Derzhavin God brief content. God. Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. Analysis of ODD "God". Analysis of poems "Invitation to dinner", "Eugene. Zvanskaya life "

ORU "God" Derzhavin conceived back in 1780, but it was not possible to start writing, being engaged in the service and without refusing himself to go into light. As a result, the poem appeared only in the 1784th. There is a fairly widespread belief that the work is the answer of Gabriel Romanovich on the statements of French materialist philosophers. At the same time, they objected to them not from the standpoint of the official Orthodox church.

The ideas of pantheism - a religious and philosophical teaching, followers of which perceive the world and God are clearly visible

As a whole. Naturally, this approach is unlikely to ever fully arrange the orthodox representatives of the Orthodox branch of Christianity. According to the famous poet of the twentieth century, Khodasevich, initially the main goal of Gabriel Romanovich put the image of the Majesty of the Lord. But as the plot develops, priorities changed. As a result, Ode God turned into "ODU Divine Son of Man."

The poem often occurs the archaic vocabulary, including the Church Slavonic. With its help, the religious and philosophical inspiration of the author is being transformed;

Degree of solemnity. The work is abundant rhetorical exclamationsthat emphasizes the admiration of Derzhavin's greatness of God. Key stylistic reception of ODD - antithesis. They are many cried in the text, but the following line requires special attention: "... I king - I am a slave, - I am a worm, - I am ...". Here, the ODA reaches the climax, which is emphasized by double opposition and aphorist formulation of thought. Credited phrase - the vertex of emotional stress in the poem.

The key idea of \u200b\u200bODY - the omnipotent incomprehensible God created a man, the creature is insignificant, but at the same time its creator is similar. It is through people that the spiritual world communicates with the material, their mortality is the form of the immortality of the Lord. Derzhavin the poem "God" did not in vain considered one of the best in his work. In it, the poet managed to express the words to describe extremely difficult: eternity and infinity. For this, he connected abstract metaphysical reasoning with the realities of the material of the material, represented through metaphors and comparisons.

More complete expression main thought Serves and composite construction of the poem. It is clearly divided into two parts and conclusion. The first five stanf is dedicated to God. First, Derzhanin defines the Lord regarding time, space, causality, and so on. Then approves the incomprehensibility of the Creator for human thought. In the third stanza we are talking About God as about the creator of space and time, in the fourth - the surrounding world. In the fifth declared insignificance of all worlds before God.

The second part talks about a person. The first stanza is the statement of his insignificance in the face of the Lord. The second story is that God is reflected, therefore, exists in man. Further indicates the role of a person as a link between "bodybuilding" and "heavenly spirits". As mentioned above, the fourth stanza is culminating. It is proclaimed in it the center of the world, the combination of spirit and flesh. The fifth stanza calls the mortality rate of the immortality: ... and so that by death I returned, father! Your immortality. In conclusion, Derzhavin apologizes to readers for the fact that Mixed to refer to the topic as great and limitless.

Spiritual ODA Gabriel Romanovich is not only an expression of religious feelings, but also excellent samples of philosophical lyrics, which is perfectly seen by the example of the "God" poem.

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It is known that the poem "God" poet considered the vertex of his creativity.

"The author of the first inspiration or thought for writing this ODA received in 1780, for the victim's palace in a bright Sunday, and then, having arrived at home, the first lines put on paper; But, being engaged in his post and different secular buses, how much did it take, could not finish it ... Then in 1784, having received a resignation from service, it began to be completed, but I could not, but also could not Increased, however, was encouraged by an inner feeling, and in order to satisfy it, saying ... His wife, that he travels to Polish his villages to examine these, drove and, arriving in Narva, left his wagon and people at the inn , hired a little peace in the city of one old woman Noshkos ... Where I fed to compose for several days, but, without preparing the last couplet of this Oda, what was already at night, fell asleep in front of the light: he sees in a dream that he shook the light in his eyes, woke up , in fact, the imagination was so hot, it seemed to him, the light runs around the walls, and the streams of tears from his eyes were poured together; He stood up the same minute, with the illuminating lamp, he wrote the last so-in-law, after grateful, he really shed, grateful tears for the concepts that were entrusted to him ... "

The string "Without faces, in three faces of the Divine" Derzhavin explained this: "In addition to the theological Orthodox, our faith of the concept ... there are three people metaphysical; That is: infinite space, continuous life in the movement of the substance and the endless flow of the time that God combines ... "

"His first goal was to imagine the Majesty of God. His look forward to God ... But as the subject it was opened ... He saw the reflection of God in himself - and more and more amazed ... Oda God became one of the divine syntre of man. "

V. F. Khodasevich. Derzhanin. 1931.

"As a loud and majestic, his song is God! How deeply supervised by the external well-fitful nature and how correctly reproduced it in his wonderful creation! And however, he glorified one wisdom in it and the power of God and only hinted about the love of God, about the love that appealed to people: "We will bring VSI to me who we are negotiating and burdened, and Az you still!", About the love that with The shameful cross of torment appealed to the Father: Father, let them go: do not behave much what they do! But do not condemn it for it: then there was not the time that now, then there was the highest age. Moreover, do not forget that the mind of Derzhavin was the mind of Russian, positive, alien mysticism and mystery, that his elementary and celebration was the nature of the external, and the dominant sense of patriotism, that in seed it was only faithful to his unconscious direction and, therefore, was true "

V. G. Belinsky. Literary dreams. 1834.

Listen to ODU Derzhavin "God"

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin
(1743 – 1816)

Ode "God"

Oh you, the space endless,
Live in moving substances,
Time of time
Without people, in three faces of the Divine, *
Spirit everywhere and united
Who does not have place and reasons
Who could not comprehend
Who will all fill
Volume, comes, saves,
Who we noun - God!

Measure the ocean deep
Spring sands, rays planets,
Although might be high,
You have no numbers and measures!
Can not the spirits enlighten
From your light born
Explore the fate of your:
Only the thought to get to you dares,
In your greatness disappears,
As in eternity, the past moment.

Chaos are deliberate
From the abdomen you appeal eternity;
And eternity, before the age of born,
In myself, you founded.
Himself by composing
Sighing himself,
You are the light where the light has expired.
Creating everything in a single word
In creatures extending new,
You were, you are, you will enter.

You are a chain of creatures in yourself
It contains and live;
End with the beginning you match
And give life to the belly.
As sparks roll, strive,
So the solutions from you will bearing.
As in messenger, clear day in winter
Dyllins Inea sparkle, **
Rotate, wake up, shine,
So stars in the abyss under you.

Light aged millions
In immeasurability flow;
Your way they are creating laws,
Rays lively pouring;
But the fiery of these lamps,
ILE RDY Crystal Grounds,
Ile waves of malicious boiling beds,
Or burning ethers
Ile together all luminous worlds,
Before you - as a northful before the day.

Like a drop, lowered in the sea,
All the fuss in front of you;
But what is the visible universe,
And what in front of you? -
In the air ocean he,
Miras smart million
Stockboard of other worlds and that
When I bother to compare with you,
Only will be the one of the one;
And I'm in front of you - nothing.

Nothing! - But you shine in me
Majesty your kindness;
In me please
Like the sun in a small drop of water.
Nothing! - But life I feel,
Unreleased Neckakima fly
Always guy in height.
My soul to be for
Injects, thinks, reasoning:
I AM - of course, and you.

You eat! - Nature Chin broadcasts
Says my heart me then
My mind assures me;
You are - and I'm not nothing!
I am the universe whole particle
Put, mng, in the honorable
Among the nature, I am
Where finished creatures you bodily
Where you started the spirits of heaven
And the creatures chain tied them all.

I am a connection of worlds, everywhere
I am an extreme degree of substance,
I am the livery of living,
The trait is the initial of the deity.
I tend to teach the body
I command the thunder;
I king, - I am a slave, - I am a worm, - I am God! -
But being so wonderful,
Did I happen? - stupid;
And myself I could not be.

Your creation I, creator,
Your wisdom I am creature,
Source of life, benefit,
My soul is my and king!
Your truth was needed
So that mortal challenged
My immortally being;
So that my spirit in mortality dodge
And so for death I returned,
Father! Your immortality.

Inexplicable, incomprehensible!
I know my soul
Imagination powerless
And the shadows draw yours.
But if the Slavor must,
Then the weak mortal is impossible
You have nothing to honor
How do they only rise to you
In immense difference
And grateful tears pour. ***


Without faces, in three faces of the Divine. - The author, in addition to theological Orthodox Orthodox, our faith, intelligent there are three faces metaphysical; That is: an infinite space, a continuous life in the movement of the substance and the unfailed flow of the time that God in itself combines.

Speakers are sparkling. - The inhabitants of the Tokmo of the North of this magnificent picture clearly visible on winters on a clear day, in large frosts, for the most part in March, when it is already snowing, and couples, in ice droplets turned, down and up wearing as sparks sparkle before our eyes .

And grateful tears pour. - the author is the first inspiration, or thought, to writing this ODA in 1780, formerly in the palace at the vigil in bright Sunday, and then, having arrived at home, the first lines put on paper; But, being engaged in his post and different secular buses, how much did not take, could not finish it, writing, however, at different times a few verse. Then, in 1784 he received resignation from the service, it was imparted by graduation, but also could not be a city life; Increased, however, it was encouraged by an inner feeling, and in order to satisfy it, saying his first wife, that he travels to Polish his villages to examine these, went and, arriving in Narva, left his wagon and people at the end of the courtyard, hired Little peace in the town of one old woman, the Germans so that she prepared him to eat; Where, locked, composed for several days, but did not finish the last couplet of this OD, which was already at night, fell asleep before the light; He sees in a dream that the light shines in his eyes, woke up, and in fact, the imagination was so he was heated, which seemed to him, the light runs around the walls, and the streams of tears from his eyes were poured together; He stood up and the minute, with the illuminating lamp, he wrote the last so-in-law, graduating from the fact that he actually shed gratitude tears for those concepts that he was forwarded.

1. Belly - (statute.) Life.

2. Esters - 1. Upper air layer (sky) in ancient Greek mythology, location of the gods; 2. The finest fifth element in antique and medieval natural philosophy, physics and alchemy.

3. Trears - (statute) Live creatures (original in religious performances - what is created by God).

4. Prah - 1. (High.) Dust; what is all turning after death, destruction; 2. (Inend.) Something low-value, insignificant.

Analysis of ODY Gavrila Derzhavin "God"

Gabriel Derzhavin, by his nature, was a man of emergency, bold. He was not afraid of experiments, did not hold back his feelings and always expressly expressed his thoughts. His creation "God" was initially published without any genre affiliation, but from the first rows, the solemn delight was collapsed to the reader, which was tested by the author in the process of writing. What is "ODA"?

This is a poem in which the poet has given its goal to pick up a certain event, show the heroic image of a separate hero or the whole people. The poem "God" carries exactly such a goal. So, Derzhavin wanted to show us his feelings that he had visited him in a bright Sunday, what he wrote about in his diary: "The imagination was so hot, that in fact he shedd grateful tears for the concepts that were entrusted to him."

How great were his feelings that almost two centuries later, we can feel the power that Derzhavin invested in his ODU. ODU, which he himself personally considered his best creation. Then, in the 18th century, the ode "God" caused the broadest public resonance, had a stunning reader success. It is not surprising, because in those days the theme of religion was very much, and the poem, an extreme as a creator, and even in such a perfect form could not be unnoticed.

His initial purpose, Derzhavin put to portray the power and comprehensive greatness of God. But, as the stanzas were folded with each other, he opened the truth - God, that's us. The reflection of God is all existing in our world. Derzhanin writes: "I king, - I am a slave, - I am a worm, - I am God!", And, affected by this thought, puts the point in his Ode.

By portraying God as omnipotently power, Derzhavin, compares him with a man. The reader sees, feels, however insignificant and small people compared to the universe, the embodiment of which is God. And our little human essence in their dreams and torments forever strives to get closer to God, ascend to him, see the high meaning of being. In the course of the lyrical, solemn narration, in his own, Derzhavin reveals his main idea.

A person is not just an insignificant dusting, doomed to landed existence, which does not know and has nothing but the earthly, material shackles. A person is God, a man is the one who awakens God is not only in itself, but also in the whole world. And this thought, which opened by Daughte in a completely unexpected way, and masterfully embodied in verses, was so struck the public that the disputes about the plane of the Derzhadran still do not subside.

Deeply and dusty believer, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) in his own "God" tried to analyze that there is a Creator and as a person to be in front of him. He did not go beaten paths, and created a personal unique portrait of God - the Creator of all things.

Brief history of the creation of OD

As the author writes in the comments, inspiration came to him in the Sunday bright Christ in 1780. After the all-sleeping, he recorded the first lines. His time he took the service in the Senate, and he could not focus on the sublime thoughts. The beginning was put on the table. During the service in 1784, by the ruler of the Olonetsky region, he wrapped the time and left alone under Narva. At the end of the yard, he worked for several days, but the end of ODU was not given to him. He fell asleep in the middle of the night, and without ending the ODU. Suddenly the poet woke up, the light broke in his eyes.

In the riding forces and divine inspiration, pouring into tears, he adds the last lines. So created a truly brilliant work of Gabriel Derzhavin. Ode "God" to him, undoubtedly, was suggested by the Creator.

Brief parselation and at the same time content analysis

Oda contains ten stuff, each of which consists of ten lines.

In the first stanza, the author is trying to define God. It has no end nor the beginning, one, incomprehensible, comprehensive. And this is all true truth, if you repel from the modern concept about the Creator. His contemporaries, representatives of the Church, opposed the fact that God accommodates an endless space, continuous life and infinite time.

According to their ideas, it ranked that not only everything created by the Creator has the beginning and the end, which is true, but life in the universe is finite, which is radically wrong. Ode "God" Derzhavin, the analysis of which started, is approaching modern concepts Eternity and infinity of the universe. Here Derzhavin was ahead of the theological presentation of his time.

Straasdays Second and Third: Creation from chaos

They allegorically talk about the creation of the Earth. Also in these verses it is said that the creator's idea is impossible to fully comprehend, you can only guess that it was not an arbitrary process, but aimed: the creation of a whole chaos subordinate to an unknown man. A long time for a long time will have to comprehend the intention of the Creator, to measure the depths of the oceans, explore the light coming from the stars and planets.

The poet foresaw something that the astrophysics subsequently will occur, comprehending subtle patterns. He was not based on the biblical creation of our world for seven days. In any case, the poet says nothing about it. About the eternal existence of the Creator tells us the ode "God" of Derzhavin. Analysis and discoveries, which, made great scientists in their work, such as Newton, Einstein, Pasteur, Pavlov (people believers), only confirms the stated by the poet.

Struck Fourth: Infinity of the worlds ...

In it, Derzhavin speaks of creating many suns by God. He, not knowing this for sure, feels the infinity of the worlds who created the Creator. it new Step Forward, which made the ode "God" of Derzhavin, the analysis of it we spend now.

Stanza Fifth and Six: Who are we before the Creator?

Here Derzhavin argues who he is revealed before God. He compares himself with a drop, a point before its magnitude. But then he says that he is inherent in some divine features. He does not specify them. Modern theologians consider leaning on the Bible that God is inherent in anger, smile, charm and disappointment. With these features he endowed people. The ode "God" of Derzhavin, the analysis of which continues, consistent with our ideas about the nature of the person who is created on the likeness of God.

Stanza seventh, eighth and ninth: anthem a little man

They sound the continuation of the topic begun about the topic. The man in everything is deliberate, he thinks, he argues, he binds everything. Analysis of the poem of Derzhavin "God" (ODA) shows that it begins to sound a hymn little man: He and the king, and the slave, and the worm, and God! He feels not only his little, but also feels greatness. And this is an inexplicable miracle, which by itself could not happen. Who created him? Creator.

Stanfa Tenth: Return to the origins

Now it says directly to the poet who made a man with his wisdom, - the Creator. And only in death, a person will return to his father and dissolve in it, like a river or river, flowing into the Great Ocean.

Eleventh stanza - final

It is the most important. No wonder the poet worked on it, and she was not given to him. God appears before him in the entire incomprehensible and inexplicable greatness. The imagination of the soul is powerless to draw even his shadow. And it is right. Man is not given to submit the creator. According to the Bible, he was to people, taking the image of fire. And what is he in fact, no one knows. To praise him, according to Derzhavin, must everyone. But how to read God with a weak mortal?

Only one thing is to try to raise at least a little over your sins and it approaches it. From this and pour away from the poet tears of thanks for the path specified by him. He encourages the reader deeply thinking about the essence of God and man. About their unity and differences. This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bODD Derzhavin "God." Poem is long and complex. Each line laid a deep meaning. We looked at a very personal essay that Derzhavin wrote (Oda "God"). A summary of it is also set out. Now it's time to turn to the compilation of the work plan.

Analysis of ODD "God" Derzhadina according to plan

The best option was offered the poet himself:

  1. Definition that is God.
  2. World creation.
  3. Infinity of space and time.
  4. Creating a man in the image and likeness of God.
  5. Hymn man.
  6. Who created a man and to whom he will come back.
  7. How to get closer to God when he is incomprehensible?

Poetic analysis

You can somewhat differently to analyze the poem of the "God" poem. Oda is a solemn work. It is usually devoted to some event. In this case, the Creator became her hero. Oda requires an underlined solemnity. Therefore, there are so many archaic, not everyday words and definitions. Since Derzhavin wrote ODE on a religious topic, then there is a lot of church Slavonic vocabulary. The reader of that time was perceived easily. Former at least once a day at dinner or liturgy, that the same thing he freely owned this language, which is hardly given to the modern schoolboy.

It is impossible not to suggest a student that the great W. Blake wrote the "God" poem. Look at her 5 stanu, also A. Feta "Not the Lord Might Might ...". They are written by an affordable Russian language and echoes one dowel. Religious enthusiasm of the author, his philosophical intention is transmitted through solemn exclamations and antithesis. "I am before you - nothing," the author exclaims and with delight continues further: "But you shine in me." In the 9th stanza, the striking antithesis, where the author, mixing himself with mud, rises to the vertices of the Spirit. He himself shocked by the judgment, which he involuntarily broke out, and finished the offer with an exclamation.

The thought of his aphorist. In the last stanza - the key to the whole: a person is small and insignificant, but maybe it should develop and rise, liketing the Creator.

ODD plan can be different

  1. The story of the creation of ODD.
  2. Dedication to God (the first five stanza).
  3. Human face in front of the creator (6, 7, 8, 9 and 10th stanza).
  4. Conclusion.

ODU "God" should be considered as a wonderful example of philosophical lyrics.

Deeply and dusty believer, Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) in his own "God" tried to analyze that there is a Creator and as a person to be in front of him. He did not go beaten paths, and created a personal unique portrait of God - the Creator of all things.

Brief history of the creation of OD

As the author writes in the comments, inspiration came to him in the Sunday bright Christ in 1780. After the all-sleeping, he recorded the first lines. His time he took the service in the Senate, and he could not focus on the sublime thoughts. The beginning was put on the table. During the service in 1784, by the ruler of the Olonetsky region, he wrapped the time and left alone under Narva. At the end of the yard, he worked for several days, but the end of ODU was not given to him. He fell asleep in the middle of the night, and without ending the ODU. Suddenly the poet woke up, the light broke in his eyes.

In the riding forces and divine inspiration, pouring into tears, he adds the last lines. So created a truly brilliant work of the ode "God" to him, undoubtedly, was suggested by the Creator.

Brief parselation and at the same time content analysis

Oda contains ten stuff, each of which consists of ten lines.

In the first stanza, the author is trying to define God. It has no end nor the beginning, one, incomprehensible, comprehensive. And this is all true truth, if you repel from the modern concept about the Creator. His contemporaries, representatives of the Church, opposed the fact that God accommodates an endless space, continuous life and infinite time.

According to their ideas, it ranked that not only everything created by the Creator has the beginning and the end, which is true, but life in the universe is finite, which is radically wrong. Ode "God" Derzhavin, the analysis of which has begun, is approaching the modern concepts of eternity and infinity of the universe. Here Derzhavin was ahead of the theological presentation of his time.

Straasdays Second and Third: Creation from chaos

They allegorically talk about the creation of the Earth. Also in these verses it is said that the creator's idea is impossible to fully comprehend, you can only guess that it was not an arbitrary process, but aimed: the creation of a whole chaos subordinate to an unknown man. A long time for a long time will have to comprehend the intention of the Creator, to measure the depths of the oceans, explore the light coming from the stars and planets.

The poet foresaw something that the astrophysics subsequently will occur, comprehending subtle patterns. He was not based on the biblical creation of our world for seven days. In any case, the poet says nothing about it. About the eternal existence of the Creator tells us the ode "God" of Derzhavin. Analysis and discoveries, which, made great scientists in their work, such as Newton, Einstein, Pasteur, Pavlov (people believers), only confirms the stated by the poet.

Struck Fourth: Infinity of the worlds ...

In it, Derzhavin speaks of creating many suns by God. He, not knowing this for sure, feels the infinity of the worlds who created the Creator. This is a new step forward, which made the ode "God" of Derzhavin, the analysis of it we spend now.

Stanza Fifth and Six: Who are we before the Creator?

Here Derzhavin argues who he is revealed before God. He compares himself with a drop, a point before its magnitude. But then he says that he is inherent in some divine features. He does not specify them. Modern theologians consider leaning on the Bible that God is inherent in anger, smile, charm and disappointment. With these features he endowed people. The ode "God" of Derzhavin, the analysis of which continues, consistent with our ideas about the nature of the person who is created on the likeness of God.

Stanza seventh, eighth and ninth: anthem a little man

They sound the continuation of the topic begun about the topic. The man in everything is deliberate, he thinks, he argues, he binds everything. Analysis of the poem of Derzhavin "God" (ODA) shows that she begins to sound a hymn little man: he and the king, and a slave, and worm, and God! He feels not only his little, but also feels greatness. And this is an inexplicable miracle, which by itself could not happen. Who created him? Creator.

Stanfa Tenth: Return to the origins

Now it says directly to the poet who made a man with his wisdom, - the Creator. And only in death, a person will return to his father and dissolve in it, like a river or river, flowing into the Great Ocean.

Eleventh stanza - final

It is the most important. No wonder the poet worked on it, and she was not given to him. God appears before him in the entire incomprehensible and inexplicable greatness. The imagination of the soul is powerless to draw even his shadow. And it is right. Man is not given to submit the creator. According to the Bible, he was to people, taking the image of fire. And what is he in fact, no one knows. To praise him, according to Derzhavin, must everyone. But how to read God with a weak mortal?

Only one thing is to try to raise at least a little over your sins and it approaches it. From this and pour away from the poet tears of thanks for the path specified by him. He encourages the reader deeply thinking about the essence of God and man. About their unity and differences. This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bODD Derzhavin "God." Poem is long and complex. In each line, we loosened by a very personal essay, which Plishanov wrote (Ode "God"). A summary of it is also set out. Now it's time to turn to the compilation of the work plan.

Analysis of ODD "God" Derzhadina according to plan

The best option was offered the poet himself:

  1. Definition that is God.
  2. World creation.
  3. Infinity of space and time.
  4. in the image and likeness of God.
  5. Hymn man.
  6. Who created a man and to whom he will come back.
  7. How to get closer to God when he is incomprehensible?

Poetic analysis

You can somewhat differently to analyze the poem of the "God" poem. Oda is a solemn work. It is usually devoted to some event. In this case, the Creator became her hero. Oda requires an underlined solemnity. Therefore, there are so many archaic, not everyday words and definitions. Since Derzhavin wrote ODE on a religious topic, then there is a lot of church Slavonic vocabulary. The reader of that time was perceived easily. Former at least once a day at dinner or liturgy, that the same thing he freely owned this language, which is hardly given to the modern schoolboy.

It is impossible not to suggest a student that the great wrote the poem "God." Look at her 5 stanu, also A. Feta "Not the Lord Might Might ...". They are written by an affordable Russian language and echoes one dowel. Religious enthusiasm of the author, his philosophical intention is transmitted through solemn exclamations and antithesis. "I am before you - nothing," the author exclaims and with delight continues further: "But you shine in me." In the 9th stanza, the striking antithesis, where the author, mixing himself with mud, rises to the vertices of the Spirit. He himself shocked by the judgment, which he involuntarily broke out, and finished the offer with an exclamation.

The thought of his aphorist. In the last stanza - the key to the whole: a person is small and insignificant, but maybe it should develop and rise, liketing the Creator.

ODD plan can be different

  1. The story of the creation of ODD.
  2. Dedication to God (the first five stanza).
  3. Human face in front of the creator (6, 7, 8, 9 and 10th stanza).
  4. Conclusion.

ODU "God" should be considered as a wonderful example of philosophical lyrics.

G. Derzhavin began his creative way Even in the walls of the Kazan gymnasium, but his poetic talent manifested itself seriously only in the 70s. In the first stages creative activity The poet wrote in the spirit of classicism, and all because his mind and aesthetic preferences were captivated by the genre of OD. In 1784, the ode "God" was written. It is known that the creation of a masterpiece was planned for another 1780, but the plans of the poet interrupted the service.

The "God" poem aroused interest from critics that began to talk about the religious position of the city of Derzhavin. At the same time, the view that G. Derzhavin responded to the French philosopams, defending a materialistic point of view. Other critics noticed that in the work of God and the world - a single whole, therefore, a pantheistic worldview occurs, which not in all aspects corresponds to Orthodox perception.

The topic of ODO - the power of God, his mercy and kindness to people. The author shows that God is impressive, his spirit covers the whole universe, as if merging her, it claims that a person compared to God is "nothing," but in every person the majestic divine kindness is shining.

Throughout the work there are two images - a lyrical hero and God. Lyrical hero The author merges with the image, expressing the point of view of the author. Through the image of the lyrical hero, Derzhavin creates an image of a person in general. The lyrical hero declares that he is only a drop, "nothing", the "part of the Universe", but God lives in it. In the last rows, the image of a person is distinguished by the extreme degree of generalization, the author says that the love of ordinary mortals should be expressed by the gloriousness and tears of gratitude.

The image of God in the poemot of Woven from Orthodox ("Perevascular time, // without persons, in three faces of the Divine!") And the pantheistic truths. Throughout the work, the author repeats that God is and he is immortal, people are not given to comprehend him completely. The creator is displayed in people as the "sun in a small drop of waters."

In connection with these two images in the poem "God", the traditional for classicism is the motive that a person is the grain of the grain of fate, in our case the fate of a predetermined God.

The topic and idea of \u200b\u200bthe "God" poem of the city of Derzhavin reveals with artistic means: Metaphor ("says my heart me ...", "But you shy in me // Majesty of your kindness"), comparisons ("How the drop in the sea is omitted, // All the hardness in front of you is Sia"), epithets ("Luchi lively" , "Fire Lampads"), hyperball ("Measure the ocean deep, // Spring sands, the rays of the planets // Although it might be high, - // You have no numbers and measures!). In the text of the verse, a lot of book vocabulary, including the Church Slavonic, which is explained by the peculiarities of the genre.

Oda consists of 11 stanza, in each of which 10 lines. In strokes of 8 lines with cross rhythm and 2 with parallel. Poetic size - Yamb with pyrroine. Composite features Also dictated by genre and classic style.

The poem "God" is one of the best samples of Russian classic poetry in which

G. Derzhavin "managed to achieve organic plexus of classicism and Russian culture.

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