Education statistics in the world. Rating of the quality of education in the countries of the world. Best Higher Education

For most parents, the importance of education is not subject to doubt. In the world where everything is changing quickly, experts assure us that this is one of the best investments that we can do. But not all countries pay due attention to the educational system. The level of education quality worldwide is very different and largely depends on how this area is a priority for public policy.

Find out what countries are the best school education, it is possible from the results of the international assessment program. educational achievements Pupils (PISA) - test, which evaluates the skills and knowledge of schoolchildren around the world. Testing takes place every three years and students at the age of 15 years are involved. Schoolchildren's knowledge estimate in 4 directions: reading, mathematics, natural Sciences and computer literacy.

5 countries S. better education in the world


The Canadian formation system is decentralized. Each province and territory has control over the curriculum. In Canada, strict selection of teachers and training practices. Interaction with family and technology development also influenced the advanced nature of education in the country.


Schools have the right to choose their own educational materials. Teachers must have a master's degree. Teachers in Finland are free in how they organize their classes.


The Japanese education system has long been focused on the preparation of schoolchildren to future employment and participate in society. In Japan, forcing children to achieve results in the measure of their abilities. Japanese syllabus Known with its rigor and density. Schoolchildren in Japan know a lot about global cultures, and curricula focused on practical classes.


In 2000, Poland received an estimate of Pisa below average, and already in 2012 entered the 10 best educational systems in the world. For this, the country got rid of the structure of the education system, which existed in communist mode. In addition, teachers were expanded in Poland to focus on practical skills and economic education.


For more than 50 years of existence, Singapore passed as an independent country through three education reforms. First, literacy improved in Singapore. The government sought to provide the world market cheap working force And she understood that workers should be competent. The next stage of educational reforms was to develop high-quality school system. In Singapore, schoolchildren were divided into streams. The curricula and materials were developed for each stream separately. By 2008, the third stage of reforms began. Schools focused on the depth training of schoolchildren. IN school Program There were art lessons. Significantly increased financing of pedagogical education.

Education is one of the most important components of our world, because without proper training, our new generation will not have a future, because without him they simply will not be able to survive in this complex world. Surprisingly, it would seem, the importance of this is obvious, but in different countries Education systems are not identical. There are countries in which education is a priority sphere of vital activity, and there are those where he does not pay attention at all.

Good education is the best attachment in the world, it returns to the owners very slowly, but when the time comes, it, in fact, not only pay off, but will bring profit. A good education system does not mean tough discipline, here is the main quality. All developed countries can boast qualitative education, which is the key to their success. The remaining countries still work in this direction, but some progress in the educational sphere is not possible not to notice.

Top 10 countries whose education systems are recognized as the best in the world.

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This is the first country in the world where its own ministry of education has been created, which still works best and properly. This is expressed in many educational successes, but the country's highest awards received in the field of mathematics and other fundamental sciences. Poland has high literacy.

Polish high school It is recognized in many countries thanks to consistently high learning quality. This country is also the best choice for foreigners. The history of education in Poland is rooted in the XII century. 70% of students of this country teaching is conducted on english language.

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The Ireland Education system is considered one of the best, as training in this country is completely free. Note, for free at all levels, including higher education and colleges. Therefore, Ireland's successes in this area are recognized worldwide, and it takes its honorable place in our list. Now emphasis in education is shifted to the study and conduct of teaching in Irish.

In this country, education is mandatory for all children, all educational institutions, including even private, are fully funded by the government in order to give free and high-quality education at all levels to all residents of the country. That is why in Ireland about 89% of the population has a mandatory level. school Education.

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The population of this country is the most literary educated in the world, reflecting the quality of education in this region. And this is another country with free formation At all levels, some private schools still require payment.

A feature of the education system here is that up to sixteen years old students are obliged to devote a full day to learning. Next, teenagers have the right to choose - whether they want to learn a full or part-time, come further or not in higher education. Educational institutions in the Netherlands are divided into religious and public.

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Canada is known for the fact that due to the high quality of education, a plurality of students from different countries prefer this country to obtain higher education.

The rules of the formation system differ in different provinces, but there is one thing that is common to the whole country - the government of this country pays great attention to the quality and standards of education, therefore in Canada there is a much higher percentage of school education. But those who want to study in higher education institutions are significantly less than in previous countries. Education is mainly funded by the Government of each individual province.

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Great Britain

This is a country that is well known to the whole world with its quality of education not only at the school level, but also at the level of higher education. Oxford University is a university number one worldwide. The United Kingdom is also known as a pioneer in the field of education, because the history of educational institutions and the formation of the education system as a whole has passed a very long period.

But, surprisingly, the United Kingdom does not pay special attention to the quality of education at the initial and average level, although higher education receives an excellent assessment in all respects. Therefore, this country is in the sixth place in our list. It is worth noting that the UK education system ranks second in Europe.

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This country is known for the provision of maximum freedom to schoolchildren and students. Education is here completely free, the food is also paid by the school administration, if the student is present in school full time. Despite this, much attention is paid to the involvement of students to higher educational institutions.

Therefore, this country is also known as a leader in the number of people who finish any form of education sequentially. It allocates a fairly large budget for education. It is equal to € 11.1 billion, which allows the country to have high-quality education from the initial to the highest level. In Finland, almost 100 percent literacy, which also speaks of a high level educational system.

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This country entered our list due to the fact that according to research from the Hong Kong population the highest level of IQ on the planet. In terms of the level of education and literacy, this country is superior to many other countries. High technologies in the field of technology are also achieved thanks to an excellent education system. So this country, which is also called the World Business Center, is well suited for higher education. However, they want to achieve here high standards For development in all areas of education. Mandatory for all is 9 years of study in schools.

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Singapore is another leader in the average level of IQ of its population. It gives special attention to both the volume and quality of education and the Schoolchildren and Students themselves who learn and receive certificates. Singapore is not only one of the richest countries, but also one of the most educated. And it is education that plays a key role in the success of the country.

It is significant that the country does not regret funds on the quality of education. Every year $ 12.1 billion is invested in this sphere, so here and literacy levels of more than 96%.

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South Korea

You will be very surprised by the fact that there are still few people who spoke in the world for ten years ago on the system of education of this country. But South Korea develops rapidly, and last year she ranked first in a similar list. The country is leading the number of people with higher education. And this is not only because to learn popular.

Training is the main vital principle of the population. This country is far ahead from the rest of the world in terms of technology development, which is achieved thanks to the education system and government reforms. Annual education budget in this country is $ 11.3 billion, so literacy rate is 99.9%.

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The most famous country in the world in terms of its technology ranks first in this list due to its reforms of the educational system. They managed to completely change the form of education and create effective system Control in this area. After a complete collapse of the economy of this country, education has become the only source of development for Japan. This country has a very long history of education, the traditions of which are preserved now. The level of literacy of the population is also 99.9%, although only primary education is obligatory.

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It was an article about countries with the best education systems in the world.

According to the data recently published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), more than half of adult Russians have the third stage diplomas (2012) - the equivalent of the College Diploma in the United States is more than in any other country where reviews were held. At the same time, in 2012, less than 4% of adults have possessed such qualifications, less than in other countries. Edition "24/7 Wall St." represents 10 countries with the most high levels Adults possessing college diplomas.

Usually the most educated population - in countries where the cost of education is higher. Education costs in the six most educated countries were higher than the average for OECD $ 13.957. For example, the costs of such an education in the United States are $ 26,021 per student, the largest in the world.

Despite the magnitude of investing in education, there are exceptions. Korea I. the Russian Federation We spent less than $ 10,000 at the student in 2011, significantly lower than the average for OECD. Nevertheless, they remain among the most educated.

Qualification does not always turn into great skills and skills. If among American college graduates only 1 out of 4 has excellent literacy, then in Finland, Japan and the Netherlands of such 35%. As the Schleiher explains, "we usually appreciate people according to formal diplomas, but the data give reason to believe that the value of the formal assessment of skills and skills in different countries differs significantly."

To determine the most educated countries in the world, "24/7 Wall St." Checked in 2012 10 countries with the highest number of residents aged 25 to 64 with higher education. The data was included in the OECD report "View on Education" 2014. 34 OECD member countries and ten countries are not considered. The report included data on the proportion of adults who received different levels of education, the level of unemployment and public and private expenses for education. We also reviewed the data review of adult skills OECD, which entered the advanced adult skills in mathematics and reading. The freshest numbers of education costs in countries belong to 2011.

Here are the most educated countries in the world:

  • The percentage of the population with higher education: 39.7%
  • The average annual growth rate (2005-2012): 5.2% (fourth above)
  • Higher education costs of one student: $ 16,095 (twelfth top)

Nearly 40% of Irish adults between the ages of 25 and 64 in 2012 had a higher education, 10th place among countries rated by OECD. Significant growth, because more than ten years ago, only 21.6% of adults in one form or another received higher education. The deterioration of employment chances in recent years made a higher education more attractive for residents of the country. More than 13% of the population in 2012 were unemployed, one of the highest levels among the countries considered. However, the unemployment rate among adults who received the formation of the college level was relatively low. The desire to obtain a higher education is especially attractive for citizens of the EU countries, since their training fees are largely subsidized. government agencies Ireland.

  • Percentage of the population with higher education: 40.6%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 2.9% (13 below)
  • Higher education costs of one student: $ 10,582 (15 below)

The global financial crisis did not have such a sharp impact on higher education expenses in New Zealand, as in other countries. If government spending on education in a number of OECD member countries decreased over the period between 2008 and 2011, then government spending on education in New Zealand has grown more than 20% for the same time, this is one of the most significant increases. Nevertheless, the costs of higher education are low in comparison with other developed countries. In 2011, $ 10,582 was spent on a higher education at a student, less than an average of OECD - $ 13,957. Despite the costs of less average, however, the costs of all other forms of education amounted to 14.6% of the total government spending of New Zealand, more than any other of the countries under consideration.

  • Percentage of the population with higher education: 41.0%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 4.0% (11 from above)
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 14,222 (16 from above)

If many national Economics, Including the United States, between 2008 and 2011, the economy of the United Kingdom decreased in the same period. Despite the decline, government spending on education as a percentage of GDP increased more than in any other country during this period. The United Kingdom is one of the few countries with a "sustainable approach to higher education financing" on the probe. Each student in the country has access to loans proportional to income, which means - until the student's income exceeds a certain threshold, the loan return is not required.

  • Percentage of the population with higher education: 41.3%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 3.5% (15 above)
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 16, 267 (11 from above)

More than $ 16,000 is spent on the highest education of one student in Australia, one of the highest levels in OECD. Australia's higher education system is one of the most popular among students from other countries, it attracts 5% of foreign students. Compared to this, the United States, in which many times the number of educational institutions, attract only three times more foreign students. And, apparently, higher education pays off for those graduates who remain in the country. The unemployment rate is among local residents With higher education lower than in almost all, with the exception of a handful of countries appreciated in 2012. In addition, almost 18% of adults demonstrate the highest literacy rate for 2012, significantly higher than the mean by OECD 12%.

  • Percentage of population with higher education: 41.7%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 4.8% (8 from above)
  • Higher education expenses of one student: $ 9,926 (12 below)

Despite the costs of less than $ 10,000 at the student who receives a higher education in 2011 is less than all the others on the list, except Russia, Korea residents are among the most educated in the world. Although in 2012, only 13.5% of adult Koreans aged 55-64 have a complete higher education, but among those who are from 25 to 34, such two thirds. The level of 50% was the largest improvement in generation among all countries. Almost 73% of higher education expenditures in 2011 provided private sources, second place in the world. The high level of private expenses leads to an increase in inequality. However, the growth of educational skills and educational mobility, apparently, is achieved due to the relatively objective access to the highest formation. Koreans were among those who most likely to gain access to higher education from all valued countries, according to OECD data.

  • Percentage of the population with higher education: 43.1%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 1.4% (the lowest)
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 26,021 (highest)

In 2011, in the United States, more than $ 26,000 was spent on the highest education of the middle student, almost twice the average for OECD $ 13.957. Private costs in the form of training fees give most of these expenses. To some extent, the cost of higher education pays off, since a large proportion of adults in the United States has a very high level of qualifications. Due to slowly growth in the past decade, the United States still lagged behind many states. If the costs of higher education on the Middle Student between 2005 and 2011 increased by 10% on average by OECD countries, then in the United States for the same period, expenses decreased. And the United States is one of the six countries that have reduced the cost of higher education between 2008 and 2011. Like other countries where education is managed by regional authorities, the level of acquisition of higher education is very different in different states of the United States, from 29% in Nevada to almost 71% in Colombia County.

  • The percentage of the population with higher education: 46.4%%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): no data
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 11,553 (18 from above)

Most 18-year-old Israelites are required to pay a mandatory for at least two years. military service. Perhaps as a result of this, residents of the country are later completed than in other countries. However, the obligatory appeal did not downgrade the level of higher education, in 2012, 46% of adults of Israelis had a higher education. In the same 2011, more than $ 11,500 was spent on the highest education of the middle student, less than in most other developed countries. Low education expenses in Israel as a result give low teacher salary. Newly new teachers high School With minimal preparation, less than $ 19,000 received in 2013, with an average salary on OECD more than $ 32,000.

  • The percentage of the population with higher education: 46.6%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 2.8% (12 below)
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 16,445 (10 top)

As in the USA, Korea and the United Kingdom, private costs provide most of the expenses for higher education in Japan. Although it often leads to social inequality, but Schleicher explains that as in most Asian countries, Japanese families are mostly waged money on the formation of their children. Great expenses for education and participation in obtaining higher education do not always provide higher academic skills. However, in Japan, high expenses led to the best results, because more than 23% of adults showed the highest level of skills, almost twice the average on OECD at 12%. Young students, apparently, are well educated, since recently in 2012, Japan showed extremely high figures in the program of international assessment of students in mathematics.

  • Percentage of the population with higher education: 52.6%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 2.3% (8 below)
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 23,225 (2 top)

More than half of the Canadians-adults in 2012 had a higher education, the only country, except Russia, where most adults have one or another higher education. Canadian expenses for the formation of a middle student in 2011 amounted to $ 23,226 approaching the US expenditures. Canadian students of all ages seem to be very well educated. High School students surpassed the students of most countries in mathematics in 2012 on Pisa. And almost 15% of adult countries demonstrated the highest level of skills - comparable from 12% on average according to OECD data.

1) Russian Federation

  • The percentage of the population with higher education: 53.5%
  • The average annual growth rate (2000-2011): no data
  • Expenses for higher education of one student: $ 27,424 (the lowest)

More than 53% of the adults of Russia between the ages of 25 and 64 in 2012 had one form or another form of higher education, more than all other countries estimated by OECD. The country has achieved such a wonderful level of involvement, despite the lowest costs of higher education. Russia's expenses for higher education are only $ 7.424 per student in 2010, almost half of the average for OECD $ 13,957. In addition, Russia is one of the few countries where the cost of education between 2008 and 2012 decreased.

As Nelson Mandela said, "education is the most powerful weapon in order to change the world." Each country on Earth has its own education system, but not all of them are equally effective and capable of raising the right skills and skills in children. As a rule, countries with a high standard of living leading such lists. The statistics of the rupture as an education between developing and developed countries is far from comforting. According to data, the gap between the developed and developing world is about 100 years. The best of the best supports at the proper ratio of teachers to students, teach children at school longer and certify the most big number Students with high-quality education. Who are these leading countries? Continue to read to explore the list of 10 best education systems.


"Education for all." A country with a population of 24 million teaches schoolchildren under the age of 20 (USA, for comparison, under the age of 20 years old). 94% of citizens over 25 years old have secondary education. The ratio of students to teachers is approximately 14: 1, while Australia perfectly supports its teachers. The country stimulates teachers going to the countryside and is trying to provide an equal salary for teachers at all levels.


Thanks to the intensive attention to learning children since 6 years, Japanese schoolchildren have deep knowledge in science. Japan ranks second in the annual global educational report, fourth place in reading and seventh in mathematics according to influential International Program Estimates of educational achievements of students. The program tests 15-year-old students all over the world to compare countries' education systems. According to these estimates, the island state Pacific Ocean Seriously applies to education. Literacy rate of 127 million Japan citizens is 99 percent.

South Korea

Standardized tests confirm highest quality Education systems in South Korea. Schoolchildren in the 49 million republic are visited both private and public secondary schools and lead in many academic estimates. Long-term study of items helped the disciples to achieve such high results, because South Korean parents spend significant amounts for extracurricular training of their children.

Education in Finland

Who knew that many interruptions could significantly improve the results of students? Finns. Children from this northern European country between the ages of 7 and 15 are held 15-minute breaks for a free game during each hour of their five-hour school day. And although the estimates are not put up to the fourth grade (and schools do not require any standardized tests until the fourth year of study), the success of their students is indisputable. Consistently high marks in international tests confirm it. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the gap between the weakest and most strong students in Finland is the smallest in the world.


Norway has the highest developmental assessments according to the UN, because It raises education for 5.1 million inhabitants one of the main priorities. The Scandinavian country spends 6.6% of their education GDP, and supports the attitude of teachers to students at the level of 9: 1. Relying on the national curriculum, teachers introduce schoolchildren with applied art, the rules of a healthy lifestyle, music and physical education. And their system is definitely working. One hundred percent of the population of Norway school age Registered at school, and 97 percent of residents have secondary education.


Described as "Exam-oriented" education system in this island city-state of Southeast Asia with a population of 5.7 million seeks to teach children to solve problems. At the same time, students are perfectly coping with tests and occupy the first places in all sciences. Teachers in Singapore also participate in professional development Through their career.


Even if you don't know dutch language, with training in the Netherlands there will be no problems. The country with 17 million residents is highly valued in all ratings of high-quality education. Here they provide training on a variety of languages \u200b\u200bin addition to the Netherlands for students of 1 - 4 classes to facilitate the speedy study of the language. 94% of the inhabitants are secondary education, and additional funding is provided to poorer students and ethnic minorities. According to UNESCO, primary schools With the highest proportion of such students, on average, approximately 58 percent more teachers and technical personnel.



Not a simple good luck caused the high ratings of Ireland in the UN educational index. The country with 4.7 million inhabitants invest significant capital in the education of citizens, spending 6.2 percent of GDP (twice as large as Singapore). Such a priority layout helped Ireland to create one of the best education systems in the world.


99.9 percent of the British at the age of 25 and older have secondary education. England currently produces a strategy for placing an additional 750,000 students who, according to the Ministry of Education, will replenish the school by 2025. The country occupies leading places in the rating of education systems, which is confirmed by various types of student testing.

Education in the countries of the world is distinguished by many factors: pedagogical system, shape educational process, means that people are investing in training. depends on general level Development of the state. In different states, the own educational system is functioning.

When it comes to entering abroad, many different countries and universities come to mind. The level of education levels depends on many things, ranging from financing, ending the structure of learning.

It is interesting to notice how the students did themselves. It was estimated at how much foreign countries are popular with foreigners. Germany and England occupy a leading position, while Poland closes a rating.

Charles University in Prague - the most prestigious higher educational institution In the Czech Republic, the oldest University of Central Europe

Higher education in Europe for foreigners is much cheaper than in the United States and Canada. The cost of one semester in the European University begins from 726 euros. The most prestigious are universities in Denmark, Sweden, France and Germany.

Almost every european country You can find at least one program where learning is conducted in English. This option is suitable for those who do not want or not have the ability to learn a new language.

You can enter the European University immediately after school and with a minimum set of documents. Usually require a certificate (or diploma), a certificate confirming the level of language proficiency and a motivational letter.

After graduating from university in Europe foreign students It is allowed to remain in the country for some time to find work and employment.

In 2019, the most prestigious universities in Europe are considered:

  • Oxford and Cambridge. These are two of the most popular english universitiesIn which young people from all over the world are dreaming. The cost of training in these universities is from 25,000 to 40,000 pounds.

University of Cambridge - University of Great Britain, one of the oldest (second after Oxford) and the largest in the country

  • Technical Institute in Zurich. The cost of learning is currently 580 francs, but since 2019 it is expected to increase prices.
  • University of Ludwig Maximilian in Munich. One of the most popular universities in Germany, in which there are programs both in German and English.
  • University in Helsinki. This university was sometimes free for everyone, but in 2017 he became paid. The cost of one year at this university begins from 10,000 euros. This university offers programs at Finnish and English.

Munich technical University - Technische Universität München is one of the largest German universities and a prestigious higher education institution in the eastern part of Germany

As for grants for training in Europe, the most popular option is to participate in the Erasmus program. This program is aimed at the exchange of students from partner universities. The program covers all expenses for staying in a foreign university.

Higher education in the USA

In the United States of America, education is one of the most expensive in the world. One year in the American University will cost at least $ 35,000. Future students can apply for a grant or scholarship, but some of them cover costs only partially.

Not satisfied with the value of learning and the Americans themselves: students and graduates of universities complain that after graduation, they have to pay debt a few more years.

Also, do not forget that in addition to paying student's student in the US, there are other costs - on an apartment, food and medical insurance per year leaves from 8,000 to 12,000 dollars.

The most prestigious universities in America are considered:

  • Stanford. The cost of learning begins from $ 15,000 a year and depends on the selected program, as well as the degree of training - Bachelor, Master or Doctor of Science.
  • Mit Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This technical university known to the whole world not only high level of education, but also large quantity Lectures in open access. But the cost of obtaining education is not as affordable - from $ 25,000 per year.
  • Institute of Technology in California. The cost of one year of study in the university is about 50,000 dollars.
  • Horvard. One of the most expensive options, studying for a foreigner will cost $ 55,000 a year.

List of famous universities in the USA

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