service turns out to be on the twenty-fourth.

And then it dawned on me.

Melissa, did you notice that Bob died on St. Patrick's Day? I asked.

I got so busy calling everyone that I hardly noticed St. Patrick's Day, ”she said.

But what an amazing coincidence: Bob dies on St. Patrick, and "Patrick" has always been his favorite spiritual friend!

Your truth, Melissa agreed. - Obviously, it was Patrick who helped Bob get rid of the fear of death. At least this help was more beneficial than all out-of-body travel combined!

Thanks for calling me, Melissa. But I have to go. The cats are already drilling me with hungry eyes. See you!

I hung up and only then began to gradually realize that Bob was no longer there. It ached in the stomach. I remembered my belief that when Bob finished his third book, The Ultimate Journey, he would most likely return to work in the lab — he loved that kind of work — and only then embark on his Ultimate Journey. But I never imagined that he would set off so soon, right after writing the book. Only a few months separated the publication date of the last part of his trilogy in 1994 and March 17, 1995, the day of Robert Monroe's death.

For the next week, my mind plunged into the "memory mode": I involuntarily recalled all the new details of our communication with Bob.

We met twenty-four years ago, in 1971. It was a significant year for both: both in his and in my life, many events happened that largely predetermined our future. Bob recently married Nancy Penn. But only

And two years after the wedding, David McKnight and I moved from New York to Shenandoah Wally, Virginia, where David got a place at one of the colleges of the Virginia College Association. Both he and I are from Ohio, but we met in New York, at the United Theological Seminary, where we were candidates for the degree of Doctor of Divinity.

But the main event of 1971 was the acquaintance with Bob. The result of the interaction of our energies is more like some kind of science fiction novel - just a little more, and everything would become too strange to be true. However, communication with Bob taught me that the truth can be much more surprising than any fiction.

The road to the Monroe Institute complex, covering an area of ​​twenty-four hectares, has always made an incredible impression on me. The first time I went there with Bob and Nancy. When we climbed to the top of the hill, where the training center is now located, we just gasped. Ridges of mountains, one after another, to the very horizon - then we saw it for the first time, and distant Shangri-La breathed upon me. Looming directly in front of us, Mount Roberts Mountain used to be part of the property of the Roberts, a family of farmers. These places were like waiting for Bob!

On the day of the memorial service for Robert, I drove to the Monroe Institute, and time turned back for me. The day was fine, fresh, with some special charm. The newly established cold front seemed to make the blue of the skies completely bottomless. I got out of the car, and a light breeze brushed the hem of my silk dress.

The young guy was directing a steady stream of cars to the neat parking lot at David Francis Hall, one of the Monroe Institute's main meeting centers. Ignoring the signs, I walked into David Francis Hall and walked down the stairs, expecting to see a crowded hall. But, to my considerable surprise, the room, carefully prepared for reception, turned out to be empty. On the walls were photographs depicting different episodes of Bob and Nancy's life, and their personal belongings lay around the perimeter. Seeing the huge photo of Bob and Nancy shocked me like an electric shock. Looking at the image, I suddenly realized clearly: these people no longer exist. Two years ago, I missed Nancy's wake. I felt the presence of their powerful energy in the room, and tears ran softly down my cheeks.

The silent communication with Nancy and Robert was broken by a voice behind me:

A memorial service on the hill, on the back of the building, ”said a lady I didn't know when I turned to the voice in dismay.

You can go through those glass doors, ”she added, waving her hand toward the patio. - And if you want, make an entry in the guest book right now: there will be a long queue after the service.

Thanking her, I walked through the glass doors. She saw the book, which already had several entries, and slowly brought out: "Rosalind McKnight - COMS." ROMC is the nickname Bob gave me. I was one of his first Scouts. When I signed up like this for the last time, I felt a mixed feeling of sadness and pride.

I stepped out of the shadow of the building and the delightful landscape mesmerized me again. Chairs turned to the side of the mountains stood in straight rows. Someone walked from side to side, someone sat. I was so deeply lost in thought that I didn't even want to say a word to anyone. Seeing an empty seat in the back row, I slipped into it and sat down on a black metal chair that swayed slightly under my weight.

For about ten minutes I absorbed the magic of these moments. Then everyone fell silent. The service was about to begin. Looking at the program, I read: "Memorial Service for Robert Allan Monroe, 1915-1995". On back side Bob's Solemn Statement was printed.

I went deep into reading and shuddered when Bob's clear voice came from a speaker standing next to me: "I am not only my physical body ..." It was an audio recording I already knew - Bob was reading his statement. His speech lasted, and I felt the living presence of Bob, as if enveloping everyone present and at the same time soaring in the sky. And the echo of his voice seemed to reach Roberts Mountain - and the mountain becomes part of Bob's last prayer.

This affirmation performed by Bob has always been part of his “Explorer” curriculum and some others. Almost everyone present here at the celebration of Bob's life has repeated this affirmation more than once before, as I have repeated it. But now the reality and power of this message amazed me to the core. Bob, now completely not-only-physical-body, gave his statement a new meaning: it now echoed with the not-only-physical reality of my own being:

I am not only a physical body. There is something in me besides physical matter, which means that I am able to feel that which surpasses the material world. Therefore, I strive with all my might to develop, experience, know, comprehend, use these transcendent energies and energy systems that can have a beneficial and constructive effect on me and on those who follow me; I want to learn how to manage them. I sincerely want to seek help, cooperation and understanding from those beings whose wisdom, level of development and experience are equal to or exceed mine. I ask them for guidance and protection from anything that might prevent me from achieving what I want.

Based on the Monroe Institute's statement, we begin an astonishing narrative of the incredible travels I took with Robert Monroe while exploring dimensions beyond physical reality.


Turning to West 67th Street, I saw Rosemary talking to the commandant of the house where we had been renting an apartment for several months. I parked in the second row (New York style, yes) and Rosemary and the commandant brought my luggage to the car.

I'll miss you, ”Rosemary said as she helped load things into the car.

David and I will be very bored too, ”I replied, closing the trunk. “This city has treated us well for the past seven years. But if we are moving to Virginia, then we hardly want to return here soon. So you come to visit.

I'd love to drive to Virginia, ”Rosemary said as she walked around the car. - Actually, a friend of mine lives there, whom I would like to visit. He also moved from New York. Everyone is leaving me!

Rosemary, don't make me feel guilty about leaving, ”I said, hugging my friend. - You just have to leave Manhattan and come to Virginia! Maybe I already met your friend there?

Not likely, ”Rosemary replied. “But I'm sure you and David will like him. His name is Robert Monroe. For almost everyone, he is just Bob. He's very unusual. Recently I got married for the second time, but I haven’t seen Nancy, his new wife.

I wish we could settle somewhere not far from them, because in Virginia we have almost no acquaintances, ”I said, gesturing to the driver of a passing car how best to bypass my car parked across the road. - Where do they live?

In some Afton, this is a city like that. But I have no idea where he is.

I opened the door and pulled out the Virginia map.

Nothing, blocking the passage a little more, - I giggled, laying out the map on the hood.

So, let's see if Afton is far from Bridgewater, ”I muttered, running my eyes over the alphabetical index. - Aha, here it is, one phalanx of a finger! Oh, it’s so close. An hour's drive from Bridgewater, even less.

It's clear now, ”Rosemary exclaimed. - I'll come, wait!

Sooner or later I will definitely come! she shouted as I pressed the gas pedal.

Turning off 67th Street onto Broadway and heading for the Lincoln Tunnel, I saw Rosemary waving after me in the mirror. This is the last time I leave Manhattan as a New Yorker.

We did not live long in tiny Bridgewater and soon moved to Oak Hill Farm in Mount Solon, an old foothill village. When I saw an ad for a $ 100 a month farmhouse rental, I, accustomed to New York prices, thought it was a typo - or the house has no lights, no windows, and no running water!

When David and I turned off the highway and saw Oak Hill Farm, our amazement was boundless. At the top of the hill stood an elegant mansion with two-story columns and a huge oak tree in front of the façade - all the southern mansions I had imagined that way. The manor house on a gentle hill, stretching for almost a hectare, was surrounded by greenery of beautiful trees. This idyllic estate was taken over by us for seven years, and the rent never exceeded hundreds of dollars. By the way, the house had windows, light, and running water, and the owners turned out to be very attentive and caring people.

When our New York friends found out about our new-found country treasure, a stream of guests came to us, and the reception of friends became our main occupation for a long time.

Once the phone rang again, and from the other end of the line came:

- "Early" has come. When can I come to you? - I was delighted to recognize the voice of Rosemary.

The guest room is always at your service, come at any time!

What if I come next weekend? ”Asked Rosemary. - I'll rent a car and come. Rosemary's plan delighted me.

I'll write you in detail today how to get to us, Rosemary!

Great, she said. “In the meantime, I’ll call Bob and Nancy Monroe and ask if I can visit them while I’m at your place.

Hanging up the phone, I realized that the lack of communication was no less a challenge than our entire adaptation to the new environment. Friendship is very important to David and I, but in these few months in Virginia we haven't had time to get to know people properly. In general, I was quite lonely, I felt cut off from the world. And at the thought that we would have new friends who share our interests, I almost jumped for joy.

On a fresh November day in 1971, Rosemary, David, and I made our first visit to Afton Mountain. Once at Monroe's estate — at Whistlefield Farm — we walked past a prefab house, circled the lake, and finally entered the main building.

I got out of the car. Such an amazing and breathtaking view opened up to my eyes that for a while I lost all connection with reality. Ridges of mountains rising to the very horizon are my most cherished dream. I grew up on the plains of central Ohio and from a very early age often imagined that low clouds were endless mountain ranges. Such pictures have always evoked a feeling of déjà vu in me. And here in real life, I see the mountains dreamed of me! In the energies of this place and time, I felt something very unusual, and goose bumps ran down my spine. Maybe it was an anticipation that this place will change my life? Perhaps I had a presentiment that it was on this stage that the main events of my future life would unfold?

We went to the footpath and saw Bob on the porch. From the way they hugged Rosemary warmly, it was clear that they were old friends. Then Rosemary introduced us. I will never forget the first impression of this acquaintance. Bob possessed a rare charm that instantly distinguished him in the company of other people. At ease, like a true gentleman, he held the door, invited us to come in and be at home.

Bob's wrinkled clothes contrasted strongly with the stunning appearance of his wife - Nancy just left the kitchen to greet us. Speaking of clothes, I can't help but say that Bob and Nancy gave the impression of a very unusual couple. Nancy is an impeccable southern hostess, and dinner, already waiting for us in the dining room, surpassed all expectations from our first Virginia outing.

After dinner we settled down in the living room. Looking at Rosemary, Bob said that the recently published book, which featured my friend, was in good demand.

David and I looked at them questioningly. Laughing, Bob told how he met Rosemary.

Rosemary, ”he said. - Isn't it true that our meeting with you can be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most unusual acquaintance?

Absolutely true, Bob. But I didn’t even dream of sitting on your lap when you first came to me! Rosemary exclaimed with mock anger. “I just forgot that that chair was meant for you.

What a way to accept strangers so! Bob continued to tease Rosemary. - However, it is very good that you sat down on my invisible knees then, because it gave credibility to my story about visiting your apartment. In general, this was one of the most successful and funniest experiments of mine. So you took your place in Out of Body Travel!

I just almost lost my mind, Bob, - said Rosemary, blushing, - when you called later and described my apartment in detail, told how many of us were, where who sat, how each was dressed, and even added that I work in hospital for cancer patients - and that I sat on you!

Bob reached out to the coffee table and took the book, which soon became classic book about out-of-body travel. After signing an autograph, he walked over to Rosemary and handed her the book.

Even if you already have one copy, I want a volume from me. He is yours by right. Thanks again for agreeing to provide her apartment for the experiment and for inviting friends there. It was a brave act on your part, because when the experiment was planned, you and I did not even know each other.

Thanks Bob. It was great to finally see you in your body! Rosemary replied. “Your friendship has always meant a lot to me. When I read the description of the experiment and found out that all this would be included in your book, I was a little embarrassed: I felt a little uncomfortable that my frivolity was immortalized in the printing house and would reach posterity. Nevertheless, I always wanted to ask, Bob: how did you feel when I sat on you?

Then we burst out laughing.

Well, your act certainly gave the experiment some weight, ”Bob laughed.

Fascinated by the conversation, David asked Bob when he started out-of-body travel.

“I started to 'get out' of the body in the fall of 1958,” Bob replied. - I can add that I did not use drugs or alcohol to achieve such an effect.

Have you had other such amazing experiences as with Rosemary? David asked.

The whole book consists only of them, - said Bob. - But the worst thing for me was to find myself in a body that was lying in a coffin - there was a commemoration in that house. And you can take my word for it, I did not stay at these commemorations! I didn't even look back to see whose body it was.

Once this incident, apparently, greatly scared Bob, but now he distanced himself from him and could talk about everything in a joking tone.

That's it, I won't say anything else, - said Bob, and we laughed again. “You’ll have to buy the book, David. And then I have not a single copy left. When we bring books here, they disappear as quickly as I leave my body. You live on the other side of the mountain, so why not order a book from your bookstore? My publishing house is Doubleday.

I'll order it on Monday, ”David replied, making a note in his notebook.

But can you tell us in general terms what you do here in Whistlefield? he asked then, putting the notebook in his shirt pocket.

Of course, ”Bob answered eagerly. “Recently, our Whistlefield research laboratories became known as the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences. If you want to find out what exactly we are doing, then it is best to come to our laboratory yourself, we will also involve you in our work, and you will feel for yourself what we are doing.

Seeing what Bob was up to with our own eyes was so encouraging that Rosemary volunteered to come back to Virginia in January. And we have mapped out exactly when we will visit the laboratory. To David and me, Rosemary did arrive in mid-January. In Whistlefield, we parked our car in the parking lot of the prefab house we passed last time. Then we did not even suspect that this is the first laboratory of the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences, which will soon receive worldwide recognition.

Bob met us at the entrance and immediately took us to show us his property. The design and interior layout of the house were more reminiscent of a cozy ski resort. Bob led us through a living room with a spiral staircase that climbed to the top floor of the institute's library and led us down a hallway past the kitchen and offices and into the lab.

As we walked down the corridor to the "Control Room," as Bob called it, I sensed a change around me. Everywhere like bells rang. Everything around was permeated with a very unusual energy. I could neither understand nor analyze my feelings. We walked along the corridor, and I felt that the air around was electrified.

On the way, Bob showed us three experimental booths, and we did not fail to look into them. He didn’t stop and explain their purpose — he seemed impatient to get into the Control Room. We did not lag behind, we followed him like that piper.

I lingered a little at the end of the procession, and when I finally got to the Control Room, Bob was already sitting in his chair and turning some kind of levers. A scene from Star Trek immediately flashed before my eyes. I froze in awe, and if at that moment Bob announced that "Starship Monroe" was ready to take off, I would, without batting an eye, go with him - moreover, I would become one of the most energetic enthusiasts on board!

Bob flipped switches and pressed some buttons, as if he was really going to take off, and I carefully watched his facial expressions. I was simply fascinated and even surprised when he suddenly turned to us and asked who would like to have a session in one of the experimental booths. All readily agreed.

Bob, are these booths called something? I asked in the corridor.

Yes, they are called CHEC Units, ”replied Bob.

And what is it, "SNES"? - I asked.

Controlled Holistic Environmental Chamber, Bob explained.

It seems to me that this is the name of a room isolated from any outside influences, ”muttered David.

That's right, ”Bob said, gesturing for us to enter the cells.

As we examined the water mattresses to lie on, Bob greeted someone in the hallway. One of the assistants was passing by. Bob asked him to install the sensors necessary for the experiment, and he went to the Control Room.

Sitting on the edge of my water bed, I heard the assistant say something to David and closed the door of his booth. Then Bob's assistant approached my still open door, and I thought lightly: maybe they, like in the good old "Star Trek", will take us to another dimension. I could not even imagine how close to the truth my guess turned out to be at that solemn moment when I was first brought to SNES Unit-2.

I prepared to lie down. The technician asked me to take off my shoes to attach the electrodes to the toes of my left foot. He did the same with the middle finger of his left hand. Then he put the electrodes behind my ears. I made a mental notch: remember to ask Bob why all these wires are needed - to ask when (and if) we will get out of these creepy booths. An unfamiliar experience can cause fear in a person, and I, too, was not deprived of this not always appropriate innate mechanism, designed by nature to protect us from trouble.

The laboratory assistant put the headphones on and asked me to lie on the water mattress. Strengthened the microphone against my lips. I wondered what to do if someone shouted "Fire!" Despite all the fears and the equipment attached to my body, I still managed to relax. The technician left, closing the door behind him and leaving me alone in the pitch darkness of the quiet room.

I lay and not without anxiety waited for what would happen next. Bob's voice was heard in the right earpiece:

Now you can hear me with your right ear. If the sound goes to the left ear, then swap the headphones, please.

My headphones were fine.

Every minute I relaxed more and more, and at some moment I heard the soft sound of the ocean surf - right in my head the ocean waves hit the shore and rolled back. A very unusual, previously completely unfamiliar feeling. The movement was felt more and more distinctly - as if in my head slow-motion footage of a tennis match was scrolling.

Gradually, the energy movement subsided, and I plunged into a state of deep calm. Bob's soothing voice and intoxicating sounds were doing something incredible to my nervous system. For several days I did nothing but entertain our New York guest, and now every cell of my body simply reveled in this opportunity to relax.

And now you are here again, the dream has disappeared like a hand, you are cheerful and full of energy.

For a few seconds I could not figure out where I was. And when I understood, I thought: God, I failed my first experiment!

Bob then said that you can exit SNEC Units at any time, but it's best not to rush. And I completely trusted Bob. I don't even know how long I was there. I thought that my body had never been so relaxed before. I didn't know exactly what sounds I heard, but my body obviously liked them.

When I got out of the CHEC Unit, Bob's entire team gathered at the opposite end of the building for coffee. I heard laughter and went to the sound. When I entered the living room, my companions in the experiment, David and Rosemary, were enthusiastic about their experiences. And Bob nodded to the beat, as if to say: "Yes, this is a typical picture, typical feelings."

David got ahead of my question and asked Bob himself what the electrodes connected to us showed.

Looking at David, Bob teased him:

Well, let's check your wits.

Please check.

What is an EEG apparatus?

A machine that records brain waves? David asked.

Of course, the brain of each of us emits certain combinations of electrical signals, - said Bob. “I can look at the EEG and immediately tell you what your brain is telling you about your body’s activity. But what an EMG apparatus is, you do not know, I would argue.

Watch out, Bob, ”I cut in. - You are arguing with a person who graduated with honors from Harvard and majored in psychology. It cannot be that he has forgotten everything that he has learned with such difficulty.

I noticed a twinkle in Bob's eyes; this man has always been respectful of university degrees.

In general, I have no idea what an EMG is, ”David answered quickly.

The instruments showed clearly that you were fast asleep.

His words stunned me and greatly embarrassed me. I thought that if I didn't admit to anyone that I fell asleep during the experiment, no one would know anything. Blood rushed to her face. I needed some excuse other than fatigue, and I replied:

But Bob, this is all because of those crazy sounds that you turned on for me. No one has ever played tennis in my head. Tell me, for God's sake, what was it?

Looking pleased, Bob noticed that I had asked a very correct question.

I experimented with new sounds to help a person stay awake, ”he said.

They completely discouraged me, ”I said.

I have not yet decided on the levels and frequencies, - continued Bob, - and it would be nice if you came here again - you will make a good test subject. I would like to have a few sessions with you.

I would love to come. After all, David and I decided that I stay at home for the time being - he works, and I am “supported”.

Last time I could only afford this when my father supported me.

Now I have time, and I would love to come here, and even regularly, ”I said to a general chuckle.

David nodded - he was glad that there was something to do that would lure me out of the house and help solve the difficulties.

And Bob kept talking about his research.

The sounds you have heard are due to the stimulation of the stereophonic rhythms causing the Lead Frequency Response (VHF). Under the influence of such sounds, a person is in a special state for a long time between sleep and wakefulness.

But how does this happen? David asked.

By controlling the frequency of brain waves, Bob explained, we can help a person relax, stay awake, or fall asleep. I tune the pitch and frequency of the sound, monitor the readings of the instruments - all this takes hundreds of hours. And I always need volunteers willing to help develop and improve this sound system.

Casting a glance at me, David said:

She makes an invaluable volunteer, Bob, because she loves to sleep! If you can find sounds that would relax her body and keep her mind awake, you might be on the cusp of a major discovery!

This is what we are trying to achieve, Master-C-Honors. How did you guess?

What a guess, ordinary logic, - David replied, imitating Bob's teasing intonations.

With your permission, I will dwell in more detail on the discoveries concerning our sound system.

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