Lesson summary on the topic “February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Lesson summary for the senior group “Defender of the Fatherland Day Air Force”

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Software tasks:

Educational objectives:Continue to form children’s ideas about the army, about the branches of the military, about the features military service(soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, etc.).

Developmental tasks:Develop intelligence, ingenuity, logical thinking, memory, attention; Withstimulate children's speech activity.

Educational tasks:Foster a sense of pride in your army; evoke a desire to be like strong, brave Russian warriors.

Material used:Illustrations and pictures depicting various branches of the military, illustrations showing the everyday life of the army - soldiers training in the gym, on an obstacle course, at the training ground, etc., pictures for the game “What is extra and why?”

Vocabulary work: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilots, sailors, artillerymen, infantrymen, missilemen, submariners, military equipment.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation about the army

Educator: Guys, February 23 is a very important holiday for our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (Children's assumptions.) Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who defend their people, their homeland from enemies. This is an army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. And she more than once defended her people from invaders.

Look at these pictures.(Illustrations depicting various types of troops are exhibited.)Who do you see here? (Children's answers).
That's right, these are tank crews, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards, etc.
You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops.

Why do you think so many branches of the military are needed? (Children's assumptions.) If an army has various types of troops, such an army is strong: it can defend its country at sea, on land, and in the air.

Pilots protect the sky; infantrymen - land; sailors - sea.

The game “Who Serves Where?”

Educator: Let's imagine that we find ourselves in the army. You already know that there are different types of troops in the army. Who serves on the tank? (Children: tank crews). Who serves on the border? (Children: border guards). Who flies a helicopter? (Children: helicopter pilots). Who serves in missile forces? (Children: rocket scientists). Who serves on submarines? (Children: submariners). Who serves in military aviation? (Children: military pilots). What do you call a soldier who doesn't have military equipment? (Children: infantryman).

Making riddles:
I'll grow up and follow my brother
I will also be a soldier
I will help him
Protect your... (country)

The brother said: “Take your time!
You better study at school!
You will be an excellent student -
You will become... (border guard)

You can become a sailor
To guard the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military... (ship)

The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border there.
On duty both day and night
Our soldier is a military man... (pilot)

The car is rushing into battle again,
Caterpillars are cutting the ground,
That car in the open field
Operated by... (tanker)

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly,
And I want to walk in formation -
Waiting for you, soldier, ... (infantry)

Any military profession
You definitely need to study
To be a support for the country,
So that there is no... (war) in the world

Didactic game“Find out by description.”

(On the flannelgraph there are images of soldiers of various branches of the military, the teacher makes a wish for one of them. The children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he made a wish for. The teacher can only answer “yes or no.” Then this game can be repeated with the leader chosen from the children. )

Physical education minute:
Hands flew apart - it turned out to be an airplane
Flapping a wing back and forth,
Do it once and do it twice.
Keep your arms at your sides.
And look at your friend.
Get down quickly
Sit down to board.

The game “What is extra and why?” is being played.

Rocketman, helicopter pilot, football player.

Airplane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, artilleryman, ship.

Educator: Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime? (Children's assumptions). The army must always be ready to repel enemy attacks.

What do soldiers in the army do in peacetime? (Children's guesses)
That's right, the soldiers are training. Officers teach and train soldiers. To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and accurate. And to become like this, of course, you need to train. Now we will look at photographs of how soldiers live and train.

Examination of illustrations telling about the everyday life of the army.

Questions: What are the soldiers doing in this picture?
(They work out in the gym, lift the barbell, do pull-ups on the horizontal bar).
Why is this necessary? (To be strong). What are the soldiers doing here?
(Learn to shoot). Why is this necessary? (To be accurate during battle).
But in this picture you see an obstacle course. What are the soldiers doing here? (They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through fire).
Why do you think they train on obstacle courses?
(To be resilient during battle and easily overcome various obstacles).

Discussion of proverbs.

Educator: Since ancient times, people have been proud of their defenders of the Fatherland and came up with proverbs about them.

The first thing in life is to honestly serve the Fatherland.

We don’t want someone else’s land, but we won’t give up ours either.

A skilled fighter, well done everywhere.

Military science strengthens the mind and hands.

Educator: Well done guys. Let's remember again what holiday is coming soon? (Children: February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day). Who is this holiday dedicated to? (Children: military: sailors, border guards, tank crews, pilots...) What do you need to do to become like them? (Children: serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).

For the sake of a peaceful life native land Russian soldiers perform their difficult service with dignity. Our boys, when they become adults, will also serve in the army and become real defenders of the Fatherland.

MADOOU d/s "Rosinka" Pionersky town

Abstract of NNOD

By educational field

Cognitive development

(familiarization with the surrounding world)

V middle group

Educator: Kalinina N.E.

February, 2015

Topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Target: form ideas about the holiday Defenders of the Fatherland Day

Software tasks:

Educational objectives: expansion and specification of ideas about the holiday Defenders of the Fatherland Day, about the army, about the features of military service (soldiers train to be strong and skillful)

Developmental tasks: Develop intelligence, ingenuity, thinking, memory, attention; Withstimulate children's speech activity.

Educational tasks: Foster a sense of pride in your army; evoke a desire to be like strong, brave Russian warriors.

Material used: viewing slides with images of the military, military equipment, computer game “What is extra and why?”, didactic material“put together a picture”, TV, computer, chairs according to the number of children

Methods and techniques:

    Visual, (show, demonstration);

    Verbal, ( artistic word, conversation, question-answer);

    Gaming ( didactic games, outdoor games, surprise moment Dunno);

    Pedagogical technologies: student-oriented, gaming

    Health-saving technologies: dynamic pause.

Preliminary work: Reading a poem

Z. Alexandrova“Watch”, proverbs, story by V. Oseeva “Three Sons”. Consideration of the thematic album “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland”; design of the wall newspaper “My Dad is a Soldier!”; project "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Vocabulary work: Motherland, Fatherland,defender, soldier, service, army, border, military: pilots, sailors, tank crews, border guards, military equipment: tank, plane, ship, submarine; weapons: grenade, machine gun, pistol

Individual work: Formation of answering questions clearly and loudly, trying to pronounce sounds correctly. Cultivating balance and endurance.

Progress of the lesson:

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

(children sit on chairs)

Guys, listen to the poem

February 23 is Russian Army Day!
The guns are firing upward, everyone is treated to fireworks.
They send gratitude from the whole country to the soldiers,
That we live without war, peacefully and calmly.

We have only one holiday.This holiday is the day of men,Day of Defenders, soldier.On this day there will be a parade!

Educator: Guys, what holiday do you think we are talking about?

Who will you congratulate on this holiday?

How do you understand what the Fatherland is?

Educator: Our country is big, huge. In another way, our country can be called Motherland, Fatherland. Hence the name of the holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23.
This is a holiday for all men, fathers, grandfathers, as well as boys, who, when they grow up, will also become defenders of our Motherland and will serve in the army!

Guys, if our country is in danger, who will protect us?



What do they call the soldiers who will protect us from the air?


Educator: What does the pilot control?
Educator: Who will help if the enemy attacks us from the sea?
Educator: Where do sailors serve?
Educator: If the enemy tries to attack on the ground (on land). Who will protect us?
Children: Tankers, border guards.
Educator: What do the border guards protect?
Educator: What do tank crews control?
Educator: How can you call sailors, pilots, tank crews, border guards in one word?
- Defenders, military, soldiers, etc.
Educator: they protect our peaceful life, protect our Motherland.
And this service cannot be called easy. What should you be like?
Children: Strong, smart, accurate, dexterous, courageous and resilient.
Educator: And for this you need to train, learn military affairs, be able to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, develop strength, dexterity, dexterity. Do you want to be like this? I invite you to exercise

(children stand up scattered)

They stood up straight, pulled themselves up,
Hands reached out to the sun.
Hands to the sides, forward,

Make a right turn.

Make a left turn.

We squat and stand up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher.

Stand still once, twice,

So the game is over.

Educator: Well done!

(children sit on chairs)

What else should a soldier be like? Of course, smart, quick-witted. Now you too can be smart. I offer you a game“What and who is extra?”

You look carefully at the screen and name what or who is superfluous, if correct, then the unnecessary picture will disappear

Tanker, sailor, border guard, builder (military professions)

Grenade, pistol, machine gun, racket (weapon)

Submarine, tank, plane, taxi (military equipment)

Guys, let's play the game “Collect military equipment.”

Each of you has your own emblem: “Pilots”, “Tanker”, “Sailor” come to your table

- “One, two, three, collect military equipment”

Team “Pilots”, what is the name of your military equipment - airplane

Team “Tankers”, what is the name of your military equipment - tank

Team "Sailors" - ship

Well done!

(children stand in a circle)

Educator: Guys, what did we talk about today?

(about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day)

- Guys, who thinks that they have completed all the tasks today - take the cheerful sun, and those who had difficulties - take the sad sun

Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland.And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue and peaceful!

Lesson notes for older children

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Lesson for the senior group “Defenders of the Fatherland”.

Purpose of the lesson:

Form ideas about the branches of the military (pilots, tank crews, sailors); cultivate a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our homeland;

To foster patriotic feelings for the homeland;

Enrich vocabulary on this topic.

Material: Illustrations, pictures with different branches of the military (sailors, pilots, tank crews, etc.).

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, soon the whole country will celebrate a very important holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who are the defenders of the fatherland?

(Children's answers)

Q: That's right, these are warriors. Soldiers, they protect their people, their land from enemies; protect the world. Freedom and happiness on our land. This is our army, which has repeatedly defended its people from enemies.

About the beloved army

Knows old and young

And to her, invincible,

Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army,

Tankers, sailors,

All the strong guys

They are not afraid of enemies!

There are rockets somewhere

And the border is locked.

And it's so wonderful

That we can sleep peacefully!

Q: Let's look at these pictures. (Pictures with various branches of the military). Who do you see here?

(Children's answers)

That's right, these are different types of troops of our army. And they are needed in order to defend their homeland at sea, on land, and in the air. Let's take a closer look at them:

1. Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to meet enemy troops on the border. Border guards, like all military personnel, are the defenders of our homeland. The border detachments have a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards and follows the trail.

2. Military - navy. The sea spaces of our Motherland are protected by warships. Sailors serve there. Ship commanders are captains who are responsible for the entire ship.

3. Military - air forces. How many of you know who the paratroopers are? These are troops intended for landing from the air, from an airplane. Soldiers of these troops must not be afraid of heights, can jump with a parachute, and must act quickly in difficult situations.

4. Ground forces. IN ground forces Infantrymen, artillerymen, rocket men, and tank crews serve. And also in the military forces there are signalmen, miners, and military builders.

Didactic game: “Who serves where”

Let's imagine that we are in the army. You already know that there are different types of troops in the army. Who serves on the border? Who serves on the tank? Who serves on the border? Who flies a helicopter? Who serves in the missile forces? Who serves on submarines? Etc.

(Children's answers)

Well done guys, what do you have to be like to defend our homeland? (Children's answers).

That's right, strong, brave, courageous. Russian warriors have always been distinguished by dexterity, courage, resourcefulness and endurance. This is well said in proverbs:

A brave fighter in battle is well done.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

Physical education minute:

Let's stand still, without moving,

Let's start the exercise:

Raised your hands up - once!

Above the nose, above the eyes.

Exercise two -

The position of the hands is different.

We'll make turns

Perform with great desire.

And our third exercise is

Hands to shoulders - circular movements.

Forward and forward, back and forth,

This is useful for our guys.

And now we bend them without difficulty,

So that there is heroic strength.

Then we will proceed to the body -

We have to do eight tilts.

First, lean forward twice,

Then two times back - don't be lazy!

You lean right and left,

Do it beautifully, don't make mistakes.

Pay attention to your feet.

Do deep squats!

Now I really need to jump,

Spring up - jump together!

Stand on one leg

It's like you're a steadfast soldier.

Right leg to chest,

Look, don't fall!

Now stand on the right one,

If you are a good soldier.

Guys, I’ll tell you riddles now, and you will think and give the correct answers to them:

Everyone should know this word -

These are the country's military forces.


Serves in the army

And he beats his enemies in battle. (Soldier)

My friend went to serve in the navy,

He is now sailing on a ship.

And, even though the wave goes uphill,

A hero stands on deck.

He's wearing a naval uniform

He is not afraid of the storm. (Sailor, sailor)

His car is all armored

It's like a turtle.

After all, in war it’s like in war,

There should be no fear here!

Gun barrel in front:

Dangerous! Enemy, don't come near! (Tanker)

He lifts to the skies

Your steel bird.

He sees mountains and forests,

Air borders.

Why is he flying high?

To protect your country! (Military pilot, pilot)

He protects the rye field,

And a grove and an oak grove.

Protects boundaries

A distant outpost.

And the duty of a military man is:

Keep yours and mine in peace. (Border Guard)

Strong durable parachute

Opened up behind him,

And in a few minutes

He sank to the ground.

He will pass through both the forest and the ford,

But he will find an enemy. (Paratrooper)

Educator: Well done, you did the task well.

Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime? (Children's answers). Right. The army must always be ready to repel enemy attacks.

What do soldiers in the army do in peacetime? (Children's guesses)

That's right, the soldiers are training. Officers teach and train soldiers. To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, resilient, and also dexterous and accurate. And to become like this, of course, you need to train.

Soldiers work out in the gym, lift weights, do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, learn to shoot in order to be accurate during battle. They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, jump over a deep pit, and walk through fire.

They train to be resilient during combat and overcome various obstacles with ease.

Topic of the lesson: “Conversation about the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland”
- continue to acquaint children with the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
- consolidate knowledge about the army, about the branches of the military;
- fostering a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our Motherland.
Equipment: cards on the topic of February 23, pictures and photos depicting military branches.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment.
-Guys, guess the riddle:
Although he was steadfast and brave,
But he did not survive the fire.
The youngest son of a tablespoon,
He stood on a strong leg.
Not iron, not glass,
There was a soldier... (Tin)
Our guest is a tin soldier. He wants to find friends among other soldiers. Let's help him.

2. Introduction to the topic.
- Guys, the holiday “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” is approaching. Who knows who the defenders of the Fatherland are?
You and I live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Fatherland. Our country has an army, just like other countries. Soldiers, sailors, pilots, and border guards serve in the army. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. The holiday of our army is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23.
The army has various types of troops - such an army is strong: it can protect its country at sea, on land, and in the air.

3. Introduction to the branches of the military.
So, the first branch of the military that we will meet today is:
Border troops. (Border guards).
- How many of you know who the border guards are?
Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to encounter enemy troops when they cross the border. Border guards, like all military personnel, are the defenders of our Fatherland. The border detachment has a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards and follows the trail.
Military - air forces.
-How many of you know who the landing party is?
Military – air force ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. Pilots - members of the crew of an airplane or helicopter - must not be afraid of heights and be able to critical situation take responsibility.
Navy. The sea spaces of our Motherland are protected by warships. Sailors serve there, including captains. These are the commanders of the ship, they are responsible for the entire ship. Large surface ships are equipped with cannons, anti-aircraft guns, missiles, and bombs. They can defend our Motherland on the water.

Ground forces.
Infantrymen, artillerymen, missilemen, and tank crews serve in the ground forces. Tanks are self-propelled vehicles with caterpillar tracks, which allows them to travel over any terrain. The tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns. Signalmen, miners, and military builders also serve in the ground forces.
- Guys, but now there is no war, why do we need an army in peacetime?
The army must always be ready to repel enemy attacks.
- Guys, what do soldiers in the army do in peacetime?
Soldiers are training.
-How do soldiers train?
Soldiers must be strong, brave, strong, healthy, courageous.

4. Physical education minute.
One, two, in step,
Three, four, step harder.
Soldiers go to the parade
And they take a step together.
Educator. Well done kids, you had a great flight! And now, I suggest you take a seat at the tables on which there are envelopes with the task.

5. “Collect a picture”
(children collect pictures of airplanes)
Let's watch a presentation about defenders of the Fatherland.
6. Game “One - Many”.
Tanker - tankers - many tankers;
pilot - pilots - many pilots;
sailor - sailors - many sailors;
soldiers - soldiers - many soldiers;
warrior - wars - many wars;
hero - heroes - many heroes;
rocket - rockets - many rockets;
cap - caps - many caps;
infantryman - Pikhotins - many Pikhotins;
paratrooper - paratroopers - many paratroopers;
border guard - border guards - many border guards.

7. Summary: “The border guards, pilots, sailors and other military personnel we talked about today” are military personnel Russian army. Our army does not attack, but protects, and the Russian military is rightly called defenders. The most worthy, strong, courageous and courageous serve in the army. Military service is an honorable duty for every Russian man.”
Guys, many of your fathers served in the army, they defended our Motherland. When you boys grow up, you will also serve in the army. You will be good defenders of our Motherland.

Ask questions:
- What types of troops do you know? (list)
-What holiday were we talking about today?
-Whom do we congratulate on this day?

Subject: "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day"Target : formation of children’s ideas about the army; continue to develop conversational speech.Tasks: Educational objectives: - continue to form children’s ideas about the branches of the military,about the features of military service;Developmental tasks: - develop attention, memory, logical thinking;- stimulate children’s speech activity and hand motor skills;- strengthen teamwork skills.Educational tasks: - cultivate patriotic feelings.Material used: pictures depicting various branches of the military;illustrations showing the everyday life of the army - soldiers training in the gym, on the obstacle course, at the training ground, etc.;pictures for the game “Third Man”;toys (tanks, planes, guns, ship).Vocabulary work: introduction to the active vocabulary of new concepts and words: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilot, sailor, artilleryman, infantryman, missileman, submariner, military equipment.

Preliminary work ; conversation about the army, soldiers, learning poems and songs about the army, looking at illustrations about the army.

Types of children's activities:

communicative, cognitive - research, musical and artistic, motor.

GCD move 1.Organizational momentA march sounds. Children independently examine illustrations on the Army theme; photographs and pictures of warriors. Everyone chooses a toy. They sit down on chairs.2.Introduction to the topic Educator:Guys, today we will talk about the army. February 23 is a very important holiday that is celebrated in our country. It is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who do you think the Defenders of the Fatherland are? (children's answers). Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, soldiers who defend their Motherland, their people from attacks by enemies from other countries. Soldiers are united by commanders into the Army. Every country, every people has its own army. Our country Russia also has its own army. The soldiers of this army have repeatedly defended their people from attacks. The army consists of different types of troops. Every boy, when he grows up, will become a warrior, soldier or general. They are brave, brave. Look at these pictures (illustrations depicting various types of troops are displayed.) Who is depicted here? (answers). That's right, these are all warriors, soldiers of different branches of the military. Warriors know how to shoot. They are jumping with a parachute. They fly on airplanes, sail on warships.3. Main part. You have toys in your hands, these are military equipment.What is the name of the toy (equipment)? Who controls it?Sample answers:- I have a tank, it is driven by a tank driver.- I have a plane. A pilot is flying in an airplane.- I have a gun. An artilleryman fires from a cannon.- I have a ship. The ship is controlled by a captain.As the conversation progresses, the children look at photographs depicting different branches of the military, a military parade, and military equipment. Children answer questions in detail and complement each other.Educator:- That's right, these are tank crews, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards.You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops.- Why do you think so many types of troops are needed? (answers).If an army has different types of troops, such an army is strong: it canprotect your country at sea, on land and in the air.Educator:- Guys, guess the riddles about the army:A bird is flying - a fable (airplane).A turtle crawls, a steel shirt (tank).There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land (rocket).Physical education minute: Globe (showing with hands)We'll go around (marching)We'll find a lot of friends there (hands in lock).Let's sail on the ocean (a boat floats with two hands)We are with the brave captain (helm).We will travel around the whole world (bicycle with our hands).But for now it’s a secret (finger to lips).The game "Third Wheel" is played Pilot, tanker, football player.Airplane, tank, parachutist.Automatic, pistol, tankerCaptain, gunner, ship.Didactic game “Find out the type of troops.” On the table are images of soldiers of various branches of the military. The teacher makes a wish for one of them. Children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he wished for. You can only answer yes or no (then the game is played with one of the children as the leader).Learning a poem: Our army is dearAnd brave and strong.Doesn't threaten anyoneShe protects us.

Educator:- Guys, why do you think the army is needed in peacetime? (answers).The army must always be combat-ready to repel enemy attacks.What do soldiers in the army do when there is no war? (is this time called peacetime? (answers).To win, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and accurate. For this you need to train. Officers teach and train soldiers.Now look at these pictures, they are about how soldiers live and train.- What is shown in this picture?(soldiers are working out in the gym: lifting weights, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar). What is this for? (to be strong).- What are the soldiers doing here? (soldiers learn to shoot).What is this for? (to be accurate during battle).- This picture shows an obstacle course.What do soldiers do? (they run along a log, climb over a high wall, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through fire). Why are they training here? (you need to be resilient during battle and be able to overcome various obstacles).4. Summary of the lesson. Educator:- Well done guys. Let's remember once again what holiday we talked about today? (February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day).- Who is this holiday dedicated to? (military: sailors, border guards, tank crews, pilots)-What do you need to do to become like them? (serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).Children exchange toys, examine them, and play.

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