Slender military women. Women in uniform or Military woman. The fates of army women are different

There is no conscript service for girls in the Russian army, however military service There are more than 300 thousand representatives of the fair sex.

It is impossible to imagine the Russian Army today without representatives of the fair sex. They perform military duty in units special purpose, V Marine Corps, in the motorized rifle and Arctic brigades as soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers. The law prohibits the involvement of women in guard, garrison and internal service. The participation of girls on the battlefield or sending them to hot spots is also not permitted. Today, many girls complain about the injustice of laws and inequality of opportunities for women in the Russian army. They say that girls go to serve to prove to themselves that they are no worse than men, but the main thing is that the girls are ready to give their debt to their native country.

Girls in the army can join the army in two ways. Firstly, upon enrolling in military school and receiving an officer rank after graduation. Education in military schools for girls is free. Secondly, girls can join the army under contract. According to the latest official data in Armed Forces There are 326 thousand women in Russia. This figure consists of civilian personnel and those wearing shoulder straps. There are about 45 thousand women soldiers in the army.

According to statistics today in the armed forces Russian Federation One thousand nine hundred and fifty women serve in officer positions. Of these, twelve were at the rank of colonel, two hundred and sixty lieutenant colonels, five hundred majors, five hundred and fifty two captains, six hundred lieutenants, and several senior lieutenants. The data is quickly becoming outdated as more and more women join the military.

Every year, girls' interest in military service increases, including an increase in the number of those who serve under contract. The fair sex is most attractive in the service high level social security: decent salary, social guarantees, the prospect of obtaining official housing, good medical care.

IN Russian army there are female generals. In 2010, Army General Tatyana Shevtsova was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation by order of the Commander-in-Chief.

Tatyana Shevtsova still serves in this position.

Elena Knyazeva – Deputy Head of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Educational and scientific work from September 25, 2012.

Elena Knyazeva acts as head of the Main Directorate for International Military Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Defense; she is a Doctor of Philology, professor, and major general.

Women today are ready to defend their Motherland on an equal basis with men. Defender's Day has become their holiday, and they receive congratulations along with the men. Girls in the service do not receive special concessions, but the girls themselves admit that they receive unofficial concessions in their service. And yet, even in the army, girls remain true to themselves, they are beautiful, responsible and faithful to duty. Girls bring new relationships to the army, where a purely male spirit has always reigned. They are changing the face of the Russian Armed Forces in the literal sense of the word. The army is becoming beautiful.

Young ladies began to seriously try on men's suits. But if the matter were limited to this... Not everyone decides to change their wardrobe to camouflage. Although such cases in lately is being observed more and more. What attracts the weaker sex in this sometimes overwhelming task? Why do young girls rush to military schools, despite the competition, and sign five-year contracts?

For me, as the granddaughter, daughter, sister of an officer, all of these are more than strange questions. Not because, knowing the answer to them, I do not consider them incomprehensible. Having studied the system of this type of activity too well, I am amazed at the courage or stupidity of individuals who choose a similar profession.

Russia is not part of the countries where conscription performed not only by men. Probably, it is precisely this fact that draws graceful figures like a magnet into the orderly ranks of servants of the Motherland. The first option is “I don’t know, I want to try.” Almost romance... The second - more common - daughters (and sons) of military personnel follow in the footsteps of their fathers, because the path to other paths is closed and the result is military women. This is a more than common occurrence, with reasons more unknown to me. This precedent is observed in my family.

The older sister serves

The older sister serves in the ranks of the Air Force under a contract, although, like me, she knows all the delights of this “work” better than others. The dream of her youth was shoulder straps; when the goal was achieved, there was no satisfaction. Why was the “experience” of generations not accepted? Yes, we were raised to respect form. But we both knew that serving the Fatherland is a heavy duty. It was clear and visible to each of us that “The state is called the Motherland when it sends its citizens to war, and the citizens begin to be called “sons.” We also knew how the state pays for courage and loyalty.

So why are the daughters, wives, and sisters of military personnel eager to study the regulations, drive a tank, and go on “business trips” to combat points? Maybe they are attracted by high earnings, stable living conditions, benefits, social protection? Let's take a closer look at all these criteria.

The salary is calculated depending on the position, rank, length of service, etc. My sister’s salary is 700 rubles + “compensation for food” 600 rubles = 1300. I agree that in the conditions of the Russian village this is more or less decent. But rations are issued occasionally, accumulating debts for several months, no indexation, and, of course, no compensation. “Stable living conditions”, i.e. Apartments have been a very sensitive issue lately. The army of homeless servicemen is replenished with each new serviceman and his family. “Benefits” are then canceled, then restored, and in between there are hassles, in addition to the daily, generally accepted ones. “Social protection” - I don’t know whether to cry or laugh when looking at this concept.

On the other hand, I understand military women living in garrisons, far from industrial cities, they have little choice: either serve, or work on a local dilapidated collective farm, or sit at home. They are the ones I feel sorry for most. Far from Moscow, the bosses feel at ease, which means “I’m the boss, and you’re not just a fool, but no one knows who at all.” It’s even worse when the boss is henpecked by his wife or mistress, who literally commands the parade. Here salvation is only in the wisdom of this lady, but this does not happen often. This means that, having seen a cool suit on Ninka, but not the size for the commander, Ninka will receive an excess amount of night duty. And if there are children at home and there is no one to sit, even if they move away altogether, a holy place is never empty. But an empty place is far from sacred, therefore Svetka, who occupies it, will be quieter than water, lower than the grass. There is a lady in my circle of forced acquaintances who, in response to any remark or dissatisfaction, snaps back clearly: “I sleep with the chief of staff, and I also sleep with the battalion commander, if I want, I’ll sleep with the division commander - go and complain.” Such persons behave arrogantly and defiantly; if you have to cross their path, beware. But if only they posed a danger... There is nowhere to look for protection from male attacks from women, and even more so from harassment from higher-ranking bosses than their husbands.

The fates of army women are different:

Some people sleep with management of their own free will, and some do so due to circumstances. Ensign Oksana Ivanovna has been officially the “beloved woman” of the regiment commander for five years now. She found a job with difficulty, and was able to stay in it only under the patronage of the colonel, who had his eye on her. Who will refuse the commander if there are no other ways? Oksana is a deeply decent person and this situation depresses her. Once, I tried to commit suicide, but who would need a sick mother and little Seryozhka?

My friend Sveta is still in a “privileged” position. Her main flaw is weakness and inability to say “no” (this is what caused her situation). And the most offensive thing is the attitude of colleagues. If the “patron” is on a responsible assignment or on a business trip, his comrades (especially special ones) eat the poor fellow for any reason. She cannot give them a decent answer (as some do). You have to be patient. To climb the career ladder in this traditionally male profession, you need to endure a lot: sleepless nights, resentment, and insults. “Females in the uniform of colonels, even generals, are an extremely rare, but existing phenomenon. But even a high rank will not save you from ridicule. About one major general in a skirt, colleagues joke: “Where does she sew the stripes?” But in order to achieve With such an attitude, you have to go through a lot and not break down. Many women become drunkards, some begin to lead a riotous lifestyle, some become callous, and some go completely crazy, especially after hot spots, they don’t spare women, they even try to send them away to “smell gunpowder.” ", they say, she took up the tug... There are also those who travel on their own and more than once, most of them for money, of course.

I don't want to be accused of exaggerating. Everything mentioned above is cons. Pros: you can retire at 37 years old (one year goes by 1.5). The work cloakroom is of the same type, monochromatic, issued by the state.

When getting an education at military universities, you don’t have to pay, there is a good scholarship there, and the diploma also applies to civilian life. The contract system implies a 5-year or less contract, which can be terminated if desired.

Maybe this justifies a competition for 30 people in military schools? And I’m generally silent about police schools. But regular military personnel still treat guys with more confidence than “females” (by the way, an accepted expression), so it’s several times harder to prove that you want and can to a young lady. When it was my turn to choose a profession, I told my parents only one phrase: “Anything, just not the army.” They, of course, twirled their finger at his temple, throwing a couple of dozen hysterics, concerned about the future of their child, but still could not convince him. I am happy that I myself solved the problem of this difficult choice, that I myself entered the university I wanted, in the department I liked. I know that I was not mistaken in rejecting family tradition, and I will never regret it.

Women in the army. Statistics:

In the Armed Forces (AF), more than 2,400 women wear officer's shoulder straps.
Among them: one major general, four colonels and over 300 senior officers.
The average age of women is from 26 to 35 years.
Every sixth warrant officer is a woman, and among military personnel serving under contract in the positions of private and sergeant, almost half are female. 25.2% of women serve in military households; 19% - at headquarters; 17.5% - at communication centers.
There are 650 female officers in the Internal Troops (VV).
The average age is 36 years.
The main duty stations are medical units, communications services, there are a small number of teachers in military institutes of explosives.

These are the military women of Russia!

Evgenia Suvorova

You've already seen enough of all sorts of drunken warriors, bathing in fountains and more. Now let's look at what's really fascinating.


25% of our military are women, 13% are mobilized, 7% serve as officers. And we also have as many as 12 female generals. We congratulate them on their professional holiday. We love, we are proud, and we thank you. Let's leaf through.


In 1924, the Swedes allowed women to join the army exclusively on a voluntary basis. In 1989, it got to the point that ladies appeared in absolutely every unit of the Swedish armed forces.

Today their number has decreased: only 5%. Must have - beret, braids, and a radiant smile.


Czech Republic

11% of the Czech army are ladies. But most of them occupy administrative positions. Although, some Czechs have taken root well in the Air Force units.


American soldiers are dressed in the same clothes as men. No feminine accessories or berets with smiles. But this doesn’t scare the ladies there: in 2012, the US Army consisted of 12% of the fairer sex. This is about 165 thousand enlisted and active + 35 thousand officers.



In Romania, too, no one cares whether you are a man or a woman. You will dress, live, drink, eat and sleep the same as everyone else. And fight. Therefore, these female soldiers were in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.



In Poland, there are about 2.5 thousand military personnel in skirts. Have the right to serve in:

  • special forces


United Kingdom

Women to join British army allowed only in 1990. They are not allowed on the battlefield, they are not accepted into the ranks of the Navy/Air Force/special forces. Maybe they don’t even give you machine guns. And in general, they were probably allowed to walk around the barracks solely to please the soldier’s eye.



Women play an important role in the life of the Turkish army. The world's first female military pilot was in Turkey. Young ladies are even taken into the infantry and as sailors on submarines. Well, they are also very welcome among the officers.



During the First and Second World Wars, Canadian women worked in “support”:

  • signalmen;
  • operators;
  • doctors and nurses.

In 1965, the country's government became more accommodating: it allowed 5 thousand women to join the armed forces. In 1982, the veto finally fell: weaker sex were allowed to serve in unlimited numbers in any military unit.



The path of women in the Norwegian army is thorny: at first they were “not taken”, then, starting in 1938, they were raked in “buckets”. In 1947, everyone was sent back to civilian life. Later, in 1977 and 1984, they slowly began to be recruited into the ranks of the Nordic warriors again. It got to the point that in 1995, a smart lady could easily become the commander-in-chief of a submarine.

Today the situation has slowed down, and there are no more young ladies on submarines. They probably outgrew the “water” and became “red berets”.



Men are recruited into the Greek army at the age of 18 and older. They are forced to serve for 9 months. Women can also join the service, but only of their own free will.

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