Zalmanov and with thousands of ways to recovery. Zalmanov Abram Solomonovich - "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body." Famous Japanese Bath - Offer

Russian Dr. Abram (Alexander) Zalmanov acquired international glory due to its turpentine baths. According to his capillary theory, this simple recipe helps to return and preserve youth, as well as heal from many diseases.

Dr. Zalmanov lived as much as 90 years. And it is possible that it is thanks to its turpentine baths

Abram Zalmanov (1875-1965) was born in Belarus, from orphanage dreamed of becoming a doctor. After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered Moscow University for the Medical Faculty, but in the fourth year threw his studies and, disappointed in the teaching system, went to the first course of the law faculty.

At the University of Zalmanov infected revolutionary ideas And in 1899, he was arrested for organizing the All-Russian Student strike and excluded from the university. After the liberation of Zalmanov went to Heidelberg (Germany), where in 1901th he graduated from the medical faculty. Two years later, he received a diploma in Russia, and in 1911 in Italy.

Despite the progress in medicine, Zalmanov periodically interrupted career for traveling, in which other professions mastered from curiosity. He was a fisherman, a reporter, a builder and even a cleaner of shoes. Zalmanov generally loved reincarnation. For example, he dressed as an Arab - a predictor of fate and performed on the streets.

At one time, Zalmanov began the resort hospital in Neri on the shore of the Genueez bay. Plekhanov came to him, Rosa Luxembourg, Clara Zetkin and many others famous people. During the First World War, Zalmanov served at the front under the Bialystoy: operated, was injured, he was awarded the medal, Gin General Medical Services. He managed military hospitals on Mius and Presnya in Moscow. In 1918, Lenin appointed Zalmanov Head of the Main Resort Department and Chairman State Commission In the fight against tuberculosis, in the same year Abram became a personal doctor of Lenin and Krupskaya. He was entering the house of Lenin and, according to contemporaries, was considered hardly a member of the family.

In 1921, Zalmanov went to Europe to improve the qualifications and exchange of experience. He failed to return. Lenin died soon, and the scientist remained in Europe. Thanks to the free ownership of five languages, he was easily arranged to work in European clinics, but nowhere was delayed for longer than three months: having studied the technique, went further. Zalmanov tried to find a universal way to improve the entire body with natural means.

Fasciating the work of the Danish laureate Nobel Prize Augustus Korn, who explored the physiology of capillaries, in 1933 Zalmanov began to study the processes of capillary blood circulation and in a few years created the theory capillarotherapy which promoted as a method for rejuvenation of the body based on the reception of turbid baths. The meaning of the method is that the emulsion of the turpidar stimulates the capillary blood circulation, the microcirculation of the intercellular fluid and thus contributes to nutrition and fabric rejuvenation.

Zalmanov's baths had incredible success across Europe - they were used in Italy, Germany and Switzerland. During the second world scientist, Gestapo became seriously interested, but he, while in the occupied France, continued to take patients. Since 1946, Zalmanov held the conference, taught and published science articles. In 1956 his book "Secrets and Wisdom of the Body" came out, and four years later - the second book "Miracle of Life". Perhaps, it is thanks to the turpentine baths that he took himself, Zalmanov lived for 90 years. Before the death, he led the clinics and taught doctors to his method. (

Zalmanov Alexander Solomonovich

Mystery wisdom of the human body

Preface editor to first edition

Probably the fate of this book will not be normal. She still did not have time to see the light, as the official representatives of medicine had already met. This forces me to say about it more extensively than it is usually customary to do. First, a few words about her author.

Alexander (Abram) Solomonovich Zalmanov was born in Russia in 1875. After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered Moscow University of Medical Faculty. However, by going to the 4th course, left the medical faculty, as it was not satisfied with the teaching of medical disciplines.

In 1896, Zalmanov moved to the first course of the Law Faculty, which combines the lawsuits with the study of Russian and common story and comparative linguistics.

In 1899, he was arrested as one of the organizers of the All-Russian student strike, and after this was excluded from the university.

After liberation, deprived of the opportunity to continue education in Russia, Zalmanov went to Germany, to Heidelberg. Here he graduated from the medical faculty with the diploma of the doctor of medicine. Subsequently, he received two more diplomas - Russian and Italian.

During the First World War, Zalmanov returned to Russia and was a senior director of the head sanitary trains. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, in 1918, he worked as the head of the main resort department and the chairman of the State Commission on Combating Tuberculosis. In the same year, he was invited to treat N.K. Krupskaya and M.I. Ulyanova, having received a constant pass to enter the Kremlin. He personally knew V.I. Lenin and appreciated as an experienced physician. A.S. Zalmanova and at this time the certificate is preserved, given to him V.I. Lenin and written by his hand.

In the future, A.S. Zalmanov worked a lot in various clinics major cities Europe. The monograph A. Korn, dedicated to the physiology of capillaries, awarded the Nobel Prize, opened the desire to thoroughly examine the problems of capillary circulation and cellular metabolism.

Perfectly owning five languages, A.S. Zalmanov studied hundreds, if not thousands, work and for eight years visited hospitals and clinics medical faculty in Berlin. At the same time, he worked at the Patolanatomy Institute and Institutes of Physiology and Colloid Chemistry.

His book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body" was first published in France in 1958, and then translated into German and italian Languages. Now A.S. Zalmanov 88 years old and he continues to actively work.

That's all that, from my point of view, you need to know the reader about the author, whose book with some abbreviations is published in Russian for the first time.

Now about the book and those ideas and thoughts that the author invested in it.

The book is written not in the usual manner of scientific, strictly constructed monograph. It is rather a relaxed, alive, shaped and emotional conversation with the reader. This should be taken into account if any assessment of the book.

Sometimes this manner contributes to a more complete understanding of the questions about which the author narrates. But more often - it makes it difficult. However, this is still an external one stylistic feature Books, not evaluation of it essentially. What is the creature of books A.S. Zalmanov, developing provisions?

For millions of years, the body of animals and man produced in the process of adaptation to environment wonderful property - resist malicious effects. This feature is very shaped called I.P. Pavlov "physiological measure against illness", allows living organisms to learn winners in dangerous situations without any assistance.

It seems to me that in his book by A.S. Zalmanov and tries to draw attention to the natural protective forces of the body and to the methods of their stimulation. Therefore, the author is so emotionally opposed to the winding application immediately and for any occasion of numerous antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents.

I note immediately that A.S. Zalmanov does not deny the meanings of these funds at all. But it is impossible to disagree with him when he writes: "Modern therapy with antibiotics hunts to microbes and at the same time cultivates the" sustainable "microbes and mycoses."

It is impossible to disagree with the author and in the fact that vaccination and all sorts of vaccinations beginning with almost breast age can not contribute to the support of the proper level of their own protective mechanisms of the body. We aggressively addressed this outstanding pathologist as I.V. Davydovsky. It is possible that A.S. Zalmanov is right when it writes that the increase in the number of all sorts of allergic diseases is associated with the flooding of the body of all kinds of serums.

Of course, it would be ridiculous to deny the benefit of vaccination and various sera. It would mean to go "reason, contrary to the elements," but not reckon with this side effect impossible.

Moreover, A.S. Zalmanov (this is especially true of, of course, to foreign medicine), when it comes against the unrestrained use of all sorts of proprietary and non-certified chemotherapeutic agents, which are omitted and more from year to year in Europe and America.

Curious at the same time, that, speaking against the Erlikhov Terapia Sterilisans Magna, it turns out to be very close to the ideas that, at one time, developed the largest scientist academician A.D. Speransky. Note by the way, that in general in many places of your book by A.S. Zalmanov close to the ideas of A.S. Speransky about non-specific reactions and nonspecific therapy.

In this way, the main idea A.S. Zalmanova is mainly reduced to the fact that it should be paid for more attention to all the support and stimulation of the organism's natural protective resources.

There is nothing inculpent in this thoughts.

What idea is put forward by A.S. Zalmanov as a basis for stimulating its own protective mechanisms of the body? It is "capillary therapy", or, as he writes, the method of "deep" impact on the capillaries, more precisely, to the exchange processes occurring at the level of this part of the vascular bed.

Does this idea or does it have a serious basis? I believe that the second is true. Unfortunately, capillary blood circulation in the total mass of works devoted to the circulatory apparatus is given very little attention. True, over the past 10-15 years, attention is drawn to the problem of microcirculation abroad. There were several symposia and conferences on this an important problem. Our interest in this problem was revived by just some 3-5 years ago.

And regardless of those exaggerations that A.S. did not escape Zalmanov, it is necessary to admit that in its assessment of the importance of processes committed at the level of capillaries, he is right.

So, if we talk about those foundations, on which A.S. Zalmanov builds its "deep therapy", it is impossible not to recognize their physiologicality.

Now it should be said about the most complex, which is contained in the book A.S. Zalmanova, - about the methods of therapeutic effects offered by him various diseases. We must pay tribute to the author: offering various kinds of baths and balneological procedures, it does not forget, and does not ignore other ways of exposure. I repeat, it is enough to look into his therapeutic pointer to assure this.

What is essentially represented by the offered A.S. Zalmanov therapeutic procedures? Acquaintance with them convinces that this is, of course, one of the types of nonspecific therapy, perhaps one of the best, signed on the basis of a rich experience. Such. total assessment Contents of the book A.S. Zalmanova, which is able to make a doctor by education, a physiologist with a specialty, many years associated with the clinic, which is the author of this preface.

Do you need the contents of the book and the opinion of its author in critical to them? Of course it is so! But any book needs a critical attitude to its content. Without such a relationship, any books should not read any books. It must be borne in mind that, although A.S. Zalmanov and "not a fanatic", as he himself writes about this, he failed to avoid exaggerations and mistakes. Some of its judgments are naive, and the wording of looser. Sometimes, yielding to emotions, he misses the important details, sometimes he writes too common.

And yet it would be a mistake if the book A.S. Zalmanova was regarded as "nonsense", as another attempt to find "Panacea" from all diseases. Healing, which is aimed at this book, still contains an element of art, and the cause of the doctor's talent, his experience and knowledge to learn from the book by A.S. Zalmanova useful. Extract and check in practice. It should be reckoned with the fact that the author of it is a knowledgeable doctor who has a considerable experience of practical work beyond.

Mystery wisdom of the human body Alexander Solomonovich Zalmanov

Scientists about the concept of A.S. Zalmanov

Zalmanov and capillaries (fragment of articles by prof. M.Manchini)

Movable, full humor, small growth, with insightful eyes, with eternal cigarette in the mouth and hands are extremely sensitive, this man lived a life like a novel. To pay for their doctrine, Alexander Zalmanov was a court chronicle, the controller in the suburban trains, the senior master of construction sites and the author of amateur plays. He surrendered to the study of medicine, but on the fourth year, classes interrupted them in order to threaten to get acquainted with legal sciences, literature and philosophy. "One technique is not enough," he said, "to create a doctor and explore a person."

Then he returned to medicine and soon turned out to be one of the best Russian specialists. For his political beliefs, a little agreed with the directives of the royal government, he was expelled, went to Germany and entered the University of Heidelberg. There he became a student of a major neurologist Erba and visited other major specialists of that time.

In Italy (in Rome), he came to Foreniani, the creator of the pneumothorax. Several years was the director of the sanatorium near Geneva. Then he returned to Germany again, in Heidelberg - to the Card; In Cologne, he worked in Morita, in Vienna - at Winternnitsa, in Marburg - at Bradych, and in Paris - at the famous Cardiologist Gishar.

This is a restless person, a wanderer, insatiable inquisitive. He feels that he lacks common, so to speak, panoramic comprehension of the human body, bodily unity, synthetic man.

This unity, which he is persistently looking, disappears, crumbles in multiple specialization. Knowing a single body or system of organs does not give the opportunity to see the patient entirely, in all its integrity, and since without it it is impossible to put the correct diagnosis and successfully treated, then Dr. Zalmanov continues to look.

The first broke out world War. He returns to Russia, he heads a military hospital, was injured, received a medal. After the revolution, he is instructed by the reorganization of the fight against tuberculosis, he leads the resorts in drug addict, where the waters are treated. He is trusted to treat Lenin. And at one longtime, 1921 in a modest apartment in the Kremlin, Lenin, pleased the work of his doctor, asked him, as they ask in fairy tales, does he want anything? Every desire will be immediately satisfied. And Dr. Zalmanov again changed his habits, refused to be a light life and glory and returned to Germany.

For many years, an insatiable "inquisite", eternally dissatisfied, visits the most famous clinics and the most famous institutions. It consistently works in Kraus, Bergman clinics, Gis, Pronduct, Goldewher, Shleira, Mulk, in Pediatric Clinics of Flower, EKTA, Okita, in the Radiological Clinic of Lazar, in the Tuberculous Clinic of Clemer and Ulric, at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy Lyubarsha and Rekey, in Skin Clinic Bushke and Stolely, in Neurological - Bongle, at the Institute of Biochemistry Oppenheimer.

He studied working with the largest scientists, all areas of medicine; His awareness, without exaggeration, is exceptional and goes beyond the usual. He wanted to introduce unity and logic to the area where the separation is dominated. He wanted to decipher the fact that the specialization did inaccessible for this decryption: the human body in its solemn integrity and inseparable unity. The core of Zalmanov's theory is to study the body on the basis of the system of blood capillaries. He argued that there is not a single disease, accompanied by morphological changes, there is not a single functional disorder in which the condition of the capillaries would not be a paramount factor.

A. Zalmanov's thoughts are set forth in the book, and already in the Italian edition (A. Zalmanov. "The Secrets and Wisdom of the Body." Milan).

Wise about the mysterious wisdom of the body (thoughts of prof. F. Fridbert about the book A.Zalmanova)

That you can hear from the real connoisseurs of China and Far Eastthat they are for long searches and study, and even when it seemed to them that they were on the verge of the opening of incomprehensible secrets, they actually convinced that they did not know anything.

The problem is not very better and with our ideas about life, with ideas about our own body. No matter how many separate discoveries made from the time of the Great Hippocrates, i.e. For 2500 years, they all remained partial, half open discoveries, since in most cases, instead of considering phenomena associated in a single cosmic universe, theoretical explanations were built on one-sided and contradictory views that led to partial or full errors.

And in the end, after careful and attentive studies, it is necessary to argue that the history of medicine is nothing else as a history of medical errors.

Taking into account the said, becomes clear, what value is the mysterious wisdom of our body, when it is healthy and when ill. In order to understand this mysterious wisdom, the medicine of our days must be completely getting rid of mechanical thinking and try to move on new roads, as Alexander Zalmanov does in his book "Secrets and Wisdom of the Body", which he gave a very shape "Medicine Depths" "

The author discarded the seemingly spectacular external phenomena and invades in the depths of life, as a mysterious wizard, who knew the wisdom of the East. We are talking about the doctor who deeply disagrees with modern medicine and offers her open battle. Doctor of Medicine, who graduated from the universities in Russia, Germany and Italy, who practiced the field of medicine in the Soviet Union, who worked 8 years in various European clinics from the most famous doctors of his time, he as a result of long observations and reflections dedicated himself to empirical medicine, since Own words, the science of a sick person should remain primarily the problem of human observations. As opposed to statements about local diseases, diseases of individual bodies, Zalmanov argues that the disease always affects the entire person, proceeds from the dynamics of a living, pulsating organism and indicates the meaning of blood circulation and the physiology of capillaries.

The prevailing importance of the physiology of blood circulation becomes clear if you think that, according to the data provided in Zalmanov's book, the total length of the capillaries in a healthy person is equal to 100,000 km, the length of the kidney capillaries is 60 km, the surface of the capillary endothelium is 6000 m and the surface of the pulmonary alvetol is almost 8000 m 2 .

Dizhive game with numbers! Meaning we are talking Not about memorizing individual numbers in meters and kilometers as a dead ballast in science, but about the approach to the human body as a whole in the relationship between lengths and surfaces, on a wide way of the only right physiological anatomy.

When the author spends parallels with natural sciences, especially with modern nuclear physics, then he does not go to adherence to numbers and scales. It is essentially to be about using different sciences to come to a single truths subordinate to universal laws.

On this apparent workaround in principle discussions, the author builds the solid dynamics of the human body, based on blood circulation in completely new sizes, as opposed to a conventional clinical point of view. The importance of such a look at the integrity of the human body demonstrated Dr. Solman from Munich in his medical meeting in his report on the importance of the kinetics of the spine for the eye, confirmed by X-rays.

We begin to suddenly understand the tremendous value of the diaphragm as a "second heart" for the venous blood and lymphatic bed. We now understand what a change in the volume of organs of both physiologically and pathologically; take at least the lungs during the inhalation and exhalation, and we we understand deep The meaning of the "ventilation" of our body. Of these knowledge, naturally, deep conclusions grow for practice. So, on only an example of pulmonary tuberculosis (Dr. Zalmanov operates 26 years old on tuberculosis own method And it has a great authority on this, still such a dangerous disease) becomes a clear point of view of Zalmanov, coming from physiology, pathology, diagnosis and therapy. This point of view comes from deep interdependencies, from the dynamics of life. Based on this, it inevitably comes to a natural approach to the body, in which, along with hydro and balneotherapy, attaches great importance to the principles of self-regulation of the body, liberating itself by drainage from poisoning and harmful substances. At the same time, the author assigns medicines the minimum place.

I want to say brief again: we must provide this book a special place in our medical literature. It was created by the author on the basis of deep knowledge and tremendous practical experience. She can give an invaluable thing to every physician, in whose heart it will find a response and who understands the need to raise the level of their biological knowledge. The book is written excitingly interesting, and acquaintance with her leaves an indescribable impression.

Academician B.N. Klosovsky about the book A.Zalmanov "Secrets and Wisdom of the Body" (deep medicine)

Facts and reasoning, which leads to A.Zalmanov in their book, are aimed at convincing doctors with various pathological conditions of the body instead of an inexhaustible amount of chemical and pharmacological agents widely used physical methods Treatment.

A. Zalmanov based on more than 60 years of practical doctor's experience came to the conclusion that the main reasons leading to the pathology of one or another body, and in the future and the whole organism, are violations of the functioning of humoral body systems - lymphatic, blood and especially its capillary Parts. Therefore, the author of the book rebels against the introduction of medicinal substances, especially by introducing them in an injection method. He calls for an in-depth study of humoral pathology, i.e. To the study of high-quality and quantitative accounting of disorders occurring in the composition of the liquids of the human body.

Violations of the physiology of Kapillyarov A. Zalmanov considers as one of the main moments of human diseases. To the fact that he noticed a doctor-practitioner with his tender and thoughtful eye and summarized most diseases to the theory of pathogenesis, the experimental science came after the numerous experiments on animals and their checks in the clinic.

We cannot disagree with A.Zalmanov regarding the view that the metabolism is at the level of capillaries. These are also talking about our joints with E.N. Kosmologist, summarized in the monograph "Active and braking state of the brain" (1962).

We have shown that the blood circulation of a particular organ cannot be considered as nutrition of the organ or cells by arterial blood. Each organ or cell must be provided by two systems, namely the system that brings arterial blood, and the system that provides an outflow of venous blood with the products of the organ exchange or cell. Both systems should work accurately and conjugate. If one of the systems fails, and the other does not cope with overload, pathological processes arise in the body, leading ultimately to the disease.

That is why A.Zalmanov focuses on all his attention to maintain the normal functioning of these two systems: on the restoration of the correct capillary blood circulation, on the liberation of the body from the inverse metamorphosis products, which accumulated in the venous line of blood vessels. For this, the author recommends such treatment methods, such as the use of leeches. However, it focuses great attention on hydrotherapy procedures, which developed in detail of them and described in his book. This is mainly thermal baths with various impurities (with a white turpentine emulsion or a yellow solution). A. Zalmanov notes that the white turpentine emulsion is able to increase blood pressure, yellow, on the contrary, to lower.

In some cases, their use alternates both among themselves and with the addition of hay and nut leafs to the baths.

A.Zalmanov recommends local wraps or immersion in the temperature of the bath separate parts Bodies, such as hands and legs, than it reaches not only the local expansion of capillaries, but also improved blood circulation by reflexing in remote areas of the body. This allows you to think about a broad perspective for a more in-depth study of the interdependence of the blood supply to individual parts of the body.

It should be noted that A. Zalmanov all its appointments do not be tricing on the stencil, but after a thorough biochemical study of the composition of the body fluids. In this regard, the views of the author on the meaning of the diaphragm as a "second heart" for the body, which contributes to the outflow of lymphatic fluid and venous blood in the venous blood flow.

A. Zalmanov's book calls for a doctor critically refer to the use of various medicinal substances, which in some cases bring relief to some kind of body, breaking the function of another body at the same time. As a result of a huge number of daily produced various chemical-pharmaceutical substances, a practical doctor is not possible to observe their positive effect in some cases or negative - in others. In this regard, a good example is the sad fate of such a "beautiful" sedative, as tranquilisant issued by the West German industry.

This remedy responded to its destination, and used his faces really tested, had a good calm dream. However, the use of this drug in pregnant women led almost 100% of cases to the birth of children with various deformities, especially with Focomelia. And only after the use of this soothing means for a number of years, after the appearance of not one thousand children-freaks, practical doctors noticed its negative properties.

Many doctors began to notice that the other newest chemical and pharmaceutical funds ultimately lead the organism is not to cure, but to new diseases. In this regard, several monographs appeared in the literature, interpreting about therapeutic agents causing diseases (for example, Alexander. "Complications for drug therapy." M., 1958).

A. Zalmanova's book leads a physician to rational therapy and prevention aimed at restoring the disturbed functions of the body as a whole or individual parts, to prevent the disease and aging of the body, to extend his life. Therefore, the return to the natural methods of treatment on a new, scientifically developed basis, to which the book of A. Zalmanov appears, must be fully supported. A book that has been translated from almost all major languages \u200b\u200bshould be translated into Russian.

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Probably the fate of this book will not be normal. She still did not have time to see the light, as the official representatives of medicine had already met. This forces me to say about it more extensively than it is usually customary to do. First, a few words about her author. Alexander (Abram) Solomonovich Zalmanov R ..

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Year of issue: 2005

Genre: Alternative medicine

Format: PDF.

Quality: Ocr

Description:Probably the fate of the book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body" will not be usual. She still did not have time to see the light, as the official representatives of medicine had already met. This forces me to say about it more extensively than it is usually customary to do. First, a few words about her author.
Alexander (Abram) Solomonovich Zalmanov was born in Russia in 1875. After graduating from the gymnasium, he entered Moscow University of Medical Faculty. However, by going to the 4th course, left the medical faculty, as it was not satisfied with the teaching of medical disciplines.
In 1896, Zalmanov moved to the first course of the Law Faculty, combining the lawsuits of jurisprudence with the study of Russian and general history and comparative linguistics.
In 1899, he was arrested as one of the organizers of the All-Russian student strike, and after this was excluded from the university.
After liberation, deprived of the opportunity to continue education in Russia, Zalmanov went to Germany, to Heidelberg. Here he graduated from the medical faculty with the diploma of the doctor of medicine. Subsequently, he received two more diplomas - Russian and Italian.
During the First World War, Zalmanov returned to Russia and was a senior doctor-head of sanitary trains. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, in 1918, he worked as the head of the main resort department and the chairman of the State Commission on Combating Tuberculosis. In the same year, he was invited to treat N.K. Krupskaya and M.I. Ulyanova, having received a constant pass to enter the Kremlin. His personally knew V.I. Lenin and appreciated as an experienced physician. A.S. Zalmanova and at this time the certificate is preserved, given to him V.I. Lenin and written by his hand.
In the future, A.S. Zalmanov worked a lot in various clinics of the largest cities in Europe. The monograph A. Korn, dedicated to the physiology of capillaries, awarded the Nobel Prize, opened the desire to thoroughly examine the problems of capillary circulation and cellular metabolism.
Perfectly owning five languages, A.S. Zalmanov studied hundreds, if not thousands, works and for eight years visited hospitals and medical faculty clinics in Berlin. At the same time, he worked at the Patolanatomy Institute and Institutes of Physiology and Colloid Chemistry.
His book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body" was first published in France in 1958, and then translated into German and Italian. Now A.S. Zalmanov 88 years old and he continues to actively work.
That's all that, from my point of view, you need to know the reader about the author, whose book with some abbreviations is published in Russian for the first time.
Now about the book and those ideas and thoughts that the author invested in it.
The book is written not in the usual manner of scientific, strictly constructed monograph. It is rather a relaxed, alive, shaped and emotional conversation with the reader. This should be taken into account if any assessment of the book.

Sometimes this manner contributes to a more complete understanding of the questions about which the author narrates. But more often - it makes it difficult. However, this is still an external, stylistic feature of the book, and not an assessment of it essentially. What is the creature of books A.S. Zalmanov, developing provisions?
For millions of years, the body of animals and a person produced a remarkable property in the process of adapting to the environment - to resist malicious effects. This feature is very shaped called I.P. Pavlov "physiological measure against illness", allows living organisms to learn winners in dangerous situations without any assistance.
It seems to me that in his book by A.S. Zalmanov and tries to draw attention to the natural protective forces of the body and to the methods of their stimulation. Therefore, the author is so emotionally opposed to the winding application immediately and for any occasion of numerous antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents.
I note immediately that A.S. Zalmanov does not deny the meanings of these funds at all. But it is impossible to disagree with him, when he writes: "Modern therapy with antibiotics hunts on the microbes of Yves, also cultivates the" sustainable "microbes and mycoses".
It is impossible to disagree with the author and in the fact that vaccination and all sorts of vaccinations beginning with almost breast age can not contribute to the support of the proper level of their own protective mechanisms of the body. We aggressively addressed this outstanding pathologist as I.V. Davydovsky. It is possible that A.S. Zalmanov is right when it writes that the increase in the number of all sorts of allergic diseases is associated with the flooding of the body of all kinds of serums.
Of course, it would be ridiculous to deny the benefit of vaccination and various sera. It would mean to go "reason, contrary to the elements," but not reckon with this side effect impossible.
Moreover, A.S. Zalmanov (this is especially true of, of course, to foreign medicine), when it comes against the unrestrained use of all sorts of proprietary and non-certified chemotherapeutic agents, which are omitted and more from year to year in Europe and America.
Curious at the same time, that, speaking against the Erlikhov Terapia Sterilisans Magna, he turns out to be very close to the ideas that at one time developed the largest scientist academicad. Speransky. Note by the way, that in general in many places of your book by A.S. Zalmanov close to the ideas of A.S. Speransky about non-specific reactions and nonspecific therapy.
Thus, the main thought of A.S. Zalmanova is mainly reduced to the fact that it should be paid for more attention to all the support and stimulation of the organism's natural protective resources.
There is nothing inculpent in this thoughts.
What idea is put forward by A.S. Zalmanov as a basis for stimulating its own protective mechanisms of the body? It is "capillary therapy", or, as he writes, the method of "deep" impact on the capillaries, more precisely, to the exchange processes occurring at the level of this part of the vascular bed.
Does this idea or does it have a serious basis? I believe that the second is true. Unfortunately, capillary blood circulation in the total mass of works devoted to the circulatory apparatus is given very little attention. True, over the past 10-15 years, attention is drawn to the problem of microcirculation abroad. There were several symposia and conferences on this important issue. Our interest in this problem was revived by just some 3-5 years ago.
And regardless of those exaggerations that A.S. did not escape Zalmanov, it is necessary to admit that in its assessment of the importance of processes committed at the level of capillaries, he is right.
So, if we talk about those foundations, on which A.S. Zalmanov builds its "deep therapy", it is impossible not to recognize their physiologicality.
Now it should be said about the most complex, which is contained in the book A.S. Zalmanova, - about the methods of therapeutic effects offered by them in various diseases. We must pay tribute to the author: offering various kinds of baths and balneological procedures, it does not forget, and does not ignore other ways of exposure. I repeat, it is enough to look into his therapeutic pointer to assure this.
What is essentially represented by the offered A.S. Zalmanovov
therapeutic procedures? Acquaintance with them convinces that this is, of course, one of the types of nonspecific therapy, perhaps one of the best, signed on the basis of a rich experience. Such is the overall assessment of the content of the book by A.S. Zalmanova, which is able to make a doctor by education, a physiologist with a specialty, many years associated with the clinic, which is the author of this preface.
Do you need the contents of the book and the opinion of its author in critical to them? Of course it is so! But any book needs a critical attitude to its content. Without such a relationship, any books should not read any books. It must be borne in mind that, although A.S. Zalmanov and "not a fanatic", as he himself writes about this, he failed to avoid exaggerations and mistakes. Some of its judgments are naive, and the wording of looser. Sometimes, yielding to emotions, he misses the important details, sometimes he writes too common.
And yet it would be a mistake if the book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Organism" A.S. Zalmanova was regarded as "nonsense", as another attempt to find "Panacea" from all diseases. Healing, which is aimed at this book, still contains an element of art, and the cause of the doctor's talent, his experience and knowledge to learn from the book by A.S. Zalmanova useful. Extract and check in practice. It should be reckoned with the fact that the author of it is a knowledgeable doctor who has a considerable experience of practical work beyond.
Of course, the book "The Mystery Wisdom of the Human Body" would greatly benefit, if it were written in another manner and there would be extracts from the histories of the disease, statistical material, etc. etc. She deserves attention with this form, and most importantly - an impartial relationship.
And finally, last remark. On the book there is a vulture of the Institute of Physiology. I.P. Pavlova. This, of course, is not by chance. The team of scientists of the institute has always been and is currently very closely associated with the clinic. But at the same time, this vulture does not mean that the book A.S. Zalmanova tested by scientists of the institute. Positive attitude towards it and its assessment fully reflect only the personal opinion of the author of this preface.

"The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body"

Secrets and Wisdom Body

Life and death

  1. Life cycles
  2. Vital energy
  3. Energy Balance
  4. Age - Mirror Diseases


  1. Is there a human physiology?
  2. Capillaries
  3. Venous system and blood flow
  4. The diaphragm is the second heart
  5. "Ventilation" of the human body
  6. The composition of the blood and its change
  7. Membranes
  8. Movement against the strength of gravity and "microvalets"
  9. MicroShizers and radioactivity
  10. Biochemistry and biophysics
  11. General Euritmia

Between health and illness

  1. Fatigue
  2. Humoral fatigue syndrome
  3. Rational treatment of consequences of fatigue

Pathology or health to illness

  1. Inflammation
  2. Infection
  3. Allergy
  4. Arteriosclerosis
  6. Some reflections on cancer
  7. Natural self-immovation
  8. Change of life conditions and disease

New Medicine

  1. Wisdom of the body
  2. Medicine crisis


  1. Arteries
  2. Capillaryopathy
  3. Capillarotherapy
  4. Disease blood
  5. The role of hidden renal failure in diagnosis and therapy
  6. Dermatoz
  7. Rheumatic diseases
  8. Chronic cough and pneumatic
  9. Pulmonary tuberculosis


  1. Humoral physiopathology and hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy)
  2. Revival of balneo and hydrotherapy
  3. Termotherapy (heat treatment)
  4. Balneotherapy
  5. Hyperthermic baths
  6. Turkish baths
  7. Nonzology of turpentine baths
  8. Happy Meeting: Essence of Skipidar and Skipidar Bath
  1. Diagnostics
  2. Rational therapy

Miracle of Life

A life

  1. Life: Infinite Revival
  2. Space life
  3. Water and life
  4. Tree life
  5. Variety of species and limited number of chemical substances in a living organism
  6. Cell
  7. Intracellular water


  1. Surface and space
  2. Blood circulation rate
  3. Physiology
  4. Several comments on the anatomy and pathophysiology of lymphs, lymphatic vessels and nodes
  5. Functional failure of lymphatic vessels
  6. Liver
  7. Lungs
  8. Nervous system


  1. Metabolites - dominant factors in pathology and clinic
  2. Brain diseases (dried neurology and disoriented psychiatry)
  3. Defective children
  4. Chronic malaria - marsh fever (dealer)
  5. Heart failure

Thousands of ways to recovery

  1. Man and modern war
  2. Space radioactivity and radioactivity technological
  3. MicroShizers and physiological radioactivity
Man in the universe
  1. Eye and Sun.
  2. Vision and brain
  3. Blood supply of the brain
  4. Reading the closet
  5. Physiology in numbers

Adaptation of man to the medium

  1. Unknown supercenter regulation
  2. Mature of various physiological regulations and their integration

Evaluation and reassessment of some problems of increasing pathology

  1. Some problems of pathology
  2. Venous stagnation, infection and microbes
  3. Brain swelling (hydrocephaliya)
  4. Eclampsia
  5. Medicines (their history, danger of modern therapy)

Scientists about the concept of A.S. Zalmanov

The results of treatment on systems A.S. Zalmanova in St. Petersburg Medical Institutions
Diet of the Swiss Doctor M. Birher-Benner
Preparations of medicinal plants


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