Hero of the USSR biography. Heroic story. The first hero of the USSR was a pilot, and the last was a diver. Zhukov, Brezhnev and Savitskaya

Hero of the USSR is the most honorable title that existed in the Soviet Union. It was awarded for outstanding feats, significant services during hostilities, and, as an exception, could be awarded in peacetime. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union appeared in 1934.

Honorary title

During its existence Soviet Union 12,777 people received the title of Hero of the USSR. At the same time, sometimes a person awarded such an award was deprived of it. It is known that 72 people were deprived of it for actions that in the future discredited this title; there are also 13 precedents when the decision was canceled as unfounded.

They often became heroes of the USSR more than once. For example, Pokryshkin, Budyonny and Kozhedub were awarded it three times, and Zhukov and Brezhnev - four times each.

It is interesting that the title was awarded not only to people, but also to cities. Thus, after the Great Patriotic War, 12 cities and the hero-fortress of Brest received the title of Hero of the USSR. In this article we will focus on the most iconic names from this list. Now you will know exactly how many heroes of the USSR existed during all this time.

Hero of the USSR (photo above) Anatoly Lyapidevsky became the first hero of the Soviet Union in history. This award was presented to him in 1934. He was a pilot, and after the war he received the rank of major general.

He went to serve in the Red Army back in 1926. In 1934, Lyapidevsky participated in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites. In terrible weather conditions, he made 29 missions to search for the missing expedition. As a result, he managed to discover their camp. The pilot landed riskily on an ice floe and took out 12 people, of whom there were two children and the rest were women.

After Lyapidevsky took part in the Great Patriotic War, commanded the 19th Army, directed an aircraft factory. He died in 1983, when he was 75 years old.

Volkan Goranov

The list of heroes of the USSR contains names not only of citizens of the Soviet Union, but also of foreign countries. First of all, of course, from republics friendly to the Soviets. This includes the Bulgarian pilot Volkan Goranov. He served in the Red Army for 15 years. Received the rank of Colonel General.

As a fighter pilot, he took part in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the supporters of the Republic. He became the first foreign citizen to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union of the USSR.

In addition to the battles in the Kuban, he participates in the Miusskaya offensive operation, air battles in Donbass, Melitopol, Crimea.

In 1944, he was appointed commander of the Guards fighter regiment. Now he devotes more and more time to command, and can no longer fly combat missions as often. Although the Germans were afraid of him until the end of the war, announcing in advance to everyone around: “Attention! Pokryshkin is in the air.”

Four titles of Hero of the Soviet Union Soviet commander, who after the Great Patriotic War received the unofficial nickname Marshal of Victory.

During the battles with the Nazis, he headed the General Staff, commanded the front, and was a member of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. His role in the decisive and final victory in the Great Patriotic War is difficult to underestimate.

Many believed that after the triumph in 1945, he was more popular in the country than Stalin, which forced the leader to reconsider his attitude towards the legendary commander, soon removing him from key positions in the management of the Soviet army.

The highest degree of distinction in the USSR was the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was awarded to citizens who accomplished a feat during military operations or distinguished themselves by other outstanding services to their Motherland. As an exception, it could have been appropriated in peacetime.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established by the Decree of the USSR Central Executive Committee of April 16, 1934. Later, on August 1, 1939, as an additional insignia for Heroes of the USSR, it was approved in the form of a five-pointed star mounted on a rectangular block, which was issued to the recipients along with a diploma from the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces. At the same time, it was established that those who repeated a feat worthy of the title of Hero would be awarded the second Order of Lenin and the second Gold Star medal. When the hero was re-awarded, his bronze bust was installed in his homeland. The number of awards with the title Hero of the Soviet Union was not limited.

The list of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union was opened on April 20, 1934 by polar explorer pilots: A. Lyapidevsky, S. Levanevsky, N. Kamanin, V. Molokov, M. Vodopyanov, M. Slepnev and I. Doronin. Participants in the rescue of passengers in distress on the legendary steamship Chelyuskin.

Eighth on the list was M. Gromov (September 28, 1934). The crew of the aircraft he headed set a world record for flight range along a closed curve at a distance of more than 12 thousand kilometers. The next Heroes of the USSR were the pilots: crew commander Valery Chkalov, who together with G. Baidukov and A. Belyakov made a long non-stop flight along the Moscow - Far East route.

It was for military exploits that for the first time 17 commanders of the Red Army became Heroes of the Soviet Union (Decree of December 31, 1936), who participated in civil war in Spain. Six of them were tank crews, the rest were pilots. Three of them were awarded the title posthumously. Two of the recipients were foreigners: Bulgarian V. Goranov and Italian P. Gibelli. In total, for battles in Spain (1936-39), the highest honor was awarded 60 times.

In August 1938, this list was supplemented by 26 more people who showed courage and heroism during the defeat of the Japanese interventionists in the area of ​​Lake Khasan. About a year later, the first presentation of the Gold Star medal took place, which was received by 70 fighters for their exploits during battles in the area of ​​the river. Khalkhin Gol (1939). Some of them became twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.

After the start of the Soviet-Finnish conflict (1939-40), the list of Heroes of the Soviet Union increased by another 412 people. Thus, before the start of the Great Patriotic War, 626 citizens received the Hero, among whom were 3 women (M. Raskova, P. Osipenko and V. Grizodubova).

More than 90 percent of the total number of Heroes of the Soviet Union appeared in the country during the Great Patriotic War. 11 thousand 657 people were awarded this high title, 3051 of them posthumously. This list contains 107 fighters who became heroes twice (7 were awarded posthumously), also in total number The recipients included 90 women (49 posthumously).

The attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR caused an unprecedented rise in patriotism. Great War brought a lot of grief, but it also revealed the heights of courage and strength of character of seemingly ordinary ordinary people.

So, who would have expected heroism from the elderly Pskov peasant Matvey Kuzmin. In the very first days of the war, he came to the military registration and enlistment office, but they brushed him off because he was too old: “go, grandfather, to your grandchildren, we’ll figure it out without you.” Meanwhile, the front was inexorably moving east. The Germans entered the village of Kurakino, where Kuzmin lived. In February 1942, an elderly peasant was unexpectedly summoned to the commandant’s office - the battalion commander of the 1st mining rifle division found out that Kuzmin was an excellent tracker who knew the terrain perfectly and ordered him to assist the Nazis - to lead a German detachment to the rear of the advanced battalion of the Soviet 3rd shock army. “If you do everything right, I’ll pay you well, but if you don’t, blame yourself...” “Yes, of course, of course, don’t worry, your honor,” Kuzmin feignedly whined. But an hour later, the cunning peasant sent his grandson with a note to our people: “The Germans ordered a detachment to be led to your rear, in the morning I will lure them to the fork near the village of Malkino, meet me.” That same evening, the fascist detachment with its guide set off. Kuzmin led the Nazis in circles and deliberately exhausted the occupiers: they forced them to climb steep hillsides and wade through dense bushes. “What can you do, your honor, well, there is no other way here...” At dawn, tired and cold fascists found themselves at the Malkino fork. "That's it, guys, they're here." “How did you come!?” “So, let’s rest here and then we’ll see...” The Germans looked around - they had been walking all night, but they had moved only a couple of kilometers from Kurakino and were now standing on the road in an open field, and twenty meters in front of them was a forest, where, now they understood for sure, there was a Soviet ambush. “Oh, you…” – the German officer pulled out a pistol and emptied the entire clip into the old man. But at that same second, a rifle salvo rang out from the forest, then another, Soviet machine guns began to chatter, and a mortar fired. The Nazis rushed about, screamed, and shot randomly in all directions, but not one of them escaped alive. The hero died and took 250 Nazi occupiers with him. Matvey Kuzmin became the oldest Hero of the Soviet Union, he was 83 years old.

And the youngest holder of the highest Soviet rank- Valya Kitty came to partisan detachment at 11 years old. At first he was a liaison for an underground organization, then he took part in military operations. With his courage, fearlessness and strength of character, Valya amazed his seasoned senior comrades. In October 1943, the young hero saved his squad by noticing the approaching punitive forces in time, he raised the alarm and was the first to enter the battle, killing several Nazis, including a German officer. On February 16, 1944, Valya was mortally wounded in battle. To the young hero posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. He was 14 years old.

The entire people, young and old, rose up to fight the fascist infection. Soldiers, sailors, officers, even children and old people selflessly fought against the Nazi invaders. Therefore, it is not surprising that the vast majority of awards with the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union occur during the war years.

IN post-war period The title of GSS was awarded quite rarely. But even before 1990, awards continued for exploits during the Great Patriotic War, which were not carried out at the time according to various reasons, intelligence officer Richard Sorge, F.A. Poletaev, the legendary submariner A.I. Marinesko and many others.

For military courage and dedication, the title of GSS was awarded to combatants who performed international duty in North Korea, Hungary, Egypt - 15 awards; in Afghanistan, 85 internationalist soldiers received the highest distinction, 28 of them posthumously.

Special group, awarding test pilots military equipment, polar explorers, participants in the exploration of the depths of the World Ocean - a total of 250 people. Since 1961, the title of GSS has been awarded to cosmonauts; over 30 years, 84 people who have completed a space flight have been awarded it. Six people were awarded for eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

It should also be noted that in post-war years A vicious tradition has emerged of awarding high military honors for “desktop” achievements dedicated to anniversary birthdays. This is how repeatedly noted heroes like Brezhnev and Budyonny appeared. “Gold Stars” were also awarded as friendly political gestures, due to this the list of Heroes of the USSR was replenished with chapters allied states Fidel Castro, Egyptian President Nasser and some others.

The list of Heroes of the Soviet Union was completed on December 24, 1991, by captain 3rd rank, underwater specialist L. Solodkov, who participated in a diving experiment for long-term work at a depth of 500 meters under water.

In total, during the existence of the USSR, 12 thousand 776 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Of these, 154 people were awarded it twice, 3 people three times. and four times – 2 people. The first twice Heroes were military pilots S. Gritsevich and G. Kravchenko. Three times Heroes: air marshals A. Pokryshkin and I. Kozhedub, as well as Marshal of the USSR S. Budyonny. There are only two four-time Heroes on the list - USSR Marshals G. Zhukov and L. Brezhnev.

In history, there are known cases of deprivation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - 72 in total, plus 13 canceled Decrees on conferring this title as unfounded.

Biographies and exploits of Heroes of the Soviet Union and holders of Soviet orders:

The emergence of the highest degree of distinction of the USSR is directly related to the rescue of passengers and crew members of the Chelyuskin steamship.

Considering that in order to evacuate people who were on the lost ship, Soviet pilots carried out an operation that had no analogues in world history, soviet government I also thought about the need to especially note this feat.

On April 16, 1934, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, by a special resolution, established “the highest degree of distinction - the awarding of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for personal or collective services to the state associated with the commission of the Soviet Union.”

It should be especially noted that no insignia was initially intended for the Heroes of the Soviet Union. The conferment of the title was celebrated exclusively by the presentation of a special diploma from the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

The first award of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union took place on April 20, 1934, when it was awarded to the pilots who participated in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites: Anatoly Lyapidevsky, Sigismund Levanevsky, Vasily Molokov, Nikolay Kamanin, Mauritius Slepnev, Mikhail Vodopyanov And Ivan Doronin.

Pilots in the USSR in the 1930s were held in special esteem. It is no wonder that the first 11 Heroes of the Soviet Union represented aviation.

Initially, Heroes of the Soviet Union received only a certificate. Photo: Public Domain

Order and medal

The tradition, along with conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, to present the Order of Lenin practically developed by itself. The fact is that the first 11 Heroes, along with the title, also received an order, which was the highest award of the USSR.

In July 1936, this practice was legalized by a decision of the USSR Central Executive Committee - from now on, the Hero of the Soviet Union, along with a diploma, automatically received the Order of Lenin.

The number of Heroes grew - along with the “Stalinist falcons”, the military who fought in Spain, as well as participants in the battles on Lake Khasan, were honored.

The more Heroes there were, the more the need grew for the appearance of some kind of distinctive sign by which anyone could recognize an outstanding person.

This is how the “Gold Star” medal appeared, the author of which was architect Miron Merzhanov. The Golden Star medal as an insignia of Heroes of the Soviet Union was approved on August 1, 1939, and the first Heroes to receive both the Golden Star and the Order of Lenin were participants in the battles near the Khalkhin Gol River.

Medal "Gold Star". Photo: Public Domain

Zhukov, Brezhnev and Savitskaya

In total, from 1934 to 1991, 12,776 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and the vast majority of awards were awarded to those who distinguished themselves in the battles of the Great Patriotic War: more than 91 percent of all those awarded.

The absolute record holders for “heroism” are Georgy Zhukov And Leonid Brezhnev. Both the outstanding commander and the Secretary General are four times Heroes of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Brezhnev also has the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. However, Brezhnev’s awards were always treated with a fair amount of humor. Suffice it to say that three titles of Hero of the Soviet Union were awarded to Brezhnev in the period from 1976 to 1981, when the country's leader was rapidly losing his ability to work and his ability to think critically about the surrounding reality.

Oddly enough, but despite the heroism Soviet women, only one of them was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice. However, we are talking about a more than worthy person - an astronaut pilot Svetlana Savitskaya, the first woman to walk into outer space.

Pilot-cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya. Photo: www.russianlook.com

Just "thank you"

The very last Hero of the Soviet Union was an extremely unusual person - diving specialist, captain 3rd rank Leonid Solodkov. The decree conferring the title for participation in a diving experiment simulating long-term work at a depth of 500 meters under water was signed on December 24, 1991.

The newly-minted Hero was invited to the Kremlin on January 16, 1992 to receive the award. The situation was extremely strange - the state of which Leonid Solodkov became the Hero had not existed for more than three weeks by this time. But the most interesting thing is that, according to the military regulations, Solodkov, as an officer, had to say “I serve the Soviet Union!”

It is impossible to quickly change the Charter, and Solodkov decided to act on his own. After Marshal Shaposhnikov presented the Hero with an award, he simply replied: “Thank you!” With this “Thank you” the story of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union ended, three years did not live to see his 60th birthday.

Many at that moment believed that there would be no more Heroes in our country. They say that nowhere except the USSR and the countries of the socialist bloc has such a system of distinction been practiced, despite the fact that it exists in almost all countries of the world.

Tradition is stronger than ideology

However, tradition turned out to be stronger than ideological changes in society. Already on March 20, 1992, the Supreme Council of Russia approved the establishment of the title of Hero Russian Federation.

The fundamental difference between the title of Hero of Russia and its Soviet predecessor is that it is awarded only once.

At the same time, the continuity of the two highest degrees of distinction is confirmed by the fact that four Heroes of the Soviet Union simultaneously became Heroes of the Russian Federation - this astronauts Sergey Krikalev And Valery Polyakov, polar scientist Arthur Chilingarov And military pilot Nikolay Maidanov.

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union were representatives of many nationalities big country- Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Chechens, Yakuts and many others.

No wonder that in many republics former USSR, who became independent states, a similar title was established. Including Russia, it exists in 11 of the 15 states in the former USSR.

“Our fellow countrymen are heroes of the Soviet Union”

brief biographical information

Biryukov Nikolai Ivanovich (1901-1980). Born in the village. Princess Baigora of the Gryazinsky district. The major, commanding rifle divisions and a corps, distinguished himself at Nevel, Velikiye Luki, in Stalingrad, during the crossing of the Danube, during the encirclement and destruction of the Budapest enemy group. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on April 28, 1945.

Putilin Mikhail Tikhonovich (1914-1985), born in the village of Kazinka, Gryazinsky district. Squadron Leader assault regiment P. made over three hundred combat missions, destroyed 20 tanks, 60 vehicles, 7 armored personnel carriers, 25 batteries of field and anti-aircraft artillery and a lot of enemy manpower. He carried out assault strikes against the enemy near Stalingrad and on the southern front, in Belarus and East Prussia. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on June 29, 1945. Melyakov Vasily Ignatievich (1923-1988). Born in the village of Krivka-2, now the village of Soshki, Gryazinsky district. Art. guards sergeant rifle regiment. He distinguished himself in October 1943 during the crossing of the Dnieper in the Poltava region. Among the first Art. Sergeant M. with his crew crossed the Dnieper and held the bridgehead for 6 days, fighting off several enemy counterattacks a day. In the battles for the bridgehead, Melyakov’s mortars destroyed over 20 Nazis and suppressed the fire of 3 machine gun points. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on February 22, 1944. Burlakov Ivan Semyonovich (1918-1945). Born in the village. Golovshchino, Gryazinsky district. Lieutenant, commander of a machine gun platoon B. in April 1945 was one of the first to cross the Alte-Oder River on the distant approaches to Berlin. Under his command, the soldiers captured and steadfastly held a bridgehead on west bank rivers, covering the crossing of his battalion. On April 23, the commander and his machine gunners destroyed over 200 Nazis in a battle on the streets of Berlin. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on May 31, 1945. Shkatov Ivan Vasilievich (1918 -1945) lieutenant, native of the village. Tavolzhanka of Gryazinsky district. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on March 24, 1945. The commander of the rifle platoon, Lieutenant Sh., performed a heroic feat in the battles for the liberation of Lithuania. He died while crossing the Sheshupe River in the region of the Lithuanian city of Kudirkos-Naumiestis.

Prisekin Timofey Zotovich (1911 - 1944). Born in the village. Dvurechki, Gryazinsky district. Sergeant, squad leader in a rifle regiment. He accomplished his heroic feat in July 1944 in the Kovel region. During the offensive operation of our troops, P. raised the soldiers to attack and was the first to break into the enemy trench. In hand-to-hand combat, he personally destroyed 15 Nazis. He was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield. Among the first, P.'s fighters crossed the Western Bug and entered the territory of Poland. He died in one of the bloody battles on August 19, 1944. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on March 24, 1945. Basinsky Vladimir Lukyanovich (1919-1994) Guards lieutenant, native of the village. Dvurechki, Gryazinsky district. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on August 18, 1945. Pilot of the 165th Guards. assault air regiment. He fought heroically near Orel and Kursk on the Dnieper and Chisinau directions, in Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Romania. Austria. By April 1945, he made 137 combat missions to reconnaissance and bombard enemy personnel and equipment, inflicting significant damage on the enemy. Litavrin Sergei Gavrilovich (1921-1957), native of the village. Dvurechki, Gryazinsky district. Jr. Lieutenant, fighter pilot L. participated in battles on the Leningrad Front, made 490 combat missions to reconnaissance and assault enemy personnel and equipment, participated in 90 air battles, in which he personally shot down 19 fascist planes. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on January 28, 1943. Borodin Grigory Demyanovich (1918 -1998). Born in the village of Yarlukovo, Gryazinsky district. Gun commander Art. Sergeant B. in September 1943, with his crew under enemy fire, crossed the Dnieper to the Bukrinsky bridgehead. Reflecting counterattacks of the Nazis, he destroyed 2 tanks, 2 vehicles, 4 machine guns and more than a company of fascists. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on May 16, 1944. Bakhaev Stepan Antonovich (1922 - 1995) Born in the village. Dvurechki, Gryazinsky district. Captain, fighter pilot B. distinguished himself in air battles during the Korean War in the early 1950s: he shot down 11 enemy aircraft. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on November 13, 1951. Pleseinov Vasily Nikitovich (1923-1996) Guards Art. lieutenant, born in the village. Maley. He fought at Stalingrad, crossed the Dnieper and Dniester, liberated Ukraine and Poland. He distinguished himself during the crossing of the Oder in January 1945. Art. Sergeant P. personally destroyed 19 Nazis and captured nine. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on June 27, 1945. Dvurechensky Nikolai Ivanovich (1924-1979) lieutenant, native of the village. Golovshchino, Gryazinsky district. Platoon commander of the 994th Infantry Regiment, Lieutenant Nikolai Dvurechensky, on January 18, 1945, during a battle with the enemy near settlement Krzeszowice (northwest of Krakow, Poland) launched a platoon into a bayonet attack, inflicting heavy damage on the enemy. He was one of the first to cross the Oder River and fought stubborn battles to retain and expand the bridgehead. When the company commander was wounded, he took command of the company and continued the offensive.
After the war he continued to serve in the army. In 1946 he graduated from Kuos. Since 1947, Captain Dvurechensky has been in reserve. In 1955 he graduated from the Kabardino-Balkarian State University state university. Lived in Nalchik, worked as chairman of the regional tourism council. He died on November 11, 1979, and was buried in Nalchik. At house number 25 on V.I. Avenue Lenin in the city of Nalchik, where N.I. lived. Dvurechensky, a memorial plaque has been installed.
Awards: The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on April 10, 1945. Awarded with orders Lenin and the Red Banner, as well as medals. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on April 10, 1945. Frolov Ivan Timofeevich (1918 - 1977). Born in the village of Krivka-2, Gryazinsky district. Air wing commander st. The lieutenant made 115 combat missions, bombing and attacking enemy personnel and equipment, inflicting significant damage on the enemy. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on August 18, 1945. Gugnin Nikolai Pavlovich (1916-1987) Major, born in Faschevka of Gryazinsky district. Nikolai Pavlovich Gugnin (July 29, 1916, Fashchevka village, Lipetsk region - December 7, 1987, Kremenchug) - ace pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, navigator of an aviation regiment, colonel. Born on July 29, 1916 in the village of Fashchevka, Gryazinsky district, Lipetsk region, into a Russian working-class family. Member of the CPSU since 1940. In 1931 he graduated from junior high school in the village of Fashchevka and left for Voronezh. Graduated from FZU and Voronezh Aviation College. Since 1940 in the Red Army. In 1941 he graduated from the Yegoryevsk Aviation School.
During the Great Patriotic War, Major Gugnin made 260 combat missions, in 50 air battles he personally shot down 15 and as part of a group - 4 enemy aircraft. On May 15, 1946, for courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 9131).
After the war he continued to serve in the Air Force. In 1951 he graduated from the Air Force Academy. Having received the rank of lieutenant colonel, he, like a combat pilot, has enormous practical experience, was appointed to the position of senior inspector-pilot of the Air Force Fighter Aviation Combat Training Directorate. In 1954, he was appointed senior inspector-pilot of fighter aviation at the main inspection of the USSR Ministry of Defense.
In 1960, due to a significant reduction in the USSR Armed Forces, he went into reserve and went to work in civil aviation. At the same time, he graduates in absentia from the Ukrainian Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Since 1962, he worked as a teacher at the Kremenchug Flight School of Civil Aviation, and later was the head of the school’s flight training department.
Died December 7, 1987. He was buried in the city of Kremenchug.
He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on May 15, 1946. Kalachev Anatoly Alexandrovich (1920-1997) Guards Art. lieutenant, native of the city of Gryazi. Navigator of the squadron of the 166th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment of the 10th Guards Voronezh-Kyiv Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Assault Aviation Division of the 17th Air Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, guard senior lieutenant.
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kalachev was born on March 19, 1920 in the village of Gryazi, now a city in the Lipetsk region, in the family of an employee. Russian. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1942. Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kalachev graduated from high school.
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kalachev has been in the Red Army since 1937. In 1941 he graduated from the Engels Military Aviation Pilot School. Participant of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941.
Navigator of the squadron of the 166th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (10th Guards Assault Aviation Division, 17th Air Army, 3rd Ukrainian Front) Guard senior lieutenant Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kalachev, by February 1945, made one hundred and nine combat missions to bomb and attack enemy personnel and equipment, causing him great damage.
By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 29, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism of the guard, senior lieutenant Anatoly Alexandrovich Kalachev was awarded the title of Hero
Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 7587).
After the war, the brave attack pilot continued to serve in the USSR Air Force. In 1952, he graduated from the Military-Political Academy named after V.I. Lenin. Since 1956, Colonel Anatoly Alexandrovich Kalachev. - in reserve, and then retired. Anatoly Alexandrovich Kalachev lived in the regional center Voronezh region- the city of Voronezh. He worked as an instructor of the city party committee, scientific secretary of a technological institute, and head of the personnel department of the Voronezh branch of the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kalachev died on November 7, 1997.
Awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, Orders of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, the Red Star, medals, the Yugoslav Order of the Partisan Star. Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Alexandrovich Kalachev was awarded the title " Honorary Citizen city ​​of Gryazi. In Voronezh, on the facade of the house located at the intersection of Pushkinskaya and Srednemoskovskaya streets, in which Hero Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kalachev lived from 1982 to 1997, a memorial plaque was installed.
He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on June 29, 1945.

Pokachalov Nikolai Nikolaevich (1910-1952). Born in the village of Krivka-2, now the village of Soshki, Gryazinsky district. Major, navigator of a long-range aviation division squadron. They flew over 300 combat missions. He bombed the enemy's front line and its deep rear, dropped troops and delivered weapons, ammunition, and medicine to the partisans... He showed himself to be a navigator high class. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on March 13, 1944.

Polunin Alexander Ivanovich (1921-2005) Born in the village of Kuban, Gryazinsky district. Lieutenant, attack pilot P. distinguished himself in air battles on Kursk Bulge. Having become a squadron commander, he skillfully leads groups of attack aircraft on combat missions. Made 118 sorties to attack enemy troops, inflicted great strength and technology. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on August 18, 1945. Mitroshin Vasily Trofimovich (1921-1992), born c. Village of Krasnoslabodsky district of Mordovia. The commander of a squadron of long-range bombers, Captain M., made 354 combat sorties, including about two hundred at night, striking important targets deep behind enemy lines and concentrations of his troops. After the war, he lived in Gryazi and worked as an inspector of route distance personnel. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on March 13, 1944. Topolsky Arseny Moiseevich (1907-1943), born in the village. Borki, Kozeletsky district, Chernigov region. Worked as a director. School No. 54 in Gryazi in 1942. In 1943 he graduated from the military infantry school. Lieutenant T. distinguished himself in September 1943 during the crossing of the Dnieper; south of Kyiv, with a group of fighters, he swam across the river in the Dzhishchev region. The paratroopers captured a bridgehead on the right bank, repelled several enemy counterattacks, ensuring the crossing of the remaining units of the battalion. In this battle, Topolsky died. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on January 10, 1944. Kondratov Yakov Andreevich (1911-1983). Born in the village of Soshki, Gryazinsky district. The commander of the sapper squad, Sergeant K., distinguished himself on January 14, 1945 on Polish soil. He was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on February 27, 1945. Under heavy enemy fire, he supervised the making of passages through enemy minefields and barbed wire. On the night before the offensive, his squad made two passes of tanks, and the commander personally removed and neutralized 275 anti-tank mines.

Ivan Andreevich Flerov

(April 24, 1905 - October 7, 1941) - Hero of the Russian Federation (1995), commander of the first separate experimental rocket artillery battery in the USSR Armed Forces, captain.

Born on April 24, 1905 (according to other sources - April 6) in the village of Dvurechki, Gryazinsky district, Lipetsk region, in the family of an employee. After graduating from the zemstvo school, he worked first in the village, then as a mechanic’s apprentice at the Borinsky sugar factory.

In 1926 he graduated from the factory apprenticeship school (FZU) at the iron foundry in the city of Lipetsk. Here, as one of the best graduates of the school, he worked for some time as a master of industrial training.

In 1927-1928 he served in the Red Army in artillery units.

In 1933, he was called up for a 45-day reserve officer course and remained in the army from that time on.

In 1939, he was enrolled as a student at the Military Artillery Academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Participant in the war with Finland 1939-1940. As a battery commander of the 94th Howitzer Artillery Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Flerov distinguished himself in battles during the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line.

In 1940, for his heroism during the Soviet-Finnish War in battles near Lake Saunayarvi, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

After the end of hostilities, he returned to study at the academy. Lived in the city of Balashikha, Moscow region.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War he took part in battles.

Commanded on Western Front a separate experimental battery of rocket artillery from BM-13 (“Katyusha”) installations. For the first time, BM-13 installations were tested in combat conditions at 10 a.m. on July 14, 1941, when shelling enemy troops and equipment in the city of Rudnya, supporting the defending units of the Red Army. And on July 16 they showed high efficiency in destroying unevacuated Soviet trains at the railway junction of the city of Orsha. On October 7, 1941, Captain Flerov, while surrounded near the village of Bogatyr in the Smolensk region, died heroically.

In the early 1960s, Flerov was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The submission was signed by the commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery Ground Forces Marshal of Artillery K.P. Kazakov. On November 14, 1963, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Ivan Andreevich Flerov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

On June 21, 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation (No. 619) for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against German fascist invaders In the Great Patriotic War, Captain Ivan Andreevich Flerov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

On March 5, 1998, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 111, Hero of the Russian Federation Captain Ivan Andreevich Flerov was forever included in the lists of the command faculty of the Military Academy Missile Forces strategic purpose (Strategic Missile Forces) named after Peter the Great.

In the fall of 1995, a group of Vyazma search engines found artillerymen killed along with the Katyushas 250 meters west of the village of Bogatyr. The remains of 7 rocket men were found. Among them, the remains of Captain Flerov were identified. On October 6, 1995, all the remains were reburied next to the obelisk near the village of Bogatyr, erected in memory of the feat of the rocket scientists.

Ivan Konstantinovich Morozov - biography.

Ivan Konstantinovich Morozov was born in the village of Bolshaya Kandarat, Karsun district, Ulyanovsk region, on December 26, 1923, into a peasant family. In 1931 he entered school, in 1938 he graduated from 7 classes with a Certificate of Merit. High school he had already graduated from Astradamovka, Sursky district, where the Morozov family lived in 1941.
At the very beginning of the war he was drafted into the Red Army. In peacetime, Ivan Morozov would never have thought that at the age of 18 he would be a lieutenant, and at nineteen a battery commander, and at twenty a captain. But war has its own laws, here they grew up and quickly became adults.
Having successfully graduated from the Penza Artillery School, in January 1942, Lieutenant Morozov took a fire platoon under his command. As part of the 11th artillery regiment of the 73rd rifle division, Morozov’s platoon arrived near Yelets late at night. Lieutenant Morozov's platoon took on its first battle in the Voronezh region; on September 4, 1942, Morozov was awarded the rank of lieutenant for his skillful command of the battery.
On July 5, 1943, Morozov took a difficult exam before his homeland. The battle on the Kursk Bulge against the German “tigers” (tanks) ended successfully. On July 12, Morozov's battery repelled the advancing tanks for 14 hours straight. His subordinates could hardly stand on their feet, deaf, black from smoke and dust. Retreating, the enemy snarled fiercely.
When our troops advanced, Morozov’s battery was left for cover. The artillerymen repelled attack after attack. There was a continuous roar and roar above the battery position. Many soldiers were wounded, but continued to remain at the guns. The enemy brought new reserves into the battle. The Tigers were approaching at high speed. At this time, communication between the battery commander and the fire platoons was disrupted. Morozov immediately decided to go to the battery firing position. Shells were exploding all around. And the “tigers” and “panthers” were already very close. Submachine gunners followed the tanks. At the end of the day, when Morozov, having brought the fascist tank almost to the gun itself, shot it point blank, a German bomber dropped a bomb on the battery. Morozov was wounded in left hand and leg. The nurse bandaged him and offered to take him to the first aid station, but Morozov refused. He remained in charge of the battery. The warriors lost track of the hours. The Nazis threw more and more forces into the attack. They hit our soldiers in the rear. Morozov calls fire on himself by radioing the regiment commander. Shells were exploding above Morozov's battery. In the last battle, the battery commander knocked out 2 more tanks and was wounded again. It was not possible to immediately evacuate him from the battlefield: the battery was under fire. Only at dusk he was taken out of the shelling zone. The next morning, Morozov was taken by plane to a front-line hospital, but they could no longer save him. After these battles he became captain.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 16, 1943, I.K. Morozov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is forever included in the lists of the unit in which he served.

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