Tomsk institutes and universities. Tomsk universities. Other educational institutions

The column "Passing score" shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of examinations).

What is it and why is it important?

Enrollment in the university is based on the results of the exam (for each exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points). Individual achievements are also taken into account when enrolling, such as the final school essay(gives a maximum of 10 points), an excellent student's certificate (6 points) and a TRP badge (4 points). In addition, some universities are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require a professional or creative exam. You can also earn a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam.

Passing score for any specialty at a certain university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know what points you could have entered last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows with what score you can do this or next year... It will depend on how many applicants and with what points apply for this specialty, as well as on how much will be allocated budget places... Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you with a high degree of probability to assess your chances of admission, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

Tomsk technical school railway transport- a branch of the Siberian State University of Railways (Tomsk Technical School of Railway Transport (TTZhT) - a branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher vocational education"Siberian State University ways of communication ") is described a little for you in the announcements and articles, headings" state technical schools Tomsk ", at a meeting. It is possible to inspect this educational institution as a replacement for many others in Russia. Probably, like the state technical schools of Tomsk, this higher educational institution accepts and prepares good workers in the specialty of" communications ".

Without undue hesitation, accept this institution of higher education and other state universities in Tomsk as an alternative to similar ones on our website. Like other state universities in Tomsk, this educational institution produces leaders in the "polytechnic" direction. National Research Tomsk politechnical University(Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University") is very sparsely scheduled, and a section on the current website is designed.

As many others state institutions Tomsk this option conducts training for military professionals. We advise you to accept this option and other state institutions of Tomsk, as an alternative to similar ones, often on the list. Tomsk Military Medical Institute () is given a little information in the materials on our list of universities.

National Research Tomsk State University

The National Research Tomsk State University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University") is described in more detail for you in one of the notes on this database interface. It is quite possible to seriously postpone this educational institution for further analysis as a replacement for those mentioned in Tomsk. This university, which resembles other state universities in Tomsk, accepts and prepares leaders in the direction of "research".

The same as the non-state institutions of Tomsk, this educational institution raises the qualifications of masters of their craft of the "legal" type. Tomsk Institute branch of the Eastern Economic and Legal humanitarian academy(Tomsk Institute, a branch of the non-state educational institution of higher professional education "Eastern Economic and Legal Academy of Humanities") is excellently considered, and a section on specific list universities. We suggest taking note of this proposal as a worthy alternative to similar ones on this resource.

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Reminiscent of the rest of the state universities of Tomsk, this version makes the leaders on the topic "pedagogical". Tomsk State Pedagogical University (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tomsk State Pedagogical University") is excellently noted among other materials on a specific portal. You can immediately study and adopt this option as a worthy alternative to many others on our website.

We strongly recommend that you accept this institution of higher education as a replacement for similar ones on this resource. As many other state institutions of Tomsk, this educational institution makes specialists top class in the direction of "agricultural". Tomsk Agricultural Institute is a branch of the Novosibirsk State agrarian university(Tomsk Agricultural Institute - a branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Agrarian University") is very sparsely given for information, and a section is drawn up on a specific portal.

Tomsk branch of the Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov

You can study and adopt this proposal as a replacement for similar ones on this resource. Probably, like the state universities of Tomsk, this university conducts training for professionals in the "humanitarian" profile. Tomsk branch of the Moscow State Humanities University named after M.A. Sholokhov () we have superficially considered in the announcements and articles on a specific portal.

Tomsk branch of the Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport

You can view this option as a worthy alternative to similar ones on our website. Probably, like the state academies of Tomsk, this option makes the leaders of the type of "water transport". Tomsk Branch of the Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport (Tomsk Branch of the Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk state academy water transport ") is considered in much more detail among other materials on the current resource.

Tomsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy

Reminding the rest non-state academies Tomsk accepts this option and prepares masters of their craft in the "humanitarian" profile. Without undue hesitation, examine this option as a replacement for many others in the catalog. The Tomsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy (Tomsk branch of the non-state accredited private educational institution of higher professional education of the Modern Humanitarian Academy) has been described for you a little, and a section on our database interface has been drawn up.

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics") is considered in much more detail in one of the notes under the heading "State Universities of Tomsk" at the meeting. Like other state universities in Tomsk, this option produces leaders of the "technology and management" type. You can immediately postpone this educational institution and other state universities of Tomsk for later analysis, as an alternative to many others on our website.

Tomsk Institute of Business (Non-state (private) educational institution of higher professional education "Tomsk Institute of Business") is considered in more detail by us, and a section is drawn up on a specific list of universities. It is possible to consider this offer as a replacement for those mentioned on our website. Probably, like the non-state institutions of Tomsk, this educational institution accepts and prepares leaders of the "business" type.

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Town: Tomsk
Region: Tomsk region
Address: 634034 Tomsk region, Tomsk, prosp. Lenin, 30
Telephone: (38-22) 56-35-17
Fax: (38-22) 71-37-10
Email: [email protected]
The form: state
Category: state universities of Tomsk

Many, upon admission, apply to several universities in Tomsk at once. In this case, it is extremely important to know:

What is the passing score usually set by the best universities in Tomsk.

How difficult is it to get access to the budgetary form of education and, if you do not pass the balls, then ...

The financial issue of education in Tomsk universities.

If after graduating from school you have firmly decided to enter a public educational institution, then on the Education Navigator website you can easily find out whether the chosen ones apply to Tomsk universities to the state.

All types of higher educational institutions are represented in the city:

Universities of Tomsk - train specialists in a wide range of professions;

Academies of Tomsk - chosen by applicants interested in scientific and pedagogical fields;

Institutes of Tomsk - train practitioners, carry out applied or fundamental research.

Have you chosen the profession of a teacher, psychologist, translator or lawyer? Then, leafing through our catalog, pay attention to the humanitarian universities of Tomsk.

Deep knowledge in exact sciences and technical professions give technical universities Tomsk.

The Education Navigator website regularly updates the database of all educational institutions included in the catalog. Thus, our users always have access to the most recent and relevant information about the best universities Tomsk: change passing ball, the emergence of new specialties, and so on.

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All Tomsk universities with budget-funded places have a special confirmed license to conduct educational activities. Institutes and universities are equipped with the necessary equipment, teaching staff the proper level and the opportunity for self-development of students. Consider the list and features of some institutions, as well as the minimum passing scores required for admission.

List of universities in Tomsk

Below is a list higher institutions region (the minimum passing score and the number of budget places are indicated in brackets):

  1. National Research Polytechnic University (168/1402).
  2. State Medical University (193/245).
  3. Pedagogical University (149/867).
  4. State University of Radio Electronics and Control Systems (149/1015).
  5. University of Civil Engineering (157/1023).
  6. National Research Tomsk State University (116/1687).

Let's study more information about these institutions.

National Research Tomsk State University

This establishment, founded in 1878, was one of the first on the territory Of the Far East and Siberia. At the same time, the university remained one of a kind for a long time. Now TSU is a leading university with a classical form of teaching, a recognized center of culture and innovation. The range of training includes preliminary preparation, bachelor's, master's, professional development. The most accessible specialty according to the budgetary quota is applied geology (passing score - 116).

National Polytechnic State University

The universities of Tomsk are adequately represented by the Polytechnic University. TPU is the fourth oldest institution in the country and the oldest institution of higher education in the Asian part of it. Over a 120-year period, more than 160 thousand specialists have been trained. It should be noted that more than 300 of them became laureates of the State and Lenin Prizes, Heroes of Socialist Labor, academicians, honored workers of science and technology. The same number are recognized as discoverers of various deposits.

The main building of the university is located at Lenin Avenue, 30. The most accessible specialty is mechanical engineering. On correspondence form learning it can be mastered in 5 years. Admission of applicants is carried out after the end of 11 classes, qualification - bachelor. Needed USE results in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.

Medical school

State universities of Tomsk are also represented by the Siberian medical University... It is located at the address: Tomsk, Moskovsky tract, 2. The institution of higher professional education is justly one of the oldest and most reputable universities in the country in the field of medicine. The development in this area was initiated by Alexander II after the opening of a specialized faculty (1888). Tomsk Medical Institute received the status of a university in 1992.

The most accessible specialty for obtaining is medical biophysics. It can be mastered after grade 11 with a six-year full-time course. Qualification - specialty, number of budget places - 15, required exams (USE) - biology, Russian, physics. The minimum passing mark is 193.

Pedagogical University

V budgetary universities Tomsk includes the State Pedagogical University. This is one of the leading institutions in Russia in its field. The institution is a center not only for education, but also for culture and science. The activity of the university covers current disciplines of a fundamental and applied nature. Research work is underway in various fields. This university is rightfully the leader teacher education in the RF.

The most accessible specialty is psychology and social pedagogy, preschool education... The term of study in the full-time form after 11 classes is 4 years (qualification - bachelor). Required subjects for the exam are biology, Russian, mathematics. The minimum passing score is 149, budget places 29.

Architecture and construction

The State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering is one of the most popular universities in Tomsk. The institution is a modern complex with an attached institution in the form of a technical school for cartography and geodesy.

The principle of education at TSUACE is based on the Bologna Declaration, the Lisbon and Hague Conventions. 90 specialties in demand on the labor market are taught. The preparation is carried out on a multilevel basis. This includes:

  • pre-university training;
  • specialized secondary education;
  • bachelor's degree, specialty;
  • magistracy;
  • retraining of personnel;
  • additional courses.

Teaching is also carried out remotely. Part educational complex includes 7 institutes, more than 25 laboratories, 5 branches, a sports and recreation camp, a geodetic range. The university is proud of its professors, scientists and experts. Several alumni have become leaders of the “Clever Man” program organized by the Bortnik Foundation. Address: Salt Square, 2.

Radio electronics and control systems

The budgetary universities of Tomsk include the University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. TUSUR was founded in 1962, at the time of the beginning of the exploration of outer space by mankind. To create missile systems and programs required the best minds and high level professionalism. Thus, the institution in question was included in the category of the best engineering universities USSR, and then Russia.

The most accessible specialty in this university ( social work) can be mastered after completing 11 grades high school for 5 years (qualification bachelor). The passing score is 149, the number of budget places is 10, the required exams are social studies, Russian, history. Students, in parallel with compulsory specialized and humanitarian subjects, study disciplines in the field of computer training. The address of the institution: Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 40.


Universities of Tomsk (the list, passing scores are discussed above) are one of the oldest domestic educational institutions, are famous for high quality education and achievements in various fields. Admission is available on a budgetary basis, which guarantees the opportunity to show talent to children from poor families. Among other higher institutions of Tomsk, one can note the branch of the Novosibirsk Agrarian State University, the representative office of the Russian State Social University. Dear applicants have a lot to choose from, focusing on their interests and opportunities.

As of 2014, there are officially 6 state and 2 non-state universities in Tomsk. According to the same information, as of 2006, there were 14 branches and representative offices of nonresidents in Tomsk. educational institutions providing higher education... However, there is an annual dynamics of the creation of new and the closure of any branches.

According to experts, in the Tomsk region there are about 50 organizations - legal entities officially registered as carrying out educational activities in the field of higher education (including here not only the main brand, for example, "TSU", "TPU", etc., but also their educational institutions and centers). Also, according to various expert estimates, the number of students in Tomsk (which cannot be accurately calculated) is from 80 to 110 thousand people per academic year.

According to the official statistics and reports of the Tomsk Region administration, the number of university students in 2005 was 86.1 thousand people, students of secondary vocational educational institutions - 14.6 thousand people, that is, students make up 1/5 of the city's population, therefore Tomsk occupies one of the first places in Russia in terms of this indicator. Is developing Remote education, the number increases foreign students... In 2005, 882 doctors and 2727 candidates of sciences worked in the universities of the city.

Universities have retained approximately the same number of "budgetary" places for students as during the Soviet era. The competition of applicants for admission to budgetary places in Tomsk, one of the first in Russia, is carried out according to the system Unified State Exam... In addition to "budgetary" places, there is an opportunity to study on a paid basis, both in state and non-state universities.

Practically all of the first Siberian scientific schools were founded in Tomsk, primarily geological, botanical, historical, medical ...

State universities

  1. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)
  2. Siberian State Medical University (SSMU)
  3. Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU)
  4. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TSASU)
  5. (TVMI) (closed in 2010)

Private universities

  • (TEUI) Website

Branches and representative offices of nonresident universities

  • Branches:
    • Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (Tomsk Agricultural Institute) Site
    • Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. M. A. Sholokhova (site)
    • Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (website)
    • Russian State Social University (website)
    • Tomsk Branch of Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics
    • Siberian State University of Railways
  • Representative offices:
    • Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts
    • LINK Representative Office - Open University, Seversk and Tomsk

Other educational institutions

mainly postgraduate, second higher education

  • ("Teacher's Institute")
  • Tomsk Secretariat of the Commission for the Management Training Program ("Presidential Management Retraining Program")


During the years of Soviet power in 1918-1991, universities were opened and closed in the city, and universities were reorganized.

For example, since 1930, within the framework of the resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars (government) of the RSFSR, medical higher educational establishments(institutes), through the separation of biological, chemical, medical and some other faculties from the state universities of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. So on November 5, 1930, the future largest in Asia Tomsk Medical Institute (TMI) of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, now known as the Siberian State Medical University, Siberian State Medical University, appeared in Tomsk. However, budding did not end there: in the 1990s it was separated from the structure of this university into an independent, TVMI. The Seversk Technological Institute of TPU was separated from the TPU, now it is an independent university - the Seversk State Technological Academy. Into the new state universities in Tomsk, it is also planned to transfer the Faculty of Military Training of TSU and the Tomsk Agricultural Institute of the Novosibirsk Agrarian University of TSHI.

As the country developed in the 20th century, new specialized civil and military universities were required. Pedagogical institutes have appeared in regional centers (now in Tomsk it is TSPU). Since 1938, on the basis of TPI units (and the base of evacuated universities, in particular, VETAS, was also added to the war) by decision People's Commissariat railways of the USSR, in Tomsk organized and made in September the first set of students. This university was completely transferred to Omsk in 1948 (?). To develop virgin lands and increase the grain arable land of the USSR, in the 1950s-1960s, the Institute for the Construction of Elevators was created in Tomsk, which was soon transformed into the multi-branch Tomsk Civil Engineering Institute (now - TSUAB). The government also considered it necessary then from the university electronics faculties (and in Tomsk and on the basis of TPI) to create an Institute of Electronics - the Tomsk Institute of Radio Electronics and Technology (TIRET), then transformed into TIASUR - the Institute of Automated Control Systems and Radio Electronics and now known as TUSUR - Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. The process of synthesis and consolidation should also be noted. TSU initiated the creation of the largest association - “ Open University", Within the framework of which the coordination of educational processes of the leading universities of the cities of Siberia, D.Vostok, as well as in the regions of the CIS republics in Central Asia is carried out. Do not confuse Tomsk "Open University" based on TSU and "Open University", about which - a little below.

In addition, there were other universities in the history of Tomsk. In May 1918, by decree of the Tomsk Provincial Executive Committee of the Council of Workers, Peasants and soldiers' deputies, the Siberian Academy of Arts was opened (see). Since the 1920s, the Tomsk Artillery School (later transformed into the Tomsk Higher Military Command School of Communications - TVVKUS, abbreviated by order of the Ministry of Defense in the late 1990s) operated in Tomsk.

Since the second half of the 20th century, a system of continued, "continuous", postgraduate (second and subsequent) higher education began to develop in the world. In the context of the processes of globalization and international integration, this tendency became apparent in Tomsk as well.

The first university of postgraduate higher education from the 1970s to 1991 was the University of Marxism-Leninism (UML) at the Tomsk Regional Committee of the CPSU and on the basis of the faculties and departments of TSU. UML University was located in the premises of the House of Political Education of the OK KPSS on the street, perfectly adapted for the educational process. K. Marks, 14. There were conference rooms, auditoriums, a lingophone class, a large library, a methodological center, an excellent dining room. The purpose of the UML network in the USSR was to improve the qualifications of management personnel and employees of the apparatus of local party bodies and institutions of state power. On high professional level students with a completed higher education studied philosophy, social psychology, political science, economics, management. The lesson was taught by TSU professors. After the famous coup of August 1991, a new Russian government decided to close all types of institutions of the CPSU. The Tomsk UML was immediately disbanded, and a few years later the building was transferred to a music school and to the new premises of the Regional Library named after Pushkin. But circumstances demanded to restore the system of postgraduate education and advanced training for the management and technical personnel of enterprises, institutions and authorities. Now these functions are at the Siberian Academy of Public Service. Then LINK moved to the SGTA site in Seversk, and TUSUR specialists trained in cooperation with OLU created their own Faculty of Economics TUSUR. The first level (bachelor's degree) in the "Open University" system, which is provided in the region, is professional certificates in strategic marketing, effective management and financial management. The OLU system has de facto become methodological framework teaching classical marketing and management in Russian system"Presidential program of retraining of management personnel for enterprises and organizations National economy", Organized on the initiative of a group of Western countries and under the patronage of the then, in 1996, President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin (prolonged by President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin until 2010, but mainly as Russian program). Within the framework of the program on the basis of leading universities in the constituent entities Russian Federation Management retraining centers were created (in Tomsk - since 1997 on the basis of the Faculty of Economics of TSU, and since 2007 - on the basis of TPU), which carry out the educational process of postgraduate professional development with examination for a state diploma. Some of the graduates of the "Presidential Program" annually undergo industrial training at modern enterprises in Europe, America and Japan. Coordination educational process in Tomsk leads the Regional Office of the "Presidential Program" on the basis of the Department public service Administration of the Tomsk region. What became, in fact, the logical completion of the system previously presented by the UML system in the regions - "fine-tuning" of managers through the system of continuous education. It is planned that the functions of a full-fledged training center will eventually take over the Tomsk Regional Resource Center (RRC) of the Civil Service Department of the Regional Administration.

Postgraduate education became part of the package educational services the system of newly created non-state universities in Tomsk (and others) is also increasingly implemented by classical universities. As in Russia as a whole, in 2005 a sector of "corporate universities" began to be created in Tomsk - postgraduate professional development in educational and resource centers large enterprises.


Within the framework of international agreements 1997, the countries of the European Union and Russia, our country entered the process of transformation of the education system, which is planned until 2020. Departments for the implementation of the quality system of educational services have been created in the leading universities of Tomsk. Learning programs are transformed into a two-level training (and in some places it has already been introduced) - bachelor's degree and training of "specialists", then - the master's level and / or MBA - Master of business administration. The system of postgraduate studies, adjunct and doctoral studies has not changed yet. In a single European educational space, in addition to the language of the host country, it is also provided for the opportunity for students to get an education in English language... Such processes in Tomsk are still in their infancy. However, for foreign students, whose number is multiplying from year to year, the leading Tomsk universities the possibility of studying Russian as a foreign language at the preparatory faculty is provided.

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